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October 21, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 21, 1898 |
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MT. VERNON HAWK-E' E. I Ill Tfil V o, ,wn toOm a: [JUBILEE IS OPENED. OVrR OnS UO DRSD PERISh- nE WaS mZV NQmX ] 11 l 2J"
I'Jl'Jll IIb]IHILI Mackin. Matt money nnd Will lgon I I,odie. o'"o- eti.-so't"e"o"e- ,hen,hi H--o ,* 0. HI- [
I, .a m.aL a.ffi ,v ,were fata.lly in,jured',I sent u rat ers ann song, sermons ane [ tan Disaster Are Being Toned People, But Came OouUt " l.Lare miles travel, are no oO(land branches) at therate otiS. o Ch
tin Lake Michigan, offWaukeg-an, the I Praise Serv:'ces Begin the Great [%Vashed Ashore. ] ] suuaeu caanges, imp- ,~
MT. VERNON, t Idainty. IOWA. ' ,chooner Churchlll ~.r' of mw'Ch~cag o[ mgm rue praises or peace ano lne]laden . . ] vnseatnea " "I eniUy nights' aampne's ann"l r r m
hA lrnu0rtant HaDDemngs of I1 : . Week in Chl~Rgo. tat on, is peculia ly t y" g ~ -
:~, wlt,h iron ore, foundered, ano, uapt. Falmouth, England, Oct. 17.---More A young man about town was caught in A good Fall Medicine is as arve~
week ~neny lea, Cainan~Jbarney~el~ nwerear wne - I -- / tha~ 100 l"ves were swallowed up bvlone of those sudden downpours of rain that,beneficial as Spring Medlel~ of t~
I~I~ENZO S.-~ow, the newly chosen . . - ~ j . . --
The safe of the Consohdated Mill- [ Churches of All Denontinatlons ~re / t when the steamer Mohe an have lately astonmhed the natives. He was Sarsaparilla keeps the blood s n
]president of the Mormon church, is an . ~ j . he sea . " g on Euclid avenue at the time, and, obeying [ off malaria creates a ~ood 'adk~ ot
ing ann ~arGwooG compan,y ]n .)ilnne- Crowded--Streeeta lllununateu ~ e Ul
Ohioan by birth, and is a product of t~v tTT ~aT~nn~ /~ ~r]~ t~xrr~x~ . / t went down Friday night. Although the first ~mpulse of self-protection, ran up [ -~f~llin~, ~ a ,~.~int~'~t~ the
the Oberlin college, the alma mater of JIA'I /kJl~JL~ Jl:t~.J~lO ~J0 AaA~ U '~X~JZ~ apohs was reDDest or a6,00(~ worth or ] Ovation to the President at / the number o~ victims is not so large the nearest walk and placed himself'neath / ;~.:,',~7~: ~"~:~::~-'~:': :--alve beeil
United States bonds. Auditorium. I ""~ T -.'-~ ? the sheltering roof of a house porch. It was ~ Y,-s -]~r,~
tm many distinguished men before him. '" - [ t as at nrs~ reporte(L rue vest accounts earl- in the evenin~ and -et the ho--s- u-~ r,cuia
tkt vlsalla, ual an eamnquaKe -- f . ~, # u e, .e ~ es t
~ffe is now 84 3"ears old, but in perfect All the Latest l~'ews of Interest .oil] rocked on their foundhttons, I Chicago, Oct. 17. The premdent of I aboard perished. All day long bodies a rather narrow porc~l and he stood'closeby [ O ~ ]~:r" di(
~ealthand possessed of all the keen . . ebtamable show two-thirds of those notmedwasquttebri htwithlights Itwas He d 8arsa he~
mental faculties that are requisite ~or W&shhlgton~ From the East, the broke crockery and#aroused many peo- { the Umted States arrived in Chicago [ were washed ashore alon~, the coast the front door while the rain came down in ~ .Is America's Greatest M~hin~, r
leadership of the Mormon church, wa~* oriel th~ South ple. [ over,he l]linoisCentralSaturday night ~ .~z t~ ~ ~,Zn .~ t~" wild gusts. ] -7~. an~ ,~-'
.Three tramps were killed'by the co~- / at 9" 0 and will be the central figure / ~oh *~ ;~ ~, 'rh i ~retty soon the door was opened and a/ Hood s Pille cure all hverll~et ~,
A lr~E~c~r doctor is now asserting namg ot traln.~ near l~ecatu~- z~r~ is the ell "s eace uouee this x~ eOK. " " t" st o i a d '
' I 3 P J ~ rece~lng ne be f attent on n at the stormbound youth, and he looked atJ --epudlt
I 2tk ~leW xorld~ ~JexltrUl lla
that a person who is so unfortunate au ~tE LATEST FOREIGN DISFA'rCtLt~ In Chicago Geor~-e H. Jacks and [Although much wearied by his long]cure. Of the 161 Dersons on board the ~her;, She held the door invitingly open A ~ew~or~.~(entr~a l~]
to have his head removed by the guiI. John Drug an, were han ed Jacks 'carney over tne great west and his . " . [ v~oncyoustep m?" she asked. . ~eorge,~.~amem, m~ne~e v av,
lotine retains the senses of si~l~% g g ]3~ . / Moalegan when she struck the rocks He ~tenn~a in a ,lo~t ,~1 a o~.1,;,/~~t~an~;o~Y h .
killed a mannamed AndrewF MeGhee arduous (lay at the Trans-Mississ~pp~ ld h xam 1 ~ ~ ' - ~ v " ~- " . . ,
WAR NI~WS. . " ' ' . . . " . only 45 escaped, a1 t ese were near- e p e o[uuexpeeted Samaritanism ~ent which is of .a~st reel
smell and hearing for three' hours after Vetch t~]~,~ ~rder~ from r~Vashinr~- and Drnggan took the life of :Robert F. exposition, he said just nelore tearing [ lv all nicked n~ by a boat from the life The maid looked at him again,ling nature, but it is one wl~em t-"
the supposed execution, and that death ,^.~"'~"~:~'~'i~,: h~-~'=;: ~a 1~,~.~ Gad;teen. I the train: "Throughout the journey] ~v~,~r ~,~,~v,"Which. o~ the ladies--?" she began, and I pleaser ns f t, hatgre~ ~row~.
