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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 16, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 16, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE MOUMT VERNON, IO%VA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Thursday, October 16, 1941 Thurs& N[I||T~II Miss Norma Nachtrieb spent the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emerson rj~l week end with her parents in Can- of Delhi were Sunday guests of her --' cads. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whit- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gee and aker. DAVID SCOTT BUCKLIN ~*.~1 ^* c.* 1 n~ Sunda" . . Ra~,~, ,~ oo, = op,-,j Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Palmer and David Scott Buckhn, 72, retired : . ~. ~x.^ ~ ~.~ r~^ ~v~m.~; w~.~ ~,~. it ~,~. ~= family of Cedar Rapids were Sun- farmer and salesman, died Oct. 0 Stentz The ladies are sisters day callers in the home of Mrs. at noon in his home here. He was A A Benton and daughter," Mrs . . Cora Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- a Rapid City, S. D hospital She later returned to the home of her son, and home late last week. Mrs. Ben Dolan of Prairieburg spent Monday with Mrs. H. J. Christian and Mary Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer and Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn is in the hospital following an op- CEDAR VALLEY DAIRY DESERVES CREDIT Perhaps no part of agriculture has made such forward strides in the past few years as dairying. When we speak of dairying today, we must first consider the fact that ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL FILLS A CIVIC NEED Of all the institutions which go to make a city commercially ef- ficient, none is of greater import- ance than the hospital and Cedar Rapids is fortunate in having St. Harshall Hi man Represents THE METROPOLITAN SUPPLY COMPANY Boar Mr. Marshall Hickman, a Cot- SEP~ nell alumnus, represents in this ter- Irate cI Io ritory the Metropolitan Supply Co. born Jan 16 1869 on a farm near ' " Nlra Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse bur Whltaker. Palmer and son of Cedar Rapids eration, it is one of the -reatest assets to Luke's hospital, one which is a This company manufactureS The Boa, naonuc~io, son oz fl.onn ana ~e-Carnahan wereSunday dinner The Ladies Progressive Club will were Sunday viistors in the Mr n " ~'-" - Decca ~tover tlucKnn ~urv1vlng Mr n Mrs C a're " " ' * l a y commumty--tt ts one or our splendidly equipped and managed school supplies which have an 0 adjournn guests of . a d . l I Car- meet Friday wlth Mrs. Bert Cooper. and Mrs Samuel Palmer home K'%,--J.---I I" Governm excellent reputation throughout this ~Sded by S wire ms wmow are veima ~ernaro " " IJt~|[LJ['~l l~l][I][[ I cut's greatest sources or institution. On moti~ . . .' . : nahan at Paralta. Mesdames C. C. Wells, Wilbur A new machine shed is being 'income--it is nation 1 ~ ~* locality, of ~e meetin~ J.yn.n and Dale of Ceaar.~ap}as, Mrs. Harold Clark and Danny Whitaker and Miss Lena Whitcombbuilt and a number of buildings Mrs. MAlton Koch land' is a ~, This institution is prepared to I Quick to appreciate the value tproved i pracucaHy the only ulvmmn care for its patients, who c meithe community of this progressive 'Aye" ther a sister, lvlatue lxeea oz ~llverton -- .' Ray of Cedar Rapids were Thurs- were hosteses to the Bethany Circle on the P. T. Mitchell farm are. un- The date of the next meeting of I of our agricultural enterprises from all over this section in a corn- concern, the people of the county On tootle uregon, a oromer, donn J=SUCKIln OI ~eJ:~ehZdadll l~vit~::T;pUp:~ ~oh~een~r ~rad.1 !~S!o;;e~o~nmh~! nFM~:~a~.;ay~~~fO~u~giaY/ ~lby Save: ~ day guests of Mrs. Marvin Pearson, on Tuesday afternoon. .aergomg remoaenlng: . The iarm the Social Circle Club has been [ which affords the producer--the petent way. A spirit of sympathy have always been loyal to the sUP- ~ton was z m occuplea oy m~'.; ann mrs. ~amuel changed to meet with Mrs Chas man who milks the cows--a year and understanding is reflected in port of this institution which gives 'Aye" ther " " " . 1 ~-almer ann iamny. ' ~ roun in Dewey on Thursday, Oct 30. j d come. the attitude of every employee and employment to a number of pc0- ~ars. t~nes~er WOlZe ann aaugnters .0 o~. ~.--~ ] The Cedar Valle Dair w i ~ ~'1 Mr. and Mrs. Francl~ .~,=, ,an. -~o - their policy indicates a sincere de-I~ plc and" brings" money into this seC o ]~PERVIs{BE IT R ville. Funeral services were con- ~r.;X ann nars. --loya~ ~'~oxwell of xuew'" ' hampton.'" . . o~ ln mn arevlslmrs ~.n me par- as their dinner guests on Sunday ] ganized for the purpose of furnish- I sire to serve with small regard for i tion from all parts of the countrY. That it auc~ea ~un(lay .in me n unze ~u- Nashua spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Ralph Brush and Roger of en.~ai w. ~. ~nerman . Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, jr, Of:'ing the best dairy products possible ifinancia1 reward. ~Ylrs. b. 2* Jonnston. OlS~rlct (11- -- I" -- "" "" '"-- and has succeeded admire-- People realize the real value of ~ovided b: rector Mr .~namosa, Mr. ann nars ~tarry ~a- ~my, a,ml nerai, home a} z.~o p.m l~ev. ~ ~. the doctor's mother, Mrs. Retta Cedar Rapids were guests the past - . ; s.