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November 4, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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IOW I]~][ who had charge of the woman suffrage IOWA STATE NEWS. 0ETS TEN YEARS. CURE FOR NERVOUSNESS -0
cause in the last legislature, was elect- ~ .- l:t W XU 1/1~1~ I'UWL~. ~,
ed president of the Iowa Equal Suf- Poiso~ Beer. I A Noted Crook Who 0pernted in Ten An Educated Chinaman Declares
J That Amerieans Should %Vent Curelessness In This Respeet CnusmS
frage association in Council Bluffs last [ States and Was Cuaght and ~ea-
unar]es J~HS~elI, a weu-to-oo tarmer i Soft-Soled Shoes Considerable Loss to Growera
~. teneed in Des MolneI
week. Mrs. Belden is one of the bright- near Marshalltown, (ned after partaK- [ ' . and Shippers.
est women in the state and has given Ing of a bottle of beer which James i -,'-',-'--- ~ 7" "-'~-" '" - " "The American peopleare essentially ~
much of time and means to the suf- ' I )vlmam ~. ~toennem, an extensive
Dgg, a 15-vear-old boy, said he found ! .~o~ ~ tt~ ~.~ml~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~o a nervous neonle " remarked on edu- 2. welt-oresseu iOWl Will Or cour~
frage cause. She will push the work of ~ ----t,~-, ~r j r t"
In the road An analysis of the beer Is sentenced t t~. i t" " eared Chinaman to a Star reporter, command a higher pmee than a poor-
organization and campaigning with " -" . !wa ' o ten years n nepem-
re~ealed arsenic Suspicion was el- ] ontiar~ a hard lnhnrhvJudcre Risht~n and the best of physicians agree that ly-dre~sed one, and it is evident tberl
great vigor It is her idea that the . ~ " ' . y t j ~,
rected to Will kdams, who underawfll / this nervousness is on the increase as - - ~ must be quite a loss to the growers and
women luust be converted first, and ' . I ln toe sis(riot court in IJes ~iolnes
iust filed, was made a benefiemry at the country grows older. Whereit will CHEAP STOCK SHELTER. sh~ppers .of poultry on th!s account;
that when the women are united and a" ~ tahiti tar(on to r 01%.Mafllson. ne was ar-
Russell's d("lth to an estate of $5 000 end is, of course, a matter of eonjee- -- - ann it m~ght not come arums to g~ve 8
good majority of them interested in ~rcsteu auou~ ten says ago xor utter-
0gg finally made a confession that he ] ing forged checks on the East side His ture, for a remedy, or a series of rem- Areh~vny Under or Thronigh a Straw few hints on dressing fowls properly,
' ' " " [ manner was so a tr that the fact edies may be discovered as lime runs Stack Is an Inexpensive Decree as there does not seem to be any need
~ v . aloag. Certain it is that unless this for Protection. Of dressing them poorly. First of all,
f crops of all fowls to be killed for mar-
nervousness can be cured the future o
the American neonte is a very serious To keep stock warm and dry in cold ket should be entirely empty. A mi~-
problem. Already'it is a matter of dis- weather is no less a matter of economy take is generally made by not hang,-
cussion in the medical jouimals, and than to keep them well fed. When ing the fowl up while stripping off
. .~ - [ changed it to guilty, with the evident thoi~gh hundreds of books have been properly sheltered they require les~ I the feathers, but holding it with one
lo~vn UllU ~'ellO~VS.
