National Sponsors
November 7, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 7, 1940 |
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eels WF.F.K . flflAlI.V IN MflIINT V[RNflN To-A endS a e-- B mL LYMA Meetingof-w.s.c.s. ( ound(-W-iliMee-t--- P?sbyteriansFriday Eve.
annua ---------------
le Mlssloj I
s. Fred ~I Many Co,-ne~iIty members Mount Vernon,ill entertain the ! The 73rd annual eon', ention of l'a:n t C:llie~atr?dlPeael~c n~n~ i~l' rt:
4. Mem b~sis was entertained at thel Mrs. J. P, I-Iainen and Mrs. Ren i will be in Des Moines Thursday. '.ir:,t mcctm~ of t!xe W.S.C.S. of ! the l?nn County Coune!l of Chris- vltes the community to hear him.
range of ,~of Mrs. Lloyd meCutcheon i Sivers are entertaining the meet- [Friday and Saturday of this week the l)ave:l?ort district.of the !T1)peY." t mn .~aueatlon ,will be neld in the His topic will be "The Church in
lar evening. Dr. Robert iing of the Past Noble Grands this attending the annual convention of Iowa ro:~reren"~ of toe .~lctnoai~r ! ~nmmlan cnurcn at .Vlarlon on next the Present Crisis." His point of
aKorterlnl~r, new member of the Cornell! afternoon at the homeo$ Mrs. [lhe Iowa State Teaohers assoctatloo, euuren on Criuay, ;,ovcm,er 1,~. ! ll.ll lrsa=ty, ~ov. 14th. The theme view has growu out of experiences
fts for t~ faculty, presented a mosti Hainen. I Others will go only for the Cornel! The sessions will be neld in the j wm o.e. "Ct)r)ati'~,u l~ducation for in England where he was born, in
~ung and instructive talk on, . --- . . ! banquet Friday evening nt the 'burch. A luncheon at noon wid be, Chrmtmn Living. ~ounty presi- Germany where he studied, and in
~--- ~cal Trends." Delicious re-] The tenthblrthday of ArdlsKlrk-IHotel Fort Des Molues. This b~n- ~ervcd by Division No. 1 w,th Mls:3il~:tntI~:rnJ. l~ruce Eyestone, ofthis country, and his ntessage is
Ad ,~eetl~ents Were served by the l patrick was celebrated Wednesday I quet, for those teachers who have knna Jordan In charge. [ : . . .on, "lit prestos at the vital to the future of Christianity
~- A good attendance was I ~v~enm:datth? hOmegOf hTrk~a~eri2, b;eks g r~tdld~d ~rTml~oltn~l~. !lsT~:ls fl:ielI):?ve2;2";hid:t:P~7tn'tic?delt" ]sl:llOn~egi~l:apOrlgrlOra ::glll ~VSatl n iilutf8Ao~l:~C: in Hie~lhluSllala~!
~ J Guests invited were: Miss Maxine ! ", ear movies of Cornell life will be
~side club will not hold a Davis, teacher, and the pupils of I featured, with President J. B. Me-
on Monday evening, Nov.:
the fourth grade in the Ward school,gee acting as chairman.
II. LLli~. me members will attend -- [ Between 12 and 15 thousand
iUlikan lecture in the CornellI Mrs:, G. C. Lusted entertains(1 at [ io,va teachers ordinarily attend this
a tlaHoween par y last Tnursoay [meeting.
[ It divides into smaller
~ evenmg tJues~s were memoers o~I
lZlllg. ~ J. R. Eyre will be hostess l" " i groupsfor section meetings. Dr.
ner ~unaay school class ana ner ~ ~ Her l
;, whieh afternoon contract club on I o u Enms m presment or tnc
music pupils All the guests were i,~a A.~s ~iaqon of ~'c n m" " -
* 1 v ", ,O~ ~ !t, O O ISiS a?lfl
L Cards will be played at idressed m costumes" and were ed . .