~. w. ~earnar~, poetry ward Dorcas and Mr and Mrs there is no question but that their ! St. Luke's hospital is equipped J local industries and the great sd- ~ade of Io ~ogg~e .n.~a charge. ~urml was in Jenson. Dr. Boxwell had been at- week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. chairman" Mrs. J ~ J~owalsn presl ' - " -. - " i popular --roducts are per- m" -~-with adult beds in well lighted I vantage in using as many prodUCtS ~ttlement ;' ". . ' harry ~orcas zrom near lnsoon, i P " ~" wards and private rooms. The en- ins possible that are made at home.tit:~ch of th me ~'ralrleDurg cemetery, tending the veterinarian meeting. Dillard Merritt. ~en~ o z ~.onaay clue; aria ~ars. Rev. and Mrs. C F. Hartzell are isuperl r to any obtainable on the tire establishment is equipped with I Clark Beems, the President and ~LEw, .~Ai ------- R Herman Chudzinski and family Mr and Mrs Charles Valasek and c~u~" a~:YdAel~geat%nZr ml Zcne/::ai the proud grandparents of Robert market today PRESBYTERIAN CHU CH . Mfi/2t modern hospital fixtures including General Manager of this firm is to Hos,ital Rnndav .~chool at 10 o'clock vacated the property recently put- family of Toledo were Sunday visit- F~~ o 1 w~,~h'~n ~,~ ~, ~ ,~,t, chased by yd W odworth, Men- ors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~on of the second, district of Iowa~ L:::a:dncW: ghoin: ?dXl~lb.S'aa~dserF~;erly:::fvg ~e:nhe :~a~tt i~s ktlPet X-Ray equipment, be congratulated for a real service ~10nbym tiCsuve '--Quench~" not the Spirit.: Y ,': -day"-They- moved into the Del- J. K. Romans. . ~eaera~ed Women s Clubs held. inI Leonard Iversen of Cedar Rapids policy of the institution not only St. Luke's hospital is equipped to to the State of Iowa and to the ~ Rhea r '1~,~ will ha ~ r~lh, ~f ]a,~hv pert ~aDarge house. Mrs. ~v~ary ~ewnard entertained uouque. The opening meeung: at St Luke's hospital on Oct 11 to produce milk and cream that care for medical, surgical and ob- City of Cedar Rapids in particular, ~d Assista ~ri'~'~'v ~'ma -n~a-nl'~- ".~',n~v-~ Mrs. Harold Clark of Cedar Rap- at dinner at the Mary Ann tea room was aaonoay azzernoon, mesaames Thi~ i~ ~h,~ ~-]'sr},all~ ~,e~ a,~,~," Iwill pass inspection but to turn ou stetrlcal cases of any sort, includ- in opening channels of trade here- ~r month, "~""~ ~" " nn r n ' ~ ~, t tofore unknown to local industrY, l~41. was q .'o|.~lr th h h In~t ~ lUS gave a ol e a o meagre party in ueaar ~aplas ~unaay Mr. and H H. Cooper, Willis McGrew, G. L. Mrs. Iversen is the former Elana Ipr ducts that are as near an ap-'ing as it does doctors of establish- 'aye' the~ [he ~I~en'wo~d'~res ;ter~an"c~t~rcl~ Friday for Mrs. Marvin Pearson of Mrs. James Clark and daughter of ~v~e a~tenaea w eanesa.ay. . Hartzell. Mrs. Hartzell will go on Ipr ach to the acme of perfection ed ability on its staff: and the sat- On motic ~, O,~, ~o,~a ~ ~ h Los Angeles. Mount Vernon and Bert Jordan. . s. ~. nun~e conunues to re- Sunday to the Iversen home for a as modern machinery and up-to- isfaetion expressed by those who "COOPE SANE by Sup ~'ol~'b W hani,~, ~, h James Palmer of Camp Clalborne, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodworth ~.~ee,s ?r: i~a~Oi2r~a~imren~ md ~t. few days to assist in their care. date methods will permit Many I tltiavVe been their patients is indiea- APPROACH TO MARKET" *sgnations ,~l. All m~ ~'"'~ !t' e of the results it achieves. .~ --~*~-~--~m~H~" ~-.~ ~. ~--.~ ~ h La is Onr furlough,n r vlsltmg h~s par- spent the week end in the Park p t: aa ~tap as. There will be no Sunday school Im thers of so-called bottle-fed ING PROBLEMS OF ~endentHilda of SC cuts, M . a d M s. W. S. Palmer. Delancy home in Prairieburg. On Miss LoisNewman and Hilda on Sunday, Oct 19, at Rev Hart- I babies highly praise the energiz- I We heartily commend St. Luke's bctober 1, Allender of Cedar Rapids spent zell's as he will'be away " ling contents of the Cedar Valley hospital on its fine management. PRODUCERS MaryAnn unCeChrtstianEngagementand Stanley f Smith idsWinnifredand Sgt.WileYwilliam f CedarDavisonRaP-of berg.SUnday they all motored to Gutten- Tuesday in the Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Merry Lous 4-H girls held a meet IDairy products. 1030 Mt. Vernon ------ 5epartmentLaura Mrs. Harry Freeman has an- Camp Claiborne, La,were Sunday Mrs. Albert Babcock and John Newman home. ing at the home of Donna YeisleytDr" S.E. Phone 2-5536. CEDAR Through their own organization Ardyce nounced the engagement and up- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dew of Mount Vernon were Sun- Mr and Mrs. T. J. Risden of Ce- on Saturday afternoon. Doris De-I ~ dairy men now bargain collectively tent. effec On moti preaching marriage of her daughter Wiley, Virginia and guests in the home of Mrs. Bess dar Rapids were supper guests Sat- cious was a guest and spent the !LINN CO-OP 0IL CO. AUTOMBILE CLUB with the milk companies for their ~ by Sup, Mary Imogene Christian to Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan on Fount. urday evening of Mrs. Delia Trim- week end in the Yeisley home. I SHARF~ IN PROGRESS OF SERVES ~[OTORISTS ~VEL~ supply. ff Mary K Pollock Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Friday evening visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Bonkey of Storm ble. Mrs. Lloyd Neal spent several lLINN COUNTY There is no organization that ler and consumer alike, tt a salary Harry H Smith of Springville. Kenneth Strah and twins of Min- Lake was a Sunday afternoon vis- ~ days with her mother, Mrs. Minnie I "~- / The result has benefitted prodUC- ~ the Cot will contest more strenuously as I Producers receive a better price ~ of Octo~ Miss Christian is a graduate of neapolis in the Mr. and Mrs. Ern- itor in the home of Mrs. Frank ~ ~-~ ~r.