~by such a method is one of the mos~ ~o, ,~ ~. v.~s rr), ~,~,~ -~ ~ .~ Loui~ [ t h,~ ho~n doenlv moved bv the ca- / "-[:"~ - I then l~e knew that he was mistaken for a [ par,uc aria y t.aose who trav~ 2 "
sailet~ ~rom New xorK. ---- v I ~" " . . ~ : : ~,Up to midnight 51 boo~es nan been,caller. I books. The eircular reads as I~"etrs
prolonged forms of capital punish- H~s men not being furnl~ h [ .~ g [ recovered. Some, were, found~ miles [, he wondered what explanatmn [. ~Mjleag, c books, good for 5~ he ca
" " %bed wit and was, given a publicreception after triotism of the people, an~ oen u~eo ~ ~ ' t
ment. --7 ~ o ~.~. ~,~.n y ~ x7 ~,'~h n o~rn wnicn ne spoke at the exposition. I~ ~,lwith, thew~.;~e~aoences~ ~ ~o I tnetrnci~ pr sper- ] nW~Vex~res- - ~ ~n o~x,~ ~n~ if. i~ exnent. x~ ed hi -'-at ' ne e um make a magnificent matr n of geU'erous ro ortions" swe t from the r,s tations on the Ne~v York cW t~c i.t~, ,startons runes travebon the New Yorkare nOWcen eenst
LAST spring Typographical Union pany F, First ~llSsOUrl vomnteers, .~ ] --a . -, co ~e ~- ] more ~fll-" be ,~ashed- ashore to-day. I with outstretchedPP handP parle o,(! de
ro.~t~ . ~ao~.~,~,~ s on ot I resmenx 51C/%lllle~ S llllpl-t~b e
No. 6acquired a tract of land nearmarched his company out of Jefferson " ." " I : . ",Many persons undoubtedly were killed I She stopped short when she saw that she I ~es-Eeetive ly." i r~ .tied,
is t~ermanys emperor ano empress ~ions t his tap so tar as it nas pro-| h,~ ~- 1- ~ ~. I didn' kn *~. ~ These tFkc ets are good until~ntl -
l~ew York as an experiment. Anna-ih~rn nthin, unnara e " "" rv started from Berlin on airlptothelceeded. Afterthecit2hm,tshadbeen]~h ~zl a~ o,sta oral, Pardonme, madam," hesmd; Iseemto[~on~the:-m~a~
bar of the men who were unemployed barracks in St. Lea and dismissed . . . . . . ~j urmg uasneo on the rougu ,~t;~s,t . ow th. ~ :, . pr[
-- = llet d in mlhta w v sh
were ~iven parcels of ground to culti ~ ~ Holy Land I reached crowds lined the mclosures / r" i bethe viehm of an mnoeent mmtake. The I ~e,w ~or~ral, ads a)~ oxdl~ o~'.
mstory. ', . - I / on an orflmary coast. ~ome oz the suuaen rain drove me to the shelter of vour 1 and divisions, including the ~[ . -,y
v Ao~ lees tr~m customs omclais at all DeSlfle tne tracks or the /ltlnOlS ~.~en led A ood oreh an r nam Rome Watertown & in r
rate. They have succeeded admirablyThe American flagwill be raised o er " ' . ] . "~ bodiec are horribly mang . g p,d you maid, evidently mista~kin~ [ nam, Rome, Watertown & [ p
and some of them are so stuck on a~- c 18 the points in Ch.Jna show that Am eri- I zral railroad, eager to see tne presi- / ;~^~ ^~ ~ men~. ~.~o ~ ~ I me for somebod, els~ ~,~ *~ -,o ~- I e~ I Car/ha~e & Adirondack, Ge ~l a~ ~
8an Juan O adDer . ~, o~ jew.~vv n,~ ~y .~ o~=~ ~, ~ -~ --~-:;-o-. ;: ~,~ .- ~ -- t,
rieulture as a pursuit that they think v n.5 ". B be t eArner- can mlper,tsare increasing, whale those / dential. . .train sweep by.~mtnumasm/ ~uuuu.~ ~s" art"Line ~a :- ,: .- ~mgauug u c ~ t rarely nave no desire to intrude "The magnificent matron looked at him landthe Adar ndaek (Utica t ~t*''visions t.o na
:In Ha a a ~aj ee,of h " e~, m cr
of becomin~ farmers for all time to commission died of ,e]low fever of ~ther countmes are decreasing [was unoounded, even when the pr d |. o 1 I " I visio~ ~|at
lcan -,' 3 . -- ~,I / ~er,lost, it is GouotIu ~netner ngnt,wtm critical eyes. I Mil~ge books will be issued[~ gel
come. * The Third Illinois infantry has been In tho Fash~da affair" trance has I vent mmselx eoula, not ue seen . 31r will ever be thrown on the causes of I Then she turned to the maid I of t he ~ead of a family" or fir~xey
ordered back from Puerto Rico. concluded a trea.t~" with Abyssinia lMcKinley left the train at Thiriy-| t~ae disaster "Janet," she said, in severely emphaticl~n raOvfe~enry~oe~d sty
The ~ anlsh offiemls at San Juanag g g g ~men,u uJ
HORSE flesh, ass flesh and mule flesh P. ' . . " ~ . : I [', r Mcr~rqli ms [ From the best e" ee ontainame and give him an umbreller. [ vided" the name 5fsueh memb~,~ P
are now eaten in such large quantities ' ainst En land ninth street oin directly to the " . I tones, take this young man to the k~tchen I family or for any traveler for]M .
