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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 25, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 25, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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m= The o. s. B,r,ng=es. Wa ce. Lisbon Locals Lisbon Junior Play Usbon School News Palisades Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Maurer at-E Mrs. E. H. Littig. Mrs. mini The Lisbon Herald R,)Joanne, Billy and Mary CatherineI tended the play "Good Housekeep-t Carpenter and Mrs. Ralph Inks at- ~m. Oet. U, 1951 t'ago 4 were week end guests in the par-l Mrs. Don Dolezal ing" Friday evening at the Cornell tended a 4H training school ThurS" ental Burllngame home at Clinton. Miss Daisy Burd attended the tTo Be Given Fridav BAN. ELECTS omc-as ~ ] The Arnold Beckers, Barbara, tI wa State Music Teachers confer- ] e The Lisbon Band members elect- On Friday evening the Howard i theatre in Mt. Vernon. I day afternoon at Tipton. ed officers Friday October 12. Neals called on the LeonardHeniks. ~ Hi i ~ i i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson and !Karen and James of Waterloo, spent ] ence at Coe college on Monday. ] Lisbon Juniors will present They were as follows: Alberta Sunday evening guests of the Pare of Bellevue spent the week l Saturday night and Sunday withI Miss Lucy Dice arrived Thurs-I''Scatterbrain'', a delightful, dizzy end in file parental L-A. Peterson Mrs. Becker's brother, Grover Miehe day from Seattle, Wash to spend c m~edy at 8:00 in the LisbOn gym ! K hl'vice-president;president;wanetaRam nawebb;Nels n'see. ardKennethNealS, guestsKaplans were the How- W I L L I A home. and family, the winter with her sister, Mrs. J on uct. zo retary-treasurer; Marcella Krum- Dinner of the Howard M l~rtd~,~ This is the story of Dolly Dean, m~l r~nnr+~r Neals on Monday w~ro l wh " h Mr. and i I Mrs B Erdman was hostess to,~. a~ .tt e age .z I~mn ms Mrs. Pete Wilson of Traer and Mrs. South '~ean. wmLe on me honeymoon a~ HONOR ROLL Van hn Philli " " " her Two by Four bridge club Tues- Nia~ara Falls Nichola~ m t . - . GIVEN g ps. Mrs. Phflhps is day afternoon. Mrs. Don Minert ~ ~"zt was generauy' "" oelievea~ ,~,~.~vv?.~-:l mr. ~:raman gave out the names visiting a few days in the Neal I ~ ~ea. ma~lof thos~ .qt.d~mt~ h~vina ~r~rla~ nf home WHa;r'~'S~zer was i'n Des Moines]he-fell into the Falls. But Dolly isiB or a-bove-for the- flrst=s~'x weeks. Attending the Women's Contact ' Phone 68 Lisbon, la. and Market +~ ^ ~ o +*." t. +o ~t "a th )not me type ~o z er anyone or any-I They were: meeting at Hotel Roosevelt in Ce-i -,-~ "~,~J~ o ruing upse~ ner xor rang. At 25 she~ , ~ ~.^~+~ Q + ~ T ~,t~ I * 7th--Ellen Belber, Judzth Miller dar Rapids Tuesday were Mmes. :r~,~,=o,-i::[o, n6 [lOOKS no omer man onner weaamg Jeanne Morehouse, Nancy Kay Peter Dows, Glen Blaine, Don Dole-i Liver, ]b 29c Lisbon Ph ne 105 ~ : " ~f" - " - i aay: Among ner aamxrers zs a i Zearing. zal, Gilbert Caldwell Wilton Gunn i rvtr. and Mrs. rJ. ~. ~.lmmer and ,pnomgrapner wnom sne consems zol ~+h l~/s, Ts,a ~,4 D 1~1~ ~7^ f-'.av~] ~ l~,{+n*-f~al,4 .