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October 16, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 16, 1941 |
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Thurschty, October 16, 194Thur~iay
L|~D~| ~|~i~ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Finson of Cen- i Mrs. Ellen Conklin spent Sunday Mrs. J. P. Koch and son Harold} Miss Josephine Donahue of Clin- i Hotez, Sandra Dennis, Patricia LISBON CHURCH NOTES We invite you to enjoy the go l|m Ir
],'~rb|||l |lr, lv~t, tral City spent Thursday with her i in the home of relatives, the Ed of Hampton called Saturday on[ton was a guest in the home of Mr.]Sizer, and Bernadine Sizer.
parents, Mr and Mrs. John Pfautz. ~Walshire family near Mechanics- Miss Bertha Koch laud Mrs. John E. McHugh on Tues-t Mr. Huff took pictures in our ST. JOHN'S CA--T~LIC CHURCH things of the church. ~|| V
--- " r n iville. Preaching and Worship at 10:30
~a,~ ur;u w,~,+, ,~ ~a-r -ll,~ ~nent Week end guests m the M . a d, Mrs. W. H. Runkle was a guest of i day. : room Wednesday showing differentSunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. ,A~ --
n 1 of A Ramsa Week day Mass: 7:00. ~ Entre I
w,=,~, ~,~ eh, Mr .n,t ~wr~ .lohn Mrs. Verne Dacken home were his Su day gtests . J. y Miss Lucille Stauffer in Cedari Missers and Mesdames Orville views of our Indian unit
~ i r o r
Miller home parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dacken~were relat ves from Wate lo,M . Rapids several days last week. i Crawford, Frank Wooldridge, Dean] We played "Ten Little Indians," -- Coon Creek eveningMacaulay
! of Lone Rock ] and Mrs. Guy Van Fleet and daugh- Mrs. Amanda Runkle spent several I Clark Rex Dean Merle Long and i"varmer in the Dell," and "LondonFEDERATED CHURCH
Mrs. Harold Ringer spent Men- ~ i t~r R,]th ' ' ~ Rev. G. S. Hamilton, Pastor Mrs. Forrest Huey Mount
days last week in the Mr. and Mrs. lJohn Peterson and their children lBridge,'' in music class Friclay.
,~,in ~" " " "- '-o f ~lnrs. ~om L.nalllS were ~o~es I -- '
,a~ ~avenpor~ m me n me o / . enjoyed a motor trip to Guttenberg J%NI.ORo HIGH NEWS S.S. Teachers Prayer Meeting at Mrs. C. C. Kerslake and Mrs. Le,S!sters wi
Mr anr~ Mr~ Lester Wright i Momes Saturday to spend a week l Mr. and Mrs. George Vanatta of Elmer Runkle home at Cedar Ra-I
. I or ten days with her parents Mr. ! West Liberty were Sunday visit- pids. j and McGregor on Sunday y, are we. g!ad those six 9:15 a.m. I nard Gallmeyer and Duane :o~I/vednesda
z - -- Pren-er as-andl weeks ~ests are over! we nave oeen, Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. i Tipton visitors Monday aftern The Jol
Carroll Sailor of Oakville spent[o,~ T,z~ r~,l~ ~ ~mi+h ' ]ors in the Mr and Mrs H W Wal- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Zimmer were imrs ~li aoetn ci g t i wonderin- h
Saturday and Sunday with his fam- "",'~ "'~'~. ~'J',~ "~,' ~."." ," ' - [mer home I g w emer we win oe ln l Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
;1, ~ ~h '~ yen*el ~,~ ~ p t lvuss ~lancne wanlcK was nome i - Sunday guests in the home of Mr. lgranddaughters Janet Lou and Ju-
i our present grade or whether we'll Young Peoples Service 6:30 p.m. i Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Kerslake's moti~e~t the hoz
~ .n .-e a ~ .~e~r~,e ~a ,or I
home from Johet Ill. to spend a few [ Mr. and Mrs Clayton Wilton wereWeseman and Mr. Weseman near i mm ~nn ~mcKa oi iowa t~l~y were b demoted W t who has been visiting here returrrhursday
week end guests of her s ster Mrs. Th eve ' ' "
,o " [days this week with her parents, i week end guests in the home of Olin. I i Je . e hope ior the oesL Evening service 7:30 p.m. i
e " . ] e s mn grace enroumem nas I Pmtures of Palestine showing the[ ed to her home in Tipton. Mrs. E.
