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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 8, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 8, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ML VernoL I~ Hawkeye-Record stud The Lisbon Hel~ld 6 Thu,Nov. g, raye n J Want Students For Springville Band Although enrollment in the in- strumental music program is largest ever in Springville schools, Director Roy T, Schwab wants to increase it by 30. The senior band has been organ- ized with 51 members. Many new students are needed to keep it at 50 pieces. It should be possible to have a 65 piece band. Enrollment in the band depart- ment in a school the size of Sprin~- ville should be much larger, Free lessons and low rental on instru- ments are available. Every stude,~ should at least try invtrurnenial music. It could mean a college scholarship. meeting at the Westminster church Cedar Rapids, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. The meeting at Wyoming, will be Nov. 16. HONOR CPL. VERLE PATTON The Harley Williams' of Coggon and the Darrell Manleys entertain- ed at a family dinner Sunday at the Manley home in honor of Cpl. , Verle Patton v;ho is home on leave 'from the army. Present were the Leland Pattens and Margaret Ann , and the James Pattens, Carolyn and Kenneth, of Cedar Rapids, the Merle Pattens and Roger of Man- chester, the Harley Williams' and the honored guest, Cpl. Patton and Mrs. Verle Patton. COMING EVENTS Regular meeting of Springville Mas:onic lodt~e Monday ewming, N;v. 12. t.ove Chapter O.ES. 'ill meet in regular session, Tue. day eve- nine, Nov. 13. Springviite has one of tht- finest Rev. Karl Swanber;. v~s a dinner and best equipped Class C bands ffucst S~:nday of lhc Harry Smiths in the state. It is the goal ef the Afternoon callers ~(re the Ray director to make it the lagest Class Polloeks cf Cedar Rapids. C band in the state. Students in- Mr. and Mrs, A, R. Pearson had terested may see the director at as dinner and supper guests George the band room any Monday r]Minishes and sons of Whittier and Tuesday. other supper guests were George Drips' and Ruth of Marion, the Mar- Springxiile - Viola Methodist vin Pearsons and t~arby of Mason Church, O. L. Allison, Pastor- Choir practice a~ the Springville City were evening visitors. church Thursday evening instead The Harold Reeses and the Don of Tuesday, on account of the bas- Ketelscns of Center Junction were ket ball schedule that opens next Friday supper guests of the Ken- v, eek. Churches of the community ne~thv.Ye~l~r~in of State Center are asked to take charge of the wr~e~'" verni ~ visitor of the Paul CROP contributions for 1951 which as n o - g rs "'" "e r-" "r^'~" -* "" "" aterners ann CalleCl on 1~1 -. IVllnnl are tz~ be some fa,p ~,u~,a, equivalent in money and clothingw~lson.~amraay. ~'-^n ra .1~, ,~o~A,~,~ foroverseasuse Mrs. lvlary ~oyo YlSlteU ID .t~I~UU u. sem.j ~--~,- * Efforts ,ill be made to complete T cthea~eka3~?ence en'o ed the it from Nov, 11 through Thanksgiv- P Y . .= ~.J Y ing. Services for Nov. ll: Preach- ~ amliy ~amYFr~atne 4t~2m~ti~ee ~ng~ V~ola 17:00 a.n~choS~r~norg~inlle Pw~a;"e~n;oyed by ~any who could ~.