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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 25, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 25, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 -- MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1951 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME LVIII, NUMBER 1 M OOUNT VERNON HAWKEYE, VOLUME LXXXll, NUMBER 1 0 " Ins T Steering. " " ' w i Finish PI Grou, II Need Copy Earlier Wad M,nn,ck Is In I I Ne Lsbon Priest Pet Doa P srad : --. - Late copy for notices of meetings[~g~ll~, ~J'~.g,tnlr~;t;1,tn !-- . ~~ . . P /WUSl'",Meet Wuth Board J IF and news from organizations have/ -- v PleJ, f f-ln He lln ur,-,',r ror ang The newly organized steering -- -ne cono.lon o, mnic ~I~1111~JI~11~11 /'qkl plagued the Hawkeye office on ismm~m ~~B'mm I lqll~llV IF~II Tuesday m recent weeks. To insure ' L| " Icommittee, which has been formed ~Kmmm, J, Lh Cram. a,Jwl publication all such notices sbouldt'yb 2s m St Luke? hosp l, nomeco! llnQ Ifollowing the Mt. Vernon-Rural aar rtaplus is reportea as ia]r lvir el~llll O /IWIII /11~1 rio ~||U|~|| JW| q[J~ be m the office Monday If you '. . " Y " ~ ]school meeting recently, met for w~,~t mt~ro fh~n s~ t-nllfln~ nnfi .p IIvlInnlcK is oeing treated for Bert-i ous n]umes received last Saturday n i two hours Monday evening for Cornelrs part in the Cornell- please arrange for it on Thursday or I i In impressive services A I r, ~ IAJ.II irom ms employer nuay vomcKa /~11111L/11,11 I~VUIII WIll WlJJ Meet West brancn !general review and discussion of Morningside centennial campaign Friday of the previous week if :L' - evening in St. John's church, Lisbon, ID ~ J . ar.--LA t the problems confronting the school will be taken to the Mt. Vernon- possible. All copy available is set J oz tnet~lty ~ieat lvmrzet . . Ithe Rev F. Leo O'Connell was form- [~A J,4A|e] In [;xhnn ne naB a oroKen right jaw wnlcn' --,~ . .v.-- - ---,--,--. Dears rrlQQy I11~rli i directors, staff and patrons Choos- Lisbon community next Sunday, ac- on Saturday for the following issue. / allymstalled as pastor of the St. lS alsodislocated a oroKen nose ,~ . . i ing of such a group of citizens was cording to Charles E. Hedges and Notices which could have been U ~ . ~ John's parish. He succeeds the Rev. ~ ,~.~, n, ,~o .~ o~ lfiz.nere'll be a hip-hip-hooray zoi ! requested at the open meeting Oct. " 'in " and ~s conscious par~ ox me tlme. n w o -- v ~ v ~ ~ Richard Carbee. local chairmen.I the office on Thursday or Friday J J.R. Goodma h had been pmest ~; a ~ ~r ~oo ~.oo, ~gnt, Oct. 25, at 7:30 as me lvlvl-l~ 15th with the idea that they couldi The cause of Christian education l or Monday at the latest may have[~TM aoc.tor Deneves .ne wnl. not. Deanf the Lisbon church for ten years, :,~,~:::~4~:*~e1"~:;ll'~'*~:]~'~ ~' ~ 'T m conomon ior setting the law oe-~ w w r n 1 " ~o.rnecoming festivities start off linvestigate and get the pulse of the w~ h ifi~ reference to Cornell ,t be omitted ff ~mportant late news J land ho as ere t y appomted to ;, . ; h eh 1 "I~r~11 will be nresented in the churches: takes all our time and space on[Zore the IJrst oI the weeK. o n, the St. Patrick's parish at Tared. :~'~ ~,~'~'o~' ~ ~,~,':,'~,~,~,~"'~,~,"~: ~olt.l~ a giant pep rally in th.e dUal- [ community on its interests and de- " ~ " mrlum. Cheer leaders will be lnlsires toward a solution of school!sunday ~rnornin Dr Miron A Tuesday afternoon and WednesdayJ ~vir' voa~c~.a n. aa ~eengone trom The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Sehulte of ~i::~'i'~:~"~ ~. ~'~ ~','~ ~'~ ~,~ ~.~" wi ar~ In ,m ~lrs~ ~v~e~,- --" i Immacu ate Co re= c urch . r.n~rge. . problems. ~,~,Z' ,~-" ~. ~ ,~. ' ~ morninu / me market {luring me t.;oe-tbornen ~ 1 n ntion h ;, ~, ,w~ ~ ~,~,~, ,~ ,= ~w, ~,~,~. eatured on the pepster wni oe i The committee is trying to "move ; ~vmrrm. u spe i v, ;. ~ ~.;,~ +; n /football game and returned to the ~t-~n~ ~.~.;n +~, ~n; he pet parade will be staged on 'theme will be "Three Goals ofi able to take care of notices much /meat mai ket at a few minutes be-!late at the installation ceremony. ~~onday even ng, t~C~t : ~art~ng ~l~e Miller, Cornell head coach, as rapidly as possible within the~ dist cnurcn of Mr. vernon, rnsl s . . ,~ v v s v-=- i 29 " ~e~ected by John Sandbacn and framework cf action given a steer- 't~ ;o ;~ -en ;," Viotor Fur better if they are typewritten and ~ore a p.m.:)eaving the .t~oe-t~ornell I Father O'Connell can best be in- nun sters and dogs will:"'* ~eet"~l~eret !--~:~" *':'~'--~"~'~h]~:~o will also :double spaced on the paper. /game a little oelore it was corn-troduced by an article wh,'chappear-i g try Jean Farley the high schooling committee. The local school ,eUlty will present a hilarious i board will meet with them in 's'~e'~ ! There is not always enough time t Pleted. .He found, the market full!ed in the Britt News-Tribune: ] ~:~na, cnecKln w~n ~ne]ua~ng com~ ~eoff on "The Emperor's New i special session next Monday even- ! ~r "Albion R Kin~ nrofessor of for rewriting and copying of publi- ] oi people wnn ms mother trying i Father O'Connell, the son of Mr '.'