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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 18, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 18, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reyhonsr~,T!,m. J~aes Hoyt, Oct. 7, in Mercy has-ihave named their infant daughter i vn|y /ICKel Pital, Cedar Rapids -- . i Edna Louise. i--d " --, Mr. and Mrs Frank ~mmon and The Tom Maguires, Chicago, Joe l~i|ed At ~o|on John Slach have been announced~Kratochvils and Charles and Milo committee for circle D of St. Krob were visitors of the Frank i SOLON -- Only one ticket was ~%"Y's church. Krobs during the week. i filed wit'h town clerk, R. R. Green- : wald, by the deadline on Oct. 9, for the Solon municipal election which occurs Nov. 6th. It includes i Has proven itself best-most dependable- fine performance-minimum of service. 1952 Motorola prices are lower. All are new and improved models. Local service is behind every set we sell. SEE US! Don's Radio and Television Mrs. Libbie Edwards has return- Mrs. J. W. Zenishek of Cedar [ FOR RENT: Wall paper steamers, FOR SALE: Purebred Poland Mt. Vernon. In Hawkeye-Reeord ed from a visit with the Frank Rapids was a Thursday visitor with j sanders, edgers, buffers and waxers. China boars. Free delivery with- and The Lisbon Herald ~ ~, Brock family at Carbondale, Ill. the Leo Umbenstocks and Dahl. [ KalY3an Avvl'iance. Mt. Vernon, 18tf in radius of 25 miles. J. D. Grei~ Thurs Oct. 18, 1951 rage Jimmy Nosbish is improving at She accompanied Mrs. Joe Zerbel & Son. One mile east, one mile University hospital where he hasand Mrs. John R. Zenishek and at-i WANTED ~~ been a patient for seve~'al days. He tended the Altar society meeting,i north, ~2 mile east of Clarence, is expected home this week. He Sunday afternoon visitors of thet ~ ~~ Iowa. 51-52-1c ~E~~ has been afflicted with a swollen Carl Randall family were the WaN ~ " ~'",I'-FOR SALE: 50% Landrace and germination. High yielding. Order ~w~ vernon 52-1p i Peerless HY-Cross boars. Ready r now. Stanley Vislisel. R.R. 3. Cedar gland and submitted to tonsil surg- ter Randall family of Martelle. I " i for service. Bangs Free. A. E. Bid- Rapids, Ia. Dial 3403, Mr. Vernon. ery. i Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of In- i WANTED: Housekeeper for win- ] erman, Mt. Vernon. 51-tf 'I 42tf Frank W. Reyhons for mayor; Jos. A p o s t-n u p t i a 1 miscellaneous dianola and Mr. and Mrs. Everett I ter months Address Mar-, Durham i T. Krob, George Drahos, Leon ~ shower was given Sunday after- I Kemp Cedar Rapids were Sunday i 1170 10th St Marion I~- ~9~ FOR SALE: Choice gradeall ~red FOR THE BEST Waslled Sand for " c ' she n ei r Nosbish, Joe Pavel and James Ham ~o:nn ~t ~h~l auditOr~eUm :~r mMary~ pUreSts :fd I~ronanand Mrs. Leo Kas WANTE rsa for councilmen and Beulah Whit- r v yourk ~V~n;re:e work. Dml ~0~ tington, treasurer. Two council- i and beautiful gifts. Hostesses were [ Mrs. Beulah Whittington has ! Contact Everett Graver, Lisbon or bushel. Bert Slyer, Lisbon. 51-52p i men, Maurice Bittner and Vernon ] Mmes. James K. Wilson Max Milt- I opened a food shop in the building see Kenneth Graver phone 106 Lis-"--FOR--SA.I~E~ Biw---~-~E-le-v~ors GARNER FARM RE C O~R D Kent, were not candidates for re-i ner George Worrell Beverly La- ~ vacated by Mrs Verna Slach She i ban ' ' 52cGuaranteed as" ood as the be t'!i BOOKS. With instructions and sheet election. Their places on the ticket mancky W L Arrowsmith and I will be assisted" by Mrs Roy" East- - The uick andgeCas wa to is " t for sociad security. $1.50 Hawkeye E ' " i q y y ra se . were taken by Leon Nosb~sh and John Kessler. ~ wood. Meals and refreshments will j ~ HELP WANTED. Cash m on the and lower elevator Any len~-th I Office, Mt. Vernon. 