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November 11, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 11, 1898 |
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It IITlr~II'~TT~t'~ TTTt~flI~/~h~T ~ John Martin and Os,a~Voodwardwcre i,di(~ |~2 "~|~|)~" L~I)L~ A, rlN MARIA TERESA LOST t DI~-~T'~R "~ T I
MT. VERNONHAWK-E E. A Wh'h'I(N I-[I (TflgVl' lan'vl'ilh"lt" " I " " I
rl I1 I'tl'Jlt kl Illkl/ lltl I a rn,n~ at Joplin, Me. I The Ex-Fh|gsbip of Cervern'a Squad. [ Roof of a Nesv Theater CollapseS~, [
] 1"he doors of tile First 1,alional bank I ~-- ^.:^- -f r, .I n,; ~ ~ ron Slnku in a Stor,n "~Vhite [ Eleven )lea Are Iiilled and a I
-- ~ s ' r ) " ] ~A~LU~IUII C Ua~) ~tllU X'IJt~ ~/IC~t$~) " ~IUOB YIJrlrlOfl O rloofl $
at ['in qltn~, ( xxere (']~(( . ou lter Way to Anteri(.a. [ Large Number Injured. [ Y
MT. VERNON, : I IOWA. ~. rm- " nt tIa enin s of a I A mob h'uehed Arthur Williams (eel- I Havoc in the Capitol. I [ rilla and Health la G
'~- "*" "'~l~v~t . l'l'I ~ I orcd) nt Well,ourne, Fla for the m~r- I -- Charleston S. C Nov. 7. The for- [ Detroit, Mieh N'ov. 7.--The new five- [ "1 was a sufferer from eatal
Tennessee now comes to the front Week Bmefiy I old. der of Miss Elivia Ogden. I mer Spanish eruiser Marla Teresa the [ story Wonderland theater is in a hollO- I my neighbors aSvised me to
~ith a missing cashier who is graph- The death of .Mrs h)hu Nol)le. aged Rooms of the United StaIes Supreme flagship of Admiral Cervera's lleet, / less muss of debris, and at least eleven
/ Sarsaparilla and I did so. A
[ 10S vears occurred at iwr home in I Court Are Wrecked--Fan(one Law ~'hieh was rai~ed by Ney's/ Constm2etor / lives were sacrifice t by an -tcc dent I purified my blood and cured
~eally" described as "six feet.r "tw inches ~ A LL PARTS 0F TtIE UNION', .M ir'~ s~ flle,~ j." " .Mleh" ' . II(i," hu.~l) tad dn d a::~ ' ! Llbrarl~ an ~! 1 riceh s~ tteeoada ttob~'on, "'was 'lost "''in the" storm which [ ~hieh occurred Saturday" " afternoon." [ remained iu good healLl~ ever
tall and about $14 000 she t. ~cw clays ago at the age of t0.t, ] Practically Destroyed, raged off the ]3ahama islands on Taes- I Shortly before two o'clock, while 35 ] T. A.OKtXS, Athensville, Illiao~
A breacivloading cannon, made in I In a railway wreck near Union Pa- [ -- day afierl~oon. The cruiser was at,an- [ men were at work in various parts of ~ Ll~,~ri~-, ~ ~-~.~ ~
All the Latest News. of Interest,~ from cific Junction, he William lloevcr, was Washington, Nov. 7. An explosion doned by the crew onl3 .'~ ~short time be-/ the half-finished, portiou of the strue-. / I-IIJtJldl ~ ~igll[-~igll|
1659, has been discovered in an old mu- ~;,~b,*~, ~,~ +1 i~t t I killed ~ nd several persons were scrtous- ~ ud fl~ e at 5 15 Sunday afternoon fore she went to the bottom F~er "- Lure the roof fell ~n ~]thout a second s Is America s G eatest Medicine
seum at It:~Inburg, which explodes the ~ ~ ~, le .~.~, ~h0 . " - ~ 3 - " - [ "" " "
belief that such weapons are an inven- vd~o+ o.wl ~h~ ,Ro-+h I]y~njured' I~'reeked the suprenm courtroom and thingwaslost. Thecrew, however, was/Warnmg. Nearly every,workman wasl~-~-Z~ ~, .~5-:
lion of the present century ~o. ,**~ :,v~ After a qnarrel James MeDowen, of the rooms immediately ad3oining it on ]eseued without the loss of a man. [ carried down into the tlmater pit; the ] MOOd 8 ~'|lls cureallL,verlal