wm ~ugan weunesoay gu sts oi . . me me
mr,an.a Mrs. lw ~:, ~ox. oI ~e- ] Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Walliek. ] Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wilson in Ce- Mrs. Maree Van Meter of Clinton: ' i been increased one by the addltmn ~ remarkable fulfillment of Prophecy I Mr and Mrs Owen NelsOn ~0 "~
~ar reapms were vlsltors m mrs. Davenport were Sunday amntat her ho~
I day Rapids. was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Mr and Mrs uugan were Mr. ana : . . i
" ~ ~; ~of Verl (here today, gone tomor-lwlll be shown at this service. I
~r ~,~1~'= h,~,~,~ ,~, ~,~,~ i Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Albright andI
~ I " guests in the Forrest Huey home. ,~ ~
afternoon i daughtey Patsy spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. House returned last Anna Wetherell and Miss Carrie[tvtrs" m. t:. A~zen oI t~nmon. I row) Rolston, formerly of Wapello, ]Come and bring someone with you. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxa and .dak ~vn:~ ~
,": Mrs. Albright's parents, Mr. and lThursday h'om a two weeks visit Schottle. i " "'--'----~-~---~'--" Iowa, ] Thursday Prayer and Bible Study[ghters were Friday evening vis~to~er vrtag
Lisbon Auxlhary Unit [ Robert Sehott, Richard Brokel, i Service at 7:30 p.m. [
mr. ana ~vtrs. ~ay l%amernng anu Mrs E M Bebee at Springville I with relatives and friends in Me- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gabbert of, Initiates Junior Members and Zola Reitzel have been absent ] Friday Prayer Service at they in the A. F. Laing home near ivatuaras we~
son Billy spent the week ena in " ' . '. ' . ]narnlnp~ Mioh I
eh,~ ~n~ av,~ Rl,~ina hnm,~ =+ ~. ivir. aria tv~rs, ue~vmyne ~o ma aria I I Muscatine were week end guests in i
~ i en" " Illinois' ~ r m L~ ]this week ]home of Mrs. Riggs at 2 p.m. ih e' Mrs. M
day Rapids son John of Chicago vlmted a few mrs. J. m. rioag w~ ~o [ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles] Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Frink of Ced~ostess f(
The Legion Aux'lia y met " 's- 1
[ ST AND 2ND NEWS ] Coming--special services with l Rapids were Tuesday visitors in t~ltur~a c
~, day with her father, John Miller i Saturday to visit for ten days with Maiden i Don ~.eglon nell Tuesaay evening i Mrs. McCall and Mrs. Staab visit- i Rev. Robert Arthur as speaker.
. tv~r. aria ~trs ~eorge umneia an~ and Mrs Miller and in the Buell!relatives and friendsin ChicagoI
aaughter t:arot of t~eaar ttapias Miller home laud Wheaten [ Shirley Rue Pollock of Spring-]for their regular business, meeting~ed the primary room this week. !Nov. 10 to 23yd. Plan to attend ~Forrest Huey home cL zo.
spent Sunday in the parental D. C. --. - . . ' i "'e r"-e e'" "re .! ville spent several days this week [ and m~tmtlon of eight 3umor mem-. I Bill" v Knrn~rlin~o h~ h~n ~h~,~ i' Coon Creek school was wired x Sorosis
Heller home ~wr. ana ~wrs. ,loya tJraver ~ob- ! mrs. n n y d w t~ t~ ene oi I with her grandparents, Mr. and. bers The Department Americamsm me + "~ ~ h~ ~'~ h~'~ METHODIST CHURCH i electricity last Saturday of Mrs. D
. . ." ert Litts, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Litts!Petersham, Mass came last week Mrs. Fred Bear. ] " i st of .hi ~ Mrs. Donald Kamerling returneing, Oct.