8tf The James Klpp~ of Flozlda. be served, g See one at the I J Elhson farm~ FOR Joe Pavel. I " ~ -' and ~ ~lg J:al~ and Cnristmas Sellin Sea- . o- "r Wi)~:m eFn~Th!heki ? IM ~ !V'avA~t~ ~i: ~la!ti:~na ?l~ SA~iiie ~v~h: }i3i Bi a~bAZ ;e~!i~ta:AaV~! two miles north of Mt. Verno%.l.52p t~Uiultd~ng~s ~rn~:? 2u ~on:Vpm;e~ The E. F. Beraneks Mrs. J. Zeni-! d of i n sek and Anthony Zeniseks were~, c rs fa recent v,mtors of Mrs. Anna Beran-i . " "~ !PP "'- -'h "J~hn . m " .-. a .~ . Beau-: Ia 51 52c ~ ~E7 "T-~wo ~ street. A deep lot and as much ek. a~ ~ree ann wzm ~ e morn, lexas, ~eorge ~rum, ~.nm, ~ - good beds, mattresses and springs, frontage as you want. Littell, 5952. Meyers' and Wm. Maria and RickyOkla Mrs. Mary Brum and Helen, i W. M. Bennett, Lisbon. 51-52p 50 tfc Don Cook, proprietor Dial 6121 Mt. Vernon, Iowa Send us your daintiest garments and fabrics with full ~Ssurance that they will~ be returned to you in the most Perfect condition. With today's scientific processes, we can clean the most fragile garment without fear of the slightest damage. Let us do your cleaning. lbert's :rs Dial 2231 Mt. Vernon MISSION CLOSES The Mission held at St. Mary's church during the week closed on Sunday evening conducted by the Redemptionist Father S. J. Liver- rials, C.SS.R. with a blessing of three fold by the Missionary, A. Papal Blessing of Holy Father and the Blessing of God Almighty in the Benediction of the Blessed Sac- rament. A large crowd of parish- ioners and others attended the ser- vices each day. The Mission is be- ing held this week in Sts. Peter and Paul's church, closing Thursday evening. ANNOUNCES" ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams an- nounce the engagement and ap- proaching marriage of their daugh- ter Donna to Ronald G. Worrell, son of the George Worrells. Miss Williams, a graduate of the Solon high school in 1950, is em- ployed in the Solon State bank. Mr. Worrall was graduated from the Solon high school in 1948 and is in service in the U. S. Navy at Tacoma, Wash. The ceremony will be performed in St. Mary's church, Solon, in No- vember. The couple will reside in I Tacoma. RESUME WOitK ON CHURCH Work on St. Mary's church was resumed this week after the mis- sion. It is expected that the pews will be moved for a new floor to be laid. Other improvements will follow. Mass will be held in the auditorium next Sunday as an- nounced Sunday at St. Mary's church. Carol O'Brien celebrated her 9th l~irthday Tuesday with a group of girls invited for the event. They arrived after school and stayed overnight for a slumber party. They were Neia Shimon, Mary Ann Mill- er, Shirley Greazel and Ronna Greenwald. Carol had a decorated cake prepared by her mother, Mrs. Vincent O'Brien, and received many gifts and cards. Present be- sides the invited guests were also near Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Burell Amlong and Mrs. John Beranek, Iowa City, were re- cent visitors of the O. E. Markitan family. Mary Markitan attended the homecoming at Mount Mercy, Cedar Rapids. The Joe Leonards and Ralph Chanskys were visitors in Chicago Friday and Saturday and attended the Notre-Dame-S.M.U. game at South Bend, Ind. The John Stinochers, Tommy and Jimmy, were Friday supper guests of the Harold Longerbeams in Mt. Vernon. Others were the Leo Hart- mans and Jolene, Cedar Rapids. The W.S.C.S. district conference will be held in Maquoketa Oct. 23. Local W.S.C.S. members who plan to attend should notify Mrs. Flor- ence Netolicky by Oct. 18 for res- ervations. The Altar and Rosary Society of St. Mary's church met in St. Mary's auditorium Thursday afternoon and later cards were played. In bridge, Geneva Randall and Alba Kessler were winners; in euchre, Tillie Cerny and Mrs. Mae Krall; and in pinochle, Elma Slaymaker and Mar- garet Miltner. Hostesses were Mrs. John Sta,hle, Mrs. Raymond Grea- zel, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. J. M. Savers, Mrs. Bernard Casey and Mrs. J. M. Zenishek. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bittner have returned after a month's stay at their cabin at White Fish Lake, Minn. Vernon Bittner, who also was there for several days, accom- panied them home. Carolyn Flickinger sustained a severe gash which required several stitches when she fell from a swing at the high school grounds. The wound is on the mend. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Reyhons, at Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids, Oct. 10. The Jack Miltners and Nancy were Sunday dinner guests of the Gilbert Croftas. Mrs. Bessie Stable and guests, the R. A. Frizells of Cambridge, i were entertained at dinner by the T. M. Gaffs in Cedar Rapids Sun- Patty and Marlene O'Brien. day. They also visited the Henry Melvin Holubar of Fort Leonard iThompsons. Wood, Mo and Margene Holubar1 Mrs. L. L. Randall entertained at of Ottumwa Heights college spent ld~ner S~turday, the Tom Ma- the week end with their parents, l guires of Chicago and the Don 'the Roy Holubars. I Brannamans and Sue Ellen. AN The SMART, EASY, ECONOMICAL Way to Save Time and Work from Now on! WHEN REDDY Kilowatt takes over the job of drying your clothes with an automatic elec- tric clothes dryer, it's goodbye forever to washday blues! No more lugging heavy wet laundry up and down stairs! No watching anxiously to see if storm clouds are vising! No stooping, reaching, bending! You can dry clothes indoors anytime any place! Reddy tumbles them in soft warm air automatically damp-dries them for ironing or completely dry for storage. And you're happily conscious that your fluffy, sweet-smelling clothes are dried more beautifully than ever before! Of course you want your electric clothes dryer before cold weather! Choose it NOW! "The Sun Shines on |1 Girl Who Uses a Modern Electric Cloth~ / / them On Display Iowa City. Ellen Cilek of Ottum-~ SERVICE wa College was a week end visitor Mrs. Leo F. Kessler and the A SOFT WATER SERVICE Avail- William Wooffs were Sunday sup-!able now. No equipment to buy. per guests of the Albert Stransky ] No work for you to do. Neal's Soft family in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Wooff were recent visitors in Council Bluffs with the Robert Pof- fenbargers. Visitors of the John Connors Sun- day afternoon were the Clifford Connor family, Mt. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Scheetz and Jimmy, Ox- ford, and John Cilek and Ellen and Kathryn. The Walter Randall family, Mar- telle, and Albert Novotnys and son were Sunday evening visitors of the Alfred Randalls and Linda. The Clyo Castle family, Marion, were Sunday dinner guests of the Joe T. Krobs. John Castle was a week end visitor. Mrs. Frank Krob, Mrs. Herman Stahle and Mrs. L. L. Randall were Sunday visitors. Classified Ads Rate for Clase~fted Adv . and Notices is 2 cent8 a word for fiat insertion and 1 cent per word for each following insertion with- out copy change, Minimum charge for any ~dv. 2$ cents. Terms cash. Please send CARD OF THANKS Water Service. Dial 5201. Mt. Ver- non. 29tf EXCAVATING and construction: Sewer, water pipe, septic tanks, basements or what have you. Mike Schick, Mr. Vernon. Dial 4771. 35tf, APPLIANCE REPAIRING. Our repair shop is at your service. You'll like our work and fair prices. House wiring. Hot-Point distributor. Clark Appliance Service, Dial 2391. Mt. Vernon. 22tf SAWS FILED: By machine. Cut cleaner, truer, faster. All kinds. quicker service. Lee Paul, 600 Col-! lege Blvd Mt. Vernon. 