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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 10, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 10, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, 10, 19~ Thursday, November 10, 1938 'l~[]~ MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Pa6'0 l~ive UI?DItlNM CNPIAI I Mr. and Mrs. A1 Morrissey en-! Franklin Leaders Attended !: ....... ::: ........ ::::: e nnn, mm I r tvrmw Merle-" 1 ---- popuL :o o., and the fa=t r [ITI/. ILIMIUll I J .p| ' LItertain.ed a small group of friendsI Project Lesson On Friday : Cornell Snort News I lrlUl lU¥1LLr. Plr.WDI .: ALASKA tha, do /~ ~ at a cnnner at their nome on wec-i L.- I I Mrs. Ella Austin I not cGn~ume any o~ the products tO :o___. ,.. , ..... ! nesday evening. Places were laid I. -- I = : : : : = = : : = = : = : : : : : ~ = : : ~ ~ t Mrs. Harry Freeman ! I ~ ------ -which the white men would raise e-lor women Will De I for ei ht ; :vliss Lucille Gore home demon- I -- ' " ..... g . i. " . " . . ' • Ii-~ " ~ " 4 -- I The Bazaar and sunner served by l (Continued from Front Page) The Indians do a great amount of uesls Of A A i stra~ion a~ent iu Linn county pre-r MRS JOANNA MILLER ..... :: • • U.W. ; Mrs. C. L. Rich entertained sev- ~,,~n ,h~ f,~t .... ~,~ ,ooo; .... nell rmrrlers ~ • the ladies of the United Brethren wh,~ rnn th~ mino~ ~taff workpr~ fishing, and reindeer for the F.~- Cornell senior women willho ieral ladies at dinner at her home]~',~'r.~._:.~;~,:",[~..\'[~.~ff:_~.~'"'...~ I Miflw ¢ Titl i Funeral services were held in l church was well attended Thurs-I _~"~ ¢'~,,'~")~,~"~'H'~-' ~-hr~o nur~" klmos are provided by the govern- ;guests of honor at a r~o,~nH~--;,,,~,, ast Saturday evening. Included ........ , .o ~,.;.~.. .¢, .......... I the home for Mrs. Joanna Miller, day evening despite the inclement ,,,~, -, ....... ~.~-o .ha nno ~hn,~l ment. The reindeer are shipped in ~Wednesdav event ~ ~ ..... h~, ~ I were• Mrs. S.L Chandler Mrs ~. ~ ........ • x, ........ , ..... ,~ ..... ,.. I TheCo nell cross country team I Mt Vernon ~ho died Tuesday if-I weather and a neat sum was added I ~,~o.h,~ "Ph,~ tnt~l ~nnl~H,~n n¢ from Lapland, north of Norway !by the members of Merest V~rn~n!Rose Hmkman,Mrs. Aley Parsons ~h, ~,~ ~,.~ ,~e ~h, ~,.~ ~ ........... I w on the Midwest Conference ter a hngermg illness of heart l to the treasury I~h,~ ~,~tO,~,~n~ i~ ~nn ~nlv ~7 h~in~, All of the buildings in the Ken- ~hapter A A ~ .... S-~" .....and Miss LucyWinter t-~~ :? ........ ~:." ......... . ..... ~." ":~' championship for the second trouble for the past four years A lar'e crowd of friends and .......... X,7_':'__'~ff_:",7,"~,~.Z.:,..:I"..'~ necott settlement are painted red , . . , . . ~. ~v. in me ex- I "10Ultry."Sne explainect~ne r i ' . s women, lnerv are ~v tamllle~ i, , ~lbltionroom in Armor ....~,~ [ Division No. 1 of the Ladies Aid l .... H~n,~ ,~e ,~ ...... , ...... ~ .......... st a ght year last Saturday at Men- ] She was born October 9, 1868, mI relatives from this vicinity attend- I ,h,~ ~,H1 .... ~ ~';,~ g ...... tt hke the barns of Iowans. The :°f FineArts. • Mrs. Ph'illi~°.,. ..~_~:'~'" I society, of the Methodist church, lp"r~'a~.~ep, atone, ...... fo,'~ ................. cooking. At the im°uth when.they ..... led m andthe teams' West Virginia the daughter of Ben-I ed funeral services at Ol(n Satur-i Coppe~-~ "~'~'-'~-'-":'Mlne L. t' _f"=, tgest ......... copper small .... bungalows, in which the peo Cold, A,v~8$~ers°n~ =~ presenteW~ll present, a talk on her lwlllxelsmymeetancnextcnlmrenThursday, j~nlaftern°°n' ! neXtanc meeting she will demonstrate ~%~?ui~~ ~ ~ ~ other scnoo~s~:~ ~,,~ vu,.~ nosed[[ ~ammvecameandme J°~phme Bennett" ~ She Iwlxe oI rreuerlcK ~am-]l oldaY~ewportaftern°°n'sp fOr.ent MrS.~aturcaylena atMeeks !~e |ill fining in Alaska, and the richest, plesteamliVe.neatare anaequlppednot waterW!tia light,if'ore ~avels m~en this summer throu~hlNovember 17 at 2'30 o clock at the lthe cutting up of noultrv The! ........ ~; . • _ [ I Wurzbacher wife of C W Wurz-t nne mi', in the x~ofld ' . r ~ ' " • " ~" Altnou n ~cnwaKe anu flirt ~e co~-~- r .... ~ ance. Mrs F G Brooks will home of Miss Anna Jordan Assist- meeting on J,~nuarx 27 ~ill be on .... g • . , . - uel Miller in 1895 in West Virginia. bacher who passed away at Cedar q'h,~ rail ,'W.~ ~P~rted i, 1907 and the settlement power plant. ~J 1~ :~explaln the mean|n- ,~¢ ~ a ~r x~r I ing hostesses will be Mrs Carll "C'h .... x,,ui,,~ ,, ..,~....~ ~.