*i! Goudy in Cedar Rapids, who has~ Cooperation is the biggest word well as powerfully unfair trafficfor their product--their weights kl,onallmoti,met the local school and has been era- est Carnahan home in Whittier. Woodworth. O~OLL~ l 1111 not been so well the last few days. ' in the dictionary. It is the power regulations and dangers to motor- and butterfat tests are fast guardea ~l by Su] ployed in Cedar Rapids. Mr. Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley were Mrs. Georgia Murry of Anamosa Mrs. Gerald Scott Mr and Mrs. Milton Koch and that binds states and nations Splen- isis than an efficient auto club or- --they are assured of steady mar- ~aolution was graduated from the Viola high hosts at a family reunion and pie- was a Sunday viistor in the home to~ ~haSdS:dde2~dMr 2 iJ2~ Ann::ll~%2r~2tday2/tes~nOO; ~d school and received his degree from nic Sunday. 25 were in attendance, of her son, Edward Murry andFriT~:yCt~n~em:nl e ict2tP::2titl~ehi:iesta~ioShepd a~d Autoganizati nClub. likeTheytheconstantlyCedar RapidShave ketstartingat top fromPriceS'nothtng a few "Yc"Resolvedthe, Cos college, where he was affiliated Mr. and Mrs. Jan. A. Reed of Lis- famliy, south of town - at Martelle and Ted.Nelson at Me- Company at Marion, 23rd at Sev- at heart the best interests of the years ago the Cedar Rapids Co 0p ff Linn ( with Alpha Delta Alpha, and Scab- ben were callers of Miss Ella Faust Mrs. Serena Neilson spent Sun- ~'eter ~ooper at a ceaa.r ~aplds hen- chanicsville, enth Ave. They are competent to motorists and do all in their power Dairy Co has grown to a point~orak~f Ltnna bard and Blade. Sunday. day afternoon in the home of her plmL A prayer service was con- Born to Mr and Mrs Roland eli- advise the correct oil and grade to preserve their rights. Member- until now it is recognized through" lsnuary 1. --------- St. Theresa Circle met Wednes- grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward ducted by Rev. J. B. Eyestone at ~hant of Tocldville at St Luke'.~ for your motor The annual fall theatre party and day with Mrs. A. E. Ernst.Marry, south of town. the home at 12:3.0 on Sunday, with hospital in Cedar Rapids, a ~o~--on This firm is home owned for the ship in the club for the first year out the United States as one of the ~r Class ' is $15.00, after that it is only $10. strongest, most efficient of its kind ~ said rill dinner of the M. O. B. Club is be- Mrs. Marvin Pearson spent Sat- Mr and Mrs. Rollo Patten en- services ann burial ac wiuiamsourg October 10 Mrs Oliphant is a benefit of the home community. A decidedly nominal fee when you in the United States. ~aws o~ .I~ ing held this afternoon and eve- urday with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pear- tertained 30 relatives Sunday. The at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Meeks, niece of ~s Milton Koch They deal in quality gasoline, kero- consider the year round service ~ed that ning in Cedar Rapids. son at Whittier. occasion honored Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Caldwell, Mr. ' " sene, tractor fuel, oils and greases. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robertson Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Whitham of Thad Penn of Viola, who were eels- and Mrs Fred Thompson, Mr andi ~ They specialize in serv to their which you receive, in OhU:vi=a?::ha:elindeedmarkettngf rtunate ~Ualilicatio ",lee of Martelle were Saturday evening Anamosa were Friday supper guests brating their birthdays Mrs. Peter Dvorak, Mr. and Mrs. l ~ern'am customers. With them their first Any information pertaining to facilitiesgfor thePr~eddaiirdy pe~lfficient ~Au,!ltol routes and road conditions is avail- where they are assured o~r ducts ~' authori callers in the Mr. and Mrs. James of their sister, Ella Faust. Mr and Mrs L J Ro~e and Don- thought is the customer and his Kelly home. Mrs. P. W. Sterner entertained the na Mac motored'to" Boone Sunday entire satisfaction, able to members The latest in-grading and honest weightfs. Pr;pee; t~licant ~ The Co~ Mr and Mrs Carl Lundeen of Fancy Work Club, Thursday after to e formation rezardmg detoursand are makm u n far - s e Mr Rose's sister Mrs G A When you buy here you are heln- " ' " g o r section know ~rable repc ' " " - ~ road cons r e " " -" 're near Marion were Saturday lunch noon. Betzenderfer, who is very ill They lug yourself If you spend your . t u tlon is received daily and wide by the supemor serVl koposed , ' ~ - an~ ma s l guests of Mrs. Christina Lundeen. Mrs. W. C. Hoffman, Mrs. Paul also called at their brother's Ros-i money with a home concern ~,-, p,ogs, route books, hotel to dairy interests ~ad Distr Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and Ewart and son Wfllard, Mrs. Harry lees Rose. I have the goods, and the money is g des and camp directions help to The production of milk, crea~ the. :f n wi son Or ceoar Rapids were week Freeman, Mrs. Hubert Newman, Mr. S.G. Hegarty returned toStun-!An infant daughter preceded her Thursday, Oct. 9, at 9:17 p.m. in kept at home" but if you snend it complete this service. They