National Sponsors
November 1, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 1, 1951 |
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M4 in c- ' l I Dr. and Mrs. John Bryant and the ! Camp Fire Sponsors and Leaders ||.nA~ C'*~A. LA AW Mr. Vernon q,'h M w. Garden Cl,b To Sh h, ald of Stuart; the Walter Grims Mr. Vetmom, h ll~wlkeye.~
n, vurl]uQ ~U~,IUI Harold Moore family spent Sunday/association will meet with Mrs. WIH~ E-|~|n||~w~n " I and Oscar Tnompsons of Mason aud The Lbbeu Herald R ,
tin Waterloo. t Kerwin Glattly, Nov. 5, at 10:30 wa.m. #=~ ~ l*,* ~1 . The G A A girls report the sale African Violo~ Nov. ~ cC~YaIll and Mrs. William Long of Thun,New. 1, 1951 ~ogo
,Emil Reyhons was hostess tMrs R P Ink attended the an- This meeting will be combined ith ~ ~#oai|~|on ~|a~e of 525 -ins" for the Mustan~, Home " g "
~t ,k ~,~,~ ,~ ~" ~, " uaruen ~lUO WlU mee~ lvionaay,
- -u-ee motes oz bridge ~unaay niversarv tea of Mayflower chaD-ltue mauers Lralntn~ course. ~v~s. cumina ~ . !
wening, t~r of D'.AR held Friday afternoon Battin and Miss Murphy from the General Dwight D. ~isenhower s. ~ov.2, at #:~u ~ars. o. j. ~1o- Jv~ae~ V LA~ flaX. I The Clarence Taylor and Ken-
. - - I . . . her. ~ou call Wm oe answered ny xne Juniors presented rarents neth Ta ""
Mr. Vernon Legion Auxiliary will in Cedar Rapids at the home of area office w,ll be present. Mem- was nominated as a coalition can- SPEEDBALL TOURNEY members on how ~nv .lint ~r fln~, Ar~,~ "Phi* " ,~ ;* : ylor families were Sunday
i . . . -- -- - ~ r - -, - ,-=v=,--~J """ ' alnner "
~t Monday, Nov 5, at 8:00 p,m. I Mrs. Carl Thomas I bers note change in zne nour. didate for the national presidential The elimination class speedball er ~,ot its name "African Violets ai~n~= ,rh ~.~1,a ~ r~ol ', gues~, oz uenn.js ~ylors. .
~ara meeting at 7:45. Friendshin club will meet Wed- The Eastern Stars entertained:race in 1952 by Dr Will Durant tourney sponsored by the G A A Wovo ~ ,h;, v.~1,a; ,vo,~,~ r~,;.~, ~sn~, ,Phn r~ ! ivlr and Mrs: j. wala uen~z or
" I . . - s e, v" ~ ~' ~" i useeola spent me week end in the
.~.T~. e Townsend club will meet nesday afternoon, Nov. 7, with Mrs. i the Masons and their, wives Tues- ] nationally-known writer who spoke was comp!eted last week at the erament" will be the subject for Luse Twila Pederson, Betty Coop- t Kenneth Yeisl~v hnm~
~n Mrs Ethern Meakin Frida J Milholin Mrs Oliver Dill will clay evening at a nanoween party ; v= a#^.~ ;~ ^~.~ x~^.~ ~ nign scnool, lne junior team cap- the meetin# Mrs Harry Decious er Mar, John~n Jim "P~vlnr Zror --:--::'"--
Y' " " . .~ *-~ -.=- o, -aT=,=~,e~- - . ' -. ~,~ ~--,--- ---, i ~v~rs w ~ wi,a of Hull woo
0v. 2, for a 6:30 picnic supper, i be assistant hostess. Members bring ] in the Masonic hall. The 75 guests i- . tamed by Shirley Lenz, emerged will demonstrate potting of violets. Carpenter Donna Conns Raymond ] ~; to=" wo~, ~;~t- ;~.~ Y~ ^~d,
Mrs. John Bryant was hostess to material for carpet rags. I present enjoyed the games and jaayy even*ng. the victorsafterknocking off the Guest speaker will be Mrs. Stan- Wyman and Dorothy Eden. Mrs. t amo~ and'M~'~7~v:~====:=.==
~r bri ~ stunts planneu oy me committee ~ne nozea nls~orlan explained nls zrosn v to a in me nrst rouna ano ' " S r " "" "~""~" --~*'~
dge club for a one o clock i West End Clan will be postponed ~ ; : . : ley Thomas of Marion, president of Beulah B. par directed the play. Sunda dinner
l~t luck luncheon Thursday Coy-from Nov 2 until Friday Nov 9 ]in charge who.were Mesdames Hel- t)aczing o[ "'lxe" Dy saying "'we are t,k g, th~ ~zuhu. ~? b~ the ~a,~the Cedar Valley African Violet -------- Calve~s
ers w " ~ % ; - :~ ~ en vans ttutn norton and ~iuie = .~ ^ .~ score in me [inats. ~ne sopns maoe club and also -resident of the Mar- J CHRIS PKIDI~d~EN INJURED "
~re lalo zor twelve. I It Will nell1 at tne fluY[le ul 1 11% aIlU i f~*-~" ~ [ ,l wa~, we .==U a ,"',ta'.y a the last round bv defeatina the ~,~ -~ ~': I Phr;o ~,~,-- ; ; ~vir and ~virs. ti. ~. Carbee ac-
llicha.~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ~ t Mrs George Pennwiththeusual l'-'~te's~a~u' 'w,~ ~ t ,n ~, the, t. ~-in *h,~ - ~, -~- ion ~araen and .~ature cluo Mrs. "~ "-"~'~- '"~ "*'~- = v*-," r~.o.; ,~ T W f~.h,~ ~ *~^
.~ --~.u ~,a~xy, son o~ .ze ; o ~ .-. .~ - ~" - ~ niors earlier bv a 2 to 0 score ,r~. ~ ~.^. u ~.~ ~ ;. ~.^ ful iniurv whe- h= w~ ki~k=d h~ I v ~ ~ o,u =
wza G " ot lucksupper ivlrs z~mz henderson ann ~r. t~. s . - x,omas an~ ,el ,u~ua.u ~,~ ~,uw i " " ~ Mi "
u. lattlys celebrated h~s tenth P United States as a united whole Rachel Yeislev is the sonhomore ~o. ~ a b ~o~;.~, h;m I sses Carrie and Bertha Kyle to
ytrthda : - - ~ Tom n Voters will' r ~4tzen celenratea melr ot t -r . snues ot born Inooo act outooor Burlin'~ton Sunda "
I~ :y ~nursaay Tim ten little ! ~.eague o z e [ a ;th *ho; ~ n~rtv ~t ~h,~ ]we should discard the American captain, Nancy Gaston the senior .~ 1 down. ! ~; y ~o v,sl~ ivzrs. I.