~ ~ oil co lege sophomores, nmsned I They settled in Iowa m 1910 moved Ranids on the Tuesda,, ~,revious ................ Rex Beach the author, who v ,, • .~~.~ .aa.....~, x,,.~, ,,,l,, .,~fi • • • ~" ~ ~ • nas oeen cuc:rat~u Ull(ll JtA~l. 1-12- ,, . • . " ......... • • rst and second over the two and to S rmgvllle in 1928 and to Mount wrote Iron Trail took the ma [.JR ~USlCal selections inclu • " Travls and Mrs FredTrams interestin and hel ful Thre w • . P Mrs Wurzbachcer was a former '. • , • , " ~to" my Mozart a ..... ~ing, ,Ron- . ..... - ..... • ...:. ...... ~ ...... , p .+~ e ..... erea half mile course Corneh men tin- J Vernon in 1937. Mr. Miller diedlresi~tent of this vicinity and was cently, th~ i~,~.~.~:ork~ng dayaa~d terial for his book from the vie|n- , lilt LYLIlIU~[ oy IYJ.r ano Mrs 1% ~~arKerwere ~,,,~-,~ v*~s~..~ *~."~... ..~-..~, i " " " • ....... - .......... -'~-,, "-" ~'-""-~ """ "~-'"-~ - ' • • • ' ..... shed in third fourth, mxth and sev- last s rm lty in which Mrs Hum herlee hves • j ~occherml, will be contributedbyt hosts at dinner at their home, Sun-]on Friday. I ............................. [ ,-, p g" . ....... [loved and respected by everyone.[ The city of Cordova is 200 mires ..... ' - .. p ..... " elp an, ~ne string Quartet oomnn¢oa ,,,. ] rl~v ,~,r,~ninc~ with Mr nnHMre [ The follow uTM meetings wP' ~.~ 1 =""* vv~,~,~ t~ w,, ,~e tram t:~e. I ~urvlvmg are two aaugn~ers ~mrs. [ The svmnathv of the entire corn- I ,.^~. ,,. ~....... . ~.~ ...... ~....a 'xne actual "zron Trail" is ~e rall- ~ohn Mallon .......... Y t~ y of Chicago Heights. Iva Kearns Anamosa Mrs. Arkm " " wi - . road between Cordova and Ken- ~. ..... ee, first wohn, Ann[Wllhs Lamb of Cedar Rapids as[sta, ted ~ery soon by the ~arlous!ill ¢ini~hoa thigh C'. ..... .~h,,,, [~o,.. ¢~ .... a w*. ....... r... Imunlty Is th the bereaved hus-]is the place from where the ore is ...... $ne:~Umerts°nLille 'violSec°nd violin:• Cather- / ~uests~ of honor. Other guests, were cooperators, in the different school -der" .................. of Mount Vernon w°as ....... fourth" dus ...... V.,' ........ Columbus,'~ ..... Ohio,'==" o,,.O,Russel,~a.-of band and daughter, Bernadine. • shipped.• " It is'- a tx~o' da~' t.lp-" from necottMen fromSettlement'all over the" world are eS allllgo ..... T' a; and Phyllis Pear-!Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold Skinner, districts. Arthur Behl of Lanark Ill w~[gnrinavillo' ~otaon T. Mt xro~ [_Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller of[cordova to Kennecott and possible ~ .... ~ ;,, ,t,,~ ,~;~,; ......... "-" ~*'~. Mr and Mrs Edwin Nelson Mr • ' " ..... "----'~" ....................... " i~ewport vicinity spent Thursoay " r r i • - ...................... ~ ..... v• ~tates ts. UII" ] ": .. ~. 7 _ . . "L . • I sixth and Charles Warden of Wor-I non' two sisters Mrs W W Thomn-i ......... ~,.~,.+h a~,~,~ ....... [ only by rail oad. The t a n ~uns Mr~ Humnh~ri~ "C~ .... ~,,~ • ..~: _ - .... l ana mrs. ~. e~. rioimgren oI t;ecar The %Vomen Home Missionary cester Ma~s wn~ ~,~,r,~nth [o^..' a,..~ .... ~.;^ "a~.:. k~^.. re- I w~m ~vu~. ~ ............... ~Ly anUlone day and then stops at night -" . ""~." ..... .. "7-- ,,-=----o- ry, au~ The L dia Ra ids ~soci f ~ .................... , -~,,,,,,~,, ,~,,,,,, ,,,,~. ~,=~, ue- Charles • men nave t)een a z~aonammettan, a ...1 w.,l¢of th^ ~.._ ~ Sunday school classI P . t~ • ety o .the .~ethodmt church)viii[ The team score was Cornell 13, ]hoe, Kinsman Ohio" two brothers [ ¢,,,~.~ ...... , .... t.^ w.,:. c,... [while the passengers sleep and re- Russian and a S~sniard" .u ~v-~: _ ~ r~iesoyteman cnurch will l Mrs. Russell Cooper will be host-~meet ]n tag cnurcn parlors, w ea- I Beloit 14 Monmouth 20 ~inn- an I D v R~nn~tt l.lhor~v W V~. | ...... ~ s .............. "= ~""'lsume their journey the following . ' ~- " ~eet at y~e home of Mrs Dalel ess for the dinner meeting of the nesday afternoon November 16 at and Carleton 42 In cross" country [ Wade' BennetL"~e-~'~rt "w xr~" ] day home were Mr. and Mrs= Ern- I day This railroad is private,y RAISES FLOWERS Onn . . " • - '. ' " , , . , • ., , v ,.. ...... , ,,. --~., " . . . . ,~ son Ior a picnic and supner at Ingles|de club, Monday event 12:45 o clock Mrs. Roy Young will ~ the lo ...... r .... ; ..... ;+h +h ..... l .~ .... ~-^, ,~¢ a,~na~ho,~,,~,~ ] est oonnson ant .mrs:. ~. ~ Young owned by the mining corn an and Mrs Humphemes time is devoted game * :30 o' • ¢ ' . . - .... - ..................... -,,," -,,- - -- .............. " • . . . p Y' .... ],,a,.t .... clock Monday evening No- Nov. 14. Assistinghostesses will present a ~cpo~t of the National ber of each man's nlace added tel Rev ~ A n,aa ..... ,~,,~¢,~,~ ¢,.