.-',~Y~ ~::~.:-~ ~:::-~ ":~.^"]~'2" I~.~,;] h will ~neak in the Mt :cRy notices. I a ne while Mr. i and Mrs. P. E. O Connell was borr~ w/ -~thes." i ing tc~ more clearly define those ' ~ ~ " to wait on them lo " ',w~, ,~ .u u,= ~u~.tuw ~ ,~= ,~- i've traditional bonfire on the l areas within which the commRtee~ v-~ "1 " ' k ho uiar costume parade me pe~s wax v~rnon Presbyterian church His ~ I Mmme w had been working m m Dunlap and reared m Demson~ u~ ~,a.on an ~o ,;,~,o "Oo ',~ ~ro~Uondst::ekndOfor th;allSCh331 x~ll ] can operate to represent the people ~. t'he'me will l~e'"Freedom, and" Faith ~ ~',A ~-'~, n~w~m~,~ /g~.| |=[[=A~, ~ =,l ,|the afternoon stood near the .refrig" ! Iowa . After. being graduated, fr m~ ~,---~ v~"'~s*:*'~"~"'~v~;=~:::o,~,v, ~,~,-. "'%'~"~",~,v-=o ~';':,- ,~ ' Y i and support the board. ~ erator.He had been drmkmg. Demson high school m 1918, and a,~ . mUdents will then form a huge i ~ m Christian Educatmn. i . - ^ : ^ : : ~^ REV. LEO O CONNELL book on dog etiquette will also be i 1" ,1~.*-.-. ~ &l l [When he saw Rudy approach he t~, vff,~v~ t,~ g ~hool, he i.;.~, wi,ors huraan snake to dance its way;;t~# ll |. je . -~ meeungoIanmLvern n sol-I,~|eN un monday went into the refrigeratn~ ~,t~,! .~ ,~.**^~.; ~ n is rotors will be held m the Methodistt / [fnllnw~d him and struck ~ nnmh~r o ,; ~ ~o ~;,~,~;o ~o,~ ~t I Dogs will be judged m these down the Main street wapel,o Infllfln " ' " I church at 2"30 p m Sunday TheI Fri nd w" -~ ~low t * i groups: dog with the longest tail; ]l~2tTerAN~S S BEARS . a ello the t'e* M.V.H.$. -" 'r ah" - . H e s .ill gather at two o'clock of b s. i Rallroad and entered Lords College NI ht School lesson ~ I campaign wm oe concmaea at a ! thin o o~,~,-, ,m. a~. r~^+ o= ~ ~ Minnick was rom,~voa ~, ~,o I ; ~non ' ~.~ ,~.;~ ; +;+. +; ;,~, ; g dog w~th the shortest tall, best boy Vl e~tnW z I #.~,n am ir~ an" "~o" en o !repor~ a.mnera~ ~acs o ugffr x~uw~, at the Neff Funeral Home to pay|rear of the store When he did supplementary work in pedagogy at iKJn 30!1 ~flanagement i~,u-uus u~ry; uc~ ~; ~- .~.-u~sd 'i r'day p ', ~ustangs arebending all practice i Coach Morrison's WapelloIndians iwednesday' vet. ;~l, a~ ~:Ja p.m. final tribute to one of Mt. Ver- not rouse a doctor was called. !Creighton University Omaha, he re- . . try; ~es.t l.ooKmg.pup;; ~wara pertecung pray ior me mg. proved too much for their Mus- The local committees m e t I ann's most highly esteemed and I About 6 pan. he was taken to his i ceived his Bachelor of arts degree, f. Adult night school top;c fornexti olaes~aog!, sma~s~,aog ,Dlg%?~ ~me with the West Branch Bears. i,~ .~.^ ~^,~.~.~ ;.~ ~ a ~ be 1 v I n he did not r ' ~vlonuay evening writ oe ~on ~rep ~ ~ v The ~,m~, s-~ ~,~ -" ~ ,~ Mon&~y evening in College hall i st o ed teachers, Miss Mary, home. Whe " espondlCum Laude, in 1924, and the sameI ",--. -i~,~,~, "~. ~;,~ . t~n~ with visiting team naB ~een enec - Mt. Vernon fans had to be content i on the Cornell campus to makeI Kepler I and his face became swelled an ; year matriculated in the School of '~ arauon anu management.' Tne .:. ~.~[o~ ~ ~ : :~["Z -Z~.J:L-: ~fvely using a passmg commnatmn I to enter a 19 to 13 defeat on the i a final assessment of variousI Miss Kepler died at her home I ambulance was called and he was i Divinity, St. Mary's University, Bal- ! group will meet in the Lisbon high i~utLgu.~,~at~^uu~ w'~ u~.~t~.~ :. Little and Hoffman. Alth ugn!season's record The host schooli preparatory work for the cam-I Monday Oct. 22 about 3:15 p.m l transferred to St. Luke's hospital, i timore, Md. After attaining the ag room at 8 p.m. Results on yields!^~u~.~:^w~"~[~v~.^~,~o"~=,in'~,hU~~ ~e~r win record may not betoo ! got off to an early lead when they i l~lgn, i She had been a siautin for a number There it was discovered that his i Bachelor of Divinity he was ordain-I from the oats fertilizer test plot u~:ua~"~ uu~; s ~ 134)pressive, me z~earsan wapenOmay wenOea~ne memcon, i:: took the ball. to, their" 10 yard stmpe" Mnnd~v about 20 lav~ and minis- I of years. In March of this year she I jaw was broken and his injuries I ed orolt the priesthood by the late ] will be g~ven . . . ,I ~"+~"s ~.~,t.