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November 8, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 8, 1951 |
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Mr. Vernon, h Hawkeye-Eecord '^rm-ll J;ll W;m,4 lln Rams Can c 'Establish" Memorlal" ~Tr,-C,tv"" Rotary ~iHeHo World I CARD OF THANKS T FOR SALE: Oak china closet,
~ u ------~ IJsbo. llerald r' bxveca .l I wish to thank my friends and!three ~ides glass Phone 4951 3P
N k 51"" Page 8 Season Against Knox - " - " " -
Ca e m For Late Mrs, Qu,mby rt;m,4-`. 1.1 I,4 1.1 Bor. to Mr. and Mrs Kenneth j lylat,ves the cards and hewers. FOR SALE: Hot water tank
~vvvw ~ ,~rq;~q~eovgg ~ :l~t'nsngn1~-s g g~wn~,l l n~g~ "Pe*e' on of Ely ttt l a dan,h~r '* nurmg my recent ilmess. ~pecial nace coil and coal-wood tank heat-
3OHN E DILL Cornell will seek its first victory " ' I "
-= h E Dill 61 a native of Mt lot the 1951 football season in its Basketball workouts at Cornell i MaSUpPwrotrf~, athl~t ~r [rkno:foMmans! "As long as my heart and strength at Mercy i tn?:nk~i;: itnhtheglsl(ou%h~i~%es~~tahl erieR Y foung, 4951.
J n . :' ~ ' "~ ~ in Cedar 1 final game against Knox at Gales- started Nov. 1 under the direction teaching in the Allen high school for permit I will carry out the pledge .~ . ".~ . .~ and to those who helped at my I ~r~ ~.1~i:. we nave se ,
vernon wno nafl resmefl I ~. ~, a~, I of the new coach, Gil Wilson. Seven Negroes at Asheville N C, has been of no rot in the government strut- ~rn l~ ~,ir. ann lvirs. ~reo ~yres i home All was greatly appreciated i aparzmems ann nouses I or re~
Rapids for 44 years, died at 12:30 i ~-s j. !lettermen are back including all adopted as the goal 'for'a' memorial i ture and my oath as mtorney Fen- o z ~onroy. at St. Luke's hosp/ta/,' Mrs Glenn Plattenberger ~.urn!sne~ anfl unmrnisnea, t~a~.
a.m. Monday in a Cedar Rapids hos- . High winds and a snowstorm five starters Bud Dresser Ted ~.~--.-:.;- ~ a~-o r,~.^~ ~ ~zr ~ ;~ i,~,~i~ ~,~h,~t ~L ~* ~ Lecar Rapids. a daughter Kathleen ' :Ior mrmer inIormation. PRINO~
~ital He had been emoloyed b~ namperea ~ornens aerlat attac~ ' v.u s ~.o ~,~= ,~ ~. . ~ ~ .
Penick & Ford for 22 years. Mr. i against Grinnell last week, and the !Hahn, Lloyd Olmstead, Don Gruen- Mrs Quimby wife of a former attorney general at the inter-city Sue. Saturdas, Nov. 3. Mrs: Eyres : CARD OF THANKS REAL~Y SERVICE, dml 6891, YI~
iwald and Don Nelson. professor of religion at Cornell, died : meeting of Rotarians and wives an~ljn~e ,ne~v.~a ycame t Jhe.Par- - ~. ,~.~ ~ ,~ vernon.
Di]lbeth waSKimballa brotherof Mt f VernonMrS" Eliza- [Ramsand I throughPiCkedthe air.UPPrior nlYto the17 Grin-yaras The season should be a good one. in Owensboro Ky Oct 1 from Monticello Anamosa Mt Vet-: ~;]a~o~a~[;n c~eas~iy n~:]teew.e~n~-al~ ~'o"emem~b'ere~m~e'x~'~t~'car~s WANTED: Home for four kitte~
of "Mi~s Margaret i3ill of Cedar inell clash, Cornell had gained more ;Cornell took second place in the The Allen high school is being non and Lisbon at the Mr. Vernon . -' ' x~:- r " g ~.'r, e . "~. " . !~ Charlotte Blake. Dial 6605.