~bles. . Somologmts, and Dr. Chester 1
sted, lb} ~ tmrougn spooky places in me nase- t~irh i~ the soerotarv T]r T~us~oll
ment by the hostess and her son -
,4 ]k ~City Rebekah lodge will meet i M. Cooper will be chairman of the
~ean z~us~ea irene ~lppae oress
vu, [~ --~esday evening, November 12 ' ' i mseusmon ror ~ms section
' . ' ". * . d. .vIc ~a gnil act as
Iched, In[ o'clock. A report of Grand led as a gypsy told fortunes and, 1)1 S ~ "" I u ~"n x(ill"
refreshments were enjoyed arouna
elate willbe presentedat thethe fire place m me ~us~ea yarn. the National Association ofSuper-
' lg. . ehalrman of the section meeting of
Fourteen were present
ocolate, i visors of Student Teaching, while
rv--~nt wa hostess for Miss Alberta Munkres will be a
|Clarence Matthews was host-
~v~rs. a. ~. ~ ya s " nel m " h "
~the Good Luck Social club l pa cmner or t e same section
late, lb g last Thursday. Seventeen l the meeting of the Altrurm club
^ ~.~ ;~. ~ o ~ ~- I
Cornell graduates who are ogle-
Lgrs and two uests Mrs ~a~ ~,~u,ua~ =v~,s "*"~ I ers of
the meeting or are appear
eats, m L M g,] Gflhland presented an excellent I ." "
a, atthews and Mrs. Hazel ---.'-- . ~.^ v^u '- *-^ok "I mg on the programs are: C. J.
S, I/2, ~ald were present. The next[ [~wuw u~ v~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~. : Christiansen Clarion superintend-
"e~ -l"b- held ent of schools and vies president of
~g will be held at the home lmarrmu ~aventure. e~ repo,~ ~
~,~. ~9on Goodyear, Thursday me meeHng o~ eeaeru~ u c u ~
l~leats, ~on, November 14. ~ arM n was -resented the North Central district of the
~ecet~Y:ot leleg~tes Mr: Charles Iowa State Teachers association"
fee lors following a picnic supper for
side. ,Mrs. F. G. Brooks will ex- 9:15 Devotional Serviee--Rev. Ver- the congregation and its friends.
plait the new set up of the societynon H. Carter. ~,
~md answer questions concerning it.9:30 Address: "Making ChristianI" ---------~
I']ducatlon Effective"--Hey. C.V. A week ago last Sunday, two old
An out-of-town speaker will be R, DeJong.
provided for the afternoon session. 10:00 Group Conferences I"Old-Tlmcrs" met after the Jolas
l,:leetion of district officers will be 1, Children's Division--County DI-
rector, Mrs. R. N. Coolidge, pre- reeital--E. J. Esgate, '84, of Mar-
a part of the business transacted, siding, lion and Judge John T Moffit, '84,
All women of the church are in- "How to set up Worship Centers of Tipton During their visit on the
ited to attend, for Children's Groups." Campus it developed that they came
'How to use the Lesson Material I ~ r ' "
R-----------nobertWar Effcctlvely"--Mrs Kenneth MIll- }to Co nell the same year--lS79----
er. both enrolling in the Senior pre-
Dr. er 2.tyY UngDirector,Pe pleS'Mrs.Dlvlsh)n--C Un'Fred paratory class, and bolh continued
IAddle'lthrough the last year of prcparn-
iAddresses Lions ,residing
Dr. Robert Warner, of the Polltl- "Interesting Young People in the tory work, and continuing through
Herbrecht.T tal Church Program"--O. G. the four college years---their Col-
I cal Science department at Cornell 3. Administration DIvislon--Coun-legs friendship has thus continued
icollege, addressed the IAons club ty Director Harry Newlin, pre- over a period of sixty-one years.
]at their regular meeting Tuesday "Making the Best Use of the Mrs. Esgate, formerly May Treat,
! evening. Time,"
i He talked on the Negro popula- "Developing More Leaders"--- a student during a part of this
Rev. ~,V. D. Bostrom period, also attended the program.
lion in New Haven, Conn. ])r. 11:00 Reassemble, Reports, Co. Pres
i Warner was selected to study In Co. Sec.-Treas. Appointment of Mrs. Vincent Gough of Tipton
Committees. announcements, etc.
~the Institute of Human Relations 11:30 Address: "The Constant Lure"spent Tuesday in the home of her
: an organization sponsored ,by --O. G. Herbrecht. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hedgcs.
Rockefeller philanthropies, and the12:00 Picnic lunch. Bring covered
dish, sandwiches, plate and sll-
group he was in elected to study the verware. Coffee will be served Mr. and Mrs. Don Halt and
Harry J Eastman Colfax super-
Bt Verno--n-Temple Pythian ~artung ano mrs. ~ey ~-ar~utm. . : ' -,
tL 1)IS- is will meet for regular meet- intenoent of ~cnoms, a member of
Mrs. James-~aeaulay and Mrs. the executive committee from the
{ednesday evening, November N A. Miner were co-hostesses at a 0corral district, and a discussion
~ ~a lb[~:30 o'clock A picnic su er "
~ u, . pp
[recede the meeting. This wlll l bridge dinner at the home of Mrs. leader in the department of city
Macaulay on Tuesday evening, superintendents;Alice V. Myers.