~, o~,oj ' ~" ~" v i rt ville 10:00 a.m Viola 10:45 a.m. n -t'att?rde2heR:c~n nfgamPi~-Y'were tile Y Presbyterian Church, Roy. Karl guests in the Charles Schmidt home Swanberg, PaYor -- Services at 11 in Albany, Ill Sunoay. a. Topic: "How I May Draw Near-Mrs. Harold Reece spent Monday er to God" Nov. 11 Congregational and Tuesday with her parents, the meeting after the morning ser- Kenneth Yeisleys while her hus- vice to discuss budget. All mere- band was in Des Moines taking his bers urged to attend. At 2 p.m.physical. meeting to plan for "Every Mem-Mrs. H H. Sm!th was quite ill the her Canvass." Young People's ~ first of the wee~. i Tests made under actual farm conditions prove conclusively that Leco Hog Balancer puts weight on hogs faster. It contains all the neces- sary proteins, vitamins and minerals swine need in addition to Vitamin B-12 and Antiobi- ot,c Feed Supplement. Get your hogs to mar- ket faster with Leco Hog Balancer. LISBON I!LEVATOR, Inc. Phone 4- Lisbon, Iowa n FARMERS!,I Fbr The Best Rendering Service- CALL MT. VERN0g Larson's Produce 58| 1 = LISBON Lisbon Produce Daffy Service For Removal of Dead or Disabled Livestock CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. PERMIT NO. 1 EASTERN IOWA LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. U. S. Highway No. 30 MECHANICSVILLE, IOWA at 11:00 o'clock We have three packer buyers besides the shippers and local trade to buy your fat cattle, butcher cattle, veal calves and fat hogs. We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at Public Auction Bw/ers from Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois to buy all classes of stock cattle and hogs. Commission, 3% on first $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% after that. The larger the consignment, the lower the commission. Always a reliable market with competition. Truck your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sale. Veal Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Stock Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Fat Cattle and Butcher Cattle sold in order named. We are buying fat hogs every day for the big packers paying more money net to the farmer. Call for our market prices on fat hogs before you sell. Business Phone Residence Phone No. 259 Mechanicsvllle, Iowa No. 5:3 II I The V. B. Boyles had as their , Ruests from Thursday until Tuesday their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Zuber, Lolene, Chauncey, and Jerry of New Ulna, Minn. Join- ing the group for dinner Sunday was their Other daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Victorine. Betty Kay and Caroline of Cedar Rapids. Report To The People Of the Lisbon Independent School District [ ;:: :,~t i:l:d t)f L2u:trl~ r.~ : ZL!:.t:: (; elle r.~l,FIIlld %,ua,"~ r . ~T.536.27 "i'~ t.i 1' ~,pts f,r Do you live on this farm? If you do, come to this office and claim an 8x10 inch enlarge- ~: :' : s<~: 2{ merit of this picture without cost. Watch this space eoch week for an aerial picture of a farm *c(,u~l ~,+ Aec,untExpl.:.~DiTrRESfor. ~a.~a:i~`(, in the Mt. Vernon-Lisbon community. The picture in last week's issue was the Chanes M. Wick- ~a,:ul~r Salaries Paid ham farm 4 miles north of Mt. Vernon. f.r ~uarter $G.344.63 (,Ii, r Varrants Issued ---i~ l!:Dnllt 5,52g,?,7 Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley spent Sun- CAMP FIRE COUNCIL FIRE day with her mother, Mrs. Esther The Campfire council fire was Fishel in Mr. Vernon. Mrs. Fishel held at the K. Gibson home Friday is improving slowly from her hip evening. Receiving ihe trail seek- injury, ers rank were Ralta Thiessen, Doris The Glenn Bowdishes and Charles Fehlhafer