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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 21, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 21, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MOUNT VERNON ]tAWK-EYE. I|l -f I ~qr'--i-C'--~ll Waterman Fountain Pens are the best and are fully warranted in every respect, for sale by W.G. t'ower. If you need a suit or an overcoat take the time to look at our new Fail and Winter stock Rood & Young. Amateur photographers will find suitable mountingboard, cut to order cheap at the Hawk-Eye Office. Gasoline stoves, new or second hand cheap at Chambers & Herrick's , If you are in a hurry or do not wish Good Rigs .at Moder- to walk away out to depot, remem- ber the telephone at Neff's. ate Prices The best line of New York shoes in this part of the globe, at IIorton & SEED SEPT O0.WBTA~TLY Kyle's. ON HAND AND ~l~ . ' ~"" ~ A limited nnmber of ~fAR.KET PRIOZ8 I W~l[:~d persons to do writ- [,v ~t.~,~ ing at their homes. FA~SENqER8 TAKEN TO I Twenty-five cents paid tor every hun- MEIqHBORIN TOW~TB OR ldred words Promptness and good I2fTO THF OOU21"TR:F ] work necessary'. Applications must be [accompanied by ten cents for parti- ~ ! ~,-- --,Iculars. Address: The Sioux City or. [. |. lVlltC @ll|Bussiness College, Sioux City, Is. E&st Main Street next to Public 8ohoolL Not the Wisest Way. It is not always best to w~it until it is needed before buying a'bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cho,~era and Dia- rrhoea~medy. Quite frequently the remedy is~required in the very busiest season or in the "night and much in- convience and suffering must be borne before it can be obtained, It costs but a trifle as compared with its real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home. It is every- where acknowledged to be the most successful medcine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Haesel- er & Leigh and the City Pharmacy. The G01d Fields OF Ccntral America. The Gold Fields in Nicraugua are easily accessible, (being only twelve days journey from New Orleans,) and ;are located in a healthful and attract- ive climate where mining can be carri- ed on the year around and food is adun- dan, and cheap, yet they are not near- MODELS, FANCY PLAIN, [ALAMAZ'O0 CORSET GO, D. B.' LONG MRS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson, Wls than whom none Is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 1890 1 had a severe attack of LaGrlppe and at the end of four months, in spite ofaR physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de- spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained me terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie in one position but a short time and not on my left side at MI. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be- gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of e~ch I was much better and contin- Uing persistently I took about a dozen bet- ties and was completely restored to health to the surprise of all." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug- gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re- funded. Book on dis- eases of the heart and nervu free. Addreu, D~ MILF~ MEDIOAb 00, ~ ~d, IN Sunda Inter Ocean, Be Weekl Ir ter Ocean, Be Order from newsdealers or THE INTER rice at Central House, i Business and Railroad Notices. i