"~ at a picnic supper, meet ~nursoay, ~ov. l, in me rac- ~^"'~-~'f~--~'~-~ ~- ~: ~. two--arty system for the comin~ and Janet Johnston the freshman I --------- I~" l~ears n-
~ " t zzvme v~ ~-~w. ~,~e. u. oa~ ~,=w, " ~ ~ ~" " --- ' Mr and M
'the D AR will meet with Mrs ultylounge at the Main Hall a Chanter DT P EO will meet~ Callers at the Effle McShanet rs.James Thomsen
~c ' rr evening ~eslaes ivll'$ l.~l[[ anu presloennal elecuon and eacK me - .
. k Mor,n, w,~ ~,~asv Nnv 7 at8.00o clock.Mrs. Charles Sta I . . . I WESTERN ItALLOWEEN DANCE ,;,~ M,= T~ ~P,hh~ W,~d,~d,v home last week were Mrs. Marvin spent the week end at Garner with
~:~ Pm- -h "w~i'll'~l~:-~uest"ni'~ht'will have a continuation of the Phll~ Hen oerson there were pres- man both parties are seeking. Combining gay plaid shirts and ~,~" ~" Johnston Mrs Russell Johnson and Mrs. Thomsen's parents
' " " ~" ~" ' " ent Dr. ancl Mrs. 1-1. "1". ~vtazumaar,-'--" -" ~ .',
ith aguest speaker, study of Health and Sanitation .m . B The general theme of Durant s jeans, sweaters and. skirts and corn. ~. ~ ! Mrs. Alice Petnck of Mt. Vernon. The A. D. Williams and Dlanne
~ar; r, Mt. Vernon. Open to the public, the ReD; and Mrs. Merton : G,~,talk was "How Ma-" Civilization Be stalks and pumpkins, the GAA is aa. te,~ Sunday dinner guests were Harold and Kent of Berwyn, Ill were Sat-
~ri-: ~ o b roup oz me ~resoy-Pre School mothers stud, ,roun ~, Miss ~szizaoem ,saacs and ~*roL ]a . .~,~ sponsoring a date dance at the Le- ~. vernon Lo~a|s I McShane of Chicago and the Arch- ] urday evening guests of the Ken-
---'~, cnurcn Will meet friday - s n ~" ; William West o,tveu n "
~0v, 2 at v-an n m in th~ hnm~ ot; ! will meet Thursday, Nov. 8, at the i . ] glon Hall tonight, Nov. 1 at 8 p,m. Mr and Mrs Bill Barnard of Ce- ! le Whites and evening callers were [ e th Ye~sleys,
u~""--'~,es' ;'-: ~" ".=7. ". - - - ,' h,m, ,e ~ L-~,rence Hunter ~ Mr. and Avers. ~eorge l~lrKpatrlCk ] wouzn yuu ra~ner nave the. party Chaperones will be the Julian . .:. "~ " u er the Saint Abbotts of Cedar Rapids lv~rs. MaDle Neilson Mr and Mrs
~ . and helen l:~llnKS, i Guest sneakerwill be Richard ! entertained at dinner Sunday in ] system than save Western c,vlhza- j o h n s t o n s, Melvin Sikkinks, 2.a.r ~a Pla, s~were^ Sun4tY ~ PP.{. t The Carl Calverts were Sunday t Faye and Nell Davis attended the
~,~ Chiefs association will meet Lswr,mce fromthe Mental Health honor of Roe and Dorothy Kirk- tion?' he asked. The crisis is Charles Swaney and Miss Betty " evening callers at the Eric Jordan October birthdays in the Everett
"~ IYlrs ~ -- ",dO~ ~'ell~eK.
~. . C. W. Neff for the regu- ~;,;~ ,~e P,~,~, =," will ' patrick s fifth anmversary Those ] reater than a Clvll war Think ofJean Farley There will be both ball ! home m Marion Koppenhaver home at Martelle
M,one~ o'clock luncheon Nov. 2. ~I talk on "The Dilemmar R ~ dS.of HeMother. 1 present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank s-oilsg while the world 'is on fire"room and "square dancing. Emil Mr. and Mrs. George w.aUICK" and ] Mrs. Mina Wild" of Hollywood, Saturday evening.
~-mers note change of hostess, hood " I Jandik and Elmer of Amana, Mrs. I ~',c' ~,~,~vs~ ~;~,hnw,~v ;~ ~ #~,~t Walter will call the latter. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill K lemeck had 1 Calif and Mrs. Alice Cooper were Mind Wild of Los Angeles, Calif,
I o " " '
~e~ntre Nous will meet Monday Bonme Larson, Mr. and Mrs. George! .~ .~Walter and Earl DeCamp will pro- dinner ,n Muscadine ~un.aay anu I Monday dinner guests of Mrs ~was a week end guest of Mrs Alice
~ 0v. 5 with Miss Leila Huebsch a 'Hillto Hiahlights i Graham Paul and Susan of Mar-I auzm zn~:n ~e ~ ~, uue~ m,u vide music then motored to uavenport tor me ]Maude Pirie. I Cooper.