tn France that the regntar butchers nave mgnmed their wunngness to turn 1he police ~n .Ate anama r.~gypt, at- / --" ~.~. ~1.~.~" ~.~",~fl .~= '1 ~ ',at St. Kevemne it appears that the Me- ] And when the youth heard her say "urn-/~n the book by the~s of
oYer the government of Puerto Rico re~ea nine Ita,~an auarcMsrs ann /wnere ,~rs. mc~miey nas oeen eprer-| hogan foundered five minutes after she I brelier" he felt that he was amply avenged ]~r ~ttedn tree
whodeal in beef and mutton are get- ~ ,~-^ ~--~-' thereb~ frn~tratedt a ntot to k ll Era-/tained ~inee arriving from Canton,| I for the humiliation of the situatmn--Cleve- I honored for transportation bY|t~ar~ ,
% ting uneasy. In thedingy restaurants ,u ~ j~c~,~. . ~r f ~ ~'-- [ Other members of the official ,~artv,struck the rocks. ~ne was going at ] land Plain Dealer. " I ~,includinglimit~ f"
frequented by the lower orders of 1he war department ~ssuea .orcers ]~ero~vvlttltlUl, l]UVy U.LI, IJ,115 xCV~:t~ tO tile - V'Io " / full speed; ~he struck twice, stopped [ s I onlytothe end of the run Df ea~re ~ml
Rome, Florence and Naples :they go reduclng the, number of men ~n the tioiy band. |.~ere taken care ox a~ tne ~eaomg ] and rapidly settled in the water. As [ ~H~ ~a~ ~YD~I~'.W~.I~ ] er ofsu htc i cket d~eem
one better. There is a dish composed Nebraska to 81 men, but In Paris p~ans~o overthrow the gee- / hotels. . . .',the captain snd the executive officers I -- F"~'.a."~" ~'~ .~ ] ~a tc nduatg~r~he l(
: of a harmless wood serpent's fleshCo l Br~n wa!~ remam~n.theserwce, err~ment of France were d~seovered. [. MenJo~lellv:;,tcr:e~;u~?:bes::.dayinlCf tbe steamer went down with her, it] One o[~:~a~e~r~t~mapTor~ee Ss'of the]~~sn~m i~eaage~ selve'
:~ whieh is regarded as something o axflo ciemana oI the uniteo ~tates - . .r |has been impossible thusfar to ascer-I deep-water way from the Grekt Lakes to the ] ticket a-gent, who will det~cl~wn el
that the island, of Puerto Rico shall " [" g,tat how sh~ got out of her course, as,ocean is Major A. C. Bishop, of 715 Third I mileage and issue a mileage excel fins'
I ,
be, turned over to thts government on Further reports say that ]08 persons ~ s ldiers and sail rswh w nthebat-~Falrnouth light and the coast were]Ave', Detr it, a,civil,engineer fwideexpe']~wll, be~che ck~out t
i! T~m crops of fruits and vegetables r~-*'-ber 18 has bee.n a~'reed' to b, ' h- - o / ales cf the late war. tn all of the ! o I rience ann consmerame prommence in ms tan on the l~ew ~orl~ t;entralL
s ~ ~o~'t their n~es v~ t e wrecking ox the |.~ ~. ~ +~o .~ a: ms| wtmD~e. I profession. He was assista~t engineer on the branch ~nes, t hu s avoiding th~uersta
i In Denmark are a complete failure. Iu upain, steamer Mohegan on the coast of ] o.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~], ~'~''"'eo,The survivors without exception [ Hudson River Railroad in 1850 and has ] b "~bedafterretir~g,~leY wat
his e mar 1 a Mama were cro~oea lo their u~most Dy p
consequence, the prospects for Ameri- The Spa ' h st ~ Re'n " Cornwall ' . -- - . "I s~eak in the hi~hest terms of the de- / since conducted large engineering opera- i ink ~baggage.-From the Pitt~ his p
van ca~ners is of exceDtional bright- Cri~tina sffiled from Havana for Snain The tw~-t-.-~xth ann-~ oon~r | pie who wanted to add their voices to ! ' r . ~' I tions. He has been located in Detroit, since I August 21, 1898. |h-
~ith 1D73 officers and tr-ons +~ x-o,;~ ~ ,~; i.+ ~. ] the nn~versal song of triumph and [ 1815, and hasalargeacquamta cea. ongthe [ ,~.- .-A~ ~N[~ -
~aess, and already inquiries are coming" " . . ~ ~ ~.~u, . notion, nerolsm ano coolness o~s- " n m . . = vex
in freelyand some good orders have "~---"" .~. . ~rj ~ . " 7. ~. .: s,/o~.~ +." ~,r~ ~,~dis ~ ann ~,n,re.|playeo ~Y tae omcersano crew Itne[businessmen tad citizensofth~sclty. I The Same. But Dlff~ app~
in the case oi dosepn 1" Mclntyre, at Indiana ohs Ino ~ ~ " " ~ or 1111
' I P,',"7. ' ~ '. " ~. n~,ill-fated steamer and declare all were I Two years ago, for the first time, Maj,The returned soldier ~aus~~ po~
been received. As the crops in this ohapl'ain of the warship Oregon, the I The atilt.cry is in full control at]ga~ "ap:::b ~ rmL: ::~n ~:: ti:t:|instantly at their posts when tt was] Bis-h- p-wasintheh spital',F .rtw m nths[~rous~y--:, teoff'
countryhavebeeumostexcellent, there eourt-martial foundhim guilty ofco~a- IVirden, Ill and order has. been re-]ae s. y " P '|V.^wn that,~.~vesselhan~.e~nstruc~. I he hadthe nes.~ Ot meqma~attenaa,ce, Du~I "This pie of yours is not--" J~0,000
~} is a prospect that the canners will get duct unbecoming an officer and sen- stored The coal comnanv will make,Episcopalians and Unitarians all lu,~':~ ~ ~ff. ~ . "" I wnen ne was msenargea ne was no~ a~e me ~Veari/y the ~'ife sighed. "~ ,
good prices all through the coming ' ' -- t lne pemmus posi~mn of the snip was / Malor Bishon of old. When asked regard-I ~~'(~ce.~ffenrv:' 1 per
fenced him to dis,mlssal from the naval no further atdempt to bring in negro,~ne iorms nnoer w mcn tpey worsmp:,noticed on -here and a warning [ ing'his health, he said: "~rhen I ha~ my I ~e~s'i'nlae'r'to~Pensa
ii winter.