and Nancy Carahan. Mrs. visited the John McHughs at Lis- Battin and Miss Howell of Cedar ben Sunday evening. Rapids had charge of the council The Willis Boots' visited Sunday fire. in the Harlan and Rob Bickerstaff home at Morley and Harlan Bi~k- AMERICAN E-DI~-CATION WEEK erstaff and the Boots' motored to The Springville schools are plan- Oakdale to visit Mrs. Bickerstaff. ning for observance of American Mrs. Warren Carpenter visited Education Week. No special pro- Tuesday in the C. R. Mitchell borne grams will be given in the kinder- in Marion and called on her uncle, garten or first six grades, but par- Tom Ralston at theMcConaughy ents and friends are invited to at- Nursing home. tend the regular classroom aerial- Dinner guests in the Clintonties in these grades. Each forenoon Walton home Sunday were the and Tuesday and Thursday after- Harold Griggs' and sons, Carol and noon the junior and senior high Dennis of West Chester, the Dale classes will meet as usual, and vis- Ingles of Crawfordsville and the itors will be very welcome. M. R. Pearsons and Barby of Mason On Monday and Wednesday after- City. noons, beginning at 2, special pro- Visitors Sunday afternoon in the grams will be presented by the jun- TWO Bertram 4-H'ers Mrs. Ella McShane home were the ior and senior high school classes. Hold County Office Clifton Hawks and Leslie Dunns Extra-curricular activities will be of Marion and Lets and Mabel Me-represented; audio-visual methods BERTRAM -- A large delegation Shane. will be illustrated, and Mr. Laird of 4-H members and their leaders The Cuyler Reeds were Sunday will present the special education attended the annual meeting and dinner guests of the Gone Reeds. work. Student Council work willbanquet in Springville Saturday The Walter Shadles of Cedar also be presented and there will evening During the election Ann plies 20 03 Rapids called Sunday evening on be demonstrations of classroom Vislisel was chosen vice president J. s. Latin & Sons. Equip 234.39 Intnl Business 2,Iach Co the Jens Pedersens` work in various subjects Each of the girls' clubs and Defray Mdse 19 50 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mohr and daughters of Preston were Wednes- day evening dinner guests in the Fred Reck home. Mrs. Mohr and Mary stayed until Sunday. Mr and Mrs Van Nordstrand and the Dale Uphams, all of West Union, were guests of the Fred At the Linn County 4-H meeting i Legion Armistice Day at Springville Saturday evening I Ann Vislisel, daughter of the George I Dinner Set For Sunday Vislisels, was elected vice-presidentt of the county organization and Den-. The annual Armistice Day di~: nis Schladetzky was elected secre- ! nor will be held at the Legion iary. Both are members of the~f r all members of the Mt. Vern0~ Bertram 4-H Clubs. Legion and Auxiliary and thei{, families on Sunday, Nov. 11, a~. Keep the farm workshop orderly 6:45. Bring well filled baskets a~l at all times. This can help prevent table service. Coffee will be fu/- :accidents. nished. WI @ Neeos Men For Plant Work No Experience Needed Fine Working Conditions High Starting Pay Day or Night Shifts Sick Benefit Plan Mrs. B!ocm is ill in St. Luke's"r,t~l Exl*enditur(s 11.S68.00 hospital in Cedar Rapids. ~ .| Royal Neighbors met Thursday in J~,+P, an~,' at End of Quai't,r,$ 4,29.19 l-'a,d Ho,r a-s the :J. Voodworth home with 12 I'I~TxS~t~:AR~Ae+.