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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 19, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 19, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE ,MOUNT VI.:ltN()N, I()XVA, IIAXVKI.~YI.]-RECOItD AND THE LISBON HERALD I I I I1 ............. ~.-~*~ -~[ilf ~lli(l~"~'n ~u'-f .... iiiii ~""~'~.'~.~"~"~'~'~'''~'~.:.~"'~"'"'~'".'~.'".."."~'.'`.~.~'.''~""`"...".'"..~`'"..""~"""~' Eleanor Roots was hostess at a waffle supper Friday evening as a NE GHBORH00D NEWS courtesy tn,;nest of Woodward.Maxine Voris, her Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boots and ~°~~~~~''~"~~~~'~'~~'~"~~~~~~'~"~~~~~~'~'"~~~~''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~"~~~"'~~~'~~~".~"~~'°~~~"'"~°°~~~°°~~~~~"~~~ sons Melvin and Kcith were rece!,t guests of Mr. and Mrs Orville tlu!;- SPRINGVILLE ° .nd at Mechanicsville. llJF, 4 01¢,o, g,'egatiol,almeeting. Willing Mrs. ttannah Fields of Columbia iWorker bazaar and supper Nov. 8 F'ail~. Mont. and Mrs. Ella Barrelt Mrs. llarry Freeman !Mb;sionary Praise Servic~ Oct 2:}, of Waubeek wele Thur:;day gue:d: - - - at 11 a.m. Walter Soboloff, an Ala~- ,f Mrs. Sadie Pear::on. KEITHLEY-ROSDAIL kin. will speak. Mrs. Etla Clark of Cole, Iowa is Friends and relatives haw~ receiv- ed annotmeement of the marriageI ...... :pc'ading the week with h.*r din.".> of J. ltart Rosdail, Chicago, Ill., !METIIODIST NOTES c~r, Mrs. Willis Boots. son of Mrs. L. A Halstead of RockI Regular services in both the hmal Mr. and Mrs W. F Duulap and Valley, former local residents, and and Viola churches. Mr. and MIs. Ilarry Ericksml a~xd Dorothy Mac Keithley of Boston, _. Mary ,lean motored to Mc(h'ego.-: Mass. [MRS. O. J. EMMONS' RECITAL Sunday. The zce~m'y and :lutumn~ :'o'.oril~g is most beautiful at this The wedding took placeSept 30i Sunday evening in lhe Pre:~byter- ime of year in the St. Andrews Chapel of St Man church, Mrs. O J. Fmmons pre- Mi J 5;idle Roberts of Cedar Rap- James Episcopal church in Chicago /:;ented the tel'owing piano s',u-d'. Mr and Mr'; Carle'on Iloilin; Following a reception, the eouple~dents in re:,ital: Rob Hake, l.yleff Chariton were Sunday guesl,; of left on a honeymoon trip The new • : ,Rodman, Cecil Batchelder, l),mAle. Arma Ilodgln. 1 home wall be m Chmago where Mr [Chlistian Kathleen Itampton,Mary Mr. and Mra. Rall:h Wahl '.:~:e:;t Rosdail is employed as Systems'. Analyst for Marshall-Field and lBatchelder, Mary Jean Erickson, h? week end in the tlarold Nebitt~: Company. The Groom was born]C°ra Gregory, Bertha Boxwell, home in Milwaukt!e. [ and grew to manhood in this vicin-IJean and John Wells, Donna Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson enle/- ity and is a local high school grad-!and Ann Patten, Mary Ann Bruger, aln:,d at dinner Salurday evenin~L • . j Wanda Rodman, David Johnston. lu-'s!s were I,'ran:'es Ne~'.'~m' ~' Mate, also of the State Umversity. iFollowing the musical, the follow- Humboldt; Hattie Wilson of Alp, o,a: FAMILY DINNER--- ling pupils pres.mted a playlet.Mr:;. Dcmna Five:,oat:,. Pcairie (lu Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown en-i''Beelh°ven''' Zelda Pearson, Wava:hein, Wis; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil tertained at a family dinner as a lPeck' Joan Patten, Virginia Wil- Wilson and Beth of Anamo~a; Mr. courtesy to th?ir house guests Mr. ]liams and Caroline Cooper. md Mls. Chri~ Dircl:s and Su, of and Mrs. A. J. Reed of Denver, ...... 2edar Rapids; Mr. :end Mls. P. W. Colo. Mr. Reed is a brother of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hemy ttawk of 3telner and Bob. Brown. Present were Mr. and Mrs ]Waterioo called in th" Mabel and ;'ns Amelia ivlcQu~de and B.)b Guy Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon]I,eta McShane home Sunday. 3f Fort Madison wore v. eek end and family of Independence; Mr. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammond gu?sts of Mr. and Mls i.e~ Wi ~',on. and Mls. Cuyler Reed, Mr. and Mrs. land daughter, Mrs. Jack Oxley and Mrs. John Whitnmn attended t'.w Ivan Reed and family of Martelle two sons, Mrs. Ida Gone of Mar. funeral Wednesday of hec aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and faro- ion wine Sunday guesls of Mr. and Huldah Clark at Mount Verno,~. Thursday, October 19, 1935~iay'~ ( lll,lil Oonlelly being I'evived for ('or- the IAttle q'h(,at(,r of Arlnstl'Oll~l~'m'°''°'°° n,.ll tlomecoming from the recent llall. Tickets may i)e reserved bY telephonine;192of'l.,7, q,he,ldmis: NI 5;111," II:Ol' st.ts(In. "[']liS xvell-knOWll [)lOll price is 50 ('outs t'or adults alia A'.Heri,'an (onlcJy will be presented 25 cents for (.hihiren and studentS. '[ hHi'N,l:[)" /llld }~/I[lll't]:ly e\'eIlint;8 of Ill00umooao,i l.,',l ~ek, October "6 and 28, in[ READ THE ADS. with Pride of the farm Rotary Self Feeder. Also Waterers. Cannot clog Feeds any groun:i feed. Does not waste. ily of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs i Mrs. W. A Shifter Mr. and M~s Will Shellhmmn :r Loren Brown and family, i Marvin Palmer and DaI-: Gram-eisited re atives in Montice.lo ,,a ........ A._7.2-2.-.. _..._ l ling left Monday night on a motor Sunday evening. c~lvll* ~ll~l~ tilK~ l~:~:'t i trip to points in I,'lorida. lVhs. Alexander Taylor, Mr~ O. Camp Fire girls met Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson. Mr J" Emma,w, Mrs. Chfford Knighi. All Vitamo Feed Prices Are Lower after school ill the school house, and Mrs. P. W. Sterner and son Mrs. Allen McArthur are alt:.nd,ng Miss Geinger had charge of lhe[Bob were Wednesday visilors in :ehearsal each week of ii~e Vitamo 40% Hog Balancer business meeting at which time lthe Dr. George Pearson home Mr, Counly Women's Chorus. it was voted that the girls assist in ;Burlington. Mrs. Wa:ker ~rlin o~ Mou,,'el o Vitamo Pig Meal the Red Cross Membership can- i Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman is spend- is a guest of her moth~r, Mls. Nancy vass. Blocks for the name quilt iing this week with her son Super- Pearson and her sister, Mrs. W. S ~.~'O~K: Vitamo Mineral T, were prepared. The girls haw~ a lintendent Ivan Gritman and family Palmer this week. ~l,.~O~ f/i?/gA/~l~ j~, ,Z.OOA{., ¢loor ea wonderful Red Cross display in [in Walker. 'herMrS'bridgeE' L.clubPattenMondayWaSnight.lmslea.; t) ~*"a¢¢C°a'a~*" eu,~, Vitamo 32% galancer i ou, Hunte's Furniture Store window, Misses I,eta and Mabel McShane ~ . ,.::~:~,,,:::~: CO/Jh/~//,, OM Mr and Mrs Mason C o /o for Hogs or Poultry notice it when passing. Contribu-~and Mrs D V. Peterson attended EDLI~T/O,'q C~. KR tions for the worthy cause will be the annual Guest Day Program and L. Burroughs and Ray Newhard ~ ~)A/IF'g,~,~IT")/ aga.7~dor,, Physici greatlYReporter.appreciated.--June Pollock, I Tealast Thursday•held at Jordan's Grove church returnedfrom severalh°medaysM°ndaYfishing ineVeningMin- ~-:'~"~- "" ' ....... ......... - ..... All Mill Fe s and Salt ~)ffice G nesota. • ~ ~ Moun ......... I Mrs. W. C. Hoffman and Mrs. .. .......... [ Ih~law:u'~,. (qllO, (.)('tol}er lath-- alternoon. ! In addition to the inaugural ('ore- ANNUAL GAME SUPPER j I, I, Batchelder attended, as dele- ~. lvirsk ~v~mie ~enraaer _ o~ _ West [ l)hio \V,.shw:m university, now ] Dr. Walte • A Jessup, head of tile ! many, all edueatioual conference on ~ ~" Phone Townspeople and rural eommun-I gates from the local Rebekah lodge, i.t~rancn~, waSte "oa guest, wednesday ot I I its , Sth" year" will' ......... ulaugura(e ~ts Carnegie ~ounaation tel" the Ad- I "The College of ','on,el,o,," ,,ill t,e Call us abou uur poultry. ~ns A, ity residents numbering near 400[the Grand Lodge Convention of Mrs. t~ess Jr ust. " ' " ' " ' ' h r 1" e " ' ] oi,qlth presid,,nt on Vrldav morn- vancement of Teaching will be t e held Friday