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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 21, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 21, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i: i/ --G. C. ~oodhue of Newton. a son-in- l! --key. Ke~aneth Money visited his law .~0f ~r venerable friend, I. B. ,I college f] Lends Tuesday. He has been Tho/nas, ts here for a visit with his rel- ill assigned to Center Point for the pres- atives. He is accompanied by his son tainously forth from all who knew the |Lent conference year. Frank. " depa~rted Her life was a genuine ~z~,= ~- ~, --Mr, a~d Mre Chas D Maybauer ble~ing and now that she has goue our car man or salt. [I -Prof r reef la the faculty m mory of h,r ili b no i Jerry Wa ner is rusb ---,*,- --,*~-u,*b~, ou**~ ~,u. !1 sentative at the meeting of the ~orbh- ra~'~w]ll vlstt relativ~ i ? : =. i ~-~~''-- i| ~|/'--tIon.J.M. ParsonsofRoekl~pid~ : :~ ' I ' "~ " ] : ~. G. A. Carson wen~ll I Shopon South Side, |iDemocratlc candidate for attorney.c~hefiret of the week. ~ ~ ~ : ~- ! ~~l~l~llmlt~ Nea~ I,aac Sinclair's Residence.~,] General~ visited the college Monday re. } pectation ,of meeting Mrs. Carson and ~sistaneyc~a~r- fanea ~o ma~erian zeeeU~'~unl ,|| newi~g his old associates~s an Adelph- [ the baby, enrouto home from Pitts- acterized it. She was an invalid for .=. =:=:=~--=======----==--=----:======-=][]ian', I burg t'a. ' the last fifteen years. But she was al- ' tIon. Micheal Healy of ~ t ' ~ ~ ---' .~^ ,~.^a ,~a ~ ways patient and heroic in her suffer- who made the speech of the 1 ~ [ --Morning service at ,the Electric --~,o pUDnC ~nuu,S are c u~ I ] I [ m~ ,h~ ,oo~ho,o ~, ~**~.a ,~, [ lugs. It was not hers to murmer at dar Rapids wheu Wm Jenn ~- - -~ ~ ~ ~. /Light works was inaugerated for the . " " ill " " ] ,~eetin-~ ^f *he No,~ooo,o r I I rowdenoB. :re do His wwas her appeared in that city in the .L--~I ~.L~/.~.~J~,season Monday morning. The current .~ a I ,delight has forsaken t A[tge~d ,Ti ~eachers Associatton now in sessmn at ' " " a h0 ,is now furnished from 4.45 a, m. until t ,~^ I Ei~za Rankm was born at C rmkatam m pohtms and will hencefot be iden. BARBERSHOPI " day light. ", : ' " I,t county, yrone. Ireland,Dec 6th, 1831; tlfled on the side of tim Napoleon of I --G. C, Goodhue0f Newton, a, son-in- Ishe died Oct. 19th, 1898. She came to ! protection. * ---Mrs. Hattie Kepler Jones, who ha: I law of: our venerable friend, I B,the United States about 1851 to enter ] ' . : ' ] spent the pa~t 3 months at t&e old hem ,~, T~ ~.~I D ]here, left Friday for Loutsville*Ky. to| relatives. I Thomas, iSHehereis fOraccompanieda visit withby his|ion,his,the MarionAlabama;FemaleafterSeminary,completingat Mar-her qulrea~'~ ~s esumate.(l pnatto rurmsn= twot Ware&qmentsW|ll be re.or ~--, ~,join Mr. Jones and spend the winter in I aon . ~ euucation she remrnea trelana . Frank ' ' to - ~ rot~ men zor garrmon auty i~ Is I " . . . I where she married William Gormb' ~nougn~ mey Will not De requirea after PROPRIBTOR. / the south. I --Mrs. J. ~. l~.elsey, a cousin of~ qn**. ,~a q'h ~,~Maylst, 1899. Fh~t Clull work 0uarr~ate~L La41el,"' "" - "" " hased Of/T.andlord Wtlln~d who ha. heart ~ ha. 1v~" -~u, .~,O .~,~$ ,~ --v ~ ~"-i - Sham~.~tn~ on Mondav --U, llowaru Aepter pure v,~ C " " John Titler, last Saturday, 18 head of [sonal guest at the Central House de I United 8tares the year of the .hmago Meetings at the Dlciple church have ~- ' ll001b. "feeders" and on Monday he | tea M.~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~fire, 1871, coming tarouga ~ne city just l been closed. A NI W FATI NT bought 21 head, that averaged 1150 lb /Theresa N Y l after the fire and being compelled to ,: Mr. MllOIS ~uulmlngs ~OOK ~ne srain of David Burnett. - / I go around,the city on accountof traffic i for ~anon z~onaav, with lleV U b ~- " ~ walce [ here from Davenport last/~ riday morn- [ Vernon where they settled on the farm ' B]SD SI=I: II I --Miss Itattte Sawyer spent Satur"I. --Mr. amt Mrs. Oscar Rogers ,arrivedlbeirm bstructed" They cameto. Mt.] " ' day and Sunday with her mother, re-Dng. They are already comfortably I west of town and have remded ever] We have been delighted with the IRE BESI THING OU~ turning Monday morning to her work [settled in housekeeping at the Rogers Isince on it. Mr. Gormly died May 24th, I past meetings, those we have attended. at Central City, where the schools are,home on south side. 11879. i Now we would like to hear Rev. J. F. lVlanufactured and doing finely uuder Principal Jester. I-- ~T ~ o o ~,~,~"- .