~'~,4 D,~,] r~ ] 1' David were Sunday guests of the marry. =:,7" ~;;::~'~W:~LZL'~,%,:?,',T ! Pickled Herring 29c PE ATU-- S R0A brate David's 10th birthday. }plunged her rote debt. Her prom "ni~.h -a .~a, sa I Lettuce, large heads, 2 for 25c ClALS FOR FRIDAY and S y Henry Wesemans at Olin to cele-: Dolly's extravagances havei"~9"t'h"--Marilyn Krob, Gloria Penn-"" I Mrs Harry Sizer, Mrs E H. rim-1Aunt Eliza a straight-laced spins- "-l~'h": J-ovce'~ot'z"~ M~l,~ nnecnanlcsvme ' " ' r " w n h " ' mer and Mrs. Leon Morningstar at- te,m upset he s e learns of the ]Jean Shulista. Miss Lucllle Davt lson I Peanut Butter, Ski~py 39c MARSHMALLOWS, 10 oz 14c tended a Methodist WSCS district[debt and Dot~ ag.a,m contemplates! llth--Doris Light Delores Vis- . . ~,~tin~, at Manuoketa on Tuesday ~marrimony. nelly s creditors are u~o~ ' ~vir. and lvirs. Willaim Serres of ""= -- ~r, ~ ,~ ~.'Ipressing but she plans an elaborate I"'1"~h Marilvn HoffmanCary, Ill visited over the week Coffee Cake Mix 25c HERSHEY BARS, oz 2 for 35c rs. i - " " end in tb ' ' for -ur- (trousseau How she succeeds m e Nmk Nmolayson home versify nosp~a~ ~uesaay s ~" " -------- The w r " [wheedling the money out of Aunt PERFECT ATTENDAN ,~, y e e Sunday dinner guests l HALO SHAMPOO, 6 oz bottle 79c cry. ~v~r. miner ,s nome zrum ve~-i Figs, CaI-Trop, pkg : 25c Ehza ~s a mot of laughs. ~ Mr Erdman -ave out the record~of Dr. and Mrs F. M Wilson erans hOSpital, wnere ae wa~ a pa- W-'"- "~- - -~di-- d--" -'----" -'I " ~ ~ " ' " +iont for observation [ ltrl the wen zig ay uunwt u~ of the students having perfect at- Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs. Lela! NEW DRENE SHAMPOO, 6 oz, bottie 79c "~,-o a pearl Andre returned!hand Nicholas Dean turns up. Heltendance for the past six weeks. Workman and Mrs. Emma PowellI Choco[ate, Baker's 39c h~'~on~ ~th ~,~m .~t r l~o,~tnas veena wcum or amnesm, rieiThe perfect attendance includesattended the chicken pie supperI CORN FLAKES, Kellogg's, ;:::=,o:v',:::-o~:'i~hs beena"'oa[ ~ens 19olty .~o proceed wt~.n ptansithose students who have been Friday evening in the Methodist[ 4 in 1 Cocoa, Baker's 20c ~=--v*'~t~l~a"st~th'ree weeks for ob i oecause is ~egauy n~s wmow. !neither absent nor tardy. They are: church at Morley. I 18 oz. & 12 oz. both 23c - lnen me pnotograpner arrives i " ' ~orvation and treatment t^ .' n r ~ = : 7th--Patsy Albrlght, Ellen BelberMrs. Glen Woods and Mrs. John Peas, Tendersweet Tiny Tots 23c ~ i Marflyn Blood, Betty Bowers Jo- ynch called Sunday afternoon mt KETCHUP, Heinz, bottle 21c ~,~ss ~onnle uunu~un u, ~.vuur l~mnoms as ner rang ,os~ cousin . ~ "" th -. . ~ anne ~ur~ln~ame ~exa ~ arro~ ~.~rli- ~ ~. n. vary home a[ ~[anwooa. ) Rap,as and M,ss Martha NosleyiOne screamingly funny mtuahon ' Magic Washer, wdh Sdverware SAUSAGE, Wilson, Ib 39c were Wednesday evening dinner !follows another until the problem inms' ~naron .