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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 11, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 11, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~Vernom Ia H~wkeye-Reeotd Mrs. James Foster of Eldora. Paul Heilmann of Dunkerton. was " ~ ! PIONEER POLLIES 4-H ~ * Lisbon Herald R,cousin of Mrs. Lacock, was a Mon- an over night guest last Wednes- Hunt And F,sh . vL c iRev'"'arvm R "er ot'ea-s!Junlor"r,ay To The September meeting of thelaUaa,str,ctm.F Ka,ny, L , lwL, oct. 11 1951 l~ag@ ,Is day dinner guest in the Irvin La- day of his sister and brother in law " ' I " ru " He is I.-- e -.| ~.l L TO Local Rotary Club ~ ~ qp j Pioneer Polhes was held at Jean~ l~lectS Jlm Moore Head ' cock home Mr. and Mrs Max North p. " tn ~aSKaTcnewan i ~ccur vn uuesaav Simmons on Sat-ra f . Supt. and Mrs. Don Southard of theuS~teiaguef:ncefO~othe Hoosier I Rev. Martin B. Kober, pastor of! Election of officers was held. ~)ffi elJcime Moore of the local MYF was M~ ~,P~=t~ |~[~ Manly were Saturday afternoon Cas. y Julian and Mike Johnston Ste- t St. Paul's Methodist church, Cedar j Through changes of cast and cos-~ cers are as follows" Patricia Kamer- ! t d p es dent of the subdistrict -e w~Rmm~mR ~-v,~m~ visitors in the home of her son, t hen West and Godfre Vondracek - " - 1organization and Allene Mermtt was Mms Dorothy Dahl, student at S . P - Y - i Rapids, talked to the Rotary club itume the ]umor class is strugghng hug, pres.; Elaine Krob, vice-pres.; : ~ Mrs - Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Rahn. Olaf college, Northfield Minn was of Fairfax returned Thursday Irom]Monday on his trip to the World ito bring their production of "Arse-iDoris Light, sec'y-treas.; Joan Sim- Chosen secretory at me ~vlx~- rany ~eB~llemTht mgs ~ a~et~df:osaa~ Pvt. Donald I. DeCamp will arrive a week end guest of her cousin, the a 19 day hunting and fishing trip Conference of the Methodist church !nic and Old Lace" from behind thejmons reporter l~unday atthe Methodist church in Saturd~-- ~" ~Saturday from Lawson Air Base, H. R. Hanleys. Miss Dahl showed into northern Saskatchewan, Can-at Oxford, England, and travels velvet curtains Tuesday Oct. 16, at~ The pledge was iven and Satur '~armn. Twemy-nve young peopm ,~ d y. . iFort Benning, Ga to spend a two colored slides of Norway to the ada. They first went to Lac La ! through Europe this summer. Dr. 8 p.m ida s barbecue diScussed A ta~'-" ere lnattendance from Mt. Vern- m~ne ttowaro nlegers ann ~.ugene i weeks' furlough with his parents, Altruria club Monday evening. Range for fishing 125 miles north ! Harold Ennis had chargeof the ! Billed as "an old favorite' this ~.~ ~ r,~l~ ,~. ~,^::~ ~ i on ~aroara ~ecKneim was m cnarg.e -~ers were ~unoay dinner guests l~he Elnon DeCam'~s Mr a n d Mrs D an Davies of Prince Albert park at the end ! program production also brings many favor- i vy ~-~L~ ,~ ~ ~.;. ,~:,s - or aevotmns for the rally ann ~OD the William Hoggards. : ~ "~ . ~" ' . r - of a ~ravel road built 3 --ears a~o " - " - " - ]ites to the footli"hts son~ dau-h Imer ~mmes ann ~uen ~emer gave ~enn presemea a trombone solo j. ~ . The Kerwm Glattly family went~Gwyneth,~e~?~d~.