23tfi AGRICULTURI~ LIMESTONE, i road rock. fill dirt, drainage ditches and cellars excavated. George Gaines & Son, dial 3831, Mt. Ver- non 18tf WE HAVE 5 new 34 foot trailer units for hauling livestock from Mt. Vernon and Martelle to Chi- cago. Phone collect. John Middle- kauff, Martelle 6561.~ Mt. Vernon Dial 5811, Larson Produce. 41tf DITCHING and basement excava- tion with dragline. For estimate call Frank Meyer, dial 6307, Mt. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone for the many cards, flowers and gifts received while at the hospital, and for all the deeds of kindness shown us since my return home. It has certainly been appreciated. Mrs. Clair Stoneking CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who remem- bered me with cards, gifts and vis- its while in the hospital and since returning home. B. J. Baker CARD OF THANKS To all my friends who remember- ed me with cards, flowers, gifts and letters, also to those who called on me while staying at the hospital, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. They all help- ed to make the days seem brighter and shorter. Thanks again. Emma Kahler CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards and flowers during my recent stay in the hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be re- membered. Mrs. Merrill Hoffman CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my many friends for love- ly cards and get well wishes which I received during my stay in St. Luke's hospital. They were all very welcome and helpful to me. Thank you. Ada I. Yates NOTICES NOTICE Rebekah chicken noodle dinner at the IOOF hall Thursday, Oct. 25, starting at 5:00 p.m. Adults $1.00 and children under 12, 50c. 52-1p LOST LOST: Small black and white male "dog." Answers to Sparky. Charles Swaney. 52p .o . o * FOR RENT THE amazing new Rat Killer with WARFARIN, ready mixed, ready to use. One pound size $1.00. Money back guarantee. Dale John- son, Mr. Vernon; Franks & Son, Martelle and Lisbon. 52-1-2-3c FOR SALE: One Idle Hour wash- ing machine in good condition. Write or phone Mrs. W. E. Wick- ham, Martelle. 52p FOR SALE: What is better on an October evening than doughnuts and cider. Jack has the doughnuts and we have the cider. Also apples and many bushels of pears. Littell, 5952. 50 tfc FOR SALE: Hampshire boars. C, W. Smith. 4 mile north of Mt. Ver- non and Lisbon, one mile east of 261. 48tf Vernon. 41tf EAVE SPOUTING and sheet met- al work. Estimates gladly given. Bob Hansen, phone 186, Lisbon. 24tf FOR GOOD Furnaces, spouting, gutters, furnace repair and instal- lation see Driscoll Heating Co. For free estimates call 122, Solon, Iowa. 24tf SERVICE: Refrigeration. Both commercial and domestic. Ray's Re- frigeration Service. Martelle. Phone 538. 35tf FOR SALE . o THE amazing new Rat Killer with WARFARIN, ready mixed, ready to use. One pound size $1.00. Money back guarantee. Franks & Son, Martelle and Lisbon. 52-1-2-3c I AM taking orders for the hy- brids that made the highest yields in every section of the 1950 Iowa Corn Yield Test. Order your Pi- oneer seed corn for 1952 now. Stan- ley Vislisel, Dial 3403 Mt. Vernon, Rt. 3, Cedar Rapids. 52c TIME--November 1. The place, i Presbyterian church. Occasion the annual dinner and bazaar. Call Mrs. Dana Wilcox (6851) for reser- vations. Serving at 5:30, 6:15 and 7:00 o'clock. Price $1.25 for adults and 60c for children under 12. 52c FOR SALE: Premier Grand Vac- uum cleaner, in good condition $10; child's high chair; two tricycles. Phone 81, Mrs. Emma Miller, Me- chanicsville. 52p --FOR---SA~L-E: Three bedroom house on pavement on South side. Large lot and barn. House all mod- ern with oil burning furnace. Priced at only $7500. Pringle Realty Service, phone 6891, Mt. Vernon. 