~T+ ii ii~ ] . - II members a.P~d 1 guesl presem. ~<.hoolhonNe Fund Mrs. Al,:ce Swehla of Chicago ~,+n ~k. ~ T,'. ~o Int. Insurance ,~ ~ oP."n''c;+" spent the week end in the C. Bo- M';J+hli:; ~lsX.;/.i'i~rl:''i~;';n,i"'~ 75.00 land home. ," and' In't. ".' :". 1.062.50 N +" nt I=hmd Mrs. Orville McShane is getting M~,rchants . at, .~ ~ " along fine after an operation in the and lnt 1,612,50 Anamosahospital. r,tal Apply At Employment Office Mrs. EssieSheehy and grand- General Fund ' ~,o'h " d Tt,wn [,f Lisbon water. . .$ 77.28 .~ ~ ter Kae spent the weeken. Treasurer (,f Sta'te Use l:ax 5.42 in the Lawrence Sheehy home m la Elec I ight & Power ++ + ++++ +++ |!ILSON ~ C( h~wa State Tele. Co service2,(+.22 ~ne Jollette's noO ClUD were en- v'~ ' ~ ,~ "'~' t, " " ~, ll.'on s u~r Mark~ gr( - t tertained in the Alva Sheehy home certes 351.54 Sunday evening. Prizes were given . It:Call's Plumbing & Heat- ln/K repairs a; ~a to Mrs. Gladys Hanna and Vance ('rawford Htg and Elect '+" 1"6~h Ave.; & 3rd St. SE McKinnon, high; Mrs. Mary Mary " J-:epairs " "~ 42.62 McKinnon and Jack Johnston, low. Hawk~'y .Herald, printing. ~5.71 Cedar Rapids, Iowa "ffi~ "" ~+ "lie dltll~e~ l%ellV laoor ]b UU ~ext party Will De at tile urvl i ~t,(,n Bk "~- Tr Co''In 308"48 Cox home. l: ,kva Assn. ache'el i}'oarh~J," ' " The Thermometer Has Already Registered Sub-Freezing! You have dear, straight-ahead vision. You have better control of your work. You have more use- ful pull-power. See us for a Prove to Yo#rself demonstration on your farm. We furnish the Farmall, you be the driver. Call us today. Mount Vernon, Iowa 09 23. 24. 25. ttedves, Helen L NE'~ NE~/~ See 27-82-5 243.08 and two grandchildren of Tipton. 26. Hedges. Helen I SWat NE% See 27-82-5 :10.691 The Denny Neals entertained the 27. Hedges, Helen I SE~ NE% See 27-82-5 120.32 Corn Club Saturday, Nov. 3, with 28 Hedges, Helen L N~ N~,V~I SE% See 27-~2-5 15.96.18 members and ll children present. 29. Hedges, Helen L NE!~ SE~I Set- 27-82-5 243.08 The Adolph Bidermans and Austin 30. Rottman, Donald W S~/~ N'W% Sl-?~a See 27-~2-5 15.9~ Armstrnogs were in charge of the 31. Rottman, Donald W S~r% SE'~ See 27-~2-5 30.69 program which consisted of a group I 32. Munsen, A. P SE% SE!i Sec 27-82-5 151.00~Of Halloween games. Refreshments~ were served by the hostess. And you are further notified that at sald hearing" the amount appor-i Callers in the Don Dolezal home' tioned to any tract or parcel of land may be increased or decreased without further notice; that all objections to the establishment of said Friday afternoon were Leland Wade district; to the above apportionment or to the proceedings relating of Cedar Rapids and Marlyn Wade thereto, must be specifically made in writing and filed with the County and his bride of Ryan. Marlyni Auditor on or before noon of the day set for such hearing and that Wade, a cousin of Mrs. Dolezal, is i failure to so make and file such objections wilt be deemed a conch:sire waiver of all objections, home on furlough from Fort Riley, Kan. Tuesday evening the Dolezals Dated at Cedar Rapids, Iowa this 25th day of October, 1951.attended a shower for the newly- Otto F. Hanzlik Linn County Auditor weds at the Silver Creek Hall near November 8th and 15th. !951. Ryan. i Mrs. Ethel Wilson of Martelle 'snent the week end in the Charles Ford home. Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fulwider r,~ ,V',+|I," ~, - rds S12rds Sec. 26-82-5. 110,49 Hoffman, Harold Glenn NE~ S~V!