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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 14, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 14, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON IIAWK-EYE. BUS1 NES$ DIRECTORY. i i , c. w. KEPLER' &~TTORNEY AT l AW, Notl~ry Public, Mr. .~7~.Vernon, Iowa. Particular attention given to the conection of debts, Correspondence and N igborbood Ncw , The MarteIIe News. I Evangelist Mile G Cummings con- l)r. Williams is moving into the llOUSe tinnes to hold meetings in the Christian Jacob Newman claimed to have sold to I church. ills brother Elmer last January.] T, O. Moore is rapidly gaining in Parties are moving into the Miller i health according to the letters received from his fatuity. The commmdty are house whicll was occupied by Walter all pleased to hear it. The Neighborhood. Now that the neighborhood has tarred out in such great numbers for the great (?) Carnival, will the mer- chants of Cedar Rapids return the compliment in any way? Let tim average man who spent his money there last week go again and ask for uw F0R II THE WM. GLENN, credit and he will get the answer. * * R &N R'y I.AW an, No,ary P hllc, REST ~lkEstate and Loan Agent, Mr. Vernon, Iowa. The North-Western road has carried = ~ = = = = some notable people over its line dur- ----- ~ lug tim past few days. Besides l'resi- has'been selected as the Official Route from Iowa to the 27th J. N, IIUGHES, dent McKinley and party they also Triennial Conclave Knights Templar, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa b J, r0 A TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. Prac- Manley before im went to Klondyke to carried General Miles and staff;, Corn Oct. lOth and 14th This company will run a l:~in all the State and Federal Courts. '217 8d seek his fortune. We intend to make Antson Warren goes on tlle road modore Watson and Channcey l)epew. st.'-~~ o ~ ROBINSON, tt[il~deara~q ~ii'iistdne[?g a g od business in t:~rY'dlaY~iYi[ hm gr cery--wag n and RI;isb:n d~h tr lad~S~ 84~:~t~rtnOo(n3ed?~ Special Trainchi rPoUlglh Slte::::;;,c aches' etc ' )IIYSICIAN A~D SUR(;EON. Omcein Wil- ~m ~ I~,n ~ '-~n- *-'- "hill" Fackler s Grove and Ely. 78 ,~lechanicsville 75 This time Lis I; coxSBioek Mt Vernon iowa ~'*~'~ ~ s ~u. ~ v . ;, . . " The Special will leave Cedar Rapids Saturday evening, Oct. 8, after ' Bobst, Mr. ana ~ars. W. II. FacKier resurned ben was ahead on ticket sales.--i, tsoo.narrival of all evening trains and will reach Pittsburg via B. & ~-- Abram Bauer and Tinn Blackled~e Saturday morning on the 8:30 train Sun. Mr. Vernon is proud of tins O. R'Y, Monday, Oct. 10, at 7:00 a.m. " Dm G~o. W, IIoo~. De. K~v~ MASO~-HooLm are workiiw their ~eaII1~ton tile a~) from their extended tour through [Ill- record. It shows proper discrimina- ~ o ~r,~,v ~ - ~ ~' ""nois and Missonri and they say h)wa tion upon the hart of the people and Tickets on sale from all points Oct 8 to 12, good until ~ulto. xx~t,~, preaches 50 LIIo overneau urluge oe- . ' . . . ~- . ,~,- - tween Martello and Merle, and Llnn and Johnson countlescannot husthngablhtV, together with good Oct. 31 at rate of pIIYSK'fANS ANp SZS~H,()~S, omceano -" ~." ~,be beat anywhere for crops health, stocks upon the part of our merchants. ~, ~. resiaence over liogie l~ros, l~narmacy. J W Brown attenuea the Epworm - ' . . . water or in ~act anything that goes to Verily. Mt. Vernon can wellstand more OINIZ l~AI(I:5 1~O1~ 1111:5 I~UUINI) 11(11~. l~eague serwces ~unaay evemng, make a good nlace to live such defeats |I~I~. DR T S KEPLER, Prof. G. W. Carper superintended [ They are runnin~t two cane mills at Special Train Excursion from Pittsburg to Washington ~'~" " ' the M. E. ~unday school, Sunday, in hr ~ sorghum fac'torv Round Trip only $8.00. )IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, lViam S~reet, ~. . . - . ~ ~ ~" ~ . " " ] Vernon Iowa Office hours 7'30 to 9 a m,absence of John Reed who attended I A 1, rankhn townsmp visitor to tl~e ~d7tou- m conference at Marion It was a grand " ~ :-- State Agricultural College reports he Tickets will be sold a Pittsburg to Baltimore, Old Point Comfort v" --. " land Mrs Richard Cump~on, luiss failed to find as line ho~s as he had on and to all points within 26(} miles at Pittsburg, located in success as everytnlng rot. w. unuer- 1. eden[a" Corn ton and Ehner C ' " " ~" -' - - - -- ~, i~ ,~ ~u,~a~u I r p .his own farm This neea no~ neces- ~entrai ~-ass~nger Association territory at Rate of I ~! - I T~IE DIWN OF" PEACE line is perhans'due to the ' Cedar Rapids, I0wa tins Being nls memos or (lolng as lie "" " ' n o T. A. GORML,goes fromplace to place, this also be-[ Asin the eastern sky the curtain of ~:h: onlyma%lena~u~ n~Yo hrstahte. KI'fiNI/ "*~'~T~'~m Monnt Vernon Iowa Office over Img the way the disciples of Christ did, [ night with its darkuess and mists of ~.~.~',~a ~,~- ,).~o h,~mou~ ~ i," a~,~ a,~ l~Neff's furnlturestore. I the collections had amounted to a[gloom a fear is rolled away by the tie has three tre'es ,hich are bearin- I little over eleven dollars, which were ~ dawn of coming day and tile glorms of "" - -. ~ ~, ~ h la " . ~[ns season rot ~lle nrsI~ time, iIom seeu I very good for the number and the c~r- [ day ilas across the nd m lauces ot ~a ~ h~.~ ~,~,~ ears ~,~,~ D=NTIST /cnms~ances under which they werelvivid coloring until awakened into life ~,oo~apr~.lum'o~'a~p~t~e oft~'~rui~ @ -f ~ I taken, but ridmulously small as com-I the liner sensibilities of our natures ~, ~he W-"sie Valley 'fair tills ~,ear ( ~ ' " m n ' ,-~u ~ ~l/ v j / pared wxth the amount which ought to [ are attuned in hat o y with the scene -'- "o th; $ ~ ~ ~'J ' C W STAt2FER D. D S. . r l~r~lllllllOll~ ~l~ulUlllg b A~, ~1~ ~ O0 " ' l ueralsed ]:he cards to be dmtnbuted l and they vibrate w~th the beauties i e [ hards o- *,~r ~ ~k At-~-r~ l'l[]r,~-~ ~lf~, / I IT ~ ~ ~t~ ~.