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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 12, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 12, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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....... THI,: MOUNT VFRNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECOP~D AND THE LISBON HERALD Thursday, October 12, 1939 ~y, Octob age Six ....... , ....................................................... ] ......... i- . ..... _ .................... f~ .......... was tak- ................................................................................................ ) The nel hborhood extends the,r !Project group m the Vernon homelguests of their son-m-law andl son's Sunday. T,,h ..... Sn~,~ e ........ I been teaching at ,Sumner, ~"" " i svmnathies to the John Wickham I Thursday at a picnic dinner as a]daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin| Wanita Maree Cook spent Salur- ur..~. ~J~**~,~,l I .o~ Ur....l~ l en suddenly ]11 with acut P~] "he I1 11~ • I~ II ~ ~ ~ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ fami'iy for the loss of the wife and I courtesy to Mrs. Harry Jacobs. ~Robertson in Cedar Rapids, Sun-Iday and Sunday with her grand- vv a~ ............vv c~ /dieitis, and was obliged to go tu ~.||I~DU~U~~ |~ ~ Imother of their home. ! Howard Brutsman of Cedar Rap-|day at dinner. • {parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolto:LThe alnual 'tu~er'eulosis survey.]University hospital._ ,~een doing au ~ m v--- i ----- ida spent Saturday evening in the[ Leta McShane is spenaingthis[ Mr Zaeh attended the funeral-~l,~,~-,'*-,*~,~ c~. ) i~ i,, ~ ..... f (E B Lane wno ,nas u _~ , " . . ..~.. ~.~,a~, ve~.., .......... ~ ~" ~" " ' " France arrlVeu l allele ill illll ill llll ' t ...... , . , • • n ~....--,-,.,--------°--"""'"""""""'"'""""""""""' ...... 0.. °°., ------., t James Storey home I week. with Mrs. Mary Cameron m/of his niece Mrs. Stearns in ( edit- M. .s. l~u('il(~ Chz'istie" of .Marion, a I Y .... M C A work I and' as soon ,~ . SPRINGVIH£ NEWS I .r Lloyd Creg|ow of IL,sbon. [Rapids Wednesday afternoon ...... , ........ , ....... ,,..~ ph.,.,,. ~,,, fin New York the 15th .... mm~ll • Illl~Olrll l E ] Mr and Mrs D. C. Bell of Wash-i ....... [Vista Calif were Friday dinner[ Mr and Mrs R C Wilson had[ Mrs Helen Murray ,,as su,'prisel ['?,'"~..;:'Z,('~'..Z~i...C[['.,};~.:,I'[,~,~"~ ~.~"t as he was released he jomed_nls+~ = _. in ton Iowa, spent Sunday in the Mrs. Hart)- Freeman ' " ' "n e' home of Mr and Mrs as Sunda dinner eats Will Pol-i ,,', 'i~,,h~,,. "A~ .... .~. ~ ~. ~ ..... ~(.~, ~ ....... , ...... " .............. " ...... vu-/ ......... ~^ ~ n,~n~ hostess work ~,.. r,4 ! g , . ! __ guests ] th . . y gu ............. , ............... a~ ,,,g,,, tients, Kno~n eases of tuberculosis '~"~' ' .......... • . tion.~ MEUI/t2tlL ¥1LL I Frank Wilson home i ............ I II U Freeman• Tuesday they were|lock Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cooper |at the home of he, f'~ther .M, I .......... ~the G, eat Lakes Training Sta~ll farmq r and Mrs David Boyles and ~oA~ ~vrr~ .' . . ' . .' ..... l ann then- contacts living m Lmn . ----- ~ M . • [ ............. |droner and all mght guests m the[ Mary Jean and Carolyn and Mmme/Brown and ~irls There were twt n ....... ' .... [ ~ i Pws Sh~ ''""~ *"~'=LE HAD ~- ~ "om Ti-ton were over Sun rne DUslness men are cI1;cllleilgl[l~/ ......... /,.... / ta .... - I('OUIltV ~.vl[n [~e exception el t~e-! _.~ e~ ~Ul~U r~uz naoy ir p - i . T.W. I'~OItOCK home. wilson• t resent " • "" i , - - r l~S At~u UNCHEON SUNDAY ~. [day guests in the parental Franklthefarmerst°a6.30p-mgame:?P"I Howard Hampton tookabusload[ George Thomas, Platter[lie, Wis.,[ YPr and Mrs Clare ([dar l¢a p~ds. A!ready several n(~wl THIR:r~b~rE2~ 1909 ~** .... 