~ v~ vdeR d and r~eii t~oieman! ~ ~ ~ . ~ "~ nave never oeen:h:~mpresseakd~nffdCUl~~as~ -- ~ ~. - - --- ~ :,- , uay ~usenbarK WhO has oeen ill!to McGregor and Maquoketa Sun- innirdcgctM~rtnsS." Th~ygby~:~nagh~a hbW2~lfk ~he~gre~ i mh~e~ah !~C eW~ iiVgha ~ ~ !t s~ ~d f:~!:!~i~;hec ~t:nslat;i ~ri m~g;i~ a~mmm ~i~!~eP;t~n aW~ii:~n~aY: :~ A2s~:/~:r?n~'e:k:~ rWie~rnV~rus infection the past week ]day stopping to visit the W. F. ~- -------- -seFe?~g h og~ i ed to SChOOl Monaay. .Bellamys in Edgewood enroute ~ J. K. Frymoyer at Wilt " " [ - " ' - - i s ve envisioned, ' " " i " " " " [ The all attended the football game l ea oy Steve weighed 14 pounas,he said i old hands and you have seen them A . --. Charles Savidge of Omaha Nebr ihome, i ~ Judy caught'a 24 pound northern ISa in th t h r fin previous productions Together arrived Thursday to visit with his i Mr and Mrs. Clarence Huemiller, afterwards. [ . ~ y g a t e e were 24 differ-~ ~-~t'~l~ ~d}~'~l ~ 'l"~l~f~1~~r ~~.1~ sister, Mrs. Watson Kepler. Mary'andTim thy fP ntiac'iMich"'we~KV: ~tn~l ~"o er of Eldora isIp~ke" !ent branches of the Methodistithey are working to bring real en-i .~ v 7v~. ~ L~j.~ ~.~%.~.l. ~ ~J,L~.I i spending this week in the Rev. C.F. There ~s a large government fillet church represented at the confer- ] ~ . to local hrst-mghters ! ~1[" T~~ ~[~V ~ ~j~=~I,i~[~ ~ u.~.~, ~.~o Mrs Foster who plant at this point Fish are flown i ence he pointed out some of the l ~ue ~o me length at me pray, me ! ---- --,--v v~m=== e-m ~--w~lm~ U~,~ RaThie Donald Merritts of Cedar, arrived early this e to is" u 1 ~'~" ~ " ~ ' ~ ~ "o ment " ' pids, were Sunday dinner guests Sunday with Mrs. Huemiller's moth- ~ ,~ . ' r ~ differe ' " i hour for curtain rise has been r v nderwent sur er at Iowa [m during the summer to be d essed nces m a common rehgmus I ~rL~I~lj~j~JTAI l ~F n~JJlllJ~l~ ~n~j~j~j~ the parental S. N. Merritt home. er, Mrs. George Uthoff. recentl u g Y !, 1, / .~.^ ~^ ~ I and frozen and ar~ brou-ht in on culture as an illurtratio-- of *h~ nif I cnangea ~rom u.l~ to ~.uu p.m. ~ms . --~ . .l~- vm~ ~vm~m~,ve~-// Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lommasson, ! Supt. Melvin Sikkink will attend' Ulty nan spent tuc ~wu p s " " wm anow ior several hours of ~' " -~-~-~-~,~ / ~/" weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Roy sleds pulled by caterpillars in the' ficulties to a better understanding m" th k ' ' s ~: /fl~ ~//z ', Paul and Carol of Lincoln ia demonstration of "Use of Reme- Jennings at Springville. winter Caterpiller sled trains are in the world. . ,a~ r~ -packed ente.~amment m the! ~-/-~,~ It con take years to pay for z I Douy DOCly wno s go~ the oocty i ~ v were week end guests in i dial Reading films and Booklets"~ " " Robert Doran said to haul as much as 300 ton The established churches in coun-io ~^,'~.