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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
October 28, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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October 28, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, i ,J~ ',~ i ii MOUNT VERI ON i i ii HAWK'EYE. II I I I I: " II II' I I 11-I" "i" I i i ~lllll II ~ i BUS! NESS DIRECTORY. C. W. KEPLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Not~Lry Public, l~lt. Vernon, Iowa, Particular attslition given tO the collection of debts, WM. GLENN, A qTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public, Real d2JkEstate and Loan Agent, Mr. Vernon, Iowa. J. N. IIUGtfES, A ~!'TORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. Prac- A'~'n all the State and Federal Courts. 217 3d tit. Ceu~.r Rapids, Is. DR. J. B. ROBINSON, DIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offtcein Wil- l cox Block, Mt tYernon, Iowa. Da. GBO. W. Ho(~L~. DH. KATE MASo~-Ho(~LE. DRS. IIOGLE. DItYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ofttce and JL residence over Ilogle Bros. Pharmacy DR. T. S. KEPLER, DtIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Main Street, Mt. &Vernon, Iowa. Office hours 7:30 to 9 a. m and 7 to 9 p. m, A.C. TENNEY M. D. *I[lrOMEOPATIIIC Physician and Surgeon, JI JLMt. Vernon, Is Office over Rebstock's res- taurant. Office open day and night. Residence three blocks north of Presbyterian Church. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of the eye and ear Corrcapondcnc and Ncigborbood News K.~.~.~.'qK.~-~K.'~ ~ ~K. ~'~.~'~'~'~K"~ "~.'~'~ Martoile. A genuine murder case has been ~,~ 1~ ~h.~ ,~,~h,~, .~ ~,o I dealt up by the Cedar Rapids dailies " ~r'r~~ :~ ~'il' ~ this week, the lifeless body of a man l'e. y Is very n: by the name of Edward Murry having ivir. and Mrs. Frank Hogman left las~ ~ been found upon the railroad tracks night for Omaha, where they expect to,with bullet holes to show the cause. remus a week or ten days and at other I The most plausible theory seems to be neighboring towns visiting relatives, that the work was done by tramps for The M. E. (L S. will give a social in the purpose of robbery No arrests. Ell[sons ttall Wednesday, November * * 3rd. The Center Point Base Ball associa- Mrs A. Bauer and Mrs. R. P. Lacy tier has already organized for next expect to start this evening for Omaha. year and arranged for renting grounds An oyster supper will be given in the for a ball park, The more modern up- school house east of town Friday night pellet[on of athletics must be applied Martelle today witnessed a real snow- in referring to this particular instance storm. But it is not thought that the as the term "sport" IS not tolerated in snow will stay any length of timeas the up-to-date communities that afford town is most too warm to have snow. such luxuries as a town well. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson moved to Brand[Re last week. Little tlarry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Strother, is thought to have measles. There are not any more cases of the kind however. The little Rathbun children are again able to be about the house. Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Port are now enjoying themselves at Omaha. A number of our people intend to take advantage of the unusually low A writer in the Urbana Monitor kicks because Bob Cousms delivered his speech in the opera house, saying "nothing good ever came out of that opera house." But some of the Urbana people are so prejudiced over the opera house that they would lind fault if our ~aviour was to speak there.