. "~" I hope of lemenev written on tile subject there is no food. Shelter is less expensive than I hand and picking it with the other
L-rear unanimity of opinion as to the food. All farmers and stock raiecrs do One can work rapidly when the bird
~ ,~v lndo-,~ ~he cause has not vet not have stables for their cattle or [ is hanging as both hands are then at
be'e'n"ascertai~le'~d "thou,h there are a snug tdaeds for their sheep. Sheds of ] liberty; the cuticle, a transparent out-
~ states, "e" Iound m n]s possession, number of ;auses ~" poles with roofs of ~traw are exelu- [ side covering of the fowl, is very easily
t, rana pa~riarcn, ,w. ~-. ~norts t~urtmg- ~. - "v - "I have a theory as to a great deal of sively used, and with profit. Aa arch- injured, particularly of a scalded bird,
the American nelwousness, and though v;ay shelter under or through a straw [ and when the b~rd is held while pick-
~ ILsh n : ~ .;~h ,~, ItM-kit i~ I stackisaninexpensiveand valuable de-] lng it this memnrane is often rubbed
the i~l~('oneS'~fv l~l'ea'i~sr ~ . ~,tha'i, it is ]vice for protection. The. skelet n. [ off in sport; and although this injury
easurer, a. ' a. Aty: cause,] by the shoes the people wear fra~le of s~leh a one is given ,n Figure ] does notseem to show much at first
h hoe for "he * I azterwarus these spots turn dalk ,v
---not tile s ape of the s,x y .~. ! t " "' g "
the ,a th /" ~- I ng the bird an unsi htl a earaace
are of all shapes, but y e ~-~ N ~ g Y PP "
' e'7" uversealding also loosens the cutiele,
shoe ~s made. All Amemcans shoes [ ~t~ ~. ] "
^ ~ N therefore we should exercise rear,
have hard, solid soles. Those whowear I /// I " ' g
]forged cheeks; on one the judge gave -r lief n Iff//H//A ~[/' .4~'~'~,~,k .s~'/ ~,~ eare not to keep the blrdsmhot uater
slippers or felt shoes find e,six I ~Y I 71/I//////~ /.~,%,~'~w~'xk ~l// //, ~ - " "
Union Veterans' Union S th " ft and i "di~ ~ t [////f~ ,~ ~/~t~]k~](fJ~ for too long a time when sea din
hecau e e sines are so y e~ ~g. I ~/[/~ t--~-~=.- g'~7~g~ll~X:l~k'r~,','. . ~"
The Union Veterans' union held its[ . 4tt/.~ / them l=tave the water at the be in
:[here ~s no nervousness among the I ~'--~'~///~[f~k~. ] ~ g
' m-- point, yet not actually berlin Take
people of China, and there has been [ "~"' ~d~,~ ~--~k~ ~ I ~ '" g"
"[ be ""," /~/,~ ~.JI x,~X~2"/~- ! tne uird by the head and feet and ~m
'~ i ~i-~".~:~l ~l| ! morse it, liftin~ u and down In the
animated tractive,differentsuffrage,them,as l'e ple are in the hablt f thinking f fOrahvays from they inShe conversation, ,-ill the iSstylishly good average get it.looking, dressed She as suffragist, welliS very and at- as then .:,rmle,pnrehase,l promi.Adams the mgmw rk" toc, k hm imuse and e to that he be the tile The he was the poison 20 would beer c r ner's paees placed insti.t be for from g-ator ]hmsell in ~iv.en ~dams jail jury the of $~0 bank on held and the for a [pleaded It] that He eaid. thatgave he he it not guilty, was would lived the,sus"ected~ is name .indo dpittsburgh, of him Later, when he saw rinAnton noremarkable good, Richberg, Pa " and be of my eountry as there is among Amer-I I ~--~-'~-~ ~-"~t~~ ~ l / water }hree or e four times, -u then hang
In Need of Funds
Tile sanitary commission, which has ~t lne annuat meeting m Conncu )n thous ~'
been supporting one of the city hos- " " I ( e and blank checks on 100
l~n~lrS o~ H~c granu IGtlge 1 () t). 1~ toe . ks in 40
pitals which cared for the sick sol- " " . |Dan,Outerent c~t~es m ten
lOllOV,-lngOHiCcrs lvere nominated, to ne " ,5 l e
diers, has finished the hospital work, votes on m suooromate moges:
but still owes large bills contracted in " . I The3, were on the banks ~n New Jersey,
that work, and is still looking after the ton; grand high priest, N. S. Johnson Bur- ~-ennsy~ area, t)bio, tnumna, Illinois,
comforts of the two Iowa reg-imentsling(on; grand senior warden, J. C. Milti- Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa and No-
man Logan" scribes William Messon DeS lbraska Jnd~( i on in sentenci g
still in the service, the Forty*ninth and
Molnes and J K. Powers Atlantic' grand " fi l,~ "o1( : "" " ~"
Fifty-first. The organization has run tr ' - Norwood Clar- Iowa C" t ~ocn e a t ~ aim tna~ tne mrge num-
short of funds, though plenty of sup- grand junior warden, Maj. Ranney, of ber ot maml checks in his possession,
plies are on hand. It needs money and Marengo: W'. C. Grumper, of Keokuk; W. I and his daring manner, convinced the
H English of Des Molnes" S B Decker of o~,v o V n r~ ~ o,~.ic, nnl n~t (h ~,
the officers hope the friends of thee sol- --' ~ " ' ' " 7 ' h as,v "
Waterloo' gran~ representauves to soy- o " i ne "- " " -- "
diers throughout the state will re-erelgn encampment, J. S. Bellama~F, Knox- tore len e .y come no~ oe expecteo.
spend with contributions ~o the bills ville, and James Schroeder. Guttenberg. There were two easeS for uttering
may be paid and the work carried on.
