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October 11, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 11, 1951 |
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C--I---- was served by the hostesses, Mrs. I chureh at Lowden on Wednesday: The George Worrell family and The Sehueyler Zellers were Sun-1 ~,=~141ae /~A;|| FOR "'''"
.o,o. Cora Brown Mrs Ethie Brown Mayme Frederick Roxey Ulch I Donna Williams attended a shower day dinner guests of the Omar Mill- " " ' SALE
!and The Lisbon Herald
bll'S. Anna moiler Mrs. Vernon Brown and Mrs. Julius i Margaret Pavel, Blanche Dvorsky, " for Marylin Peterson at West er family in Cedar Rapids. Mrs Gerald Seolt [Thur~, Oct. 11, 1951 rage /
',Brown. i Margaret Miltner Dorothy Bittner, Branch, Sunday. The Joe Unicks and Chief Navy he m i "'FOR'S~uE"' W?;ki;r's;ok;r"andI~
,S. MIEETING i ~- i Mildred Kessler, Nell Looney and Mrs. Mac Kent has returned from] " " [ T embers of the Bertram Twp,-
Recruiter Glenn Minor and Mrs - SEE US now for fall and winter
rsday afternoon the W.S.C.S. I STUDY CLUB Marcella Crofta. The Cedar coun- a two weeks' visit with the Ralph R J School board met zn the GilbertiNueller furnace. Both in good con-
vnnor anu son oi ~euar aptus dition. Reasonable. K. M. Thump- i car services. Pat's D-X Service, Lis-
;the Methodist church. Dorisi The following Solon Study club lty clubs were hostesses and 271 Bringmans at Kinross. hn,o r~tllrnoc~ from ~ fo,r dnw' ~atctwett home on ~vtonaay evemng.
"- The L ri n son. Dial 5772 51c i bun. 51c
,11y led the devotions and i members attended the district con- were present. A lunch was served The John Worrells of Mt. Vernon vacation at Lake of the Ozarks, Mo . oyal F e ds club met wlth! --FOR--SALE:-- Pureb-red-Polandi ffOIRSX-L-E-R--o-~~1~-Ty-p-~-
Brogan sang a solo with Max- ! ference of the Federated Women's at noon were Sunday supper guests of the During their absence the Louie R. wtrs. riarry StoneKmg on Tuesoay.
accompanying. . ( .Lunch C lub in th e. Evangel(ca ! Luther . ani The Robert Beckmans, Tipton,
were Friday dinner guests of the
b/tin Examined G|asses Fitted I :, Frank Serovys. Saturday dinner
guests were the Frank Mall(ca,
~a ~[~ ~'~ ~ ~'; : . ~P !~ Muscat(no' the Allen Ser vys and I
Michel. Sunday evening visitors i
,! were the Irwin Hubers.
Mrs. A. J. Stroup of Wapello is
~PZ,~ " ~" y-- I : visiting the F. A. Stroups. Mrs.'
i George Krob and Patrice were Sat-
urday evening visitors.
"FOR BETTER ViSiON" I Dinner guests of Mrs. Beulah!
~Tn Styles Prompt SeTv|ce I Whittington and Mrs. Marie Zeni-!
!sheck were Mrs. Dorothy Fehr and!
Mrs. Alice Gerber, Cedar Rapids
~1 3rd. St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Ph. 2-872-1 [. and Mrs. L. L. Randall.
' James W. Corny, Mrs. Leo F.
"1 ,
You can . . . by having,
us install a new snapping
roll adjuster on your
McCormick No.14-P or No.
24 corn picker. Just push
T77] I/I the handy lever forward tO
,at ] Y/] open the rolls--pull it back
] / I I/I to close the rolls. Get safe,
I/ ] [ clean, faster picking,
: I I Let ur trained service-
/ t men systematically check
,I over your entire corn phcker
/ I from power take-off to
/ [ wagon elevator. Their skill
/ / and knowledge assure vou
I r that your machine will be
!Kessler and the Charles Cernys
i Iowa City visited Friday with the,
:, Albert Stransky family in Cedar!
i Rapids. Sunday the Stranskys were
visitors in the Leo Kessler home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Pennington
have purchased the house of the
late Mrs. Mary Shima and have
: moved in.
iSunday visitors of the Joe Cha-
,loupkas were Raymond Novotny
Fort Riley, Kan and Mrs. Ray-
, mond Novotny and Linda Sue, Iowa
Mrs. William Scott has returned
'~ from a visit with the Robert Scott
family in Cedar Rapids.