~-w",~o ~,u~,~'"a~- ," ~,~u~o,~*" a I Of this union, there, were born .t !l Black at the M.E. church for about f~ol~q 11-,--The Parmeleetraveling library will |man. frOmto what he was a' few weeks I.theming: theur.fOLlowmg, rnomas chlldrent,orm~, now. hv resmen~ three weeks. ~. uy h'ereafter be found at the drug store of [since, re~om his regiment m the I a ;o, ~** ,r ~;~,oo ~ ~,~ ] ~m~y ~r~ ,-~,~,~ ~ tIaeseler & Leigh. The party who has i;~,~,~, i~%; m.~-~---~ [Gormly still at home. Mr. Will J.i Morley. a book out fromthe last sect.on will W. H, |%~1~ I~ i~l~ please leave at O.S. Moses' restaurant [ ~ I Gormly on the home farm. Mrs. Mar-i ,~tevens maue a welcome s~op at our [ --Mr. Drake of Mason City, is spend- ~ garet Gormly Smyth living just west ,ci~y I'llursuay, in ~ne ln~eresra ot ~ne at once. ling a few days in the city with his/of town. Mr. Sami Gormly with the . [ o k tte pavia nramy Mrg uo Mt. Vernon, Ia. --Miss Anna Alexander most enjoy [friend, Gee, I. Herr n. Mr. Dra e is Anaconda Mining' Co Bu,Me. [driving across the country and has been ';here is seen the influence of this Ninteen wa~on load of ho~ts came in. ably entertained a small compauy of i mud bound for several days. godly woman in the lives of her child- to Morley Monday - Every bed guaranteed to give young friends, at the pleasant family m - -" / The man, friends of Mr and Mrs ren She brought alloY the into the . ea "sfaet:on or money refunded T home ou Jeffersou St Wednesday eve- ~ -- . " " t-;,~,ao ~, h~- The ~-enedicti-n of JUG. trust shipped 99 hogsto Chicago ---; -- ~ o " nlng in honor of a visiting guest in John Ellis n will egret to hea that Monda also ma~e a specialty oz repairing the ~'ity, Miss Mary Ovington.[both of them have been quite sick of chrmtmn example and precept zests up- Y. all kinds of furniture at reasonable - ' all team met their [late, though they were reported as on them today. ]?he christlanmessage "Mrs. A. J. Norton is visiting her will a sm'er, Mrs Byers [rw~'~7" l~lrop=i ~l P :~dl ae~d and W~te rr~:ol!,sa[ ~e~bar Falls last Satur-[some better a day or two ago. she left for the absent son " prove - - . w cai p p ly g your day when they ran up against the old I --PoorCharlieItolman, who has grad- defense and safe-guard through life. furniture and return the same when wlaiskered "v6ts" of the State Normal [ually been losing his mind, finally be- "IIer children araised up and called t~Aat,rah Anr~a,no.~mt~rat~t repaired. ' School to the tune of 40 to 0. The only [came violent and had to be removed to her ble~ed Many dauchters have - . consolation we have to offer is to re- [the asylum at Independence, after be- ~ .~ ",:". ~ PRESBYTERIAN. - - mind them of a recent article regard- ling examined by the proper authorities uone vlr~uoumy, uu~ mou .exeenes~ Services by the nastor Rev A K at the county seat them all The funeral services win . .~ .Yz, ~ ' .- " " / . Knox, a~ bllU utltla[ uours '.I.'OD]CS: =======-'~-'========='===== ~-----===- inl~ the subject which appeared in these i --M. Bohart o ison, a brother-in- r " " -- f Den be held at the home, Saturday, at two "The Ventures of Faith," and "The columns. |law of Joseph Bait. spent last Sunday o'clock, provided Samuel arrives Satur- Treasures of the Upper Springs." ~Y4"~ I"Y --The family of Mrs. M. J. Bennett, twith relatives here. Mr. Bohart iseon- day forenoom If he shmlld not get METltODIST EPISCOPAL |~ ~| I|| who had hoped to have a family reun-[nectedwiththeBoyer Valley Mills of he~ebvthat time further announce . " I I II I I I ion next week, have beeu suturing tD,~,~son whigh have a daily cana-tt, - .-" " Services as usual in the Auditorium v ~.