~.ruse, ooanne ~mre- Mr. ana lwrs. Harold Nicoll en-i guests Of Miss Polly Williams to of the two men is finally solved, i n~du:e',^~enne~n ~e m'~nen ~1:yn" tertain.ed Mrs. Nicoll's parents, Mr. ! honor Miss Nosley's birthday. [But how? Watch dizzy Dolly Dean i ana jvlrs. ~. ~. ~other, at dinneri While They Last 35c BACON, Morrell's.Palace, Ib 45c ~ -- .a ~.~ ~;i, Wol;h r,~ wriggle out of a most complex '~ 8th--Albert Allsup, Alois Bartosh, Sunday. Tne occasion honored Mrs. i HAM, whole, Sw,Ws, lb. 47c ~v-l~aa"evemn~Z"*~nner"'~ues(s~ f)situati n,Richard Bartosh Wanda Kohl Cother who was observing her : HAMBURGER, Ib 58c . t~Mh~i!rf~M~r!S~!i~t:C:balk:e:, ~Tb~i!tlfiihHoDaii!y~t~seti~!eM'C Melcher Minister,~!i :hJ:D~ns~PJeLteC~h~engg, ~aerrlyy" i~iii~H ~!d~rnTI~'~'~:d;feanf~arrn B:n ~Cla r Woods of Amardlo Texas ' Fresh Oysters-Fruit and Vegetables MOR, Chopped Veal, wim$on. 12 or. can 3Qc MMrSo:u~tMi:thHed~nWenekrW~anludem:~sei~ C!~i~.Oa~o~ldeberM;;~rC!!~faaD~ven; Korguto~i ~ah~::LinB~,nn~tatrrelM ~:~tYnn, d~sn Frlank CtahmhPbrellsoS:e~towSUrnd TUNA, Loretta, 6 oz. can 13c o "rh c'~'-wa~'s and over Y,Y' " ' Campbell and family i night guests of the J. C. Caraways. !B~a2m rreoharS" ~ia::l~ ~)un~nr 4 10th--Donna. Bowers, Roger Do- Mrs. George Craven of Tipton i Lisbon Junior Class Presents i ~r-- -- *.l ~ff.~. 117 T TF ~*A4-1- * ! ~" * S ~" ' . ~" ~' -- i lan, Joyce tlall, t~ale ~ansen 19en- [ sDent Thursday in the Harold C.ih . ~v~r *'*" "'~" "'- *~" ~"~ '~='="Alan Farnum en=agea ~o ~;va" - ' - - -' ,in Clinton Friday evening to at-'Doris Light as' Miss Jenny from the' KYurn~an~e~am~::e~v~elc~ m' saJa~ejleant home. I tend the hzh school Homecoming 1 ~ Those from here who are a SCATTERBRAIN We reserve the right to limit. "g ", oress snop" ,~mer~a ~om as Tmxm ' R h t-~ " S fresh~an attendagnat to Yhei ,Besewehr Sandra Reynolds ut !!i~E:C1 Oy Eh!: ~i?e~rtI Chm~Pt ~rar~ Thew g'anddau hter, Mar aret y-~ ' .' ' ' e SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE :,qutete f anC r La 'e ,ad oS2' l YSoC ff/uJe n S Ur, 1 : !tame wno rives up ~o ner sur- wo.=+o wo~h,- " by Dorothy Sterling I ests of the W D Mit ' ' ' John Cook and Mr and Mrs Wal Sunday gu " " " i name; marcena mrummeL as ~sa- ! . . . - : i chells were Mr. and Mrs. George i bel Burton her guest" Carolyn I llth--Bill Hajastek, AlbertaKohl, l ter Kiehl. Mrs. Eells is Grand l i Coats. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morse and Phelps as Nina Gilbert and Arlene ~rmne ~.rumme, ~vmrcena .~.rum-[Chaplain. I A Refreshing Comedy in 3 Acts ' ' ld of Cedar Ra . ,meL, uorls ~.ight Romona r~emon ! . Mrs. Charles Fm s P- Krummel as Dorm Painter,both ' ' M~ss Mary Flaher returned to her : . I carol Ulclnela ~severiy ~cnorL " tds and the Leo M~tchell family of ifmends of Dolly. ' I home at Stuart Iowa, Saturday~ Ely. -- ,- 12th--Harry Cole, Eleanor Gray-after spending the week in the! Lisbon High School Gym o.