~o ~ ~ ~,~a;,;,~ ; Mile on Kamerhng s punt and marched terial leaders of Methodism in Eas- suffered a broken hip in a fall [ were serious. . . . !Most .Reverend .James J Keame, in f M. onday.s meetmg on insulation fo~a~tion~*ma; b'e" se~u'red"from red a tougn aggregation. ! down the field to six successive *ern Iowa met under the chairman- I irom ner cnair and was in St. [Monday afternoon rote a cnarge :me mstorm t~amearal or ~uouque ] and venumuon was wen attenaeu. ~^ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~r~.;+~ " " ' " " * " " fl or in homes ~'"~'""~" ~=~" ~'~'~=' "" "~'~ ~" Game time will be ~:30. The ! first downs to cross the goal line, shi,~v of the Rev Dr Earle A Baker ' Luke's hospital for about seven [ of assault w~th intent to mfllct on June 2, 1928 . . ] Insulatmn of athc O.ldinS s should :~ grocery wit vernon" ~mtz s grocery ; .~'ching band will perform onI and also to make the conversion i Cornels vice-v,resident, in the Moat- II weeks. She has been confined to great bodily injury was filed with I Father. O'Connell's first clemcal I was. stressed. .Farm bm g i or z~'~on "'is nero" " or" moon-" - t~e field and the present~ionI point for a seven point lead. rose hotel Cedar Raoids her bed ever since she was brought County Attorney Willis Glasgow i appomtment was as curate at the be insulated m order to be proper-I " ,-," i . r en ~op prize Will oe a neauuzut lov- of the Homecoming queen will ! A brief surge by the Mustangs .~ home Her sister Mrs Lewis Chap- I Deputy Sheriffs Pete WRtemore ! Cathedral; later being transferred i ly ventilated. Factory rep es ta- ~ i,a ~,~, ;n -nm*;nn t, ~ ,~ ho~ no,~v At rms meeung total lvJ.orningsl~e- ~ ' J t,- -.e. --~,v - ,-- -~---a take place at half time. Thei followed Yeisley's interception of a r, n ~,~o,~ ~o ~,~,~ o=~h ,~ ~na ~aa i man, and Miss Frances Coleman [ and Harlan Snyder took Rudy to to Cresco as assistant to the Rt. Rev. I tlves were present through the nrize~ f,rnished by ~he ~bov- firrn~ ~ueen and her court will enter I Wapello pass but the ball was lost . ~.o "':=.~'W:'. ~ = I have cared for her since I Cedar Rapids Bond of $1 500 was I Msgr. Edward J. Daug e ty and the [ courtesy of Franks & Sons ~ ~o ~,~n,~t~,;,~= ,~,~ ,~o n~,o,~,~ ,were reportea, ut tnis amouml " ' i ~ ~- ~, ---~ ~-~- ,------,-~. 1~0 fl~fl h~ hoon r~i~ocl f~r ~rnell I Mary Margaret Kepler was born [ posted and he returned home after prmc]palshlp of the Assumption [ ~ ~ by ear and be introduced to ~as an alert Indian snagged a Mt. ~ I " i~nt~ ~Lq4 Kfl~ fur Mnvnin~uldo Tho i July 3, 1872, to Dr. Thomas S. and [ visiting the hospital, i h~gh .sch l" .The years 1932. and ;T,-- : II:AI--~;~--, |hi I,=*, [|, e crowd by Supt~ Sikkink. ~Vernon pass two plays later. The ~, r rted to have 1933 he spent m graduate StUdy at nu~nna~, wu~n~uu~i~o |M~W rU[~ #|[~|| The annual Homecoming dance Wapello boys hit pay dirt again to !~,~,;~o " ~[1~-"~J:~'~ ronor ~t~ ~t Anna Grove Kepler in Dyers- ] Mr. Minniek is epo . . L ~ill be held in the gym immedi- i lead 13-0. The Mustangs then kick- ~'~'~'~'~'~ ~h~.~"in'~'~c'i~ e'~-n~; i ville. Her family were pioneers in ] driven the Vodicka pick-up t-wdcki the Cathohc University ot ~memea, I ~ m F~ ~ I / ~, -~----'- Washin on, D C where ne pro ~ t~naries ~emon was nne~ ~ou ately after the game. Surrounded i ed back as Jack Moore s neat 35 v,;a a w~rod et~ Mt Vornon hv ] the community h e r mother's ] without permission to Solon at ~ . -, .as neen uraerea ~.Y appropriate festooning and other ~ yard run advanced them down the ! ~'~"~r"~l"~n',~ A--'Pr'i~'~" vic-e- ~ people coming overland from Ohio i noon Saturday. ~. cured hismasters aeg[ee ana.vegan |and. costs on ~ ~ct. ~ zor reckless i Cecorations the queen and her at-i field within scoring distance and i~,~=~,~=~,' -~'lVIornin",~si"de land settling near Wheeler's Cross-] ~ i additional WOrK on ms aoct.orate, u~.~.v,~,~uu,^ u~: ~.: ~p- ! Councilman Howard Mason re- tendants will again be honored by '1 four plays later they chalked up v.~ .*" ~, " ~ [ ing and her father's family coming ~r ~l~ .~ma~ormg m ngjmn and n story, norted at the monthly meeting of [ -zne campaign nab c, een unuer way ~ from Fr-d-rick~'- n~ mrl~mr~ ~,~-~lmmrm~lm ~. wnen ne returned to ~resco to re- -=~- ,-- ,- ,~- ,~v,~,o ,-.- ~" ;~ ~;o ~,; ~x^ ~.~ ~hn~f t-hvoo wook~ Its active nhases t u u ~u ~v~a~-y~ tt m /~A~ ~s Iv vv ~ i-: u ~ warrant iss,ed in Ma,or plott,m ~ ,= ~,o~,u. ,- ,=,=,~,~ the students and alumni, this time their first marker to end the half i = = : ~ [1843. Dr. Kepler was a well-known ,~ sume m~ ~u~m,~ ~,==,= ~oo,"~ - - ~ " I evening that a new Federal siren tn the coronation ceremony. The 13-6. . will continue until at least Dec 1. nractitioner in the town of M* Ver ] ~'! #~,i at Cresco six years I burger s court. It was recommended ; queen will be escorted by Dick] Bretz of Wapello came back the' rk wil remain '*" . - ",naa veen ordered oy me town ~ i After that much wo 1 " non and in the rural area from in ~h~||,|n/~lP~d[~|~ t His first pastoral appomtment was that his driver s license be SUB-. : . ".': . I JV ill II~l~ll ~J~ ~ . W111 replace me one wmcn msm- MOOre. Music will be furnished ! opening of the second half to race ~ . ~Ig,toSt Peter's Parish Clermont t pended for 60 days t the 60s until his death, t ~ " ' ' i tegrated while A was announcing ~Y James Dye's orchestra, nearly 70 yards for a third Indlan~|~r#~" r~lVl : i Mio~ Ko,~I,~ was ~ad,otod from~l~ ~m ~ i where he remained until June, 1942 Homer Ganong of Des Moses, I COMI~HTTEES :iTD.Mt. Vernon retaliated when ~mvmmm~ m,~,~v,~ I o~ ~v ~- ~" "" ~ ~ I ' ' t,noon a week ago las~ ~xmay i . 