1 Melvin Holubar of Fort Leonard
Wood, Mo was a week end visitor
i with his parents, the Roy Holubars.
The Everett Kents and Keith
were recent visitors of Mrs. Lillian
Kent. Mrs. Kent accompanied them
to their home at Marquette, Mich
for a two weeks' visit.
&D-=' ,///////
-. BL
R, J. SedenJca
3024 Henderson Ave. S.E.
Cedar Rapids, la.
John Kesslers and attended the i Kral family stayed with Mrs. Mary fuPneatrr~Cioaf aCalmd[2~erattfenhd:: :he ' China .boars. ~.Free delivery with-I writer 2 years old. Has been used
mission at St. Mary's church. !Unick [ c So ~m raams or zo mues. o. u. ~reigivery little 80 dollars cash or 90
u, ary ~arms oz ~vit vernon at a i& Son. Onemile east, one mile '!dollars payable 10 dollars month-
Thursday wsztors at the Kessler -- .~ "
h------- w"re ~nr" Delb"rt Kas--er a l s ms ~eaar rtapms mortuary on ~iont*ay norm, ~ mite east of Clarence, !Iv Phone 4491 evenings or Sun-
v nnorJe News afternoon
and daughters and the Ralph Kas-i Y ~ a~r.~ xxr~ ~ ~ ~. Iowa. 51-52-1C'ldays only. 51e
" "~' ' Mrs Ella Austin =,~, ~,~ a.u ~, ~p=,~ .--- ----~~-.
pers, iowa t~ty. ,from] Thursday evening in the George! FOR SALE OR TRADE. Twoi SPECIAL low prices now until
i year old Cheviot ram. Joe Jilovec ! Xrna~ AH hnnr]n~{nff*cl nnvnn~ e') flft
The John Reyhons' returnea I NEW CONSTRUCTION Bowers home watching television ~ ,- ,- ~- ~
,-- : ~- - ~ ~x, ur ug s t ~. . rg ay, rat-
a week's trip to Ba!!imore, .Md J A new norch is being built on Diane Richardson, daughter of the Mt Vernon Phone Lisbon 891~ 51ul i~-e e's ""00 O an- " ""
near metr son r~enne~n wno ts zn! the south "~ide of the house occu- ~ Dale Richardsons, is ill with chicken ! ZEREX, Zerone and Prestone on feta and Indian Head. Elaine Duck-
service. The Kenneth Reyhons' re-;~ a h, r~, --~+;, o~,~~ h,~ a, ox' t !sale now at Pat's D-X Service, Lis-'wall. Dial 6642 Mt. Vernon. 51c
side in Baltimore. They also visit- corn crib~]sl=be~nger~)u~l't~ a~YStl~elpThe Rudy Sadetsky family of Ely ibun. 51c' FOR----'---'--P-I~EASURABLE corn pick~
ed the Larry Bartletts and Arlo Charles Seeder farm a woodhouse were Friday evening visitors in the i F'--F-oR--"SAL-E.7--2-0~!ing and a profitable corn crop,
~tante::. mere: rney went mrougn a~ xru ~auos ana J. ~.;" ~ar~s' nave]lEdward Stastn, home. I single shot; 22 Savidge repeating plant dependable Pioneer corn.
tort wayne, ran ~qttsourgn, ~'enn +;, + -, -- for a fo,ndation ' ~ rifle, almost new. Ivan Stanley, 1 We have a wide choice of Pioneer
and Wasnmgton u. ~. seeing many
roomand floor for a garage and tool ~t,=,l~,J~-~Jl| I~~|~"'-'l~|'~'J Ads phone 103, Lisbon. 5It!hybrids. Stanley Vial(sol, Dial
interesting places.
From Baltimore
- F'F0--R---SA-I.?E---~0~ ~rl i3403 Mt. Vernon, Rt. 3, Cedar Rap-
they went to Buffalo, N. Y where " ] i"
Peerless HY-Cross boars. Ready~ tds. 51c
they visited the Lovall Barta fam-
ily and Niagara Falls.
The J. E. Kaspareks and Mrs.
Libbie Kohout visited Sunday af-
ternoon with the Milver Kohout
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Reyhons at Mercy hos-
pital, Cedar Rapids, on Oct. 3. The
Reyhons have two sons. Grand-
parents are the Ernest Heinsius'.