chairman Mrs Wilma Briggs re- his n i i
to s ls removed. ~ Rev. Win. D. Bostrom, Minister I home from Iowa City last stma~the chang
,lv~r an~ mrs: ,~. uorence o~ and son Charles were Sunday guests!for a visit with her mother Mrs. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kolek of! ported that with the aid of her lIn A * t "~ ,~o~ h~o
raarmn were ulnner guests oi Mr. I r. ~h~ ~ The W. S. C. S. ~s serwng a sup- i She has been visiting in the Kenne The De
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart I Johr~ Auracher. Mount Vernon and Robert Kolek of i asmstants splendid progress is being,s t nn~
aria ~vJrs narmn ~mggs on ~atur- ME:tell~: and boxe o make wag We per at the church this evening, i Kadlec home. Will hold
day evening neMri Clemmens and Ever- F.MKs F JsiK~ObonSOnvedW::s~:d iJn Cedar Rapids visited Friday in the]made wRh the frog sale, ana it ~s pasted them on colored construe- New teachers in our Sundayi
o F.J. Kolek home. I hoped that every Lisbon home and ltion oauer -~ hers Satu
~nrs ~eve ~e~er ana aaugnter s school include Mrs. Harry Siggins,~
. . ett Staab of Des Moines. Mr. and : the Mrs. Anna Ulch and Joe Pavel Glenn Harman of Scott Field, i business house will display our [ Wanda Harris was absent one day ! Mrs. Harold Ringer, S. Sorenson, t First Plows of Tree Branche~ ,Tea roorr
dUay OI "llp1:on were umner guests
Mrs. Donald Staab of Cedar Rapids!homes at Solon. The Unit has been assigned an~Those ettin 100 er cent ' hes an~
near Belleville, Ill spent the week l flag on Armistice Day. ~because of illness, i Mrs. S. Sorenson; all of whom are l The first farm plows were ~aa~flelt.
in the Lloyd Peterson home on
- . . and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Staab and! Mr. and Mrs. Mile Kaliban, Ev- end in the home of his mother, i i g g p m spell-most capable i of crooked tree brahe Dr. anc
Tuesaay evening, children Barbara and Douglas were lelyn' Donald and Bobby Dean were Mrs. Harry Harman. aoopteu roy namea wauy, age~ing this week are Wallace Bur-i In the youth department of the! worked by man power, and Mr.
seven years and his needs will be ilin~ame Eleanor Graver "th . ,
,~ Billy Holmstrom of Dayton spent Sunday guests of Mrs. T. J. Bick- I Sunday gue,~,ts in the A. C. Rodman Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Rogers and i ~ ',Kelp Sunday school an opportunity ~si -- ~'~ct to n
~aturaay ana ~unaay wnn Jean ett. ! home at Springville met as required. The president, Mrs Flockhart, Robert Schlemmer Jim
Johnston in the homeof h~nPar~ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and ! Mr. and Mrs. Bernel Hall and children Ann Louise and Ray Bur- Blanche Gish the secretary Mrs. Smyth, and Ernest Schlemmer. provided to become acquainted V . M. BENNETT ~.aturday
ton of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday Emma Kolek and the treasurer, Mrs. I i with the better class hymns of the ] Lisbon, Iowa Sin footb~
ents Mr and Mrs t.; ~ d
son Ralph spent Sunday at Aledo, I children and Miss Ruth House of evening in the Bert Siver home. Real [!:state and InsuranCe Mr. am
Mrs Earl .Warner attended, the Ill in the home of Dr. and Mrs. i Monticello visited on Sunday with Whressa Robertson were elected as'~-~ . ~-- church. I
mommy meeung oi ~wary ~teem V. A. McClanahan. Other guests [ Mrs. Wm. House and Miss Berniece. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of delegates to the District Conference r ast - west bran Have ourD nati nSchurch towert wardaretheto repairbe madet f] Farms for Sale son Don.
