National Sponsors
October 31, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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October 31, 1940 |
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October 1940
Page Seven
Prof. and Mrs. Phillip Henderson t Altruria club will meet at the
.~re hosts at dinner on Friday eve- / home of Mrs. Belle Bryant on Mon-
ng. Places were laid for eight [day evening, Nov. 4.
Chapter ]iT I'.E.O. will be enter- I The exccutive t)oard of the W.S.
ined at the home of Mrs. Agnes IC.S. of the Methodist church will
Lrtholomew and Mrs+ Helen [meet at the home of Mrs. Roy
hroeder an co-hostesses on Wed- ]Young, ~,Vednesday afternoon, Nov.
,sday evening, November 13 6 at 2:30 o'clock.
The members of the Cornell ] Past Chiefs will meet at the
ouse. I laces were laid I are asked to come as early
twenty, sible in the morning to quilt.
New discovery in fi ure control/
3It-. and Mrs. l)ana Wilcox will
be hosts this evening at a H-dlowe'
en dinner al their home. Covers
will be laid for eight.
Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Current
were hosts Tuesday evening for the
first meeting of the year for their
evening bridge club. Card~ were
i)layed at three tables. Refresh-
nte, nts were served 1): Mrs. Current.
Mr. and ~lrs. l,:ldon ])e(,~amp en-
tertained at dinner Sunday evening
in honor of l)r. and Mrs. J. N. De-
(tamp and Ilcster Bailey of l{olla,
Me who were their guests last
week end. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon DeCamp and
l)on:dd; l)r. and Mrs. J+ 14. l)eCamp
and Hester Bailey of Rolla, Me.:
Mr. and Mrs. Farl ~Vhitman of IAs-
ben; Mh's. Amy Clark and Miss
Ma]'jorie ('lark of Cedar Rapids;
l)arrell (:lark and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl l)cC'lmp and family of Mount
Vernon. "~
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Siggins en-
tertained at two tables of t)ridge at
their home on Saturday evening.
Out of town gnests were Mr. and
Lions Club Party At [P/IDMITIII Mq T A I/E
Cedar Rapids Country Club I Ullll lIJllalal/'il O |/UMli
T,i:h; ~3bU~le2~'2~l w--------aen;gP~:t:
heh] Tuesday evening at the Cedar
llapids country club. Forty-six Perhaps it's because of the 5,000
were present. A short informal foot tumble taken by l.ester G. Or-
program was followed by dancing cutt, Iowa C.A.A. held: inspector,
and cards, last Saturd'w, when he fell from the
Those present were Messrs and cockpit of his plrme and floated
Mesdames l(obert Bat]man, H W. to earth under his parachute, or
Barker, ]). U. Van Metre, G. L. maybe it's jnst because of the re-
Hill, Eugene 1)evcreaux, Mark cent high winds, that CorneIl's fly-
Hutchinson, Howard Johnston, Al-
bert Johnston, Walter Gray, I{oy ins squadron have been fastening
Nelson, Charles Hedges, Neil Miner, their safety belts more securely.
Ehner I'rall, Russell Cole, ~V. G. Although students are not re-
Kruckenherg, ].awrence West, F. quired to do parachute jumps be-
],'. F+bersole, Lloyd Oakland, James fore completing the C.A.A. course,
Macaulay, Miss Berneice Reynoh]s, they are re(luircd to v,-e::P pare-
Miss Elizabeth Bryant, Miss l.eila chutes en all flights. The 'chute
Huehsch, Payson Peterson, Dr. itself is oat'ted into a cushion with
Glenn lgowlcy, llobert Beranek,
Prof. Harold Baltz, Fred Young. a rip cord, which has a large metal
handle on it, extending from the
Rotarians Enjoy Hallowe'en left side. This cushion is placed
Party On Tuesday Evening on the seat of the plane and at-
tached by metal hooks to a sturdy
MeTnbers of the Rotary club had eanwts harness, which extends over
a Hallowe'en party following their the back and shouhlers and around
Mrs. VarillisPeddycoart of Cedar dinner at the Goudy Tea room on
Rapids. Tuesday ewming. Elmer Bergmann
-- ~ was master of ceremonies assisted
The ~,uxd alv to th( Amemean
"~ ~ "' ". ~ "'' by Judges I,ew Bigger and Gary
I,egionwil me~t for their regular Brooks Who dispensed justice for
," " m "
meetmg, Monday e~enmg, Nove - the occasion. A Uallowc'en menu
be 4 at 730 o ( 1o( k to < nabl(
+ :' '" '" ' ' '~ augmented wi]h plenty of cider
qny who desire to attend the i wts serve(]
fOrlln]. .~]l!lnl)crs arc requested to [
notic( the change of {late for meet- i red Cross Work Has Been
ings, The regular meeting date i~ "~ T~ m. .
