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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 14, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 14, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i, r MOUNT VERNON AWK-EYE. gress Just Do Not De- "Hon~r. Have spoken, nor Ometimes it Roe lived in ~ountry, and a, when they s; but they 11 now. :ongressmen, cessed as for- onorable" is on all o~ca- honorable men are ad- refers, the John con- all sorts of the country. do not and they keep up a tremendous chat-I IN HONOR OF h HER0.! ter during his meal They are all happy because tie is at home. They bandd n't knOWer papaWhatwhoit iSdoestO haVenot a carehUS- I School Children Will Raise a Men. enough for his home to come to sup-[ anent to La Fayette. per and talk with the family. So, from his daily record, as thus outlined, we may conclude that the Oetober 19 liar Ileen Set A~lde word "honorable" is all right, when ,fat Fayette Day" by the il. is applied to such a man, and we Governor~ of the Dlf- will eontinne to refer to him as Hen. ferent Staten. John Doe. Hen. Richard Roe is a different man, [Special Correspondence.] and his daily life shall be fairly de- On the 19th day of this month the scribed so that he will also recog- ~tudents and school children all over size his picture, and say that the I these United States will unite in do- portrait is cxcellcn t in every respect. ing honor to one of the ffrcatest and Ile is not like Congressman Doe, in/InOSt heloveti heroes of all history. any particular. On the contrary, heThe governors of the different states is a character whose day's doings will interest you fully as much as the day's have issued proclamations setting aside October 19 as "La Fayette day' doings of Congressman D~e; prinei- in all the schools and ed~lca~i(mal in- pally because of the radical difference stitutions of the country. This is in between the two men. Both of them compliance with a request from tile have about equal intellectual ability, special La Fayette nlemorial commis- and both of them have about equal ~,;ion organized by the commission-gen- eral of the United States to the ]'arts A REVIEW OF TRADE Bnelneas Sltnation of the United Statee for n Week ns ]Reported by Dnn's Agency. New Y<~rk, Oct. 8.--R. O. Dun & Co. their weekly review o.f trade say: "Tits iron industry still gain9 ~o rapidly that aa unhealthy boom would seem to be in progre.~s but for the peculiar conditions. Io upite of t'he com,blnatton of valley pro- ducers, who now propose a Jo.fn.t selling egency at Pittsburgh, sales run a little below their fixed figures, $10.40being quoted at Pit,tgburgh and $9.25 for gray f~rge, while southern and local iron are stead~- at Chi- cago and anth,raeite la not stronger at Phllad~elphia. But the consuming demand Is remarkably heavy andI large contracts this week cover 3,000 tons structural iron at Chi.eago, 8,000 tons for ~oston, 2,000 tons ship I~Iates at Cleveland an& a heavy de- mand f, or bars, the Pen,n,sytrtanla railroad requiring 2,500 cars and t~e Northwes,tern 2"t~'@heat'~' has been decllnd~g a little, with ?oreign reports somewhat more favorable as to European crops. All re,ports still in- dicate that farmers are quite gene~ally exposition and ill response to the warm ancl earnest personal reeolnmendaticn of l'rcsident McKinley. On this spe- cial day ex( rcNes of a patriotic n lture t " ~ "b " wilI be held ill all ihe inst~t~ltmns of learning" throughout the land, recall- ing tile days of our early struggle for liberty and the connection of generous in tt~e United states, against 212 last year, holding back their crop in the hope of higher prices, and collections at the west art* almost e~ery~'here retarded on that ~ecount, and yet the wemtern receipts a'mount to 10,M9,~59 bushels, ag'ai~st 8,810,- 720 for t, he .