~ Sec 26-82-5 29.46 Hoffman, Harold Glenn SE'4 S~,V~ Sec 26-82-5 29.46 Hedges, Helen L N~V~,~ NE~ Sec 27-82-5 30.69 9. Achenbach, Walter & 'tVilda M SE~,i N~,V'~-ex 1A S pt Sec ~posil, sr. visited relatives in Rowley ] 23-82-5 28.24 Sunday, the George Kanda family 10.Clark. Russ & Laura E S 10 rds ~V 20 rds SE~,~ SEll i November 1 and 2 Mr. and Mrs. ] Nv~'~ cx NW diag~.~ ~ 4 :Ben Neal helped Mr. and Mrs. Del rds & ex NE diag~ E 4 rds thereof Sec 23-82-5 1.23 Taylor move into their new home} 11. P',roulik, Emll F. & Theresa F NWkl S~,V14 Sec 23-~2-5 117.86 at 928 7th Street S. W Cedar I 12. (+,lark, Ross & Laura E NE~4 SV ~i See 23-82-5 29.46 Rapids` 13. Broulik. Emil F. & Theresa F S~V'~ S~A'~i Sec 23-82-5 117.86! Your correspondent would appre-: 14 Clark, Ross & Laura E SELi S~V ~4 Sec 23-82-5 29.46 elate having news items from people 15. Henik, George F N~V~.I N~,V~:I Sec 26-82-5 117.86in the Palisades Vicinity' Please feel 1/ 1/ o 16. Henlk, George F SW ~ NW ~ Sec 26-8.-5 117.~6free to call me when you have 17. Clark, Ross & Laura E NE~ N~.V% Sec 26-82-5 29,46 news. ~8. Clark, & Laura E SE% N~V!~,-ex S 18 ft Sec ! The Joe Viktors and Don Dolezals 26-82-5 2 46 were guests Friday evening at a 19. Hoffman, Harold Glenn S18 ft SE~.I NW'I Sec 26-82-5 1.23 birthday dinner in Cedar Rapids 2(}. Conk]in. Burdette J NW% SWll Sec 26-82-5 114.18 given by Don Brutsman in honor of 21. Conklln, Burdette J S~r!.~ SWLt ex ~V 6 rds E 12 his wife's birthday. I. Pospisil, Joseph F. & Mary J SW!I NEll Sec 22-S2-5 $ 30.69 Mr. and Mrs. John Henik of Konigs-i 2. Pospisil, Joseph F+ & Mary J SE~I NE!~. Sec 22-82-5 106.81 mark, Sunday 3. Broulik, Emil F: & Theresa F N~,V~. SE~/I Sec 22-82-5 30.69 Happy Homemakers will meet at i 4. Broulik, Emil F & Theresa F NE!~, SE!~ Sec 22-82-5 243.08 the Bertram Hall Wednesday Nov. 5. Broulik, Emil F. ~ Theresa F N~ SV,'% SE~4, Sec 22-~2-5 15.96 14, at 1:30 for lessons on stuffed toys i 6. Broulik, Emil F. & Theresa F N~.~ SE,~ SE~,i Sec ~'~-82-5, 60.16'andi artificial flowers. + 7. Hedges, Helen I S% SE See 22-82-5. 76.12 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biderman and I 8. Broullk. Emil F. & Theresa F S~V~I NW~ Sec 23-82-5 126,45!Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pos-I i were guests Thursday in the F. G. " NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE ESTABLISHMENT [Anderson and Donald McGinty' AND THE APPORTIONMENT OF COSTS OF PROPOSED SECONDARY ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTHICT NO. 280 ',homes. Notice ia hereby given for a hearing on the proposal for tbe establish- I ~ rs. Peter Dows and children ment of a Secondary Road Assessment District and the apportionment iw~ent tO Brooklyn Friday. of 5C% of the estimated cost of the proposed improvement. I Services are held each Sunday Said hearing before the Board of Supervisors will be held at their office in the Court House. Ceda/" Rap!ds, Ltnn County, Iowa, at 2:00 in the Methodist church. The Rev. o'clock P.M December 4th, 1951. i Maynard Beal of Cornell college is ,['he following road Is proposed for improvement by surfacing witbipastor. crushed stone at an estimated total cost of $4950 of which $2475 is to! be raised by assessment Descrlptlon of road: ', Palisades Commencing at the Southwest eorner of Section 26, Town- t Mrs. Don Dolezal ship 82 North, Range 5 West, thence running North approxi- , mately 1.65 mile to the Junction with