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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 12, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 12, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... Till': MOUNT VEILNt')N, IO%VA, ilAVtrli.EYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Thnrsday, (krtober 12, 1939;~q, October Po~'t TwO THE HAWKEYE-RECORD aml 'l~lE LISBON HEIL~LD It h4 Ave., North Mount Vernan. Iowa OsicJal Newmpnper " Mount Vernon and Linn County Lloyd MeCutcheon Estate, P roiPt~ieto¢ Jamel W. McCut~noon. ~aJr in Lint County. Iowa, every T Y" l{eporters --,~,Iary M'a(~Gre~ol", laid THlg MOUNqr VERNON iIAWKIgYE I Hedge, Belly June Hedges, Ken- [ neth Worrell. Esther Dvorak, F~md~l In 18SD by B. H. ~uman J Carolyn Neal, Cynthia Winsor, THE MOUNT VERNON REMARKEIg---/ Pearl Whitlateh, Jeanne Sullivan, Fouml~l in 18t| by Minard Looter.- | Halite V¢insor, Paul Snyder, ---T~Hlg LIs-~-N--H~RA-LD---- ~ Jean Houstman, Mark Hutchin- Faund~l in 1g$4 by W. F. 8tahl | son, Mattie Johnson. Marilyn .... " " I .................... ' " " ,,.,,,.., ...... ,,,,,.,,,,.., .............. ,,,,,,.,,, ............ I stage. Then after being turned!icka; Vice-President; Wallace Lit- property loss from fires in Mount la hip have been giving him trouble --- + fees an l costs including costs of abst,a~ ............ / around several times they were told i tell; Secretary, Martha Jane Rogers; Vernon of $2500 for last year• I since. Ancient Stone Monument t, fF~ efub~h~aidrparticularsPr........ you are referrJ~- (.~~ALd~ M/~l~14k I to find each other. After a long!and Treasurer, Faye Rogers. Secretary J. M. Johnston of the I - -- Finding of a weather-beaten stone 1,, the £ etiti ...... fil ...... f ..... id. -INT g~ time (with a little help)they did. i SCIENCE NEWS Linn Township Mutual Insurance[ THIRTY YEARg AGO monument near Lake Winnebago. NOW, ,tHEREFORE, unl~oY°UnaPP~a||l VL i|nso*asuoo.atulo*Hu*oa. *,l| ,.|t ,am mllum,*|o|ol o * ioo o ! ues ' ....... ..... Roberta and Bruce had some ae- G .s what! They ve got some company reported a gain of $78,000 ......... Canada, indicates that that region }e-eto and defem] on - -, -enter I93~. |hi' ~4cco11(| d~e/ (l the l|ex[ ~'~O" "a ~ .... ..... robatic stunts to do against the of them thor new tangled shades in insurance for the past year at uCtoDer ~z, mou may have been tile scene of explora- 'r,.m of the Distr~ct (xmrt of L°w a~.-~ ~tlntv t) tW tv~ Editor . ........................ t~ay t.u~fenl wall. They finally accomplished fit Miss West's room They work the annual meeting held on Satur-! Over one hundred liekets were lions a* far b~ck an 1362, and fro" Li~m C( ., . - It~via~t Merritt :ksst. Editor ..: .. ..... .?,a!l:~_ce IAttell them. [from the middle, the bottom half---~.d~v sOldl to Cedar Rapids on Sqturday• ~ . hlAnnedl at'(.,,unlh,, Y(°u'tT 1 ,wa" ]h)u~e,.ommeneinU. n CeaarNovemb#~ ~bed; +" '" since ,'O-'.~lgl's. -- fl~ll('e ~,rO(Jl(!l~.a, Helen Bowman hallsuffered thefirst !TIe greater part of them went Oil ORI(IINAI. NOTICE {;ti~. , 1939 det'at t willbe entered Jane Koza had to pick up a chair]pulls down hke any ole ordmary :ercd aga£r~ with one hand. You try it! 'shade'--but the top half pulls up[ fire in its history at 2 o'clock Thurs- to Iowa City to see Cornel1 and y,,u and each of you. and juda~meut a~ Betty Kohl Oscar, Mildred. and [ It'sa' new way arid let light in from ,,,.re,, will he entered as in s "d petiti$=d. Mrs.. T+ M W1LSON,~.alS, Mmn John had t0 feed each other bread ithe top. Betcha' the kids all fight :)rayed. G "'for Plainfi~l~ Y of los crumbs across the table while ihey ito work them. Oct.5-12-19-26 Attorney~______.~ Mr. and M were blindfolded. They did a good! N' that isn't all! Since last spring, job of it, toot i we've had down in the biology Mary Anna was supposed to do]room, a uew microscope projector. Vtebb, ( the Rhumba. She didn't know the i It was just assembled and put to of tl~ Rhumba but what she did do --[ use last week when the seventh The n,anner in this y, Sa~ription lga~ I Scarbrough, Rosalie Scarbrough Barbara Lou ave a demonstra-grade looked at bacteria and the retary of the round table for the i Miss Annabelle Rood came home' l,:..po,,t:, ,,f ],eta Stingier l,ewi~, ]n(.om+ tvlnJeh we con. of frien One year in Llnn and adjoining 50I M( rr II Pitlik, Marian lCisher tion on "How tog put make-up on biology class looked at a hydra, social sciences at Waterloo during from the hospital in Cedar Rapids! p,.t,,,m ~¢.-~,,t dnet a tune::' ~ home • ••.. $1. , ..... ~ ,.e,~.,,~ s. • he nn" " vountaea, l~e¢..yea.r~a,ae a~mu: •--':~'a¢l'i~)iningmum • .Marth't, Jane Rogers. correctly". Naomi was really made- "Ihey' both like xt lots and its a big the meeting of the Northeastern !last Monday. She had submdled to *~() v.,('H ANI) AI l OF" SAIl) I)FFFND- meets t _ *'-e ~ .... On-~t~ a~hut within the orate, _[Sports---Arlo F]llison Jalue~ Eyre. up when she got through[ Ihelp to Miss West. Teachers association on Friday tan operation for appendicitis. : AN"Y, i, roval ot .~:~ ~ary IA~u~ ~ ' .$1 ~b ~ + ' . ~ ..... " / • ..... l,lONt e~llt, ls 1~, m ~Ylrs O Per year .... ;'''• .... :';: ........e2 001 ----- Thanks, Freshies you really wereI Ehat still lsn t all--this time it s i The Martelle community fire~ Rev. Alexander prew hed tns first h ou AND l++Al+li Ob "~ OU ARb+ lqER~.~- t~._,._ One year, ou~sme tie ........ ":'--:-]THE LOSER WINS swell something alive. A salamander that truck made a run to the fire on the iserm°n to his Methodist people l?f NOTII.'IED th:n there is ,Low on.x~l,~ i, eople . . • .~agnsnsp, --Notices for enterta nmenta, or .otlver_•]_gathiol Cbeels" penetrate the air as the WARD SCHOOL NEWS Bob Franta found and a gopher that ,]J ................. G Van Sickl- far .... ,h~o+ ,~¢ +ihere Sund*y. and made ,a .~ood in- !n, u,lth° .f+iye~ ~ w 'f then *¢ (:!el'k| 1 r°fn.mnthe t,ounty,L~s[r~c ~--*a illhar~,~the .~il'. eringsto.which, a. charge tsm enmr~ 2~~nt-s- |" winner is showered with glory• But Billy Pitlik has been out of Tom Wolfe brought in. The goph- Martelle farmed by F. Hurt Fri- presslon, the Petiti,m