Ra~idz'i i~e is iil~o survived by I yards through the air than on the Midwest. Conference, last year built, with funds raised, by the Moth- Methodist. church Monday evenin~.~, m Cem-ey. ana ~m~vers. anflvmose .~no eaueo,--~~G~~~. . ~
~t x~ or] th fnst - o ] n,e {,uzmg m sta 113. ine nos-
~ -, Llosd Olm~ ead as e " od~st Woman's Somety of Christian . ~ Y . De~ser~-Bazaar- i 1 t the
his wife and three daughters. Ser- i ground. Grmnell won %6. team in theMidwest Conference ~ ~,h ,~ ~,~o ~;~,~ ~ ,h ,h Speaking on 'What Makes Men : In contrast to rats m~ce non t p~tal. They were much apprecmt- . . ~ .: Mus ca a ,~.
vices will be held on Thursday at Seven Cornell seniors will see " -, ~ o,~r ~. [ree, the at.o~ney~ " general de travd f --u.ually< not mine than 5 ed. " cnurcn, rrmay evening, r~ov ,"
Bdd D~c.~er on the sec nd and a week of prayer and self demal ~,;ho,~ ~h ,~;,;~ ~ ~ f~t f,-~-- ~,-h.~t ~h~, o~n ,~,~ ~ ~ ~.~,~,~ Serving starts at 7 30 Contact Mrs.
1:30 p.m. a~ the Barta-Hesser '~ their last collegiate action Saturday. : Don Nelson receivedhonorable last winter. : : "." ~"'''T'~,'" .:'Y'~ ~"" : ~' Mile ~Iachula members or Mrs.
chapel. 'All seven have seen action on the iorcemen~ wnen ne lOOK OnlCe ne ~~ " '
mention. The record m the con- The Qmmby Memorml fund will: :" - ' George Petrick ~+ Jennie's 3 4p
-- t Cornell offensive platoon this sea- terence was e~ght wins and three purchase books and eqmpment in ~lE~l~~ll~Nl(~~~~,--~s-~ ~vn~--~-~,~ ~, 01~
rein now many law enloreement i,~ "'~" ~ ~" -
"~ ] son, and will be sorely missed next, the team who have a reach of ~ix in hand Cash ~ledacs ma,~ be en ~ecause zew people would stana up ~ ~ mgnway z~l. ~our miles norm ~
year. los~es There will be four players on art and biology. About $25 is now o.~Icers ~-ere miner vn'mai slavery ~ im ~.~ ~,t ,~::- ~% "'IZ ,f
C T A M I The Rams should be in good feet, tov.r fi~ches, tered with Mrs: M~ron A.~ Morrill :to the underworld kingdom. 'i i Friday & Saturday Specials at ~ ~i ~[a~ Vernon. Mrs. Beulah Patt0~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~,~ shone for the Knox encounter. Bill ~ or with Mrs. Franms E. Throw, who "Men are free because of daring l ~1 ~ -~------" ~
~" ~ i I I I I1~ I w Glasgow. first string guard, who S. M. ROSS DIES represent the local WSCS. acts of decision made in the past," ~ --~at~ ~-- J~ FOR SALE: Natural bircl~ lulla.~J
i mbsed the Grinnell game, should i- Lar~m '" " . . ~ youth bed Detachable sides ~"
real rites were held Tuesaav m ;Iv :. . . ~ .rod. If there were; . ~ ~ " . " " e
Giving You The Pick of be ready to start against Knox. Chicago for S. M. Ross of 410 Lee Mr. Vernon Locals mo, e men like Paul Revere today ~ O~,ck or Reflular Quaker ~ cel}e~}f cond}t]on:,Phone Mrs. M,~
~ ~,mm ----, -- 2t~, i,l, vernon.
