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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 4, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 4, 1898
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1 l XXX. MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1898. NUMBER 44. special agent of President McKinley to work out the santary engineering problems. Hall. College Hall. Science HaIL Chapel, Library and Museum, Bowmaa Hall. MOUNT VERNON, FLETCHER KING, PRESIDENT, IOWA. Profe~ ~f Mental and Moral Phnosophy. A,B Ohio Wesleyan University, illinois WeMeyan University, 1870; LL. D State University of Iowa ,IOTT tIARLAN. VICE-PItESIDENT. and Astronomy. A. B, Cornell College, 1869, and A. M. Physics and Chemistry. A.B Wesleyan University, 1858, and A. Pper Iowa University, 1888. BOYD, Language and Literature. A.B Ohio Vntversity: 1859, A. M. 1862, and Republican Duty. Vinton Eagle. But another week and a half till elec- tion day. Congressmen are elected this year and it is therefore of as much importance as a national election. It has this added importance. It will be a rejection or a ratification of the mag- lliticentvictory of 1896. By this elec- tion the opposition will guageits future course. This will be settled by the actual result of the election and stay- at-home votes will not be taken into consideration. Congressmen should be elected this year who are not only in favor of the fruits of the election of 1896 and the giving of validity of law to the gold standard so our currency may have permanancy, but also in sym- pathy with tile administration in its efforts to secure the fruits of the war with Spain. Every voter who believes in the administration in its efforts to secure the fruits of the war with Spain, every voter who believes in the admin- istrationof President McKinley, should be at the poIls election day and by his vote aid in sending to the national con- MARY BURR NORTON, gress a representative in sympathy Associate Professor of Mathematlcs. 8 B Corn~l Coll~ge, 1877. and 8. M. and A M 1~0. with l?resident McKinley. Theparties Graduate 8tudor t in Mathematics, in Chicago University, 1895. are now well delined. In the Republi- J. C. FREEIIOFI,', can party is found the solidbusiness Acting Professor of Political Economy. Gra, tnatcd frhm tbv I:nlver~itv of Wisconsin, and also element of the country; in the l)emo- a Graduate Stu h.nt there:, felled'ship in Political Economy iu the ('mverstty' " ' of Chicago, 18~k El) WAR !) RANSO M RI STIN E, cratic all the unrests and theorists, and Principal of Commercial School. Graduated from the l Ilinois State Normal thllverMty, 1883; S.B. toadd confusion to confusion, each in- Cornell College, 1896. LAUItA FRASER RISTINE, dividual member thereof has a theory Instructor in Short lland and Typewriting. of his own. Iowa has always stood by MARGARET I ' tI(HIE WISEMAN. that which is best in government and FREER, Instructor in the French Language and 1Ateratere. Sorbonne, 1885-81; Diplomee du College dg the 1Lepublican party of Iowa has hi- Francs, 1886. Science and Art of Teaching and Political Economy. S. B Cornell College, ways presented a platform which calls A. B lS~, and A. M 1883: Senior Fellow in Political Economy, University of JUDSON WALDO MA'IHIEIt, for the best in government. This year Instructor in Instrumental Music. l~lpe Organ and tlarmor y. Graduated from tl~e Ohcrlln Con- tile iowa Republican platform has been NILES WILLIAMS, servatory of Music. 1805. itaryEngineering. B.O.E Cornea University, 1872, MARY ELIZAI~ETH SMITtI, commended from ocean to ocean, It Instructor in Pedagogy al i at A B ( ~rnnll College, 187!h and A. M 1882; Graduate Stu- should meet the favor of the votes of RTONW dent in Greek and Ectin ~mics il University ot l'emmylvania, l~t3 9L lows by at least 100,000 majority and andCurator of the Museum. A. B Cornell College, 1875, and A. M ]878. ALBERT MASON il A RRIS, &HL EBERSOLE, Director of School of Orat,ry an [ hysica Culture. Graduated from the Emerson College of the election of eleven Republican con- oratory, 1893, Post Graduat~ Student, 1~94. gressmen. There is but one danger-- and. Literature. A.n ~l~mon Valley College, 1865, and A M. GERTRUDE FAITH MATttER, reek and Philosophy, Yale~mivereity, 18~b"l, and in American failure to record your verdict Novem- tMIcKSm~*A~enS'KELLy,Greece' 1896-97. " tIENRyInStru~ rALBERTIn Violin. tMILLs.Upil tn Oberlin Conservatory, and of Charles lteydler, 1890-91. her 8t]l. No matter how strong yOU are for the principles of the Republi- Curator of the Museum and SecretaryF~O$ tb$ I'~lty. A. B.~ Bucknell M 18'J1 : A B. narvard University~ ~, attd A. M 1898. Maine We'eleyan College, Director of the Art School. Studied In the National Academyof Dealgn~ New York, and Pupil of Lippencott, 188t85, and Pupil of Smiliie, 18.