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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 3, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 3, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1938 Thursday, November 3, 1938 THE MOUI~T VI~ON, IOWA, H:&WIK.II~I'~b~H~.~OI~D AND TI~E IASlBON iI~EIR~IA) I~t4go Five Dm MT WRNoNSoCIAL iends ex- her ) Mr. The ~edar .~Neal L :innie and )n of esday Wm. t one :ough hood. with Mrs. Irvin I,aeock is hostess for the meeting of the Home Social club at her home this afternoon. The Cozy Corner club will meet at the home of Mrs. E. C. Forest, next Thursday afternoon, Novem- ber 10. Entre Nous will meet Monday evening November 7, with Miss Ruth Pinkerton in her studio in Armstrong hall. The Altar society of St. John's Catholic church is meeting this af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Emil Reyhons, in Mount Vernon. Mrs. N. A. Miner is entertaining her afternoon card club at her II Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klelneck were hosts to their many friends at a wedding dance in the Ameri- can Legion hall, on Tuesday eve- nin. Virgil Wilson and his or- chestra played for the dancing. Mrs. Flora Buck will be hostess for the luncheon and meeting of .... I the Past Chief's assocmtmn Fmday at one o'clock, November 4. Mem- bers please remember the scrap books are due at this meeting. Miss Alice Betts was hostess Tuesday evening for the regular meeting of the Thirteen club. Miss Margaret Taylor reviewed the life of Karl Hofer, artist. Several of Mr. Hofer's paintings are now on display in the Cedar Rapids art gallery. Altruria will meet with Mrs. Caroline Hartung, Monday evening, November 7, at 7:30 o'clock. The name of Mrs. Belle Bryant was Ill I I ..................... IIONOR MISS SCIt-UEIAE Mrs. F. A. Blaine and Mrs. I?VHIDIT UNIDV II~ A BRIDE-TO-BE [Maude Siver are entertaining theIE, A/llDll IIUIlll Uf Miss Margaret Schuele assistant Past Noble Grands this afternoon I~--~-~_--~__---. __'-._~_---~_---- to the director of the Cornel, con-jat the home of Mrs, Blaine.'"''"'')"rA~ ARTI. servatory of Music, who is to be a Chapter DT, P, E. O. will meet vv ~A bride of this month, was honored at the home of Mrs. G. E. Bartho- at a dirmcr and shower, Wednesday evening, given by Miss Ruth Pink- erton, and Mrs. R. A. Nelson, at the Nelson home. Guests included the. conservatory faculty and wives. P1;tees were laid for twelve at the dinner. Mrs. Karl Andrist and Mrs. R. \V. Barker will be cohostesses ut a luncheon Friday, at the home of Mrs. Barker, honoring Miss Mar- ,,~aret Schncle. Mrs. Carl Zimmer- man of "Winchester, Mass., the house guest of Mrs. Andrist will share honors at the luncheon. The lAnn and Franklin Corn club ~ill meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Peddycoart, Saturday evening, November 5. This will be: lomew and Mrs. Helen Schroeder, Wednesday evening, November 9. Mrs. James McCutcheon will pre- sent the program. Members of division No. 6 of the Ladies Aid society of the Metho- dist church and guests will enjoy the second neighborhood social, next Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartung. Mrs. Everett Shoemaker was hostess for the regular meeting of her afternoon card club, Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was played at three tables with prizes going to Mrs. Eldon De Camp, Mrs. Byron Jones and Mrs. Harlan Levy. Re- Miss Nama Lathe is able at this time to do something she has long desired. To celebrate national art week she has arranged in Arm- tsrong hall an exhibit of the work of Mount Vernon artists. Few Iowa cities, even larger than Mount Vernon have so fine an ex- hibition hall. Of the many fine exhibits that have been shown this particular one, because of local in- terest, is attracting many visitors. With the oil and water colors ex- hibited are included quite a col- lection of crafts. There are metal works, and jewelry, soap and plas- ter carving, modeling sculpture, de- District Missionary Tuesday evening. Mrs. Anna Germ-!reel sound picture, "Iowa Comes ~nnforonl,~ I-I@1¢] H@ro ~ly, president of the society, was in of Age," in conjunction with his ...................... charge of the Thanks Praise ser-regular show on this Friday and _, . ------.._ ... I vice and read the responsive read-Saturday evenings. The picture the meeting oI tne womans . h lmgs. Mrs. E. E. Delzell, of Cedar i carries the thematic idea of Iowa's Home mls.monary ..... so cmty, wmc_lRapids, president of the Presbyter-centennial year, with re-enactment convenea m me memoms~ cnurcn ..... .......... 