heon "F r i d a y. Fourteen l- " i ' "," ", "P .' ; " : -" - ; e when he and t ; . " ,
"*ends lin~r~d .o for a social time,oreaKaown tie ,s receiving regu- da, Kay and Diane We have ne~lectedo Cnsvcholo~ical ~ Shirley Lenz for chaperones and Mrs. Charles Swaney Mrs. Brewer were visiting the Ar- lvncn, left Tuesday. after three
~ ~ lar treatments at the Iowa hospitals, Mr and Mrs Leonard Henik en ' .-.~^ r~, m e-~. ~;n Crystal Carmer and Rachel Yeis- Mr and Mrs Douglas Grinde of !nolds a year a~o weeks at the bedside of her father
~ . Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Hunt State Unzvers*ty of Iowa His tertained at a co o-erative famil Icy for housing arrangements ~ ~.^-.:, .~; ~.o ~ I J. F. Stiller
,"we honor~H ~,~t~ T~,~dav ~ven- [ h,-,~*h,~,- ~.a ~;~t,~- ;, ]~ *h~ R~v " ~" . ~ ! ano me neaos oz omer governmems I ~.~.*A*, a.~ ~pC,*U--,~ ~' ~=~-~ ~. ~. oriuge Club was entertalneo Mr ~n~ M~-o ~" ~ ~" "~ -~
9g a : "'-" dinner Sunday. Those attending i it t n 1 d -- with Mrs J J Kidder, grandmoth-]Thursday evening b Mrs Howard neazu an~
Cj ~the home of Mr. and. Mrs Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Corn of Tehua-lwere the Milo Umbdenstocks and],SS~ ~e a un~?d^ s, ateme^t p~elging ~m ss,~t, Ally|||----, ]er of Mrs. Grinde. Mr. Grinde has Strong Mrs H E ~anna'had hightchlldren were supper gu.ests in the
~. : tamer. ~overs were lalQ ior cana, Aexas, armvea Tuesday. I+,~~ oor.oUmr'ao--~to~kofrom ~ i.e.- ~uveHu.e.~n zz~v,~z ,;.t ~, '~,eva ia y P~vAssa~| ] ~ ~ n ~ ~i+; ~+ tho po l o [ ~,~,~ ~ '~r~ "r ~'~.~ ~ .~ [ trout nome at wnlttier in nonor o
. ~ Wilbur West, professor of art and with mlhtary forces the frontiers . - Mrs. Root s birthday Saturday eve-
~. ~ .IToddvllle, the Bob Umbdenstocks, [ . . . Urn--I~t A& P| ]Bank & Trust in Cedar Rap,ds.~ and Mrs. James Dunn won the l .
~e annual denim and gingham a~rector oz m.e, spen~!the Dean Umbdenstocks of Tama, i of Russia. If this is not acceptable rl~ l=#l|l~r ~t[ :ly ]Their apartment will not be avail- I draw prize. ! nmg. .~
~OW.een~ partYll~g~i~ l~ f the Linn and~! l'me weeKaKxn enUa lnooa~mcagO recoveriVXr weS~zrom ii the Anton' Cevernkos thei ~ George" ho I itm willn s coupllet thed . worldith o know,thatc, ed][ " " " ' liable" until Nov. 15. I t o~,~a~""'~-" ~- =.'~: sucn~~Fj.mi.ze ~ar- l lv, r~, ~:mrna' " .recnau oz uewIIt
~.~khn Corn club will be held i s m. .g g ~ = Cevernkos and Mrs. Amelia Strit- t Russia blocks peace he said ELY--ApproX,mately 130 of the Mrs F S Kin~ and sister Lulu I n ~.^ o I and ~lenn irecnau oz. ~eaar ~ap-
--nay ev ' De an lniecuon oi me liver, tie wm,' " ' " Linn Co Legion" Auxl'liary en3oyed",~, -,=, -,= ~=-= ,= o~mey los were ~aturaay night vlsHors' " in"
~y ~ enmg, Nov. 3, at the n-take over his classes again full time esky. of Cedar Raplds, the Virgil In return for this pledge, Russia ' lastSchmidt of Davenport spent last I Smiths and daughters and Harry the J E Archibald home
-,~,* nome. . - ~arclays oI wnton dunctlon Mrs. will o* L the fall conference at Ely week with Mrs Helen Schroeder ~ ,~ T^ ^ ~'.^^ ~ . ' : "
t course oe ex ecCeu to make ~ ~ ov,o v= ~u.= ~=~ xv~.~ ivlrs Dick
next weeK. ]Verna Slach and Jo ce of Solon ] ' ' P Thursday. Dinner was served at l " Franklin and Mrs.
~rs. John Colon jr. W.M and ' Monday was a holiday on the .~Y ', a similar pledge for herself and her *~-^ r^~.:^- ~-^, -- ~.o, ,~ ^ t and Mrs. Agnes Bartholomew. On ; Brown was a former resident of [ Walter Allen of Maauoketa visited
"~al011,line ~eorge rlenlKs me ~.eo rienlKs. I ~"= '~=s'~- ,a, =~ v.ov V.z--. ~,c Sunda the met friends from'S rin v'l ~
. Holcomb, W.P entertained ~hllltop. The Student Council is I,~,~ W~h~rt T-T,n;lr~ *~-~ r~ ~ro ib~ ~ satellites. If Russia refuses to do so hall was decorated in Halloween t . Y. y ] ~p g : le, nee . Zella. Barrows. ] Mrs. A. E. Ernst in the J. J Till
,5," ~asternStar officers their, recommending that hereafter, the -'L ~U~-~."--"~;"' .L''= ~'" "'2";"~ [ it will b ;o- ~,- +~. ~ ,~ h~ ~mn.~ ;th o,h,m. ,~,~nr~,~.o ] ~anta momca, t~azzn, and ~v~aquo- I ~ne group inczuoing the t~arna- home at Bellevue lertd~v .;~h~
~ves ' ',and ~vzrs ~vlary tien*K ~v~rs .'~n~on ,~ ,= " keta at Mr and Mrs Carl Ke es~hans w r " - " "-~--"
and husbands at dinner Sun- ~Monday after homecoming be a huh- . . Y e e evening guests in the Mrs Fran 1 "
~Y ev n,^ i.~ .~,^-. # ,1. o.o t Cevernko and Mrs. Mary Hemk ! world to see what country ,s the William Dytert of Cedar Rapids in Monticello for dinner ~o,~o, ~,~;,~ . kin IS the former Betty
,aCre were 32 guests present, football game. !are sisters. "N~tr"'~ro~se a limi'atio " Following the dinner the meetingI Word was received 'luesday I The George Finns and Connie I Marjorie Peet of Anamosa and
"-~~ ~ - [ ar P P t n oz was h~la o* ~o nan ~o~ o ,=,~'~' ,morning of the death of Mrs Mc- . Sue of Marion and Mrs. W. K. Wild Doris. Hiner were Friday evening.