~2. AMY LAMOILLE DOUGIIERTY, Instructor In Mathematics aud English. B. Ph,Cornell College, lS96. BELLE HANNA, Instructor in English and Mathematics. B. 8, Cornell College, 1879, and M. 8 1882. MARGARET J. ADAMS, Instructor in Pianoforte and Voice Culture. Graduated from the Ohorlin Conservatory of Music 1895, and Pupil of Geo. Ellsworth Uolmea, 1897. GERTRUI)E and llietory of MuMc. Pupil of Fraulein Haunlg and ~onservatory~, Berlla~ Germany, 18t~-9 L the Art School of Cornell College, 1896. o~ Adolph Physical Culture. Graduated from School of Oratory~ Cornell College, "1896. ,and A ~ MAY LAV1NIA FAIRBANKS, Follow in aura laud#, Librarian. Ph. B. Cornell College, 1887. For further information address PRESIDENT WM. F. KING, Mr. V'er- r of Music. Gradu~ non IOWA. l~fi'. THE EE/ DER$. IN EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF AND =ration for excellence in quality, and fair dealing, we sustain every day. .)o ~ ~, .~,=~.------ Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Canned Goods. $ Flour, Flour. ----- ~.~ ~ ~0 .~.m=--.--- the Leaders in the when desiring business AND qtUEEN EE/ DEIR$. Republican State Ticket. Secretary of State. GEORGE L. DOBSON. Treasurer of State JOIIN HERRIO~T. Auditor of State. FRANK F. MERRIAM Jm|ge of Supreme court, HORACE E. D:~EMER. Clerk of Supreme Court C.T. JONES. Reporter Supreme Court, B.I. 8AIANGEB. Attorney-General, MILTON REMLEY. Railroad Commissioner, WELCOME MOWRY. Railroad Commislionvr, to fin vacancy, D. J. PALMER. For Representative In Congress, 5th District, ROBERT G. COUSINS. For Judges lSth Judicial District, WM. ~:~. THOMPSON, n. M. REMI,EY, x,Y. It. TREICLItER For Clerk of the District Court, J.W. BOWMAN. For County Auditor, W.T. JACKSON. For Recorder, J. tI. FRENt'II. For County Attorney. W, O. CLEMENS, For Supervisor, 2nd district, GARRY '1REAT. Township Ticket. Justice of the Peace, C, M. SESSI()NS JOHN R. WEATItERELL. Trustees, M. K. NEFF. JAS. SMITtl Clerk. SOL. KETTERING. Constable. T. I, MITCHELL. G. A. ALBRIGIIT. Assessor, GEe. H. BURGE. The latest version of "Remember the Maine," is "Remember the (foot ball) Game." After this week it won't be quite so much politics. See that you do your duty now that you may enjoy the change. It has been more interesting in some of the other Congressional districts, it has been a hard matter to find the There should be no "slump" in the home precinct vote, but on the con- trary let it be an index of the growth of the community as creditable as the past year's record of improvements, both public and private. The state Labor Commission reports an increase of 4 per cent, over 1896 in the number of persons employed in the state; an increase in money paid for wages of 6 per cent. The statement is based conservatively upon reliable re- ports and is a case of figures that can- not lie. it is to be deeply regretted that the last days of such a brilliant success as the Trans-Mississippi exposition has scored should be tainted by any sus- picion of dishonest management in any way; and to be hoped that there will prove to have been no real founda- tion for the rumors regarding the awards. The Inter Ocean's bicycle globe girdlers, the Mcllraths, have started from New York upon the last laps' run of their remarkable trip. They are ex- pected to arrive at their journeys' end in Chicago, Sunday November 20th. It will undoubtedly be one of the big days of quite a series for the World's Fair city this fall. The fight of the Methodist layman for equal representation in the general conference--executive body--of their church is announced as practically won. The decided majority in favor of this common sense principle is a most creditable reflection upon all concern- ed, and will in nowise retard the re- markable growth and work of Method- ism. "contention" here in the Fifth. There are just two ways to mark The Republican candidates announce your ballot now. If you wish to vote their willingness to meet all comers on straight make your X in the circle at all issues, the Democratic candidates the top beside the party name. If you meets this challenge with another want to scratch out one name you must dodge, mark in the square by every candidate of your choice. In the last event, if One thing Iowans are becoming daily you only mark in one or more partieu- more thankful over is that they haven't lar squares you have only voted part of a Tanner, or anything approximating the ticket. one, in a position to make them blush for shame. When a man who stands for such high principles in public affairs as did Election next Tuesday. Make it a Col. George E. Waring Jr