National Sponsors
November 4, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 4, 1898 |
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:~ned to the president on that occa-I people." (Applause a~ cries of 'Keep l for'its eurrent obligations until the war [the rnae~r of men. will never be in- [ening of trade. Territorial expansion [executive, It is the law of the republic. [ ][ t~ ~I ~ ~,~[ ~,--
ales. He asia: it.') I with Spain while its available balance i ~errupted by the American people." [is not alone and always necessary to [(Applause ) ~ I~:;ClHLILIIIt~ ~V~:lit
l o I
'%~'y Fellow Citizens, Ladles and Gen- + A HUMANITARIAN WAR. [ October 1, 1898, was upwards of $~07,- ~ AT THE GRAND BANQUET. [national advancement. There must be ITHERE ARE FEW "ElX[PTIES" NOW [ ~ I- .-- r~
tlemen: It gives n~e great p!easure to ! At Osceola the president made an- ~ O00,OOO, of which sum over $243,000,000 i In response to the toast, "Our Coun- ~a constant movement toward a higher [ "I thank you my fellow citizens for I Jl~l~ ~=~+ ~-~
meet and greet my fellow citizens of other of his brief and fitti:]g speeches, twas in gold. try," President McKinley said: and nobler civilization, a civilization /your cordial ~r~etin++ T ,nn~atulate [ - "~
the state of iowa. 1 am grad to looiz ~, The sentiment which seemed tu catch NoLhmg more impresses the nation+s[ "It affords me gratification to meet~ that shall make its conquests without [you on the evi~d'enee'of returr'~i%g pros- [
into 1he cheerful fuses of this great as- ~ the people and received the heart eat of the world than the appropriation of the people of the city of Chicago and to resort to war and achieve its greatest [perity everywhere to be seen The fig- [
sembiage, ~or it gives me tile assurance applause "was when he said: "Although a large national defense fund, which participate with them in this patriotic victories pursuing the arts of peace. In lures read b~, ~.our chairman're,+resent ] Ex-Gov. Boles, L. M. Mart
of what I have always kn Jwn that tl~e i the United States wages no war of con- the treasury was able to pay from its celebration Upon the suSr~ension of our t~resent situation dut, a-,~ ,~,* "/ . . "~ ~ I . T ,~ . .
,' x ~ ' J "*~ ~J in " S- " - *
business and industrial and agmcultur* ~uest territomes frequently come as balances without resort to a loan.I hostilities of a foreign war the first in alone should ,~rescribe th~ b ,~ [. e growth of the great, ranroact sy . [ J ea y, J. J~. n. lual Kl y,
' ) ' ~ -- ~ -~,~-a -- ~ems el tne country wnat you ~'ant .
al conditions of the country are those the result of conihcts waged for purely While the. credit at~d finances of tb.~ our history for over ha+If a century our re'+r)onsibi itie~ ana )h. " . [ 3Iltchcll and Other
of assu'ance and contidenc~' I do not f humanitarian purposes " govern~ ent imave improved the busiuess we bare met in a spirit of peace r, ro ~*u" unit'S"~t,~ ~ " ~ ~-an~ wnat we au want ~s ~usmess pros- [
~ " ~ " "+ " 'g~. e it " -
know a i~cr od o+[ our history when the [ "1 here were bmef stops at other points, cond~tmns of the people have also hap-, roundly grateful for the gtorious ad-, p r y:. U# hen ~e h a~e that you have [
cot~ntry enjoyed more real prosperity I but night was approaching and his pily improved. Both government and vancement already n+~de attd earnestlyThe nnal +Jetermmat~on oxour pur- Isomet+nmg to cto, a,na when we ~ [ ~
than l' does tuday The lob i~unts the laP~me~;es were necessarily short. At ~ci~izen have shared in the general pros-[wishing in the final termtnatlpn to re-~poses awaits the action of the emm- i no~ +~.nen you are xdle. There are few ~ J~lSnelleI in [lie l)octrlne
m:~n, ~,ot the mau the Jo~J, (applause), Ottum[:va a crowd of fully ]0,000 people [ petite'. Ti~e .money circulation of .the] alize an equaIly glorious fulfillment ]en.t men wl +o are charged .by the exec- empues now. on the sidetracks (lau[~n- I Silver Takes Th :n O
+,~ ~-.h .r- that ,',*n'+ition exist~ labor ] listened to the pres dent as he sp )lie ou [ country was mrger on JUly 1, 1898, than "With no feeling of exultation but lUtive wHn the ma~ing c~ the treaty of ter and applause), anu there are few I