road at a point approxi- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zinkula enter- mately 0.15 mile North of "W~, corner of Section 23, Township 82 North, Range 5 West, lying in Franklin Township. tained the Don Do!ezals at dinner! The following is a schedule of the amounts apportioned to each tract'Sunday. +* and parcel of real estate included within the proposed district. The Antone Bidermans called on i NO. Owner Description, en4 Antone's sister and brother-in-law, ', F ++ Taylors Saturday. The James Dunns, Gary and Jo- Ann were Saturduy evening din- ner guests of the Dolph VanSickles at Mr Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Pedersen vis- Good Storm Sash not ited Chris Pedersen Friday and re- port him improving from his re- only m a k es your cent injury. Miss Mabel McShane entertained home more comfort- . ' ' R st colle e Holl H,mghton Mifflin Co. books 16.56 at dinner Wednesday M~ss Tacy Mary EIwn of Spencer ~pent the ldents are from u . g ' t.YiHamilton Pubg Co b'ooks 5 20 Willits, Mrs, L. P. Krome, Mrs. week end in the Harve Lacock: Springs, Miss ann return annual-;cha npion Pubg C() bool~'s 3 66 able it saves ma- Maude Secrist and Mrs. Ella Mc- home ily on their northern tour to give J. P. Lippincott'Co "books 56~37 Shane, all of Whittier. The Willard Bentleys and Wayne !concerts in the interest of their !~;~ltntsFo :e~n~InrC#~{,b~ks] ] 2~4:6696 + ; Ih er.a ~ on fuel! n nf g 1 r school Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Fishel and of Glidden were Thursday d'nne 1i Madge Young, expen, es 25.~0 let old, poor fitting children, Clark Newell and Mark of and supper guests of the George . . . " ~ r- i Kal.iban Appliance Co ser- " storm .windowsT rob ~s'~ 1. c~+ a .~' "D + Lasl riles 1or harry ~.~ymer w~ ~ vices ~.~ , were ~,ur,ayulnn=, ,v~s` + ~- ,a ~x~ a ^ ~ + +h.~ ~ ~ +~, ! Tayhr Music Co nlusic 20 05 nelu e.n=~uo~ a. ~~ j, ' + guests in the Kenneth Yeisley The Paul Salzers of Perry and iM. Cach Glass Co. mdse 10.72 you this winter. home R M Ernersons of Marion were cnapel wlin ourla~ In ul : t a~p'u~a* i Ha~mmnd & Stephens, sup- t The A. C. Rodmans returnedThursday callers on Mrs. Wilbur iCeme.t,ery', -nd ~tuffed iwplleSxv~l~h"nifg"~t;'~fo'l~s 49"663 2kruIlClal ilO~A~ers a ~ .- : -, Monday from ws~tlng relahves at Whltaker { f the!& 31 Carbee Insurance 168.10 Lime Springs Deeorah and Wau- The Everett Beatty family of I} Y.s .w~n :~oofei:UbVe~teld ~n the " ' --=+ ken. ' Shellsburg, the D. L. Stearns of Mr. ~ralnlng s d ~-,5. . ~f o W*n~;1 V~ a ~# g'~,~ ~l~e. ~ "U'*,~ ~h, T~h~,~ ~r,~,~A ~,A uommunlty hall on INOV. 1,3 t~t~a " i I. L. l-~. Crelly, ~ecretary ot tne re. ,~ --,*--s ,* ,~.-o-o -,~ --~.-,- -o.~'~ - ,^.~ ~ ~ ,0e,~ ~ ~lubs from above named School District do was a Saturday visitor of the H. daughter were Sunday, dinner + v++ u'. ,+seVeral ,owncn|ps~:" w|,~+"+'+'-~'-ta~+ p,r, m + herebycertify that this report, 11~I !'I ~IS~,''" .