It'-nrfe Washington, eel- aeTviee, miner~. " ] P P "" rocket was sent up but it was too late [ !ast spell of sickness and. came t of the my pies are not a s-g-ooct as t.ha~lbeket,
~faj' Gen Greene ha~ bee~ ordered W W Be "~n ton, ,he ~.~+ -re~: o- / ceremony ce~enratlng the return or| J ' I l~ospitai ~ was a sorry sight, A comano~ gam I er, u~ed to make."- " ~ttlln41."
!li, ored~THEofCaselJ S f Philip street, Philadel- " " " . 7 ~. -, I . " " ~.' g .~, ." -' ": "':'=~ ] the white win~ed bird and the ~]o / tnen to avolo tne catastropne, wnmn I my strength, an4 could not walk over ablock I ~'"~:ou ~re~led to anotb~ ~
will command a dlv~sion of the arm, homein tIighland Park. aged 80years. |,'~:s :~he sermonswas for the.hold |not sufficient ttme to get all the life-{ --'7~'- I noHe~eds I-~ no~'on~y:~
phm: who was o0erated on for aopen ~o report ~o uen. ~,~znugn ~ I wno settieo in ,meago, uien at his," "or|es of American arms The,occurred so suddenly that there was,for several weeks ] r~tly. "i-was aboupr ~
:i dams by ProL Da Place, at St. Agnes' of Cuban occupation. Gem Maximo Gomez, commander in / t d "I savinr, annaratus out of the shi- I ~ -- ~ some attic I ~~' ng-,~re th,
: hospital recently, is a very rare one. There are 55 war vesse~ls now under chief of the Cuban army, quarreled ling of aequ~ed termt:;y and .fO;s:::s ] Mem~ers"of the crew are known tie [ ~./ ~'~X~:~ ~nrt:ee~.e.~pa~ ] t~~ePa/~ teas
In the first place, statistics show that eontract for the government, an& with his whole staff near Reins and [ versal peac ~any . t~.e mm,hay'- stood by and watched the boats [ t /. ~ ~)r Williams~ I ~o~us~o're-.~lbusinl
appendicitis is seldom found among when completed Amenica will rank I ~hey all left him. ] spoke of the propose~ ~marmament,launched and put off when it was ap- I l-r.~ ~ ~,] Pink Pills for I web costa'me from the yoke ol.~Oney
conference called by the czar of Rus 7, ~ l Peo le r s 1 r n
t zrd ~n naval ower,~ an ne / Pa e p,d e s It m the go dfish ga me th
colored people, and it is very rare that h" ',P I F/oods "n Jap have do great~ ~. ; . " "]parentthat~heseweretheonlymeans[ ~-~ ~, I~[ I~~menl~t er
1 ~[anl h S yes ela al d all haa woros or pralse for the "2~ wnlca ~uu en~ ~ai~imor~ ~xmerlcu. na
!! ," it develops in people over the average A d'spatch from 'la says t. at[damage to crop and many li have ] ' " .' ] by which their own lives could be ] ~,~ t vineedme that ] e,~o r |n, net,
bale ef r m t e s ~orkofbotharmyanonavylntnetate ~ A ~ LE It
:!: age of 23 years, while Washington is Maca s, the ehi co~t ell" g h [been Ix) t. [ ",saved. ] ~ ~l. ~.~ ~ t h e ywere STAra O~Y OF ToLgl~al ed
~: lil years old. five northern provinces~ o.f Luzon~ has [ The sultan ordered the withdrawal| war The terror of the scene was inde- I ~ ~/r~(~,~ worth trying I ,~~~T ~ ~nkru]
,The fl]umlnahon of the busmess dis ann D0ught ranK d wneney makes oa o at n
~'~ revolted against Aguinaldo, and that lot all the Turkish troops in Crete, in [ " " "I scrib~ble Men ~um~ed overboard In [" ~ I-} ~ - . ] ~~rS ao~,~ c
~!! ! LEIPZIG university refuses to acceu~ sharp fi,ghtin~between the insurgents Icompliance wi(:h the joint note of|trier Sunday night attracted an im-| an a~on~ of desuairrand the women I 2~ "{~flI ~ ~(~ d~ ~ ~eStakXe ] ~~' es~ ~n~h74h wh
in men e f n tare sir etwas ~ ~ r
~ ~ime spent at the University of Fret. is proceed" g. Great britain, Russia, Italy and,| ,ar~engers huddled together and re- ~ ~ ~ t ~'~ ~ them for my ] C~nar St atea-fore s~d, ~ but
~! i r~urg, in Switzerland, in the count oi Spain's government cabled G ~a.[France [packed. The c.row~s, theglowingelee-|~'use~ to leave the deck The officers[ ~",k~ t[; ])~complexion ]~li pa, y the sum of One~laeern
o l l b u t f o r tars ior eaen ann every case
trm lamps and the gay o ors mat e a I e