l~ "+~lwav.m better rewarded [ lines similar to those previously quor- [ It tins ever been, and there has been [ with profound thankfulness we con- [ peace, and that of the senate of the railroad men unemployed now. The [ he Democrati
' ' " iedS " " o
led. Tbe president spoke veryearnestlylno depreclatmn of the value of oUr ~ template the events of the last five[Unt tates, which, by our eonstitu- m re you use the fre]ght car the o~tener l
1VE~V HOPE FOR THE PEOPLE. [and emphatically, Ite said- [money. ]months. They have been too serious to ]ties, must ratify and confirm it. %Ve you see the pay car. (Applause.) [
"In every one of these great indus- 1~ "We haw++ been getting a good many "The people bare bornethe addition- [admit of boasting or vain-glorification, Jail hope and pray that the confirma- "I am glad to observe the First Ill[n- ~ They Al~o Faint (~.afher|n[
tries of the country, we are having %] th)ngs the past few months. We have t al taxation made nece ' cry by the war [ They have been so full of responsibHl-,tion of peace v;H1 be as just and hu- diS here in your presence today. That [ ":
e [ o~ VlC~or;es Won b the
de~ee oI nros~erlty- which gives new~[ b~en sett ng some foreign comet[ca "il wilh the. same degree, of. pat~riotism that ties. [mined ate and prospective, as to man . as the conduct an 1 consummatma gallant regiment, made up of the ~ol " y
hods to all our people Not only are ~tlons We sett ~(t the question as to i character zeal the soldier who enlisted [admonish the soberest Judgment and of the war %Vhen the, work of the~unteers from the homes of Chioago] l~
- - - an Army and Nay
the peddle reasonably prosperous but,whether the Amerlean flxg ~i~ould float to i~ght the country s battles. We have [ counsel the mos~ conservative action. I treaty-makers is done the work of the [who took their lives in their hands and
the government in which you are all[over l-lawaii and the flag is iloatiug]not only prospered in every materlai|Thisisnotthetlmetoflretheimagina llawmakers will begin. The one willlwent to Santiago to fight the battles
inter~st~[d s~ alike ~rosperous We [ there, today in all Its. bea~ ty. and in all ] sense but we have established, a. senti- tion, but r~ther to discover in calm ~settle~ the extent of our respons bill*lea ~; f liberty and against oppression, I . . .
have had no bad luck lately. (Claeers,) [ its g.iory, over a happy and contented I ment of good f.eeling, and a sp'+rit o+f [ rsa.son the way to truth, and Justice, ~ tbe other must provide the legislation " am glad to have this opportunity to ] I IIave Ne~ er Believed in (
v ~,- n .nna.n~al." con i lend t ~'as nevi~r, btt,l,eopl~, who, want to be a part of the nrothernooa ~ucn as the nation nas not I anti r,ght and when discovered, to fol to meet them :[he army and nav-- meet and -reet them in the3sne~.ameof the[) of I c. D++ vcr at 16
teL~:neritsK~ #ig~.a:~tri:a:i?a~icr:rdsl~ U ti i. U~nge~.w'th r Y -~ntd h+~ord ~giMY #;:f:r~ci! ! A'n[~n~ann:PehP~lein(AsPPdathis )I bid youIouy~ J~x-~Jov. Jtlo|:O
and the people of the United States . ~,- - ' ~ " p t up n the nation ~ " e . congress wisdom to perform "anew that I will carry from this place, I
t.o~,~ w~|l ,~n,~u+~h ,~ff th+ t whe~, the~naci an unsett)ec~ question ly [g at ourI "Not since the beginning of the agi-[grave responsibilities The ext~nt was theirs from this audience from these warm-
government wanted $~50 C,00 0 wi h ] " . . ", " : : " [ ' PRESIDE~'~,~ a-~nw~ ,Pc+ v anav+ hearted men and women the pleasant- ] eform Possible Insi
o 00 t very doors Ten years ~ f ontmuous tartan of the question of slavery have not anticipated and could not have been "No R
w~H~+h t~ .~ndue the War tileu were ~revotutlon, uuring the auministretion~tllere been such a common bond in{well foreseen. We caJanot escape the I "~'+-" " ~'~ ~"~'"~'" e~t m ~r|~ ~e ~ ]~.+ e~),~ *hr,~,~h I ,~