~,# ~ #,=caGe. ~o #,z', ,~,u,~,/iutheevening'thesubjeetof~hristianlwhichenviri n usand which promise ~)'o~nt"tie~ai(1 -- ~ II@t"~.'I~." II~IIII IIII ) l II w, ' . I Endeavor socmty for the evening was I blessings of the coming day. 8o in our ' ~ II,tI,l III I III I I t 0oi v II S~o / aimounced "Our countr ; What/ "onal life a new da dawn of eace,* ) ~L~J~,~," v v =~b ~ aa ~uw ~e,=. ,y natt y p / kind of life should I live to be the best] appears from the darkness and dangers ~ ~, ~ ~ xro, Horne ~- of ~ , for my country and pnvatmns the late war with- onsef ton, DR. T. I MITCHELL, V.S ' A retur $o0,000toward a court h . or Ben / Avoluntarv was n]awd durin~t thel paln, s we n totheway of a h.~. ,{deon awe } it s an easy matter to make ~t an I IV,r~, E IN Y Bur eonandPh sic[an. S ec ' " - -" . 'ul . a " " ~ " TER AR Y mornln offer peace, nation nd rejoice at the I-I[~ I ' is'r O~ce g lng by the organist, Mrs, . have yet to see it antllorltively stated y i alattention~o~lrr~e~rmary Dent ty. /lrrank,rmo o, /promises we see m the lights of an ~. economical year In your furniture t J / and execution was perfect /early u2 n o~ p ca ~urcoun~ry, a be"small potatoes" for the voters to ~ buying,--IT RESTS WITH YOU. ( I ~| In the evening after tim Elldeavor|oY~gc~rafln~clam ngn~t~?(~i[fheS1 Uw accept, anoffer that would prove ex- ~ 14- ', + - izin t I . /topic as announced in the morning, I- - T "- heaths pens[vein theend and humiliating in,a~. v~e~y U~l~o ~1~ ~,~xu.~ ~ ~'~~- /Mrs. JamesEllison, the president, call-/~n raslo~toe~nresse~nb~t~n~sleSl~e more ways than one. ~ ~, ~.~ ~.~. ) ~:~IR~q~ /'~[ ~~ / ed tile meeting to order and the secre-l rries enli~--ht~ent andS, re'adorn~ and * * ) Ih~ MI O'hT %Thr ""'"" ~'" ,~m~.** ~ -, ; xrvx, ,Jr. vv. rosperlsy sucn as we nave no~ nau " x -- |Carper, principal upper rosin;in t~elP~nce President Harrison was in the pubhcan, Moutezuma. ( . . ) ~ ~, , "CO010 ~ [ primary room, BculahOnstott, Horbert|,hair. We notice in traveling over~ ] ? ) ~ vv~o ~ I Kohl, Bessie Miller, Elva Hoifman,/different states that shops, fa~tortes- . ~ ~H.~o,~ m,~.~.~o ) -- -- ~ ~,~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ /Minnie Onstott, ella Caffee, Johnny/and mines are all takin~ on r~uewed musmessa, ~ m~al I~1~,~-- ~ r~ ~ W. I ~ ~ [ Wood, Neda Lacy, Winnie Lacy; Miss| energy and activity anil 'business in -'~ : ~ '' $ ~ ]~,J~ J~ ~ ~ ~. ;~ |[ Live % MaRia ~p~lal~y~or rurnac $ i Boxwell teacher - / ~ ^ ,~, ~. ,~ . ~,~v ~- ~- ~ -- ~" .= ~av- -~ *~-~'~"a. *,~ ~,~us,GO ~a~m- THI~ FALL s WOI"K~ Moorlng~ DpouTlng '~ errrl t on ) .or~, ~.oo,:ng, :7;;=" I,Evangelist Commings has prea~edItrains a.reerow~,a~da~ ~ : ~ City Sales from ( and abl kinds of Tin ~ I the Gospel as dire~t~ By'Ms d~l:ch/intervam, the::~@Ii~l~'ale~ ~' ,~ ] Work, ~ I honestly, fearlessly and to the point, I turgot e~flea,ialmme~se~ :- ~ ~---- --- . -8. Hawk z~l~ { - { I furnish, for the purpose of expoundlmz{ we can reasonably /ook ahead to a feint Comfort, Fortress Monroe. and ~--Y- i m~i, =-,Ii, i~ I ~ "' TS - .