COUrt~'" 4 H Get To~ether maments with a positive mspec- with Mrs Robert D S oo r,Clure mother of Mrs George i were Monday supper guests in the dinner guests in the HorDe La
! ~ '. --- ' y : -- - ~ !tion. If Russia won't join we can Cedar Ra~,ids ,~residin- p ;n~ak rz I Brown, at the home of her daughter t C. W Calvert home. 1 cock home.
,RALPH SEZ~n da is like a Russian Pionned At ~prlngviile I tell the world that Russia refuses was Mrs John ~ Duffyof Du~unue Iin Trapuco Canyon, Calif. Services Carol and Dick Schmid and Jerryt Donny Fisk was operated on in
,di~l,~ ~,~ ~,~ k ' Pl,ns have been com-leted for the i a limitation of armaments" second d'i~*~;'* --:-~=-~^--* Mr~ ~ t were held Oct. 20 there and the re- I and Lina Felohfer attended Walth. St. Luke's hospital Saturda
tploma~ ~ne always nas ner way ] " *' ~--'"" ~"=~'~'~"~ " ' ' 1 . Y"
,-,ptomat -- b~e always has her way. Annual 4 H Get To=ether Saturday Dr Durant urged makin- con ~ave facts from the national ~"" I mains flown to Clinton for burla, er League Rally at Blairstown Sun- Monday evening droner guests m
! E in Springville HighsSchool gym at cessions to end the Korean war vention, at Miami, Fla. ~" I The late Mr. Brown was a barber Ida y: !the Stanley Smith home were Mr.
~ o klin," nere some years ago ] Ane UlCK tvtercers and Joan and ~ars ~naries ~ayman of Paso
1 we Carry A~ Comolete. Line of ,18 p.m. according to Roger C n, i 'What value is some l~nd tn .~ Also on the program was Mrs ] . . -
1 " ' l vouth assistant. !If n r h~ *.^ ~. Ralph J Williams of Marion. de-! Supt. and Mrs. S. W. Krelzenbeck, rang the ~lcnara ~raylor zamuy. ]dena, Calif the Fred Phllhps' of
!~e:~mu~h; . n~fs A~!s SLPk~:h~ese~ t ~ LaiST;ti: [me~lY ~f. C~Mere~M:H~ndy:hc~otoHh.~rTrYihSSur~sOd~h:~vtO
I HAm CARE PREPARATIONS 4"Atctu~S2nn~lrsg~: mt gt Pu~gebdac:toSth::13dstbep~g J:pa;tn~;ten~mer~a~;sn~heChan~%~sn" an:rtd?~g~t:: 2eh;:lYeeA~n i
i elect county officers. Ach" t l trict as candidate for department]of Mrs. Marie Berry and M" s "i . ' . . ". i " y e e-
can ~ ngm the WhOle world alone r t the Pahsades mr anu ~wrs ~werle Miller enter i nmg
,HOME PERMANENTS ~awards are made to boys and girlsI . . . ;president The Ely unit advanced[tha West. Dinne a ' I - . ." ." ~ " ". " .~
iwho through their 4-H club work we nave to learn to compromise, the colors the pledge of allegiancelLodge and a co-op dinner in .thel~e?::?na*h~n~mner pa~Y ~unuayI l~rs: t~l~ord hood of Prairie City
i PROM ~DOW WAVE -- NUTRI-TONIC -- .have accomplished and gained a lot J We keeo fighting about little de- i was led by Mrs. Clifford Mather of ; home of the hostesses nonored mese J ~ . ng me mr~naay oz[ and ~vnss ~aargare~ ~Jognlan o~ ~e-
,k ~s the zvnss ~nelma ~enneoy of ~v~aquo lolt Wls, attended homecomm at
of practical knowledgeof their tails while thousands are killoa Palo Mrs Harr~, Kn,+ ~ r, guests Mrs Kreizenbec ' - ',' " g
I ~,-. ~ ~ ,~ ,~,~s ' " k t " "
D UT PIN WAE ever da wa of l,fe,former Cr stal Mun er e a Guests were the Ed Millers Cedar Falls Saturday They visit
,TC)NI RAYV-- E-- RICHARD HUDNUT -- PIN WAE Y Y Y " [ 'The Marshall plan has enriched led the national anthem and Mrs Y g " I -" I . . "
I The Allce" Wenedya 4 H Club Wesl " and oaugnters ~mi,ie and eauriei, ea over the wee~ end in the Hen
"~. . [the rich made the poor poorer and l ey Sedlacek of Fairfax gaveI Mrs. Esther Fishel returned to!th ry
'~ana will zurnisn music ~'arents ' "h ~ : . ~ e ~nnem wa,res, ~uura ~aao ~ooper nome
. . I increased the a""eal of co ~ t e lnvocatlon. Mrs ttoscoe ~vtarK- her apartment ~a~uraay znurm,~ I '~ --;~ - - "
,Jham~ Lacauers -- Bobbv Pins -- [ are Darticulamy invited so mey may ! ~ pp. . . zmn- I ert of Marion led ~ r,~o I r, ~,~ ~ Iowa c'itv i narom westpna,s and uaugnter f me Armur ~oots zamiiy oz ~vAu
,~ -1 . 'realize more vividly the ways ml;r~mnceDwra~e~U:::tuDaeciared In[ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krob com- where she had been in the hospital!oShal~I n' andtthe Lynn Gflmores, all Verno.n vlsz~d Fr,day evening In
,~:u~ af Combs & Hair Brushes. wnicn ~-rl cluo work is striving to, ' au% out no- ] mander and unit nr~i,-1,~,t ~=~n,~ I f,~ *, ,~,~t~ fnr tr-atment of a quoKe a. me ~mnara ~tarKs nome
-- ~ ~ broaden horizons of our rural young ing costs ar~ tm 150~ "How can ] tively gave addresses -~f'"woh~'~.ov~,e" I [~r~) ~e'n~le,'~'t~:'[p. ~h'e w~ll be confin- ! Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Strickel of Mrs . Ilene Thoma motored to
] SPECIAL! -- 6 assorted Combs-- 23c people today. ]R:sP:event France being a tool of [Mrs. 'Raymond Durew of Center led for three months and Mrs. Net-]Ced~rR~d~i2ra:2dMMr:n:~inkj OellW:rm:~ov~s~lher father, H. C.