of New half-holiday if necessary in order to York, dies the Whole suffers a vote. In any event every one qualified distinct loss and citizens shoula exercise the right of franchise feel they can ill ~ lie is and VOTE. accredited with that Too many small majorities are caused the streets of can be by the stay-at-home voter. You are cleaned and kept with hay- interested in your personal welfare and ing sacrificed his li in the welfare of your country so it is the interests of His heath your own fault if you are not interest- came from yellow in ed In "politics." Havana, where as the can party unless you record your ver- dict at the polls your influence is lost. Every Republican, and every believer in a sound money and a broader Amer- ica in this county and in this state should make it his duty to be at the polls election day and record hie Ver- dict for the principles represented by the Republican party. P~odget~ tO Free ~ll Iowa Capitol. The Democratic and Populist srs in Iowa are keeping q, silver question. The manner in which influential men repudiated the platform and deserted the party following the Marshalltown convention convinced them that to make the silve~ issue of the campaign wouldbet~ the greater portion of their followers into the Republican party. An attempt was made to stay the tide by hauling the "sick soldier" issueto the front, but the stampede continued and is still go- ing on. The list of men whohavepub- licly renounced Democracy within the last six weeks would almost fill a col- umn, and their are thousands of other Democrats who are saying nothing but will go to the polls and.cast their votes for a continuation ot present good times. But let us see whether or not free silver is not an issue in tim present fight. Democratic conventions have been held in thirty,nine states, and thirty-two of the thirty-nine declared for free silver or the Chicago platform or both. Seven state conventions dodged the issue. Read the following rec0ra and see if the Democratic party is not pledged to free silver in case it ~hall succeed in getting control of the next congress: Maine--Free silver. New Ilampshire-Free slyer. In- dorsed Chicago platform. Vermont--Free silver. Indorsed Chi- cago platform. Massachusetts--Free silver. Indors- ed Chicago platform, Rhode island--Indorsed Chicago plattorm. Connecticut--Nothing. New York--Nothing. New Jersey--Nothing. Pennsylvania--N othing. Delaware--Nothing. Maryland--Nothing. Virginia--Free silver. South Carolina--Free silver. Georgia--]~ ree silver. Florida--Free silver. Alabama--Free silver. Mississippi--Free silver. Louisiana--Nothing. silver--Indorsed Chi- Texas--Free cage platform. ~krkansas--Free silver--Indorsed Chicago platform. Tennessee--Freesilver--Indorsed Chicago platform. Missouri--Indorsed Chicago plat- form. Ohio--Free silver--Indorsed Chicago platform. Indiana--Free silver--endorsed Chi- cago platform. Illinois--Free sliver--Indorsed Chi- cago platform~. Michigan--]~ reo silver--Fusion. Wisconsin--Freesilver--Indorsed Chicago platform. Minnesota--Indorsed Chicago plat- form. Iowa--Free silver--Indorsed Chlea~o platform. Kansas--Free silver--Indorsed Chi- cage platform. North Dakota--Indorsed Chicago platform. Montana c:Free silver. Idaho--I~ree silver-=~artial fusion. Colorado--~ree silver--Partial fus- ion. Utah--Free silver. Nevada--Free silver. California--Free silver--Fusion. Oregon--Free silver. Fusion. WashiBgton --Free silver--Partial fusion. In each of the other six states there either was no con~entioa or else tusiou with the populists. :) Mount Vernon MOUNT VERNON, IOWA m i tt RECEIVES CURRENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. ISSUES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED COLLATERAL AND REAL ESTATE SECURITY. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. SAFETY BoxEs FOR RENT AT REASONABLE RATES mmml~w~ m -n II G. A. HOW]I, President, GE0. A. G]~GG, VIce-lh'u. & Sul~ ~'. It. ]~I~6.'IMI~, 8~. & @ QUARRY and OFFICE at MOUNT VBRNON, IOl/ //k Stone furnished in any Style Desired. Your Inquiries. Send us Ca & N. W, Track into Quarry. A GREAT SLAUGIITER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS am -" per Yd. New Patterns in Watches, Chains, Cuff Buttons, Dress Pins, Hat Pins, Waist Sets. Some- thing New Every Day. MANDOLINS REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING NEATLY DONE. MILWAUKEE BINDERS AND ARE THE BEST. WE SELL' ALSO HAY RAKES, LOAD- ERS AND TEDDERS. We have an elegant line of BUGGIES. SURRIES, ROAD WAGONS, THE BEST WIND bULLS AND TANK& LAWN SWINGS WITH FANS AND THE VERY BEST BINDNIG TWINE. You had better leave your order at once as there is sure to be a shortage, and the price goes higher and higher on twine.