will be the first Monday evening of!GOmpleIeu ~or lnls week
,~ . " ", . i There will be no work :it the Red
(h nonth The Auxlharv and
f (rallies "tnd tbe members of Hahn- i Cros,~ rooms on ,~,tturday of this
How lrd post of the Ame,'iean I,e- ~(.(e'kThe quota ;;nt has' heen fin-
t gion "md their families v ill meet for ishi',d' A very satisfactory group
t lomt pleme supp( I ]n the ] (gmn
[: ." ' "~" :" ' ! ' }of ladi-,+ sewed on Tuesday after-
: ~ ' ",'", ~ " " "' ' noon Mrs I loyd MeCuteh'eon has
h ill on Atnnst~ee (~ nmg
[ ' ' "or N( -~-of the ~,V S C S donated her sewing machine for
I l)lV]Sl ] ~ )" " " [use in the sewing rooms Another
l of the Mctho list church was ent( '-," + " . . ".
" ~ . . i nlaenino v;onlo no greatw appre-
~taiood Ve(]n(!ssenl~ were: ~,t-. an(/ ~ts ! ~ hlppoorx',lll : " " by Rawhns' "
('h~,cvers of ~,Vilton N H. sister of
evening and sportswear. Zo(la, and lhcir guest Miss Hele " + ' " ''
+ ' " ' "fne .tOll}' ~ orl{ers ehlb will meet
M~ s Zo ]a and Charles Hokonson
i *"'' r~ ' ' <" ' " '1 at the heine of Mrs. Laura Clark
Work in it, play in it, live I -- on Thursday afternoon Nov. 7.
md t~ droner guests in the Mrs m " ;,'
in it/Always fresh: rinse in,** * I '; : -' " I :nere win ne electron of officers
Mrs lohn B~ a ~ of Rockwell C4ty i
suds, pat with a towel and [ ~ :.+.+% iOllie Ires'an home we,'e: Mr. and ]and all members are ,'get] to be
+, 1)resent:. ~vlrs+ t~eOl"ge MCnlK was
it's dry! Flower scented ~ ~o,**~ Mr. and Mrs. ,Iohn Dav,s . and hostess for themeeting last Thurs-
[daughter Mau +' -
' . The Scriabine Sonata was also a
COUI)t to ten an(1 pull the rip cord.
' m usical touchdown Scriabine's
Of more immediate and constant . . . . " .
tecnnl(lUe is corn of emotion and
protection to the pilol is the safe- ,~ t2, '
' A'lr. oul&.~ DUlIL up measure upon
ty belt. Being fmstened to the ship meamn-e of the curiously harmoniz-
on both sides, this belt holds the ed themes to a powerful eltmax
pilot in his seat, when it is fasten- that produced in the listener some-
ed securely across his body. It isthing "~kin to inebriation.