The Pictures P.B.K. ELECTS FOUR Street. Evanston, Ill who {lied or. we v, oula not be m such danger of -- C /ITK [] --~"
Sunday. Nov. 4. ,~lr. Ross and his "F?nrtr~v~o;{ D~vi'~ ~nent ,he wool,-:internal rot." ~1 ,~r'~s~, .~. i~. " " " '~'~ mm
All Big Shows Three Cornell seniors have been:" -. * . ~, - m
~amny ale ~nown.os, many m .~lt: end with his uncle. Curtis Frymover "'Des Momes w a s completely I~ -------- "---- -
elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honor-vernon, no{fuse mey nave v]sneu of Wilton Junction. " ; under the dictation and control of ~ Sore-All Wax m
fry scholastic fraternity, it was an-here frequently and their daughter "~,f 1 ~ "~ m w~,~; ~. i the underworld gamblsrs. The
FRIDAY - SATURDAY nounced in chapel Tuesday. They Marilyn, now Mrs. Grant Blum of " : places were tipped off before raidst PAPER, 125 ft. 23c
were Sunday droner guests at the
are Joyce Koym, Freeport, II1.: Elmhurst. was graduated from Car- home of Mrs. Myron Neal in DeWitt. were mane oy ~es lviomes ponce- []
The All American story Carolee" Manning, Lanark, Ill.; and nell in '37. Mr. Ross was connected 'men. t~ureau o~ investigation men
of the Worlds Greatest Maxine Mielke, Pearl City, Ill. iwith the Seng Mfg. Company in!. w~r~.: urm rimgnt anawD~cKle : :,re" ~ were sent to places under suspicion"- ~ France-American
Also elected was Donald Kettle-Chicago for many years. Miss Ruth'mrnea lvmnflay axter a "eeas ws*~ The B.~ were "
C* I~A~U P'r'r I
w, th her parents, Dr. and Mrs. ~ra~n[ cans
Athlete! kamp, Monona, who has completed Pinkerton left Sunday for Evanston " ' x p~aymg pool mere wnen,
,~tne place was llppea O~ oI a rata
three years at Cornell and is now and Dr. Roy Nelson went in Tues- E. McCulloch at Eagle Gro~e.
. ! On a brisk day in November
attending the S.U.I. medical school, day to attend the funeral services, i Mrs. Henry Wehmer of Ch~cagot '
lu~u me tsureau men wire some Liquid Starch
i i i i i aria Mrs. ~a wantz o~ uaK t-arK, i :
Ill ~ro ,r,~ou ,n a,~e~ in the ] ;~o ponce swoopea flown on the Clty
hn~ ~ Mr nn~l Mre l~ov ~n~znan i and gathered up $76,0~0 worth of
0 g 95c ' Lone ball, pm ball machines. This
SUGAR 1 ann ,v, rs 'ran spent i .
' " . : =:. " . . ~. I one rind broke the back of the un-
! Wednesaay ann Tnursaay In IAesld~r,a~nrld fn~- ~ft~r that th,v loot Fresh Pitted
Moines where Dr. Prall attended!"---":--. I connuence i'n ~:e-n lr a'i~lli""~toty "~%'get
the meeting of the Des Momes Din-
CLOVER FARM :. a up or~ ann no ;onger ;e;r secure. []
~rlct ~ental some~y.
Paul H, Dee of Sioux Falls, S.D. While the officers were trying to ~q
A very outstanding thrill-
ing life staryl
Sunday shows 6 & 8
The funniest book ever
written--The laugh loaded
H. Allen Smith Best Sellerl
A Big, New, Terrific
Comedy Hitl
TUESDAY - WED. -- 7:30
Now at popular prices
The Academy Award
Exactly as shown on
Broadway for 7 monthd
46 oz. tins
can .
46 oz.
12 oz. can .