- Marhlehead. O shot and killed his wife } the nmin floor of the capitol. The Teresa had been leaking all of [ top gallery was erushed down upon the ]
The report of the United Slates 'I~ELATESTFOREIGNDISPATCIIES andtheneomndttedsuieide, l'fhe damage is enormous The eu- ,luesday, and it was found that she was / lower galiery, forminga sort of fatal[ (;o Sooth Th~a ~Vl,t
geological survey for 1S97, just corn- White. and ncffro miners resu~]ed tire central eastern part. of the great going under des,fite~, the work of the /hillside, down which slid broken steel I .Per the~ present, winter, seasc,
l~leted, shows a total mil}eral produe- ~ hoslllit~esatPaua, Ill and several were l marble pile from tim mare floor to the menat the humus Assoon as this was l girdcrs nhmks timbers, brick and a I.vflle & N~}shv,file Railroad C
9 ~ WAIt NEWS. " is . - " ' - ' ]mproveu ~ts an'eauy neamy per
lion of $632,31~,o47 In value. Motber [ shot I r, ubterranean basement practmally known, all energies were devoted to / great quanhty of cement from the root, [ service of l'ullroan V-stib"l,
~lllC navy (lcpartment ]S m/lxlng al ~ u
~arth treats Une]e Sam uncommonly ', . ":. -; ' . . " I In Detroit, Mich the roof of the new I " muss of rains. The force of lhe ex- saving the erew. The Teresa's men [and earrylng along a struggling corn- [ Cars and elegant day coaches 1
rangemems ior tne estaollsnment oi a ll] r natl Lore file,Lo and
[ Wonderland theater fell in, killing 11 [ plosion was so heard tbat ti~e cop' g were nut into the sea by means of / pany of men into the oit below very / ", "sv",St. uis ,
well. naval statmn at Honoluht. I workmen and injuring many others / stones on the outer walls, just" east of s inks and afterward pickett up by surf- / few of whom escaped injury Reseue~Ts [ 3Iobile, New Orleans and the
' ~ a " " ~ ' " I,/ 'lllomasvnle ~ a I ensaeola
The hero of heroes, bar none, is Bonndtfor ~l. nfla the crmser BuffaloI / the point where the explosion pc- boats from tho wreekin~ tuz Merritt. Iwere at work, whenaportionofawatl /q, ~.l'. t~.' '.i. ~.n .+'~
left Brooklyn with 700 bhmjackets who I FOIIEIGN IN'I'ELI.IGES(3E. furred w-re )" l"e-~ out n('(rl-" two - - -~ ~ . I ] f" s u" ! L?,v-, --~; .~,
George Dewey. It has been more than ' . .t ~ ~,I ',~ o-su ', 2 ne~eresamftGuantanamooaymst,er tanning ten, ourymgseverm, o ~JYlorma. }erfeet eonneetmn
half a century since he was whipped, writ repmce tne men in :~um~ral I .au tne affe ot a~ 3ears ouHt, s ~,om- inches; windows iu all that part of the Saturd tv ~i rh ~n tow of the I J Mer- / killing none. [ with steamer lines for Cuba
and then the jab was performed by Dewcy s flect who have served out their [ sclmiidt, of Mi[~ttul,ee, St!t.tes] buihling ,were blown out; and locked ritt andtth'e~5n'ited States steamer Vul. / Tim known dead are as follows: |Nassau and ~Vest Indmn pol
a villagetsehootmaster who slipped up te~m~d~f:~alci:~::t~"n Gen We?rler of ]: t~snt'gene~a~ m ,~em,n (ned m that doors were forced from their hing~es can The Vulcan accompanied tim /seJh~hen iCa~oSrgeelS~uglaborf:n::c~e~ Gk~g~:- ]a~o~ rm~e~e~r~tex~u~'~.~t~
behind him ~' . ~ g " ' :~ ' [ 4~' . I quite as0 feet from the scene of it. Fire cruiser as a special convoy, The ~ b~-e~' O~,n,H,~ Moo ~*~-" q'iaeo-,Passenger Agent, Louisville,
t~unan ~ame a.n(t memory, ~w.~.~ (.he I* J~ur~aor repor~:s ~ronal~ are ntnan-] tollowcd the exlflosion so quickly as weatber was favorable at first and there l dore'MertenT"~ab'o-~Se~."Augus;'Sa-flach la-/t,culars.