2.] The Sunda activities at the t'res- |Be lea home. per :~nursuay evening., x~t: •" of fourteen to the football tame at|anent Saturday evenin~ in the[ -: =. = • , :. " ' [ea:;es o~ tut)erculos]s nave oeen ms- [~ep~e , .,~..s,tl¥~r~ln4 ,terian ch~uYch came to a climax ] ~Ir. and Mrs. Weldon Woods, Mrs !era in other words will .bring t.h.ellowa City Saturday Others who[home of his cousin ~I~rs James|ann r~ancy boa were amner guestSieovered" Search for new cases is Miss Inn Dumont has taken ..... r ..... the young people's luncheonr Frank Boyles and Mrs. Boyles Jack-imheeatotthe tr(e)~iSrP~°Pln~sV~ ~urn~s~ldrove down were Mr. and Mrs. Bert|Pearson. [at G::SgeC~r~ahyn stSnnd]aYs, beth [a::]:d~;,~:h:)knowl~dge ~hat tubet~ /L~ura Spry's plaCer[e? the po~e ~faster llowing the supper, Mr. w~ -~son went to Minneapolis Saturday[ ....... ~- -".- .~ .~ • ~Cooper and family L G. Thoma [ Mr and Mrs L J Miller and Mr[ .... :'. ~" ~ ~ ' .",- s ~'[ r_ad arge y thro g land Bloom book ate • .,. ~... • Soboleff gave an address avout/night for an over Sunday visit in umner. Lt wm ve nero ~ me b. I Mr and Mrs Macon and family ']and "Mrs J S "Armstron,. ~oined[sem°usiy fit ~s m~proving, pe-sonal contact Persons called Mrs Fanny Alexander and mot.-~tnler l~ s native country, Alaska. He dts-[Byrd Rhoads home, I.. Batc.nemer new stone, garag.e, ) ~Ir. and l~rs. Floyd Bixler ac-| Mr and" Mrs "Clarence ~ackrider] ..~--~ lupon will be given the opportunity l er",Mrs Curtis leave Thursday :°i] lght at rased the socml economm ann re- Mrs Amber Piper Strohl came wn)en IS nearing comp,etmn, m,. om anted b Mr and Mrs F S/and son Wilfrid Mr and Mrs John] t;en[ral blnn ire have tuberenlin tests physical indiananolis Ind where theY wl, i,, gious problems of the - eountrYa idown from Minneapolis Wednes-~wat~h;oldeora~:u~CeSea far:eada_p~ce tphPlips wery Sunday visitors in the/Schumann and son John Richard] Mrs. Milton Koch te×aminations, and in cases where Imake tl~eir home. _ ~'aviS farm~ Usprov fter his address ne conaucteo . [day for a visit w~tn ner parents, Mr. ....... . ...... ,~ I Harry Freeman, P. E. Ballou and/of Maquoketa in a picnic at Eaglel -- ~ the reaction to the tuberculin test I The barn on the T. V'. t) .... r~,~_~ call ~' ,rum on Alaska. It was U~:ln~land Mrs. A. I-I. Piper. Iler daugh- ogeno~gm~i~n~st?:e~c'°us n ........ IT. I,.'Samuels homes. |Point park, Clinton, Sunday. |SNODGRASS-,~IYEIL~ Its positive, to have X-rays. The lwest of town, occupied o~uYn~thi;.t~,l.g IT] ~ously agreed that Mr. Sod I ter, Mrs. T. H. Seeney of Downey, g ~___L_ I Miss Alma Miller was honored atl Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer en-/ Miss Mable Snodgrass and Mr.I service is open to everyone. Folks/Sivers burned to the gr , ~1. muld visit Mechanicsvflle again.--- i Calif., was also a guest over Sun- MRS BESS HENDRICKSON [a picnic Friday at one o'clock in| tertained at dinner Sunday honor-I Raymond Myers were unih,d in/ unable lo pa~, being taken care of / afternoon about four o'clock. -- :, A leader must be good---here are a few reasons why Duo-Therm oil burning space heaters led the U. S. in sales last year: EXCLUSIVE BIAS BAFFLE CONSTRUCTION results in clean fire from pilot fire to top heat. OVERSIZE BURNER CONSTRUCTION makes Duo- Therm the biggest, sturdiest, heat producer in the business. 8-in., 10-in. and 13-in are the burner sizes used in most other lines. Duo-Therm uses 12-in., 14-in., and 18-in. burner sizes. PERFECT COMBUSTION---The Dual Chamber burner's greater combustion area due to its larger s ze allows a more complete mixture of air and oil vapors for perfect combustion. Come in and let us show you more of Duo- Therm's outstanding features. BASEBALL Springy[lie drubbed Martelle on Friday afternoon on the home field to the tune of 33 to 5. Cooper and No[lion held the opposition to six scattered hits. Cooper struck out 9 men and Neilson 5. Martin pitch- ed all the way for Martelle, giving up 14 hits and striking out 4. He was given little support, account- ing for the 