e, lb J call meeting and a good at- Cards were played at six tables teacher in the Des Moines schools,
-- ice is desired, t
ECIAL L " "------ i following the dinner They will secretary of the Iowa council for
-- j~ ~0ria Sunday school class lbe hosts to the same number this the social sciences; J. E. Klrkpat-
s Peeled[ resbyterian church will i evening at the Macaulay home. rick, professor of education at
: ~:rtalne(i for a picnic supper, -------- Mornlngside. Iowa, vice president
:. Peach~y evening, November li, at Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall and family of the In~ltutlonal teacher place-
j~lock at the Miss Alice Cham- t who left Wednesday morning for sent association; Harris Dickey,
~home. ~their home in San Diego, Calif Fort Dodge Junior college dean,
were guests of honor at a pre- president of the Junior college sec-
Lloyd De~-n and Mrs. AltThanksgiving dinner at the hometlon; Ruth Homer, dean of girls
i cy will be co-hostesses at of Fred Zimpfer and daughter Miss at Franklin high school, Cedar
I rand bridge in the home Louise in Walker last Sunday. Mrs. Rapids, discussion leader for Junior
!. Dean on Tuesday evening. IHall and children had been guests!and senior high deans; J. Herbert
~WUl be laid for twenty-four. If r several weeks in the home of!Pest, superintendent of schools at
her father, F W. Moore and Mr. Cedar Palls. on the program for the
)h~n ral Evans and Mrs. How-][Hall, who is a First Class seaman, Iowa superintendents' club lunch-
nston Were joint hostesses in the U. S. Navy, spent a part of con meeting, Bernadine Burge and
.e iregular meeting of the his thirty-day furlough in the Hazel Cory, Newton discussion
auUstrial society, at the[ Moore home. Other guests pres- ! leaders in the mathematics section;
~f Mrs. Evans, on Tuesday ent for the dinner were: Mrs. Flora ] Dr. Edwin K. Mapes, professor of
Buck, F. W. Moore of Mount Ver-I Romance languages at Iowa unl-
non; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baker of]vcrsity and former professor of
and Mrs. William Matthews[ Walker; Mr. and Mrs. George Buck I Spanish as Cornell, addresses the
~lned all the members ell and family of Cedar Rapids; and lmodern language section.
anally at dinner last Sun-]Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heiss of Beloit,
mClUdedMcDonaldWere: MrMr" and Mrs.
:d aria Mrs'll wis 'Dr. Enn!s To Preside
Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Mrs. G. C. -L-u~ed presented a At Md~d~filllO" d~ Tt~v~
~Iatthews. ] group of music pupils in a recital I
at her home on last Friday eve-[;5OClOIOfflStS
~eHUtehinson, jr entertained/ning" Included in the group were: ] "J .
meets evening f the highat theSCh l nom l/Ronald Kudart, Shirley Kudart,I Dr. J. Harold Ennts, professor of
Sunday ~ Barbara Rowley, Dorothy Ann [ Sociology at Cornell is president
parents, Prof and Mrs. Mark Rogers, Dean and Keith Lusted. [ of the Iowa Association of Econom-
non. Dr
Mr. Lusted entertained the children lists and Sociologists and will pre-
eSspeak-e-r. Charles R. Keyes with a chalk picture illustrating [side at their annual meeting in Des
'cal U.nit recently sent 10 two songs following the recital. ,Moines on Friday. Dr C L Rich
--'----- The Lusted home was decorated]professor of Economics, Is secretary
regular meeting of the t~hhe
kUxiliary was held m "n with chrysanthemums and mar!-land treasurer of the organization.
hall on Monday evenl g. golds. When the children depart-[ Dr Russell Cooper, of Mount
ed for their homes, Mrs. Lusted] Vernon, who Is secretary of the
~,~xles to the Knoxville/presented them with flowers. ]North Central Association commit-
s and have placed an order ~ /tee on preparation of high school
P( pies which will be sold Tne ~sorneu ~clence elua Wllll teachers in voile es f 1"-- r " "
meet this evening at the Jordan wi g.o me a~ arts
ng Memorial Day. The] ~ it ,e a speaker at tne morning
house for a droner ~xaces Will oe
~ting nights have been ' " I se~lon.
laid for fourteen
m the llth of each] Miss Alice V. Meyers, Cornell '25,
i ~of the Lincoln high school faculty
e first Monday of each Miss Miriam xreer was nostess in Des M In
m tin of theI o es will take part in the
zor me montnly ee g ~ an " -" :
Thirteen club on Tuesday evening.I p e~ umcusslcn.