FRUIT COCKTAIL, No. can 2-87c
Deliveries Tuesday & Friday
Dial 4012
Phone 3212
Every Day Low Prices
Mt. Vernon
Chicken Sca| op
~roadeas~t ~'orember ]0, 1951
1 tap noodles 1 cup cut-up chicken,
4 cups boiling watee cooI~ed or
1 Vs teaspoons seh ~ cup corn flake
2 slightly beaten eggs ernmbs
1 cup Pet Milk 2 t~blespoons n=e:ced
I can condensed cream butter
of chicken ~oup 2 t~bles~oons water
Add 1 ter~sp, saIt to boiling water.
Cook noodles in water until tender;
drain. Mix noodle~ with eggs, m/ik,
cup chicken soup, ch/cken and ~
teasp, salt. Pour into greased baking
dish holding about 4 cups. Cover with
mixture of crumbs end butter. Bake in
PET MILK/Tall 2--29c
DRESS, with
Place your order now for that BRUCE CHOPPING BLOCK
For A Xmas Gift
i i i i -
. sta
"FOR ALL" Brand
2 can
i nil I iii i
We deliver Tuesday and Friday Orders filled as you would do
it yourself.
was an overnight visitor Friday do their duty and enforce the laws
night in the C. F. Bauman home. they had to take a lot of abuse from
Mr: Dee was enroute home from a well intentioned so-called "good"
business trip in Illinois. citizens who wanted gambling per-
Wilma Jean Levy, Patricia Dear- mitred in private clubs. "I was
born from Stone City and Betty surprised where the smoke came
,Andreesen and Geraldine Monk out when the lid was clamped on
from Anamosa left Sunday for Or-i top of the chimney," the attorney
i lando, Fla where they plan to re-' general said.
main indefinitely. "Your public servants need your
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hedges support if you want the kind of a
expect to return today from Kansas I government you would like to have
your children live under." Mr. Lar- []
City, Me where they went last ison said. "Public servants are no
Friday for a several days' visit with :
Mr. Hedges' sister and brother-in-ibetter than the morality of the i
law, the Arch Maulsbys. I community in which they live ~
ilMost officers are happy to do their:
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hayden of duty."
Chicago were guests two days last! Credit for the successful driving
week in the R. H. Day home. Mrs.~ of gambling out of the state belongs
Harold Hall, daughter of Mrs. Day, ! to the men in the field, the speaker
was a week end visitor. The Days l~ ^.~ ~; ^ ~. 1. ~ ,n=, -^+ .
an~ ~ars t~an spent ~unaay ~
: I smgle piece of gambhng eqmp-
~vmrsnautown. [ment has been licensed in Iowa ex-
callers in the evening.
Mrs. Joe Hoye and Tommy ofi
EstherviIIe, and Don, who is attend- !
ins the University at Iowa City,
were Saturday night guests of Mrs.
Hoye's mother, Mrs. J. J. Kidder.
Sunday guests for a family dinner
were Mrs. Faith Macomber of Olin,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson and
two children of Wyoming, the C.
J. Kramer family and Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Grinde.
Local Pictures Appear
In November Magazine
The November issue of "The Ov-
erland Life" publication of the Ov-
erland-Greyhound Bus Lines, cent
rains a story about Mount Vernon
and pictures of Cornell college
scenes on four pages. Caption is
"Mount Vernon's Cornell of Iowa."
Arrangements for the article
were made by Orville Rennie of the
Alumni office and Dr. Miron Mor-
-'rill, publicity director.
Three members of the Cornell
history department will attend the
annual meeting of Iowa college and
university teachers of history Sat-
urday, Nov. 10 at Coe college. They
are C. F. Litteil, H. W. Ward and
perts. More dollars were going into
the regular channels of trade than
ever before. The poor relief bur-
den in Polk county dropped for 8
consecutive quarters. Social wel-
fare workers reported children had
food and clothing which they had
~not had previously. Business and
collections were better. Divorce
i petitions no longer contained "the
allegation that the husband lost in gambling Domestic trou-
!bles fell off in a large degree.
I There was less labor unrest as the
working man was taking his pay
check home instead of losing most
of it gambling at the corner tav-
ern," Mr. Larson emphasized.