15 errors. Springy[lie will play Viola at Viola ~ruesday. JUNIOR-SENI()R RECEPTION The Senior class of the local high school held a reception for the Junior class Friday evening in the school recreation room. Fifty stu- dents and eight faculty members and several friends were present. Refreshments were served by Mary Jean Cooper, Virginia White, Doris Lehr. They were prepared in the new cafeteria, which proved to be just such work. I HOSTESS TO DORCAS CLASS Mrs, Nancy Pearson was hostess to the Dorcas Class of the Meth- odist church, Friday afternoon. The time was spent piecing a quilt. Eight members and two visitors en- joyed a picnic supper. Mrs. J. C. Patten will entertain the next meet- ing, Nov. 3. Guest~ were Mrs. W. S. Palmer and daughter Bernice. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Legler drove to Monroe, Wis., Sunday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Lena Legler, who has spent some time with her son and wife. Mrs. Lee McCullough and Mrs. John Vernon entertained the Home Hardware and Appliances Farm Machinery Mount Vernon, Iowa SINGLE CANS or CASE LOTS OCK M. KALIBAN, Lisbon LITTS GROCERY, Mount Vernon ALEXANDER'S FOOD MARKET, Springy[lie KOHL'S CLOVER FARM STORE, Mechanicsville SEE OUR FOUR PAGE CIRCULAR THIS WEEK Junior Briner, who recently was injured when hit by a car in cross- ing highway 151 near his home, was able to return to school Monday• Miss Bessie Smollen returned to her home in Cedar Rapids after a visit with her sister Mrs. Esther Hepker in the C. F. Butler home. Mrs. Jesse Carnahan of near Par- alta will entertain the Progressive Club Friday afternoon, Oct. 20th. Mrs. Mary Heady announces the birth of a granddaughter, Garnet Lee, born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mend Heady at Anamosa. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. PiriO, Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Gibson returned Satur- day evening from a week's trip through the southland. Frank Gore of Wapello returned to his home Saturday following several days visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. C. Hunte, Mr. Hunte and family. Clara Emmons of Cedar Rapids spent several days last week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Emmons. Mrs. W. S. Palmer entertained with a 6:30 o'clock dinner Saturday honoring her husband's birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. Ralph Bachman and David returned to their home on Wednes- day evening from Minneapolis, ac- companied by the former's mother, Mrs. Win. Reinking, her sister, Lillie and brother Harold. Mrs. Rein- king and Lillie will visit in the Bachman home. Harold returned to Fort Snelling on Thursday. Mrs. Ralph Duncan, Shirley and Joyce were visitors Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caraway. There were no classes at Emmons school on Friday forenoon as Miss Caraway attended a teachers' meet- ing. She was a dinner guest in the Ralph Duncan home. ]1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decious, Doris, John and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. II Donald Caldwell and Myra Jane Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Miller and family at DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Caldwell spent Sunday in the home of their Gilbert Caldwell and family. Mrs. Gerald Scott spent afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ralph Bachman. Rev. J. B. Eyestone was calling in this neighborhood on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Muscatine are spending some time in the home of their daughter Mrs. Argene All- Stearns, Harold and Bernice Pal- bee and family. Mr. Baker is help- met. " "'- [ ing with some building on the Box- Mrs. R. T. Schwab was a guest[well farm. in the home of her brother Will Se- crist and family Friday night and attended the Viola Carnival held in the school house. Mrs. L. A. Johnston spent Thurs- day and Friday