~,the doctrinos of the ~Bible as interpr~t~| brighter dawn in our sky of prosperity, many other places of historic interest I I UfllIWIKHI I by the Disciple organization and thosel The present harvest is up to the aver- Details of the route east of Chicago rI I 111 11 1 V 1=IN I NAr0rn T a and ri~ slowl advancing All will be given later Points in Ohio l~ ~I~I II~ I-III ~~x, ~ who attend the services ought to ex- ge p . y . . . . /pect to hear Diseinle belie, nroml a.]t se' ts combined should assure us Pennsylvan,a, New York, Maryland, [" " ~- :" ~ LY- -~ "~ NEW ;------=========;=.========:===;/ted The discourses have he~v~n-| Of lmttertimesandgeneralprosperity, virginia, and wes~ Virginia can oeIr I fl - -- ~|structive to those notin~)rm~(al~n~gIAn.4 .asint.h~.dawn of day the mists easily,reac ed by is]ine;a ee l .1'. I I OR those lines and the hilomath I and ClOUaS aisappe~r, so Irom our na- ~a,~ wm ~Lar~ u~ ~ua, ~ V,'~o o ~" I " " - I ~, ~, - " "~=" "; LEONRAD KOPF ,oo ~ P ' tioll'S night of depressed business, other points. For further information i~* o.~ ~* nT, ] " -, ,#~oo~#go~ ro |/SinclairTuesday, as a farewell supper/ ==Z,:;==7,=~:.',~," ~ ~,~-~, ~ -:~,~'~ E 0 Soule~'GAPD CedarRanids Ia I n~ s-- ~ I J " er " e base v~ -a -- u ~,KIga Ill a uWH. ! . . - . . . |/ as .s red Inth ment of the|of the sun of prosperity to shea its I,vw I ANO YOUr FA t If :" /light on all. All.parties are loud in Knights Temblor Triennial I F~CarryallforPio-I ~" ~ ~ = 1 " $I t~nris~opner wurzoacnercaneaonnisIpraise of McKimeys aamlnistration, Canclave, Pittsburg, Pa I ~try Trlps. ] ~ v ~ ~~Ill II ITh. Old RcUable [[sister Mrs. James Sinclair Monday. |and inaamuch as he has had a trying Oct. lO-15, 1898. I ""P~kentotheooun- { ~ ~ ~ |HI~, IIIl } [ Epworth League was led by Pearl/term and has directed wisely and well I ra~ng rsta~ ~ae~um,- I ~ ~ I' ! #'~e. ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ -- ! I Kohl Sunday evening. Good as usual.[ under all circumstances, and under his On account of the above, ti2kets to [ try and surrou~ing t ~ v ------ ear arRe Special music was a duett by LiMe administration bettertimes have begun Pittsburg via the 2~orth-Western Line, I - ,~wn~. - ] JvI J 1 I / Hoffman soprano, Gladys Caffde son-/to return. We as a nation owe mm will be sold Oct. 7 t 10 inclusive, at I " I I[tralto. It was well received, the purelourhearty support and not only him espec.iaHy favorable rates. Apply tel We WIll Be Pleased r')f lmH g'~ 4:, ,tones and blendin of the voices is but the art which he represents if agents ~or lull pamculars. I . r='~ ii r-~ ~ a a ~a-a~ a [ II ,CHOICE MEATS |/ g / ~ ,Y-^, ~, ~,; " *~- / .