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October 28, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 28, 1898 |
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t g IOWA.
OCToBEn 2s, 189s.
Woke 'Era Up.
Many people did not anticipate such
mblishished in the ill- a gelluine
treat as. was in store for
and vicinity by S. "
theln Wednesday afternoon, and mang
more still, no doubt, felt like kickiny
themselves at such an opportunity lost,
AUG. A. BAUMAN. as most assuredly all those lost who did
)lisher~. not hear the thin A. C Rankin on
--~ ~ ' the political issues of the hour" at the
grates furnished responsible above mentioned time. While tile
~ati(n. Anonymous corn- crowd was dispersing and before the!
echos of the enthusiastic cheers with
-------~ which the meeting broke up had died
)SUBSCRIPTION. away, such exclamations were heard
~-anv^~cz. upon all sides as: "A magnificent
. $1.mpolitical speech." "The best campaign
75 orator I ever heard." "Wasn't he a
40 host?" The subject matter of the
~ argument would make line reading,
and many have expressed the desire to
Or cl nge~ of ads must be see it iu print that those poor unfor-
fore aes~ay noon of each tunates, who were weather bound or
!atiol tOO busy, might know some thing of
.~ ~ its Leauty, and yet they wouldn't have
t;E~ D/RECTO~ had the half of it for Rankin is an
actor as well as an orator, a man of
whom it is said can talk with his hands
and feet as well as his mouth.
Colonel Rood introduced the speaker
L~0a. m. toS:0Dp, m, except to a
comfortahly filled room at Odd
:00a. m. to9:l~p, m. Fellows' hall shortly after two o'clock.
~,LS. It was an assembly that made up in
DISPATCnEDZaST. quality for any lack in quantity the
3:30 p.m. inclement weather caused, and was
n:19 p.m. evidently an inspiration to Mr. Rankin
~llnton, Iowa. for he was m close touch and sympathy
Mr. Rant;in was pie sing, in-
The Campaign Event
of the Season.
Governor Shaw
will address the citizens of Linn county
ul~on the principles of Protection and
Sound Money at the Lisbon Opera
House, Thursday afternoon, November
3rd. at 2 o'clock. The arrangements
A Short Talk
to the Point About
There is no reason why we
should not sell you one. We
Are in shape to :o so, and give
you a good styhsh well-made
honest garment as low as any
Our Ads
Among those who went from the
Grove to see McKinley at Cedar Rapids
were J. U. Faekler and family and
Mrs. E. C. Fackler, Wm. tI. Fackler
family, E. F. Vanholt and A. P. Fuhr-
meister. There was a great crowd.
The President and General Miles were
the most prominent visitors and the
Cuban minister gave a good little
speech, the man from Honolulu was a
Sheriff's Sale Notioe,
Direct to me from the Clerk of the District
Court of Llun County, Ia on a Judgment obtalnt
ed In said Court on the 6th day of October 189~-
in favor of Andrew Beaty and against William
Chambers and Jno. W Kepler(in rein) for the
sum of TwoItundred Eighty Two Dollars and
Twenty Three Cents, and costs t~xed at Thirty
How to Prevent Croup.
We have two children who are sub,
ject to attacks of croup. Whenever
an attack is coming on n~y wife gives
them Chamherlain's Cough Remedy
and it alwaysprevents thO attics, h
is a householdnecessity in this county
Ships every Tuesday craning and
rcc lvc Friday morning.
GE(L A. HANNA t -lidtors
c. /
Leave your name with Horton & lylc
and your laundry will be
and clivcr .