Missionary society of Olivet Presby- were Dr and Mrs H J Stewart of Anamosa, and Mrs. Charlotte Tom- in Monticello, Oct. 23. Alternates Hom mak. i Ho~ses for Sale or Rent Ellison e~
. mr. ana mrs. rienry uwens anu sley and Jack Martendale of Clin- are Mrs. Constance Davis Mrs. ~ lll~ J[ 2~ i to John Miller, or G. L. Hill. Office Phone--146~Cregor a:
termn church at the home of Mrs. San Diego, Cahf. Mrs. McClanahan [ Mr. and Mi's. Otto Kern visited ton called Sunday on Mrs. Etta Mildred Davis and Mrs. Mary Hoeft. ]
Sam Carlson in Cedar Rapids, Men- and Mrs. Stewart are aunts of Mrs. ~ The East and West Linn Home-
day evening. Peterson. i Sunday in theAlbert Owens and Long. It is hoped that others may attend.
Lumir Dietert homes in Cedar Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Miller of East The members plan to send birthday' makers of Cedar County, met at
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roberts of Mrs. Rex Dean, daughters Deanna i ids. Chicago, Ill and Mr. and Mrs. cards to Mrs. Catherine Culbertson the home of Mrs. Robert Dolan for
La Grange, Ill were Saturday, and Marilyn of Mount Vernon and
overnight guests of Miss Eva Floyd.*! their" Wednesday mght" guests, Mrs. Mrs. W. C. Hoeltje of St. Paul, Walter Bunker of Chicago were at the Soldiers Home in Marshall- i Thursday,their openingoct.meeting9, and tea on
They were out to attend Parents' i Paul Dean and son Donald of Cut Minn,is visiting this week with Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Os- town, who will be ninety-one years
Day with their son Paul at Coy- Bank, Mont visited last Thursday her sister, Mrs. Fred Downing, and car Haeseler. old on Oct. 24. Mrs Forrest Huey, Linn town-
ship chairman had charge of the
nell College. !in the Orville Crawford home and lin the homes of her brothers, J.F. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walton of The Juniors challenged the adult meeting which was opened by the
Mrs. D. H. Johnston, Kenneth lwere dinner guests in the John and D. C. Bowers Mount Vernon called Saturday af-]members to a Flag Code Quiz singing of the Star Spangled Ban-[
Hack home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whitlatch, ternoon on Mrs. O. P. Wilson. A. G. which will be held at the Decemberner. I
and Eddie and Miss Helen Eggles-
ton of Vinton were Sunday guests Mrs. Anna Belle Bittle returned sons Bobby and Keith of Tipton Walton of Mount Vernon spent Tues- meeting. "'All hands" are expected Miss Heddleson gave an outline
in the C. B. Johnston home. After-iSunday from a two weeks vacation and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Russell of day with Mrs. Wilson. to answer the call for workers to
help clean the hall. The ladies will of the year's Nutrition project.
Home storage of fruit and vege-
noon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. i spent with her daughters Miss Mount Vernon visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oetting and laundry the curtains and with the tables, and their part in the food l
Robert Goodyear of Marion. !Grace Bittle and Mrs. Harold Gard- Mrs. Howard Whitlatch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Peterson of Car- assistance of the Legion men the budget for the home was discussed. [
roll, their guests from Saturday to work will be completed before One of the listening numbers, taken!
i ner and family in Waterloo. She Mrs. A. Tillia returned Saturday Tuesday, spent Monday in the Ted Armistice day, at which time the from, "Songs of the Land" was
Mesdames J. R. Gardner, C. R. was a dinner guest one evening of to Blue Earth, Minn after a three Gibson home at Lou Moor.