~ ment will be made from the churches, and church led b the astor Dr L] ~,~lJ ~.) from illness to such an exteatthat may |of 125 barrels and does a large business. . y p,key. . prevent it, Mrs. ~enuett nemg reread- / Sabbath Stuntz: No subjects announced. ened with pneumonia, while Joe Ben-,--A very comzortame new co~age Know that we are rnak" nett is just getting over a spell of sick-/home is under cover for Mrs. Musser, : '1 I -- -- II -- ~, u t.o~ ,^. ness, the latter having been granted a ' to replace the one destroyed by fire r~ ~ ! Oh. ~-: I,I A,4- ~ ,-,4- ,-,~ 20 dals extension of furlough, several months ago. C.M. Ink has the ['~(.}OK.~. ~L~:~.t,|~)[l~:~rv ~.[ 1L~ ~'~ILi~L~ Prices on Wall Paper? work in charge and the new will be an "-- " . --- ~' -- Unless you --The cases, MarthaA.~earu vs ~. improvement in every way over the Pk~::~'g~r|~l| f'llA/r~ ~lrlf'~ ~.~llrl~" ~J' L Guild. Sm'IS. Riddle vs Edward old. ~.~v,~ -- -~ Tv Russel, Henry Clark and Ge0. Klein- 0ol BOO Take a Look o down for --Married, in Mechanicsville, Iowa, Sch,j ks, hearing in the Supreme court next October 12, by Rev.J.W. Hubbard, pay- Monday, Capt. C. ~. Kepler is at- for of the Linn'4~.rove Presbyterian torney for the appellees and will leave church, Mr. Albert "~. Mee and Miss --,~ - - u~ v, ~--at"r UrcSyCk and get for Des Moines Monday morning to Mints Y. Hill both of Mechanicsville. argue the cases orally before the Su-their friends old and newThis young chuple will beinat Mt.h mever-t Our " ttuu i, to f.rn h a first class Book Store, and is ~reme court, nou after November 10th: Mr. Mee W~ hope to merit and receive your --Mrs. McManus, wife of Luke Mc- is the new photographer about to move Marius, a laboring man quite well here. known here and recently employed by --~k Hollabau~,l~ and Miss E,~ith D L Boyd & Son, died last Saturday -:~- -.= Backus of Cedar Rapids were married ~vlrS ~lc~lanus was horn anu reareu in W~na ~v ,~ve t~. 1o ~a~h ,m Vermout and came west a number of m w- a " "- - " " " . groG as iormer resment o~ ~4t years ago w~th her husband, besides ~ " -- Vt~l'|lOll, [IUW Oile Ot Hie ~rusLetl em- wnom, a numoer or small OUlluren are-'o ~ .L . J ~ - pl y~ u[ ~ue oa~uru~y ~ecoru omce a~ left to mourn the lrreparrable loss"~e ~u"t ~n uu ~, y mu~ropolls. vlr ~nu Mrs of a mother, her watchful care and "oll ba'-h wefit (i'i tel- . . Xl ~ u~ n.u tll~ la y l~O priceless love The burial services . . . housekeeping m a home prepared and were conQuc~eQ Monuay Dy l~ev. J~r. ,~,~A, t,~ ~,~,~i.~ fham Stuntz of the M. E. church. Practma ' sympathy has been extended by the l --Roy Kurtz, of Messrs. Rood & benevolent peoDle of the city to thel Young, was in Chicago Monday and family during their trying affliction,~ Tuesday on the second purchasing trip f t ~' which is appreciated greatly by the[this all for he firm. l he people are mourning husband, whose desire it is/buyingat home these days as they that due expression be given. Peace~ never have. before, respite, too, of. the to th~ ashes of a faithful Soul and may / most alluring attractmns and all kinds the blessings of him who "doeth all~ of schemes to get them away. The things well" res$ u~n tha greatly be-J enterprising and aggressive merchants reaved family. [ of Mr. Vernon are responsible in the patronage. W. m-X T To !'t i Customer of mineWhnm" need of any- ]ewelery repainnff. 1 You will great- ly rcgrct it. These Goods Must Go. Select your pattern. Price ranging from 2 1-2 to 20cts per roll AT THE ;. City Pharmacy Dr. T. J. Baird, Propr. ' I i ::,: Full :Une of, Fall Dry Ooods Arrivil m and See Them We Will be Pleased to Show You the Goods Bea| ful Wrappers in Prints and Flannelette, Cheaper than Making. Carpets, Rugs, Pot'tiers and La~e Curtains. ALL DEPARTMEN S FULL OF NICE FI~ESH GO01 HEINZ S'~ PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, SWEET PICKLES AND BAKED BEANS. M~,SON FRUIT JARS, EXTRA CAPS AND RUBBERS. SALT BY 'THI BARR ~E WANI7 Y0[ TO DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Staple and Fancy I)ry Goods NEW DRESS O00DS IN PLAIN AND FANCY New Skirts, New Outings, New New Everything ASK TO SEE OUR 9-4 SHEETINO FOR 121-2 CENTS A Full Line of Ladies Underwear now on hand. stock of Blankets is all right and warm. A full line of floor all widths now In stock. BUTTERICK PATTERNS