National Sponsors
November 1, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 1, 1951 |
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Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frink visitedI Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher of Mr. Vernon, I Hawkeye-Reeord Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dietrich,
In the Mr and Mrs Bill fautz Davenport were Sunday dinner a.d r. L ,boo I, p Miss Margaret Verba, Miss Zinkula,es,sns As Officer
D :-.
Emma Miller were the John Smiths Monday for Orlando, Fla where~ Don Shaffer's celebrated her 85
home, Cedar Rapids, on Sunday i guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sutliff. I Thurs, NOT. 1, 19Sl {~ge 4 Wilford Tlusty and Lawrence Klo- and Jan of Anamosa and the Merle they will spend the winter, i birthday with a supper party fro$
Mr, and Mrs. Emil Pauisen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holtz of Day- bec, all of Cedar Rapids, were Sat- Of Phone Company Miner family of Cedar Rapids.
4-6:30 Friday. Guests were her
Sarah of Scotch Grove were Sun- enport visited in the parental Mr. ~ ~ urday evening visitors in the R.L. i # Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicoll ac-
day guests of the Grover Miehe and Mrs. W. F. Holtz home on Sun- lisbon Locals Frink home MECHANICSVILLE -- At a meet- companied Mr. and Mrs. Ernest PeckvisitingUrday afterrelativesSpendingin ChicagotW weeks E. Rieger. The girls came in Hal-
family, day. Mrs Harry Sizer and Timmy ing if the Mechanicsville Telephone of Olin to Des Moines last week " loween costume. They were sharon
were Sunday guests of Mrs. Sizer's Co held Friday evening. H. E where they all attended "Apprecia- Mr and Mr~ W,lann w~,~a~ ,~, Gouchee, Marcia Yohe, Bar ba~.
I I li J.E. McClelland returned Tues- son-in-law and daughter Mr and Gibeaut who was secretary and tion Day," sponsored by Wholesale tertai'npr~ at ~ }~,~"~1~'-~;'~,~"~'~';/. Crawford Karen Zearing Kathie
day from St. Luke s hospRal, where Mrs. Buddy Schenk in Cedar Rap-,treasurer of the company for many dealers, home Friday even no bhang;n= ~,o Schoff, Mellanie Torrance, Jackie
I ! he had surgery Saturday morning, ida. Mr. Sizer and Bud were in lyears resigned because of ill health. Mrs. C. A. McCormick, Mrs. H. C.I Woods' brot'her ~nd -'~;f'~-~ "~'~,~ Bar l. Kath~.e Kristian Maril~
d Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gouchee and Chicago for the day. ]Robert Homer was elected to fillcCormmk and Tom Seaton at-iMrs C H Wonr~ w~ i'~;*oa h,~ Morningstar Janean Plattenbergef
family were Sunday dinner guests W F Holtz acc,mnani~d hi~} the vacancy and will begin histended funeral serwces for Mms last week from Area~m, 'r ,~: and Sandra's sister Diane. Th
in the Mr and Mrs. Ira Mohn home brother-in-law Marion Wendell of duhes Nov. 1st. Ohve Dolan held Saturday afternon i his brother Glen who was observ J Blueb;rds had their regular meet-
~rocerv~ ~ ~n~ ~,-MaI~L'~ Mr. and Mrs G L Albright Rhodes to Chicago Sunday on a SELF ~-~ ~'-- at Lisbon; !ing his birthday.' ling at this time. .