Yocum, Lyle Capper, L E. Crelly,! Miss Phyllis Seltenrich at her home weeks visit in the home of her annual family party and picnic sup- played, i
and Buell Miller were guests of in Cedar Falls. Miss Seltenrich daughter, Mrs. Charles Hoeft and Mrs. Lloyd Staab enjoyed a visit per will be held
Mrs. J. W. McAleer in Monticello ]was a former Lisbon high school Mr. Hoeft. She was accompanied this week with her brother Bob Mrs. Millie Hoffman, County Pre- Mrs. Forrest Huey was re-elected
last Thursday. Mrs. G. W. Sturges
of Cedar Rapids joined the group, teacher, by her daughter Mrs. Howard Rine- Maxson, who came from Marion, sident, from Central City, was a it wnship chairman; Marjorie Bohr,
Kenneth and Donald Siggins Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staskal, Dor- hart, who spent part of the time where he is spending a fifteen day guest and presented a very in-[publicity chairman; Mrs. Don Kam-i
spent Sunday with Lynn and Rich- othy, Leota and David and Mr. and with her husband in Davenport furlough from Camp Claiborne, La. structive talk on Auxiliary work lerling, cooperator; Mrs. Chas. John-i
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hill entertain- She was accompanied by Mrs. Davis i ston, Health chairman; and Alva !
Heneks, music chairman. Leaders i
ard in the home of their parents, Mrs. Emil Reyhons, Norma Jean Ray Davidson of Pocahontas and ed at dinner on Sunday evening~of Central City, a nurse during the lare: Mrs. Robert Dolan, Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Frink at Tame. and Roger of Mount Vernon were daughter, Mrs. A. L. Sundberg of Major M. F. Slaght and wife of World war.
They went out with Max Stahl, who Sunday guests in the parental F. J. Laurens visited last week with Mrs. Panama Canal, and Mr. and Mrs. The local unit now has 48 mem- Johnston, Mrs. Forrest Huey and /
went on to visit friends at Ames and Kolek home. The Staskal children Guy Johnston, stopping on their Julian Johnston of Mount Vernon. bers, eight over our quote. Mrs. Marvin Andre. The cooperat-i
spent Saturday night with their way to and from Mechanicsville, ors are Mrs. Claude Stine and Mrs. [
Boone. grandparents. Richard Kolek of where they were called by the Callers last week in the W.M. n sC~ N-e Irwin Stine. [
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boettger of Springville was a Sunday afternoon death of the former's sister-in-law Oberton home were Mrs. A. P. Lisbo ws The candle lighted tea table, pre-I
Kamberling of Mechanicsville, Mrs.
Lowden and son Leroy of Camp visitor.
Mrs. Harry Davidson, whose fu-
Claiborne, La. were Saturday guests
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Yocum. A week en~ guest in the
same home was Mrs. Blanche Scott
of Mount Vernon.
Saturday guests in the Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Peterson home were her
brother Hugh Frazier of Chicago,
and his father-in-law Dr. Fogle of
Greenwood, Miss. They stopped on
their return from a week's pheasant
hunting trip in South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Stabenow, Mr neral was held on Friday afternoon.
and Mrs. Lawrence Stabenow and Bob Bowers and John Hall were
son Clair, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice out from Chicago to spend the week
Gamble and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gam- end in the parental J. F. Bowers
ble, sons Louis and Joe had a fam- and John Hall, sr homes. They
fly dinner Sunday at the Frank returned Sunday evening with the
Svoboda home near New Boston, I latter's brother-in-law and sister,
Ill. Louis Gamble was home from tMr. and Mrs. Ben Segerstrom, go-
Fort Shelling, Minn to spend from]lug to Maywood, Ill to visit a few
Friday until Monday in the par-Idays with Mrs. Segerstrom's sister,
ental Gamble home near Mechan-IMrs. Richard Whitmer and Mr.
icsville. I Whitmer.
marvel of handling ease and restful riding!
4' R tm:r;t::ials and craftsmanship!
I COMMANOER $n08 |ndup
etta| $tudebak $1242 and ~11
Bend InSlanl !s of O lob~r I 1~41. Feder| tax
included. Prices and specllkations subject to
We have ample resources to enable us
to satis{y the legitimate credit needs d
our business men and others in this
Local borrowers who are financially
able to repay their loans, are having
no difficulty in getting cooperation from
this bank.