The society has patriotic buttons t n~m ~our years and on the other rex.
which it sel is for ten cents and reaps annual meeting in Marshallto,vn and ] LOOKS LIKE FOUL PLAY.
a small revenue from this source. The the election of officers for the ensuing I -- --
chain letter was another scheme foryear resulted as follows: ] A Yonnl~ Man Found Dend Beside none for 1,000 years. ~ ay tl~ere is I /~-J~ ,~-- /ll ~//~,- " -
raising money. People seem to think Department commander, L. M. Lang- ] Railway Trucks Under Very not as much aetivit] among toe people I l~l~-~L~ - -11//~. 1/ l . P " "
staff Dubuque' first deputy E H Ca cord Sos loins. " ulnstune s
the work of the organization is ended, . ' ~ P Clre e ' not ~ r~,z.t ~- - - ~----- -- ~ t up Dv toe ieet Ine head should ne~e
Vlnton; second deputy, J. O. Stewart, Cedar
icans, but Chinamen are as StOW l " .~41~* - " -|~,~! ~,' r
butthisisnotso. - n'h~ b~* '~: I ~~ ~~,beimmersed as it turns the eomb ale
as some may suppose. ~ = e~t ~m-~ -,p
~; ernon ex /Ed~ar ore, a farmhand 24 3 ears
chap aln, J }L Albrook, Mt. " ; "- ' - " " rs " " en sa .- . I ~" " / and gives the eves a shrunken a car,-
A War History Hal)ida: surgeon, H. M. Dean, Muscatine; ~ d Me --
Gem H. H. Wright, of Centerville,ecutlve committee, E. C. McMt!lan, Mar- I of age, was found lyingdead beside the nese write,meoicai m,y mac I ~ ~r ~ PP
FIG 1 ttnce,~ow remove all the leathern
former adjutant general of Iowa, isshalltown' G A Eberhart Des Me nes" J ~----~: n t~ ~ r ~'n. .o. v~*- nervousness has been kept out of China [ " " / ",
' "" - -'" "1 E l)a~:,/ i ~ ~ *r a~av .~u.~nern le ther ! / letting the small ones tire into th~
by the fact that the peep e wear [ 1. It consists of two pens ot toe or-t. . P
Council Bluffs: A. Phillips, Maquoketa; ra~way.~rae~s a mile north oi l~ty. h s -'" les as an ' . / oarrel oeneath andkeenin win and
working on a history of the Sixth Iowa ~ .~lorgan, uavenport; vlrgl . ' "m ~,
infantry during the war of the rebel- Andrew Buckley, Clinton. Two bulle~ notes, one through tne soft-soled s oe . Toe so, yone [ dinery sort, xor toe no(tom el s'll-tall/ .~ g g
Ilion.He has collected data from all ---- ] heart and another about four inches has discovered who has examined them, [ stacks Place near enough together[ tall (earners nytt~e~lves. The small
eldm table chara ' " . . . - / feathers may afterWard be s read out
n orlon ~t aeemeo of value The feet
: " " ' I t e n th m. The lowerends[ of ali -owi ': "::'! '
a slaoztlel be scru nlonsl
' P ' ] o poles are set a short distancetn[ . |. "
- ! clean; wash, or, still better, brush
them western t'lowman
~et or leather, appreciates tnls tnouga one the t raft
Murder tll|d Suicide very important one It may be go
I over the United States, including all i below, explain the cause of death,are of a yi " g, pt . cter. [so that an arclaway or poles can he/a d " ' ~ P
The benefits of thin kind of a sole are made be w e e
W It Murrab, of Chnton shot and I
I that bears on the regiment from every" " " " ' ' " i while a 32-ealiher revolver lying near
numerou% and t~me has roved ~t f the P Y
[pnblished source and from the official killed his wife Harriet, an incurable c
,I ontalneo two empty shells, lne
t mate of Oak Grove asylum m ~hnt
Everyone wise wears soft s)lppers, ear- [ the ground, resting near the minnie I ~
[ records, on which he is now at work. i " ; ". ' " ',] clothing about the,ho/e o~ er the heart
M~ch and then killed h~mself In
I He has devoted his spare time foi- 14 " -, " was burned and" powder marked, butI -" . "', [,op " of the pen crossing its| "--
lyear~ to the task and hopes soon to I Mr. Murray's pocket was found a let- tt ere was no evidence of powder about maybe unconsciously. He knows he [ neighbor pole from the other pen, and,p~III'.'PDV l~lr~
ter, ~n ~hlch he sa~d that the only
I complete it. The Sixth was one of the [ " " ' ' f I the ~econd one. From neither wound finds relief, but rarely realizes that it [ fastened to it with a bolt at the top,'~ -- u~, ~,x,~,u~
way to reheve his ~fe from her su
Ira st famous of Iowa infantry regi- I " ' "" . " I had he bled any, and yet his left hand is the softness or yielding of the soles f and also to the sides with wire Over,-- - =- =- -- --