~0oI l~arlon, aria tne .riaroia xounglthe fare for an individual pus- to her housework but she also has and reg' ~ _ y evening of last week i will be presented by Miss Mac : ". " : '. Ralph Carl will be I winning time was 15 minutes 35.6[ bearers were Ben' Shellhammer /~h,'~ ~t- .... ~, .~,~, ' ,,o,;^..lline from Seattle up the coast is " her father, l~r. g. C. ~'orest, ~czresnments were enjoyed follow Fairbanks. hosts Thursday evening at the seconds Bert Streets Than Denn aa~,.,.;~ |':'::~ .... .':~'..~ .~",'~ ..'.'~ ..... | owned by the government. : and spends much of her time work- ~ga SaOnCml evening" Mrs. Carle Zimmerman, of Win- B~l~Cb'el~Uft'heTh:~l~:U:l~toSo;fiallctbe RCO~nellas~VOn ~he tittle at Cedar Hoffman. Howard Safe~y, ~r;l~u~"/at~Inrse' P~ur~n~ac~yn~r ~aUS~eUmn?~eer'l SUN SHINESALL iang2~n:#: #::d:f'the~l°w~ltsl~g~:uTin" ,~n-,r • d Mrs. Nicholas Knlah¢l chester, Mass., ~ho arrived last i" " I P yea w'm ~cnroeaer I Paist. /~fv¢ C.ortrud,~ " ' ' • . .. • " " ~-~2,~,entertained a few friends at-~t~'-~l week for a visit in the home of Ity' their wives and husbands, land McCauley placing high in that [ ---- ]~.~.~ .~._~..~ C mer,. Ol wa -/N HT IN SUMMER .... I XUl varleues.. . _ 1~2k~llo*mer last Friday eveni,~ ,. ~.~-.::.--tProf and Mrs Karl Andrist was The regular meeting of Vernon meet. i Mrs. Willard Hoffman isspend-/_~=_]:_"_~..~_'..~- ................. "| xne people m .~ennecott nve aI Mrs. ~umpneries is very glad to ER ~f Mr. and Mrs E R"~' ~, ~v~.~:: ] guest of honor" at a dinner Satur-] chapter O.E.S. will be held Tugs- [ .... [ ing some time this week with her ],~uy ~vc~:~.~, r~...~ ..... ¢ .... I very mlsurely nze. from MaYI be home and enjoy the luxuries 1 ....10~xpected to leave to¢ia;"to'sp~n*~l day evening, given by Prof. andl day evening, November 15, at 7:30/CORNELL TEAMS TO BE ]mother, Mrs. Ollie Duncan at Mt.[dav"°wi~'l~"'~vi~ss~ J~ane~teV~;verUa~/Un::,l .~ep~em~er,. °r ~ne.sum.mer[ which she says the .people do not ~o,~, - me winter in California I Mrs. H C Lane Prof and Mrs o'clock. The altar will be draped BIT.~V qP1-1l~ Ii~1~Iz" l~J'ft ivernon, h.^: ~.~^..~^ ;~ ¢l~r~ *llTt~;~-.~ t'~.l~.,;.,:-- | ~:ca~Zl, tilt:: ~t,~l ~l.l£/lt:~ rill tllt~.tllllt2, nave in AlasKa. :~ne Is very rouen an.; m~ " I ........ '~ . " " ~ ............. I -~,~ aaal~ ~-~affi ~, I r.--.~ V ..... ~,"..,, .... ~. ,- i"=~ .v..C., .,~ ,,.,~ ,.'a~. W~..-~tne same as ctayume in me united, interes*~,~ i- ~-'~- ~*~'~-'~ *'"~"'; a.u- £ne regul ~,;.. ..#.~_ ... ~ Aloert JYranKlln donnson were her I [or 1', A. l~aulnan. .)its, Dana Wll- ~.~...... ] oaLvl~ ~lOll|gb J.¥A~:%~UlIUUglI, WHO lily / .......... } v,.~ ~, ,a~ *~.,~. a ~-~u*a- ogef, m ,, o hr.. .... --s u~me w. t ................. ,,,.,, ]cox will nresent a rennrt n¢ *h,~] Tne uorneu varsity grin squad| has been cared for the hast nine/'." ....... ~tates. in tne winter it is the ful f,owers SaysMrs Hum her- ........ ~*~`~~ ~. ~. Will t)e hel " ~nosts at a ureaK~as~ ~unuay my,,- - ~ , ~ ........... Mrs n J, mira who r ~" • " P d FridayNo willinvade the northland Satur ~ eeelved same as mght except that the sun lies 1 s nd so mu ~ , . ,~ember 11 ....... '-- -ling iGrand chapter meeting held re-] . . . -[ weeks in St. Luke hospital suffer-] " • ". : • ' ..... / " ~ ," pe ch t'me garden- uart l~.s.~....... ~mil;~ ''~ ~.e home o~ miss~ -', .. . I ccnH,,., _.; ................ in c'o,~..v ~n.~a~ I ctay, traveling into Minnesota to ing with Malta fever. ~eturned to se, ver e ln~urms, m a recent ian is. comes up a little way in the sky' ing that the people come to me ~enueo, ..... ey. All members arei. •.Jv'l and Mrs... ~iyron~ oones. ,veie" ....... , ...... , meet Carleton college in the an-] his home Sunday ISlOWly. i ecovermg" ........ and able to s,, I for about an hour at noon. Wil- for advice in plantmg their flowers. e,--- .~,-~ o~=- tu oe present and any nests at a onmer on Tuesoav noon l xne ~ew t_.entury c~ut} ne~a a lnual ~ame between the two col I ~r ..... ~. ,-,-'--.. ,~ ~ ~. |up in a cnalr ior snort intervals. |liam her son wen ~ h,, ~ a,, ~nh me rna '..,..~ ¢ ..... '' l'~Lners wh • ' -' • " ' "uest tea u - "~ -- ~.a.vv e~. ~nrlstlan ueflar ~ap- , , t to schoo. ~.. 2h~. ........ ~ ...~ ,.._,, ,,,,,~,. .......... ~a .... o are interested are cor- I m honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.] ~ ' T esday afternoon at the I leaes With Cornell in seventhl ........ ' - --I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hay and Kath- Imoonli ht and ~m-~ ~. .... ,.., I ~ro u .... h~; .... ., **r~.~,^.- • lilly utvited to Bail • lmme of Miss Mar Ke ler Mrs ~. • lus, lvnss ~usan ~enner ant Maur- ~" " ~" "- """''" ~#I ,.. o. ----,v-~-,~o ,~-- --,u~a, ) lbs attend ey of Two Harbors, Minn., who| " Y P " ~ • ]nlace and Carleton m last nlacel ~..~ f-.~:~,: .. _ . ]leen of Forest and Mr and Mrs |moonli,~ht i,~ ,~ ,~¢ ,h~ ~v;.~ li~-,~ A~t~ .......... h ~na ~,,, ' ' " • • ," .X , ,, , - ,- ,-v ,.,. ,~uan were ~uncay guests ~, . ,. .,.. v. ~,,= ,~,,,~ ........ ~..,. .~.~ ..,.~., ..... ,.,, Miss Ruth Pinkerton wa~ h~,~oo~ are guests this week m Mount Ver- I t. ~I. McGaw ~as the guest speak- I the o'ame will not have much con I .... ,_ ........... ]H. H. Shumamaker and Rosemary [buildin,,s th- liah¢~ ~-,~ ~,~,~¢ ,~- nlnnnlna ~,~ r,~* ....... ;, i, th.. t , mr the EntreNou ~ "'~'~°° non Others present ~,erc Mr el" Guests~ included" - Mrs Rich" fer ~" 1 mfi n " ni tug home el Mr anti Mrs riarry spent Sunday In" the maternal Hal ~ ' ~ ~" .......... v~ "" ~" ...... " ......."" "~"'" "" "'~ • O~o ..... s meeting on ~" ....... :. ~ "1...: ...... ,.. ~ ....... : .... : ..... '.'] ence s'g ''ca ce but is sure tO]Freeman ' " ] ..... "lull day in the winter time. Dur-l,uture. However, they expect to .......... ,~. ,,uay evening Memb an(a mrs. oonn Uolon ~r o~ ue ....... ' .................... -v,- .... a hard fou ht affair . ." . . lie ~numaKer nome in " • ' ' ntextam" • ers were dar Ra l" s ' IS' l' I~urehf]eld" Mls" II A Bassett g • Wmnlfred Wiley Cedar Rapids • m" oi g the summer, m ruder to sleep, be m Mount Vernon for this school OX .... 1~r .....e d in_her studio in Arm-]... pd, Mr= and JohnI ...... - ..... This game will be the last of the[was a week end guest in the nar:] .l~rs_Ella G rassfle~, e npm.~Y/the people pull down all of their year, while William is attending ~'~g flail of if in ~olon dr an(1 Mr ant Mrs donn 1 wire mr anct Mrs r~oy tirassilela ¢~h,,,, ~ss ..... " e Arts. The host-! .... ' • _ .... . .. s. _ t ........ ]year for the Purple in th's part of]ental R F Wiley home ~ I .'.. . . -.. _ • i e ]window shades and put over their/the Ward school. He is in the 5tn d the pro am b Y the countr but a week from this aces what 1 rad a ~ fm ~la ...... gr y l ...... ' ~! . . . ] MT VERNON CHURCH NOTES I Y " I A large audience filled'the Meth- / .... ' "/ they ca l 'black[ g e nd "s ding the work very #rag recordsmcl ~acnel J~aroara~,ouantidacKle Satur the move awa ~ar ~aplos km ' l .......... ~a .......... ' uded in the l r .... ; i " I day y y to the led|st church Wednesday night and | - . • .......... [ "ghts' which are made of wool• I nteresting. He has never been lb 1~:~,"egle gilt to Cornell. ou.~. : ........ ~ ........ |south to meet Louisiana Tech, in I listened to Kenneth- and Mrs ]. J~orn to ~r. alto. keep the light ouL Many ofI away from the Kennecott settle. .... ~ ~g~v~s.~ Caroline Hartun~ wa~_ hn~¢_ ] Mrs Eleanor Russell was hostess r~xx~..~a~ ~,'.~n.. the. first intersectional game in Wells and thei'i daughter Jerry," ~oppe a rune pouna girl, ~unaay the ball. games and activities merit before this time. ~; ........ ~ _ West End Clan will meet at t ' -- .. " . ' . ." . ..'l THURSDAY I. "" . .... Y .... "I The Queen Esther girls gave a [ Mm.a. ...... ." /days of sub-zero temperature.The/and suburbs. .lery ~e home of Prof ~n,~ a~.. ,~ ,~ I nor Hussell an(J mrs. ~aizaoem a.nn r,,,,~,,, ~h,;¢¢i,,, ~,~,~,~o,,,,,llerence flue Will also travel to/nienie ~unn,~v in th~ rhureh Mnn |. "'- ............ 7ac .......... ":.---"" /coldest Mrs Humnheries has ex-/~ 10!~ittell Wednesda,, "'ev^'--'."-~ ~:..~'I Kimball assisting hostesses This ,~::~,,=":'~"*~h,'~'n'~:= ........... I Northfield, Minn., to compete in a I dav evenS'rim" A" r'eceA]on-f~)r";~'ew/~ee spent Monoay with Mrs. houiS|perienced there is "45 below ~ ,~ember 16 ~+ ~ ..... '__ ] ' t be a work meeting I ................• I dual meet with the Carleton har-| members followed Mrs H~rr.,| - • ..... | In the .~ummer time the mercury ] 0 *a~u:OU O ClOeK Mrs " ~'uu~.u,r ze.ea*~a* -..~.~ . .* ~ .... ap .... ~ed T " - • • • ' , '. • riers . Jimmy AUSUn oz lvmrlon was a • ...... ~. ..... u.rner and Mrs. R H. Maley/ MIs. Julia Hemk last Thursday 7 00Church Night Picnic Supper. ...7 ..... ] Jacobs is the new Counsellor. ]caller i- th~ Fred Austin a,~,~ +h~ ihas gone up to 90 m .the sun. A / [toast, _.T'" vem cnarge of the nicnlo ~,,n /afternoon, was hostess for the reg-]Program will includeentertain-I wnue me upper classmen are/ Mr and Mrs W F Dunlan vis-/.. .