We shall be glad to have the op-
portunity to serve your requirements.
sisded over by Mrs. Dick Dolan and i
Lavina Koch of Hampton, Mrs. Hat- Gerald Cave is now a member Mrs. Chas Johnston, was attrac- i
tie Ireland of Muscatine and Mrs. of Troop 54, having passed his ten- tively arranged with patriotic colors
Margaret Gabbert. derfoot tests. New recruits include and autumn fruits. Tea, coffee and
Mrs. Robert Hanna who spent six Kenneth Siggins, Kenneth Reyhons, cakes were served.
weeks with her sister Mrs. E. H. ]Jack Lindstrom, and Merle Louis Ladies in attendance were Mrs.
Zimmer left Friday for San Antonio, t Kepler. C.M. Stout, Mrs. John Light, Mrs.
Texas, to join her husband who is! The troop misses Lynn and Rich- Irwin Stine, Mrs. Jack Ciha, Mrs.
employed there as air craft mech- ard Frink who moved, to Tame. Warren Brennaman, Mrs. Bert
anic at Duncan field, f Jean Johnston is now the most Brennaman, Mrs. Roy Dickey, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Siehert andI advanced scout in the troop. Frank Burke, Mrs. John Conklin,
Mrs. Carl Goodwin of Cedar Rapids] The older scouts are working on Mrs. Chas. Johnston, Mrs. Forrest
were Sunday visitors in the C. M. signalling and first aid. !Huey, Mrs. Marvin Andre and
Gist home. Visitors on Wednesday On Sauerkraut Day, a group of Mary, Mrs. Dale Johnston, Mrs.
were Mrs. Mary Buser and Mrs. Mac five scouts in uniform were on duty Marjorie Bohr, Mrs. Robert Dolan
Bruch of Mount Vernon. tat the Exhibit Hall. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Smyth,t Paul Huff, instructor of JuniorlDick Dolan of Marion was a guest. I [OWA[L[- T I LIGIJTANDPOW[. 0 PANY
High in the Lisbon school is nowI
Louise, Jimmy and Teddy were int
Assistant Scoutmaster, working, Both parties win when you useI IOWA OWNED
the parental James Smyth home with Rev. Wm. D. Bostrom, the Want Ads.
near Solon, Sunday to visit Mr.l
Smyths' brother Wilbur home on lSc utmaster"
furlough from Wichita Falls air !
corps in Texas. [
Mrs. E. H. Zimmer attended a LISBON HI-LITES
p~.ty last Friday evening at the]
home of Mrs. Arthur Zimmerman in I : -- -- : : : -- : : : : : : : : : : : : : -- : : :
Cedar Rapids, honoring a St. LukeslMR" MeHUGH SPEAKS
classmate, Miss Edna Bain, an army [ Lisb
nurse at Fort Leonard Wood nearI On Monday and Tuesday of last
Rolla, Me home for a few days', week, the business class had the
vacation, i privilege of hearing Postmaster:
John McHugh explain to them the
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver and ins and outs of the Post Office de-
children Eleanor and Everett were lpartment, t
guests in the parental Mr and Mrs I
Frank Graver home in Cectar Rapids] Among the many interesting
n things brought out are some of the
Su day evening for droner in honor!following: first, everybody should
of Kenneth's birthday. Other guests know that Benjamin Franklin was
c~ere Mr. and Mrs. Irving Graver the first Post Master General of.
~namosa 1
I the United States. Surprising how
Rev. and Mrs. G. S. Hamilton and!many people were ignorant of the l
Mrs. W. H. Runkle attended a Uni-I fact.
ted Brethern Institute held at theI Every road, street, alley, water-'
Brethren church in Cedar Rapids lway, etc is a post road for the U.
on Tuesday. Rev. Hamilton spoke on i S. mail, and the blocking of such is i
the morning program. The main!subject to punishment by the Fed-
speaker of the day was Mrs. Wardal~ eral government. !