[,"rilteT Arn ~ol*e l~t~llF ~xtermlnnted
fermg ,as to kill her and that as ~t
[ ments and saw a great deal of hard ] '' " ' ' ' / and arm "as eovered with blood. His that gives it
Than the D~sea Affeetln~
~,as against the la~ to do ~o the onl) i
]fighting. But few of the Iowa regi- I " " -- ' - . l"i overcoat wa~found nearhim, torninto "Of course, it is a very large question, ] ~t~ / Other Kinds Of Stock
thin he could do was to shoot hlmse f lth
[ meats have good published histories " g i shreds, w" numerous boles in the re- viewed frolfl any standpoint, but tt is a [ " ~ ~.~ I "
/and this,'ill be an interesting and va]u-[ also. I maining pieces. His watch was gone, " " " [ FZN~X~X~ ~ I It is probably easier to exterminat-
"iii!. " . . ." [.[able one. It will be illustrated with ,nrg,ar.'---'~',eured Away. ] andhehadbutonenennylnhispocket, ing backward, as somet~,di~tine, for[ f/~/~/~ X~,poultry diseases than thedisease, tha
]portraits of many of "the old boys" as althongh he was known to always nave the average ~o-called up- t is o~ rAmer" [ .~ .~.~'~X~//~ |affect any othe~" kind of stock. This
[ they appeared in war time. Burgtars mane an unsuccesslur at- ": - lean to adopt an iuea tna e 1 000 / ~"//]' "~llhX~k~ ~ ~ "~ ~ ts because -oultr ca - -
" / ''' te money wlrn mm t.rom ,ins ,t is he- "" ' m] ' -- -~//'z~'/.~ ~ ~ V~% ' V y n ue Rept iso-
! ~ "eyed he was murdered and had a des- that the idea is a very vahlable one. I ~ ~"/.',~I~ ~ .~ ~ ~, |;;d comlng ini~ tl~e vieinit-y m;e::ng
[ ' A Coal Combine. / tempt at roomng tae Farmers sta " " years old ;nChina, butIfir ybelieve/ "- /~'/#A kkk ~, ~t, x~,~k /lated Horses are eonstantl
! oauK oI t rein se t:~y Ni~rog~yeeru "
] .A gigantic company is being formed ' " ' ~:~" "he first perate struggle with his assailant. 't r Al~ y o net
' ~ome things alsooint to sumide, p . ? ~,~:~a ' o ,~,~ v u tu aojoinin, ~a.~
/with the Carbondale Coal company as / Was tne exptos, ve useu out( ~" -" " In ast yearsthe bestwrles have/ ~l/~////di~g,~,~ ,~l~"~& .
] charge failed to burs! open the vault ~s asso p( ngreed that the natmnal d~sease of / .~ ~-"- --~P'-- L:"---~ .~'~ ~.~,tures Ho s ar " g t
ii ]the ceuter, t wn and perate all the door and the report of the explosion JILL 'PAY .YACT II~ ~it'e ~!i~i~i~!ihi[ the ' ~- m~t.- g e transported from
]coal mines and coal fiends in PolkI ',F x E Amer,ea d.vspepsia, Idonotconeur[ 1-1ace t o- -
" - -~" t t" u pla.e anu are great roamers
|County, thus saving in the cost of man-[aroused the cashier, who was s~eep- in this an" full, though I realize that .] et~lF--~. ,;-~,].~[~?~~]i ~---~a~,a~ ~lt in their pastures, l~ut- ' Iow]s" may b~
]ageme: and superintendence and ' ~ " ' ' The Suprel ~e Goart Decides a Mooted there is much dyspepsia, and thntnerv- ~ " .~ -'- -~ *~.k ~'~,ke"t "ractic~ll "
] a~atdi:l ~ses fr m failure t agree and the burglars were frightened sa' n "ue'tt n Agn'n't P lk ~t )[ali
[[lfvai~lwavs. It will probably raise away. County Property Owners
]theist of'eo~ The output of the The Crop Yield." . . In the cases of F M. Hubbell and A,
/count~ bmetl ,over 1,000,060 tons The national department ot agricut---an ~ 1 +~ no~+
]annual ~/~h about half. is con-. Ab." " "
ture crop report cirenlar for October re- "nst Polk co ~ the ~u'n:eme court
I sumed h~; agal unty -t cann - 1 o .'cep " " . Soft:] anF old boa', feed rtghi anft then.~'eep all things
ports the Iowa yield for1898 as follows" - i-e re err
."a~c a a tnal p p y ls name (or ouo soled shoes (]rove nervousness out of~ thk s" U " set- tilou~ " le -- " " "
,D~iii~ Oats 32 bushels per acre' rye 19 busnem " .~ I ; tr z:~nl : ?=e~, ~ e aa. Let. In the sun
net acre barle 26 bushels er acre The mulct tax each year ir sateens are con- tmina an~ will 1o the same ~n Ame~! an t when fil ti~ ~e- he dug( -o = "
to th, ~ ; ' Y' ' P " 1
average conditlone, October 1. for corn,ducted for here than half of the year / . p n x ~nH ot goes
ma ;t narfl sole(l ~noe, like a nigh-/ as shown in du~t, Giw fr --
v thai buckwheat, lrlsh potatoes, sweet potatoes, for which the tax is" levl'ed. " "' ~ ~," esl~. Water, every day.