- :~ ~.^-.^ *-~m an i CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING ~ er Tom Kessler Lueille Kohl Mari- ~ home of the Misses Ella Conner and I Ivlr~. . YY. i~l/li;IW 1~ l|Ulla~ ~.~V I ( ' ' . ' extended stay with her son, C. W. l oThrre :ll t g LCu !yn. ,Xohl, Norbert L,gbt, Delores Ma,-jorie Cri man. Miss Flaher " u ~o p p ~',weoo,8:00 P. M. Shaw, and family m East Dubuqe, ~ ~ ~ came to see her cousin, Bert Eager- [ Ill She visited relatives in Colum- ime. ~soon scnool nouse, lv zerf~ersI ~ [ ty, who has been ill. ,',and parems are urged ~o athena ibus, Kan before going to her sons i~= mm ~ m --J.-- AJ I c.u.o. ,-aa,es i the ,vier,e v, iller family were FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1951 home ' -------- ' SPONSOR SQUARE DANCE I-- Sunday guests of Mrs. Emma Mzll- Mr and Mrs. S P. Vandeberg re-I The American Legion Auxiliary 1~195 TO Treasul~k/ er. turned Monday from a week's triP'in Lisbon is sponsoring a dance in iW" =I ) Miss Hattie Echternacht, who i re!t Minnesota, going north as far as; the old Legion hall on Saturday i ~r,~,~v ~ ~ ~,t.~.~ i lives at the Eastern Star home in Admission Lake of the Woods. They visited night Nov 3 Zimmerman's orch- ', "" ~. -- ~," ".~"Y'" : Boone visited friends here hst ! " D nver and ' ' . " ' . supper and aucuon sponsored oy ' ' e TAKE YOUR CHOICE [ relatives m Appleton, a s, estra will furmsh mumc. T~ckets +, ~.~ ~,r~ ~hur,hlweek.~ She attended. O.E.S. chapteri, Adults 50c Stud nts 30c Children 20c m Mmneapohs. l are now on sale at the varmus i~~as ~,ell attended and over $195 ~ here Tuesday evening [ Mrs. J. W Saar and Mrs. Wm. stores. There will be round and Was added to the treasur-, I, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wright went ) for a limited t/me only <" ] Copeland of Keokuk were Frida)~isquare dancing. ! ~" to Wilmington, Ohio, Wednesday'[ Produced by Sp da[ Arrangement with [ ~uests in the home o i'~aTH I~THnAV lwhere they attended funeral ser- Ii Mrs Saar's mother. Mrs. W. M. ! Lisbon Church Notes ,- ~-~ ~-~'~--~"~'-~--~ ~, ,~+~ ~++~,~ I vices for the former's brother Dr. Walter H. Baker Co Boston, Mass. ]11 Bennett and Saturday attended i ed~'~a" "~a~h'e~:in='S~'tur~a~even~n~] F. O. Wright They returned home~ [ Iowa Homecoming. THE METHODIST CHURCH ihonorin~' the 78th birthday of Mrs ISaturday" m Oi--m~ [i Snrin~ Creek Club met with the Gertrude Clymer at her home in, ' F R|| = I o -- m i is visiting here in the homes of [,Laurence Stabeno~s Fmday evening. ! Sunday ~h el 9 a ^. Ohn. Mrs. Clymer ~s Mrs. Hunter s ! [ There was a good attendance for iWorsnip ~ervice--~:~u a.m% o ) mother. Others present were Mr. m~ oro~nerSvio~ra?