assist and butter is a proposition tha~ w~Lmmen, end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren and Mrs. Harry Emckson and Mary I wood Sunday after snendina three m death about nine weeks ago. [ Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids where with a foreign concern ,~ou h~v~ you to plan a trip if you wmh. They should appeal to every owner even two-tentl ~" ~' '' ' " ~ ~ mail hcens ' n Brown. Jean called Wednesday to see Mrs. I weeks with his daughter Mr ~nn Mrs. Gerald Scott visited her I she had been a patient for eight the goods and the~ h~w *~- " e plates to members, of a small farm as it is well knO~ the Wen Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNeflly and Lulu Batchelder in Anamosa. I Mrs. Earl Lehr. i nlece, Mrs. Rolland Ohphant and tweeks. Mrs. Cooper was born at money. So let's get our shoulder hmlna.ttng the standing in long fact that this mode of farming ton 35, West : tl~ family of Bancroft spent Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gritman and ] Mr. and Mrs Ralph Fowlie me- ! little son at St. Luke's hospital in ] Williamsburg on November 27, 1910. to the wheel and push together one a~ issuing time. You have the builds up the land and at the sam~ appraxin day night with Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bob of Walker were guests of his!tored to Rochester, Minn, Sundav iCedar Rapids on Monday afternoon. In addition to her husband, she is You can appreciate the fact that benefit of protection, security, con- time makes the producer more ~L3) Brown mother, Mr Elizabeth Gritman, on land snent the day with ~i~o ~lThe baby has been named Jean I survived by her mother Mrs Mar- thousands of dollars are nlaced in venience, service and economy, money than he could make bY *~orthwe: Mrs. Lulu Batchelder of Ann- Sunday. ] Morrow a nurs,~ at ~h,~ M~-~ h"~ /Ray and was born on Friday eve- I garet Evans, who lived in the local circulation in this communit,- Briefly, they are at the beck and grain farming and then he realize ship 8"2 mesa, Max Batchelder of Iowa City Mrs Amelia Larsen moved this ltal lVIlss Morrow has visited"the ning Oct 10 Cooper home also three sisters" ~by this company which otherwise all of their member motorists day immediate cash returns a road Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dunlap were week into her bungalow home re- Powlies here several times She Mrs. John :napp suffered a bad- Mrs. Elias Jones of Williamsburgi would never make the acquaintance and night. The Cedar Rapids Co-op Dairy Andlengthth~a: Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- cently constructed on her farm at I will soon leave for California to IlY injured ankle last week. i Mrs. Mary Slaymaker of Marengo; I of the people of this territory. They Greatest appreciation of this as- Co with Dell Van Note, preS; .R" ~0mmended ry Erickson. the west edge of town enter a hosnital there Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bachman and and Mrs. James Davis of Milan, Ill.; will see that you receive promnt sociation comes from the members N. Fitzgerald, vice pres.; M. W*D tion ~! saidby Ses = --- a Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ricker of l Mr and l~Irs Frank" Stin~er and lMax spent the week end with land one brother, Roger Evans of I attention at all times and the best themselves This is evident by the. Schrim, sec'y and treas, and R. ' " iU~ervt~or Cedar Rapids spent the week end friends m Milwaukee Win E1 in Parnell of petroleum roduets ]ncream Stallman general mgr is thU I family of near Mount Vernon were I g ,I I p . " . "nz number of renewals I ' " a t~proved / Free Prompt Removal,with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Palmer. I Sunday guests in the home of their Jill', and other points. 1 A short prayer service was held t ~ every year. Whether you drive a I aamng much to this section aS ~r two ~' ~d the C ] of all I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman were ] mother, Mrs. Bertha Stin~er Other I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Streets and ! Sunday at 12:30 in the home con- I WILDER ~.] lI~ on v~ ~T Ford or the finest custom-built car. [ valuable market, at our door for ~blieh no~ !,Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and l~uests wer~ Mr ~na ~ "A,~,v Carol spent Saturday night and ducted by Rev. J B Eyestone of a~v~-~'-;'~'~.~"~ ~.~:.'~.~U" you receive courteous and consid- tor the products of the farmers. ~azette as I DEAD RTOCK ~ ]Mrs. Paul Ewart, east of town. ]Litts of Cedar Rapids ]Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Floyd] Mount Vernon, with funeral services/~jtDLw /-llU l~t) l~flkl~M]~]~ crate service. Call them on the ] ~ the 1939 ( ,| I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander I Mrs John Busch nf Dnv@nnnr~ ;~ I Declous, and were supper guests I at 2:30 p.m. in the Methodist church ] T, ~.a phone and they will serve you as I ~- -- ~m .~ i ~g "Aye" ar rcapmsat ~Vl lztnAve . ' " il FREE ltem val Ivr The Cou ,Cull ~," N~.nroet Phana [ ]and Carol Ruth of Chicago were 1 ~nondlna s ~glv ~rlfh h ~ ] in the Gerald Scott home. at Williamsburg, conducted by Rev I .