heeled shoe puts a erson under a ion
sorghum and apples are $0 73 70 80 90 and
skim In these cases property owners tried P " "I These ~'ill mean that the hens"will be
the hast year from 891 49, In the order named, the basis of the . . . sion. This tension is wearing, and
t. ,r V percentage being 100 The very wet spring to secure a reiuno of the payments nerves. " .:~eem to" ,~'ear out first. It- IS' disease. Were these things
ht ese factories ha e r
J~ and comparatl, y d y summer and fall de- mane tot tae last quarter ot tne year relaxation that is desired t nfversa'~,(her e is no doubt
~ t~a, 66 now, where creased the Iowa percentage quite heavily. " " 0 cu~n
11895 The district court refunded a ousness nb l~Cin u'Or'~z~?~$~ if aetna of o'~ r contagiou~
Ii/:,T& : Of the 68 -- ;quarter of the $600, but the supreme heor: ma~ not age bPr~/ n0~g I~ ltry must soon die
i ~ .~ ~l~ve~ . Corn In Danger . ~," J " ~e a fl0 ~as a certain d~-
m ,~ The corn in this state is m great !: ct urt, on appeal, dec(des that the full facts, but I feel convincedl
ie0t lbe allowed to die
m ~ ~ger from too much moisVure. J.H. i year's tax must be paid, the business be " Washin,~t ~'-- m
I ~ director of ,the Iowa section for having been conducted more titan ha f Ittd tl ~laee where they
a. ea!
1~ tI~ United States weather and crop 3" ". r MONKS IN ALOlt llI Or keeping fowls
~ ; service, said that the corn on the stalk Another impo rant point decided in ", ~ ~ t;a ~ar. It ia Our
"the eri'ee is -ood in the fields is ttown. The nloisture this case ts the authomty of the hoard IIowthe Tran,dst Brethl, ei~ ~
:')7 P~ ~ . nrevents husking "and rots the ears in of snpervisors~o levy thin tax at any i the Fa=ous Monaster~ a~=|~ p~ cflealiy:
~ ~enera0y qul~e sa~-,-
:'i~ " . . ~, spots, meeting othe~ than the September [ Of Staoaell, ; ny poU] 'xmeiikn
[meeting fixe by the law for levying[ cholera xeept wbai 'theF
(:i~ r.~i~ Bir~KNELL. Ne, lef ' - -. t " [ g" '. at p ent a rather !,papet Clean up and ex-
taxes On th~ point Justmes Granger If A1 lers is res
The twenty-ninth annual meeting ~f v,the disc ues.---Farmers" R~.
and Bobinsol#dissented from the ma- [ less naradise the famous,mona~
~'! ' the Iowa Equal Suffrage association Iority of the court, of La Trappe de Staoueti isa para ~ '
i:-'~t ,aer a DruatStst was held in Cotracil Bluffs. ~---~-~ of peace, The life of the Trap U - ~.
tt'revented la the For the first two weeks in October ~ ' monk is n-~ idle dream. He is FOR I EKEEPER&
ehosen u Nick of ~lme. the earnings of the Iowa Central rail- ] ~'---------- I hardest laborer one ean imagine,
ntil way were $95,270.55, an increase of $15.- 'rbe SuDeme ~ourt Decides a Wood- I stroll about the farms and pla ed sugar will crystullize if
are determint~d to find t] ~. Excitement prevailed in Bussey over 157.63 over the same weeks last year [ hory Co~nt~ Case in the Inter- [ (ions I see monks dilz~rintr uo~at ghly melted.
era." !n, wherever he may be the attempted killing of Druggist Char- J.F. Cass, of Sumner L. S. Cass and ] e ts of th lnlnrea Person. I chopping wood, gathering gra I-Iive should be painted as often at
call i" Th--- onl " " fa draw'at water, wheeling h ge lea t as every two years.
. .~l ~. may cost. The salar-, is] les Lyons by Owen Godfrey The C. J. Fossilman, af Waterloo, have Thewidow~f eophlleBruguler, -[ f ve tables diree'i "- I
; ~Y ~l~I, but it may be inc ,~,~a,~ t, 1 trouble originated in Lyons' refusal bought the Cedar Falls street car linelinens in Canada and western United /r ws o ~ge t ng tl~ ] The best packing for chaff hives is a
-~ :--~', aiu'~ the re-ion -'f Sioux / norers m toe vineyards, pianung, J I good quality of wheat ehaff.