~." .vvei.aon and { the social evening and refreshments. ~ The wee~ oz ~rayer and ~e~ ; and Mrs Will Seivers Mechanics- u, en. r~ s ~ ze w ~ lore mm ne e i wfl Fmda Oct ~ the latter pint of the week tin the Darrell Morningstar home 126, at 2:30 p.m. Alfred Geraldine and Phvllis An- e ades M s na y Socmty ofi iThe November meeting will be held Demal Serwce 1 be Y, : ville; Mr. and Mrs. ELmer Russell, ~ Th L i is ior " " [I~v~. ~,u ,~. --=-,xr~ ~l ton of~-~-o -------------------nt the week '.amosa: Mr and Mrs HuDert' Clv-~the Presbyterian church met in the, . . ~~~~ II ~^~,~. ~ a Mrs. Beverly Nutt spe i mo~ ~lmor, f~iW" Mr~ ~o~i~ chinch parlors FHday afternoon fort m ana ~wrs.~v~ ~ ~=:~, ~:,~ 1 end with Dhss Mary Ferguson at i m',~.*~+'~" w.=~.'~ ;L'~+v---~ ---~~ithe annual praise service and tea ) . . . w~efl yOU buy ~ ~@W ~ p.m^r ~ w~ ~ da nests in me paremal uunu i ~v~ uu.~ ~ v ~ . . u~-~ ~~ '~'o~om~eVer~tons~ra ~r~o~e~ea ~ren ~t~r |I were Thursdav evening visitors in [Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rme of Cedar lMR~ ADA "~OURTNEY :Mrs. H. J. Lament rewewed the l m ~ [Rapids were Sunday visitors of the '1 ~" ^~ ~o~ ~. ~ + ~. ~ i book "Wake up or Blow Up" by .~ ;R R Reids :" ~ ~' ~" Frank C. Laubach. Serving on the l m Mr nnd Mrs ~,Vare Kettering of i ' " ' !wzdow of Oven Courtney, passed i++ ~rm~ w~+h "P~h,~ ' ! Los- Angeles Calif left Monday ~ Miss Virginia To~.'ne of Victor ' away at Mercy hospital following ;~'~'~::~':=~.(;=:~:';;:~.'~'~'+,~=~,'~! [i on their return home after a visit I spem ~ne .week ena . w,~.n ~v~rs: i a long illness. She had been a life [ Joh'n"Fr~'-Mrs:'~(t't'i;"'and""l~r~. i JET TOWER DISHWASHER since last Wednesday with his oames wnl~wooa m ~ne.nome off long resident of Jones county and)~anl~h ~ n,-o~irl~l ,t +h~ +~( ::~i~i:::~ ~:~i~i~:~iii!i |i mother, Mrs. Josephine Kettering. ' " ] is survived bY three children, Eu" I, table i ~~ i net parems me rlarlan ~mggs' ' *" ~" Not installed. Slightly higher in the West. Ware is in the Navy Reserve and on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers with nice Newhard, Hetty Moore and Mr" ~n~l Mr~ w ~ p.=.n,~ ~+ ! *Whcre t~enoccomrarytocu~Tentlocalordinaace~orstat law~ ] 20 day leave, the Kenneth Yetsleys of Spring- Cecil and one granddaughter, Mar-it~.d~cl tho i~int R~h~k~h Odd Fol [1 Mrs. Earl Wilson returned Sun- ville were Sunday evening dinner i ion Newhard, all of Cedar Rap: i iow-S'taie'con~'enti-on-h'el-d las't week : I .~,~ ~,~,~ +u,~ ,~,~ ~n the home guests oi tne Don ~ooayears in lULl lOS. funeral services were nela a~ ~, ~o,4o ~o~,~,~ ~,4 q~,a,~- o,~ ! C me in soon See the . 'i =~'ah:~'~'~,~a"h~,~r~l~rs'"Henrv De- Vernon. !Forest Chapel Tuesday afternoon, !='~' '~"~:~"~==,~'",~,~:~':='~"~,~;-~' 7 ' h i napolis,-- In4 Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sutliff and i with burial in Forest Hilleemetery. i wo"~ent'o" reee'ive the"I~)eco'ration eli Y01/llgstowll Kltdlell$,Wilson went Saturday to bring her i family of Galesburg, Ill and wMrS re I, ehfldrenTne L rmrence ''~'' rtun~erS.ana ~ennlsana .gr.ana'uun ! Chivalry, for meritorious service, i (home. A son Jacob John was bor~ H. L. Sutliff of Monmouth e i " "jThe Barnes' son-in-law and daugh-) .