~ its de~rees, on the ground that the ' " Y ' " '" ,~" ' be ut ' " g ast, and siren th Aft- t be cured y t
Blanco not to turn over an,y further President MeKlnle arrived in Ch~ remamed on the bad e tothel eanno b he use of ran
~l~ teach~n~ there has deteriorated below t erritor3~ to the Americans unttl ~he cage to a~tdnd the peace jubilee and [ scene of bet flderlng a y [ m,-nv instances of sacrifice are re-I ~t wk~?~ ~erumn~l~ "them I ~JJ-'~~t
" Y, v
i~:I university standards since the Detain. peace treaty had been ~efln~tely [was welcomed by animmense crowd. ] Many Paint In o Crnsh. |corded" [ "=-~r,a-" ~~- " I felt ~better, ] SwornSworn tote b.eforebefore me andsume andsub~month
~' ! lean monks have obtained con trol. The . ~ ~ b h usa," ~0~ B and know resenee, mis om any et oul
m ec~ Masse,told the t o nd s~ r ed I]
,~* i other German unlversitiesare likely to gm . ~ IArilliam Liohtenberg, charged with ] '" Y ' - g,A l'feboat with n load of 40 persona [ the, ~id[ m worlds of good I am pleased ] ~- ce t t. ~ sn ~a~ky" ~.~ot ~-
i~'l follow the example of Leipzi~ andw ill The president of me. Spanish corn- t killing a family at- Brookfleld, Mass / up against the front en, trance to the [ on its way to the shore nas~ed many I to ~recomme~d them to inv'alid~ who need I I Seal] No~: ~
~ refuse to recognize the Freiburg de. rn~aion~. MonCero Rt0s, said in Parts lwas a!~e~ted ~|n Milwaukee ~/Auditorlum~ at eight o clock SundaY/w, rd, ",~ were batt]'tng- ~-- ~"- " m~ I atcmict~ build"th':"c~m~titution~ ,q, ~--~ . I Hall'sCatsrrh Curei~takenf~end~l " tl o
~I; ; ~l)mrIO~L e~ by Prof, sequencesmigh2be. ] A society to be known as the Society [ of humanity were borne :.-- in~ s . ~savc. - --ast ~,uard, stood ou the].~n~B~T]~nan~I~.r~fjr Not---Public |"~e~7~e.:,~V'~, e
i~!! Dewar have shown thatliquidhydro: I~RoMWAsH]~TO, |bf the Arlnydf SanttagodeCuba ialmen, falntingaudbrulse,c~w mend:; l~car ::~:~cere?theboat, ~'th~] ~ ~t~,:~v'~Gi~i~'~n~edie~tsl
: f~ ten is by far the lightest of all knowu " " ' n to the t er o nil ~ar~m slaorc ~n,~j: ~11' k ~ ~or Pale People . - ,~ - ~.
f that of water, and, curiously euough " p, c --= "= [ h P
~f ~ irate bears to air. Heretofore the ~ r * :~ I"" -- ~'' " ~ : " ~Je ~ '
~[ ~ lightest liquid known has been liqui-,The ;%'ieh:e~t ~maa in New En~la~ad. -v-Tda-F'~tefi~ff thet'lnjur ]
~ ~ fled marsh gas which possesses about r ~ "-- e at n h ~ ~u pu~ o~t~
[oonn~uwa~be~nea~t~ni~tnome~~ ted and men droned in *-- -:^,- .~*~nr,~A,~ ~.| : ~ ~tlq~te mc
li [!" two-fifths the density of water.| " - ~':~' "~'~*" " ~" ",~mes ann groans. Tl~en be was a~'ain 1an a !
iu Milton, Ma's~, aged 8~ years, ~W l~r . ~ - J "$ Free Homes In Waste tin
,their tracks aid were iramplc~ on '- ~.B h! lookatt atwheat,g
By an explosion of a~-oin ~ eolllery. P - Y P ~ia ~'d,u- There are about 1,000,1}00 e~. -]
g: i ::eYSw tti those near the vat,ms formed hollow to the wreck was. fruitless so tarns ~tm~'~ rag. !~e~. ~u~ b~ . .
~[ f TB'E farmers of the islands in the at Coaldale, Pa. five tiien ~r~ ~re killed ~
~ [~ SanJ aquinriver'Calif rnia'arec n [a~d 11 tnJured~" ~ ~ r {~.l~ttne~r way out, taktug anyone trom the re,me1 w.~s ~.Cfl " - Ah, imty~ o~h t~ ~it tohotmmt~,de ,andabott the"
-,carrylug xnel~ concerned but OE its W ]~ ~aki~ in th ~, a in of rallro;Wand~ for 3
~| !' tiuually praising th, sotl on their| Tile firm Of' J McD {~eott & CO' ~me n~s. aybaeklotha, ~.~.~. ~ ~?~tahe
I ranches as being the most productive "' Spent a ttuiet SunaaT. sh re 16 other urvlv Alt-ttt~. ' rates. Anese laRas are on. Or pel~
l wholessle in tt.our . - o . or. r.:.t ken I -. I
|} of any in the world, but they have
,Pa, f.~iled fo~,~0o;0~. I ~. ~est~g a great :trot, tne water, xnis was Just oetore ] mt~tm.d~nera!I~, r~tt'
|| ~ been confronted with a wonderful[ ~o'~vma~'Aaa~,~rU~h ~ ma~, ~~residence of daybreak / ' I l~a~h.uer~I~rs.~:~l b.e gll~c~.~.