'l l he Mt Vernon schools in 1890 She rer ~1-uuu ,when at the request of his Excell-i safety promoter for he A.M.E.V, " . ' ' nd d o l ency Archbishop Beckman he as- was fined $10 and costs m Lisbon[ . . T n har eithey received the ball on the next . i -T ! ~ ne nremen too~ me truck to ne Stuoent t~ouncii is i c g ~kickoff by carrying it right down'W|H $ eak Here atte e C rnell college and corn-] i hI i" - ~ the Lisbon school for a fire drill ~. i- - l t d h " sumea me uuues ot me z~rm par s ~ ior speeding au m les an nour anu : . . . f the Homecoming activities. The i to the Wapello goal to bring the i p e e er trammg in primary Tax lewes for Mr. Vernon show I ~: : ,~.^ ~ ~; .~.:~, ~^ during Fire Preventmn Week oh- . . i workin StateTeachersand out I . ~ o~ miP- ' leit vacant oy me transier oi earner ~ va~,~ -, .~= ~u~.~=o~ u.~.~. ~ ~ "~ members, assisted by 17 other :Mustang score within the danger ,Dr Jerome Davis noted traveler " an recreate 1or lvoloz lv.~o,~t~. . I,servance, o ~. tsova naB been ,~ . ]Qmrm to Ftlmore ~ as traveling 50 m.p.h, when stop- ~Udents, are decorating the gym. zone to the hosts, 19-13. Neither 1,t. ~-~r ant-] ~thnr ~r~ one of the. of-state schools during summer l as compared to the levies for 1950.]~o, ~,r,~n h~o ~oa ;, eh~ ----~ ~- t- ~:--^ ^.~ named as the representative of the : " " tan sessions, lth the exceptmn of a l A breakdown of the Mr. VernonI I Flremen on the Recreahon Board ~or the dance, i the Indians nor the Mustangs could ~best informed Americans on Russ t ~ i ~,o ~, +h~ ~ ,Umted States, Canada and Mexmo. Mayor Plattenberger and stud o "-* ~ ,-~ "~.-~ o-.'- "-o,* ~ levy Ior t~DU an~ I~OL lS ~IV~II WILII I " ' ' " 1 Bill Yeisley is chairman of the i rally sufficiently the rest of the affmr~ will speak m King Memorlall ~; 1 ;+ ~.~; o .wa : The new priest and his housekeep- more power to you m his efforts u p ' ~' .- i '"~'""~'~ '~""~ ~'"" ~ o.~ ~",o ~ me increase mr earn taxm~ ul~- ~ r ame to I " ' -h~n~] =, n' k ~hursdav night ~ . ~er Miss Margaret Cla ke, c ,to slow down speedmg m your ,LISDOn I'/~ I=n o $ ~?ce band. Rachel Yeisley and gase to get the ball over the goal f arbara Beckhelm are arranging line and the above score remained t West " ' . ' ~ zAst)on on uct ~ to take up resx- town " ~on How to Solve the Eas- i she made teaching her lifework. 1951 1950 Inc. ' : - p tl-ekAnd Proaram ~r refreshments and Dick Moore, i Friday was Wapello's Homecom-Crisis" At the regular chapel ex- ! She be~-an her career in the district I r- ~n 851 10083 768 aence m the rectory. ~vi~ss ~mrKe ! Three ~rUCK omvers, ~lenn rlara ~)11 Yeisley. Bob Penn and Anita ing. i cruises Thursday morning he will schools of Linn county and was on i Schoo~ 471231 381714 81517:naB oeen l~ev. ~ ~onnen s nouse- !n of .Alden, Joe B akkum of West: ! Last Friday evening about 135 ~arrett are cn the Queen commit- I . Keeper mr In years vy wls and .~eltn usoourn oi~ eL.< on Adventures in Russia :the tufts at Waterloo Belle Plaine :c'~,; la a27 15 40 897: " i+-,-:,+,~ ': v ,~ .+ i ---- ,ee. Scout Troop 40 Will i under Three Regimes . . ! :.nd M: J:(hn:dns iShLn~Ort~:gr~h~[ 7Z o. Final Services Are Held bonds for speeding in Lisbon l~oyed apot lt~ck .supper m the Carillon Concert Conduct Paper Drive ,u-rison v,r,-m.~ lc, tai 7" ~ ~, ~, T'~, 2senool gym a~ u ~u 2~z~er a ue- 1. ; ~,~;o ~, ~,~ at Cornell for a number of years; Taxes in Mt. Vernon will show I=v;~le~t~ I=~r P,',rvu Wnnei ~ :^~.^~ ~ ;,~' ~,~. ,~ ~.~. h~jltful meal everyone settled back and was h~ hl esteemed by assoc v r 10 er 1 n f w t Next Sundav At 4 m. Boy Scouts from the Mr. Vernon " * I iv v v ' i ~3" t~ a na ~o "-r~sent at the ! ~ ". g Y - ! an increase of a httle o e $ p i ' Sa*ur'~a- at Lisbon and taken to to e joy a e stun s by Bobby ~.= ;~-.~ o v: ~ . ~iates in the profession $1 0o0 of assessed value 77 cents ~ ~ ~.~ln Frida-~ after -~ ~ u ~ Dotzaucr better known as "Bobby -- "" Troup 40 will conduct a drive for K" evomuon oc~,~=~ ~=,~ ~ - ~eoar r~apms vy ratroLmen reds ' time oI tne ~erens r i .: . Y. . . ! Miss Kepler came into the local lof this will be for county taxes, i no, ~ ~t ~ n m from the:.~.~ r,^r- ~ ~. i the Human Seal.'" Eugene Devereaux has announced waste paper and magazines on Sat- in 191~. Since mat nrst expert- 1 school system as an assistant to 90 cents for city taxes and $8.52 ~(~" ~,~'~ -~-.