Mrs. Carl Travis and} A good attendance was present.]Mi~ .~a~u~lson ~L~'H ~ ~t-
Mrs. William Hog-IMiss Name Lathe, presented a re- .~'~.~ ~ " ,~u~ ~.g~,~
and Mrs. Irl Hood-]port of the Midwestern college Art lAt Lmn ~ouncll Meeung
cis enjoyed a pic-I conference held recently in Madi- ,- . -------
" "--"'"'ion- me regular meeting of the Linn
evening at the!son, wls. mere are a~ m~u~ ~ " nt -o n il --- I-- "
nee tmu y t~ u c,scneau ea zor
represented m the confere . November 6th, will not be held.
There will be a Special Meeting
on November 12, at 8:00 p.m at
the Wilson High School, 23rd Ave
and J Street, S.W Cedar Rapids.
Miss Agnes Samuelson will speak
on the subject, "School Isn't Out
When The Last Bell Rings." The
Linn Council invites every rural,
town and city teacher to hear this
}c GEM RAZOR 19c important message on teacher leg-
and IRON TONIC 98c islation. Every teacher interested
b.XETTEs, Sanitary Napkins, 12s 15c shouldin the beWelfarepresent. f Iowa schools
t b. MALTED MILK, 75c value 59c Art Dep ve
LPt- PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 79c American Art Week Soon
ERNOL CONCENTRATE for Reducing 98c -----
PABLUM BABY FOOD 39c The CorncU art department will
,join in the observance of "Ameri-
0 i can Art Sales Week" the last week
50c BARBASOL 75e LISTERINE !to November. The purpose of the
llll| 50c GEM RAZOR 75c THROAT LIGHT I week is to ~imulate an interest In
American art and to inform the
Both For Both For [ public that there is modern Ameri-
59c 98c [ can art for sale.
Miss Lathe of the Cornell art de-
rtment is planning to have ver-
Se GROVES BROMO QUININE 22071 ious works of student art for sale
and will also accept orders for the
lATEx, 8-oz $1 25, full pint $ galatone reproductions of famous
0c Turns, for Acid Stomach 3 for 25c paintings such as are on display in
Pt. LAMSON'S MINERAL"O'iL:[[[:::I:::II 29c t.e are exhibit room. The prints,
which can be purchased through
Pt. MI31 THROAT GARGLE -~: :"::~' }~i9c the art exhibit room. The prints,
LAS0L SKIN LOTION, 8 oz through the new reproductive med-
ium called galatone, which offers
IRITEN TOOTH POWDER 25c the neare~ approach to perfect i
fidelity in color reproduction which
For Kidney Disorder ] For Stomach Distress '] has yet been attalned~
RF-,XALL [ Use Immunization Program Gets
DIURETIC COMPOUND I BI. MA RE Under Way For Grade Pupils
Liouid or Tablet [ --. X The immunization program in the
Mount Vernon public schools was
50c and $1.00 ] 50c and $1.25 expected to begin today. Dr. P. F
5-c VICK's VAPO RUB 27 Ebersole and Dr. W. O. Krucken-
berg are co-operating In this pro-
ject. One hundred and fifty pupils
Doz. KOTEX or MODESS 20c have made application for immuni-
iOf IPANA TOOTH PASTE zation from diphtheria and small-
pox and will be vaccinated free of
~to REXALL MILK MAGN'E'SiX 29~ charge. The 'work will ,be done in
0C ALKA SELTZER '--'----'-'"-. . 49( the school building. After all are
taken care of in the Ward school
X ear Guaranteed HOTWATERBOTTLi '- "'"'"'"'"' "--- 89 the same project will be carried on
kLL 5c GUM, MINTS, CANDY BARS 3 for 10c through the upper grades.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Prall and Mr.
COTY'S WHITMAN'S and Mrs. James McCutcheon were
PERI~ITM~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Web-
CANDY er of Iowa City following the Pur-
All Odors 1 lb Sampler $1.50 due-Iowa
game on Saturday and at-
$ a
tended the annual Dolphin show at
A.0, $2.00. $3.50, $5.00 1 lb Fair Hill $1.00 the field house In the evening.
on thi
It the
seer oti
At Our Fountain
Try Our Tasty Sandwiches
Crisp Salads
Rich Creamy Malts Milk Shakes
igDl H'
Your Prescription Druggist
Masonic Bldg, Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Mount Vernon Social
Mrs. Robert Barnes was hostess
to the Tuesday afternoon bridge
club this week Cards were played
at three tables.
The members of the Jolly Seven
club surprised Mrs. Ray Farr, one
of their members in honor of her
birthday on Monday afternoon. A
picnic supper was enjoyed.