Of ~t '~lneeessary tosecurer~l'e'ma~ / about a year ago to sell Godfrey whis- and~vill change it to an electrical sys-
bell :~d for the ,qace 'm. ~ / ky. Godfrev became partially intoxi- tern. m+i~tat=~' ~tt'~'P'~+e~ho ~l~+~ag h~" been ] ~ng' destroying weeds, trtm~
Bees cannot be fed sirups of any kind
?Io t Un" "
~J ~versity of Minnesota re- 1 eated the other day, and going into the I Herbert Martin (colored) was sen- ~a 1 " "
done substantial justice by the State [ flowe, beds, lo, i lug. In the .~dist!tl ] after C01d weather sets in,
lad, ~.ayear and other stateunt- ] drug store threatened to kill Lyons. ] tenced in Des Moines to four years in ttuprome court. It affirmed ~he judg- ] carpenter~n,~'2:tt~ngoy)n2 ,"~2~' ] el, :Ro0~fs Of hives of whatever kind
nose :i~Jdents are paid more than ] The druggist had recourse to his re- [ the penitentiary by Judge Bishop. The ,*d, sltould bepainted every fall
men( of Judge George W, Wakefleld's,tnousanu ~n:,? ~ ~z "~ . |
:~k.~V~estern man will ,robably ] volver and Godfrey quieted down At I char~re upon which Martin was con- court in Woodbury county restoring/cladqn :2:e:t::t~onot: w~f~Zll:i~ri:~] he In in~ingcomb honey the mal~ de*
Irn ~, because lie wtll'be more ] dinner time the t,~o went to the hotel, I victed was assault upon hts wife with to her her 438 acres of land in that,with of :, .k a g ~ . ] a pendence is on the first swarms.
~' With when Godfre took advanta e of Lyons m nt to commit manslau hter
I~tak~ western ldea~ and] Y g ] " te " g " O~neraily a ~aturai ~warm is ready i
c untyand$"OOOw rth fc ru'all fl['atS'ar~Ut::"m;~nlin:~i"-wneLUl1~elma'/ sO ma"a~v" for bustness ~ soon as it is hived. [
~aew I~lMy '~ man outside the ] and shot at him, but as it happened the l John McCann, of Clinton, aged 71, which Alfred Pepin had claimed by]nots ve~ym hey co err ~-]
ered /l~ ~ !11 eome here Without any ] first shell was blanl~. Before the sec- I was attacked with hemorrhage from sale exe,selves up in a sort oi loose blouse, suen/ unnee m- Ago0d ain,t e~venlen, t lig)ting place ;
onth i q iees or interests and who ] end wa~ fired an interfering man hap- the nose. Doctors were nnable to check virtue o~ a uccu ann nm u, " ! '~ ' ~ feet ifth~ re
It iS ~i$ te preconceived notions'l pened to get his finger under the ham-] the flow of blood and he died. "outed, the courts hold, while the worn-] as a butcher might wear. in thin(hey] ~ry blacksmith sholJld be provided for ever~ swarm. ,
l an was not in full possession of her] ~re 2:,recogm:ar~e.w.~ day Or t,woat~]
~o let the co ~ts Thorough ripening 'is o~t more imp or-
]1 be iI~aT,t;ersity, ft is regarded ~ mere?nt thin shell also fa,led to ex-[ 'l~e grand jury of Woodbury county [faculties. By the decisionof the courts |' w a, on toe xar % atcmng .x/ od strong fret tance to h.oney than the color of it.
- l =e me for the university, m paean yons swore ou~ a war]ant ann I Indicted Dr. H. G. MeKown, of Maple- ] the woman is restored to property I little bract plgs righting .over tnetr ] excuse for e~df- Some absorbing material should al-
nsco :~;~ nts Intend to take thts ] Goatrey m now awa,tlng trial tn the [ ton, for the crime of murder in the sec- ]valued at $25,000, and which she would [ ~oo~. when !~. young lan0rer~eame up]
:am- ~ll~l:: improve its moral tone./Kn01~ville jail. ] end degree He is eharged with per- p On the und,r-: ways be usednver the bees in, win~er.
~O-l~t O?:~71 ;ee-MTn'::;e:t~e:~ed the |about $8 000 if ti~e I' transaction]rally' lie told me that he looked after ] der lto circum- ttoney is not a per~bable arHcle.
re,tic ] 'The ~oY~:v=~ii 1:eh ;d:ei~ have Y:Zggi~, 7hm'gi:l 2:r:;~t tTmP:? a [have been compelled to part with for}ana oegan to ta,K--aoout lrngs, natu-|
/had l e'en allowed to i~'~nd [them andinvited me remake the(our/ t the outside of Do not bein too gr'eat a hurry ((.sell
I7.~ the Fifty- .eeond regi- / - " I Gen J C Parrot( died in Keokuk [ ~ [ of the 1Mggerles. The convers)stion ] hoof, from t he Every coloi~y of bees which does n-* *"
w~a vw - = t oeen nonoraoty uiscnargea in accoru- ~ " " " " I eeallar 1 olnt of Law ~ covered by a contain" a fertile" queen~ is in danger"=o~
tists ~Y pa~Unt~:~S;a~:;erU:~t:tI. lance with telegraphio instructions in He theCamewart IOWaof them 1834.rebellion,Was premjnentanu .'as// " ".|/slipped from the subject of plgs towithat]
A point of law was r.fised in the dis- of bulls, from bulls to bull fi has fine I va~Ynlsh 1,e- being robbed.