--~ parental Rev. A. B. Chamber-i this Thursday evening at the Firsti M S ann lv~rs ' ' "' --~/~g~g~-ie left Saturda-, morninglloads in the winter. One cat skin-tries with them seem to feel thati~YJ='. I }~ the damaae stiitthatmavremlt ~e. Dr. Lommasson is a pro- i Christian church, Cedar Rapids. The [ auu ~uuu J ~,m aoomon to character learning. ~ -' -- -# endin a week ner stud h~s cat had gone through ~ they can t do much about the cur-~ . ~ in the Botany department :meeting is sponsored by the Linn .for Pella, after spg . !,the cast has spent many hours w~th L~T PRO'/'6CY" OUW/ I The are the ~ce 7 hmes. ~rent sacral order, the speaker stud. ~ . U~ )~ FH I " g " "'" : ' - "Am ric leqmpment. A new staircase and: "~' ,~R~H~I~S/~R~]~/~L/JA~/L/T~/N~C~ University of Nebraska. i Co, board of education, w~th the Dmk Busenbarks. Y lhammer and saw bmldmg new They smiled at the achwsm of the ~p, i ~ ~ ~ I returnm to Enterpmse Alabama After the fishing the two John i " ' ~ i where they are living wnne M/Sgtlstons and Steve orove west 200[ e an churches WhO want to .oo landine havebeen constructed so " ned at Cam Rucker ' h r fo r ~ somemmg aoou~ war race pro~- ' -" I Doran ~s statm p .tmflesto Turtle Lake w e e u,/ . " y" ay ~ /3 " lem :Tedd m chafe u San Juan F { 0.j B A Lj The Melvin Sikkinks are expect Idays were spent John : m u "ce an are hi. without fear of lack of support cunmmany mo~mg xor an answer :ins Mrs. Sikkink's parents, the Wil- t iamiiy. ~v~. jviaunews is i ~ ~, ~ ~. ~.~^ .~ i A window seat has been fashioned i A,~ t=~t ~ D,{[~ ~ I~ V liam Schnepfs of Decatur, Ind as a cousin of Mrs. rtmpn ~owers. l .~ ~ v~ ,~,~, ~.~,=~ ~. !to hold the v~ct~ms of Abby andI ~=t L /1F| ~1~ I~ I~ I ~t ~1 I:: 1 :Tuesday overnight guests. They will]Here they hunted ducK, ruffled T "~ %nUCK daco.~ .ana ~ev. ~werton IMartha,s charity. Numerous fiats ~ DIAL 6921 ~ ~,en~,^~, ck n w~th u, reen were v~mtorsJay ~orayce m. v~ be enroute to Rock Rapids to join lgrouse and prairie chi e ' ~and Dr " . have also been rebuilt to finish theI "'" " Mrs. Schnepf s mother, Mrs. William ] pretty fair luck. ~ . tioraan ~ann were name set ~ jOldenburg, in celebrating her 85th[ The trio met Mr. Vondracek ati~urer;eSe~m~t~e:iUtu~yi2ges:~mi! "Everyone wants to get into the . .~.~c~ esen~mg :~=.~v~t.~t~,t~ar~TOra i birthday. I Foam Lake where they did a little i . !act," and the seventh graders are: - - (, KT. 12, i:45 P. bl. acMc:SmpJaOhnd ~enn.i~iYs.e~Ju%CBnk:d~Vi~ofr~di h~ur:ehU2!~:~t?!!::Yvand1Miok:ii promem;u b~c Forurl~ !~evm~n! ;h:e!lt~Sem~gJ nh;nssgll:!!~keaent:s~ Devan and De y, g g . i ' ' - '~ High School Athletic Field home Thursday, after spending five I There are very few graveled ! . mission and a cash prize for a party i days with her daughter and son-] roads in this area Outside of ~ l~eno all you nice people: Here!for both teams. ! "a^k Mar'an ~ " -- ~ am again still in ~he same room I Tickets may also be secured from in-law, Mr. ano ~wr~. o ~ s. these iewroa~s ~ae o~ners are 1 w " ' '! " " ' Mr Morgan went to BloomheldI like theywere here 50 years bt t no wxth hopes of getting out Junmrs and at White s grocery. " " il returned' . . ano once more seeing the sky and VS. Sv~d?ima'ndMrs Samuelhm Knoermm y and Mrs I ~e:ps. ;o~7:r~s~o~rt~o~n rSa have 3 or 4 analar e ~eelt~'ng the good earth beneath my ~T! The Service ! ~. L'IA town m y g i When we ~re busy with our ta~kslw~: ~ct~AN A~A Watch and ~eorge .Jorgenson let~ ~v~onaay x~r} elevators and a general store. The we don't see the beauty and gifts l"~:~-=='~,'''~,;2:;y n Jewelry Sioux ~lIy wnere mey Will at~enUlcountr is dotted with the eleva ',o~ ~ .; ~,~ ~.