I JPE~IAt! -- O asso lea ~,omDs -- ~4c ~ " One out of three French-IPoint responded tie Duncan will care for her dur-, ;. . ~1 "
~:'.vlU~lU ubu~ i " I. ~ugene neam and cnnaren nau 4vlr. and lvirs, uavia t icnaras and
i ~,~,nt Vernon Music Club will, men is a communist. Show the[ Mrs. Charles Murray of Center, mg that time I
. . . ' ,runner a~ me ux xoKe inn at me iamny a~tenaea me zom weaam
I ~ !meet Tuesday Nov 6 at the home French mdustrlahsts how capital- Point gave her secretary-treasur- Mr and Mrs Seville Gaston and Am c'-"'~ ~^~-
i " " . . . j atla~ ou.u~ ~,eu~,=~,z,~; uzr~n- I unnzversary oz ner sister and
of Mrs Eleanor Northrup Program ism has changed in America" he ers repot, an.a zvtrs, vlrgn ~ew-[their daughter and son-m-law, mr davs of Beverl, Mrs Root ~nd ~r= r,~,o, ~, ,~.~ r,~ ~:~ ~.=,
DM WI:ACTY ~e~ r~Mil~ ]chai~an is Marie Berry. Elpha[said. [man or Toouvizze lead the mem-]and Mrs. William J. Miller andlstri~,q J~.:.~:"~' " '~.~.'~
~e=~-ss s s s=--e-~,ws/ - svv. ~.v =~ oersnip parade. Mrs. F. C. Parris -'~ ' . . I ~.a.o, o-,=~.
| =~e=~-s s s s ~fw~ ~, v~=~. j Moots will report on current music The French upper class is very[ nf ~,~,- ,o,~;,~ m !Terry of Napervflle, .Ill.; armvedI The Merle Stewarts visited Leon-I Jack Englet from Ft. Jackson is
FR ENDLY COURTEOUS SERVICE l events and Marie Berry will give rea~tio a +ho ~ ~ [:" .~"~" t- ~aturaay morning in me nomes ox ard Stewart Sundav evenin~ ' "
FRIENDLY ~(~U~( )U~ ~VIf,-I" " ,- -,-- n m " ~ -- ~" I zzere zur Ao hayS. ne men reports to
I 1 The ro ram u an m~erest story which won John Gaston and Samuel Gaston
!~n ;~uSd n.fa lki~lU: C~olo asl~m Sth muPl;to~: t:ld n;:rmT;:i p~t: ~e:2gn:;;Onafo~thedCe;darmReai Mrs. Seville Gabon t~lllot~ts~ts for FeLu~failleahnEst(2:/FJceann aMear~e FtjiLa~:?ynsonW, ~h new banker from
~ "IJUCKWalL piano numbers ny nn- - " . . . ~ I some time nere ou~ e "led the ~rand Chanter OE S at~Watkins a,~ *.;~ ~--,~;,-- ~-
ft~eed cY?~sle~orand t~ s:lec;m::sb~ tsno:n; ama~des safel; PceaSsaenr vSatar:[ C Mventcl as furnished by Norma tu:::d to Ilhnois Saturday after [Sioux City last wee~ led into the~But~er=:pa~tmen~.
. ~% --~ ~.~-,--~--~ ~ ""~'~ "~"T~ i that all who have not paid this]thanks to the land being well dis- Rigel and Robert Ehrenberger of l Recent callers at the Prof and Jllll II Ilill II II -
~ ~t~ ~ /~ /~ ~ ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i year's dues bring the money to this tributed after the revolution. Ely and Kathryn Ann Steuber of ]Mrs C F Littell home were'John !
// /j / meetingmeet the aSdeadlinethe fortreasurert e paymUSt } Russia ~.nrona~anda~. ~ has m~n^=~,= ~^ .=~ I Cedar Rapids. RegistrarSy were the I,~y I ~. 7.tvxogensunt" " ut ~e~ ~wu.ze~; ~u*~= I ^'~^ t
h ment Mines R A Dubert, Llo d Stastn
I,people think that we are arming,M ' "'~" 'lKarlss n of Knoxville; Atty. and I ~ /
of state dues I aurlce ~arnant and wno TrpKosn n
I~ ~ /~/]~ /1~ /~ "~'/ ~ ,i~'"~ ~ I " I to invade her " Mrs Richard D Blakinger of La - /
,/" ~/~ ~ ~ COON CREEK AID Opening with a definition of USE NETM, I caster.lngton. Pa.;Mmn. Helen. Dr VanCeWalterOfMccWOrth-len ~ ~ : ~W
l ]/ I// r~ / h / r/ Members of the Coon C reek~terms Durant described civilizationl A group of the American L e~ion I . ' o .~"--" . "1 ~ ~ .
r/~ ~ / $/ I g / ~ ,~. ~ /~.J ]ladies aid are remindedto bringlas a ,social order promoting culturalI Auxiliary were on hand at ~the egnan o~ zes ~VntOmeS;an~ ~.4~rg%eI .~ / /~/~ ~ ~ J ~ /~
~ .~ ~ ~ ~ -~--- - " "'--~--- ~ Christmas g~ts for the orphanag.elactivity "Order," the system of lHahn farm sale last Wednesday at i~ra='~s"of'~ac'i~c "Junction. '] ~ X l/~ ~ /~ ~ ~ ~
"~ fat ~.ouncu ~,~a~s2Ofo~rne ~X;s(~ a" [custom and morals necessary to] M, drlver where they sold hamburg-[ " ~ t ~, / ,~, ~,~r~,~,/.-~~, ],~,~
i meeung sc e u e Y! . . . ers, conee, etc. from tneir lunch
.~ @ -- ~ -/I/~ ~ XJ~ ~/~ ~ afternoon, Nov. 8, at the home of transformthe savage Into a citlzen, lwa~on Last Sunday at the Coch-I~nrl vlllm New [ ~ ~./~/U Jr
IR, P, IIl I llg 'wr
o King through cultural activities r ~ /
t Twila Pe erso
Mrs. Claude Stine. Mrs. Thelma . ran rodeo the some group again d n
b smstant hostess of communication and education, rv
i Achey will e a " . se ed lunches from the chuck ,
IV I./ ~ Ik' L/ ~/v~, ~" " ~ ! ~ I eventuauy nas given rise to the [ wagon to the spectators at the I .~nrinrvtll~ V i, I a M~thodist ! ~W
D TA KA I r---o "
~ -- [ WI~ A- -- - -. = flower of czvlhzatlon: the fine arts. ] horse show They plan to take the I Church O L Allison Pastor !