-o receive trtal orders from new cus- ~ ~,r I ~.JI 1~,~ I~g ~,~,a I, ! i woreny oi special men~10n. Koseouu/we wm uuu mu~ u=u~ uvvz ,oumy uu,~-- / " ,~ AT T ~TM~ 1 [ Hoffman also sang a song. [Republican party always brought pros- Omaha Ex,~ositlon t tomers, whom it will be Our en- ,v= a, ,~ ~,I Mr~ Rroakman ia visitin~ a~ M~rion I perity when in trouble, therefore we ~ v . . '. / denver by pleasing to make '~ J~ a I~X " KO the would say stand by the only party that or the umah, posluon ta anen es l I/ Mr. Blackledgehasreceivedapairof/~erbrou~htnrosneritv the nartv that C M &St P RY, They are selling/ P " BF, IID liIHz ORDERB BO ItE IIii |~ :~ta, ~a,~ ~ ~""r',[ handsome bay horses rote his manage,I was always victorious m war; and with excursion hckets every day at greatly IAMIL[ IARN. NORTH 0F 10UON I ,| I as it were / / a heart full of gratitude for all those reduced rates. to agents C.M. ' ado PAGES ~ LEONARD opl: t[ Rev. :B. W. Soper has been returned/blessings to our near country and hope & St P, for full particulars IHE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AMMANAC. -- " -, l |Ito the Viola charge at the earnest| that ea~h and all of our readers may," ",- " T T ~ T~T l'~Jr~ Contains the Sonstitution of the United States, th'eCo~ ~l~r~in~no~hel I~ :a. ~ ~ ~, xr t/solicitation of his parishioners of whatI share in the gladness of the new dawn ~.~.~ . 1.~ ~I~. J~l~. Tar!ffBlU, withacomparisonofoldandnewrates;Pro~ident M.cK~J i"-'*~ "** "~'~ ~'"~ ,~r~v, ~ t fh;o may he ,~,ola~r=d * o&~,-*, lot . n A =~.; . I a a ~ i ~ I II AmDassa~lors, Consuls~ etc,; the per~onne| of Congress, names ot anus: ! i ~ o ~, a ~, - "-'-s~-~ -~/ot pea~v ~nu p,o~,~ v$, p* a n nn nr ~n States, commanding officers of the Army and Navy, with their salari~ I ~ I the happy futures to unfold. I IV 1 7 IbI Election Returns, Party Platforms and Committees: complete article. *====---===--========~===-====='- Tana~.onnt, vh~ fiff, v ~hnroha~ / -- i' U UUR| Li .- r ~ Silver, and a vast amount of other valuahle informatlon. TheStandara / ~ ~ Morley, I ~l 'I'.~'~ff I IIl~m~II ~ I~r~dlll~ ~l~dO4~l~d~ ative and complete, correspondin~t In rank with Whittier's Almanac " 'I Messrs. Ludwig and Staff wentto/ - mAK~- r~, ~ui ~l~i ~o Postage Paid. 8endallorderato~2HKHAWK-EYE, Mt. Vernon, Iov f'|fw Hq(qr qnR hrqv ||helM yr.leyt assist r'ZlmmermanSatur'/ma de a'vf l e durr e,gmoriean Beauties Or Healtl~ /t'' '''~ ''~''~ / arloa ~ ~ H~ i~l:W fiI " " " Mr ~Iughes shipped a c dof E$. Pro net0r SHAP P Among those who attended the car- wood Wednesday [nival at Cedar Rapids were: Meesrs.I T ,hn u~x~,t~ ,o~,a o, 4erk at ~l,~ ~ " ~ ~-~ ~I~L;~ ' ~ J Rev. Cla r Waits, Kayus Holcomb, Bert J r ~ ~~ 5',-~ . ~ f:~ Rundell, yrus L eck and the M~sses - ' ,Christopher Wurzbacher and IIenry P cturcs and Rh IGladysCaffee, GertieNewman, Lillie/ hay netotheOmahaexosi ~ HTISTI0 First-class accommodations and [ Hoffman and Isidore Brockman [ Ernst e go p - ~~ - ~ ~, ~*. ~ -~,] ~ @ :~ ' tion. '~, -, prompt servmo Busmeets all trains| Mrs.CharlieOnstott and sister Llzziel and l~assengers and baggage trans-/werevisit rsat Mt. Vernon Tuesday.[ L.H. Hayes and his popular so]icitor IdH II'i II @T ~ ~ T ~ ~rT- ~ "*:~, forredtoanvvartof the city 0f-[ Dick Lacy and wlfe were in Anamosa|w'B' A. pp!eby are kept .busy re.the ~|~l~ I'llLMgU" ~Y~,~ I-~--~L~IVI. ~h. -.