--Cen- ter Point Journal. The genial editor of the New Era is one of the most susceptible of men and rates to Omaha. T. A. GORMLY, Miss Newlin of Viola was visiting at "I['ItENTIST, Mount ~rernon,Iowa, office over the home of Dr. Williams last week. -a~Neff's furniture store. Mr. Sinclair started Friday for Texas and Mrs. Sinclair will join him there in about a week. They are a family that DENTIST will be greatly missed in this commun- ity. C, W STAUFER, D. D.S. Insurance men and picture men are quite numerous in our burg at present. e//,'~ ,', ~,'~n B.nd ~, #.x~ ~oo, ~ #~#', ~,~,'~,~ This is evidence of the depth of the soil ~o~. in this place. Our hotels and merchants are all do- editors when it comes to any references real or imagined, regarding the home town, Springy[lie; and we desire him to distinctly understand that we do not consider it possible to pay him any higher compliment both as an editor Old fashions iu dress may be revived but no old fashioned medicine can re- place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lteniedy. For s'~le by the City l'harniacy and llaeseler & Leigh. Our little boy was atIlicted with rheumatism in his knees: and at times unable to put his foot to the lloor. We tried in vain, everything we could hear of that we thought would help him. We almost gave up iu despair, when some one advised us to try Chamber- lain Pain Balm. We did so, and the lirst bottle gave so much relief that we got a second one, and, to our surprise, it cured him sound and well.--J. T. Bays. Pastor Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by the City Pharmacy and tIaeseler & Leigh. Not the Wisest Way. It is not always best to wait until it is needed before buying a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia- rrhoea Remedy. Quite frequently the remedy is required in the very busiest season or in the night and much in- : convience and suffering must be borne before it can be obtained, It costs but a trifle as compared with its real worth and every family can well afford to keep it in their home. It is every- where acknowledged to be the most successful medcine in the world for bowel eomplamts. ~'or sale by Haesel- er & Leigh and the City Pharmacy. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. This is to certify that I have had chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. I got so weak 1 could hardly walk or do anything. Sue bottle of Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me sound and well. J. l~. (.~IBBS, Fincastle, Vs. and a man. There was nothing per- sonallntended in our recent remarks Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are about town sales' days, the principle prominent farmers and reside near point in mind being whether the bust- Eincastle, Vs. They procured the hess men, tin agresslve work of this remedy from Mr. W. E. Casper, a drug- character, were not asked to shoulder a gist of that place, whets well acquaint- heavier burden than could bring ade- ed with them and will vouch for the quate returns If we all have what truth of their statements. For sale by ever any one else has, it looks like an' tlaeseler & Leigh and the City Phar- DR. T. I. MITCHELL, V. S ~TETERINARY Surgeonand Physician. Spec Y ial attention to Veterinary Dentistry. Office with Drs. Wolfe~ Mt. Vernon, Iowa. i New Dardwar / I i i i ii Store ing a thriving business of late. The new buildings that are to be erected in the several parts of town are evidence that our people have not lost confidence in the future of the town. The recent chilly weather has had a bad effect on the crops. A great many hogs are being shipped by buyers from this place. Dr. C. It/Stoufer, the dentist of Mt. Vernon, in spite of the snow-storm was on hand today. He deserves credit for coming out in such weather. Mr. Stoufer speaks well for Mt. Vern0u. unnecessary expense, because no one macy. then has any thmg new in the line of inducements to offer. We are much inclined to accept the New Era man's TIT - -- ~L J A limited number of invitation to attend their next sale. ~ ~|[.a.