~/ to the DeKoyers on Oct. 8. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ican, were gues~s.ozt-.ecl~ ~ays neariter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods, at- ~~ I Mrs John Suthff r ores~ t.:nape~ ~unaay az~ernoon i ELECTRIC SINK i Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkins of j .------- itended thin ceremony i ~ h ~ ~~~ &'-~= ~ Features famous Set-Tower LeelGettysburg' S'D" were guests in the Mrs. G. L. Albright was hostess ] Mrs EllawithAustinMr. s~'ent M nda"t ~lrs zaa .~rawIora Iell on the~11~P~' ~''~ t~)~~llM~--~-~ "<= ~- ~ =--------,~ Bhoads home three days last. to her Four Square bridge club I -^ ~ tin! cenar s~eps mner home Tuesday i ,~ !lii~i ~[] Dishwashlng! Fifty-eight i week. T hey stopped on the way to Wednesday afternoon. Guests were~( ,~* ,~,~ ~ ~ and s.uffre ed a fractured, hzp.' She+' ~!ii iii~i:~i~!~ Chhe~a?fao~!e[o~rnw~t!~n.Ha~ )re~ tMa~i Crell Mrs Grover was~a~enmlvlercynospltal Ceda .hEr P. Yl31gger and Mrs. w .~" "~ ~.~:. .@i: i::::~ ~ m L I, je. el plping-hot, booster- ] pHkmSe~tUr1 e, eiB~nntO:h~, y~%.e aStm~h;e?hs:sn pR:Pied;' toWh~re sh~FsfCaO~:;;i.on ,s re-i ~! [ [ ~ } [[ heated water shear off all,s - " - - " ' -----'-" I pital, Anamosa, Sunday. Oct; 22. [ Delta Dek bridge club met Thurs-I ~i! ~i~ii!'~ Announcements . .=. . = Mr. and lvlrs. Alt)er~ tioaerlcK, ,~, evenina with M,'~ R A Smith ~ ~;~.~ [ [ [ [) foodsoillnlessthanlOmino nave veen re- ' ] [ i [[ utes. Vigorous, top-to-bot-Iceived of. the birth of a daughter Kn in wmll - ~ N~w~ ~ Mt. Pleasant. Ill . were week end !~':;~o. ~o~ ,~.=" o~ o.~-- "~o~ ~ ~o~=o 'T~'~"" ~'- !Stephame Ann, to Mr. and Mrs: ~' ~ guests of theJ. R. Bickerstaffs and!~ ~ ~+~,~t~ ~,mrov ana Mrs :Frank Bar ren m a Mt. Pleasant ",wua reaerson Cyrus Lamb. .~ /Margaret Feyen. The latter receive I [ I I ,j roo i nospltal. UCt. ltLThe ~ar,~,e A r" Rndm~, ~n~nt W~d Mr. ana mrs. maw. r~lser, J~elVlS, Ted =nest nrize Mrs C W Norris! ~~ i former res d,~,~a n ~Pb,r~d~v in th, I~ F Kans are wsztmg thew cousins, [held high club score i [ ~ i ents here moved to " " )New London early in the summer.1VIacon l~ome'at"Bennet't: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hunter. On! Bert Eagerty who was a patient~l u ~ Methodist W S C.S. will meet with "" ~v Sunday Mr. and Mrs Edw. Pea- at St Luke's hosnita! ~edar Ranids " Rev and Mrs. Fmehe Co m Mrs Buell Miller Thursday, Nov. ' haski of Monticellowere guests !was able to return to his home here, . . .o of Des Momes vzszted Hugh Yemley : I Let us drain your crankcase and refill it 1. Assisting nos~esses are mrs. ~,n~,~ zn me nun~er nome last week His condition is imnrov-~. , And See the R|t~he~$* Lyle Clarks and Henry Car- z r spent Sunda - ~-V0un"st'wn Capper, Mrs. Leon Morning- ~e"~ Kvle Mrs. Wilda Swit e,Y!ed. ",with Gulf Winter'FIowing Oil. star and Mrs. G. L. Albright. Lead- bees called Sunday in theJohn with Mr. and Mrs. ~toy Glic~ at) Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Picht of FOOD WASTE DISPOSER er is Mrs. L. E. Griffiths and Mrs. Carbee home at Mt Vernon Anamosa. i Rockwell City were week endi Gulflex Registered Lubrication Service. Chris Petersen will have devotions. M.O.B. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Herman Siefken guests of the latter's parents, Mr. ])an]shes garbage forever. Three ways best: Mrs. Maree Van Meter, Miss Oli- Nine members of the M.O.B. were Sunday dinner and supper and Mrs. Lester Nicholls. The Nic-! Get your Gulf Permanent Anti-Freeze, vene and Mrs. Ida Baker of Clin-club and two guests enjoyed their guests of the Kenneth Piepers in iolls', Pichts and Miss Esther Cotheri (I) Takes conthmous feed, (~) self-ch'aning, ton visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lee annual Fall Frolic with a theater White Oak vicinity. ]were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.! Prestone or Zerex here NOW. (3) self-rever~ing action means longer life. last Friday. Mrs. Marie Banse and party Thursday afternoon follow- Sunday supper guests in the R.~and Mrs. Calvin .Glenn near Olin. [David of Garrison visited theired by a dinner at Mrs. Wurster's C. Smith home were the AlbertI Mrs. Mayme Hines of Cedar Rap- -~ i cousins, the T M, Lees on Sunday. Tea Room in Cedar Rapids. Rodericks of Mt. Prospect, Ill the lids was a Sunday guest of Mr. and 'Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lee spent Sun- Mrs. Walter Werner of Chicago H. D. Smiths and Cyrus Lamb. i Mrs. R. A. Smith. a day with his parents. Heights was a Sunday visitor in The Will Klinefelters are visit-! Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Heiden and S Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Seward, Miss the A. C. Rodman home. ing friends in Arkansas. i Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Moeler, all Mrs. Don Zaruba of Center Chap- )from Denison, called Sunday in the East End Main Street Judy Hageman and Robert Seward The Don Goodyears were Sunday el vicinity was a Monday caller at i Harold Nicoll and A. H. Cother Phone 203 Lisbon, Iowa of Waterloo were Cornell Home-evening dinner guests of the Ken- Arden Achenbachs'. l homes. coming guests of Harry Siggins. neth Yeisleys. Bob just returned from Korea, is C.L. Knight was a business visi- Phone 110 or 213 Lisbon, Iowa stationed now at Great Lakes from tor in Burlington Wednesday. where he expects to be discharged Henry Carbee accompanied him the last of February. and visited his sister, Mrs. I. S. i i Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petersen left Pearson. . . I IIII I IIII II Saturday night for Stahlstown, Eugene Healds visited Mr. and Pa called by the sudden death of]Mrs. Roy Jennings Friday evening. -- ;~I her sister, Mrs. Becky Ulrey. Fu- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley neral services were held Tuesday. I visited Mrs. Esther Fishel at Iowa Mrs. Byron Wilson of Santa Men-]City several times this week. ica, Calif who is visiting relatives] The Glenn Bowdishes and Char- in this community, accompanied les and Mrs. Ida Bowdish visited the Petersens to Pennsylvania. i Nauvoo, Ill last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Dick Carbee enter-/ Miss Lena Whitcomb and Mrs. tainecl at dinner Saturday after the lGlen Arnold entertained the J.U. ~j Cornell Homecoming game, Chap- Sunday school class at the Whit- :~t~.y~.