~ ~.^ i nuuert L v~u~v, ~m.a vv.c " ~ ,~,o,r~ ~tate convention as Linnn ~ - ,~v,~ s ~ ,~,-s ~,~n meY~tice USN son of Mrs. T. L. Wolfe Repair countym~ v, delegates" xrom" ruesaaym - un- I tors. Wheat, oats ana oarmy neios are taken away that we miss them. !of ~It. Vernon is serv;n~ ~ aboard, specialists . [cover the landscape as far as eyeI Am very happy to report that I:.~^ ~^^. ~,e~- ~h~m~nn which! tll rnursaay. Mrs. ~noer Will re-t.a." o~ m ~ ~ ~. 1 ~ mc u~t~u~. ~ ~ ~,i ~ ~I main for the Homecoming at Morn-~ ! ,u~ ~.~ ,~v ~, i recently arrived in the Korean area. ~,~a,~ -.~-~ also visitrelatives There is a good wheat crop this~and neemess to say glad to see you. :Since its arrival the destroyer has~ A;S ;Z: i i " d St S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa ?La G g ' " ~ b^ used onl-- for God bless you till we meet again i ' r~ . $ l r, ii i * [I Dr and Mrs. John W. Bradley, I~:e~"U~tlev'a~or;'are~full of th;~feed i Jennie Petrick,SPEEDBALL TOURNEy ii .~ UOeS Ir LIve Jack'and Ann of Colorado Springs, Jwh,at whiehhas onl a limited sale~ ---- ! Mt. Vernon High School ~.~-~i t ei " --IS~V .~ t~ i Colo and Mrs Lydia Rittler of~ ~ ~ ~IS CLASS OFFICER 'held its firs~ speedball tournamen~ ~ I ~ I I "~ ~ Wa--iand returned to their respec-]in that regmn. - ^^ i In the annual election of class Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 4 to 6. "~ ~ Land which produces ~rom ~u to Th [ n ~f~'~|[ r ~=~ ~tf~ z ~ tive homes Tuesday after visiting a J officers Keith Lusted was elected i All four classes participated, e ; --vv . v. . .~ . ~ ~tO ousnels oi wnea~ ~o me acre is : " " he "~ week with the Samuel Gastons Mrs I ~ treasurer of the sophomore class at frosh played the ]umors and t i "~le ,~ I .l . |: ! "," .!,~U : ""~"='I ,~'~ *h'~ "~" h'~ '~ ~Wrs Brad[ I selling f r a t P prlce I :~ an ithe University f Michigan medical ~s ph m res the seni rS'Mrs"'~ "''"'~'Gaston "Dr*'" Bradley" ] acre. An average farm . conslsts" of I school. Durl'ng vacatlon" he was em- wll1" play on Oct 16 The MWinnerSv H S !-' ~~~ I ~:~,~ . ~,~' ~ ] ~ " S nr -TOUr Clotnes are wrlnKlea or SOiled . . . ;~,% ~".~.n ~, :.moa~ meetin~,[a section but usuauy nas only a;ployed by the University and sub-'G A A. girls will soon belong to le - ~ ~c~,~'3n~ ~ ~vi'l'l~r~turn to his J three room shack for a residence, stituted as orgamst and ehmr master i tl~e "State G.A.A. of Iowa. I ,r -~our ouanKe s neea cleanung . . . ~ i i~or~e'*~y~'~ra~n ~Self-propelled combines cutting 12!at St. Andrew's Episcopal church in ! --------- ! ~P ~ i . . . " |to 14 swaths were shipped into that I Ann Arbor At the close of sum- Dr Leo A Haak head of the de ! ,r -uraper,es look dreary . . . ~ th~l~ee~n~V~7~:;ndl~es~ra:t~g;a~I region this year almost by the i mer KetCh 'spent a few days with lpartment of effective living at Mich-I ll- x~ . ~ .= = ~. u n -- - : -- -~ ~ ~ ^~ [trainload. Farmers were expecting i his parents. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. ii~an State College and an alumnus lr - ~e~Iert.arrlers a LIX lllitl-~ /el 11Lt ~:~ -Tour winter ClOTheS haven T been cleaned I . ,~ ~,~, ~ M.~" ]to use part of the revenue from ]Lusted before- the fall term opened of Cornell will represent his Alma I ~0. e . . socmuon.