~] persons to do writ- We are sure it would prove interesting, ,~=,~v, ing at their home~. and prolitable. Still. we must still pro- Twenty-five cents paid tor every hun- test against our "susceptible nostrils" dred words. Promptness and good being subject to the odoriferous onion, work necessary. Applications must be * * * accompanied by ten cents for part[- Mr. Vernon has improved during culars. Address:, The Sioux City the past season to the amount of over Bussiness College. Sioux City, is. $50,000, a very tidy sum indeed for is- -- provements. Good!--Springville New Any reader desiring paying employ Era. sent for all or part of his time. can It's an easy matter to make it an economical year in your furniture buying,--IT RESTS WITH YOU. It only depends upon patronizing The Right St0rc Livery FIRST C L: .SHORT I Have Just Received a Now The heavy frost of last Saturday secure a good position selling Minne- Stock of night has had a beautifying effect on sots.trees, plants, farm seeds, etc wit h ~. the landscape. The goldand red and Business and Railroad Notices. mos~ complete out n.t ana, .ues~ s~oc~, ' Persona taken --- -- russet of the autumn woodland is in ,r . with goou wages pare wee Kjy, ny wri~- i~tdll~glllfl~lll~ avidena~ and the ,ummer =reen of the ing at once to the Jewel[ ~ ursery tie and adjoin - /~m~ v.~s~. =-:r ~:, ' - = - -P - Lake City Minn (,tonage is giving place ~o the sere ann For Sale. .', yellow leaf. If you have urinary trouble or pain r rril l i l'IJ 1 1 mwar One good four ton scale,inthe back. indicatin kidney disor- a e among our patrons, and that i ] J.F BARRE'rT dcrs, iftherebe a general loss of en- is good evidence that ours is a--- 1-" . ,( aoolln ana The Neighborhood. I "mh~ ~ ~a m" ~ ;.hH U.aergy, we ask you in all fairness to use ~.J. l~. ] 4 The death of James W Bronson re- I ~%Y~'%"=. ',~ fi~'.~Z'.:'~;;L':,- ".F.e'L:~ Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. Thousands t r, -" - Prnnl l in " tiz~ns of " bear evidence to the fact that ]t cures C~,t'~t'~ .~It6:~li~ moves one of the lead g ci [ cause they perfectly and completely Jonesc0uvt" well knownand ht"hlY'cure'iliousn ,nactive liver and con . batlslact0ry y, . . . '$ . I a ess, " A priceless blessmg is zounu m Dr. i .- . esteemea where ~nown~e aleu a sti atlon tt F tIaeseler , "P Sawyers Arnicaand Witch Ilazel Salve Hqncultura h,homein Wyoming, Tuesday, Oct-t formles ,~o o,0-,e,o ~ozo~, o,o I I~.rmtnre gtnre ~,~ j ~ be I A good 14-mch lawn mower for only worms, burns and cuts. H.F.Haeseler. ~ ~,00|~ * * * I $2.~0 at Chambers & Herrick's ~ : ,:. ,'~ izP," . " . [ Card board suitable for moun~Willll~ll!~b~i~'ts in the West and South , ~'~H~ - " J kodak pictures, for sale cheap at the I at exceptionally low rates. ~ or tmkets ~. . . . . . . I ' : "- I""" ~ . I A case of attempted robberyand| full inzormation apply, to agents . ~on'tscra~cnyourhfeaway,~mtuseI " ~ ~t I torture, brutal in the extreme, is re-I Chicago & North-Western It y ur. ~awyer'~.Wltolt Haze~ mad A.~ni~:l / :" I " ' f I vorted from near Cascade, Two[ Call a~ norton & is.yie s and local Salve for eczema, plld~, hi~ burns] II| 1~ I ' r~ ' ~rothers by the name ]llurphy are sup-,over their bargain counter. Oxfords| ~ . andcuts. ~- lll Ul, v vnn ] r,^l.l "1 t " t sea d h mone 75to ,150 The .awanan Islands ~l ' '' JUKIV /' 0 posed o pc s s an o d y " I - ELRh -.