Miss Mary Kepler entertained
the New Century club on Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. J. B Laing was
a guest at the meeting and present-
ed a demonstration and led a dis-
eussion on the Holgate toys and
their advantages. Various styles
and types of toys were shown by
Mrs. Laing.
Negro population tn the city of by entertaining church. Those children left Wednesday for their
I~ ~. preferring will find restauranthome in San Disco Calif Mr~
l i~ew haven. Yney ~tU~lleu Ir. lroIn near by "~" ' " "~"
different angles, such as anthro- 12:45 ~leeting of Committees. Hall and children have visited in
nolo~y of the Negro, his social eus- AFTERNOON SESSION the home of her father Frank
iom ,
and heritage from the slave 1.30C~evo~lonra~l~,ervl~res~ngver-"-'----------- '" Moore for several weeks and was
system. "' non H. Carter." ~ -- ' " joined by Mr. Hall two weeks ago.
~)- W--ner m-a-~ -o .~rl".~ * *h~ 1 "45 Report of Committees. . The latter is on furlough from the
[ 2.00 Address "The Larger Task"-- U S Navv
sOUth atme ume el tnls atuuy in "r~ G ~'2::~-^c~'* " " ""
] OI ~J, ]. lrleyole .lit.
"derto gather more data on the 2:45 Comhlned Conference for all
history of the ne~'rn nrovl,~u~ fn ~h,~ D visions--County Director Mrs COUNC|L PHOC]EEDING~
Civil w~, and ~-." ::'- ~V A. Shupp. presiding. ' " Mount Vernon, Iowa
", a so to compare tne "tiptoe and Church Working To- October 28, 1940
Southerrl and Northern Negro. gether," Dr. W. G. Rowley. The Town Council of the Town of
A book on the above swbject en- 3:45 We pause before we go. Re- Mount Vernon, Iowa, met in special ses-
port of Resolutions Committee sion pursuant to advertisement, at
tltleu "Tne r~egro In ~ew riaven" 4-00 Benediction ' the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the above
by l)r. Warner will soon be off the date. The meeting was called to order,
" [ ~r^o~ t~ ~ a~ and upon roll call there were present
~l'~ttility, Bill Lynmn is tol)s on the CorneU footl)all team An t ~ I Local ltenuDllcans Mayor Roy A Nelson in the chair and
' . . IAoya UaKlanu, preslaent el tne ~- the following councilmen: Joh~ B.
all-conference g~mrd h~st year, Bill was shifted to the lmckfieid in the club, distributed programs listing ~-~t] '][~]|~r ~][~*~o~r Bryant E. C Prall, C L Rich, A. E.
ascend game of this se&~on after only one day's pra(,tice in the new ix~sl- [ the permanent committees for the t xx,zu x~aaj lllUl/~l[an~ Kudart and Lloyd Snyder. Absent,
' [ [ -------- none
ton. H ' I [ P " ' ~"
l e a(~ored the purl)le's Wiludng tou( hdown in that (~)ntest lu~d ensuing year The Re ublJeans of Mount Vet 'ih s being the time and place set for
t, the opening of bids for the sale of
ha~ ~Iternatod between lille tmd lm(.kfield ever sines. Although new at - [ non held a rally at the City HallStorm Sewer Bonds in the principal
t i, that Pur le Will e T on Tuesday evening Music planned amount of $8 000 00 the meeting w~s
ouarterback, Bill Js not new at eallit g signals He has Ime ( )illg I P Se k o Win [ =,
" . ~ T~ . - ,'. - ~-~ ,~ .~ [ by Mrs Carrie Pates was presentedthrown open Ior the receipt of bids for
for two years from guard and (~nt('r lX)sltions.Bill m al.~) one of the ] rtrst ~Ut Ut Town ~ame I hv mom b~.~ ,~ ,h, o n ~,~H~.~ said bonds. The following sealed bids
,-------- "~ ~ ' ~,~were received; None.
nation's best 175-pound ~-l, estlers ~md was hoping for a pla(c on the] Beloit's 6 to 0 defeat of Grinnellband. Led by Clark Hull the Open bids were then called for and
Olympic leant before the war cancelled the genies. I last Friday has turned the Midwest audtence sang the Star Spangled the best open bid wa, s as follows: 2%%
~ per annum plus $~1.00 premium on
~ [ conference race Into a dog fight, } l~anner ana.t~oa mess Amemca ana $8 000,00 by W D Hanna & Company,
-- -- ~-, * [T~* . ~-~ ~ ** I with Carleton Beloit and Grinnell}Mr. Hull sang a solo The pledge Burlington, Iowa
' ' Councilman E. C Prall introduced
AU(llence ]hnjoys !]ylrs forum vlee lng ] having good chances for the title [to the flag was given by Junior the following' resolu'tion ar{d mov,d its
].N 4-~.--4~ ! I)]n ~,~ l~ITn,~ A ~,~ ~ ~,T~,v/-/ Cornell will have much to say]Brace, James Laing and Richard adoption. C~ouncihnan )~. E. I~u~dart
IVI~I,~]b~I-IUI.I J[ ld,~ll[~ ~l,~ 2"1 IOU~i~ ~ ~i:;~'~/about the final results w~, *~ Dvorak dressed in thetr Boy Scout seconded the motion to adopt.