~" ~r Perr', ~ ~' ~='-'~.' ""~ 2'-"~'~, .s~. ! The last half of the program, Concert on the Killian carillonic urdav, Oct. 27th. Collection will~ n he learned to s eLk i ne was released on ~vionoay w~tn " ~ells for .q~mdav Oct 28 at 4 n m be from 8 until 12 a.m. People are l ence, whe P ~M~ss Amanda Whittington. She wasfor ~chool taxes : ,~ ~. ~.^ ~a + ~o.aa noon' '- iwmch Mrs. Darrell Kohl conduct- n Davis has vvuuu~ ~.v ~,~, "~ ~" oaiance oi nls ilne ~o De palu In in i The program" Faith of Our a~ked to prepare the paper in ad- and read Russia,". - il undoubtedly. . the most dearly lovedi l"~v-~'~-~,~v ~rt ~a, ~t~ he, "Veterans stanmems. " ed included, slides showing scenes ,~athers Henry" Blue Bells of Scot-vance if possible by tying it in made several further vmits to~ kmdergarten teacher Mt Vernon ~|~,~ I~e~n, I=--e~hu~--~ ~.~ ~,~ w~ Moine~ The Rev !in Mexico These were shown by ,: r-+,~u~, "~1"'" ""+"*''~ -u~w~ -, ~.~o - +. ~ as"~e ~arney was nnecl ~lu ana+ " " . e of which ~as has e~er had and her students ~nd, Jordan; ~ iinstrel Boy, Irish; bundles or placing it in boxes to Russia, the lat st ' i ",i - :Merton Green officiated at the final . .+" .- ~ I Dr. Chester Rich of Mt. Vernon. h W~ere'er You Walk Handel" Pre- prevent its blowing away and to i durin" World War II ~ number into the hundreds. In 1914 ~t~,~ Davis Blood Donor ! ;~. ~o T i~bon co~.~s m .~soon last week tor oL- ' They were beautiful as well as edu- s i she became the first grade teacher ',"" "'~ ~ i rites,t~urla~ ~ ~ mromg the peace. " rational The next regular meet- ~clium quasi una Fantasia, Jet van make iteasier for the boys to~ Other travels mcmae lna:a anal cemetery ] " ,~oof a,~,~ no T~ n,~;n, in the West nanom. Tne paper snored ne placed as the school was somewhat reor- ~ 15 i ue !the Far East, and work in South i ganized She retired about 15 years I t, T.he,-Oct~. ~rrie sf :heeMjfr ~:~ Perry h, an Woods, was born ~, n i~ng of t~fA willbe Monday evemng, ~herwi~ " ion the porch in full v;ew or, better + ~ and~ " iv ~ s v ' :1951 at the age ot 5~ years, nei r ~ . wThe -"Preludium," written by a still, unless it is raining Onat~oh3 America. In 1949 he visited several ago " ~o;o~rauhs'~of ~VIrsDon Davis : April 28, 1897, and died Oct. 16. t',P.a, POX 3nUlL| o a~ o p.m. of the iron curtaincountme~, For many years Mmses Mary and lformer Mt Vernon resident giving~ '- t~ T;~,~,~ ~ ~ A ~h~nf~r ol~ror] ~,~m~ ~,~ ~**n~W~Jle#~r ell-known carilloneur of Holland, front parking, xour. co~ p . - ' * i he' " . " ' ~was oorn at Jumn ~uvu ,+u ~-~- ~ ,- ,~ I, ]s designed to show the possibilities will be greatly appreciated. ~n aa he spent .he summer of 1950 n t ! Edna Kepler, nfth grade mstruc- i a rant of blood at the Monroe ~ q ow~ r] Arn~]i~ ' :RR ~ *h~ir hay ~otq~l h#~ld e~n last I~ ~" - iScandinavian countries. ~tor, lived in the little house on the lcou'nty Defense Blood collection;~.}y' me son. o~ ~,~= 22"'L~'-L'~:-- "*~=~U-::;-~-" 7-v2-:=~='--'-'"~= V'A-o= W;l[ Com-- To Lisbon of th appears on page 3 e carillon. : Devereaux spent 10 days begin-~ ~ ++ Davis has taught sociology and I diagonat, now owned by Mrs. Let-!center in Albia. Since Mrs. Davis'llwW::auSni~n~ on ~Urneag~, t~:~Iar; i ~c~3o~l~-'hUi~u~se~V~e~%ro~cee*~s w~lU~ei "" v ~g Sept. 24 at a special school r~;~.m~.~ kiet~rv at Yale university Boston tie Kinrade. G~ the family oi eight lhusband Capt Davis U.S.M.C. went :" - ~ ~ ~ W A ~tlvl;i~ F.vorv ! Mi-s Elizabeth Fouke regional ~- +- " i hlldren of Dr and Mrs Ke ler i ' " h ' she with' their + ~live wc~unougn. ~o ~ U~vj~ '~ ~=~ ~" *r " i + ' ~or earilloneurs at Sellersville, Pa. II~|V|t~ |~=1~|,'": " h nivers~ties of c " . ~ P,overseas last Marc " v a nod supervisor of Camp Fire Girls, ,~crd Dartmout . U children wereborn Donald ' one ~s reported to ha e had g four dau hte~s and four sons only ~ ren Dlanne 4 Michael 7 and ttw ~Structors were Dr. Arthur Bigelow Wisconsin and of Colorado. He is g: . ~" -. ~ i ch'ld ^' - - ' '. '--" now at Yokohoma Japan' with the time. Dancers more than filled the Inc will meet with Lisbon Camp ~l Princeton university and Dr. ~. ~'qf~mml ll~l~'ll :'" + " ~ +~ one survlve~, ~r~c~ !uoug v naB oeen uvmg m ~ima. ~ "-~-^~'-o ~"-~-. i gym tic, or Fire ~ :ouncil leaders and sponsors exander McCurdy of the Curtis /%~1 qk~.tllllll~llll~ ~" . . ~,~pm~, u~ ~,~. ~ ~ ~ ' t tn'~ ~nur~oay evenm~ a~ ~ o~,~, i recent of which, pubhshed m late', -w.^ R~v Merton Green will of-'~ ~, ,-, who d~ed m 1938. ~ ------ .% %.+ . ~. . - . ~ehool, Philadelphia, and the West- . 