Pa* .~ T ~ ~ ;:: ~in ~'~ :~. ~ ~ .~, : I ,Ju,~ ux, r~ ~> ~vir. ann lwrs. n. J. maurer callect i i Mr. and Mrs Chris Petersen wex~
i- ~,~ f',~,o-* ~ ~,~m h,~,~o ~ ~-on,~;-,~ +ho ,~ h } ON ALK on fmends m Montmello Thursday Mrs. Frank Rhoads Mrs. Alwn Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. F,
L,sbon Phone 105 - ./.'i se v u " : " ' " "
C~nt~r Pnint ~an~ x~,ith ltArr~ ~4"n/tv I !Is ~.emKe of Ohn, state con-afternoon. Dawdson, Mrs. Charles Nie and A. Fatrley m Maroon. In the eve-
.~ort ana.fsoo .~anoan, smaems lv trs l~ari nar.per oz. t-oz.omac, ln tsnowea pictures ruesaay evening at Rapids spent the week end in the ting of the Woman's club at Mt. ! visited in the Lawrence Craul home
SPECIALS FOR FRIOAY and SAT-RDAYU "" I azlon.oznclal:, gave a talk and Mrs. Gerald Green of Cedar lMrs. Leon Ralston attended a meet-rang the Petersens and Falrle,
a~ oras couege In ~uouque, spen~ armvea las~ rrmay to vzsz~ zor aline t'resoy~erlan church on conser- home of her son-in-law and daugh-IVernon Monday evening. ~at Iowa City. -
the week end with their parents, few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. vat on of our natural resources, in- ter, Mr and Mrs. H. J. Lamont. I' -"
the Milo Kalibans. Reid. Sunday visitors in the Reid eluding soil and wild life. Mrs Alex Crock and Mrs. Mar-~ . I
Mr and Mrs Walter Suhr and home were the Stanley and George I The meeting was sponsored by garet Buchanan called Friday after- I ~ ~~i~:)!:iiiiii~::!ii: !~ ~ l if
PICNIC HAMS, Ib 37c Mrs. "Wm. Ald 'rson of Dubu ue Re, ida of Cedar Rapids. the Self Culture Club and following noon on their sister Mrs E H
were Sunday ~nner guests in qhe Mr and Mrs. Wm Jarrett of Mon- the. program a committee from the Vary at Stanwood [/~!i: :~i ~IV I
SAUSAGE, 1 lb. pkg 39c George Kohl home. ticello were Sunday visitors in the czuo. servea a lea. They were Mrs. Mrs. Jo Trump was a Sunday l[ ~iiiiiiii~~l~t ]
Mr and Mrs Willard Rieger and Mr .and Mrs. L E Crelly home ls:eltn fJt:aDe~ Mrs. Alvin Davidson supper guest of her son and wife the [ ~~i!i~~/ ]
" Guests of the Crellys last Wednes"livzrs Jonn cry Mrs Russel Ward Dean Trumps of Lisbon ~:~::'::: *
Denny Lamprecht attended a birth ThursdaydaYMrsWereL mC Ketteringtheand Mrs BillLutheranOf Mechanchurc "h Mrs ~. " ' o rm - |[~~~~:~!:i:i:i::i~::::~:~-
CANNED HAMS, Cudahy $6 85 " Mr K eithI Don D avidson and Mrs How- Mrs H C McC i ck and Tom [ ~, ' '~~ f
day party for Linda Lee Lamprecht " " ' r " " ~ ~::!::!::i~::::i':~::ii~.