wi-ua-Ta-l~a ~amp r zre group Brlefl " --"
m 7 ~ g ] y touching on the prob- ] wagon to other sales thzs fall ] Springville Woman's society will J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
en3oyect a rialloween party at me
nd I lem of freedom within eiviliza- -- meet Wednesday Nov 7 at the~
/D~ ~ 7~]~.~.f~]/ eh emen f TMha:Yir~:Wmr~nipMa?edanY! tto~ the speaker conMdered ~S J.P. ~AI~NAN.T -.-church Mrs. Flo'rence'Nielsenwil] ][ L i V i~ I O IN
l/#l/r/ I g. . s .p . I order (authorit~ useless unle-- I r'rlvate tunerat servzceswerenela lb, rlf,~'~tinnnl l~d d Mr.~ Le I= s ~ m m Ie lira ~ mm "~II1~- mm
,~,-- ~- -.- .~ i ~ ~ames an(l relresnments w e r e I "~" " I for Mr~ J~mo= p no o.~ .~,o i "
I ~ 0 ~='"""" """~ ' ' ' ram ' "
~ervedSandra Cunnin'~ham scribe that rder gives eventual rise nore Nielsen w,ll have the p2og '1 ~ '
to freedom, "the enhancement fn ~"~l~ear ~pla~, ~naay a[,ernoon Hostesses will be Mines. Sara Whit- ' ~ I~i x ~- " A .~|-
I, t. pe o ~vzemorzes at
[A-WA-KI-YA CAM~ FIRE t of lifes riehes Durant felt 1130nm Rit - [taker Rose White and Viola Wetzel.I ror rarTicumr reome
-~. i A-Wa-Ki-Ya Camp Fire group I however, that while freedom I th~ l~ev "F-~z~ ~.~,~.con?ucteaoy ] Correction: It is the Viola church ] |-
,~ ~ . ,a ~, .-x. ~,uzz~ut ~t,ere inst 1led a new
~ [met at Cooks home on Monday may be most desirable it Is was cr t'o which has recently a ~,
- " "" rt from l,~ a ema 1 n committal '" with oil burnin- unit and~ /l~azza~te t~nzy from
~ [Oct 29: for^a tiazzoween p a.f,y i not essential to cultural activity. [ Mrs. Garnant's death came after l~urnace~;, --* *~o ~-rin~ille --
/ -::-:- " saa~*stpp~Ts.P~octanea2dr'd uU;h~" deAv:tlertr tinogft eS tmel rnegtah:uhlel;.52t a }lne Seda rnRapT sr daYitat ehure~has wasmen't't ned~'in~l~ese DI A M[ ili I Elll
~" ~ I nuts were served by a refreshment J. " P-- - g - "] A lif'-'lo'n-" r " I items previously { mm L 114 |I m- ~ |~| U L L L 11
:**^ ~ ~,oA ,~o,~,= h,~,rural patterns--occiaentm and orien- i e g eslc~en~ Oz ~ne ~eaar I ~o L.o. Preachinc~ Viola 10'00 I ~ mm ~ m == ~ i ~ ,= = m ~ m m m m m
I ap ds community she suffered a i
~n~,~ ~u-r~r and afterwards toldltal--Durant turned his attention tol : . lam Springville 11-00 am Sunoi . -
~.- . stroke several weeks ago ~ne was ' " ". ." I Mt Vernon, Iowa -;- Di.I 2362
I ghost stories. Scribe, Mardyn Dean. I the practical problems involved In/ hnr, "n D " la lg'71 ,~,~, ~ho11~ [day School, Sprlngvdle 10.00 a.m ,i "
,~~k~]~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I saving our civilization He stressed," ~ ~.'" L'~?" ~".'~U t Viola 10:45 a.m. t Your Exclusive Community SPARTON Dealer
D HEER CLUB I " vurg and was marmeo reo 4 i~u~, t
GOO C . the necessity for understanding in " -------- l
I~~:i~~ i Good Cheer club will meet at the I land spent her married life as a) Presbyterian Church --- ReD. KarlI II III Ill I
X ~m~iii:l~ Roy Dickey home on Friday eve-iTua-ti~r~,~o~a.~;*;;~'e;;t~on?,n~:~a'/farm wi**e in this co n~unity. ]Swanberg will conduct the morn-I I i |
~~~~!!::~~ I ning Nov. 2. Mrs. Albert BlinksI . ~ ", ,=-~ ~.~ '. ~I. ~urvlvlng, In aooltlOn ~o net ling service Sunday at 11 a.m. HisI ,
~~~~i:~ t is to have charge of the program. Iclarea, is cnoKea Tim ~acts andi nusDano, are mree sons, J. ~usseu]theme. "The Suffering We Hide."]