~I*I~I H. Smiehs. guests ofthe W. H. Stearns " ! pages 1 and 2 is a true and correct I ' I~ Mr. and Mrs. Verner Thuesen on- Mr. and Mrs. Alva Sheehy and e lng. . i- work" retrained over the week end Harry daughters were Sunday dinner I'- I~. ~. ,Jones re~urn7 ;w;' weeks' i Board of said District for the quar- [ ~amruay ~o owlng and Morley See of Chicago. guests in the Marlin Sheehy home l i ter ending September 30, 1951. near aosence because OI illness. L~ E. CRELLY, Secretary Re,orts of the condition of Mrs Paralta ~ :',' r; '.Mort~ll ~" " " J Xtr and Mrs, Charles McGinty ell Subscribed and sworn to before Addle Cline indicate no improve- Ed Merritt is helping his brother ~ *" r, ^i ~me this day of A D 1951 ! ' Jeaar l-taplas ann ~r~. r~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ." ment. Fred thin week after the latter fell ~ the + . otar.x. Patricia Taylor and Leonard out of the hay mow and broke his 'w~ere ]~nzi~3rguests ~unoay o, Johnson of Anam sa attended the arm r ,'~ l i Mrs. l.~ale L/Osen lS VlSl~lng ne wedding of the latter s m~ter m the The Lafe Richardsons of Onawa r' First Lutheran church, Cedar Rap-+visited this week in the Clarence + P~nn~ *~fc?e;I~l~n gs~er;" s~: i i+, where Miss Dorothy Johnson Taylor home They were on their + ,+' +o -' -- " " and William Wratten of Cedar wayto Florida. in nea az r ~)n~e nlrcUhostess at a ~n tour term. . 1,mrs ~ ~t es s Rapids were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starks en-, ~ ~t- "o~.~ ; ~ ~ r,~.~ w,~h~r+i Mr and Mrs. Kyle Clark visited!tertained at birthday dinners for :~"'~'o ~" ",~" .~,~n :'~,~ven" i in the Will Clark home at Linn Wand Lind, and Junior, Sunday. ~oomare znursaay er: ~ "i Grove Sunday. ;Present were the Vernon Miner l'Y;Zs~ve guests wer~reiPrt++e~+t.+,+ 0"'~ ! The James Thomsons attended i family of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. A. + ": " ~"'= h~rien(~s ~n+'~ham~: ,x~eeKe a WlIn e the teachers meeting at Des Moines I Taylor of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and " " i last week I Mrs A. Miner i Paten' l~. ron A ors and Dianne : } has. y y; Dues 20.00 Nt,rman Hatton, services 762.30 Modern Saw Co Md. e 1.55 R. A. Travis, repairs 6.57 Km'ena Co Oxygen ' Lustre Sheen Prods wax . 10.20~ L. E. Crclly. postage 8.62! Midwest Visual Serv Iihns 23.97i Standard Oil Co Mdse 12.03 (;. C. Miehe, mileage 144.47 Pigatt Supply Co supplies 26.64 b:lipto Loose Leaf Co sup- afternoon at 3:30 the foods class will Schladetsky secretary of the boys' (;. M. Brooke, Expense ]9.60 serve tea to visitors. 490.27 The. P.T.A Student Council and, clubs. Mrs. Gerald Butlerfield Lisbon Garage, repairs ' C.L. Hoeft, Mdse 15.16 was a member of the serving corn- Franks & Sons, fuel and the faculty cordially invite the mittee. George Vislisel and Mrs. mat l 8o7.66 public to attend. C.C. Berry were among the lead-Ia. Pupils P~ading Circle, books 300.04 ers present. State l'2duc. Agenc.x, books 7.63 The Coleman Vineyards and the McGraw-Hill Co books ]1.94 Raymond Vineyards of Aurora, Me ON LEAVE Hillyard Sales Co Mdse 45.25 spent several days last week with Arnold Ditch, who has been 't;lobe Machine Co Mdse 6.01 the Dennis Cummings'. stationed in Korea, is now on a 30 i Mo]ine Body Co,bus rush- Mrs. Glen Brewer and Mike of day leave. He will return to duty !A~'~eana Corp Encyeh)- 206.60 Martelle were Friday guests in the Nov. 21. |,edia 159.80 :Ginn & Co books 152.99 Vesta Stiller home. I --------,Continental F'ress, books 34.86 Mrs. Tommie Frasier and child RUST COLLEGE SINGERS Webster Pub'g Co books 19.08 of Monticello were Friday callers I A group of Rust college students Lyons & Carnahan, books 40.64 in the Mary Jones home ~will present a musical program inJ- c. Winston Co books 95.48 Mr. and Mrs. A E. Case have, the Methodist church on the eve-:MoCormick Mathers Co moved in town. i ning of Nov. 21. These colored stu- ! R2x~l?k~etersen Co books 20.12 98.53