CANDY BARS, Mars, box $1.00 ;- f'edar Ra-ia~ Saturday Billy and Vicki of Davenport. l a d Rinehart Mrs. H J; Maurer Seaton returned Wednesday from i ~
=-" -'" r was program cnmrman. ~v~rs. Hugh Anita where they visited the form-~ ~i: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~
Past Matrons Circle O E S meets M. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrett of Mon- Lamont and Mrs Martha Stooke I[~i:* ~ ~ ~, - /It ~ZA,~'/~'~ ]
". . . ~,'ers oromer, WIlIlalTI ~la~er, ann :~ ~iii: :~:!!~i~:~: i:~ ~!i!~- i!!~
CHOCOLATE CHERRIES, box 49c Tuesday even, rag. Nov. 6 wzth ~Mrs. taic~ll~atM;vand yrs~ V~c Rob;ns onlpres!ded at the tea table. ,Music family. [ "~i::i:: W ~ ~~~/ ]
vie t~apper nos~ess ann mrs uean s "-'-'" "--. o-- Ior me occasion was Droviaed bv z#. 4 l~r,-c Tnh, M ~T~;N.I- [I ~i!;::::~~W I
Clark co hostess Mrs. M J. McCann and Marga~etla ~. .::~
' " " .~o r-~,~ ~. ! boys cornet quartet and a g,rls Sunday guests of the Walter Lezbsl[ ~!!~ii~ ~' [
BLEACH, gal 49c and Patsy returned to L~sbon on, of Mms Ruth Mr and Mrs Albert Kirse- let" I I ~~i ~ [
day lsRors of Mr. and Mrs. John under the direction
Monday after a week end visit with r ~zc~ugn ~ i Culbreth. music instructor, and Mrs. ~la~ -,=,~ ,~- ' ho;. ~ ~ ~[J [] [] 'l~ J
SURF, box 2Sc i ~mnaay, ucu in, we nan our I Ralnh Camnbell who ~an- tw-" ~'-~'-~ [l mm I r-~ i
~v,a,~=o,- ~o~, ,- = = ' ~ " "'"~':An eles Calif aa m ' ,i ' :::':~ :: ::~:::: ::':*::::::: ::: ::
I Council F~re. Each girl was award- I ~-- . g fter onth s rot, J J
. zvzrs homer ~. ruuer zez~ ,rrlaay I ed the beads she had earned. The l Members and friends of the Pres-nere with the latter's brother and[ I [] [] "l i $ I
JELLO, 2 boxes 17c mr a vm~.o.~ ~wo .weeKs,won reta-i 22nd we worked on the dolls we are i byterian church held a pot luck wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Nie, and [ ~ [] [] J
~lves ann zmenas in WiChita ~an su er a withother relatives
,~ t preparing to send overseas Mon-i PP t the church Sunday eve- " " II I1- [] I
Monte Vista ~OlO ann ~es iwoines ~ - ' : ~ .~::::::::::::: :~
REYNOLDS WRAP, box 31c day, the 29th, we finished our dolls, lnmg. Following the supper a film Mrs. J. Carvllle went to Lansing | ll[] [] [] Ill J
Mrs. G. J Albright and Mrs. Jane Miller Scribe. "What It Means to Be A Good IlL. Wednesday for a week's visit in J Jl m ll]l. |
Rachel Miller and Marilyn visited Mrs John Ciha leftTuesday ! Church Member" was shown. Serv- :the Sam Dunn home. [,[~ -, |
" ~lin on h
SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE ' Sunday with Mrs. Flora Batcheler [ morn no- for reenwlf'- 'oh ~ I w~,~, i g t e comm,ttee, in charge were Mr. and Mrs John Fry accom- I .:.:::::::::: : ~=.[t~ ,n v l c~ n ~, I
I and MrsMabel Barnes in Cedar J she and h,~r h,~sband h~v,~ ~. ~n~,t the Clarence Khnes Gorman Rob- panied by Mr and Mrs Clarence~ J ~ ~- x.~ zz o I
Rapids. 1 ment while he is stationed at Davis msons and John Nies. fOxley of Marion left Thursday for / |
We reserve the right to limit "1 The birthday club met Friday Crawfordsville Ind where they !!tlii~: :
Mrs John Lynch of Mechamcs- ville, Hzs address ss John F CIha ~aftern : "'- . . i l [
; ~ ~ ,'~ a ~ ,~ ~, o, ~ o,~ ,~' t oon wl~n .wlrs Lhlen Mcl%iooen Will visit relauves ano irlenos. ' I t:i~::~i:i :~
] ~'ll g W~ lit UVVll &~.~b JLIlUXDU ~ [ .[:~LI ~ JL'-, O~'IE-U~**/4~t U 0 IN. ~U. ~-" [ " : ~::!:i: i:: "::~
for the purpose of honoring Mrs~ Mr and Mrs George Auld and ~.: ~: :