Prokofieff end Poulenc of the
essenuAl w/len (loins n~aneuvers. ' -'
modern Russian and French
XIoe C'~rter was tne nrst StuuenT "
~' SChools were represented by rare
to m'~ke his solo fiight from the
and provocaHve i~ttle compositions,
Cornell airport. Other students also and the program xv~s concluded
soloing are: Gene Tornquist, Dick with the sonorous harmonies and
Paul, Dick VanTuvle, ])on I,arson. polished phrases of the Chopin C
Eight hours of duai instruction are sharp minor Scherzo, a sober and
self contained wo~k of art
required before tbe student may '" 'T- " " '
he audience was a large one and
solo. Many others will be ready to " ~
ntgnly entnusiastic over the lofty
solo next week . . .
mterpretatmns and tonally v~brant
The first eighl hot rs of flying ill .~
playing of thin planlst favo tv.
struction are ~iven in half hour
periods. After that stage, the timeu"r. hiS neag' n "
's increased to longer periods. S peaKs ar
Also neluded in the course, are =M tor '
ground school eourses in naviga- -
tion, meteorology, and rulen and Last week Dr. Ennis spoke at the
regulations. These elasses are held regular monthly meeting of the
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. each Tues- Jones county School Masters' board.
day, Wednesday, and Friday. Stu- The board meets once a month to
dents receive three credit hours for discuss various problems whieh do
the eourse, which Is cmnpleted in not directly concern school proi)-
one semester, lems. Dr. Ennis talked on the el-
Each student who successfully feet the passing by Illinois of a pre-
completes the course by logging marital examination law has had on
35 hours of flying time, passing the state of Iowa. The number of
the written exams, securing the marriage licenses issued in Iowa
o.k. of his instructor and inspector, has increased since the passing of
and making the cross-country the Illinois law.
flight, will receive a private pilot's
license. Cornell Oratorio Society
The Cornell airport, where the Ele t off= ~ v
~cex~ rut- i~ar
hangar and office building is now
nearin~ eompletion, is located two Officers of the Cornell college
miles north-east of IAsbon. At-+Oratorio society were elected on
Monday evenmg Th(y ate as fol
though the h'~ngar was constructed ~ ' ~ " -
for a larger capacity, it now houses ows. I rof. Harold Baltz, director;
Miss Helen Venn accompanist"
only two planes, one a Tayloreraft ' + . .~ - '
Joun .uact~regor prenment- ~uuora
model the other :in Aeronea train- Sumner secretary Flsie 'B~rrett
er "' : " ;= '
-" treasurer; FredericTaylor,librar-
-- tan.
Cedar Rapids Orchestra To
n, "~= r.~ n ='-z,~v-- ~ Mrs. Ella Burgett left Monday
rmy l~eHellt ly~t~Clt~tl l~u d
" evening for her home in Council
The Cedar Rapids Symphony Or- I~luffs, following a two week~ visit
1 )res(nt ~ts mnual m the home of her brother m Taw
chestra ~,il 1 ," " " ," : " - -
Benefit Concert on Thursday, Nov. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
7th at 8:15 p.m in the Memorial Kopf.
('oliseum with I,ucy Monroe, glare- - --
orous Metropolitan Opera Soprano
as soloist. ~ I l Il~I Il~ mIII
The proeeeds from this eoneert WI:NUtLL I
will suppm't the Symphony in its ~ till' rl 111111 Illl~ i
series of four free concerts for ~ +-',~+ / WIII[II' I
'~ IIII n m- b nil s I~
musie lovers of this vicinity during Z / I
the winter ~eason. We '.>elieve that ,~'"[ ~'+--~. * I
many of your readers wiil he inter- ~'~1~ 11~ ~l~'~t J
ested, not only in atten ti g he "~"
concert by Miss Monroe, but those "Maybe it is all right for the
throughout the year. politicians to assume that an order
Mount Vernon llaw:~e,vc-llecord
Want Ads PAY.
Fine quolity silver-
plote, fomous for 61
yeors! Extra overloy
on staple pieces for
longer service. Guaraa-
teed by world's Iorgest
silversmiths -- Inter-
national Silver Co.
).9 pc. Service f0r 6, $ 9.95
i2 pc. Service f0r 8, 14.95
Opposite Paramount Theatre
in Cedar Rapids
"On Order"
for a rifle is the same thing as a
rifle. But a doughboy has never
been known to make that mistake."