afternoon with pronlin- enjoyed the annual Game Supper]I.O.O.F. and Rebekah lodges held M s. Ce m Fred rinks is spend- ~ ; ". ......... ' .... ing two weeks ill the home of her ing. O,'toloer 20. x, hen 1),'. t~er,.)ert pr,nexpa, v,smng speane," at tne !ent educators f,'om all OVel" the no- Highest Market Price Paid Thursday evening. This year it in Waterloo this week. son Glenn Fredericks and family at I j. Hurgstahltq'. former president of inauguration. Dr. Jessup and Dr. ! tion taking part. Clergyn~en and ]~. C. lyWaSconstructedheld in thebylargeL. L.garageBatchelder.recent- [Mr.I Ralphand Frank,Mrs. HenryaCC°mpaniedBurr of Cen-bY _o_on.S 1 - , ('o nell o ,'g,.~ i, Iowa,. ,, ill be Burgstahler. were close friends in. i business men ,,ill have their own Poultry, Eggs, Cream and Feeds Mrs Alice Carney speut from ' formally indtleted into office, i Iowa when Dr. Jessup was prem- [ sessions as "l part of the eonfert.nee. Following the supper the tables tral City, Harry Newman of Mar- Thursclav and over Sunda,, in the . du,'atm" business man ~.~entle- i dent of tile State University of I Dr. George F. Zook, pt'esident of wereclearedawayandMr, andttelleJesseStillerandDavidDavis, " ~ 1 ! tV Pr d Harry Whitman home north of ilion-faFnlol', ,.lergynlan. student of Iowa. Mrs. Batchelder played hosts at a/motored to Detroit last Thursday in Whittier vout ~ .these words describe ! Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, senior tion,will speak before educators free dance, Eva's Songsters furnish-]the interest of new cars• oun ernon o u( ing the music• For many years ] Mrs. Thomas Taylor and Pauline Mr. and Mrs M P Wilkinson and Ohio \\esh.y:tp.'s ne~, 52-year-ohl i bishop of the Methodist church i in their session• BishopH. I,ester Mr. Batchelder has operated a suc- lot Marion were Saturday guests in family of Central City were Sun- "pre~y." Sine°, Sept. 1, when he with which Ohio Wesleyan is at- !Smith, of the Cincinnati ar(,a of ~. JO cessful business on the opposite !the home of her brother,L. L. day dinner guests in the Chas. took ov~q. Ills (luti,,s here, his dr-!flliated, will make the charge to the Methodist church, will speak Phone 72 side of the street from the newlBatchelder and family. Meek home. Mr. and Mrs. Will n'mde (,m','g'y has brought a new the new president, Bishop Francis before the ministers and Dr. Myers MOUNT VERNON, IOWA ~ v building. Continued success is the ] Cleo Frank is employed in the Falcon of Waterloo were afternoonspirit to the ohl vampus. He is the J. Mc~Connell, New York City, an- [ Y. Cooper, fornler Ohio governor, ] wish of the public. Quality Cafe in Anamosa and callers, first lo reach his office ill the other famed Methodist bishop, also will speak before the business men ~ !~ t0-R2 -- ldrives to work each day. Lena Mann will be hostess to the mornina', th,, last to h,ave in the will partie|patc. Both are alumni. ~and political leaders. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Mrs. Edna Wild was a supper Past Noble Grands Oct. 26. • Sunday sehoolat 10a.m. guest Saturday in the Mrs. Sadie Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C n;iiNe Note hat First COL ° Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Dr. lPearson home. Mrs. Wild and son Heald in Whittier, a daughter Sat- of Mr. and Mrs. Willard IAght. Mrs. Donald Robinson and Mrs.[ ~ Att~ Gilbert Voorhees, Marion, will will soon return to LosAngeles,urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wright and Asa Robinson were Cedar Rapids or ws s ~e in s! • i Calif Mrs. Carrie Shanklin left Sunday family were callers Saturday after- shoppers Monday. Mrs. Kline of ~lor-at- -- -~- ~= -~ --__-~---, _ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patten in cam- to spend the winter with members noon at the home of Mr. and Mr~Clarence eared for Mrs. Robinson's '~ *-,,-~= = = : : : = : : = = = = = = : = = = = ,~ffiee ipany with a group of old school of her family in California.Willard Light. children during her absence. aroot Morning ~ount All Farmers Feeding friends, gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert and Mrs. Clifford Kettering and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David Driscoll spent! For Annual Parents Day p~v~ ~n'~|~ ]~'~*a~ {Judge Chas. Haas of Marion for a family and Ethel Harris visited in and Mrs. Karl Kettering of PellaSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leoi • ~,, ...... ,, ~,.