~,.'" .~ .. . " .. 'V" " ~/gooa average summer oay will fin(]/ I/. r -- v in -- lvlrS P.Ala 2~.usun nomes ~unoay ........ 2~ and Mrs. Mutton I~enler ~'~i~]ular meeting of the Jolly Workers men~t singin~ and a talk bv Miss ! vading Minnesota the. Cornell]ited Chas Kidweli in Mercy ires-/ ~.~ ,.~. ~ ...... , ....... - |the temperature around 70. ] L~/]l ~. %$ ~, .. ..... ~ m charge of the program .... ]club. During the business meet- Elaina Hartzen on Spanish-. meri- ~res.nmen wnl hOp over to. t~e~tar|pital Sunday. Mrs. Kidwell died/.,d~'~;,~f'."',.,~. ~,~=~'~"'~:~-| The three classes of people in] ~ _~j~ ,,~|~1 2 ~DlvisionNo ", of th~ Ladies' Am" mg the yearly election of officers cans .~aplaStro iora ~ame w~m me t;oe ~ust a week ago and Mr Kldwell on Mond,,~ ............ aft ....... Alaska are the white men, natives ~~,~ ~1/. ........ 0~ciety o£ th'e '~ ......... 'was held' Mrs Emily Blinks was .~.,~.... I sh on Satulday'. The Cornell]suffered a stroke soon after thet ' /or Indians", and the Eskimos". The tl "-------~ = ,*xe~nomst " " ~w~G fresh for three years now have de total o ulaho 5 1 church e, lb 1 meet for a neighborhooa ,~+,, I chosen president, Elberta Davis ] December 1 Church Bazaar and l ............. "[ funeral. [ --~---~,~" [ p p. " nor 0,000 is divided/I Cold Weather Comlngl . • mursday cveni ....... 7" ~"'.~ I was elected vice-president Marcel- I .. " ' I ~eatea melr t~euar ~aplas neigh- I Jeannette Parker who underwent / | Tro.~nllO.l(! }among mese mree classes The/I ater, th" ,.~__ ,: ,-s, ~ovemoer 17, I 1-1 Clnrk ~1,o¢,~,~ ..... +~.,,' ...a a.. I runner. - .~ . hers out little hope is seen ior ex- a tensile " . t , "- -- ......... E~kimo~ do not live in the area Prestone and Zerone f r y • ,,= -~me o~ Miss L ...... ' .......... "~'~ "'~' "~-- - rcn re ti al .... ctomy in S . Lukes hosp~- . . o our ........ 4~'ss Frances ColemainlhLiHll°d#s°n;Ina Hoffman elected treasurer. Thel.,,Dec~mber~,,~:11artChsUcred ! ending. the:flrl ° w ctories orltal last week is convalescing in the/ Gladys Peet IEhere Mrs. Humvherie~ lives, but/] radiator. Does not heat. ]Keelm lb is gson as hostess ....... ~t, .."ne" ' " " "~'*" ..... ~' ...... and ~ ~ y~ar*.*gu n~ve u*re~tUYFrosh[Ue- . • ' -[ Friends from-- who at-[ u~ alon trle 2tretie circle 1 s Hod t meeting will be held with paxental Will Parker home in Par l g • rust from f il .... -~iP ~ " There -- ....... Christian fellowship, evange- feated the State Teachers --- Greenfield, orming. Best anU- I.nln P ~ oe Iun, fellowship and eats I ~v~rs. unr½s, ~lel.necKand Mrs. I listic nreaching for these times• I while Cornell lost to Grinnell [ aim. ..... I tended the funeral services of Mrs. I INDUSTRIES [I fl~z.e .,,'on can buv ] ..... ' -,:.Mr ~-~-~ ...... " I Leonaro ~leinecK on ~nursaay I - I " / WOrK on me construction of theIc w Wurzbach,~- n Olin Sat,,r / ~.~ ~ • • I " " - • ,~-u :vtrs. j. W. Bloom wer ! , ' ' -- -- . . . ....... t ' " "/ ~"~ ,,am Alaskan mdustlues are sts e Not ember 17 I new school bmldmg was ~mrted d afternoon r r r We Have It! ......... ~ at dinner at their ho-- I " ' FI~T METHODIST EPISCOPAL] MONMOUTH TURNS !....... s s . i' ay , we e M. and M s. gold and copper mining salmon [I --" --" at nda me ola Mrs Flora Buck h "~° Inursctay zuov ~ oy contractor Itc . ' C , ,.~: Y. Guests were: Mr and Mr~ [,- " was ostess for I LloYd A Gustafson, Mimster iRAqi/" ~P~Ji~T I ~ mt~ A t ............... " ..... I W. B. Meeks and sons Merle and annerles, and other sea food can-I I 1;J~eOrge B:w,~. ~ "~- ~'ltne regular luncheo,~ and m,~H,~,l - • l a.~,,,.~a~ ",~.~%9~AIk~.~IA.MJL~I.LI Jl.~ A%.fl ~J |IVJ.~X lYLllu~2nSLf~ln O[ be(]ar ~taplclS. I Donald Mr nnfl Mr~ F .T .~h,¢ I..,.-;..,, A 1:¢*1.. *....~.;~.~ • .! ~1 .. ~ ~'~ * I .......... -- ..... ~n(] son urei hton .......... ~. • t ............... " "'='"=~" ,~ ,,~-= -a,,.,-s is uone, • , -:,]~ Martell ...... g ] of the Past Chief -so~io÷~,,,~ ~+ ~.~- I ChurchSchool 9.45. , A nassin~ attack that backfiredl W.A. Shifter will be brought to iT-ll Mr nna ~V?rs A J -~; .... M, ]'. ............. II Llnosey s tan ard Station I ~, ~v:r. ano ±v~rs Willia ............ "'~" • • . -- ~- . ., • . . -- , .............. , -,~. in me lvtamnusKa settlement wnlcn~ lb .... l ous of Cedar Ra .... ~;_ ~ .m ]home last Friday. After a delici-] Morning Worship 10.45£" ]spelled defeat for the Cornell grid-]his home this week .following his[and Mrs. Otis Siver, Miss Myrtle]'is an exneriment on the hart o II West End I lib ~Utler and sons ~hUarl~rs~al.sY] ous luncheon a short business i Intermediate j.,eague ojau. f ders by a score of 19 to 0 at the] .recent operat!on .anct conlinement IManly, Mrs. R. L. Sheep, Mr. and]the Untied States governmenff]i )~In,nt V~rnnn In~:~ I l~d James Butler of ~Lc-~-~alv~-n' Imeeting was held during which High School ~eague ~:,~. hands of the Monmouth College m~t. ~uKes nospltaL . I Mrs. E. C. Peet. [However it is very daubtful if l/ ........................ I ""." .... . L ..... -~mcsvn- plans were made for the annual] College League o:ov. Scots last Saturday in a Midwest l ~. numoer o~ local reslctents at-] Miss Shirley Shotwell was a [agricultur~ will ,~er a~l,~n oY " - • apn ,, Sorosis met Mon ............ I b.a_zaar vhlch win be held next I_ younger ad.ults, class__tau@t, conference game. Although the I t n ed^ e Goose su_ppe.r served in [Sunday droner guest m the home ]tens|rely because of the smalltYOU Ll. l_lgE OUR SERVICE ! ......... x~'le hem ..... ~?~ ~vcuxng m[weonescay afternoon. Mrs. A. J. oy ~r. mct,augmln is a growing Purple ran up seven rwst uownst ~.e ~ou.num~y ha., in wauoecKio~of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs ...... I- ....... gad h,, pro~ mrs. o. A. Kenyon. lBaird will be the hostess for theland a much needed organization.]to their hosts three the Monmouthllas~" Tnursaay evening. IEmerson Shotwell of Mount Ver-I,~ ~-=~-- --~ ---=-- L.- .... " , ~,~,n was pres nted b n more of our ounger, hem on s r lwr ana Nzrs J S Armstron en "~^ 1~ ;. Lauren ..... ~ ' Y I December luncheon and meeting. I We wa t Y , team had it all over t co - I. . : . • " • g - ]non. I~ ...:#~'.'!!~::.::.. | ......... "~c; ..... ,c,e wesl, .w.nose sub-!Those present were: Mrs. C. H. ladults to take advantage of thisling as they made a touchdown in|termmea at dinner Sunday, Mr.[ Miss Gall Peet enjoyed a week]| ~iii::::::::::::i::i!~:::~ I urge, hw y#', ~ranspor~t,on a n dI Rumble, a guest, Mrs. A. J. Baird, ] fellowship and these discussions. I the second quarter and two in the I .%~ L.. J. pU!le5 Mrs.. Bartlett. lend visit in the home of the Misses II ! ......... ~ ..... ' ........ ~. ".. ~. rlunt |Mrs Lvall Bryant Mrs A J Bobst The high school Leaguers leave I fourth while turning back every ~v~r. an Q ~afs. a. ~• van .',lcKle an(~ Mabel and Mildred Streeker On .4:::.:::" "-:-::::. led., _|~er~ oP~P~v~vWaS.°~a "The Amazon:ll Mrs: Ralph B'usenbark: l~Irs: D. C: the church at 1:30 for the LeagueiCornell thrust, ilvTJ°nn. ,.,, ] slow. ' II I . ..l~##cod~.~ , .'~=~. meml~ers re-IDavis, Mrs. C. W. Heller, Mrs. Nan-I Rally at Urbana. We want as[ No scoring was done until two l.. wr. ant mrs. ~naen lvm~er of Mt./ A program and social was re-IIi ~,~to ~o~l call b n o as osslbl can r the half ended vernon were Sunday guests in the "R"lh~ ~.'rs Y amingl nie Hainen Mrs. D. E. Hedges Mrs I many to g P ' Y • ! minutes befo e ] ......... I cently given at West Corner school [I ~ ~~~'~~ | ,~o',~~" 7~l~-~~"~l).~'t~eetll This Sunday we are to take. a ]when Scapecchi, Monmouth's slip-/*msse" ~v~).ner nome. . . [house by the pupils and teacher, [] r~ I~~.~.-.'~ | , .l:s _ I Thank Offering for the Home mis-I pery halfback, broke waay from] ...~rs. Alice. ~arney, mrs. ~arry I Miss Rhelda Russell. Proceeds were I| ~I~~'.'.~ I gllsn ~ ~ ~.lsionary. This society raised some this own 8 yard line and traveled/wmtman anu Jgoromy ,Jean Whit-[$930 i| I~~II~ii~ 1 ..2~ lDeClal* m,_._-J___ . e'~ , -- I Ithree hundred dollars for needyI 92 yards through the whole Cornelllman of Mt. Vein on ~'ere Friday] Members of the "U Go I Go"l| ~1 ~~~ [ ~[~;',~"" 1~ _ ,,- ,~.o --~ r rauay and a[uraay ! I Christian work in the United i team to give the home fans a real I runner guests m me ~arry rree- |club held their monthly meetin~ II g / • ~ /~~i • .... iENGLISH WALNUTS N....... ~ l[States. Plan on making a substan-ithrill. A pass scored the extralman home. lin the home of Mrs Harlan Shu~-|i t i~rl~rn.~ i " '" COFFEE n,,,,...... :4 ~ ommonus, pouna .... z~c ~ltial offering or pledge this Sun-[point so that Monmouth led 7 tel Miss Alma Goebel spent SundaYlmaker last Tuesday "afternoon. El ~IIII~III~I~ ~~ I ......... ~ 0XYD ' egular or Drip Grind, 2 lbs. 55c |lday. i0 at the half• i with.her sister Evelyn Goebel in/ H. A. Ferguson of Olin was al~ ~:?..