~" " ~" 1 ~ " I CX m r~ ~ ~,r -~ ~ I', "" I uniforms ~'be roll was called and the vote
~: lvtlnnesota SChOOl play~ here next uas as follows.
Ot Josepll l~onnet One 1o ~e on ~ov. I / "",-
/week, but this Saturday the Pur- Carl F. BecKer, committeeman, Ayes--John B. Bryant E. C. Prall,
------- ~ / ple invades Monmouth current eel [introducedCarl Hendrickson who A. E. Kudart C. L Rlch and Lloyd
t~ ~,n,~^ r~,~,-.~oUX I Vl ile llrSLHlCt~tlIlg Ot LII'~ iVtUUlIL ~ ' - I - ' Sn--der Nays' none
x~j. ~u~**~ ~,~v~ ~ S OKe of h im r ~ ' -~--- "
F h tVcrnon forum was held in the high/ler-h lder of the circuit The Cor-I~p t e po rant k,~uesin I Whereupon the Mayor declared the
aosepn ~onnet, notes renc t ~,hn~ ~i*,~ ~,~r,~ nn ~fnndnv ov~. [ nell offensive strength much lm- tne eampalgn cnarglng tnat WI~A I resolution adopted, as follows:
organist aria composer appearea m I .~,~ r~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~, / proved although futile a-alnst ! workers in Linn county were being [ ~ .U O
r "- "l "~- el ' "'"~" w,~, ~, v -- ~,'a~.~, aunu x~xx- / ~ I Whereas pursuant to notice-ts rc-
recital at Corns t tmi ege ~nap ,a ~ r.-^~ ~ ~ ~. .x,Knox should give ,Monmouth nlen t~o]u ~ney nat netter vote l)emo- -"lr-" b-"" ''" "
ni ~efor an au ],t,u . u. Dt~r~s, ~', a~epuD,- ~ ' ~ - * cra-i qu eu y ~aw, ores nave oeen recelveo
last ~rl :lay eve ng o e - --~. ~, x o;.~. -~a c ~ x~^.~ /~ty of trouble t e or tney woula lose tnelr jo~)s at public sale for Storm Sewer Bonds
,t:,~,~, ~ ~. .~,~. ,~,t. .~,~ "'~;'~"~"" " ' in the r 1 a
alence wnlcn succumDe(1 almost a~ ] a ~.~; ~m. -.~ ~-, / There Is only one cause f 'r,*" I and that pension receiverswere p inc'pal an punt of $8,000.00 and
in A1 ~ a ~ttt, Le~- * " " the best bid received ts that of H D
once to his. masterly play g. -1 ins why they were voting for the] easiness. The Purple haven't lost[ threatened 'with the loss of their i Hanna & Company, of B'urltngton, Iowa:
ways a Orllllant player wi ~on] . /a home game all ~ pens:ons if they didn t vote Demo said bid beln 2 e er annum lus
' ". - candidates of their respective part- " year and haven't g ~ 7~ p p
net has matured greatly since I I, t won an nut-of-town contest Corn ! cratlc.'fl'hank God we still have a $51;.;00 premium~ on $8,000. ;~00
" his n ~e~ " " " I z~,w lrtwt~vt)rtE mE tx t~ESt)l~v-
first heard him play m t cou paratlve records h secret ballot and everyone can vote
" o i - Mr ]3ecker said he was voting for/ ",owever, point to ' " " " " ED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF Tt-IE
try, until today one is m se m- ~r~^l, x~rm~ ~. ~ ~.^, ~.~ a termination of this jinx as they please," he said. t TOWN OF MOUNT VERNON, IOWA:
pressed by the warmth and poetry i~,~es~dent'i'~oosew~n't~vot~d ~t~ke~u~] ] The candidates were introduced! Section 1. That s.aid l).ld of ~V. D.