52c SUBSTANTIAL savings on late model spinet piano, low monthly payments. Write Cedar Rapids Pi- ano Co 322-1st Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 52-2c FOR SALE: Round oak dining table with four extra leaves. Mrs. I A. J. Meakin. Dial 3172, Mt. Ver- non. 52c FOR SALE: A $125 brown hair FOR RENT: Five room house, 3V~ (genuine Newfoundland) seal fur coat, a fur that is selling for more miles south of Lisbon, J. M. Zeni- than $300 today. Small size, full sek, Solon. 51-52c length. In perfect condition. Worn CHI PP|NDALE Furniture-Styled FUEL OIL HEATER A handsome console styled like fine period furniture. Now finished in magnificent Mahogany with smart contrasting trim. Keeps your home bea.ti/~lly warm without a lick of work! Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burner gets more heat from every drop of oil. only a few weeks. Has been clean- ed and in storage. Dial 3621. Mrs. Bonntfield, Mt. Vernon. 51c FOR SALE.~ Spring fries, alive, at the farm. Don Dolezal, dial 5609, Mt. Vernon. 52p FOR SALE: Girl's jacket! two 2- piece dresses; teal corduroy suit and a formal, all like new. Mrs. Archie Brannaman, dial 6191, Mt. Vernon. 52c FOR SALE: Winter apples, Gold- en Delicious and Russets. George Owens, Lisbon. 52p FOR SALE: Davenport and white enameled ice box. Dial 2941, Mt. Vernon. Mrs. G. C. Lusted. 52c FOR SALE: 1947 Harlan David- son, 74. O.H.V. Low mileage. Ac- cessories. Norman Andre, Mechan- icsville. 52p ---FOR SALE: Wood cook stove. Good condition. Two burner oil heater, used year and a half. One wood or coal heater. Excellent con- dition. Phone 5418, Martelle. P. V. Ferguson, Rt. 1, ML Vernon. 52p HALLOWEEN cards. The Hall- mark line. Blooms Book Store. 52p FOR SALE: Walnut dining table- Ride available to Cedar Rapids 7:30 to 5:30. Dial 6222 Mt. Vernon. 52c FREEll FREEll Prompt removal of aH dead stock. Just call our nearest truck, eolleet-- Meehanlesvflle 95 Solon 18~ ML Vernon 5321 FARMERS RENDERING COMPAN,Y Superior Service Since 1912 St Lie No. 7 Iowa City, I[I. The New Exclusive Duo-Therm Automatic Power-Air Blowers Drives heat by force--saves up to 25% on fuel! (optional) Other models low as $57.00 601 First Ave. So. PHONE 6891 Phone 4821 Mt. Vernon I Mr. & Mrs. D. O. Pringle Revere Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils Boys' and Girls' Bicycles Parker Yardgroom Lawn Sweeper Tricycles Window Glass Lawn Brooms V - Belts Hammers Kolorbrite Enamel Beacon Furniture and Floor Wax O'Cedar Polish Floor Mops Clothes Hampers Cookie Sheets HIDE - A - BRUSH ! Plumbing Heating Mount Vernon TIME TUNE-UP.I Drive in for scientific test and adjustment of all vital points, plugs, starter, ignition, car- buretion-everything. Cost is little-may save possible trouble later. Your Friendly Ford Dealer Dial 5061 Mt. Vernon C TWO GUN MIKE vs. PUNY Purina Mike was fed on Purina Sow & Pig Chow plus corn and oats until he weighed 126 Ibs. He is now being fed out on Purina Custom Mix ration of Purina Hog Chow and ground corn. PURINA MIKE, Starting Weight 66 pounds Days Weight Pounds Pounds Sow Hog Total Cost on Gain Corn & Pig Chow Per. Lb. Feed & Oats Chow Grain 16 90 24 64 16 16.3c 30 126 60 1 77.5 19.5 10.9c 45 147 81 ! 63 7 10.8c "Two Gun Mike" has gained 81 pounds in 45 days on 'test, at a cost of 10.8c per lb. Puny Ike is being fed all during this 90 day feeding test on a basal ration of grain and meat scraps. PUNY IKE, Starting Weight 67 pounds Days on Feed 16 30 45 Weight Pounds Hog Meat Gain Chow Scrap 87 119.5 144 20 1 52.5! 77 I Pounds Corn & Oats 133.5 130 82.5 6.5 13 8.5 Total Cost Per Lb. Gain 22.1c 17.4c 15.8c "Puny Ike" has gained 77 pounds in 45 days on test, at a cost of 15.8c per lb. Puny Ike's 77 Ibs. gain at 15.8c per lb. cost $12.17 Purina Mike's 81 Ibs. gain at 10.8c per lb. cost 8.75 Difference Due to Feeding Purina $ 5.42 Ralph Bachman, prop. Dial 5471- Mount Vernon, Iowa