Friday evening visitors of the
Glenn Jedlicka family were the
Joe Leonard family, John Cilek
family and Evelyn Reyhons. Eve-
lyn was a Friday night guest of
Betty Shima.
Wesley Crofta has returned from
Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids, and
is recovering nicely. Mrs. Eliza-
beth Gorman left for her home in
Cedar Rapids after a week's visit
with Mrs. Josephine Crofta. Sun-
day dinner guests of Mrs. Crofta
and Wesley were the Henry Old-
hams of Tipton.
Week end guests of the E. R.
Brumwell family were the Frank
Brumwells and Jerry and Coleen of
Roman, Montana.
James Ham has returned from a
three weeks' visit in the west. He
accompanied the Ralph Hams of
Winterset. They visited the Frank
Hams in California, a nephew at
Long Beach, a sister at Sadalia, Mo
niece at Oklahoma City and many
places of interest.
The William Radls of Randolph,
Wis were recent visitors of the
Roy Eastwoods and sons.
The R. C. Frizzells of Cambridge
are visiting Mrs. Bessie Stahle. The
Schueyler Zellers and Mrs. Leo
Umbdenstock and DaM were Fri-
day evening visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kucera are
leaving for their home at San Die-
go, Monday, after a visit with the
former's mother, Mrs. Anna Kuc-
era, and friends here. Mrs. Kucera
will accompany them to visit until
The chicken-noodle supper served
by the ladies of the Methodist
W.S.C.S. Friday evening was well
attended and a neat sum was add-
ed to the treasury.
Ugoa-Igoa club met at the home
of Mrs. Blanche Russell Tuesday
Oct. 2. Fifteen members, one guest
and several children were present.
Grace Hempy had charge of the
program and the hostess served a
delicious lunch.
The J. R. Bickerstaffs were week
end guests, with Mrs. Amelia See-
CARD OF THANKS for service. Bangs Free. A. E. Bid-I FOR SALE: Plenty of good ear
erman, Mr. Vernon. 51-tf corn. Small Cold Spot refrigerator,
C'ARD'OF"~FIX~S ' FOR SALEi -Chb-iee~grade-all red l good as new. L. H. Cave, Phone 118,
We wish to exnress our sincere Delicious and Jonathan apples!Lisb n" 50-51p
thanks to all our friends and neigh- $3.00 bushel; Keifer pears $2.00! PIONEER SEED CORN. Strong
burs for the many beautiful flowers, bushel. Bert Siver, Lisbon. 51-52p : germination. High yielding. Order
messages of condolence and the -'-F-C)R----'-SXISE-.'---"X-~Ie--~'-, D-eli~-0-~ now. Stanley Vislisel. R.R. 3, Cedar
kind deeds tendered us during our and Jonathan. John H. Kohl, phone Rapids, Ia. Dial 3403, ME. Vernon.
recent bereavement. 94F15, Lisbon. 51p 42tf
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Farris FOR SALE! Small--V~e-s'fi-fi~-
Shirley, Don and Ernest house refrigerator. Cheap. Phone your concrete work. Dial 6,30'/,
CARD-OF THANKS 139 Lisbon. H. L. Ringer. 51e Frank Meyer. 38-if
We wish to express our sincere --F :)R--SI~.LE--M~ w-ith-alu-mi-
thanks and apnreciation to friends
spring in their home v ll t N
" " . : ~. inity, were Saturda. ca era a J. . burn, Howard Clark and David
IMPLEMI NT or The James Bulicne~s and Lertoy Parks. Franta. Lisbon carriers, Herb Hertz- -- ~l-~~h'~"~ ~--~
Scanlans attended the Iowa-Purdue Mrs. Kenneth Austin underwent ler and Robert Caraway. 50-51p " ~ c-~
Mrs. I. E. Pert" game at Lafayette Ind. . .~ surgery at St. Luke's hospital, Ce- ~~-~~==,~-~- ~~r.z'~-~'
The w ~ vic~innis' or ~uarc ^ m~ i,~ T,~sda~, Oct 9 and is ~fi~" k .~ 7~fi-=-~ ~~.~
Mount Vernon, Iowa ] " . ~. ~ d ,~ ~,~uo/
visited a few .days wzth the u. ~ improvin~ raDidly .