~ z~ ph~ 9 -- ~ " quick as humanlv possible In a ~able rel~ ii "~" o "" *'"-- F"''~'~*o ' ~ l~; -~1 O [HIS cooperative" " * ,~nll~et,~ week end guests of Mr. and Mrs ] Mr and Mrs E H Levsen ' ] Mr and Mrs Harry Decious ] J. W. Zerbe. Burial was in the Oak I h~2".L ? " ' . :. . . protective as well as in a aurorae- the propo~ Pearl and Lee Graham of H,- loons and John Mr. and Mrs Don ] cem t y Pall bearers were: tin ]tlve way, members are served faith-I~ .e ompt | ~" ]I John Alexander "1 ' " ' Hill e er ~ the enviable reputation ot De- . ~ad Distr - ' " Geor Gains " s ,~-,u,s the county S most thor- . ~l U~Q ~OCK |he fo!lowi ~ ~g]~' ]~1~ A~I~. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mr. ington Beach Calif arrived Sun Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd] ge s, Sherwm Caldwell ou~hlv den~ndnhlo ~ fully by Cedar Rapids Auto Club. ! ~ v I ~eondar !~ IP' I " epresenta- [ 2t ! and Mrs. J. C. Patten, Mr. and Mrs. day for a few days visit with" their' Declous and Gary were supper Peter Dvorak, Wllham Meeks Fred I tire business concerns en -- You can write them, phone or ~ L,I~ ~VI~L]5~'I" Anamosa 542 iT .w. Po!!ock attended open house sister in Marion and with friends guests in the L. H. Cave home in Thompson, and Paul Kilborn i buving and seli'ing of grai~~ed In stop at their headquarters in the i Mechanicsville rayett~ ,| I nel(1 in the ~ev. ann Mrs. F. ~ here it has been 12 ve~r~ ~,~, ]Lisbon on wednesday evening. ]lwrs. t:ooperwasamemoeroztnel;Fh~,a "~ / Montrose Hotel Bld~ for any in ~,Section. .~ [Young home in Cedar Rapids Sun I Mr and Mrs Wfllard Hoffman of Methodist church at Williamsburg ,formatmn n 209 tanwood 800 ! . - they left Springville and they find "" " "1 . . . throughout this section, always o membership you de- . tion 5,' i I day afternoon, in observance of lmany changes here. Sprlngvllle spent Friday evening in The .fatal y. had lived in this com- paving top prices for all ~rai, ]sire. The Cedar Rapids Auto Club, Tlpton West Branch West, th ,Mr- Vernan 11000 i Itheir golaen wedding anniversa.~ ] Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dunlap were ]the Ralph Duncan home I .only smce March 1, bUt[Th'ey also handle all kinds off':ell"" iunder the efficient and experienced I,e~(~ 4. 1,approxin # i ~ ainner was nela zor me immeai- 1 Monday afternoon callers in Ano / Mr and Mrs Max Waln andtaurlng that ume nan mane many balanced f " management of J T Taylor weli ~ -v I ling at II I| urday night - Mr "and Mrs "Warren Waln'and sympathy" to the husband mother" eeds. that ou om NOW" 'A m' -~! DANLYRendering~orkS ~ ~ section ~ ate family in the Young home Sat mesa Jeanette of LancasterW~s and friends all of whom extend their comes ou M t Of l arrestS SANITARY I . " where they visited their ' " 1 ' They have always assisted mater- y . ay we again suggest, ~ ' 8 West. D~r~o~r~ or~ . . :' daughter Mrs. Lulu Batchelder in I ',ially in the growth and develop-[ y j ' . embershipl ' Section u a~,'~a~a~ ~ ~. i Mr ann ~vlrs. n. u. uarDee, can- I the Sm~,kil~ hom~ Dickie. of Monticello spent Sunday ann omer removes, ment of the county by furnishing in this club is of vital importance, i I .~tate, l,i~'cn~." No. 7 t SoutheaSsection Cedar Rapids, Iowa Ied Saturday a~e, rnoon+mthe homel Mr and Mrs. E. A. Ralston of Ely in.the Earl W aln home. . TELLS OF MILAN TRIP such a favorable market for the Iparticularly these .days and times,!Cleai~ -- Fast -- Service I :~$ "?" ~".'~'~ ~ 7." I were ~a~uraay visitors in the home ! ~vlrs. -~ax wain, oeane~te, Mrs. I A f~+ e ~h ; [ grower of grain, In fact due to [ ann lc costs so little. [ -- - ~ - ~ -- ! Range distance | ~uw~ ~,~. ~ ~,t:u,tu,-,~eny m ~eaar ~taplus. I of their son Ralph and familv I warren wain and Dickie, Mrs. Earl . '~;' ',7 ~ ~"~ ~":~ .~.;~" I their efforts many farmers have i I ~ %@ the NE -- I lll LIIU 1V ~2tIIU~llSl, cnurcn on ~rlaa = tion 7, | License No. 1 [ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee call-[ Mrs. A. C. Port, Mrs Guy" Per-Iwaln and Catherine called on Mrs. l i ;,~ ; ~Y]gone into the grain business on a l I S West. ,~ ed in the J. W. Carbee home at Mt. [ kins and Mrs Charles ~Iakes call I Floyd Decious and Gary on Sun- ] ~,i've'=-~ ;'~'" ;"~;;T~,==='"=~ i much larger scale ~ ! ~i ~ the NE ~ -~-- ~:~ Vernon Sunday afternoon " -day morning ~ ~,j o. ~. ~. ~v,~, ~. In m k' ' ,ed on Mrs. Ruth Goodyear in Mar- her recent vacation" trl' to Mich" a lug this progress issue ~ t ~ion 6, ' IlllIIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIlII Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. ion and Mrs Ro~, Patten in Central Doris Decious visited over the I P " Iwe are availing, ourselves of +h~ i]P RELIANCE MANUFACTURING CO West, ar an Mr A1 er P llo / - -, . lgan. t:ongregafionai singing open-I ~ ~ " I I~ d s. b t o ck and Mrs. icity Saturday week end with Donna and Marllyn o~ h -, ~ ~^n^. ^.~l Pp rtunity to compliment this~ I tance of [ I. S. Pearson motored to Burlington[ Mr~ A (' ~ h~ ,~.~ [Yeisley. I ~ 2"'?. v ~ram anu .~.~ *.~,~u [ firm upon their eomm,nd.h~ ~,~! [ [MACHINE WORKS of . ,~: n o o~ ~,~ -,~ wire the invocation given Dy l~ev. - o.-,at, or n I Su day, where they were guests oflGet.Together club of the Wires/ Mrs. Harry Declous and Mrs'lJ B E-estone A ,rouT, of ~ele~ Iness methods by providing an out-/] .xw~ s, !,Dr. and Mrs. .Ge rge Pearson. Mrs. Io.~ ;.hr h n~ ~xron ~.~ a ] Sherwin Caldwell accompanied t .:'~ ' 'uun~ were gi'-'-vea by the orchestra" /let for the farmers' gram". 1016 Second Ave S W. Range 8 ! I DI~TTI~B,Pearson remained for a week's visit]afternoon IDonald Caldwe11 to Bemidji Minn. Ire ~i ":1 ~ ]' * :y ,or ~l~ /,r n l with her son and the remainder Mr. and Mrs. 0 J Emmons andithe last of the week, where they Sco~t'~:v:~w~e;~an~:?ut n~ers.