~ | ., 1 lb v ,_x mrge package and 1 small 28c |1 Tonight division No. 6 will haveI Cornell carried the fight to the[~es momes. ISunday caller at the home of Mr ll -- ~~!'.~ | 2~t ~, v. & G. Laundry Giant Q;~- ..... .qq~ !ia picnic supper at the home of Mr. Scots in the third quarter andl Miss Carolyn Sterner was host-land Mrs F J Shotwell "l| ~1~ I• ~i~' ~ | ?ash ! r~AS, Baby Stuart Early ......... ~: |}and Mrs. Harry Hartung. ]threatened several times but never !ess .Thursday at a one o'clock] Clarence "Miller was •elected as]| ."~ II flfl~ ~'lflrt " I UORN. R~h,~ ~,,**,q ,~ 1-," ...~'.,*' ~,"~ ";";'"'X';'. ..... ~" /INext Week: I got really hot. In the middle of lluncneon to memoers of the M. O.I district chairman of Sunday schoo) l I v ~~ ~#~,,v,, ~.:..:.:~]~I~ | ...~=.... TOMA'T " ~y~-,,,f. n: or_wrote t;r. style, z uns zzc !1 Wednesday, 2:45 Home Mission-I the fourth quarter Monmouth in- ! B. club. Icouncn Religious Education ell| "--- | , ;J0C ~ ~,;r~O, DaOy tuart, No 2 tins, 2 for 23c ~ I ary Society meets• t tercepted a Cornell pass on the I Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn movedl Martelle Morley district for 1939 II I ....... BEANS, Baby Stuart: tiny whole. 2 tins ..... .... 33c | [ Thursday, 7:30 Division No. 7 willi Purple's 30 yard line from where ! into the. Chas; .Dunlap property] Mildred W a t s o n entertained]] ":'::::-. I ! 2"~_'~A FLAKES, Clear Wnt~r'n~ff, a 9.;~. |[have a neighborhood party at thea pass counted for the home teamllwr, ana mrs. ~yle Houser vacated[friends at a bridge party in the F [! ~-~'~ I ORGHUM, Wauconl" " ........... I ' ..................... . home of Miss Lillie. Hodgson.. Miss. a minute later. I there to live in the new. tenant cot- W Lembaugh" home Wednesday" • ~,pay ~ RAISIN BRAN ~..tlaPure, 21/~ pound tm ;. .......... 21c I Frances Coleman m the assisting Late in the game Monmouthltage onthe Mrs. Whipple farn~ ]~evening of last week. I~ A Photograph of Yourselfor Children. | • -- ~ J~I~ ~ . 1-..'" ortmners tteaay to at, z pKgs .... Z0C I lhostess All families are asked to again intercepted a pass, this time l lvtrs, rmrold Ramsay is in ~es/ The Friendshin class of Martel II ~ Z,~:1,~.~z ~ Delicious Flavors, 4 nk~s 19c ~ I be present on the Cornell 18 yard line from ] Moines attending the State Hair ]M E Sunday school enioved II inexpensive, yet personal and surely | Speci ' GES.California Valencia~s. metl size. 2 doz. 33c |1 Friday, 6:30, Methodist Fellow-: where a pass and three plunges i Dressers convention. .. ]parry'in the laome of Rev ancl Mrs. ]| ,zr~]~ I i Corn Oil ,,,~ ~-..,~ " " " ~,. | [ ship Banquet at the cnurcn. ~pec-: carried them over the goal line for I ~ars. Anna rmnn, Mrs. tannic I Baskerville Tuesday evening II w~.a~v~tt~. . • v_E,CANS, Paper ..................... | ial music. A community sing and the final score of the day. [ Flude: and L. B. Christman enter- 1 Mr. and i~Irs. E. C. Peet recently ]i .~. . ~. 1~,v ~, a • ~ . i [ HOUo ........... ~ ~, p~u.u ..................... ~. I lshort talks by our own men. Tornquist was again the Cornelll mmea dinner, nonor!ngl returned home from an extended] I rnone v or ov-w ior an Appoln[ment now I ! PIN pp LDBLEACH, Bab.y Stuart, Qt. 17c; Gal. 50c |1 ...... star as he handled the bulk of thoIMrs. Celia Darnels of Cedar Rapids. ltrip to the Pacific coast, where]| ...... , .......... I CITRON- ' lcneI u' 4 slice tin, 2 for ................ 27c I[ Ch, t..tian ,',kqen(~e :.,:,-s ball carrying duttes and did some] W~i~:.ana .~s. Lawrence ~eg!ey o! ]they enjoyed a visit in the home all ~vlK. ~t~AP~r~, me rnotograpner ! M'NCEF'rMe e'n dBFby:S:(Fai::t:lddv!:i:!ii:;ars 237c I ! I iig°Me:ll :nsC" SG ii!:w il wfllbeat the .. . i • I~ } - ....... |~ n Sun-a Nov mb r 12 peatedly se p I . • .I teacher in Anamosa high school. I| JAYNES ST[Jt Iu In lvlounl vernon eacn i [iI [ rasteurlzeu Milk I ] ' -~ ~ y" _ e .e. ~... _ . their heels. I ,James Thompson. IEnroute the Peets had a delightful I| ~ ~ . . ~ . o ~., | FI~ The uomea Text IS from u uorm, -------- ...... ~ Mrs Herman Bruger will leave ..... n t • • w .-- A ..... | I ,,. ......h.i ....... • ..... Ivlslt with friends m Montana, then I! aturaay a a unaay irom now un[ll ! ~ ~ ..................... rmaay Ior umaston, N M, to visit and 5[ We Deliver J .5 X, ![ pl:sae:eWayre~teUhr:ld ~d Mrs .a rralLaton parents Mr, and Mrs. Abraham l eC° Ps n edcothse r son, Roscoe, toll Christmas | mount vernon, Iowa Phone 132 I "l:g7rre- bexc°me,: '' rlh MC en C.e tiling for Bob : irl°l ra MPalimeesr :l trthetweekl d:, i; e:dub hn :i:a?SvWh°sjZuis[ : -- __ ........................... [ C llCllg_ , ]{ 21:2dAve I e e • • .I') : | Mrs Walter Larsen ana am| y. I Mr" / ..... ,~[e~tl 1 l~J[~ " fl A ~[1 • I~1 ; " ~ dg~k • • ~K~I I n ~e iL:hma lnusW] oRe2lace • | 4~J~,dLUl~ ~1~ ~ ~ I~ 1 lt~I "~ • ~ ~I llt~l born last Thursday. They named~ .. s. Rhetta Jenson, Lolen and] Lotte Lehman-'~'--. Internationally Would YOU Like ,w,~,~.i.,~a~ ~., .,m.