returned missionary from China. [ Did you know that it is a viola-
. ~ ~ ~rx . :~,~ ,~ ~ ~ i tion of law to carry mall, no mat-
M a.u ~vzz~. ,Jtw,~ ~rawzuru, ter how small or how far if not
son Bobby DeanMr and Mrs Johnl
Haak and Mr. and ~Irs. H. W]-" "-!under the employ of the govern-
mer joined other relatives for apac~- merit? I
nic su-ner Saturda- in *h^ ~-^--^ 1 ~ grea~ amerence ma~ was
PI'* .Y L ~ /IUIII~
~ brought out concerning rural routes
n~ l~V~:n~a4v~S'on~e r~eo~::~Pa~l:i~tis the difference between a regular
I route and a Star route A regular
son co home on Iurlougn~rom~
,~ ,~' ~ i route ~s under salary while a Star
~amp uanoorne. {route is bid on by different people.'
Sunday guests ofMrs. MargaretI Space on railroads is bought in'
Burke were a nephew Harry LaRue. cubic measurements per annum and
of Waterloo and her daughter Mrs.~payed for by the government {
Clarence Roegler, husband and soul The different classes of mail are
Darrell of West Branch. Guests Wed- ! divided as follows: 1st class---let-
nesday for a picnic dinner were Mrs. l ters, sealed or unsealed if written
Bob Burk, Mrs. Irvin Terry, daugh- and conferring information in any
ter Rowena and Mrs. George Myers form to another person. This also
and daughter Irene, all of Cedar includes postal cards.
i Rapids. ] 2rid class---all newspapers, period-
icals magazines etc They
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reiger and ' . require
no postage if delivered within the
Sc ~le~Ug:n~llaannace?ll~a~ra ~ea~ w::~ i ~tse :[ ththceoudtistributing Postl
end by the death of Mrs Reiger's~3r 1 ' Y' - -
: i a e ass--clrcumrs ann SUCh
ann ~vLr. t~ear's oro~ner-m-taw, wes-~wei hin less than 8 ounces
~uYg eR:eg e:eSt 2r e ~ n~oMrS oRn e ~er s ~n d! 4t~le sC~ ~S~n ani~ h ta rot iuCnl ee s W:~dg h~ng
and Mr. Bear stopped at Pierson for n
I- : .~ : "z ".L [ llIUl-e man sevemy pounuS ana nav-
a ume~ ws~ wzm ills morner, zvtrs, ling a girth of not more than 100
Effie Bare. inches. ~'
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Ellison re- Firearms and ammunition can be
turned Saturday from a three'mailed only by licensed distribu-
week's western trip, stopping at tors, and positively no liquors,
many places of interest and beauty matches, or anything highly inflam-
enroute to and from California, mable can be mailed.
where they visited Mr. Ellison's bro- Along with these and many other
ther William and wife, a daughter interesting facts, Mr. McHugh gave
I Mrs, Lee Hoffmaster and famlXl~ us two very interesting talks on
and friends. A son and wife, Mr. and how our Post Office Department
Mrs. Harold Ellison of Cedar Rapids i functions.
accompanied them. i FRESHMAN NEWS
l Several of us had our seats
Mrs Ray Frederick and .M~ssI changed in general science Tues-
nzaoem were hostesses a~ amner da T
n rm I Y. na~ makes me mira ume
Sunday he o" g the oirmuays oiIPo~ w~ hn~ h~,~, ,~, ~
Mrs. Jerome Medal of Maywood, Ill I -Six" weel~Ys te~st's-weren't so ba,~
Jacob Lievense of South Chicago t -- "
' I ior mos~ oi us, out on.Thosere-
and Ray Frederick Sharing the or~ r~ ~
courtesy were Mr. Medal, daughter ~Oh~a ~ON()MICS
Dorothea, Mrs. Lievense, daughters[ wo hnvo finieha .l m~lr{na n,- R~o
Louise and Marjory and Elmer and I- "'~ -7-~ -':'~,"~'~ ""~:"",'~.
garmems an~ nave s~artea a new
Leo ~reQerlcK. LVIISS ~oromea ann I ,mi on hn,~,~ ,~,~;,~ 'Phi~ ,;N
Miss Louise are students at Cornell ": ~ - ~ ~ ~ ; o s .:.~ :.~
Qealwl~n Qlets Ior me SICK nrs~ alu
College. etc. '
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Young and The first meeting of the Home
Mr. Young's cousin Mrs. L. D. Den- Making Club was held Monday
his of Cedar Rapids left Wednesday I Officers are: Pres Frances key-
for Liberty, S. C to attend the inolds; Vice-Pres Wilma Beasmore;
wedding of the Youngs' son, Dr. ISec Nola Robertson; Treas Wan-
DeWalt S. Young of New York[dalene Achey.