~.u picnic dinner. Mrs. Patten and the Edd Harris home near Linn were Cedar Rapids shoppers Satur- Driscoll. Grove Sunda The re ort Mr da Mr and Mrs Bert Slyer and two l Registration ri~u,.,,s to,. the an- JOH~ r~o ,*~ le~*, I~ • j Will Goldsberry of Central City, Y. Y P . ~Y. ' . • I~lverslae rlffl~l~al ]oldest lady and gentleman present, Harris recovering nicely since his' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Neagle of Mar- grandchildren, Betty and Ray Ov-nual ('ornell Parpnts' I)av l~st .q~t- Sooner or Later F.., ~Ohnsto were chosen to serve the dessert, returnfrom the Veterans' hospital ion were Sunday dinner guests at erman of Lisbon spent a day last!urday soared to re,a-t e seven hun- :dred marl{, s~ttmg a new altend- ~ohnstc gur,_"-_,t~¢er~" * ...... growtu,*L attu"-a j tianedl Nelle atanddinnerBlanehewednesday,Davis enter-Mrs, inMr.DeSandMOineS.Mrs. James Clark and Stork.!the home of Mr. and Mrs. ttoward Siver.Week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen , an(.o ,',~,'Ol'd...f°r this dnv.. V," ,,l WHEN weak batteries fail to start. ~y Assi: ; student aellVIll(,s k~,pt all of lhe nealtnler pigs ; more IP. M. Neilson, Mrs. Harley Davis Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schueler me-: Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kettering of Robert Peet is having his corni visitors busv, shl,'tin~ x~itt, reuis- WHEN heavy oil turns to a sticky black jelly. weight at less cost. of Martelle; Mrs. Howard McShane tared to Decorah Sunday. Pella, Mr. and Mrs. John Kettering picked with Roy Peet's machine. ..... land Marilyn, Mrs. Mabel Neilson.Mrs. Mary Heady is spending thiswere Sunday dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Otis Slyer and'tration an,l nmrni,,., chapel wh,re WHEN it takes both hands to shift the gear. Let us prove to you mat I Herbert Shaffer, Glenn Techau week in the Roy Heady home at home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ket- Floyd and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Slyer, t'c,~s. Magoe was lh,, epo:,l.:or. you can save money by ]were week end guests of Bill Voris Mount Vernon tering and Mrs. Rob Siver of Mount Ver- High point or tll, day ,'a,,le wh.n THAT FIRST COLD MORNING! feeding Riverside Pig at Woodward. Mrs. Wilbur Stearns entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kohl were non visited Sunday afternoon south Cornell doused I:hqoil on the fool grief it will bring to several hundred ! Meal [ Gerald Hotchkiss of Iowa City at dinner Saturday night in observ- callers Sunday evening at the home of Mount Vernon in the Ren St- ball fiehl, by the s~'ore of 33-(;. A_ My, what --" Ispent the week end with his par- anee of Mr. Stearns' birthday. Pres- of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stork. ver home. faculty-parents l'eeeption followed motorists in mis country who aren't ready. • We can save you dollars, ents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss. ent were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swit- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light were ...... the ~'qme. The e\0.nin~ a('tivitios Try it Todav~ I Mrs. Josephine Barber Whitcomb zer,n Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Palmer, Mr. callers Sunday) forenoon at the par- ........... Central Linn (~onsist,,d o, an ,ev,,e Before That First Cold Morning ~" [of Orange Cove, Calif., was a Fri- a d Mrs. W. F. Dunlap, Mr. and ental N~ vak home ........ °" when must(., ,lancing and choral Mrs ~alt~on ~oen Manufactured and For [day and Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker, Dick Bishop ..................... • ____ reading furnished th,, entertain- Sale at Mrs. D. V. Peterson. and Earl Stearns. ][ ~ ~"~-~.~'~xr~ MRS. RAYMOND MYERS mcnt. Prof. Toll was master of ' Mrs. George Patterson and Hilda Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock in ~anatat ~L~V~ WAS HONORED SATURDAY eereznonies, r e o u r [li rsl $I0r $I nepper of Cascade were Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. afternoonvisitors in the C. C. Armstrong drove to McGregor and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Saturday, October 4, old neigh- . bars and friends gathered at the Speech Classes Practice -~-- Hotchkisshome. Guttenberg Sunday. Mr. Dwight Krumbholtzwill Hartzell home in honor of a re- Telephone Conversations All kind~ of Feed, l~our, Hay Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Pearson were Bessie Smollen spent the week preach at the Linn Grove Presby- cent bride, Mrs. Raymond Myers. Winter Accessories and Complete Pre-Winter and Straw Sunday guests in the W. K. Pear- end with Mrs. Esther Hepker in the terian church here Sunday at 11:00 The afternoon was spent in visiting As a part of their regular sp,~oth Service : M.ain Store 119 14th .Ave. S.E. son home in Anamosa. C.F. Butler home. a.m. Itis subject will be, "Our and admiring the lovely gifts, training, nlelnbers of the fl'eshltlan Store No. 2, 222 1st St. N.E. Mrs. J. W. Brown will be host-Mr. and Mrs. Brady Hegarty of near horizons." Dr. Morris will which were showered upon the speech classes are receiving" instru(.-Heaters for All Makes and Models of Cars Phone 2-7120 Cedar ltapids ess to the Fancy Work Club Thurs- Tipton were Sunday visitors in the preach for Krumbholtz at Newhall bride. Those present were Mrs. tion and practice in telephone con- Winter Oils and Greases day of this week. R.A. Fowlie home. and Atkins. It is an exchange of Myers, Mrs. Ernest Myers, Mrs. versations. This experiment is We Will Deliver Free Mrs. Vend Greenawalt is spend-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irons and pulpits suggested by the Home Mis- Harry Horn, Mrs. Edward Staskal, made possible through Mr. I!:arl Radiator Service, Including Fan Belts, Radiator•H°se' ing some time in the home of her daughter, Mildred, motored to sions Committee of Presbytery. The Mrs. Noel Jamison, Mrs. Earl Waln, Simpson of the local ~ehq:~hone Heater Hose, Zerone and Prestone, Globe Batteries, son, Dr. Richard Greenawalt an(!Janesville Sunday to visitMiss community of Linn Grove is invited Mrs. Clifford Conner, Mrs. Bert conlpany, who has instalh~d a re,u- family in Cedar Rapids, going there Nellie Easton. to hear Mr. Krmnbholtz. Street, Mrs. Glenn Stoner, Mrs. A1- lar telephone systenl in the Vine Battery Cables, Light Bulbs =-~ .... *'J ~ •Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James C. L. Clark bert Fischer, Mrs. Zoe Richter, Mrs. Arts buMMing. Each stud~,nt will For Prompt Removal Mrs. Lee McCullough entertained of Mount Vernon, accompanied by Brookside P D. Archibald Mrs. Francis Con- have his turn at the telephone and Tire Repairs, Battery Charging ner, Mrs. Emil Mallie, Mrs. Arlo will be criticized for choice of of all ingat dinnerMr. ThursdaYMcCullough,seVeningbirthday.honor- motoredMary Newhardto McGregorand Sunday.Bert Jordan Mrs. Will Robinson Stinger, Miss Stella Hepker, Grace words, articulation, clarity of mean- yell DEAD STOCK Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and Mildred Hartzell. Those ing and pleasantness of quality, as A Complete Cheek-up of Your Car will Assure Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Donal Gordon and HAVE SHOWER