--C ( ITheyIivei alo, el, pl: loga/ P-ocess Laundry, Horton &] TheChicago&North-Western Rail For ~loves and mittens call on I " [ ' timber stretch and have twice been, Kvle a=,er~ts" ",way has issued a booklet with the " T. .~ ".~v ~ ~W 1UlK ~l~ Door ~a,t ox r~ens rurmture~ [ subject to torture, ~uch as burning bare l " ' = " [ above title, giving a brief description [ Store. Old CIW Hall Building, ~ I feet and violent bgdily abuse, in the I For ate. of these islands, their topography, cli t ( [robbers unsuccessful endeavors to ex-I Poland China BroodSows withlittersl mate natural resources, railways, [ ~ Yu e r " " ""= " .~ J tract.know!edge conce~ nnlg thewhere- I by their sides at prices that will sur- I schools, population etc. It centares a,1,~,| ][Jr ~m ~ I ~-~ lao uts zmesupp sea~reasure'Taere[nrisevou Also some choice male niasl folding map and mentions the various in ml I=I|||IVI=K| " " IATTO]VA[ . [ have been no arrests though.theiR.dice: [ tibet will "please you. Call and see ~f~'I [ steamship lines plying between the I~ Id; I I I ~ ~ / Im, I I,~ ' I tions weals seem to malcate local,am right J M KIRKPATRICK I Pacific ports a~d the islands. Atten-, ] /|~ ~~R~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I talent. / It[on is also called to the unparalleled[ "r Y1~"1~,"1~il ~ / W# t ~1 * * * ] ~n [ facilities offered by the North-Western ~ 'i~ ~ ' i 5 cents will save y time a d effort 1 ~ ~ LEONRAD KOPFII Jones county, famed for many iIlus-|Depot telephone at Neff's [Line, 'the Pioneer Line west and l kk~ I trious examples, now has an interesting norm-west, oz ~nlcago, zor reacnln . t ,0,o. I I"pig"case, ostensibl, tovie with fame/ Don't fail to see the new PendulumlSa~, Franclsco,, .Iortlani~, Finest and Best Kept Upl ~1; ~a~ ,' ano omer western oln[s TheDOCK . . =mmmm~ ! l as did the celebrated calf case Mon-/WasheratChambers&Herrlcks. i ' . P " "l l~lO'en. Tnwrl ] J ~,~- ! ' ,~, 2b & C. It, RUND]~L,It[cone's city council, in passing an[ lies wi.h pe sent co any undress upon[ ~ . - hND YOUR FAVOR] ! I ~,nt, Lnio" nrdtnan ~and ex mrd;,ln~r tha[" e "JLne grea~es~ step saver in town, the/ recei~liskern,t o[ Iour cents in stamps ny w I I .= =o ,^. / [~i~w~'~k~eero~C~rom-t~;e;r~-i~-~t~o~|depot telephone at Neff'a Furniture|B. 22 Fifth Avenue, Chi:|F ".rteen P" =seng'= arryah 'v: Pie'| - ||,|| ~zne ~m geuame ~[of the ordinance, has eviafently laid]St re.Scentat ll. /cage. [ mc and ~ross ~ountry trips. [ . ~ ~ ~~ ~[~ CitF Meat ]VIarhet SteBvltnS,oPnt,~? and buckles at, cost, at'T e:i:Thicago I ' tim c'pal p . p" ac/ [ .a I " J BOTH O If you want your stove shined and & North-Western Railway, leaves Chi- CHOICE MEATSf lf'that'questionat one time. MonticelloisSh wondered off on the schoOltoo put upin gee*shape, call o.n . cagoda, ly at 10 ~0a m," Cedar.Rapids" We W,II Be Pleased ne ear f ,I ,~n~-sent~tive a nlace as a model town / ~ Chambers 6~ r~erricz. ! at 3:30 p. m. an~ arrives at Omana 11:301 to receive trla! orders from new cus- / ' "~" ~ all 0 ,OF ALL KINDS,I to be carried off its feet by either the [ Waterman Fountain Pens are the ~ P: m. the same day, .~ d Denver 1:3 I losers, whom tt Will be our on- / i or the railroad me nex~ afternoon ~onnec~ions maae ,| ] P g [ best and are fully warranted In every [ ,~ T~ i~'~,ot ~ ;*h I deavor by pleasing to make [ respect, for sale by W G Power r neat on |CALL AND SBI] ME I [ " " ' [ trains to all points in Colorado and the [ pe ma es. [ BEI ID iIIzlz ORDERS II21WI |,[ The county metropolis t, ne[ Amateur photographers will find[West. Up-to-dateequipmeut. Daylight[RAMB[[ BARN, NORTH OF OOUOH'$/ ' --,~ ~ I unique experience--~or her--of a labor/suitable mounting boaru, cut to oruer, I ride'through Illinois, xowa and Cole- I I ,LI~&)IN2~2(U l~.