~| ~ freak of nature this season. Itianoth-/. *- "."Z-'~.-='~ "."~l':--'-7"[~~tive, where A connected aenount of wh~t ~ {Ime lt~ lta vegenetopiee~ i sll about them. If you @i~J~)~ ~
[~ i ing more or less than a second cropof|zacturers ann w~o,lesale ~lealer~ InlZ~He-~:d-~ot . ~ . -. -= "~71 ~,~ilor---Perh apa, sir, you ~at down. In--at them, We LDui~t~an
a er in New York, failed for $200,~0!~~ ~ "~ ~'A'~e ~atlonai ~a~eDali league s sea- - ~ ;. curreo aide. ~ne snip s~rucK is, not yetI ~oldf qqj~me I ~at down, I v'flle Railroad pr0vid~ the ,~tt r~.
~en,hen H Lloyd, of San Franci~o" |~mg: '~ora ootatname. It seem, however, that,it to you eaa milking tuit, tir--I o~ 'ty~rst a,aJd :':
~ [ treea of these three kinds of fruitare| . . .' ~'. . ']~e lathe afternoon he was one of the shin's boats contalnln- sev lonlyuawalkingsuit, sirI.'--Juay l~f ac~monthLwithexc~~nt
~ ~ tn full bloom for the second time this s eieet o ma mee ~u, u ~u. ~ ~" ~"~"v "~v r
[ ~ in Pi;~sbguT ~. Pa StoTt~ ~n:nd e~'-l~r e ~e ~mpany with oral women got away safely, but was I The man who inv~nt~l advice never in-] ~~mo e .U~dt~an-
~ ' "' ~ " Mrs McKimey, ~;apt McWtlliams annca sized A number of ,~secl
~i~i year. ' ] campment of the KnightsTemnlar ,[ ~. McWlIHams and p . ItS oeoupants [ tended that tn~one should tak.elt, This wu ] ~KY",'f~l"w~
[~'~. [ THmChieagopostofficcisto have aJ ~ ~, a,o, ,~,+: IMrs. McWilliams. were rescued by lifeboats Another JnotiatheEt~mafieation~.--AtchisonGlobe. [
[ * ~: ~xr ~+ ~ +~o ~, "~, ~e Jubilee Inanlgnroted. boat with 16 hands was picked un bv I ~-'n-hi--- t'.ad~'*- "--sum I "Sometime, Phoebe, I shs~lu~ th~
t!i!i i new permanent employe in the person e . -,
'~ ] ~'ubtlee of Chics- a lifeboat and got ashore, and two or [ ~r ~-,-.-. -:. Co. . I p~~e o?~y girl I ~, an4
; of a physician, at a salary of $1,~00 per,~, ,~, ,any caw~er, ~ r, . - . . ,-,v ~
] ]~ Sunday lfight with three other uersons reached land [ once 5o to your d r!aggist to-day sad get s ] ~~aee ~auYo s~e~'o~and'
';i ! year. He will be stationed at the main tne ~oors oz tne 1 logs,~ tranK,~, . A~.~m = ~n~,tt ,u, //,Lip ~ u~u a~ 'A'llat s so Kma ot you, ~v~r. a
I ~,thele.a ~ learin~.~. sinth* ]~rvice.s tl~e. The night was perfeetly clear, thel~.a~ pleb~fle~roe" ~L~.~rg eb tt/es DL~andb0] ~~'g'oSu~."":~.nse~
~i~; office for the purpose of examining or uwego, =n. x. were closes. ~ ' ~ . . -I " mpo ite pho
~I!i emuloyes who report themselves as be- / :.~ ~ s,~ .s . ~ [ " ~he president attended star- were t tudded in the sky and O,o / ; umuys ar~ uaus~rvtm ~ = ]wress
~J~i i inK" sick, and it is expected that he[ unl~eu ~ate~ tn~ exchanges curmg1 MINOR N~WS ~byaJew h" ~ ~ "~] = No one has ever n abl ~h "
MINOR NEWS ITEMS and bstened to addresses by a Jewish h ht~ alon the channel w m ' bee e
the week ended on t]ae 14th a re ted,- :g g ere vi "ble Two of a Kind.-- 'Th ear dreams go by bald headed men hay " z" "
~' i will make a large savin~ to the gov-| ] IT~S~I c priest-~a everywhere All the afternoon the,contraries, do they not. Yes---dream I ~~b e~2a~ablreha~.~.~1
gg ga m e e~,e their h a*d .