--~ i calhng on fmends. She leaves next M.C.B. No 8, Damsvflle, R I McKibben Mrs H J Maurer and son 5 vi- of Cecta ~'a id n" the j - -- ]
Advertiseu."" Be . s =,Cor"o**"" i Tuesday on her annual winter stay [ ' '''. ~ .a o .r~p sspe t / ~- !~ . -- f // I
" " " " I ~v~rs. ~usn ~nppenger wnose Dirm- week ena in the i~aul Thomas nome :,~i:~ ::~:~ : :~:
m ~t. rezersourg, rm. [icsville and Mrs. Nelle Kettering[davs occur in October M~ .~n~ n, ~,r.;, ~,o,~,~,~ ~ mo,~;~" I '~/,~ ~M'~.~Tf'~JrZ~ ~'~//~#~'/q/,~ [
' Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dahn, son De- ] spent Friday with their aunt Mrs ] Cruse had charge of the" soc-ia~' h~',~- m,~"~'t~,~'~ ;'~ ~c::'~='R=',~,~" 7ph-;,'~== ~.:#~"- "~''~ ]
i'; von of Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Ray [ Maggie Graver. Mrs. Nelle Ket- ] and Mrs. W. ~,~ W ~r'~,h~ h~,~"~': : :','~'[d;~,'~s. ~" [ ~::~ ":!~::~ V ,J
Larson and Miles Dahn of Cedar tering recently came from Cowgill birthda~ cake There were 18 A ~a-~,hter was horn Th-rsda ~ :>
Lisbon Band Mothers ~ Rap,ds were Sunday guests m thelMo and ~s stayzng w,th Mrs. Jack l present 'Oct 2~ to Mr ~,~ Mr~ wi~';a,~ I l
!parental Carl Dahn home. /Cr/~infordat hl~irhome in . i Mrs. Martha Stookey entertained Boots a't St. Luke's hospital, Ced:il I
S E N E F I T S H O W Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kolek vis-[ M s. n .~ e z, Mr. arian l the Octette club at her home Thurs-!Rapids. J Their clinging fit rounds, their [
! ted their daughter, Mrs. Joe Stas-tBr!ggs Mrs. peorgeKohl, Mrs. Carl day afternoon. Prizes were won by! Everett Ferguson attended a meet-:[ ~~:~:~ !~ |
kal in Mercy hospital, Iowa City, [uann, zv~rs. ~ ~. uavm, zv~rs, nap Mrs, Allen Jackson and Mrs. Edith ing Sunday of American Legion'[* veiled sheerness smooth their |
School Auditorium i Tuesday evening. Mrs Staskal had/Resewehr Mrs. Mearl Reynolds and ] High. Mrs. Flora Wilson and Mrs. officers at West Point, Iowa. : J -- ~l&~i!~ ~ ~ I
t ma~or . sur~erv~. ~ on Monday . [tMrs Jack Dunn attended the Fall l A. W Cruse were guests The latter i Darla Dee Jackson, student at I i::i':iii~:.! ma~mlficent~ " shades olorffy," Small
Wednesday, Nov. 71 at 8 p.m. ~rank ~i i~it~d .Qnnclav County conference of the Leglon received guest prize. SUI spent the week end with her:[ ~~i!::~i!:.!.:-~ [
w~i~',~vir.'-~'ive~'~n-lJn]versi~-y'~o-s" Auxiliary at Ely last Thursday. HMTrs Leo Crock entertained . the 'l parents, the Allen Jacksons. j ~ l~ii~::~!] wonder PRIM nylons are Scene J
nital wh~,r~, h~ ha~ h~on a natif~nt[ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis of Ce-[ o age ciuo at a one O'ClOCk. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson of/ gg /:i:~:iii~
I more [han-two "weeks~'~Ii's co-ndi-" dar Rapids the Leo Mitchells of luncheon at her home Friday. Scores Davenport were Friday over night|~ii~ i!~ Stealer nylons, d'~l ~/% [
Numbers by Lisbon School Bond f " [El'" and the Howard Mitchells of were held by Mrs Ray Simpson and guests in the home of the latter's'/ ~ii:~::iii:!~ ~|.g~l%# J
uon remains aoou~ me same .~ . " ~ :::~::i:
Palo were Sunda ests in the~v~rs. ~:velyn Caffee. i parents the Ira Johnson's / ~::~i~i~ --
"Man About Lisbon" Quiz Show,Federated Missionary society will ~ s- . . ] Mrs John Nie and Mrs Adol~'h Th" ;'~-t Ha-o 11-ii ~i:::i:~ J
) . +h ~ ,h -,+ ,) ~,',~ 1 ; Wlltarcl ~Z ltcnell home. In me eve- t " v ; = ~=~ ~[ ~u,~, ,u ~z~u ~ / ~t~ !