Fairfax, Ja. Markttan family, i Mrs. Lillie Underwood, Anamosa, LOST: Child's glasses. Reward.
i sr)ent the week end at Leo Jacksons. Dial 4161 during the day or 5541
i Granae Hall t #.[?
Mt. Zion Service Group met FOB RENT: Wall Daner steamers.
I with Mrs .Milo Machula Thursday, 1 sanders, edeers, buffers and waxers
Oct. 4. Roll call was answered by !Kali,ban ADnl'iance, Mt Vernon. 18tf
interestin sunerstitions The house --FOR-RENT:--AD ~-oc-
~ M II1~ - ~ . . artment on -
~'V| 'VII committeereportedthatsuttabletondfloor, six rooms and bath. Pri- tiVATE PARTI
stoves have been purchased and ~ vate entrance. Automatic washing
new carpet ordered The group are lmachine and clothes dryer, gas
WATT having a kitchen shower for the I stove, living and dining rooms ear- Afternoon or Evening
"= church and will meet Oct. 25 in the ] Deted Heat and water furnished.
afternoon for the fall church clean-iNo small children Dial 3142 Mt Call for Reservations
ind. The next meetin~ will be Nov. i Vernon. Mrs. Gordon Rahn. 51c With or Without Refreshments
1 with Mrs. Jim Wiggins and Mrs. I
YOU Get Milton Koch as hostesses. WANTED Reasonable Rates
---. Getting ready for "inside" Hving always
means a lot of sprucing up Fall decorating new slip covers
new paint. And to enjoy the full advantage of aH the fixing-up, noth'
ing caa add more than well chosen lamps with adequate, sight-
saving bulbs. Here's your chance to take advantage of a free of fee
so that you will be ready for Reddy's prediction of "a Light
Winter ahead r'
I I I I,I I / IlI I I I I I I ~ ~ I Illl1
num square tub. Reasonable. Dial GARNER "FARM RECO.RD
ger at Sabula. and relatives for their cards, help 2408. Mrs. Don Thomson. 51p BOOKS. With instructionsand sheet
and floral offerings of svrnpathy ---F-C~R---S-XIJE N-i~-~-se--e--~-~-ro~i for soci~d security. $1.50. Hawkeyq
Mrs. H. D. Smith, Mrs. Harlan during and after the loss of our be- home on southeast side near school, : Office, ME. Vernon: " 8t~
Russell and Mrs. Chester Holcomb loved mother, on paved street. Good basement, [--FO~LE--On~of--the--fines~
sang in the Jones County Chorus The Kamerling Family
in the 4-H building at the Cattle oil furnace, three bedrooms, one i building lots in MoUnt Vernon.
Congress Saturday at 11:30 a.m. C~F--TI~ANKS------- and a half baths, extra large lot iSouth slope fronting on paved
Mrs. Gertrude Clymer and Julia, We wish to extend our heartfelt suitable.for building or gardening, i street. A deep lot and as much
Olin, were Sunday afternoon callers gratitude and anpreciation to our barn. Early possession. For ap-;frontage as you want. Littell, 5952.
at L, E. Hunters. friends and relatives for the flow- pointment to see call Pringlel 50 tfc
The Clayton Rideouts and son era, masses and acts of sympathy Realty Service, 6891, ME. Vernon. 51ci
David spent Sunday with Cedar during our recent bereavement. -FAR-MER~-S----Sp-e'Bial~llb-~ns~, -FO----R--ffAL-E--W-fi~t~r~'a'n
October evening than doughnuts
Rapids relatives. We especially want to thank Father D-X Motor Oil $4.69. Pat's D-X~and cider. Jack has the doughnuts
The Verdie Richardsons, Cedar Goodman. Service, Lisbon. 51c and we have the cider. Also apples
Rapids, were Sunday dinner ~uests Mrs. Frank J. Pitlik and Family --FOR-SALE:-Table--top--city--gas ! and many bushels of pears. Littell,
in the parental d. R. Duncan home. CA---RD-'-0-F~Ttl--A-NKS------ stove. Phone 167 Lisbon. Mrs. : 5952 50 tfe
Sunday dinner guests at H.D. I wish to thank all my friends Ralph Burrows. 51p i F~~~
Smiths were the Richard Smiths and neighbors for their cards, --F-0R--S-ALEi 2~--$~5, down-n hair i W. Smith. 4 mile north of Mt. Vet-
and Cyrus Lamb. flowers and visits during my stay (genuine Newfoundland) seal furn n and Lisbon, one mile east of
The Darrel Hefflefingers, Bobby in the hospital. They were greatly coat, a fur that is selling for m rei261~ i
and Tommy of Marion, were Sun- appreciated, than $300 today. Small size, full
day dinner guests in the parental Frank Stinger length. In perfect condition. Worn
Fred Austin home " N'g'TICE$ only a few weeks. Has been clean-~ F R E Ell F R E Ell I
The Freeman Shanklands, Jimmy ed and in storage. Dial 3621. Mrs.