$1,389,261 652, a atrmt $1,466,580,990 ~ ~- ~,
:~! ernraent in salaries, as some of the / ',F ,~, . ] M'~~lergyman and a noted nassen~,ers "had been en~o-in~, t~= [ and weather predictions. --Puck. I "- ~ Z'~'ag~
emptoyes report themselves as being] the previous weeK. "~ne lncrea~e corn- as one of the most beautiful women colored orator Applause forthethe ~cener of the En lish c~as s "~],= I ~nOllf~].To Cure a Cold in O~ ere
ared with the corre ond~n weektn . . . Y g t, and in Pi~s Cure cured me of a Throat and . . . was
~i incapacitated when they are able to,p~^ SP g ]~u~:d:; time the earl- eveniu- were eatiu-- "heir/Lu ' ~ I ~nin~lba
a~t was 6 1 et,
!~ perform the duties. " a ~ 8 " ~m ~,~uu,~ u~ ~.r~ #~ n~.~u8 --~
~i j l~n " me"' united": "" ~tates t~ere were zo5 [~~, an to to rise in ~his-box. first dinner at sea, There was no l Cady, Huntington, lad, Nov. 12s ' .1894. " I d~u~gistsrefundm ney~fit fai~y~ ~' - sl
i~: A F~ENCtI raiaroad company has [ . [ M~, frantic cheering of thought of danger. The talk of the [ [ She--"You,~ n~sl~,~,~, o~ ~, u
ousm,es~ lauures In the seven aays I ~h service~ however. . 1 u[~en wna~ a mac eaus princ,ple is amere / ~~ ~" ~,~."~l~nde
'~i~ painted the outside of its passenger / ~ a ,~.^~+~ - . ~,~,~ . istay~ ~ne serwcev, however, tame was IU xuu sway ~n rne lower/ i of~*l,i,~*, ,~M,;~-,~,h~ ~ t~.J ~ as.'', tle--' '~o; m~aee~
,~,m~.~, ~ii --= ~t~ e weeK [ ~us character, and at cabin, where a few horsemen and cat-] E~asl~il~n'~(~.'}~l~a ~-at y-[ blame him for that."--Yonker~ltl-~,~
:~ coaches with poetic devices, or the imo
previous ann zzJ In the corres on~m l s
i~! ages of stars, fishes, birds, etc sketeho I :. P,~ g Ib~emn silence of the vast tlemen had gathered. Dinner platesl .: ] =, - ~ .
,per]o~ or ~wt. I,~,~, - assembla~,e was much more elo-uent had b~n cleared *w-~, n~'~es U--~.'--~ / it ~s easy, sure. At wm vanisn, use ~t. 1 ~s u)j curesb'oreneSe~, sle
~!! . ed large and in emphatic colors. The,En route from London for NewYork I"".~: than the wildest a-'-'l e could ~-- na :.~', - -~, v~v "s-,~u,Jacobs Oil for Neuralgia It's done. I St, Jacobs Oil cures Stittne~qL~eau
~! object is to enable the passenger who t the Britisl~ ~teamer M-'--~ [ Thomas Greenwald, a private in nat ~PV instruments orougnt out I s . I "l[l~ rts
~ gets off for refreshments to recognize /asnore oetween tne ,~ana,elesU~eganano" mz.ran [ tern I S~~ted~ States artillery, J~t 1~ =--~-~-" for the entertainment of the guests t A good many women entry amiability too I The most tiresome thin on ~ vir
!~ ' ' ' ~are no, at o~.Tn~ on~t ~r,'~ .~' ~ ,[ . l : ie-trfi g to desert U~'I'I ~ ~UKKI~DII;H.~ ~- -- ,b und so pleasantly for home. Sud-[ far.--Atehison Globe. ,~ --r~ /~ent~'~ln ~e ':~:~nt
~i~ / his carr~age and class from amid the
IIe~169perso~-~/~t;~ei;1/ve;rnwallana]fr0mFortSlocum,near New R chelle, Belli~ erent Beor lslm~d 14edskln. ~]~:lYr~atrveei:e~t:;;;=~ltB~at caused~ ~ ere's it gone? AzkSt. Jaceha0i]. it]~ed. 8~rl~e;u
crowd and in the gathering dusk.
~'~ ~.i ~ays to himself. I m the fish, the ~ ~ ] 1~. Y. Lay DoW~ ~hetr Arm~--TheT . .g .~ e trom stem,~ured that br-uise--gon~orkeff it. l~r ra,
~,to stern t~e passen ers looked ate -~t
~ ~': scales, the swallow," etch, and makes "Esr AND $OUTII,The Canadian senate is the most Issue o Manlfe~to " g " |
~ ~ for his own place. Ab Virden, Ill anattempt to " pafriarchial of eontemporary upper -- eac.~ other'~ faces with questioning ~1
~ ' " r " a~
In through ~hach men gro ed and sta sn
,~i~:: Tnt~ town of Meriden, i~ has brought on a battle in which, ll l~ing ill the seventies, flveiz~theeigh~ies Bearisland dian~haveaurrendered. "" ' P g'l m ,l
~ passed a curfew law for adults which men were killed and over a score and one 94 New, to this effect came from Walker gered to the deck~. In a short time I ~ ~ ! ~ l~ / l~ L?~*
~ii ~' provides that on each night of 1~he " . . . the sea had closed over man f the -,~o
were badl~ in ured Tree s were ~r ha Saturda2/ mght It ~as announced in a y o m ~b
~i~;( week, except Saturday, no persbn ~ P -[ The empre~ dowager of C nais64,n" andall was c,er I [] l1 ~ ] ! 1 1--1 II~le
~ i~ shall be allowed to be uppn the stree~ dered by the governor to the scene. [ years of age.Her title runs as tel- manifesto s'g ed by 24 ehiefs, repro- " " " . 1 ~ ~" ~ 1 1 / I~ 1 ~ l~h Ul
t n,santa all the ri ez in the Remarkable stories ot rescue con st
!~ : of tbc city after 8 o'clock, except in In Can o,O, Mrs. Annie E. George [lows. Tzu-hsi-tuan-vu-Kang-i-shao- ' g t b Leech "] 1 ~ I ~ I 1 ~ Am ~t-
was held to the grand jury charges I vu - chuan~ - ehen~r - s~aoukun~,- chin- Lake district. The manifesto tars the tinue. Robert Barrow, a seaman, per- I - -- ' " "~.