5ml, was a gues~ speaker, ann re- of significant bits of early history In lvlount vernon last t nflay xor a] .......... ported the Buckhfll Falls confer-and their relation to present day one say session arougm to mls, .... ..... ' ~ ._ q ence meeting-held m Phfladeiphm, Iowa. The picture will be used in communny *vu women ~rom mel ..... t --~ ............. • -a. one was accompanmu o twL the Iowa section of the World ~avenpor~ (nstnct oI me upper' Vernon by Mrs. H. E. Kensinger, Fairs in New York and San Fran- Iowa conference of the Methodist synodical Presbyterial secretary, cisco. A print will also be preserv- church. Rev. Lloyd Gustafson. pastor of the local Methodist church, deliv- ered greetings. The unorganized churches of the conference were discussed by Mrs. Roy Young, con- ference fietd secretary; Mrs. Aley Parsons was appointed secretary of Christian citizenship for the dis- trict. An unexpected pleasure was the presence of Mrs. C. P. Colgrove national trustee, formerly of Cedar Falls, now of Pasadena, Calif., who who was a guest at the meeting. Louise Dvorak played an accordian solo, and a vocal duet was present- ed by Marian and Mildred Fisher. There were thirty members and guests in attendance. Refreshments were served by the hostesses fol- rowing the business meeting and! program. Will Show Special Movie "Iowa Comes of Age" ed in the archives of the Iowa State Historical society,for showing years from now. READ THE ADS. Llquhl, Tahlets relieves COLDS Fever and Headaches them home this afternoon. Contract ty of })ridge will be played at two tables, unintentionally omitted from the t hard time party. T~ committees for the club party an- Miss Ruth Sipple was hostess at ne regular meeting of the nouneed last week. Mrs. B a Hallowe'en party last Friday eve- ~tivesEedar Americanheld in theLegi°nLegionAUXiliarY'hall in wilIMountbe eommittee.iS chairman of the refresh~ntt ning at the home of her parents, .es of Vernon, Friday evening November . Mr. and Mrs. I,. E. Sipple. The :. Ida 4, at 8"00 o'clock ' Mrs John Mitchell entertained evening was concluded with re- M "~ • " at dinner on Sunday honoring Mr. frcshments. There were fifteen :,rs. ~n~n~a Plattenberger en- and Mrs Ralph Klinefelter and a'uests. ~'ed a tertained at dinner at her home daughter Joan and Miss kavU:a The regular meeting of Hill City iKlineher on Wednesday evening, Guests wereHansen of Adams Wis., ~?:e Rebekah lodge, will be held Tues- r the"~Ir" and Mrs. Roy Plattenberger visitors in Mount Vern fence. Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger and Mrs. week end. Oth °nwere Mt day evening, November 8. Mrs. ' Sex- Mamie Reiger of Lisbon. and Mrs. J. E. Srlgmt~Stnd'Ba;bar~ Robert Siver, delegate to the meet- le old The New Century club will meet Ann Mrs Minnie Sohna of Cedar ing of the Rebekah assembly which :k on at the home of Miss Mary Kepler Rapids 'Mr and Mrs T. I. Mitchell Imet recently in Sioux City, will pre- sent a report of the meeting. sineSShear ~M,'s.TUesdaYF.'Maftern°°nMcGaw willl~°vemberbe the guestS' ~Iou~lt~tnd M'['.Vernon.and Mrs "Ed~vi~ Mitchell of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rupert enter- men. speaker. Hostesses for the tea fol- ~'[,'~ H G Peery of Emery, Va., tained their evening card club at gave lowing Mrs. McGaw's talk, will be, who'ha~ "been a guest for severaltt.eir home last Sunday evening. ~nting Miss Kepler Mrs Mac Bovey and weeks in the home of h )acluded were: Mr. and Mrs. Or- s and Mrs. Harold Fisher. law and daughter I rof. . ~Iayes, ~ dOMi:s~l