~~~ "~~ ~ ]starved for understanding ]of Glendale. Calif, Floyd H. of lpresb~terian Youn~ Peo-le's meet-I ~ ~
~~~i~ ~ I HAPPY HOMEMAKERS In his -rivate four "oint -ro-ramI Rosemead Calif and Oscar D Gar- I f "'-- W--tmmster ~l~resb-'ter II t TP .tll
rtraml ~' w p ~ ' " . . Ing a~ [ne ~'~ 2 -
Happy Homemakers of Be nant of Pasadena Cahf" two SlS ]
~i J [ designed to diminish the problem of/ " . %" . I lan church in Cedar Rapids, 7.30I ~ ~
"I wlu mee~ on wednesday, ~uv ' ters zvlrs ~ua ti ~teea ot ~a"r' I
I wp. !universal zears nis~or,an Durant pro. Nov. 14, and another meeting
i 14. for the election of officers for ' I Rapids and Mrs Orlie CumberlandI " ' ' ~ ~
ar and for the lesson proposed" psychological war fa r e/of L . : ]in Wyoming, the evening of Nov. [ ilLJLi ~
the coming ye i ' us ~ngetes" tnree granacniictren
16 Willing Workers will meet at
Members lease waged with words, limited arma] t
on Stuffed Toys. . p " " " " and two great'grandchildren ~ "
' note change of date. t's p - A charter member of the Cedar I ' i~-- [ ] ~lL~l~ ,~
e w" live bran h " - the church Wednesday afternoon ~
lwe can get back on our regular approaches toward the Soviets, ] Rapids Christian church, Mrs. Gar.[~ iVeenZ~,r~Vo~r~a~V1~im;.~a~li:mes~Slaen~l ~11 --#,~.~v~-~,] |
J ~=~ schedule of the second Tuesday of l further implementation of Truman'si nant had been a Sunday schoolI R~Hv Zachmever as hostesses ] I[--]]F-- [ I I g
"-~'-~ h before lon without out ~ Pol F
the mont g' " "l "nt our program of technological teacher there for many years. She~ ~ " ]1~"~--" ] I ~ -- ~ I
" i/ side interference l education and advancement for the was also a member of the Dorcas[JESSE F STILLER I Ir n IT m w a IT I
~ j . . ~ niedlnon-Communist nations of the lsociety of Ely I Funeral services were held Oct i lie HH,I ~ 14" I!1 B4" 'I' I t~ 111
/#51 ~/~f~Yd I ] ~ rs 1-1 ~ l~lsser accompa,/ "
" " " r ' world -- 27 for Jesse F Stiller at the Spring-
~j I her ug " " ' "I " Mr and Mrs Floyd Garnant and' u dr di
da hter and son m law M
and Mrs. Harlan Current of Down- ~He stressed the necessity for [ son Paul and "Russell Garnant ar I ville Methodist church ne - I[~li I ~ll~ 11~! I
Ill to her home here on continued ease efferts" "The ] rived Saturday t. ntt~.d th. f,n';recti n of the Hunte Funeral home. J I i II~ 1[ 1[ ~T ~ KI I
ers Grove P " - " r of the'
. Saturday after a two weeks' visit U.N. organization is more than ~eral of their mother. The.Rev Walter B. ~t2rpte officiat I 111-4 - I i Ig I, I I~ !i ,%: i I-~!1
A~ fl n~w with them. The Currents returnedhMf the world org~nized to fight I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Raymon andl warteue. nurc "i IIL=JL. l I II IJ I II a| II
- "~ "'.'-'' ]to Illinois Sunday. I the other half " In the event, ]family visited the Joe Terbl family, ca,;sl liVV ] i -- - "" -" ~" a L = ~
low nrme ~ I however, that attempts tor mu- l last Sunday .at They at-[~f:on:*U;rmstron~g Mrs. Claire [ I~--X"=v [ [ ' I [~l~
r- rcn r4oTes al,tenaea a mrmaay umner in honor
Mt. Vernon t, nu tu disarmament fail,Durant [ Armstrong and Mrs 'Doris Strother I [~--~,V-- I I Ar I I-"--~[[~
," ! recommende ae e 0 he of Mrs ~ayrnon's oromer. " " " " e me
= .- t -a. PCe 17 inch "black ]FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH d e p~ f t I ~r : ~ ~r o . A Truhlar I Interment was m Sprmgv*lle e "I I I I fl xibla I
AaUI~ ntt,'uv* w,u~ ua~-a~-. " . ~-- - I issues Involved" immediate and ' ,~ a,u ~ .~ I* I lib I I I L --J~
. . JameS wlu~n De~m, r~,motored to New Boston, Ill Sun-I~ery" . llr------ i I I I ! I II BIll
rectangular tube mclined safety glass makes Our church celebrates Reforma-i complete, arm~me.nt. [day to see Ed Brokel Frank Brokell. Jesse F. Stiller was born toI Ilk-- ! I [] steel,~--fl~
I tion nay one week later trtan cus- Last point in nis programwas "-- t James and vlarma ~nn ~uez u,I Iii I I mm - i I II tlBIi
picture reflection-free I tomary Dr Bean preaches on' e x - o r t i n,American technical I returned no me w~tn mem% I July 15 1883 in Mason county Ill. j I~t ------,| ~ [] I r-'--]~]~
-- " " ",i " ~' zvlrs. J~loya ~tasmy and mrs ~vuzo ' '
. ]"Stand Fast in That Freedom "i know how to the ~'act~ ara ,~ I .~ / Here he spent his youth. In 1902 ] ~,-~ I I v [] ~|~v:~l~ I
Easy vau- x tuning bnngs m strong, dear, Churchschool at 9:45 and worshlpl tions and prove to them that we dinner of the Linn Count- FarmI he was married to Loume Hu t ~||,~#v~ .~ I I~AIW|~
.'.1 even d uk areas ]at 10:45: Frida-" in t Russia know the answer to[Bureau women last Tuesda~ at the [and t this u~;o~ ~e wdsUugn ttee j IV--I I ' ' ' '~. I .I,m; m |
~t~=uy ~,t~u ~o-- " i Ane Lvlarmers clun mee~s Y', " ' I~ ], ~ ;. ,~,~A~. W~n;a~ I ~'aunne, was u . ~ IH-----" I I ~I A1-% mm ,w,--.-- I
- Nov 2 with the Charles Bhnks" :t poverty; tnac we, not r~ussla, nave ~ " ic~rs~" ' with the Chrmhan" " church of Ma- ~1
Ex uisite tone from sensitive Stromberg-Carlson P.W.O. looks forward with interest raised the standard of living. !Planswere out, ned for the off~e I son City, II1 in 1904. I !~ I i ~s~ I *,I
:q. - to its Praise Service Wednesday In the words of the speaker: "'lVIr~. ~r;n:2;~S~ee's= .~t~ Sunda-] Mr Stiller came to Jones county Hr""-- ! I [] r|ala ,
audio srem. [ afternoon Nov 14 Mrs. Andrew E. "Though we inherit cultural desola- I ;. pe~ . y ] Iowa" in 1908 and had lived in the I [Hi-----,| [] . - -~.- - I
" wltn her ua~agnter zvlrs rcalpn fur- ' '.