[ " ," . Hanna ~ ~ompany ot 15urllngton, iowa,
of his mterpretatlons rather than ~ ~.~ ~. --^|D.* L ~ ]and four reels of sound pictures[Is hereby accepted
by his stupendous technic. Some .7"a'.?~"2 !Z'. ~:"" V'".~'~/Dmn P masse ;SpoKe At ]shown. The first one pictured the[ Section2 ~That the form of contract
~,OUlCI Ivlr l~.OOseVelt nas nurl((a
of this is undoubtedly due to the l/~sul" : at ti~( ruiers of other n: [COnvocatiOn Last Sunday t debt contracted during the last 7 % [ for the sale of. said bonds is bereby
" F e . ts - ~ - ar an approveu an, toe 2,~ayor ant1 (:lerK
recent events m hm beloved ranc ~ ~ ~.~a .~.~ ~. ~ ~ ~ a] ~ lye s d the taxes necessary tel are hereby authorized to execute the
At me ~-;ornell all colic con
which have affected him deeply. ~)'~'~'si~e~i s: a . [ . . " - ge . -[pay it. Mr. Willkle and Mr. Me-tsame on behalf Of the To~:n. '
voc~uon rest Sunda af ern PASSED AND APPROVFD this 28th
M. Bonnet is complete master of " " [ ~ .- Y t pen,/Nary were shown on their farms, lea. o~~ ~:~ctober 1940 ~ ~
r who Tht(e ~e~sons were glven by Mr l~Isnop J llalph Ma ee stressed ~'~ ~ "~
his instrument, a performs "~" "~ "" "' " " " . ~ '/ '. . ;, . g [In the final reel Mr. Wlllkte an-I ' " Roy A. Nelson,
nd n o Brooks why he is voting for ~wr Kindness In his address entitled swered uestions n ~ Ma or
gives great satisfaction a e j y- . . .[ ~ q . a d explained his y
sent and who imnresses erie with Roosevelt. Mr. V illkie is untram-/ "Are we In ~everse Gear?" [ position on many of the issues of Attest: .
~ ~ T.I. Mitcnett,
his sincerity, warmth and simplic- ed for the positiou, he has no ex-[ I rof. F.ugene Devereaux, organ-/the campaign. Clerk
itv l-lo hag a keen sense of colorperienee in government, and he]ist, played the prelude and the] ----------~- - Moved by Councilman Bryant see-
o,~ ~h~ ~-nal ~ffects achieved in cannot have a majority in the Sen-[ postlude Pres John B Magee| M- and Mrs Merrill o-~-r-** ended by Prall that the C)uncil ad-
hlS performance were outstanding, ate. Mr. Brooks decried the appcal/~d the.service, with the Rev. W. Sunday guests tn the home of Mr. J ~rnr~ d'.neet at he call of th Ma:~o .
[oi.Wol]!i:ilL!i :,ii !~f~!~sn~el/[ftfneg~iini~hot~igpe~t~n!~V~n~?~F!{nl~eade:~erotmr~?p~?:~r~ an:M: T~ T.I. Mitch~ILrkRoy A Ne~O~or
haustive study of ancient music and Rapids Gaz .t e,
'the group of early compositions Bob Marshall, Cornell student,
included on the program were in telling why he wouh] vote for
played with an element of author-Norman Thomas said that capital- [] []
ity and sympathy seldom heard. ! ism was dying and that democracy U []
Rarely does one hear the great Fan-i would go down with it. He asked
tasia and Fugue of Bach interpret-for a protest vote against eonscrip-[] []
ed with so fine a regard for line tion and to extend democracy into [] []
and detail, which with the warmth industry by public ownership,m []
and color of the performance and Mr. Klimo stressed features of !l []
mastery of style made it the out-the farm program which inch[des[] []
standing performance of the eve- corn sealing and federal land ~bank H []
ning. Exceptionally moving was loans, He upheld the administra-1 []
Cesar Franck's "Piece Heroique." tion's attitude towards union labor
Taken at a slightly slower tempo by saying that he had carried a ~.~ []
than is usual it became a composi- union card for 40 years. I []
lion of truly heroic intent. The
compositions of the French School "I will vote for Wendell Willkie []
because I want to see genuine eco- l []
can perform them M. Bonnet's nomic recovery," said Mr. Rich. We [] []
own compositions were unusually need 10,000,000 johs and I favor [] []
well presented and thoroughly en- electing the man most capable of
joyed. His superb pedal technic doing that job." Mr. Vv'illkie would[] [] []
showed to great advantage in the try to create an almosphere in [] []
pedal cadenza of the Rhapsodie. which business could go forward []
For encores he played his own "Re- with eonfidenee. The new deal []
mance sans Parole" and the Pur- has 1)sen unable to achieve reeov- []
c ~ xr^~,nt~r cry and now adopt~ a policy of de-
e,x xtu t~=~ -- u ,~ a- featism. We don't have to live in a I1 i
~ perpetual emergency. We need [~
30 Page As we Are unity and have never had as much I1
Was Issued On Tuesday disunity as now. The election is][] []
-------- between two fundamental views, ll
A 30-page ed!tion of "As We Are," one seeking centralized control and[i i
the Cornell mimeographed saga the
- . other favoring only so much ]m~
zlne of student opinion was issued nttal overnm s w e 1
" ",~ ", g ent m e ne d. we[
Tuesday evening by the 14 staff can throw off the age old cla~|mm
members Shirley Sanderson of str~
',Iggle of Europe and regain our[[]]
Mount Vernon was among those her
itage of a healthy, virile society][]] 1
workm on the staff unde M
g 1, r Wlllkte, he said. There's an old adage about leading a horse to water.