mee~ in ~e c.ur~ ~ p m,~,
" I nin~ the Willard and Leo Mitchells I Ahrens attended Presbyterial meet- ; and Miss Esther Cother visited at i J ~~,~ |
Sp~ ioJ Balancing Act by Bobby "The Human Seal' nesday: Nov. 7. Mrs Lewis Graver[calied in the Arthur Myers home at ling for the evening groups held Muscatine Sunday in the home of' J Advertised in /l~ ,-~ ) i
lancl Ivnss.~erma ~ocn are maaers. Iivanhoe ISunday evening in the Central Park Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Clark !| ~r",~-'~'~'~ ~ ~ ~j ~ J
M~s Nelhe Plattenberger ~s hostess re
Humorous Reading by State Winnor Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hansen and Mr. M:hle l~:rnaMr~iL'oHi~eda;dRaM~ts~' i~s.Sb~Ieri.a~ic:U:nCdh atrCseda~hRraPs ', sonMrT:mndiyr:f F oreShSp?d:hwaenrde / ' ~ ~ U ~ ~f ~ ~ [
Admission, adults 60c; below high school 35c.Band and Mrs. L. L. Pieper with Mr. and! were in charge of work shops i Sunday guests of the J. C Houles ~J ~' .~g' .6"~ ,z ,~=-~--~'~" |
I Mrs Bob Pieper of Tipton and Mr at~enaea mnerai ser~ces zor ~,neLr i/ u' /'"'6~'~ ~' I
members and parents have tickets for sale. iiandvue" spentMrs" Ralphthe weekPeterS nend in fChicagoBelle" I sister/vlrs, Frea ~ziefter, held t 'S D!,( ) LIsBONAI ' at Maynard Burial was in the ( ]
Harry Szggzns returned Monday
I lllll- ~~ " cemetery at "Postville Mrs Pliefter RAMER
t from Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids, 65 died Tuesday ' ' ' j! L ,
[after a week for observation. His I -------~----------------~~ ~- ~
|son-in-law and daughter Mr and[ Mr .and Mrs. John Miller with FOR SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY i ~l~l~
Don't Miss Th,s One! . ' ". ~Mr andMrs W, L Miller ofAna-
Mrs. P. B. Hendmcks of Des Momes,[ ' i " " i J . ~ ~ i
[visited him during their week end mosa and Mrs, da Miller of Mar-i e~ ~-s,e . . t . .r,|" ~ ~l~J
i ' I telle were Sunday guests in the RossI YU ~.nolce ~ererora steer ana nelTer calves, I "r~l~~-~ ~ I
stay zn me ~lggzns nome. 1 ~ ~ '
Rayner home at Lone Tree. Mrs. i A/%/~ ~t~ IL I ~Jl~'J~ill ~ h~ ~11~ i I~ql~llt
1 No. 200 John Deere two-row pull-type Corn I, t, I K. D. Miller of Park Ridge Ill. a ! "e V - vv I 11111 IIi1 1
LISDOn ~.nurcn I~IOTeS -uest of the Ravners came home ~ ~'k,-,;,-,~ t" I ~,4 ~,~ ,I; -.~ ,e.t'W~ Ik~ I~ ~'a;~.~ IW~I~III~P~:
Picker. Used one season and just like s** M C Meteher, pastorturned to Park Ridge. ZY rlesny Teeaer steers, IUUU IDs.