in Clinton attend- ing the Federated Women's club convention of the 2nd district. Mrs. D. V. Peterson, Mrs. G. L. Dyke, Mrs. J. S. Bowdish in company with Mrs. J. F. Wager and Richard Wa- ger nf Central City attended the :convention Thursday• Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish are in attendance at the postmasters' convention in Washington, D.C. this week. O. J. Emmons returned Wednes- day evening from a ten day fish- ing trip in northern Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schatzle of Central City, Mr. and Mrs. Carl I,undeen and family were Sunday dinner guests of their mother Mrs. Christena Lundeen. Rhoda Anderson, a former school teacher, now in college at Iowa City, called in the Susan Shellham- mer and other homes here Sunday. Arleta Smit~a, who is teaching in the Sabula schools, spent the week with here parents, Bey. and Mrs. L. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Pearson were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carbee at Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Brown enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Loren Noahi and baby of Marion at dinner Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waln were Paralta Mrs. Ray BoRon HAVE SURPRISE DINNER i'~()R }IR. AND MRS. PENN Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Patten and girls entertained at a picnic sur- prise birthday dinner for their grandparents. Mr. and ~Mrs. Thod Penn of Viola. Mr. Penn was 80 land Mrs. Penn was 76 years old. The table was decorated with two lovely birthday cakes baked by their great granddaughter, Donna- lee Palten. There were 33 present for the delicious dinner and several friends called in the afternoon. ~,Ve wish Mr. and .Mrs. Penn a good many more happy birthdays. The Paralta Embroidery club met Friday afternoon with Nell Patten, assisted ,by Helen Murray. There were twenty-five present. A program was enjoyed and refresh- ments were served, Mrs. Doris Lewis was called home Saturday night at midnight. Her father, Kyle Clark, was taken worse and is in a serious condition, but is resting better at this time. El[nor Hoag is helping Mrs. Lewis' with her house work. Mrs. Lewis is with her mother, helping care for her fat.her. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I,arsen and Mrs. Devere O'Kelley and Barbara spent Wednesday at Jens Jepsen's. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jepsen attend- ed a shower for Roxey Jepsen who is soon to be married at Chris Jep- THESE SIMPLE SAFETY pENNIES or slugs should never be used behind fuses. A fuse Dlug is a safety valve in your wiring system. EPLACE broken plugs and wires with new ones which have no shorts to set curtains and rugs afire. E XTF NSION cords should not be run over radiators or steam pipes. Instead buy approved cords for such places. ALUE the advice of your State Fire Marshal who says that manY fires are caused from neglect of wiring. VERY cord or wire run under a rug or carpet is a p.otentialf#re: E maker. Walking on them wears away the protective cow- - EVER leave heating appliances connected when not in use. Fire N is too frequently caused this way. TO disconnect appliances and lamps do not pull on the cord. This loosens connections and is a frequent cause of trouble. F R E IX plenty of receptacles in each room of the home. Cords strung about a room are a dangerous substitute for permanent wiring. NSIST on approved labeled cord with all appliances, cords avd lamps. They wear longer and are safer. EPAIR all broken switches, sockets, plugs and cords. For your own urotection have the work done by a competent electrician. XAMINE all appliances and cords regularly. Worn out parts should be replaced with new to prevent short circuits. AFEGuARD your wiring and it will keen you safe. Don't let carelessness destroy your home and property. IOWA ELECTRIC LII;;14TANO POWER COMPANY Phone 265 IOWA OWNED Mount Vernon