~ame week last Year. Nor is the corn c~op any obst,ruttton, for while 2,6~1,- 002 bus,hels were exported during the week, alvainst 1,855,067 las~ year, the movement does not indicate large supplies in the in- terior, t~ut nobod.Y can tell as yet ho~r tn'uch grain Europe win require during the coming :,ear. "Failures for the w.eek have been 169 THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED. [ MRS. PINKHA3I TALKS TO THE FUTURE WOMAN. ! Fie Had Moved lllsWlfe'a House Plante [ and ~Vns Fit for St Hasard- ] PUS Undertaking. I W~]l ~10 NOW' ~01101'~'6:[01'1 Of WOE[IOn ]90 MOI'~ l Boaut~fl or Le~s So? Miem Joe~lo The grimy captain o~ the mountain bat-,Ebnefa Experionc~ tory ~aurried forward to mget the infantry / colonel. I "Colonel!" he shouted, with a hasty sa- [ A pleasing face and graceful .lute, "I want you to detail a man from your [ figure I These are equipments that ranks to heIp us work the guns. That last charge throned" us ou<",widen the sphere of woman's useful- "Cectainly, sir," cried the colonel, what ne~. ]flow can a woman have grace ~ort of a man do you want?" of movement when she is suffering "I want a man who is strong in the arms," from some disorder that givesher those the captain replied; "one who is regular!y accustomed to carrying heavy and awkwarct awfulbearing-down sensations? How weights. I want him to handle the aroma- can she retain hcr beautiful fa~e when nitiou for gun No. 4. He must carry t.he she is nervous and rtmkedwith pain? shells and ~olid shot from the caisson to the Young women, think of youmfuture and provide gun." The colonel turned to bm command and against ill health. Mothers, think of your growing " n' m a nngmg voice stated the artdleryma s daughter, mad prevent in her as well as in yourself desire. Then he called for a vohmteer, irregularity or suspension of nature's duties. Instantly a little man with a pale face and a somewhat be~t back stepped briskly tf puzzled, don't trust your own judgment. Mrs. from the ranks and saluted. Pinkham will charge younothi~g for her advice; writ* The colonel looked him over. to her at Lynn, Mass,and she will tell you how to "He wants a man who is strong in fhe arms " he repeated, make yourself healthy and strong. "~es, colonel," said the little man. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound strength- "But you--where did you acquire the nee- ens the female organs and regulates the menses as essary strength?" The little man smiledand again saluted, nothing else will. Following is a .letter from Miss "Well colonel " he said with an air of JESSlE EB~'EIt, 1712WestJeffersonSt Sandusky, Ohio. - . consemus tmumph, "I reckon I m as fit as "DEAR M~s. PI~mtI~t:--I feel it my duty to letyou any man in. the regiment. I moved my wife's know of the great benefit your remedies have been to house plants more than 400 times during the spring months!" me. I suffered for over a year with inflammation of He ll do!" roared the artilleryman, and the ovaries. I had doctored, but no medicine did me the two hastily climbed ~he hill.--Cleveland any good. Was at a sauatarium for two weeks. The Plain Dealer. ~ doctor thought an operation necessary, but I made up end," and yet His Happiest Moment. my mind to give your medicine a trial before submit- 'everend gen- .and bo~. "ish.' I~ F' ~ /ette therewiih (.on- **nu'- ~ in t:anaoa agam~ ~v rest year. "John " she asked, cuddlin~ un to him, ting to that. ~ was also troubled with there are tributions to be made at the same finis ~ for it,the sevent}~ anniversary of their leucorrhcea, painful menstruation, diz- e who do not by the students and chih]ren to the THE PRESIDENT'S TRIP. marriage, what was the happiest moment zine~ nervousness and was so of ,our life?" ~ ' : the3' are not fund which is to erect a monument to '~Ah, dear," he replied, "'I remember it ~ weak that I was unable the ffallant hero's memory. Itinerat.y as Ma~ie Oat for His Visit well I shall never forget it. If I live to be ~ tostand or walk. I have an honorable The following letter has l)een Issued to the Tran~-MlssieslPpl a hundred years old that moment will al- ~ taken in all severM bet,- properly ad- I from the executive mansion i)y I'rcsi- Exposition. wa~vs stand out as plainly as it does to- ~ , , tiesoI by(lta h. glnKnam s he conducts dent McKinley recommending the ~ ~ She sighed and nestled a little closer, ~- Vegetable Compound and nto congres- movement to the edu(.ational ofllcials X "ashlngton, Oct. 7.---The following looking ]'ongingly up into his honest blue Blood Purifier, and am trst place he and youth and school ehiidren of the is the itinerary of the presidenffstrip eyes. After a moments silence sheurgeo: - familv]~ere, eoun'trv to the Trans-~'ffississlppi exposition at ,V,o a,~-l~hn dearest ,~ouhaven't told now m good health. Iwillalwaysg~veyourmedlemetheh~ghestprame. furnished it, "Your h, iter, written in behalf of the La Omaha: me';~@~]et w:aSw:red, "I'/hought you had[ ~l~ MF& Phtkltflm'$ Advkc-- Woman est Understands fl Woman's Ills :t of bed every Fayotte me.aerial commission, has greatly Leave Washington Mondtay, October 10, guessed ~t Surely ~t ought to be easy [ xd by seven interested me, and I have read with much nine a. m. Arrive in Chicago T~e~d~yenough for you to do so. It was when you | satisfaction the plans already outlined for morning, Leave Chieag~ ~a~ae m~rning, came to me last fall, if ygu remember, and [ :h,~T~e~~nUdm~esant!lnt ff :ew~c~O;'a~" ~!