11950 is "Character Assassination" { ;~'~o ~+ "+~o f 1 ~ervices Kecewe %,aKe and Plowers Perry Woods was a soldier in I l ~ |, ~?th ~lrsAbmart no s~e ss. ~inSter choir school, who played the ~#=~ r~Fl~l~ ' " ~+ ! . i om i Mrs u m ~oucnee ~v, rs. ~v, er*e Iowa is sponsored by the Ameri- Kenler's favorite hytnl~ns, "Be Still On 50th Anmv . chronic bronchitis as a result oI a i,# ~a y~ s ~dicatory concert on the Killian q~il~ll l~llV~ The eurrent visit of Davis to t William L~tts will Sin two of Mi~s{ ~r~.rv i World War I and suffered fr LICInTIlln w Are co liB, Nov. 21, 1950 h~t. Vernon Community Chest can Friends Service eommittee I My Soul" and "Abide with Me.'"i Two features of the 50th wedding gas attack during the war. For eL -- r,l hostesses. ~r will start its first drive here cn and includes addresses at Par- Mrs. Carrie Oates will accompany i an.niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the past five years he has been in ~riQii ~rs, ,-~L --L sons college Cornell college, and l at the piano Interment will be;uiaerman on ~unoay at their nomegenerm in neaim, ana aeatn came M.J. /leaemann i~ . ~, bean writes for next Wednesday, Oct. 31, and it ",~.-, besides -ublic in the Mt Vernon cemetery lwere a very large and beautiful suddenly Tuesday, after being sent IPm #~ IP~ ~ . , November "Outreach" win continue on Thursday and Fri- Knox col f " " ]bouquet of flowers given them by to the Veterans Hospital in Des from fanes Able /o Keturn rlome day Nov 1 and 2 meetings in Musc~tine Burling- - 1 er ak -' " . " . ' I ;the cnilaren and a mree ay c e Moines ior wnat was alagnosea The lead article in the November Workerswillwear large buttons ton, Fa,~leld, Wa~llo, m, Vet- Addresses Rotary On U.N. i with a pair of golden slippers on theas virus pneumonia H.J. Tiedemann, much improved, oo~t ox ngnmmg early ~unaay, ~ ou ht home Sunda from a ~.Ue of 'Outreach." national mag-! for easy identification They will non. and South English. ! "I am not too optimistic that the '.ton nresented them by Mr. and Mrs. He is .~urvived by his widow, - - : ~as brg Y ~.~e for Presbyterian women, was make a complete canvass of the There is no admission charge to!United Nations structure gives us ~Ol~v~er Baker of Marion. Over 80 their son Donald, a daughter by morning eau.sea aamage . at the hospitalin Fort Dodge when he toxin Rea feathers and Community e but an offer ' our ultimate ob~echve stud Dr e attended the o en house on la e Mrs Doms A1 ~ aipn ~urge nome east "or town on ien for two weeks follow ~ritten by Mrs. James Bean of Mt. i ' . . the evening adress s, - I " ! peopl P a former marr' g . !was a pat t . - ~:rnon. This is a Spiritual Life Chest seals will be given to all ccn- . m h~ r~t.olved for the work of I Handas Mazumdar, assistant pro- Sunday afternoon and extended bLush of Mechanicsville, and two U.S. 30. The ~urges were awaken- ing a heart attack suffered on a trap. ~essage for Christmas, entitled,"The i trlbutors. ~hey will call on every ,~.^ ^ ~;~o,~ ~;,~,~ .~ervice corn- i fessor of sociology at Cornell, to their best wishes to the honored grandchildren. Two brothers and ed at 5:15 a.m. by a crash when ~, Mr and Mrs. Tiedemann returning ~diance of Good Will." Mrs. Bean ' residence and business establish- t~)~, i the Rotary club Monday. i couple. The children also presented t-wo sisters preceded him in death,feetlightningwesthitofa thelargehouse.tree aboutIt left w~,50 !from SouthBend Dakota,where hehadbecameSt ppedillin: a frequent contributor to this!ment during the three days of the n,~t.~.t=. . ~ Dr. ,aazumaar mougnt we ought Mrs Biderrnan with a beautiful leaving sisters, Mrs. Kate Mc-~ " drive Tne pumic is mwtea to onto tam~ to try nd make the U N effective the center of the tree standing, en- i Mr~ Tiedemann and Bernard were magazine" i " " i a .mirror. Laughlin of Mt Vernon, Mrs. tirelYTh~ c ussi nbro e23StrippedoOfitskbark" anes ofiw-'-i'~ him-all--the time he was in The town has been divided into ------~------- as long as we do not have to sac-i ;"~-- '~^;-+ e"~l Start Wo n udahy isix at+as with two captains heading Dayton Niehaus Dies rifi e moral principles. He felt i News Of Service Men e one P :the hospital glass from. windows on the north 1+ His' son'-in-law ~,~ ~ ~d dau~ ohter, Mr. . . . H number of workers. ~udden|y at WOUKOn mit a number of acts under the I ATTENDS CHAPLAIN SCHOOL ,-n . J ~ ~ and weStwmdowSlde m fthethek~tchenh USe andMosta ~ on,~ ~tr~ ~ 'Phom~t~-~ ~ r~^a of Mta q~O~B i-uyn~ Station each area who will be assisted by a w tha~ Russia had been able to corn- ;south i . I shelter of the U.N. which she could i Chaplain (lst Lt.) Dean H. Mqrey ~-iecrea ~mss ~iil~;~[ s of the shattered glass tell "outsme brought" . ;V~, himW="~homo~v~- s rather than into the house. The~ ~ ' ,~ ~ Digging of trenches for the foot- i . ~?mmum amoun~ oz money ! Dayton Niehaus, Cornel1 '24, die~ i not have gotten away with had lot Monticello is a member of the G. Marvin Calvert, son of Mr. ~g of the buildings at the Cudahy I ma~ mus~ oe ra~seu ns ~au. i of a heart attack at his home in ! there been no U.N. ~ class of 126 Army and Air Force l and Mrs. Frank Calvert of Martelle, i glass was replaced on Monday ! *-- ~A#*.II U--. -- ~tr s. hog buying station at Mt. in.e e ommlw~e na~ se~.