FOR MR. AND unable to be present, Mrs. Belle well as courtesy and effb'iencv As Trouble-Free Driving During Coming Months Call Our Nearest Phone and family, son were Friday evening visitors MRS. LEONARD STREETS Thompson, Mrs. Frances Stinger, an added feature of the expert- Miss Nellie Davis will entertainwith Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon in Most all the neighbors went to Mrs. Milton Koch and Elina Hart- ment the telephone company has Collect the M.O.R. Club members Thurs- Coggon. Morley Wednesday evening to at- zell sent their gifts, supplied booklets dealing with the pid day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor en- tend the reception and shower giv- proper use of the telephone. Cedar Ra s 4612 Ma~ Batchelder was host at a tertained recently in their home en for Mr.- and Mrs. Leonard SAM KOCH EN$OYS party Friday evening in his lath- southeast from town in observance Streets. the former Rhelda Russell. LIFE IN CHINA Anamosa 542 er's new garage, recently construct- of the 25th wedding anniversary of About 200 were present to enjoy In a letter to his parents, Sam Reservations Available Now Stanwood 800 ed, and now open to the public. Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the fine musical program inter- Koch tells them he is now again For Homecoming Play PLYMOUTH AND DODGE SALES AND SF_ tvICE Cards and games were enjoyed Lynn Fowler. Following a goose spersed with readings and "advice" at Amoy. China. He spent hisReservations are now available Mount Vernon, Iowa early in the evening. Following supper a theatre party was enjoy- to the bride and groom, birthday, Sept. 6th, in Hong Kong. for "You Can't Take It \Vith You," Iowa Dept. of Agriculture the serving of refreshments to a ed. Many beautiful gifts were show- He attended a movie called "We- a popular Moss Hart, George Koff- IAcense No. I group of young folks, dancing was Mesdames C. L Burroughs, It. H ered upon them, of linens, silver, men of the Wind," and a dance in SANITARY enjoyed. Cooper, Ralph Waln, R. F. Wiley, crystal and china, besides useful the evening. He likes China very The Junior and Sophomore class- Mrs. H. Freeman, Mrs. Wilbur household gifts of furniture, much, but would not care to spend IL~ RENDERING CO. es enjoyed a roller skating party Stearns, Misses Ella Faust, Leta and ,['he young couple are going to the rest of his life there. He has • • • |l[le Friday night in Cedar Rapids. Mabel McShane were among those be at home to their friends in the found the life of a sailor in China Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mr and Mrs. H. H. Cooper an(, ~ttending the Presbyterian Synod- former Mrs Dora Russell home in very interesting with plenty to eat Telephone Mt. Vernon 6000 daughters, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith col meeting in Cedar Rapids this our neighborhood• The neighbor- and enough time for recreation. and Bob motored to the Amanas eeek. hood offers most sincere congratu- He is on the gunboat USS. Tulsa. ~- _-j,_, -- ~, -= for dinner Sunday. Joe Lockard, Shelby, Nebr., was lations ...... Needlecraft Club will meet with aErionViSitOrhome.Thursday in the W S Mr and Mrs Verlon Baker were Mrs. Lyall Bryant on Friday after- Cedar Rapids callers on Wednesday. noon. Oct. 20. Misses Ella Faust Leta and Mabel Mr and Mrs. Sam Overfield, El- Mrs. J. K. Voorhies of Cedar Falls • • McShane and Rev. L. C. Smith. Mr. mer Overfield and lady friend from came Sunday for a visit in the home and Mrs. John Ricketts attended lhe Cedar Rapids spent Sunday at the of her daughter and son-in-law u Sunday School convention in Viola Palisades. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Minish and Sunday afternoon. , Corrine Robinson, who works in family. Ralph Gunnison of Los Angeles, Ro,:k Island, was home over Sun- Milton Koch is building a new Calif., has been a guest of his moth- day. and was present for the 12th corn crib. • er, Mrs. Mac Gunnison and of his birthday dinner for her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Conner and ~Q~|o-~yO brother George and family near Calvin and Casper. family were dinner guests on Sun- * Oelwein this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Honne and day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. V|$|b|||~f Robert and a few Anamosa friends, John Conner in honor of the birth.- Southeast Franklin wcre guests last week for a dinner day of Francis' father. All his i give ~ in the home of Mr and Mrs children were re~ent but o e Steering-Posf I . . : ' - p ,~ n Mrs. Wilton Gunn !Ray Sm~pson m Mechamesville. I Emil Mollie has been having a Friends of Mrs. Dennis Driscoll, ]siege of neuritis Controls MRS, CLARENCE SLACH formerly of this neighborhood, re-[ _____'~_____ ~:;kI k:~iTs,~he ~(~erVe::wfll Tlast/"Family Portrait" To Bc Auto-TypO HONORED AT SIIOWER Ob~ A McCormick-Deering picker will save both time and Mrs. Clarence Slach, arecent d,mto'rs were In" ,attendance "and a I Thanksg~wng'" " Production" Gear Shift money for you--corn will h,e out of the field in a bride, was guest of honor ata linen tract{on of the time it takes by hand, and you will shower given by Miss Wanda I,eigh nurse assisted in her care. tier "b'audlv Portrait." one of the save money in less hired help and lower grocery bills, at the home of her parenls. Twen- family were much concerned for a most successful l~roadw:,y hits or Four Speed - ty-three ladies and three chPdren few days She is in a Cedar Rap- last season, ha.~ be,,n obtained as You don't pay an IItC picker by the bushel, it were present. Bingo was played ids hospital. Forward doesn't pass up the small ears and the nubbins. Mc- and Mrs. Norton IAtts received the Corn 1)icking is on in full swing the Thanksgiving play for ('ornell's .~ flow. Corl~ is a \v(mdorful crop, 1,ittle Ti~euter. Novenflmr 30 and Cormick-Deering pickers get more corn and ac- prize. Mrs. Slaeh received many i averaging 90-95 bnshel per acre in l)eeenlber 1 have [men s(qleduled complish better work due to more seasoqable har- nice and useful gifts. Delicious re- this section, as the production nights. The play. Fuel-Miser freshments were served by lh°l Ehner Overfield was down Tues- written by I,enore ('offee and Wil- Carburatlon vesting and better mechanical efficiency. Add up hostess. day cw, ning from Cedar Rapids and iialn .loyee (~owen, tells the simple, the many advantages brought about by the faster, Guests from Mount Vernon were: . .. • -^ F~ ~"- ! v~mted wHh the home folks elegant and reverent story of Jesus easier, more economical McCormick-Deering method, Mrs. Clara Stewart, M .... ~ m * ' " ~|Ot~¢ Albrighf Mrs I Mr and Mrs. John Fry were call- and his family. and it spells BIGGER CORN PROFITS FOR YOU. Benesh, Mrs. Carmen , .. Slach; and Mrs. Frank Graver of ers last week in the home of Mrs. Starter, Lights Cedar Rapids. J.E. ,h~hnston ill IAsbon. Firat Braided, Hooked Rugs Mrs. Mimic Thimmes and Roxy There seems to be a question as an George and Ernest Briggs are ScoH were Sunday evening supper to whether the braided or the • picking corn for Howard Stork. guesls in the home of Mr. and Mrs. hooked mat has the older family Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wickham of Claire Scott. • Hardware and Farm Machinery Center Point were dinner guests on Rev. and Mrs. Knight and tam-tree. Perhaps tn certain hills and Wednesday at the home of Mr. and ily were dinner guests of Mr. and valleys one form came first, while Mount Vernon, Iowa Mrs. Wilton Gunn. Mrs. Alien Siver last week, and l In equally ancient spots the other Mr. and Mrs. George Light were also called at the Myrtle Manly form was chosen for the first deco. L I S B 0 N, I 0 W A __. callers Friday evening at the home and Otis Slyer homes, raUve handwqrl~ I I ~