@!i/~;nP~tsC~;ICne~l;::4d:ommMaa~b:a. onetO]d me that you had deeidedof ,'our old hats so as to maker trim overit do I for the winter." at work, an- I ae people who g him to con- sure it will be considered a pri,-tlege to Leave Omaha at 9:30 a. m Tht~rsday. Then the celebration of the seventh an- letter fl~at he MR. ~OE TAKES A BATH. participate, and the idea that the students Short stop~ at CrestOn, Obtumwa a.nd Bur- niversary of their marriage became formal [ t~ the schools, colleges and universities lington, In. and Mona'nouth and pales- and uninterest~!eveIand Leader. I eight o'clock educational acquirements. The dif'- shall take a prominent part in this tribu!e burg, Ill. Arrive at St. LoUts.~t n,ine a. m. [dren and he I ference between them is altogther as will not only be of vast educational vahte Friday, spending the d,ay there and lear- as one of the most important epochs in ing in the even,ng. Arrive at Terre Haste A D0~ffES~I~--~IDE~T* [ ~olwith thelit- [ to their understanding and perform- history, but will keep prominent before at 8:~0 a. m. Satur&ay; sho~'t stop. Arrive From the Ob~Ushtng, Mich. [ love him, and ance of public duties, them the Inspiration of a high Ideal of de- at Areola, Ill at 11:30 a. m.; s h~rt stop. "Early in November, t89t," says Frank] -~ of him, hold- / ~'irst and foremost, let it be said votlon to great prin*ctples and of the pub- Arrive at Chicago at five p. m. Satx~daY. Long, who lives near I~nnon, Mich.t, on/ that Congressman John Doe goes to lic recognition t)8id to lofty purposes tllng to him / At Chica~o Sunday, Monday, 'Puesd~y starting to get up iron the runner tame,~/ "Gem La Fayette was but a young man and Vtednesday. Leave Ch~cag'o at 11 p. was taken with a pain in my back, The] s. People in / church regularly. Congressman Rich- when he espoused the cau~ of liberty and m. on th.e ~0th; a short stop at N0blevllle, pain increased, and I was obliged to take to / am, and won-| ard Roe never goes to any church. [ independence, overcomin$ well-nigh in- Ind. Arrive et Indianapolis. at 10:30 a. m my bed. The physiciaa who was sutured.ned| to do They/That is one difference, surmountable obstacles to "do so. It is aI- Arrive at CIr~cinnati at 1:30 p. m.; leave pronounced my case muscular rheumausm/ together fitting, therefore, that the youth Cincinn~ti at ~:45 p. m. Arrive at Colum- accompanied by lumbago. Hegavemereme-/ SSmen claim l Congressman Richard ~oe hat not I of America should have a l~art In this tes- bus at five p. vs. LeaVe Columbus at 5:30 ease the pain | thedr emit- / taken a meal with his fami)y since i timonial to his goodness and greatness. 15 m. A~lve at Pittsburgh at one a. m. die~ and injected morphine into my arm tel Congress-[ congress began, except on Sundays "I am glad to note that your committee ~n the 22d. Arrive at Washington at four "My disease gradually became worse unnt| t has fixed a date when our ~eople, in every p. m. on the 22d. I thought that death would be welcome re-I who and on such days as the house of rep- ] part of the country, may testify their in- REP - ET. lease from mY sufferings. Besides my regu-[ resentatives happens not tobe in terest in this proposed monument and their tar physician :I also eonsulted another but he[ gave me no encouragement. / session. On these days he occasion- determination that the movement already blocks to the ally *takes luncheon at borne, begun shall achieve the greatest succes,s. akes a walk ofIt is his regular custom to remain "Very sincerely yours, Hold State Convention In Mnssaehu- returns to hisdown town in the evening and take "WILLIAM: M'KINLEY." setts and Renominate Gov, Roger 'ork, in the way supper with other members of con- La Fayette, a boy of 19, gave up all Woleott--'rh~ Platform. Sometimes he g'ress like himself, at a prominent he- Lis prospects of wealth and high post- tree reports on tel or restaurant In congressional ties in' France to come to the aid of Boston, Oct. 7.--The stats conven- at he will be life, as well as in other wnli