~m as I Veaukon on Saturday, Oct. 20. Mrs. When we cannot cooperate with chaplains in training at the Chaplain ! was recently elected treasurer of: " Ladt~ ii! nQv~ a ues~rea goal ~or a unve ~o oe I Niehaus' mother, Mrs Grace Bark- ! it without sacrificing moral prin- : School Fort S1ocum NY Before~ the freshman engineering class at ! Lisbon Recreation News Lesson On "Handbags" hevaon were started on Saturday !a real success more than the ~ -- ~i t r M~s Luther Plat . ' : " ' ' ' " uy William Kruse and his men. I ~i, and he. ~ s e," mples, we should adopt a policy of his recent call to active duty with the ! the Umvermty of Iowa. ! mmm-,um amoun~ snoum oe tenberger, and Mr. Plattenberger ! non-cooperation the speaker said. IArmy, Chaplain Morey was pastor I ~ t The recreation board met lm~t I The Lisbon Adult night school ~ike~e ScalesSChiCkon excavatedTuesday, the pit for i! raisetL went to Waukon on Saturday and,"A clear cut 'statement. . of Amer- of the LeClaire. Presbyterian. church. ~,-----i ~ Hm~ R~urfocina ~ Thursday night and di~,~,~ n~-~-'i for the women met Monday mght" Traffic ~ i i ili i! ~~ ~ pe~!i~d:~il;ile!~! ~ oa~r~t~i s~ulSilCuk~~} for the ~vin'ter'ro-r"~=~'~-~-~---~-~'~'~-~[ I f r a candle-making demonstration A !-.~k~ ~ '~]~:'~'~'~+~ '~'! and the Bishop method of sewing r day mornin~ at 9'a0 at C~r~wfnrd'c tecnnlques, instructed oy ~a r . ~Charles Phegley of Silvis, Ill i i - 29 s store The nurn~o ~ tn vai ~ ~,qtq; ] Young. Next meeting, on Oct. , tional money to finance lab |will be a demonstration ot n - ~:as fined $25 and costs at Mt. Ver- : rece.%,e the above amounts or their ~,ra6uated from Waukon high school' " --~ sons. :Because .of " i2 k It and I~ n on Friday fur permitting an,proportionate share of the total in t920 Cornel1 in 1924 and was a Ed Dvorak of Ely submitted toI -- WOrK na.a ~.een ~one Ior awee[:.~^. I mer's playground i bags by Mrs. G. Johnson, of Cedar ~naUthorized person to drive a car raised. ! graduate student at New York Uni- an operation in Mercy hospital, re- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cody of La- :wm prooaoly taKe ~n~. ~u~,~,~u~ i Story hour will be held every ! Rapids. ,+,of the weeK, 1I weamer is iavoraom ad his wife was fined $10 and costs ! The Crippled Children Society versity in 1924 and 25. dar Rapids. on Saturday. He is mon~ and the Roy Stex~arts were i 2"8' Saturday afternoon at one o'clock ! ~. ~n. ~---- ~n each of two counts of not hay-i ~g recently informed the Community i He taught in Neenah high school, expected home the latter part ofSaturday dinner guests in the to .comp, mte me wor~ uu ~ '!in the library. ]~mor ~,OlllSlOn 1~vingherancar perat r'sunder controllicense andpheg.nOt i! Chest that they will. not. be allowed Neenah Wis from 1925 to 1927 this week. ~ George Kirkpatrick home. ~ possmiy longer. ~ . + Volley-ball for men and women by terms of their national charter land m the Choate school, Walling- -- ~ iwill start Nov. 12 in the high l G W " Games. was m: e y Was unable to pay the fine and~to associate with a community chest ford, Conn from Sept. 1927 until iHe||o world i school gym. The women will play lv lved in a rumor acc~.~en:nOn eoa~ was taken to the county jail for 71 ays. Mrs. Phegley, who was not'~drive" ]June 1944. From 1944 to 1947 he ~P=~,~ ~||| ~ IJ~,v~,u,A,e,~:~,~ ~r'~mme~,~~ i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Williamlat 7 o'clock and the men at 8~man's curve east o~ x~so! ~^ ut ~t~thorized to drive a car, took theI The Mt. Vernon Youth Cen- l was on the faculty of Groton scho L4 vmm~ vv||| S~,|~=#|||~r~|ll||||~ ~|~|,$~1| ':~,~ t- m ~on on Oct 20 at St :o'clock. 11:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. zu, en- Cm led Children's Somety he ~as a faculty member at Wau- :buke's nospital, ~eaar l~apms, xne Everyone is urged to attend the ir ute home/l~om a. dance at Stan- ~us to Silvis and the car was tied ter is being substituted for the i Groton Conn From 1947 to 19 9 "" ~ " - ' " D at Mt. Vernon. Patrolman Gild- i "PP " " i ' . Scotts reside in the ground floor square dances held every two wcoa& A ~v~u~a~cK driven oya r ~l filed the charges. ] This is strictly a Mt. Vernon!kon high school. Mr. Nienaus was orgamzation. Supl~rt of it .is i a consultant on the Harvard Re- ~apartment at me ~.lmer t~lay rem- weeks in the Legion hall. ] hisiV~r" car~reescausing I t~l:ntOnslightComaeadamageW~nto 1~~ ~e affair developed when Mrs. i needed and it is ~es~rame xorI port cn Education in 1946. He was de~?rn to Mr. and Mrs. William ~,~ "~-~-A--w~,~, i both cars. Each insisted on having ~.aegley did not see the school stop! ~***~u ,~r,~u ,~** ~.~,~ ~gn and rammed into a truck I the community, i a member of the Methodist church. Cox of Palisades Park Calif a son .