mint ~lt*laed - -. / from Washimrton" / trict court in Dubuque that will prob-] Thinking the young man was a ,qpan:] ginl : margin or core- .Arrange the bees in good season ill :
~lget*-''* mal lug up tne pay,~lfh. ~.o* ~ ~ " ~r^, ,~.~ Infa I postmaster of Keokuk for 12 years, re-
~ tlaghis cash read and be - - o, --~.u a'- - * 9
'~ t~ " . Y: . "]Company A--Sergt. Chartes St. George I tir, ng in 187,[ ably establisha precedent. Acasewas|Ish workman--half the world is Span-,net ~eoming thinner thefalls~rthatduringthewinterthera
~ -e men eamy 5unsay. / Company D--Privat~s Allen W. Mitchell, [ The Iowa State Traveling Men's as- ] begun against M. Hollenfelz, and when I 'sh at La Trappe de Staoueli--I drew] as i ~,r. Cover ccf this will be no ~s~otl- ~r-'distnrbing :.
eCelv / Spencer B Paxton Low ~ E Rogers
-~--,~i " ed all that Uncle Sam Com,an-" F--Carp' ' .klonzo: E Frl,ch [ sects(ion will hold
~K;tel Its e,ghteenth an-]defendant made no appearance Attor. ]out my cigarette case and offered him] var~ '~, is see.feted and them. " :: "~
~u]ng eJotmng anu sub- ~ " " " " " s on Frlda ] hey Keisel, counsel for plaintiff, asked ] a c garette. He refused it gently, say.] pro~ *Ins its mat~arity. When once'~gllulated ttwitl reran ill
the I~Ptow / Privates Edward B A[cElroy snd Frank ] nual meeting in Des Mome Y' ] that judgment by default be awarded,ing: "It is forbidden; I have ~ot ~ The ~ 'y by ihe animal in this eondtd~ that to thoroughly
"I nce. each man re- / West Dec eI r 2
n tO morte ) n be
. ~ . y from the paymaster, ] Company G-Privates Frank W. Mere- ] ] phdntiff.The attorney representing] smoked, I have not been outside these[ eco~ ;~ tion 0fthe horn melt it it mu~:t ~bt~: heated almost to
I ex IIi Pe t &lie nex~ annual convent(u(( ut ttte
th lls for 15 ears " And, turnin u
" ~'~ s dischar~-e ,a-or from / dlth and Albert W. t er. I ] Hollenfelz objected to thin on e] w~t,y . g p] is V it, and the infiu- boiling. ": :t:: " .
tioa tead, r, t,c'l-- eu~e~-t~-~v"'e'mu~terH~g:--,andC mpanYFr "r:=-Prlvat Sonea George W. Calkin [ lowa, Equal Suffrage association, will t ground that the defendant had filed a / his blouse with a smile, he showe me] enc wet cud dry are set at deft- It is a m]sta close the entrance
tt in- and,ank J . be 1.old at Davenport. This has been
![~ then he was at hberty '
,] NorChwesteen Io,a I ' [petition under the bankruptcy act in I his moukish habit underneath. I] ane, is e sy to ,ee that this most end every cry/Ok and erevice
i-eeided by the cxecutive committee,
] the federal court The court sustained,learned afterward that he and hts fa-| imp t c~ ~ering should not be in- the winter. !With astrongcolony le~'~'e
next ~0Idle r-,bnt the date has not been fixed
~e r, evma in name. That ] Articles of incorporation of the Boy- ~," ',I the objection and refused the default,(her had been monks together at La[ tert wit1 and the footshould be the entrance open, ~t, Louis Repub-
ve it iI~e.Wt~S of it, and by Monday ] er Valley l~ailroad company, toexteudl. ThomasC. Dawson, nrst.secre~ary o~]holding the judgment would be non-/Trappe. The father is buried now|keptlevel and iu good shape from tbe llc. " '? -
~r~' every man of the Fifty- ] from Wall Lake to Modale, through Sac, I the United States legation at Rm ] effective against a bankrupt In th( cemetery and the son presides[ underside ' .
" ollt - Janeiro, Brazil, has made. a Journey o~ ' ~,4r-
~"l~'" of town and the mere-t Crawford aud Monona counties, have ] " |PhrenolOgiSt Can't praetlee,over the destinies of the :[rappist pigs.| W ted Co in "ar.e I.g.