-I-. ' r yesterday / renovaung business, xneir wor~ g~ves ~---"~glllI~l I~lr ~ ~ # ~f~.'~x'~ "----'~'.~ nc~ at ~enwal ~touse, / George Car er was a Mechanicsville/ Pppfoer~tuStti~fta:~ ve y~:Wf~eSatth2eg lde~n ~ "-~ ~ ~[//])'x xx '~XX~ ~/visitor Saturday. / renovated ~- *11 ~/~lr//i ~I 7/~ -- A surpris.e.partwYin honor OfTMr;~nd[ Frank Rummel went out one after- ~ t~ ~/tf/g~' I 7/ EBD %~ .A-- .~ 1 --/Co ~.Ymun.!ty, ~l~vng2~]at2ngteh. ~.tIenry Seeger ,s now working at m ' .l lae:' :sh:o :h:eit;erm ]neea :e loanaeYa + ~] I l~lMe tney aae IS ~D .~IWO0(I. r ea r - %'I'AI LI [T- -o start nex" we or Texas ~WJi.~[ I "-~ great deal of good. Inufferedfo y rsf ova ~ ,where they expect to matie their future Gee, ttunter has his barn nearly corn- ~ eleeple~snese and nervous heart trouble. ~ ~I East Maln STx Ot /home Mr Sinclair will be en-aoed in pleted -- - Would feel weary and used up in the morn- *~ ~!'I "Ie ' ~ ~ " lng, had no ambition and my work seemed a ~ n xt to Pub||O |farming. t wlll be greatly missed in Alonzo IIunter is plowing on the IIIIInI~I~ ACvlend lt*dD~ Mtla*' I tho K. of I. edge of whmh he Is a farm belonging to ]~ortlm Marion, his WlUUbLI~I ' "" 80ho0|I. I - nd as he o u ie lace a te ~ ~ervlne ~ o.o od a o**le .ode. 5uncle inter Ocean I /memoera cc p s ap s iatner an~ unclo having ren u it Ior ~ ~,~,~ Vho,~ eedo ~an ~memos ~ ~1 ? ~ |one of the high omcers, is a great lodge next year. ~ ~'u~.~=l;It,'*'I ?l~ou;l~t~t ~o~se "'But]; -- -- Good Rigs at moaer |worker. John Ernst has moved tO Morley |IIlaV ~ ,avevaercatful.leep. a goal appetit and Wookl, lr ter 0ccan nl --~,~ 0.|~,~ [ C II Stouffer, the dentist of Mt. " [RIIU/ Ill rearmed me to energetic health. It is a ~'~" ~ t ~'~ " "'~ ~ rt t~,~o, r " ' asin o usu l Tuesda t~lenn r~icnarus, wire nis morner ann / ernon, w. t wnas a Y" ~a ,~ ;o ,;~;.;,~ o* a ~ ~, ~ grandgo54medicino, andIwillgladlywrit~ / f "h $ ~,gu-v,*,-~o, lo v,o,~,} ~v aL~, llI u - - &nyonelnqulrlng, full partlcularsof mysat- A party was given in nonor o~ e L ~'lowers ~, lr lsfactory experience ~X~) K.EPT O0/q'B ~.2~'Z children Frida evenin at " "" FLAIH, " " ." ' - ~lnclalr Y g, ON" HAN~ ~.l~'D A~ . . |their home and all the little folks an- W. 1.L Elsberry of Marion, pump ex- ~ Dr. Miles Remedies rI~tt~ M.~Y.~Te~A'OZS /joyed themselves to the greatest ex- .pert, is rePra.J~llln~ the pump at, the ~ ;~set~nad~r~alldlt?g;~:" ~l~0"=~ " tent ~aormy ware ~' I . guarantee, fl~st bottle ~,/~,zV~,gR.~ "AE'~" TO ,:'~n a a wife attended the James Murfield has received by ex- KALAMAZOO CORSET C0 ooo.-,o I~in,] Order from newsdealers or by R I u .~ . y " s NBI~E.BORLI~'~ ~POWE$1 0 i " - "el" t Marion last week press from W O Frlctman *a valuable IOLI IdANUW&CTURinL funded Bookon dis ~'-" RI~-~I I~ heMrM'~ ~ o~ sn~=:: the Beyers tIouse, m ~11 7Lab Tile INTEI(/ 'o oOU l'R r conterence n aa " "ie Dr. T. Mitc II townl~=:~ ~ Z~ ~ro2:etg, D. tS ~G i;