~,r2~l~ae HONEYMEAD It: Cedar Rapids [ two-tent]of Linn I ~ I motored to Kansas City before re-IMr and Mrs L "L Doolittle oflassisted him in returning their Flower Son- and 'Twili hi"' An I And the I CLEANER ] g' g"" t'lt~l M/U~'I'~ (:OMl'~flt IN 1 turning home. Anamosa s ent Sunda at McGre household good here, where Mr. and . y ~ended in [ David and Ruth Young of Des or. P Y g" Mrs. Caldwell will reside nouncements and benediction were VALUABLE AID TO FARM !~- -: ~- -----~=. ~ ~ ~ =~ -. ~; raid Secan I Molnes were Saturday night guests Mrs Nora Deal of Cedar Ra lds gwen by Rev Eyestone Mrs Ger INDUSTRY hr S~;servi The Port families entertained on " . P' l ald Scott of'division ~lo 4," read ~ ~ tisor Pett~ of their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. I Sun was a cauer ~unaay afternoon in " ~" ~roved an( day at a pmnlc dinner m the the re ram The feedtn ~ ~ T.W. Pollock. Their parents, Mr I O ~ F the Gerald Scott home P g " . g of livestock and! ~~" .~ . ~ two o'cloei l fl i and Mrs. Cecil Young attended a~cousins Mr and Mrs CharlesI Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beach Ken-I HAVE 57TH ANNIVERSARY for ' ) "] . . ~9' llUnOl~lIl~ ~nelr ~ DOUltry ls the all-important factor~ Lab aotk~ II II ~r'IlI " ", ' . ~v*v II~UVL~LIILy of chicks in- family droner In the F. G. Young tHakes of Los An~ele~ ~allf qm~,~ ]neth and Bonnie of Cedar Rapids, [ Mr and Mrs George Kln~ on I ' devenden o ~, m ~elgn~ early maturlty to I m m ~ ~ I home m Cedar Rapids in observance were 26 nresent A a d eh" f spent Sunday afternoon in the home I Thursda Oct. 9th. celebrated their ] o ;-- ". . ~ lAW ~ ~ I tiP" ~ ~ ~t the ] 9~ I[ ~I I ~ ; of their 50th wedding anniversary, lshower wa~ ~ive- ~rh-~dk:r~--is- of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Decious 57th wY(idin~ anniversary The, ~v,;.~,=~ ~.ets, anu.suos~antialt ~[~ra ~ ~. ~ ~ ~oting "A~ The Coo IMiI lI-'I-'ql~ql~ I County Supt W A Shupp, of Ce-] Mr ~.n ~.= "A~" gi2~.' "2- .~-. ] " had as their ~in .'; ~.^~i T".~ " nu.nureas or procurersI l[ Wall~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ~'~ ~ ~ ~ trable rep, ,Car. l~aplas .a~tenaea me rural[fly of Iowa City were Sunday/ ]granason oonn t~aDalKa and Mrs. stantial profits from livestock and the prnpos, Ill ~~lm teachers meeting ~vluay evemnglguests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy McKee.~ . 'ha"~'~'~'~'~. [uaoama ann two sons oames ann poultry production are steady users ~~ra~ Z ~~ ~oad Distr ,|' lm II ]n the ~orls Doian home. ~ne/ Mr and Mrs Clell~n~ Pn~ on / alr~. Will l~Onlnson /Lawrence, Mr and Mrs Ralnh Hol t,e ~n~,~---~ ~ ~ the /ouow: - - produc,i p.- . ,; ,it: ~t~ ~ q~'| teaches the Hoosier Bend school ~ hngsworth all of Cedar Ra lds' "" ~ i " .Itertamed the Wires Corners Corn-/ Mr and Mrs Arthur Vanderbiltt ' P led by the Honeymead Products Seeondar m El~r. 2rae ~a::~t max "rnoma o~./munity Club, Thursday evening, t were" Wednesday evenin~ su--er l~m~ ~ ~n. ~, [Co Cedar Rapids Iowa C,inton g e ~ ~ay olnner guests oi r " . o ~ - v~ o. ~o ' ! ~ Mr nnd Mr~ I. C'. q~h ] M s. Ethel Hart of Marion called [~uests of Mr and Mrs German ] [ HONEYMEAD FEEDS are seMen [ I ~ gl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~'-~ of C mmensecti . Vasty ounuay was ooserveo In ttflca ~ ' -1[ ~t~~ [] ~o~.o, [in the home of her sister, Mrs. J'~Robinson ],~ ~. ] lly pr pared and mixed ac ] mile to [] ~ -- I V. Patten, Sunday morning. She ~Electric lights -"er ~^*~ I,~ ~,h .- ~.~.~ : ~ . . cording to the food reqmrements of I thence : [] ~ -- i lVlX. ana Airs. l-russell ~teea ana ~ - ^ u,- / ~ -- ~ ~ v.=,~, ~ ,-,a -.-, ,-. ~---=~ m *t~epmg with ] ** l've " '- - being a . . . --~ msu a in me .ome o~ ~,~,StOCv. ano pOllttrv. These ~[~[~. family attended a. birthday dlnnerl~,r~m ~. F~^r~u -~e ~,sou. land turned on at the Francis Crock tthe day given by the pastor, Rev. ] f,ao *,rough test and " v " [ miles in /~~ I for Ralph Reed m the home of Jame p~ I farm, Monday. [J. B. Eyestone. Services as usual[, ' ". e cry-earl Townshi And the a v=u um~: u. an ~ucces~ ann profit to a ~n, ed in ~ thelrparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rmh-]Sunday morning from Camp Clai-] od~n DD:2:l~in~s wlr:ngthe barnslnext Sunday. !large number of livestock and poul [ ~ a~eea amue norm oz town "-or i I. - I ~ ~ I1~ ' ~ll~' taid Seeo~ ~etty ~ane ~ml,n o~ ueaarl~es h~?~ ~ ~ y ] . . j hy Su~rv: I ~1 ]Rapids spent Sunday evening with ahiSrParents, Mr. and]Mrs" Forest Decious were among] The Rev. Mr. Hunt of Mount Ver-IW]Hh~7on:h ?:2" ] *nor Petty 1 ~ I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reed. ~,~- ~-~" ~ I the many attending Dairy Cattle non .will speak on Temperance dur-!k g . erstanding and the[ I / - ~/~r ~roved an, ~vlr. ann Mrs. ~. ~ ~rmstrong, Mr [ ~cnwav motor- ~on.r" I'~ s ~o -, -~-,uu. ~ing the pr gram given Friday eve "uw~ea~;e r m ~ern feeding fr m I~ - I r e ' I ~ ) ~ tw 'el el I ~ and Mrs. L. J Miller accompanied edetr thOxf rdent J~ncdtmn .Sunday I Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Russell were ]ning in the Methodist church spon-i~ ?nC::Ca:s iand profitable stand- lishthe Count,notic~ t Y p y wire melrl e sored by members of the Men's o . . n every ~a~ of Honev- ! " - ~ [by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sack ~Wat rloo visitors last week. l Im " . " I I ~ ~azette, a~ m -'~"~t~" ]rmer ~ ~ .vn'~ wnzrla, ~r=anu ~wrs: ] uromer ~vn'. anu ~vlrs. ~:rnes~l Mr nnd M~ urm ~,~,; n Brotherhood All are welcome eao roeas, rmm~r s~ecml needs for,------ lhe 1939 Schwab. Their mother, Mrs. C. A. ] " - ' '","",~' " 1 ?J: -YR'~ ] ~ I nntrltive and healthful essentials as ] I " - - [] oonn ~cnumann ana ~onn ~r. of sons spen~ ~unflay wl~n ~nelr ~ to ri ~ ~.