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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 14, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 14, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. ] ] HI HI] -- It, e ro ,c, ) 00, HAR, A0 ' 00WO P 0,RA ATS PROF,TTH derive all their authority, does not ] at d by Soldiers. [ Weather Bureau l],eports Show the I q['ho Free Sllverites Engage the Wut IndeDendent Business Mea Are Lear. SUDDOSlng That zhe Democrats l~le~l give them the right to tax these doe- ] Gov, Shaw may be out of pocket as J Losses from This Source Were ing the Foundering Mulk 0 lB. MaJorlty in the House of tors, who already pay a license fee of I a result of his liberality in extending,Bryanlsm. Demoeraelv. RepresentutivesT $100 to the state. The state pharmacy I loans to hundreds of members of de- ] Small During the Past Year. Nurse of Deeudent commission is charged with the collec- I tails stationed at Camp McKinley. The I Director Sage, of the Iowa weather I The' ink on the eastern democratic The mugwumps of New York are fol-'*Would it help the democratic party tion of this fee, and though many of [ governmen.t refused to issue pay prior I bureau and crop service bureau, has state platforms repudiating the Chi- lowing Roosevelt. With the rough to control the next house cf repre- the pillpeddlers try toavoid payingit, tt the mustering out of the two regi-~issued arep rt nl ssest farmersby cage doctrines of 1896 is hardly dry rider as candidate for governor on a t~entatives?" theF are not often successful, as many |meats now home on furlough and Gee. lightning in the state during the past I before the western and southwestern platform pledging that the republican If this question has not already oc prosecutions show. Sometimes the ~Shaw placed in the hands of the ad.ju- i year. It shows a comparatively small t democratic leaders make their re- party will be faithful to the responsi- eurred to serious-minded members oI agents of foreign medicine houses, |ta~t general $500 to be distributed in loss by lightning. The report follows: I spouse. And it is a response with a bility which the war has c~eated, there the democratic party, it will probably which are also taxed the same, try to |five-dollar loans. Before all entitled ~lesses"Blankadue forte lightningthe eol.lecVOnwereOfsentStatistiCSout faster most unmistakable ring of silver. Con- are. wn " mugwumps or independents~ in be gravely pondered by such men be- get out of paying the tax by claiming [to money had received, it some mere- spring to agents and adjusters ofi~murance temptuously as the eastern demoerats Ne York. Joseph lI. Choate and Set,h fore the end of this year's political that they are transacting interstate bars came twice to the desk of the dis- companies, and to others who were willing treated the dogma of free silver, thelz Low were a year ago shining lights campaign is reached. business, with which the state has no bur#ng agent and secured ten dollars to aid in this undertaking. The inquiries I opinions have been still more con- in the organization that controlled They arelikely to recall the fact thai covered a wide range, relating to the losses right to interfere. This defense does each by signing fictitious names. Asa and the condition.s under which they oc- I temptuously met by the western men 150,000 votes in Greater ,New York. it has frequently happened that iu not work, however, ~s the law has been consequence some ~aembers are with- curred. The responses have :.ot been as i in the appointment of "Coin" Harvey To-day they and their associates are the middle of a republican admints- repeatedly tested in the courts and the right of the state to assess ann collect out the money iutended for them. general and comprehensive as we hoped I to be "the general manager" of the enthnsiastic in support of Roosevelt. tration they have carried the o,ust receiVe,and ~peclflcbUt perhapSas couldtheYbe wereexpectedaS numer-at the democratie party. ' It is not personal admiration or friend- house and then lost the presidency this tax has been confirmed. Death of a Pioneer. inception of this w~)rk. If Har~'ey is not the father of the~h~p that carries them to the eandi- two years afterwards. As a rule, it Sadly Disappointed. Francis Springer, one of the pioneers "Up to date, October i, we have received free silver cause he has been at least date of the republican o~ganization, has not been difficult to trace the W. W. Welday, who started for the of this stat~, died in Columbus June- 186 reports, mainly from adjusters of losses its most devoted and efficient wdt but de'-~otiou to the war pol|cy and the causes of their defeat. Assuming the gold regions on the northeast coast of tion, aged 87 years. He came to Iowa th' f ~lnsurancestata companies doing business, in nurse. He has toiled for it, argued for annexation policy which he represents, people had become displeased with Alaska last spring, has returned to his from Maine in t836, and served in both "Tbese reIxorts give details of the ass or it, and lied for it unsparingly. His The republican platforzx~ in New the policy of the administration, their home in Des Moines a sadly disappoint- the territorial and state senate. In d.amage by lightning of 37 buildings, and lying was so specious and. plausible York declares against the return of short-sighted and ambitious leaders ed man. tie went with ~;. M. McFar- 1851 I'resident Fillmore appointed him the killing of 266 head of live stock, includ- t'hat it duped thousands and thousands the Philippines to Spain and empha- started out to enforce a policy of tbetr land, former secretary of state, and one registrar of the United States land of- anding 3715fhorseScattle.and mules, 32 sb.~ep, 40 hogs I of honest men who supposed that his sizes the point that, having assumed own, with the result that while it was or two other men on the promise of a rice in Fairfield, which office he held "The aggregate l~ss on buildings burned fraudulent lectures at the Art inset- the responsibilities of victory, we must shown that the people might havebeen sure thing in the shape of a gold mine for two years. In 185~ he was elected or damaged, with th.eir contents, is $17,336. tu~e were the reports of actual occur- maintain forever our flag where it has displeased in minor particulars with that had been located by one of the president of the constitutional con- Of the number of buildings struck, there [ were 28 barns and 9 houses. Of the dwell- [ rences instead of being the mendacious been raised. This is the platform of the policy of the administration, in party before. They found nomine, and vention, and since then had held the ing house~ only 2 were burned, causing a product of his own imagination, the national republican adminis- grand essentials they were in accord endured extreme hardship in reaching office of district juctge and internal total lo~s of $1,000, and 7 were struck and And this is the man that James K. tration as well as of the ~.onvention with it. that nominated Roosevelt. It is anNow, suppose the democrats elect Theythe plaCehaveanddiscoveredgetting andaWaYsecuredfr m it.a thereVel~uelatterC llect r'place bybeingPresidentapp intedGrant.t fereddamagedmucht themoreamOuntheavilyof $180.than BarnShouses,Suf-17 Jones, chairman of the national dam. ideal patriot on a patriot% platform a majority of the house o~ represent- with thor con- ocratic committee; Gee. Stone of Mis- ~lll-A~-ru~ arts of the state besides the rich nickel mine, however, and in this $16,156. Of all scurf, John P. Altgeld, William V. A1- that has brought me~ like Seth Low atives in November? What will be :ors. The democrats are to way they are better off than thousands Did a Big Business. were reported to len and Senator Teller elevate to the and Mr. Choate into thc rep~blican or- the first effect? That party will in- ~gested, J~ e speaking October 12. The of others who thev say were lured into The internal revenue office, in and h lightning rod~, ~,n,a~a~seas lready arranged are: Wal- the eountrv by the misrepresentations for the FourtE Iowa district, of which ie interesting fact position of gevieral manager of the ganlzation, stantly assume that the republic~ democratic party and its "allied Confronted by the expansion policy party is discredited; that its view~ ca ' she repli~ ~Y, at Webster City; ex-Gov, of the transportation companies, and. W. S. Moore is in charge, has been do- Ire stock killed bY forces" to provide ways and means "to of the republican party on one hand the currency are obnoxious to