~- : eases of extreme necessity, an4 said a ~ ~ ~" ~ ed " " "~
f form the feat of swimmIn unaided
~ with the murder of George D Saxton. ] hsien-ehan~r-bsi " laying down o arms wa~ at the earnes.t. g I - - =- - - - - - ','it
,~!~,' t~our of 8 ocloek to be indicated by . - . ~ -
~ ' eight taps of the city bell, On ~atur-
~ ' day night everybody must seek shelter
~ ;: at ]0 o'clock. The fine for a violation
i!:: of the curfew law will be $25. ,
;:i ACCOItDISG to Frank A. Vanderlip~
i~ ? who has been delving into the reeordu
ii: of the United States treasury depart-
i:i ment, $29,973,274 of the ~50,000,000 set
~! :- apart for the use of the president is
prosecutinz the war were used by the
~::,navy department, $19 811 647 by the
iii war $55,000 by the treasury and $5:1,-
i:! ~ 860 hy the state departmenk With
~' this ~29.000,000 and more at its dls,
', posat ~he navy department doubled
~ the nnmber of its vessels. Twentv-
~eveu yachts were converted, 26 tu~s,
": 8 colliers, 8 cruisers nnd 9 tornado
.' boats were worked over to be usefut
i in the navv department
i L']I,LUSTRATION, remarkin~ on the
[ number of telephones in service in the,
[ United States, de.plores the lack of ~t, ~' .G- The V:r~i'U spor, dent oftl~eDailvTelegra[~hsays: glass p throughout the United[ --~~ ~ -tia,
readiness to employ these instruments were wounoeo. 'f.~e militia were In/,~;,~,auu ~,tU~l~ ut con- ~ "" ~" ~- " ' ~'-'^s failed t^ -'--* the seas~-'-~ h
[ in Europe. In Berlin, where there are control, but further trouble was ]federate veterans adopted~ a resolu- ~:; t~x:eC~eer~or w~l ~eg;::mt a~lr'Cd? :~Titions'at ~nl~t~ht Fires wU:r: [ '~
to t P -~ P ~ )
t 30,000 in uae, thc averaffe numberof feared . . ]tni::ueceh:o;ff:ct;:sa~vtinh:r:~):u!dbe posed on November 2;, the birthday ofblocked and may be extingulshed, nnd] II !~ - - - -- J ; J "1 ~1~ jm ~''=
lne pre~ment le~, umaua ~or St vls as ~ 1 e
calls is not more than. sevenadav--,', the empress dowager, andthatl-rince 15,000 workers, wbobavebeenlooking Alle~e]ffleerl ell~lv l~tna 1 BUr ears n t
i tWO in the morning and three or four I, onls, was greeted by immense crowds ]the Daughter of the Confederacy, r ~,~,",'3 w; |---to~ --. forward tea -~euer^l resnm"tion on [ ~~[ ~:s
Vtl "" " ' mu ~a u~.j ~-.* U~ U',~AIt UaU ~. f~ " I' I~IroiuI~MiS iLiinel,~wnrll~e sJioelrs, w~ a.~ ~ "
in the afternoon. Among tt~e Euro- at every ~oppmg place and made sen-/the . e ha lng exp,red with her h,o ~,; n, .~ 1.~ ~ro ' r] |n ;f~]~ I ~A .~ .~ [
o--~ ~,-~o~ ~--- /~eath o s. I ~ Natural UlaGK ill I"lV~l :
pean countries Germany and England . ~ e ' Ilel~'istrotlon in New York Be~ular B'~ Train Moll. ~arbuaeles,r~i ~,mmlt~ml{emm,~ras,~0t-~
~.a, ,-,~- ov~,~.~ -- " suffering. Cu rmanen Besttma eror~ ~, ~,'.
i hold the lead, wlthl,0O00 nd 1, 000 M AddaaodAlma twtn/ A ah e message from Peking
i instruments, respectively In France " . . 2~ew XOrK, uet. l~.---Ane total re is- aacoma, wasn UCt. a~.---an express - ~ . ;
rosters, were married to twin broth- |Thurlow Weed Barnes, ~n ~ew York ~ ~ ~'EIll~llalii ~ UI~ the
- ,~-~ wol;.m ~.a ~o,~t- ~.t.m. o, / m ~ ~, T :~. . tratton in L~reater l~ew xorK Ior xne company nas compteteu arrange- I eO.~ .~--~''~:.'-'.'.T.T,~.MI ~Z.
whilethere arethereSearcelYare 62,000re rein Sweden.titan 3o,000035 ~,:.7: :'"'/"~" ~ I'/ . ? ~, p.~=~u ~ u~ tile first two days is 305,869 For Mauhat- men's for malntatninga semi-monthly ~~~--~k-l| t === ~--. tm.~upt ~-- -- ~ r ~,--~ ~aa
On the 24th in.t the Na, ional Ceun-Ithe truth of all the recent stories as,tUB ~ 0A 'F mI0 ~?"~.r gr'~-~.~ - ~;a'a'
wilmington, U' American nnlverslty in unina, uenlea " " " A '' t~ Vi
tan a~d the Bronx and Brooklyn the dog train mull and express servlee to H "WO0~ 0 R IlU OII| o
^. . ~ ~ ' ~v :, ~ ~, u /, ~.^ registration is 1,033 larger than on Dawson over the ice commencing No-
and 700,000 in the United States ~ ta~ uattev ~ta~e~w];~ . ~eluu or aasasslnauon, oI ine r ~ S f " s* - vember 1 I ~v~m~m~'~tn.~k'~
ee Omalm. Ism elor tne nrs~ xw~ ua~" o ~a t sear, . me~ ~e.~m#aam~,~mmt,~ l ~r, a~4~bmta~tem,~o~ ~]