~ The Cou h~ I~ ~U ~I~ ~ [Ma.uok~, ]Schwab, who spent the past week],~ h [ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hamor and l oh. lean and rough foods ' 1 ~ ~r~ ~~ toting "A~ ~ I.~IJIJm m r~ ~ ~[~[[ [ .p. I ln the Schwab home and with other[ /family were dinner guests Sunday Beoause they have an envlabl-! m ~ ~ ~ -~" ~ ihe propo~ mw ,m~ ~mmmmmuwm IllC runner a~ ~,agle r'olnt e'ar~ in - . ~ercner in uavenport. ~,r =' ]Olin)~,` ~,~ [friends there, returned home wlthl ^ ~. lat the home of Mrs. Hamors grand- ecord for ~roduein~- feeds to rais~ I ,L ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~]~ ~,~ ~ koad Distr .- ~v~z ~, i IV.L[, ~llltl J.V1~o -~xvlzul V~.II~ I~:~IUItlL aren o,ltr " ' FU t-01L i tthem. I "[P ts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marks P y and I)vestock upon a pro I I ~ ~ .~ ihe Iollow [] / ~v~t- ann ~wrs. ee lYlCUUllOUgnJ Mr~ Wilm~, T,h,~,~n m /~wrann ~wrs. ~eo. ~oss ~ar. ann Mrs Edw a a~ ~ L - " fitable basl- ~ " { 1 ~ ~ ~ ~it: -,-. # ' I r son~,~--nonevmoaa ~-rooucts ] J~uIb" 1" I "~',T, '::~eMSun~day.-dinner gu-est.s f Mr'[Wayne of Cedar Rapids spent Sun-t~Ir:se J~ e^ya nderbllt w ere am n.g.]Edwin are leaving this week on an]C ', at'50 ]0th S.W. Phone 2-3106 J~o~l~. Il~ - B, ownSeC ||L.~|B II )Mr Mr~u~:ul~,~Ywers at l~ocKlsiana.]day with her parents Mr. and Mrs ]in ;he ~l~~-~":u:~ ":- u mner ou,~u uy t automobile trip to the west coast l na~e oeen a vital factor tn the agri-' Commen, I ~m#|-ru B~w~m ~|B [in obs g ~a.s non orea gues~]F' C. Roberts. On Sunday Mr ~ne u~ ~r . ana ~rs. ar-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berry, Mrs Icuhural and commercial develop- . a3-s4-5: Ifl[IIlrl rv~l ~n'MIl~,ervance 0I nls Dlrtnaay. John~tnn Mr~ ~=di~ Wnh~.t~ ,f t~c** ~=t~u~uu near lvlarl~ene, xne I Anna Sexton ~n-~ ^ ~;~.~ ~ I ment over a wi,~ I T,c~ ~[]l the Bro Mrs o " " " " ,-,u ~ u.~ ~ ,~re&. 1~ lt4 [ . Edward I. Mulligan, Juvenile I o~,~o. ~o ~,~o ~ n ~t. ~ n ~.o / ccaslon was m honor of the 40th I of Iowa City w,~ro m,~ ~ ~ ~o ~ I Al Sto]tz is th ~ I O 1C$ ~i:~ J~J~ry ~i:a~l~a~'a a~proxi~ new ~uo-.nm'm m, [Su eri . ] I . pre ltat,v at I L ;;o7 rbse Yp jal rl~ . . p ntendent of the Fldehty Life Fr " . . wedding anniversary of Mr. and the Kramer Mount Vernon ating at P~-RIALfuel- ~lheaterw~th Associaito " auk Gibson of M,non were Mr ~ and Frank tnerPackage of 7 Bulbs Purchased ~,~o, co, . . n of Clinton spent Wed- s. Will Ferguson. A lamp wa~ h Section adlustable Power-Air unit nesda- forenoo guests in the Roberts home omes. y n wlm Mrs rmrry presentea mem Thls S , t/pods your whole house with [Freemen " [ Misses Virginia Wiley, Florence! " ] Mrs. Mary Sadler of Cedar Rap- I ANDERSON MONUMENT { I This Special Offer Expires November 15, 1941 r.arth a ~ ~vxr attu J.vlrs L~onalu KoDlnson Ids Vl 1 warmth, forces lazy ceiling heat,Mr ~'" ~ Baker Irene Aten Naomi and Le- I " ,~. ' ]" 's'ted Saturday in the home of COMPANY I ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ terminat ) s. r~ess r~ewlana ana Mrs I ~ ' were ~larence visitors on ~'riaa . ~ 0.]5 mi down to floora, ~ves you heat IP no,~ ~ -'tona Clark, Mary Ann Bruger, Car-] Y]her brother-In=law and SlSter, Mr./ ~ I I uraer l~ow! ;~ave ZOc ,ection where you want it offe~, ~ ~" - -.-=a o = m, m .~.~ ~ ~ . - ~. and Mrs ~ e~ ^ t) -- v ~, . . . ! - - - v ==~ v v m v -~ proxima -,---a,-, the . iv,#.~u~p~x,~vu.ann ~lrs.11.11. . ,~ v-s~ ~s,y. ;- weuar i aplds at ]029 3rd . W.K. Pearsonhome m Ana- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vanderbllt Mr g I lean, odor/ea~ fuel-od heating I I Cooper, Roy Ohn~er and Kenneth i . . I s R. C. Anderson snent the/Ave E The ~na " . t ~ lying in : : mesa s env nursaa evenln l ~ e~ ~ -- ~onument [ ]0WA [[[CN!o![ I 0 fifl / ; AI~ Powxi-Am S*wm UP " . Condit and Rev. C .B. Willmingl p y . g w th Mr. week end in Chicago, the guest of ICe offers an excellent "servie- in [ And the TO 25, m cheap fuel otl CO~t~l Mr and Mrs Dolph Van Sickle andChuck attended a Youth Rall I and Mrs Wlll Roblnson her slster Mrs Willl am .Mohr and M, morlals Monuments ~?rk::r~ IOWA [LI;CIglC [II;I11ANO POW[I:I COMPANY ,~ in ceful lines"mooth M~ and Mrs J.' J. Van. Sickle made at Prairie 'Chapel Sunday nighty I -- Mrs. Leo Crock, M~s IVIary Rose flY" ' ' ' ' s a'nd''ha ,i~ Secon rounded contours, and low con- aes~:v?ess ~rlp to Tlpton on wen- Incidentally, they brought home the x~c~ [~nd Head" ~ion ! hy SupervJ ,l~lr an~ ~vlr~ rrane~s ~rocK [. 'Mr. .and Mrs: William Leguire,!leaders in their fields for years, IOWA ~ OWNEOIra grl~r0vedVisor Pett:an( - I.A ; ^~ i a. - [banner for the largest attendance l e ~euar xtap*~scaners on tlvlrs, l~oy l:leaole ana son Donald during which time,I two o'eloel --',~ -'~o.~', ,=~ -,~ -,v~,ffi, ~v~r ana ~ars wm r",thcv haa e ~ra,n- "~' - . . J~ InK, mr, ana from Thursday. were callers Satur - - " deal for fireplace matallation M',-~ urn) ~a~ ~ ,- -1 :, [ any one church at the rally. T ! . .-. day in the home ed an enviable roputation Suttable Z- " ~ the Count) -.