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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 12, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 12, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Eight Tile MOUNT VI?,IiNON, IO%VA, HA%VKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERA/AD Thursday, October 12, 1939 ll'F "l n m • + ~ "~-'-- 9 Mount Vernon, Iowa DRY GOODS GROCERIES SWEATFA S--We have a very outstanding line of sweaters for children, Misses anti ladies priced at $1.00 and $1.95. Slipovers in brushed wool, Imitation Hand Knits. and Cardigans. SKIRTS--Our line of Misses' and Ladies' all wool skirts in Plaids and Plain Flannels, size 8 to 16, 24 to 32 waist, is comparable to an)' line in city stores. They are priced at $1.95 and $2.95. VELVETEEN JACKETS, the smart new Cardigan style in Aqua, Navy, Black or Brown, to be worn with plaid skirts, very stunning, $2.95. WOOL PLAID JACKETS, lined with silk, beautiful plaids, sizes 14-16-18 at $2.95 and $3.95. FELT HA , Collegiate style with snap brim, wooly or plain felt, at only $1.29. SPUN RAYON DRESSES, Challis weave, one or two piece styles, splendid for school wear, washable, size 14 to 20 at $1.95 and $2.95. NEW THREE-FOURTHS HOSE for the High school and college Miss, Ribbed, Plain or Terry cloth in black, white, skipper, hunter, cordovan, dubonnet or Scotch plaids, 25c and 35c. WEEK-END GROCERY SPECIAl,S, OCT. 1:3 and 14 FJI~ESH FiIUITS AND VE(;Iql'ABIJCS I)AILY ill~O()C()! A, head ............................................. lib' I/RI;SSEI, SPIIOUTS, ()hart l~)x .................... 23e I{AI)ISI|Fg, (~rlsli, ~llid ........................................ 5c SIVEET pIiTATOES, No. l's, 6 pounds ............ 2,)(" PAS('AL CELEIIY, bulich ............................. i0c AVACAliOS, cxceptionaUy lul'g~e, cai'h ............. 15c CAI{I{(Vrs, 2 bllnl.ll,,S ................................... I:h' CAI:IAI~'IA)IVI,'R. wcU i)letl~'h(~l ...... iSc, 19v, 23c (~()lllliA,:ll POTATIII4S, l~'~,k ......................... 27c ("IIAN IIEILIII iqS, pound .................................... 114c BANANAS, luu~l yeUow, ,1 Ixniild~ .................. 25(, GRAi'Ii'i,'iIlilT, ,lui('y, ~'edlcss, 6 for . ............... ~'lt~ 'rOliAY GIIAI%:S, :l pollndl ................................ 25c OIIAN(IES, nii~dillUi size, jllicy, ilozl'n ............ 7li¢' JONATHAN Ai'I'LES, 5 pouud llllg' .................. 23t' HEAli IA.i'VPUCE, lalge ~dhl, ea('h ................ Ill(' SQUASH, Acorn, Green or (lolden Hulll)ards. GiIEFN or REI) PEPPERS, T()MAT()ES, MUSH- ROOMS, IliAitO BAKING P(tTATOICS, CI'- CI~MBERS. HONEY, I l~llnnd jar, stralued .......................... 20e llAKEIt~' SEMI SIVEI,Yr (~HOCOLATF, ½ Ib '-)Sv HORSEIIAIiISH, ,~.hultz, jill' . ........................... lill" K EIA.O(;GS COI¢N laLAliES, 2 llacklL~¢s ........ 2 Ic V¢ith Freo Fiesta Bowl PI,~IIS, Nlonial~'h, snlaU sii!xe, 2 ('allS ................ 35(' I)ICICi) IIIqETS, .Nlronarl,h, 2 ('filL'4 .................. i!lv ClllIA-I+Pr,% jnst add nit,at, 2 (.ailS ................... i!h' PI:MPlilN, his 2V2 ('an, 2 for . .......................... 2"h' I'EACItES, in syrnll, NO. 21./., can, 2 for ........... 37(' CIlACKER,% OIIr I"lililii.%'. 2 llOulid hox ............ i7t' ('OFI.'EI4, lIill's Ill'others, llOllml ('all ............ 2,~' ~I'(;Aii, i0 l~nind cI,Ilh bug" (1 Ihnlt) ............ 7,7[' I,'IAiI'IL Tall C(il'll, -19 Ill ha% $1.29; 21 Ih.~ ... 69v ()UAKlqll (LaITS. Big 'ruil~, . ............................. ill(, F~)()I) ()'V¢IIEAT, dcll(,ious ivhcat CIq'C'II, like' iSl' KIX, 2 likgs xvith free iill('lier . ................ 2ic (.'IIAI'F NUTS, 2 imckages .......................... -'l'lc Sl'IAT Pt;AS, .%lonarl,h, llound lni('lla.'~e . .......... lll(. ll()(l CHOIr, Pnrhill, 5 llound ila