Are".is a form of journal- After the preliminary" statement ] 1 ~.
There is a modern version about leaving circulars on the
lsm unique with Cornell. As far k n []
heel ub the p.~nel members as ed questio a
as is znown, no omer sc P " f e 1
i" ~azine Thiso ea h other and later questions|i~
llsnesa slm lar meg
were asked from the floor with the/i~
issue incluaes the answers m ques- - k 1 []
ll ornell meeting tasting unt. ten o'cloc -- door step which repel rather than attract.
~lonalres Illle(l OUt oy a ~ ---
. . l)ean AIDiOn 1( txing presiueclas
students for thispubhcahon as . ~l
. '. snell'man. 1
well as longer essays ot opinion
bv students and faculty members The discussion hrought out many 1 i
"An--~wc^rs b"y students were ,~'motei points, and opinions and the entire [] Any one can throw an advertising sheet on the doorstep, --
on such questions as Should Cor- .progran~ was enjoyed by the aud- []
nell enlarge? What do you con enos ot ~oo but is it read? Hundreds of families in Mount Vernon, Lis-
sider a balanced schedule? What The collection of $9.01 taken tn
is your pet peeve on the way the at the fo,'um meeting Monday eve- []
opposite dresses? What do you ning ,ill he adequate to finance ben and adjoining communities read the Hawkeye-Record m
think of "nuzzling"? Would you the two following meetings, and no
marry your girl before going to collection will be taken, and Herald each week because it contains the news of them- []
camp if you were drafted? The next formn number, a week
On the sub ect Should Cornell from t ~.111 [[]
J,i oday, " he given on Thurs-
enlarge? student opinion was al-]day Nov. 14th by a Des Molnes team I[] selves, their relatives and friends []
most unammous in kee mg Cor r e entln th Nation er
" P" -t epr.s, " g e " al conf.- []
ne/1 as It isMost felt that that on( f Chr~stt~ an
"" I . :e o ", :ns (1 Jews, made il
all the advantages of Cornell, close luo of Itahbi Mannhelmer ~ath.r []
student faculty contacts frmndh "Welsh Prof s
i -," "" [ -, e. sor at"t-he-'Ca-tholic []
ness school s lrlt and the hke /c ll
,P" ',",o ege "n Des Moines and Rev. Wil- []
would be lost if the school were lard Johnson, associate minister of
enlarged, the I lymouth Congregational
One Cornell boy, on the question church in Des Moines. They will
concerning "nuzzling" (necking) speak also at the Cornell chapel
said "If you're going to marry the service and a high school assembly.
girl anyway, all right. If not, keep []
your shirt on, Johnny." Rotary Club Sees Sound []
Hale Men Are Arrested For Movie On "Vacuum Tubes" []
Coon Hunting Out Of Season The Rotary cluh program on []
Tuesda,y evening at the Goudy Tea []
Three hunters at Hale were ar- Room was a very interesting and
rested Friday by R. W. Beckman, instructive sound movie on "Vaeu- []
conservation officer for hunting um Tubes" shown by W. E. Pope []
with trailing dogs within the 30 day ~)f the Northwestern Bell Telephone
closed period. Two of them W. ]). Co, of Cedar Rapids. The movie
Wbolison and Frank Baumgardner, explained the use of vacuum tubes
were fined $10 each before Justicein amplifying the voice on long
R. I. Mclntyre of Anamosa and distance calls and in radio broad-
Morris Tubbs received 15 days in casting. []
jail. The men ,were said to have Howard Boekhaus, local tele- []
been coon hunting before the sea- phone company representailve,
son opens on Sunday, Nov. 10th. planned the program.
The Hawkeye-Record and Herald is an invited and wel-
come guest in these homes It can take your advertising into
these homes under favorable circumstances.