~,=~ y,H P ~ :"~/." / this year's crop to pay for the new at the University ~. .~.~ ~ ,~ ~ n~ ~ ' Toe winter use ~ nara. iv.~rs lSeZt was, e~ee~ea isz !machinery. If the crop is not har-i --- ----- B~a[r" I~na~=-- '~s~'~tl~'~res~d~nt' "ofi viee-presment oI me ms,met, xneyl,~ ~n u~ m ,~=o+ ~o~r ~lans i DEFENSE BOND DRIVE ~'v ~" i Z remained over night at Oelweinl-~,~.==,~==,~"',:~ u,::,~ -.~ whea~l A O Ambroz Cedar Ranids LinnIDenis nUniversity'Granville'Ohi 'l [~ ~if~)~l~ [ --~ ~~'~ . [ Ir j .~.with the Harold Dukes, former res- I been snowed on Unless this dries r bonds division, reports that series i i and spent Sunday m West U [ IP [," " J which ~aad~ been "windrowed ha~ i county" chairman of the savings! ' ' " " ! U idents here hen Mr. l~uKe was i~ut ~oit canbe~urnedwithas~ec.;E F and G bond purchases in the,'~~ / ~ ~~~ ' ~i~' ] ~nese are your proouems -- ~r noes ,ve w0m I . i local telephone manager. ! ,U, ~"rnin" wheel and combined country reached 3206 per cent of I PROGRESSIVE PARTY [i [you] take "If" out of your home by dry [ ~" I,~" ~efore wi~er it will be lost. ithe quota at the end of the fourth:[ f'. J cleaning these items and giving them a newer and J ~ 11 I[ " iweek of the Defense Bond drive. [ Members Your Town Can Do }i I k.:hk I----L I ~- !1 -~--' .- -2-- --- ~ l iThe Melvin Sikkink family were i Sates for the county as reported by~l ,~,~ I u~ i[ k.~,~'~. ~ ~ ~ []Friday dinner guests of" the Bob lthe Federal Reserve bank, are [ WtTnOUt [, I I ~ h ] ,[ ~ ( ~'~ .~ J lHorsfalls of Durant and after t e ;$303 249 while the quota is $945.920 J,~ c : [ . i I I / 2/~.; p~J [ football game were guests m the I [ P [; ~: Dial 5591 for Pick-up and Delivery tn= ;[ I:~7 ~ ~ ~" ~,2" ~,~ i~' [IKenneth Patton~home in Wilton ,~Mt. Vernon Church NotesI Quote [i UrcSS[S S. GRANT ~ /~SL~Et DE CERV^NT|$ ~,i[ (,~"~ ~i2C~ "~.~ [!48thANNIVERSARY [ :METHODIST CHURCH [ "Long ago we tried a solu- t TuL~ut, General. Allyouare,Miguel (or Mike as we say in ~ ~ ~1~ 1 ~ !1 II Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kolek of~ ~er~on B. Green, pastor J [I '~" ~ / ~1~ Ill "l ~ ~ i[ ~L.-'~/-~ " .---~t~'~?( ~ /~ J!Lisbon celebrated their 48th wed-i 9:45 Sunday School for all age [ non nKe ma~ one ou~ . . . [i dt~i;:g is making cnemies. Give,English), you're the type who u - ,~ ~[ ~.~,~, ~ ~.~t)~ Jlding anniversary Sunday at the'groups. 1 ~', the other fcllow a chance to,should never call without being N" ~ ~ I I m~l m ~ ~ "" ii "~~i" " ~ ~'~! J lhome of thexr daughter and son-m-, 10.4~ Morning V,'orsh~p. Sern:cn [ PROGRESSIVE PARTY [ u~c the !inc! i sure of thc number. ~ n l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N l[~'~~-~--~J~?~.i~ Jllaw Mr and Mrs, Emil Reyhons. theme: "The Untold Story". There[ | ~'~" ~m" ~d~i "" B~L '~BSa ~ERS-, " ,' --STOLTZ CLEANERS ==w~ ~'--STOLTZ [O~'Z ~ i"'!l|[,~t~''~" " I:~ --~" L~~V~';~$x'~ '] "~x. "~v-( ". . ~':'~-"~.<. ~ ~-=- (~'~i~ ": ~'~"~-~z'~ z'~ - ;~,;,I ~i[i~[~ ~,/ : i~t ' .'i]c "~],lilT| All'of their chhildren were present wiil be bapticm of infant~ during I ur. ~oraon Kcnn, canaJaate,~ ~~ Save .n---- ~'It][~ Ste~s o . . .-#-~.--. ~p.~.[~ I ~ pre ~l[[:church. guest ed this 6:00 c.n schoolW rshlp speaker,"Alc h l'"Y uth A new unit is being start- [' children hour.