~rhe fil d t nearly 8 000 miles to vote Hm home
ue" in ~at. - " th had begun to come ,/been e "n Linn county by Marvm,]," I " " ] It i.': a mistake to believe, as many[ It may seem one. of the ~simtflest o] ~'
/IY~ .-!J~-' t''r'Y tu Lenve. !noon, ~]'Hughl~.~M*' e nemana n.~I'd"Kirl:ma~'~J"l ~l",~ct;ul~hitl |~ ~.o.~,I's :n~'f u:m:l'Y2Y'ffSconvicted in Daven-] '/'he supreme court of the state haslpeopJe do believe, that the Trappfsts| all farnl op~rations to cut and put
just handed down a decision that tel'- ] n e n of t m may 1.1 HOgs will Hve a long time and make stamling horn in stock. Yet in e~ery
o . ev r s~eak. Some .he . a~sv
mnmtes a long fight in the c urts at
(~inWere not sorry to leave ] Inch, the proposed line being a feeder ] port of.murdering William Millerin An- ] ' " at certain times and in certain places| a fair gain upon exclimive eorn-ration, field where i~ve or six meu are w,~ck-
l a bet, I ~. .Y [ vdth strangers. They may speak in [ The carcass of the hog ou corn ra- ing together in cutting, a close observe
~]~l ~,ey, thotrgh they had been ~ for the Northwestern. Cedar Rupids I gust, was sentenced to hang Decem- Iow veen U )ton E Traer, ~ormert .
I manager of the Slloam Sp.~mg sam-,order to give directions to the work-] (ion may contain a quarter less muscle er will note that some rows of sleeks
}I!~el"e~Vlded for there, as well [is named as the principal place of busi- / bdr 1. " "" s
ocla- ~ ~ nSidering the weather. ] ness of the new eomDany. ] Frank Janz, of Dubuque, while out,tarium, in Iowa Falls, and asa pure(role- 1 --^-, t,c,~ -,~- ~,c'a'- ~ ~ncma ~,u avou~ (ne ~arms,~I or lean meat than that fed on mixed show the corn cut low down. with very
exhi- ~'~.I~ toe boys roomed down- ( " " [ hunting was instantly killed by the ac- [ gist well known over the state, und the But with'm the monastery and ~t[ ration, ' little breaking off of ears, and eves
er 13 -stO A New ltnllrond ~Ie
-/$'~t f these got their meals ] ] eidental discharge of his shotgun, state board of medical exammers In/"~e es "-e " " ""
] " - t';: . 1 tn m~e~v tn y preserve continual m-/ Hogs living on cornmeal, water and the suckers well leaned uparound tn~
t'~ -e governme-t will-rob-/ ~everal unicago capitalists were in was 15 ".ears old,1894 the boars revoked the cer mcate l,ence You ne~er see monks talk"~ |
~.~ room ren* --;~P w~-~ --- [ Davenport looking over the newbridge ] "" " ~- ~" ='dto )ractice medicine in Iowa that had [ ~to-^*~'~- At " .rag ] salt did not seem to have their bones hills, while other rows of stocks will
l it "-" ' "" P"~ ! I ~Ala ~eonara, toe tnree-year-u~t [ l,~ct**ct. prc~*:n~ there are anent! strengthened by feeding well water show the reverse of these col dilions.
:i ',a~ Ca-t elms(end sa s ~ ann ~ermlnais acing constructeu oy the ! Irene Le ---rd was ] been previously granted to Traer, and ] 80 monks, one of whom ts English /
P. Y t~uugnter ot ~lrs. unu,
snow i~l~,;e Such bills. There has/Davenp, Rock Island & Northwest-tburned to death in Marshalltown while
I has now ,'on out. . / Chicago Inter Ocean / When kept upon corn hogs grow that the expert it, corn cutting sh( '~,
ge to :II, " ,~e com,laint however, I ern rai~roa(l, one oI ~nem sta~ed that ,a-, ; ~ ~. --,~+~hcs
Killed by n 'lraln
much ~ITZ~ ,n eamu for thev have ] he and other capitalists would enter t '," Manv-'l'~lnds ot Cottage quite fat, but when~'et small have the and We believe that the expert in th{s
1~:WheandrWe-re at all times at/railroad runn ff~ eas ] the c mpany tnamed'tandand thata new [ t--':u"Y'layWa~westfroml = u,=~-- - ------~e~t:2ce'::':i"~t: ~ ~n~t~ I While returning home from Webster,"Of course, dear," said the halauV [ form and appearance of mature hogs, ease, as in every other, is entitled to
] City to Blairsburg James Gleason, aged,young man "we sball live in a cotta;e"'| but are dwarfed in size. larger compensation for the skill witll
tner~ e the lease