and Judy of Forest vicinity were i Bonnifield, Mt. Vernon. 51c Prompt remov~! of all I
Sunday evening guests at Joe NOTICE: To old and new patrons '"-~~ ! dead stock. Just e.all ~ur I
nearest truck, collect-- I
Horas. of the Presbyterian annual dinner iboar, coming two years old. Ru- Meeh~nlesvDle 95 I
The Kenneth McConaughys and and bazaar. The date is Nov. 1st. dolph Notbohm, dial 5509, ME. Ver-i
Karen and Kenneth Piepers, White Servin~ will start at 5:30. ComeI non 51p Solon189 I
Oak, were Sunday dinner guests early to do Christmas shoopin,~ at ---F~) R--S~-~E ,~3-~-~~~R-~-~ MtYerDon5321 i
in the parental Herman Siefken the bazaar. 50-51c
home. --BEGINNING-~I~i~--~-ek--Mt~-Ver.~ good, starts easy. Good buy. J.B. FARMERS RENDERING J
Washburn, Dial 3821 evenings. 51p
Mrs. Pearl Austin, Martelle, came non and Lisbon peonle will now COMPAN,Y I
Friday for a visit at Fred Austins. receive the 4-star edition of the Des --P-OINTS~g~o-- Supertor Service I
Mrs. Edna Hora, Olin, is visiting Moines Re~ister which goeq to Dress stats, fail and winter lubricants on Since 1912 I
in the Joe Hora and M. E. Switzer about 11:30 p.m. This will include sale now at Pat's D-X Service, Lis- St. Lie No. ? lowl~ CIty, hE.
homes, late sports news. Mt. Vernon car- bun. 51e
The Wylie Parks, White Oak vic- riers are Kent Bauman. Jim Wash-
"" ;W,~lfIT E D :"" B aby" "sittin~:"-Zx'oeri-"
enced. Charlotte Blake. Dial 6605,
Mt. Vernon. 51c
-HELP-WA-NTED--C~h-in on the
Big Fall and Christmas Sellin~ Sea-
sons. Be an Avon Renresentative in
your neighborhood. Write "Avon",
1534 6th Ave. S.E Cedar Rapids,
Ia. 51-52c
-- WANT-TO-BUY--5-to 10-ton~of
good to choice quality, clover or
dover and timothy hay for imme-
diate use. Carl F. Becker. 51p
WANTED: Soybeans to combine.[
Phone John Deeious 2306, Mr. Ver-
non. 50-51p
WANTED TO RENT--Five or six
room house in Lisbon or Mt. Ver-
non. Couple with two children.
Kenneth Armstrong, Rt. 1, Mt. Ver- i
non 50-51p
Needlecraft club will "hold their
October meeting on Friday the
19th in the home of Mrs. Archie
Minish near Viola.
Jim Wig~ ins planned and carried
out a surprise to remind Mrs. Wig-
~ins she was having a birthday on
Oct. 5. by having a new electric
range installed in the home and in
the evening entertained Mr and
Mrs. Albert Pollock and Roger of
SDringville, the Milton Kochs a~d
Junior. Mrs. Wiggins received
other grits and the host served re-
The Don Culbersons jolned a
~rroup of friends at the Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Clark home on Wednesday
at 6 o'clock. Supper, cards and vis-
itin~ were enjoyed by th.e guests
during the evening.
The Don Culbersons and Mrs.
Milton Koch and Mrs. Bob Hatcher
and son were Thursday callers on SERVlCI~
the Frank Stingers.
The Clarence Neals were Friday
afternoon callers at the Wiggins
Recently Mrs. Minnie Paul en-
joyed a visit from her nephew,
Raymond Johnston of California.
He will better be remembered as
the son of Clyde and Nora Johnston,
former residents of Linn
vicinity. Mrs. Paul and
Johnston are sisters.