City and Miss Catherine Allgood.[3RD AND 4TH NEWS
The wedding will take palce at five[ Mrs. McCall visited school on
o'clock Saturday evening in the lThursday, key. and Mrs. Lament
Baptist church at Easlev, S. C. The~C. Smith of Brandon visited school
reception following will be in the]Monday.
home of the bride's mother, Mrs.] Those who received 100 per cent
Ruth Thompson Allgood at Liberty. in spelling Friday were: 5anice
It's Yours with Every Standard
Package of 7 Bulbs Purcha. ed
This Special Offer Expires November 15, 1941
Order Nowl Save 20 ,
of Mrs. ]
All the ,
the follc
at Mrs. :
With Mr:
No 5, ,
E. Solm,
J. R. Ey
sion No
the othe
Having decided to break up housekeeping, I will hold a comolete closing out sale of
all m household oods Also m strsctl modern r lock"
y g y " y 6-oom-home, located 2 b
south of D-X oil station, Lisbon, Iowa, on
Satur( lay C ctober
COMMENCING AT 1 0 CLOCK SHARP The Following Described PropertY:
Household Goods d
Concert Grand (Sterling) piano and bench; two 9x12 rugs, one is an Axminster
the other a Wilton; 4 nice rockers; quarter sawed library table; hall tree; fine
tional book case (4 sections); wall pictures; dandy oak wardrobe; oval glass
closet; dining room table and 6 choice leather seated chairs; Magic Chef gas
with insulated oven; kitchen cabinet; some dishes, and silverware; nearly new
man oil burning stove, only used a very little, there are 6 or 7 Joints of nine and
some nice clean quilts and comforters; clothes drier, electric vacuum cleaner.
A practically new drop head sewing machine with all special attachments, this wss
bought new just a little while before my wife died and is in perfect shape.
There will be a lot of fruit jars, stone jars; kitchen utensils: some dishes" laW
mower; small ice box; curtains on the windows and many things not mentioned. I
selling everything.
DESCRIPTION OF THE HOME --- This cozy little 6-room (and bath) home ise.
of the pleasantest places to live you would ask for. There is a nice living room, a
ing room, kitchen and a very nice downst airs bed room on the first floor which all
beautiful oak floors, the rooms are all fixed so one can close off any nortion desire "
There are 2 nice bed rooms upstairs with a very nice bath room between the
also a large hall at the top of the stairs which makes a wonderful little sewin roO :;
There is plenty of nice closet room. The whole upstairs is finished in natural haru
HE TING SYSTEM The home has fine hot water heat furnished by an AreOla
that really furnishes plenty of heat at a very low cost. The plumbing is all in lirs
class repair giving access to hot and cold water at all times. There is also a good
water cistern.
REMARKS -- The house has just been newly painted, a nice snow white. Therei.S
cemented basement and as good a foundation as there is made under this home.
accommodations for coal or wood was built on the west side of the property There
-- --" "U
some fruit This home ]s located on a race corner lot, close to the new school a-
has a wonderful south front. This will make someone a dandy little home.
TERMS AND POSSESSION -- 20% of the purchase price to be paid sale daY, to
, how good faith; 30% on or before December 1st. Balance can be financed to
sponsible parties at a reasonable interest rate. Warranty deed and abstract shoWt
good and merchantable title will be furnished the purchaser.
Possessmn" can be had Nov. 1st, by comply'rag wRh" the above terms. Parties w' sh g"
to look over the property may do so by seeing the owner or the auctioneer.
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lisbon
Lisbon Bank & Trust Co