~.)l"l~,] strike, and that of female labors, dur: ]cheap at the ] rude. ],THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AMMANAIL ~ ~st~on~ in~ the week. Some 135'girlsemplo ea Ilawk-E e Office . ~,~ow.rnmenta~ ana p, |l- he^ m --ill U~I" '?n~e~d= / Y ' / J-I-- It t ~-xf~ttxr=~:~c~nta'".t``e~"sti``'`~ n~`heUn''edS"t~s~`"~n"i`''tl~ ~t'esta`e I~uth $1deMahS~ect, Mt.V=mon ~ |~1~ v - um~ ~ t~ .zu o w.~ u v~aa~/ / I ~1;. ~1~ ,11 1.%~,~ 41~ Z~. J MJ~/TariffB1]!,withacomparlsonofoldandnewrates;President McKinley's ( ,~ I Samruav on a strike zor mgner wages. / x naa chronic marrn oea for ~weive / ---. ~ --~ ~l ~' ~mm ~ll~ma,[ Ambassa,mr~,Conso~s, etc,; tile personnel of Congress, names of different ( |r IThe girls were evidently out for|years. Three bottles of Chamberlain'st !i~ i'm PItll l 31" ] ~- T---/States, co~[~nan.din~ otfl~c~of the Army and Navy, with their sa!.ariesl tat =-:-==:':-::~-'=:;:--" . T~ . ~ ", ; ,~leC~lon lt~'t|ll'llD, . .* j .~ zorms anti Uon]mlctees; complete articles on blood as the city marshal felt culled Cohc Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy u v st amen , I 1 |IF lwlllld[ld I |Silver, and a nt of other valuable information. The Standard Am ,' [ upon to warn them against doing any-[curedme. S.L. StIAVER,[ v v~~mm~ I lilili~,~ll ~^ I . ~ g~ |ativeandcump}~te, c6rrespo,dinglnrankwithWaittler'sAlmana ln Eu, Fmecastl a m,~ I.~I~IVI2:U lll~r LIII Postage Paid 8end all orders toTHE HAWK EYE, Mt Vernon, Io~a / thing unlawful, while the papers of the [ " e, V . / .-~ I ~ / " - " " City. Hack. and brav Line[cLty reP rtt -e- ctac ? -t-alar b / We have some broken lots in wom-//.imeri6an beauties1 / J J ~o.~ y~sng:o~:? m~srual,ogne~eg ,ne|en,s. misse's and children's shoes toe -- -- I ~11~---------~ / . . s~roel~ as U e [ * ' [close out regardless of cost,~ F, G. I ~ ~ / - ~ ttORTON & KYLE. JOHN H00bl~IhKER The New Era says that "every citi-/ l~lllbe@i IlOllREO"l'l ~ ~ / |zenofSpringvilleisproud of the new|ThreeDoctorsinConsultation| IB IBSl/ W I / llr TFIIT hhflll [business block and opera house. And,From BenJaminFranki/n ] ll& BIlll///l' eUl I l I il 11/I/ 1 11 aavp.~v- lit is rumored that Spring will be the i ' / iMll lM lF onRI-C@, I gg / LI I . i I 1 . 1 I II I 11 ~ /si~matforthebe~rinnin~ofanotherflne/ when we are SlCK, wna~ younKe/~ I ~ ~ ~ ~/ / ~ ,~ ~.m,~ v,=~,-~iv / bu~ildin~, The d~molishin~, of a few of/best is to be chosen for a medicine in/ ~, / ~ .7 I ,our present structures and the building [the first place; what experience tells / ~' 1 ~Y'~)~ "~ ~'." f/ !!r ] t- ,+hers wouldmake 8-rln-ville lo,~/You is ~es~ ~o ve cnosen m the secona/ ~ In'PIOTI~ I .// '~ ~ ] ::%=:=r', ! n0 . ~ n~ . ~ ,~uu, k" [$ ~m~. . ," First-class accommodations and [ Like a new town.' [place; what reason (l: e. Theory) says m,~ R [I / I ~ / I U I / r~cmres ann nyme, oy PinsI, . Ibest to De cnosen In the last ~ place, l ~l~l~ I ~.7]~'~]J~2)~~.~t~]~~ I rom [ service Dusmee~s I~11 b vt # P P I ~ I But if you can get Dr. lnchnation, Dr. I ~| ~|~l I 7f'l~./~/.e~i~~--~ | S l "~ andapassengorsand baggage tran -/ The Litte iierald, a church paper,Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a/ ~]]]~ ll|~l:~ rnTo I q/u/, u" ~" / ~ 1- ---- - fer~d to any part of the city. Of- publishedatCog, g.on, makesth%follow-[consultation together, they wilt give| ~ ~ ~II~ grrl;Ul~,l ~'./I////fl/~',~ I . !~/! ~ - . ing comment: "lrairiesourg, In puD- / you the best advice that can be taken,I ~'="~ll||lli~ i "///~[~#TAg~,W~fli//lll/I/lt" I .L.L .L.a==~.a a a.