--~. ,-- ~,~-,-~,~ u~ v~uru sv****s Th i " t ~e~er lv, vyer ann WIlDUr U01Dy ' OZ ueor e l~obert " " ' ' ' ' ~- ----~ ~= - ---~--- ~ - ~--'~ -~-- -- -- ,i ,"- Ilsh notio as well as a beautfful addition to were Sunda- afte ~ I e Wlhng Workers Society ofi~, ~ ,~ ,~. ,~ ~ ,1 g, and M~ss Tllhe monuments are an external tribute - ltawkeye l # ~.uu** at*u supper lthe Presb terian churc~- ^~^^'^~ -'- ,~ =^u= = ~up w,u* u**r~y neau u~ll~ramer lo those x~ any rooml w~th extra features uests of v - ~,~u me I . . he live and love. ~tlired by g Mr.and Mrs. Dolph Van followin, officer cattle on the Cedar Rapids mar- Mr. and Mrs. James Ha e Th ~ t b Y d new, Improved Dual-Cham- Sickl- / . s ~ a~ ,t~ regmar lr~+ ~c~;rt~4 1 111 ]L.~ .~ 4 ] m rsmlth c Anderson Monnment Co. cn- ~! Iowa. berBurnerwlthcompletnflame ' g " e home of Mrs :;~",~" ] . g sts " d stinction of being one of emem er ester av--- l,e~eo, " meetln held in th s ~,o-,~, ~*~,~ ox ~eaar naplas were olnner ue ,ors the i *,*~. ~,~,ry ,reeman ana l~on ! . ' ~,*z.~o. ~ ~unaa eveni ' ) -- "-" control . Rad,ant Door for an Christian called Sunday In" the Rob C. B. WlllmlngL.Pres Mrs. G.W. Mrs Metcalf of Waterloo Mrs I~ and auY" ng of their son-in-law he lcadm~ author,tins on memor- - -- -- ~ On moti, instant flooa o~ nresiae warmth ~ ~ - I Gearhart; vice-r'res Mrs. Harry . - ~ d ~hter, Mr. and Mrs. c. c. Jam in this section of the *--- ~| " 1 IF T ~l hy Sum 10p was a~ =.~ - uu.t,:: ~uu w w ~nrlsuan ~ uena ivlct.:asnn of Mechanlcsvllle, Berr "" + special waste-stopper h ' ' ]Smith; Sec Mrs. L. G. Thoma' - Y. and are well knowo for ;~'2~; 1 lnK Or 1 l~e ,ollo, front dial controls the new ~ ITreas Mrs Bess Newland Plan; ~,ere amnerguests oI Mrs. ~orestl" Mr: .and Mrs James Stick and miles around featuring Rock of n omorrow 'aneeUatio, ~e with IMPRRIAL Duo-The'tin Fuel-oil W.E. Freeman of Olin was a Fri- ! were "made" for the annual bazaar Decious on.ruesoay. . I oaugnter of Alburnett were guests Affes, Wisconsin Rubvred. and all . ~ate of a~ day afternoon visitor in the home l~--~ ea-~'' in No ~--'-^- Born to Ivlr and Mrs i~,eith El Sunaay of Mr and Mrs Gen kinds of st refinance our neuter provlaes econom*ca~ at*u w e cl r - - - " - of Mrs Harr-- Free~- 1 pp,a u~u~r - '- "IT, .- " . c oud Granites, also y p esent indebtedness or farm '~ c" the neat tor yoor every need. ~ the . ~ '"~"" ~ ~v~r. ano nars. IJale ~ten~z ana E1wickWlC~ ozi vmton a oaugnter, nars. ~awoson. c,-~ont and Goorgia. Marble. urchase with a Certifica ~ewDuo-ThermheateraTou4vt Leta Smith, teacherat Centerlfamil visited relatives in Sabul- s a daughter of the formerI Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel and Tbe "~ards and works are stock- P t~ary 1, 1 Point, spent the week end with ~.^- ~u~u~y.":~'^J^-- u FlorenCer Taylori I daughter Pauhne of Sprmgvllle ed wltl~ one of the larges t sup- ' On moti ~1 by Su~ Miss Minnie Wilson in Cedar Ran- Ou ma 1 man, Rush Chppenger, ~were callers Wednesday evenin~ in ~lics of leadin~ m | ~ ~-,A---- T'----- ~Ill~ I~e~ ids and with her rmront~ Mr -~,"~ Pearl Graham and brother Lee is enjoyin~ two weeks vacation in]the home of M- ~.n ~s ~ o^~ t*^- ,-- ,~- -~, ~,~,:~ anu gran- L,v~, lllLq[:;lg~l,---1-Ull~ lllll~ lhe Board I! 1. ~ll~ I~I~l~l U&I I:l/ a'~lk" Mrs Harry Smith. formerlyGraham Ofof Hutlngtonspringville,Park, Calif, Pennsylvania. Z. G. McCaslinis King. equipped for the production for ~r the c~ --~-~.a~.a taa,m,~,m, I~ MISS ~leanor ~oo~ o1: Ueaar .trap-:n--1 i are renew- . d,a g~ and small. They Federal Land Bank Farm Lliont at th earlI~l~-I~ serving our route in his absence A meeting of the official boar work both 1 r ~ i~wa and ids spent the week end with her ~ g o u acqua nmnces h,~ w~ ,~. ~vlr. ann mrs. t=nas, l~une of Ohn was neltl in the local church on are able to artistically reproduce ~ made Hardware Implements r nt "- pa e s, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boots. t~embers Friends are glad to hear that Mrs. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Wednesday evening, any design that one may have in W. A. Sherman arrived from Stur- and Mrs. Clarence Kline. Mrs. Mary Drahos returned on mind or will submi~ original de- 8E~ Appliances Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Glocken of gin, S. D Friday. She and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyers, and iThursday from a three weeks visit signs that will be in keeping with .%yThiSof Agse t~wa COUl Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests Sherman were on a visit with their Mr. and Mrs. German Robinson i in the home of her daughter, Mrs. the size of the work desired. On Harold B. McTavish, Secy-Treas. lo a wr Dial 4821 in the Willis Boots home. son, Dr. Kenneth Sherman and spent Sunday at McGregor. [Julia Lorence at Prairieburg. hand at all times is a large col- WHERE Mount Vernon, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper are family, and it was found necessary Mr. and Mrs Francis Crock spent ~ --- lectlon of memorials that san be 722 Third Avenue SE. Cedar Rapids niee visiting relatives in Wisconsin this for her to undergo a gall bladder Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. [ Don't wait for a tenant--find purchased and will be erected on ~nd Leo week. operation, which was performed in Driscoll near Tipton. him thru a want ad. a few days notice. @~-- -------- ~-c--~ - --~-- --=-- -- -" ~homas