e 4"" of President ~rantfr)Howed by a three ' name and nurpose such genuine affec- ~obiigattons of victOry %~e cannot avoid While tn Ci~ cage President McKinley ~ ~ [ emo .ratic 1 arty, Say
~nn ~.+. a e h ~ ~) .~ 'ower i ++'ears ~evolutlon In lgJ~>. ,9, and '+;8. ' t~on, suct~ ~ unity of the sections, such, the serious questions which have been ~ attended a meeting of the l~aIlway rrhl~ o~ ,~,1 w.~i ~ a~a I. [ ator Ranot+ .~ i =
~::o'~"~i',::re~t ;l':a,~+ xw~.:" v~r~fl',a'ted l'~:hat, too has been happily settled, and'obhterat'on of party and geographical l brought home to US by the achieve= 'Men s I}rotherhood, at whieh he sp0Xe ' re~=o=o~ff'~)'"x~"+~r';~:r"~r'e'~]~en'~" o+~ I
o . ' hat %' "' " " ' "
*~++ + ,~ )~#. ~+.~)~,~ ~)o).= I t which disturbed so long the peace : d~islons. National pride has beent ments of our arms on land and sea+ ~as follows: )~,+ ~ ~)~,+.+ ~ +.~ ) ~,~,~,~)~,+ E~,I~ I .-- --
~fo~+'e a~n~l'our']'+e~enues'~ar~'+n'~t+;rou~ [ and tranqui!it.y .of the Amoriean gee- :again enthroned; national ! We are bound in conscience to keep "I count myself fortunate to have the eers, spoke';n~"t~le"f~ol~l~o~'~n'g compll~nen- ]
" . . ". ~ " i ernmen~ ana lnterierea with our legl- has been restored" the natlonai union and periorm the covenan+cs which the privilege of meeting with these greal +~ ,~ ~ .~, ~,~ 'me revolt of the sound men
~tli~:#~s~nYtm:r~b~;~PgPla:s~ua~a#:wr [ tlmat.e trade has now been ended and cemented closer and stronger; the love [war has sacredly i~ealed with mankiad, railroad organizations in this great me-;"+,',~Vh~n"i"thi'nl~"o~the~'3natst and re-[ c rats of IOwa from the Mar
o .= ~ . ~. . our nag nears over a potties of that ~ for the old flag enshrined in all hearts. Accepting war for humanity's sake we tropolis I have had in the last ten "m#mh~v who~" there w+~r++ "no nr~aniza ] Platform, with its tndorsemen
ioud cheers and prolongea applause). Island d i ~ v ' . " " --- "
+. . an t will not be long, I trust, North and south ha e mingled the;r I must accept ~ll obligations which the days many interestln~ and nleasant ex )~,~,~o ~),+,~,+ .~.~ + ,~ ~",+ ~ ] i and its pledge of Iowa's vt
we cave goc a~ong t~r~ we. tau~ ~ar until1 will fie t v " ! " in I - - ~ " o ~-,+ ~**-- ~- ~,=
t a on e e~y part o~ It best blood in a corn ou cause and to- ~ war in duty and honor im uses u on . democratic natlo
thanks to the patriotism of the Amer- (Tremendous a,~,~lause~ In ~i-~ ~+- - ~ommo~ victor'. ~.~ ,~+.~ .+~^~ ,~P P ~ periences, as I have journeyed through condition of those men, and then turn ] hal conventit
lean people (cheers), and thanks to the ~,~ ,~ I ~'~"+V+"~m~ "~uard this restore~l~ union~ ~chi~v~ ~ ~'~+~ v,~$u~+~:,+ we J~<~e the country, but I assure you that none to this occasion, honored as we have / ~.~n, ~s even more widesp
Valor and the courage and the heroism vao~ ~.~ ~n~ ~R~. ]witl~'zealous and sacred care and while and'-noc Oul":~,+~++ ~+-:--~++~'rn~ s,~me of them has given me greater pleasure been today by the chief magistrate of [ i+~'~~'~s'tl n ~o the Chicago
of the boys of Iowa and other states, w--'~ wme aoou~Wn~taeWerumre.nave we~ a.OnavelS tODeenne awaltinr" = the settlement, of the war and led to ti~ w~.~k"e~"~-,~'~,;~. .+ ~ ~' -' ,-,+~-,-~'f/:vJ~ menthan connectedt meet wlthwi hthethemenreatandrallroadsthe we- this nation. . it Is, impossible, fore. me to,"'-J;:=~-~u~ ~xampie of tne
(Applause.) unlt~d .~ if, )h~ h a~ .~t u ) meeting the problems which will fol- lofty purposes or to the desertion of t . g express m words st~ ong enough the [ ocrat and th~ ,q~ ~.a~ven~
~UST ~t~ " 'qIT~D. to'b'e divided until the end. (Applause). !ow, we must stand as one. man, not la the lmmortaJ principles o~ which the t~l:::e ct~untt~Yat ~iiP~a:::'bot; o~ rY(: ~n}ilengsv+ f no~Yoh~vR'~on~+tressd~te -~cf Ipudla+ting :the ~!'l~ance'o~ t~he'p
We ~t the best '~eo"le of thls coun the spirit o[ part)-, ouc unties in a corn- n&I:1ol~t gov~r~/g/@nt Was l:OUl~led an~I -- ' . -:. # " a ",c . I popunsm has K~en e,~,~ ~,~
'2~ly ~:euow c~zens. ~. Wan~ ~o isav~ ~r~ WI~ ~ the -,- hi', -~ men effort for that which will glee to In a~cordance with whose enno'bling 'resentatlve men an