~ . . t the highway patrol called to place . . . . the b . P t Which had stopped. Before gettingi Five organizations are not as ~, On July 18, 1931, he was married Care Michael Sept '26 Mrs Cox ~ive memoers of the local Order ~ lame ~he atrol came bu rleen Barker at Mt Vernon Y ' " ' " of. Eastern Star are m Smux City j on seeing that no one was injured ~ay from it she backed into an- many as the committee had demred, to Da " is the former Betty Herring. However it reduces the number of lSurviving are ms wile; a aaugn- ------ thxs week to attend the 3 day Grand gave each of them an accident re- ~,a leep~t~herscar' iMrhePhegleYes'aldnt ~a~ s aL he "drives in this area by four. The !ter Joann who is a student at Iowa JIMMY KELLY HOME Chapter. They are Mrs. Fred Tonne, port and all continued on their way. Mrs. L. E. Griffiths, Mrs. Glenn The Frees' had been at the Iowa best means of enlarging participa-iState college, Ames; a daughter Jimmy Kel!v, son of Mr. and Plattenberger Mrs. Howard Mason Homecoming Mrs John ~ouineK, remrnea nome ^ ~ .~ ', v~ ,^ " rs MacMurray Was tion in the community chest is to i Jean, a sophomore at Waukon high sell the idea and the success of~ school; and a 10-year old son Fred. on Saturday" after elght" weeks in' ~nu ~v~x-~. ~wur~u z~up~=r. -- Visitor Jn Mt. Vernon the program to other organizations!Also surviving are his parents and Mercy hospital and several weeks ~a,=,~--~,~------- Attends Convention and convince them that it is to their i three sisters, Marian of Blooming- " ' " v ~ with his roster, Mrs. Er in Teleckv i ~ " ~" ral Carriers ~Irs. James E. MacMurray of Pus- advantage to join it. ~ton Ill Marjorie (Mrs. B. J. Max- "- - ~" "d- Jimm- wa- --it"cai ~ne ~ nn ~ounty t~u Supt George Brooke represented ~,ena, Calif and her sister, Mrs. In future Years it is the h pe f ~* well) f Tipt u and Ruth (Mrs" R" t~e~ar rtapl s. y ~cv*a uhceid ut~e tvh .' ~el Kennedy of Seattle, Wash ithe ccmn:ittee to be able to raise [Gordon Strayer of Hudson. ltYelenn]U~dbmn an~u~t a~iedJnot b:n ~ScS~oCbatri mneea~idg a::dhportY 1 s etLinbj~ ts~h~ lb ~krd:toth~c~ ol per in the Lisbon Legion hal Sa Boards in Des M "fire visitors last week in the home enough money to turn a percentage i ~--,1 o~ H~ ,~'dll b~' t~hes " " " " nines on Friday ,t+ d VlS h - -" day. Among the out- William S. Ebersole. The two lot, it back into community projects Dr. Cole Is President ,until late m November when e urdav, evenmg The Harold Dawere, and .Satur . t ~e~ enroute by car from the east i and ac~ivlties. . ;u ~ x ra~,~ take, H~ i~ ~till Bill Kruses and Earl Warnersstanding speakers were O. H. Rob- ~meir homes on the west coast There has been a crying need for Of Executives Club ~,-: --L-y -. ~-,--. ~-~ ~m hosts errs jr president of the Indiana to!1 l unoer me dOCtOr s care ~ m y " . ' " :ecreational facilities for years. In t hool at L1 "on Mon -----~ ~s n of School Boards, Dr Walter ~t,s.~~e~dMactheMurrayfall meetinghad cOmeof theeastBoard some ways these needs have been! Dr. Russell D. Cole, president of ]started sc sbon "GIVING BLUEBIRDS H. Judd, U. S. congressman and rrustees of MacMurray college met wi~h the help of certain local i Cornell. is president of the Execu- Left to right, front row: Nancy Gaston, Allene Merritt, Adeline i nay. ~ Giving Bluebirds met at the ] Dr. J. W. Maucker, president of ~/~acksonville, Ill. She is presldent organizations but more is yet need- fives Club of Cedar Rapids this Biderman; back row: Jackie Redman, Ann Vislisel, Anita Barrett. Put and Mrs. William Zearing home of Jeanette Zearing with 9 i I.S.T.S Cedar Falls. i i ' " r ed. .~he board of trustees and took ix-ear. First program of the club We re pretty sure the queen won t be Coach Hippie but one :jr. arrived in Lisbon Wednesday members present. Afte a short ~:. in its Founders' Day program: Gi~e to your Community i this fall will be a dinner meeting of the candidates pictured above wishing him luck will be coron- i from Fort Knox, Ky to spend Bill's business meeting Mrs. Zearingt LISRON RAND ndMrs H.C Lane enterta. Che+ for the welfare of your'Oct. 30 which will be addressed 15 day leave with his parents. He treated us to macaroons and or-+ Only one mere week to wait for ehildrert and for your commun- by Vice Admiral R. L. Conolly, su- ated at the Mt. Vernon Homecomlng dance Friday night. The will go to Fort Hood, Texas, to!angeade. We took a hike and stop- i the big news about a coming event~ ~ ~ Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cole at Sty. Kemember the Red Feath- perintendent of the naval war col- Mustang mentor says he'd rather ready h;s boys for the gridiron complete training in a tank leader's ped to view the McCarthy plant i- ~ Watc ,~,~vt x~,oe.~' d h~t: th~ . . ++ i h ~zz a a school,ope+ahon--GlomaGrlener, scribe Band B " Dont miss +t, '~nner Tuesday evening c.r M~nihl ]ege at Newport, R.I. contest than try to select the queen from the attractive bevy above. . ~ " " "i one,it. ' " " .