~b,~.~.~.m.v"~,,~v,a,,~i. ~,w~ i+ T.i,.-,.a~, ] t.:armen Jaoxwell and Chris Neil-| .... ' ..... 0 Berk [ 938 ........... " .... son attendel the Iowa Sta ........ laccialmea ana worm-oeioved ior I ...... ber's y John Nyman at Bancroft. [She is replacing Laurltz Melchotr • Mr and Mrs Garb' Zach and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander whose engagement her for No- I-botto~ NOVEMBER 10, THURSDAY--LECTURE fami~ s ent Sunday at William and daughter of Chicago werei~,ember 17 was cancell:d ~ ~ Interna-| Walter R. B. Wiilcox, Architect and Authority on City Planning Zach,sy p week end guests in the parentalt' Mi~ ~ ot~m~nn "often r~fomed to ormwk" | "Art and Life" Ivan Yeisley had the misfortune John. Alexander home. [as'the great~t dual~artts( of-the m grass| ..... to lose a horse last week. It had miss ~velyn walton returned onI'n~usl ~o ld and the t ankl It 1 ew Idea I ........ ,~,~.. the sleenin~ sickness in the late Saturday from a visit in West l~ e ,r op-r ng • , [ [..,, . , ~--a-v~:vlD~l~ G II'IUIt~I)AI -- II;15UI'I'Ah ...... ~..~" h~a ..... ~ntl', recov Chester Her grandmother Mrs ]singing actress is known to Ameri- , loaoer; uutte Lehman • . • ° .................. - " " • ' • ' l n, Soprano, Metropohtan Opera Star and World-famous RecRahst ered. Carl Waltonreturned with her. [can radio audiences by her fr.o- ~.*';*".*: ~ ..... Th~ Paralta Emb club met at ~vir. and Mrs. Stanley Parker oflquent air ftppearances. Born In _ __ real bait- i DECEMBER 13 WEDNESDAY LECTURE RECITAL the-hom-e-o-f~Irs. Li'll Stewart Fri- Martelle and Mrs. W. A. Shifter[Germany, the Metropolitan Opera With Every Twelve Purchased? Sheller; ~ -- - ' ---- " day afternoon There was a small spent :~unaay visiting Mr. Shafferlsoprano is an honorary member of ~S This | Edna St. Vincent Millay, AmeriCa's Foremost Poet crowd due to the day A social if- in St. Lukes hospital. [the Vie'nna State Opera anda k£ae s I! Nadlne Shepa/ANn ,U A i iY : EC TUR rEa.Y ~~~" pD~r~el~i~~:~~i ~e a~r~:~f e~il txm~s!ll°°~rnr I ~:[~iw~E~~P s~°iie~l' and t. tB#: ytewarel=dP Y hw° llleZ t :additional ic lure and Life .... ~'~-;" ;"" ~r"-ram Mr. Mrs. Ivan Mann ell ---- absolutely nocost if you are a t FEBRUARY 8 WEDNESDAY RE IT Those of our school entering the ugewooa were monaay vlmtors m .......................... ~ .... n member of our hosiery club All you have , . -- C AL ...... .. .... ..... re" Mar the Wilbur Stearns home. [ Iowa Economists and Sociologists 1 • Pasquler Trio Famous French Strln Trio r and Stanle Mrs Charlotte Morehouse of Ce Des Moines last Thursday and Frl 1S k a car The , g ion Louise Slate y = ........ "| " " to do " as for d n you purchase k,,m,~, ~ ~~ Franta from second grade" Rita air ~apins visitea m ~pringvillelday' Prof. C. L. Rich was elect- , ....... uu,~,,, ~ . ~t~AD~u ,~, ~,'~xrr,*,~r ............ ~ndall fourth ~rade; 'Esther and at her farm north of town On[ed president of the group Prof your nex~ pair oI nose ana you Will De- And His" Male Dancers,'" "JnA "~' I¥1L~INLIAI -- 'l'J2iJLI ~I'IA~_/NI ~ ' Lester °Notbohm Thursday I ~.._ _..~__ " ' ' Repeat Performance; A New Program, "O Libertad!" Phx PS--aa : fr0mi Bessie SmoUen of Cedar Rapidst:]:;s:'lt ,°c:P .r come a member of __ ~ . .g~ " . ........ ,^_ ,,.:^, spent the week end with her sister[( . ~ e tea. , . ,., .... ..... DrinKing wa~er prut;tvr~ xvx t,t,tt~iMrS Esther H--'........ I ProIessor J H Ennls auditor or • harles and Archie Bran- • ~pKer in me t~. F.. ' " ~eason TlCKet, ~ UU week are C I Butler home [reports for the next period -------------~~ naman; handwashing proctor is • ~ ' let (~('tD3kT~l-¥ *,Tn,rl~An,.~=. Howard Phel"s ..... | Prof. Ennis read a paper en- ~.~vat~t~ 12~J.~l~ 2-kUJL~IIUi~IUI¥1 .~, L*-~J' • - ..... I Rraia Vitamia ia Rrt|at ]titled "Nebraska ~Vhite Spot " Tne sevenm graae are, reaamgI A brain vlta i ~ ' ' b ~,^_t. '~ '~" "' ........ " "~harles Dickens works m n Is fotind In calve~ldealtng with the White Spot adver- ~, ~ltett~ O:UU U~UIOCK ~ume u~ ~ and they eniov his style of writ-! bralll~ ana this diet I| approved ltlsing campaign now being spon- ing-~ ..... oy aelenee 'sored In Nebraska