THE METHODIST CHURCH with the Millers and Monday re- ,~e~ ,-,r,- --~ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ifi~-/)
~,- ,~ ,i,
new. It's really a honey, just broken in Sunday School---9 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kynett enter- l[ ~:~~~ ~ ~/i b[ I~|~]~F
and ready to pick your corn. Can be Worship Service--9:50 a.m. tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and,--,li "==="O
Mrs. W. H. Hoover of Mount Ver- ~ .~J I[::::~ I~ Jl ;r ~,~J' "~ ~ ;~'~=]L~ "Jr
bought at area' saving. ~?~r~dctehH~Kr~yi~!ihA~:~nri!i ~ama .J 'Get the" "" Bus" J-?
1-101 John Deere Corn Picker three years old Phon ' 40 I.:.1
and will fit most any tractor. A good one. clinton and evening visitors was i Why ramhy eauy.
We have one New No. 200 Corn Picker
and one New 101 one row lift for this year. If
you need a picker buy now.
1 - 12A 7 foot John Deere Combine ready to
pick your beans. It's getting late.
How about a Wisconsin motor to run your Ele-
vator? We have them.
There are some bargains in used machin-
ery on our used lot such as; Corn Shellers, Feed
Mills, Manure Spreader, Disks, Plows, Manure
Loader, Mowers, Corn Planters etc.
Lisbon, Iowa Phone 32 or 214
Lisbon, Iowa
Phone 110 or 213
~.~ ~ t,t ,lilt Superfsn fits
under oil heat.
er. Gives you
forced air com.
fort. Saves up to
2595 on fueL A
powerful air
Keeps you COOl
in summer. |t'$
American Standard-Sanitary Plumbing and
Heating Products
Kelvinator Home Appliances
the Audis Bennett family I
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petersen re-l
turned Friday from a week's trip to[
Stahlstown, Pa where they wereI
called by the death of Mrs. Peter-i
Swe~0s a~i:t ~p a nM !s" t hBeYr? ~ e fW ~is:n'
day on her re u n home to Santal
Monica, Calif after a visit with t
relatives in this vicinity.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Me-I
Gee for Sunday dinner were Mr. i
and Mrs. Ted Fisher and Mr. and]
Mrs. Charles Long and family of
Mechanicsville; Mr. and Mrs. Don-[
ald McGee of Rochester and Mrs.
Mac Flatz. The dinner honored the
birthday of Mrs. Fisher, the Mc-
Gee's daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lester and
family of Oskaloosa were Sunday
guests of the Ivan Stanley family
and Mrs. Roy Lester. Evening vis-
itors were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ling
and the Calvin Ling family of Ce-
dar Rapids. Mrs. Glenn Woods of
Mechanicsville, sister of Mrs. Les-
ter, was a guest inthe Stanley
home last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams at-
tended an open house celebration
honoring the silver wedding anni-
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Philebar in Davenport Saturday.
They were attendants at the wed-
ding 25 years ago Mrs. Philebar is
a cousin of Mr. Williams. Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Williams were down for
the evening.
Mr and Mrs. Tom Holden of Bos-
ton, Mass returned to their home
Monday after a week's visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kane. The Kanes' daughter,Mrs.