=~.L ~ ~" nee at L;en~rai Jaouse~ lic improvements, is ahead of any town / W hen you have a bad cold Dr. Incl'i- / ~ I n of its size that we know of. The peo- / nation would recommend Chamber- I ~1~ I '~tlql~#~//#//l~//fll//ff##/~##1//#~ I pie demandthe best and are willing to. ]lain's Cough Remedy because It is,' l~m, All I "~/~'~/~/#E///#/~/#/#/f.~,IN-- cv ~zz,~ .r.~T~'r.~.~ pay zor iL nelieving, as they us, that /pleasant and'~afe to take. Dr. Exneri-| ~ am I ,~lq~v///F~/#,i,~ n .tt&YM1 .~ --.- .----. the best is the cheapest, and none too/ence would recommend it" because it/~'2~ I RS JOHNI; ~."~" ~/~WALLETV~'" of Jefferson ] good for them. . /never fails to effect a speedy and per-/ -~ II ~=,~fh~' I~ Wla *"--- --hem n~--~' : / = v . old, and James lrving Edward Reming-] P . P 2. .T' . "I l A / and at the end of four rnonths lnspiteofal[,ll~ ~t~lJU[][~le'~U~ ,L,LLL~/I(L ton 8~1 19 ears old were r ~ures plan In relieving Lne lungs, -, "d to be y,ma - ~.~'~,physicians, friends and good nurslng could l ried at the home of the former in West s " ' N lr~ ~ ~,do, my lunN heart and nervous system w~w 1 5TABLI Vinton Tuesday. Iris also said that |the .sY.stem to anaturalan u hea.+thY|li'l~l-.~il ~ ~ |so complexly wrecked my lff" was'd;-~| r the nlnt conullil0n J~or sale DY gno Ul~y l'nar,-,m ve . M . Remington is h husband of [ "; " [ ~ [ spa[red of, my friends giving me up, 1 could / macy, anu l-l.a~m~r ~ ,~tngu East Main ~treot thzs young belle, To say that the,',~ / only sleepby the use of opiates. My lungs | next tO PubllO charavari given them was an old- /,nn ~ ~ m n ~ [ and heart pained me terribly and my cough | ~,~h^,~ fashioned one, would be ~tating it very,'.~vz .r tto,~on ~ ~cvl~,a en. ,l,wo,~ U U P L / was meet aggravating. I could not lie In ! c, I , , mildly, Is the way exeport runs, [mittens and underwear ~ [ ch.e. l~s.ltion but a s~ort tlme and not on my,~.~lr~cla,~l Irxt~r Oc a,n. B l lnnln * ~ /,~ [ lez~ side at all. My nusoand brousht me 1 " ' ~ "" - Take our watch clock and e~ elr Dr Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be UoO -Hlgs a~ ~oaer An aged Bohemian named Heinek,| Y, J " Y|~ m,~ ~ I nt k "I ll~ l! ! . ~ ~ . ate Prices. ~l V'cgmnme~tr Lln~dJ~;c~ ~n~t~oTnP~hd 1oe;t~i~Sntn e~r ~h~I'~s"/ Are you wearmg glasses and/ AN |to[ ' [ ]/ vv m lr tcr Ucean, Deg nmn Cedar river Monday. Parties vassing " su ted s and w Y en hot- -~ life Lt is b-l i I~ll IlU as completely restored to health to / ,PJgl~DOz, q. ~ANDK'~PTUO'lV~TAMT'bXA/q'D A~ . temporarilygY saveu mSinsane~. e levee ue ~ [your eyes, if not you should consult ~ rL~| ~ : --. - /the surprisal, all," ~m~ ~ / ~,~ . . . |~mlth the Optician. J ~ / Dr. Miles Remedies ~ ~"~/ / ~l=dz~ x'~,m~ . ' ~" " ~ / fo " / ~ / are sold by all drug-~, -MI~ -~ |ll~'? --'" +~ / norton ~ l~ylo, agents r ew] ] ndr M~ o Marlons blgcampai nmeetlng, Wlth our . gists u e a lmsitive~;]hl ~ma,t| ~FA~S~If@~R8 ~'A~1"~/f 2'6 ~en.ator.Alllson' ' and ~afe Young as ]Monda, or Tuesda~ or we will have onePr cess Laundry. Bring y laundry [lllMl7flfl fiflR.~ P, fl 'i ~uarantee, first bottl r j ~ Order from newsdealers or bv ms J~2$1OH.BORI2gO TOWlfB 01~ leauers, had to De aDanuoneu "l;ue~ay~ n ~n~m===ra ~:ali Cn~ it "~" [~nm n=~l~v VV||V=- s v~|| / benefits or money re-~--"1 ~ ~ / " llfTO TITS' O0~721"Tlt:Y night upon account of inclement1 t otz bt~N;JFICTUata$. ~ funded. Book on dis-~a-Y'~.'~ :'~L''~'-~,~nur~ ,~,~r~v'~r~ t*f*r~ .~J weather making It wellnigh impossible:] Remex Fountain Pen, first-class and / ',~LD BY / eases of the heart and~L ~ ~ / /rl]~ llN/rsK U~r'~/~l'~ ,=~ ~,~ ~X,L, for the people toturn out. It would/only el,g0 at Book Store of W.G.[ "Ii= ~ ~ T ~'~r~'~ /ne ' ree. add' . / ur. I. 1. IVll Gl'l ll have heen more than a home affair. |Powzr. 1 .~ ~ l~,t, J,~%,JJ[~L~t~7 / DR. MILEgM1~DIO&LOO I~Ikh~Iad. [