~== lain and.Mrs. Dean Mercy of New comb home Monday evening. They York City, Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Hen-+spent the evening watching the dricks of Mount Vernon, and Mr. Itelevisicn program. and Mrs. C. M. Luckey of Cedar' The Dwight Brittens of Des Rapids. Evening visitors were Mr. Moines were week end visitors of! and Mrs. Sheldon Harris of Dallas, the G. Platt Bowdishes. ANY IT MAY START THIS MORNING . . . Texas, and his sister, Miss Jean Har- TOMORROW? ,is of Cedar Rapids. Keep the farm workshop orderly VENEER TOP BUT WHAT ABOUT Mrs. Charles Burd, Miss Virginia, at all times. This can help prevent One of these cold mornings you are going M~ss Hazel Runkle and Miss Daisy accidents. Burd, Mrs. Earl Davis and Robert to get fooled. Your car won't start. Maybe Earl of Mt. Vernon enjoyed a drive Lisbon Business Directory .Step End Table *Lamp Table last Sunday to places especially of' t O0 ' the battery is low, the points need attention beautiful at this season. They went GARDNER AND ANDRE *[llass T~3 ~sr.[4~!! Tabte to Dubuque and McGregor, to thei Phones: Office 2-91 Residence 3-91 Ioice "les *Piecrud "la~m *~Ln~ Table carburetor adjusted too mean, or the plugs are Wisconsin side and through Illi-!. Physicians and Surgeons bad. Maybe it starts and then boils. The radi- nois to the Mississippi Palisades. i $. M. CARBEE Use,uL m.d, de o,~ti,e 1, ~m~ l~om "ie i This item was omitted from last Notary Public hord~lb,llt,ble, w|tkgeaui~.",h~J- $13 ator is clogged up, or you have no anti.freeze week's issue, '. Insurance ni' v.-, ,op o, ,h. s .75 , in the radiator. It could mean a cracked head M~ Mabelle Thomas returned 4% Farm Loans ,yles ,how~--,ot|ce the fin. l*t,iled pl.- Sunday from three weeks with Phone 127 Lisbon, Iow~ crest I~I~le---the siep end I~ble oral the gl~ or block. -Avoid all this. Let us Winter Proof relatives. She visited the Edgar JOHNSTON AND MORGAN :: top ,o=kUdl l~l Wond, dul ,aluesl Beclcham family and Mrs. Grace FUNERAL HOME your car now. Beckham at Rolling Prairie, Ind C. B. Johnston Jack P. Morgan the Ray McFarlands in Toledo, O Licensed Morticians and Mrs Bertha Ryan in Cleveland. Mt. Vernon Phone -- Dial 5013 In Moundsville, W. Va she spent Lisbon Phones 165 and 50 am several days with Mrs. Mary Dis-W.M. ]BENNETT que and celebrated with her on her Office Phone --- 146 Lisbon Phone 50 Dial 5012 Mt. Vernon g0th birthday, Oct. 16. Mrs. DisqueFarms for Sale Lisbon, Iowa is a cousin of the late Mrs. Cum- Real Estate and Insurance rains, Mrs. Thomas' mother. Houses for Sale or Rent * " : ' : : Phone 150 II I I