~ giving Fe]Iox~ sh~p. .Dr'Aisthe Rahn nursery provided.affects ~ a'~will the for be of '|J j j McLau~h]in ~aymona for Councilmen mayor NtCLOn[ogue, WiHard Canal,dates N e']aS'a[ "'[I[[[[ i ~gr ]~ Yourself To 5ott Water ;I --~ ~'~ ~ t: alcohol on tke human body [ ~, ' '1~ ~ hursdav v rawara retrnck, Hugh Roberts .ee in,Oct. the "I: ' ' I I ,t s as close as your nearest hot water faucet, l ,F T S HAPPE. O TO YOU i; [ officialwm eet 1 I,'. would you have enough II1~-~'~ 'l = ~ [ ~ ~ ~J,!~;i!:~ ! KII~AI/ ~'/'~I~T IA/ATED I~1~1~%11f"1~ [ insurance t,~ -ovor tho I-,==9 ' ~ N Ul~ J O~ ~il= I~ ~ n~ l~V U %dl;; " ~ ~ ! . = v, For A Full Evenin s Enterahnment ilCheck the present inflated,Me][0 I I / ' value of your home and ro- ~"~ ~-x k, ~L.2,"~ t r -~ ,~ ~. NEAL S SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY I . P P -,I 1 cam " 1 . ' 1 Uicll 5201314 S. Thlrd St. w Tw Blocks SoUthMt. Vernon, Iowa f Method Church '1 erage. Can you afford to pay]l ;rty y;durS;i;ehOn=u:t2:t:ho:: " ,L~:I;r II e cma see Ilil ~~1 /~~'~) I the difference out of your ": o. 1 A bbN| n/n iAr 1 ~- ----'--- pocKetf we can De OT servnce: ~ ~ ~.'~. 1 to you. ~all toaoy. ~: "-~ :~" ~ li Ouamnteed Sales & Sorvice S.N. MERRITT . 1 1 =o.G=.twn' j = tp, w L,o BLA ~trder I KE & MULLEN Insurance MELLO "D" MILK I Tuesday, October 16 Good old George -- ah, ays [ A thousand times yes, Mr. wiliing to relinquish the line [ Emerson. We say, "Use the $1~rtan and Hallicrafter TV Mt. Vernon 2362 Dial 3412 Mt Vernon In The Handy New ! ~ for an emergency call. [ party line as you would have I 1 1 J the othcr party use it." ~. = GALLON CARTON 1 Bec l: from a|l fine ! ause it is a full evening of fun, the curtain I ] Mt. Vernonand Lisbon ! will rise at 8:00 instead of 8-15 I! TELEPHONE COMPANY Pooa ~,ores I " " I!' EIORTHWESTERN BELL years ago.:, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS sailed boXdly over the rim of the then-known world seeking a short-cut to the Indies---and discovered America. ~/hat a brilliant chapter in the history of Explora- tion was written by this dauntless voyager, with his three small ships! Each year on October 12, we commemorate his achievements. Your own financial destination may be reached by using the facilities of this bank. (No banking business will be transacted on this holiday) II of courso, it's electdcl The Laundromat washes clothes clean! And the rinsing and drain- ing actions that follow, keep clothes clean. Dirty wash and rinse waters drain away from clothes; never strain through them/ See the Laundromat today. Get a demonstration of marvelous WASH- away, RINSEaway Washing Action that washes your clothes so clean gets dirt out, keeps dirt out! Get Proof l These 3 Laundromat Features Make the Difference l / WEIGH CLOTHES on the i g h- to -Save Door. You'll ~.'v~'ys wash the right amount of clothes in the right amount of water with the right amount of soap. SAVE SOAP. o SAVE ON HOT WATER by setting the W'ater Saver Dial to correspond to the weight of the load being washed: ~mall, .Medium, Regular. WASH CLOTHES SO CLEAN with patented WASHaway, RINgE~w;~ V Action. It's the EXCIAL SIVE SLANT, the secret of really dean clothes! rr vVestin house LIGHT