President Roosevelt Should Tell
Mayor Hague to Obey Law.
President Roosevelt talks a great
deal about keeping bright the fires
of democracy. But in Jersey City
his henchman, Mayor Frank Hague,
Vice Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee and ardent
third term supporter, thwarts the
workings of democracy by refusing
to install voting machines as direct-
ed by the State Legislature. What
does Mr. Roosevelt say about that?
All Promise, No Performance
Including his campaign pledges,
President Roosevelt has promised
to balance the budget no less than
eleven times During the ~even
years of his Administration, how-
ever, Mr. Roosevelt has never bal-
anced the Federal budget. The av-
erage annual deficit for these sevc
years has been $3,237,400,000.
Your stationery, orint-
ed here, will create just
the impression of refine-
ment and good taste .you
Quick Service
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Once, I Could
Vote, Too!
Petition---A doeument showing
how many people lacked the back-
bone to say no.--Ex,
Onee, like yon, I wa~ a free manl + ~"+: ','~
A Frenehmanl 't[::~r i leed.
Politieians made speeches to me,
T:2;tspoke about our impregnable Ladies OGting
demoeraey. PAJAMAS
They told me what they were doing In plaid and plain colors. Very
to protect my standard of living good looking.
and my working conditions. 9~C
They promised my family safety ] -----
through preparedness. ----~-. ~
But they weren't honesl wlth reel t~Uallty
They let me downl I OUTING GOWNS
i found that out when ! had to give i Regular or extra sizes, plain
up my lob to go to war---at the land flowered designs.
same time that ! found out you I 59C and 98c
couldn't stop tanks with bodies, I
lhal you couldn't halt bombs}
and you eouldn't buy peace with Girls
promise~ PAJAMAS
. " 'In pastel shades, flowered
t~ow they Ilre nmulng irlalS IO nno . .
out trim
whose fau]t it was. But ! i " --"
know--- I 59C
It was MY fault!
! voted for the easy wa7 I Women's Winter
I voted for the beguiling voice, i UNDERWEAR
I voted for the politician, not the In union suits and 2-pieee
man. styles, quality cotton with
i was one of a nation of free men rayon stripe and tuckstitch.
who did nol prize fl'eedom. To* t 50C
day ! am not free. i
I repeat, it was my fault. But .it ] Misses"
was ! who paid the penalty. 1, i
with my womenfolk and my ehil- I UAi 11t'U~ I-IU~I~
dren! I, who thought ! was pre- And Children's three-quarter
pared for war. i socks All colors and sizes.
Free men of America, already you ] 19c and 29c
may be pledged to a eonfliet for i ----
whieh yoa know you are not pre. l l I W
Mt. Vernon
Remember my mistake! Weigh the [ ~ f '-
man against the politician before ~, arlety ~itor(
you vole. ' ] --
,I I
Do not vote for a politician--VOTE --
,A uu/: ?
Do not vote for a voice-- VOTE I ' ~ ~r2"~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~
FOR M N. 4,
Vo .o, vo,e for ,he e .ay-- '
-----=--= +k !1 WHEN THIS
Mr and Mrs tieorge irKpatri i i
and family, J.'M. Kirkpatrick and] I HAPPENS, PHONE US
Miss Sarah Kirkpatrick and Stan- 1 -----.~ ~[T I! 111 . ~'
" . +. . I alltl Wt~ ll rrml Dome
ley D,xvis spent Sunday ]n tne ~VLr.
and Mrs: Ray IZirkpatriek home i I For You In A flurry!!
t+lear Martelle, i
Cedar Rapids. lowa
Starts Friday, Nov. 1st For 4 Days
I On the Screen --- Baby Sandy in I 30c
Lisbon, Iowa
Live Stock and Real Estate
Yes, I am older in years,
but I am older in exper-
ience My many hun-
dreds of successful sales
have heen and are my
best references. My ef-
forts for the success of
your sale start the day
I date your sale. I never
stop working until the
sale is over.
Let me help you with
your advertising.
Phone 130 Lisbon, Iowa and Reverse the Call.