"We had made free men of the
citizens of Iowa. For the first time
in 50 years there were no token
rings in the state. It made my heart
jump with joy that the raid on the
Cargill hotel was made without a
leak by the combined efforts of the
' city police force, the sheriff's office
'the Iowa Bureau of Investigation
~and the county attorney's office."
i Mr. Larson stated in closing.
, Dr. Miron Morrill, chairman of
the committee, presided. Dr. James
! Bean gave the invocation. Dr. Paul
Beekhelm lead singing with Mrs.
i Beckhelm as accompanist. Dr. Otis
Young, president, welcomed ~he
guests. Robert Davis, Cornell jun-
H. T. Muzumdar. The program in-,ior. sang several numbers with Eliz-
eludes Prof. Stowe Persons of SUI. abeth Tripp as accompanist. Corn-
Prof. R. Homer Norton of Grinnell. mittee members were the Harry
Prof. Daryl Pendergraft of ISTC, Sizers, Chester Riches and Ralph
and Prof. Howard Greenlee of Heastys. The dinner was served
Simpson. by the W.S.C.S. circles.
Dial 2441 Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Coffee, Butternut 82c
Bins Cherries, Hunts, heavy syrup No. 2!/'3 39c
Pineapple, Del Monte crushed, No. 1 15c
Grape Jam, Our Family, 2 lb. jar 37c
Grapefruit Sections, Del Monte, No. 2
heavy syrup 23c
Corn, Our Family, cream style No. 2 17c
Spinach, Our Family, No. 2 15c
Kidney Beans, dark red, No. 2 15c
Carnation Milk, large can 14c
Flour, Gold Medal, 5 Ibs 49c
Soup, Campbell's Chicken Noodle 15c
Catsup, Del Monte 21c
Peanut Butter, Skippy, 14 oz 37c
Texsun Juice, 46 oz 29c
Salmon, 1 lb. can 39c
Facial Tissue, box 300 23c
Butter, Lisbon 72c
Grapefruit, 10 for 49c
Oranges, dozen 35c
Bananas, 2 Ibs. for 29c
Carrots, 2 bunches for 21c
Cabbage, Ib 5c
Flowers by Stahl
Evorything in flowors-wired to all parts of the world
Lisbon Phone 11
DATES, lb. pkg. 29c l' Bangor oot
a !
styled by
pint 74c :
Firm ripe []
BANANAS, 2 Ibs. []
. []
Florida white seedless
GRAPEFRUIT, 10 for . I!
Don't forget PEPPERIDGE FARM bread!
into comfort
PLUS smarter styling
look for the
trade mark
!: !:i:?iiii!:i:i:!:i$i:i:i$
In overcoats, nothing can be dressier
than Blue Velour for smart daytime
wear or distinguished appearance of
an evening. And, though these are
"fashion plates" for style, they're
truly "tough mugs" for wear. The
Hart Schaffner & Marx label tells you
volumes about the quality of fabric,
fit and tailoring, Double or single
breasted fly front or button-through
styles. Prices begin at
Other Overcoats at $35 to $50
42 Years of Faithful Service
. . slip into the BALL-BAIqI~
Bangor Boot l All rubber, leath~"
grain finish, topped with a toastyr
snug, wool pile cuffthat says, "lqo",
to cold and snow. A convenient
slide fastener lets you slip this
Weatherproof lovely on or off easitar
Over spikes or flatties.
They're high and dry anCI
made to wear and wear-
Buckles are firmly anchored,
and all points of strain cot"
rectiy reinforced. You'lllike
those rugged non-sl/p soles
and warm fleece linings, too-
warmth .
in any wearh l
For hunting, ice fishing, trappi~ 0~
or any outdoor work there /s~
warmer footwear than the/~
BAND Knit Gaiter. Made f.r a~~
top to toe for warmth andw~0f
leather reinforced at pointSo ~.
strain; "roll-set" pull-proot " ~
lets. Wear them with Rubbers ~