Mrs. Frank Letner
Next Sunday is Homecoming at
the Methodist church. Dr Miron
Morrill of Cornell college will be
the afternoon speaker. Regular
services in the forenoon.
Two lessons for the Rural Wom-
an's clubs of Bertram township will
be given this week at the commun-
ity hall on Tuesday and Thursday.
Rug making lesson will be presented
Tuesday and on Thursday an Ames
specialist will speak on house plants
and shrubs. A luncheon will be
served at the Thursday meeting.
The Modern Maids will meet
Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Letner.
In addition to the lesson, election
of officers will be held. Will those
who have been reading books from
able now. No equinment to buy.
No work for you to do. Nears Soft
Dial 3001
Completely Automotic
With the purchase of six 60 watt (or larger)
size bulbs please present a Reddy Kilowatt
sight-saving bulb (150 watt) with the com-
pliments of the Iowo Electric Light and
Power Company
Mt. Vernon
Water Service. Dial 5201. Mt. Ver-
non. 29tf
Sewer. water tripe, seotic tanks,
basements or what have you. Mike
Schick, ME. Vernon. Dial 4771. 35tf
repair shop is at your service
You'll like our work and fair prices.
When fire breaks out, Red Comet sprays a
powerful fluid which turns into a blanket
of fog and smothers fire instantly-without
human aid!
Protect yourproperty, your family, yoursel[
from fire! Before it's too late, call for a com-
plete survey of fire hazards. No obligation.
House wiring. Hot-Point distributor
Clark Appliance Service, Dial 2391
Mt. Vernon. 22t f
SAWS FILED: By machine. Cut:
cleaner, truer, faster. All kinds.
quicker service. Lee Paul 600 Col-i
~e~e Blvd hit. Vernon. 23tfi
road rock. fill dirt. drainage ditches
and cellars excavated. George i
Gaines & Son, dial 3831, Mt. Ver-
-'-WE HAVE 5 new 3-4 foot trailer
units for hauling livestock from
Mt. Vernon and Martelle to Chi-
cago. Phone collect. John Middle-
kauff. Martelle 6561. ME. Vernon
Dial 5811, Larson Produce. 41tf
DITCHING and basement ex,;ava-
tion with drawl(no. For estimate
call Frank Meyer, dial 8307. Mt.
-"EAVE SPOUTING and sheet met-
al work. Estimates gladly given. Worm pullets with Clean then disinfect Knock out lice with
Bob Hansen, phone 188, Lisbon. 24tf Purina Chek-R-Ton. laying house with Purina P~x~t Paint.
"-FOR GOO-D---F~nac-e-s, spouting. It's the safe, shock- Purina Dis" tant Just paint on the
mfec . " m e.
gutters, furnace repair and instal- less, effective flock- . roos~. ~u es I~n
t~ g~ qerms aria w,
iation see Driscoll Heating Co. For l treatment. Get~ upto," trate feathers and
free estimates call 122, Solon, Iowa. i 95% of all large ruses--ana aeoaor- kill lice. Won't
24tf roundworms, ires. Easy to use. harm birds.
z'; '
i I " "
! " ,
Ralph Bachman, prop.
Dial 5471 -- Mount Vemon, Iowa
601 First Ave. $o.
Mr. & Mrs. D. O. Pringle
Dial 3512 Mt. Vernon
N o w available
to everyone who
is a customer of
be IT TODAY the Iowa Elec-
This offer is tric Light and
~ood for only Co.
9n~ ~9nth.
TO: .-) I
TO THE DEALER: Moil or bring coupons to your neorest Iowo E|ectrk: Ught &
Power Co. office. We will pay you the cost of each bulb given away. Co~oofl~
1 must be signed and returned to I.E.L. & P, Co. by November 1, 1951.
the past year please bring them to
the meeting.
Mrs. Rena Craig spent Monday
evening with Miss Tillie Kramer.
The Men's Brotherhood met Mon-
day evening at the Ray Olmstead
Mrs. Peter DOTS, chairman of Ber-
tram twp. Rural Women's groups,
conducted a committee meeting at
her home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Letner on Tuesday at-
tended a luncheon of the Loyal
Friends club at the home of Mrs.
Harry Stoneking.
The Peter DOTS' and Perry Knapp
on Wednesday attended Dairy Cattle
Congress at Waterloo.
Mrs. Perry Knapp and son, Kevin
Perry came home Tuesday from St.
Lukes hospital.
DO NOT FORGET your local
Community Chest Drive starts Oct.