. [Kurth of Cedar Rapids, wife of the tion (because of our basic Ameri-] " ~. ;" ]Martelle-Sprmgvflle area fromI ! I [] ,Iumi m Ii
" r-ctesi e " h rch "I ' ler and zamny ol ~'alo
Beauti l mahogany cabmet, decorato gu (1~ I pastor of Westminster C u,wll canism) we can build un a civiliza- I ~," "~ [ then on. On June 30, 1940, he was l II~,I ~L ~
-- ,t i ~" AVAY~. I~aVAU ~tAAI~AU~ OA vv ~&~AAUU .
j ]speak on A Half Century of M s- tion of culture and of "eace"I [married to Vesta Blame Schley ofI [if---'--i,I ~]
-~,m,nelei, nana-mn~ea ' " "~'--- ill show v ~ ana Avlrs l~lZZie l~entz ol A~orm t ~ " ""'6 th- faro ' "=,m
J I I I1~] ! '!~"~" ~" ] " 1ons in t~uDa. ~ne w " " r Cedar l~aplus and In *~ e - i ~1
" k on a ~ Liberty and Mrs. Pearl Rogers we e . '
, colored slides which she too lly moved from the farm into
" hi h 21 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carver of visiting w,th old friends here this . .
Unusually compact. Dmaenssons. 20' g,~ recent trzp .~ .~r ~ ~ ~ ~ xr T.~ SprlngviLle. Mr. Stiller had been
,ml.~ .~. ,@ ho ~h,~h are nlan o,~,~,~,~ =,~ = -.--~. --~- ~, wee~. ~,tey ~tte~, u, ~,~. ,=, . - o ^ ^ ~ - =,
" ="~ "'~'" "" ~"~ ~ ~" " " f n Ill me Dast year. u, ~. u . e,-
w de, dee . I ning to get together Thursday, Nov. Carv Darlene and Reid o .Ce -[Hynek and Mr. and Mrs. John l tered the Iowa City hospital for j I~,~ I ~ ~
howin of the ter ~'olnt were ~unaay ulnner Clark [
15. Feature will be s g . ~ " treatment and remained there until
I~.- a e;lm "A W-nderful Life" guests m the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. Frances See and Mrs. Chris [ f I1~'--"-- 1 ~ ~1 Ill
,*A~*AJW%, i n Mrs Oliv " nls aeam on ~ct. ~&%tl,[l, ,
oral Evans are Joe Biderman. Mr a d . - See of Lisbon were hostesses to an
finer than a Charles Bhnks and Le . Survzvln are his wife, Mrs.
Th~ ~ no~g ;. oh er Baker from Marion we,re Sunday afternoon meeting of the Dorcas ~g i t [i~--,k------- ~
This evening occurs the annual~ " "Frank society a, = ~ ter Mac Brewer of Martelle', his~ I Illmmm ~
']r~r~f'~-~ n3 ~TTl~r'~ ~~ &lr~T ~ ~-~ [~, nd dinner nut on bv the I Itors were Mr. and Mrs. [Thursday. 22 attended the meet-l. ' n t il ~
"= ~'~ " - F " h aaugnter, J.vlrs. rauune r~czzazu~u
/l'i.~ II' Rl~4" -~LI--r "/ i~'q~l '~J~-L lchurch women Patrons are asked Slofer and Mrs. Fanme Rus ek,]mg Plans were made to send[,~ a~.~o ~W;,h" a stenson Halryt ~
.ll J ~'~l~k.~ ~,A/.l~t~kI.M 1+ tn the main church door ifrom near Solon Mr and Mrs. IChristmas boxes to overseas ser-]Z'.'. .~:=:" "' . P : "~ rL I
"~" "- ' " la t ~cnley ot ~tewart" a granaaaugn-
a ~- ,~ their wrans waitin~ to Frank Wolrab were callers s vicemen of the church and to send . ; w;~ho.A~.t
~" ~ca]~l"b~y'the usher. P1ans~'are week also. [a box of old clothingto.Miss Ruth[~rw~roS~ ~l nn~an~"Oh~o~.'"'t~ree'~~ I,= I &a
I~ # i--~ :~ ----J TAIA :.:~-- [to serve at S:30, 6:15 and 7:00 ~ IHatL missionary in e~zrma, grandsons five nephews and a host " a-- i
uuIIrl-~ ,UL]IU UIIU /~V~lg|l Ipw~ h~i"la~tde a uled~e towardl ur. and lv, rs. James wamen uzI~ . ] ' I ~ ~lmmi~ v i1~ mWaVl~lll
"~'~ '------ /, K S elecK OI trlencls ~ ~'
~-'-,-- -~,--- --- -- [tl%e" "r~l~tlon of our ~" building [ Des Moines will be week end guests I Mr. and Mrs. Joe a o t Y, I . ~ ,
Don ~K, p~prl~ I.~.~ .~.~,~,~'~ ~ ~ to their treasury of Dr and Mrs E C Prall and[Margaret and Angela, Mr. and Mrs.I Here xrom.a azsLance" m-I FURNITURE AND MORTICIANS
6191 Mt Vernon. Iowa I,*-" '~ ,~"~"--- '--~" ,: *~. *; - ~e'will attend the Iowa-Minnesota[ Frank Dosedlo and Mrs. Katherine I neral .were ~vzrs= ~narxes ruenara.-. ~. i :-L---- DL~ 111~ I%|~1 I~tl q U~ %/
---- " i lOotttzt~ AI~J[.WI~Ik%/* I.%$ &tt~ ,t~u~A,=~ v*-I ',1- .U 4- T,-, ^ #'~]/t- ! xxr l* ~ ~ ~,tndnv dinner ~]ests' son Of pt l//la, ivllcn.; ~ne *'tarryi ILI]~I~I~II! rll~ll~ ~w w|MI ~dlVl~ lille W~lll~ll
fhi~ nledae Mrs Albert Blinks Is game wi~tz~.em a uw= ~ ~ v. ,~ ~. ~ - ~:^~ a n n ~. ,
c~air~n.~ " " Saturday. in the Emil Walters home Sunday. ~cnzeys, ztooer ~ ,