Dick O'Hara and Ilene, Tommy and
Patrick of Marion, Ind, were with
them over the week end. Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Zimmerman. Mrs. Pat
Lynch and Mrs. Nelle Harms of Ce-
dar Rapids and the Tom Kane fam-
ily of Clarence were other Sunday
Warm From Head to Toe
at Last Fall s Low Prices [
Of Course It's a Scienti
Convenient easy-on, easy-
off Polar Pal Eatron Sno
Suit with wool quilted llno
ing. Styled wlth Plapet's
famous fit featurea~. Water
repellent, warmly lined,
matching hood or helmet,
In si~es 1 to 3. 'q~
Here Are A Few Reminders:
Permanent or Alcohol
Radiant Hose?
Windshield Wiper?
Battery Cables?
Heater Hose?
SPECIAL ON NOV. 1, 2 and 3
We will balance two tires for the price of one. Weights extra.
Famous name brand spark plugs for trucks, tractors and
cars. 64c each.
For safe and sure driving on ice or snow put on Fire-
stone Polar Grip retreaded tires You can either retread
your own tires or we can furnish the tires.
We are beginning our 19th season of prepar-
ing cars for fall and winter driving.
One of Eastern Iowa's Finest
Dean Clark, Prop. Stan Franta, Service Mgr.
guests in the Kane home.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston McCall, WlL IAII@$
1 ~ ~, ~,~.~ Miss Patricia and Dean joined rela-
~-- ~ ~. tives Sunday in the home of Mrs.
McCall's grandmother, Mrs. Bar-
'- ~,- " ' ~ ~.~.I~1 I~ bara Serovy at Solon, to honor her
S AV w 92nd birthday. Others in the group
I ] t UP TO were the George Holoubeks, Gayle,
q/t ~'/~ : 0 =: ~1~" / 10/~ Elaine and Joyce, Miss Joann Me- Call and John Pavelka of Rock Pho. 68 Lisbon, la. "'
e, c~ ,~, Island, Ill the Frank Schnebergers, Here;s Good News for your Fence Repair
"~-~ "~~==~|~/~"~'--'-'--'--"~/ the Bob Schnebergers and Sandy
of Iowa City; Mrs. Anna Pavelka of Perch Fillets, Ib 39c and Building Program. We are unloading a
,f FUEL Solon; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cerny and car of American Steel and Fence.
~]~-"~'/ ' / Jt 9 ~l!i ONlY JohnMrs" Bernice Pavelka, Bob and Spare Ribs, ]bAllen DANCE f Cedar Rapids 40
Salmon, Alaska 47c STUDDED T LINE POSTS
WHAT DOES YOUR RADIATOR,TEST. ] I!!iit[ s T.R Bacon, sliced, Ib 35c BARBED WIRE
"FUEL-SAVER" Free Free Free Pure Buckwheat, 3 lb. bag 43c 26-in 32-in 39-in. and 47-,n." WEB
Don t take chances with a car that isn t absolutely ~ Increasesradiadn, DANCELAND New Raisins, pk 21c
Winter Proofed.Know that your car is fully prepared to ,urface ioo%. de. Cedar Rapids, Iowa
creases chimney loss 40%. saves Soap, Camay, 4 bath size with We also have a good supply of Pressure
up to '/~ on fuel--som Iimes more. Invites you to be Their Guests
take winter at its worst. Let us put anti-freeze in your
radiator today and get your car in shape for smooth,
trouble-free winter driving. You won't have to worry
about cold morning starts after we've serviced your car.
Come in today.
Phone 150 tisbon, Iowa
Super|lame gives you NORE for
your money! More beauty! More
comfort! A az/ng fuel savings!
Save $50 on Superfan- see us
right away!
192 Lisbon, Iowa
at the Annual
Goodwill Guest Night
Saturday, Nov, lOth
16 by 30 inch towel 63c
Marshmallow Creme 2 lc
Cream Cherries, Cordial
chocolate covered, lb. box 59c
Treated Creosoted Posts on hand. "
Drop in and See Us or Call Us
Music by
DEL CLAYTON & His Orchestra
NIGHT tickets FREE from your
local merchant.
Birds Eye Frozen Foods
Fresh Oysters -- Vegetables and Fruit