The anni iiation t-heMahdist,sby wnomsme mo u,g the Fnl|lpptnelaXOW, tAuna, saytnat~u(~unonseswere| to seem acticall'" simultaneous with re "- " - ~ ' '~'" ' "
' p" ~ was not much inuication oI a storm on r; 2aartin ~hater. painter: George w. "
]Gtchcner's troops has left 300,000 treasury has been unearthed in Manila ] destroyed and 1,000 people were burned ] i~ / White (Inner" Peter ~'e:lfle W-~nt- Wolfe / A Frigid Comhit
" ", . '. ~ -- un Montlav nowever Ine ~,vln(ls nefieau I ~ ' "~*"~" "" " ' / "Thore'o th~ ~aoo~ .~.~
women to be cared for by the Britlsh she steamboat Panama which wasl to death. I Prleelea- lloo~.~on Re-.-ra~ Burned - o /~ax F011. /, ~, ~ - j
' t ~ - - - -:', "- ~o raffe and a storm oroKe on the snii)s. ! Thote missing and belteved deadar*- |the hardware dealer to his hen
~rec o I e ~m eror ~,~llllamwas l~entner] lit ~ 7 9~
This feminine surplus can't be married reported to have been v" ked ffC~ p [. ,P ',"' g " - g ] B~fore tbe flames could be uubdued At the time the tug was towing the IPeterConnors lather" Jacob Lewen metai,l~hat's that.
off in a day and the British authorities Mab:s~, Cuba, entered ttavana harbor. I ny ~ne smtan ot. ~t~v:ey ~o.pmnt a ] the prieeh~ss documents in the record- Vulcan and the Vulcan in turn was tow- tp llsher; Frank Wolfe, cornice-maker; ] ~ney~regettmg up a retrtg~
"~ Bet e~ron; ~ree ~ress
lne o~ernment ~lll take no further mr e t~erman colon) alon lne ~nole ts metal cornice maker O MullIn
don't know what to do with them. ~ " "" [ g,g " ] room bad been nlmost totally destroyed in~r fh~ o,-.i~r The ~n~:~ "-- ~.~ /," : ] -" "
" of th fro tier of Tri o]" - ~ . ~, o-~ ,u ~,~ The Injured are" Charles Cross arm bad- -- -- -
,step~.s to raise', the: rest' of, the =|~S amsh ~ I e n lli-nc-P " '" s "id to I at d ser. ious dalnaffe harl been done m Teresa were only working slowly and" Ply cut and bruised Internally; Joseph Me- [, Do You Want to I
Capt. D. C. Woodrow, of the United warsmps uestroye(t oy ~(lm~raiI txn armeu a ~ e ts ~'t ~ "uve]the marshal's office at)(] some minor the tltxee shins strun, out in line were /Bride ankle terrtbly crushed two scalp/ ~nanne, mild and healthy e
States navy, has in his possession the Schiey s fleet off the coast of Santutgo. [ been agreed to between German5 and i rooms in tl e immediate vicinity '1be ,~ni~,
nt ~ Vmodor ~, e, rn~ *) ~r),~*~d' [ wounds;' Oscar Robinson, severely' braiseql |~,clone.s and bhzzards" are unk
nt wa Turke ' . -- t~--.b v about the lungs and Internally injured goodrich lands can be bought
flag floated by the Virginius on its ill- W~th the l~tfty-flrstreg~me . of In 1 ,~ y" - 1 hbrary of the supreme court, located Tuesday morning the Teresa was tak- [John Dunchlnsky, ribs broken; Jacoi; [near ck(~ap transportation ant
fated filibustering trip to Santiago in vonmteers on ooaru ~ne transport I ~leps are t)e~ng taken t)y the dap- I immediately beneath the supreme ing water. The gale was blowing at /Pcllke, nose partly severed and bad scalp ]cati.onal and industrial advant
I873. It was taken from the vessel by Pennsylvania sailed from San Fran- [ anese government to determine'for a court room;was badly damaged by fire. the rate of 50 miles an hour and it was ~ wound; Joseph Fergnason, seriously lh- ],seekers Excursions to Virgi
ciseo for Manila I certainty whether or not the emperor smoke and ~vqter .)ractic all, destro, Jured about head and face EIdwal~l Fisher |' Big 4 Route" and the Chesan(
the captain himself, December 26 1873, . : ", ~ . . ] t ~ ~ J" seen tna~ tne ermser was in trouuie, lie*" broken and badly hurt Internally ma'-" 'Ratr--- r
At a .Joint se~smn of the eace corn of China is ah~e in lhc re ((collection of I ~w reference,r - ~ ,way ~vm~e (or uescmp
just before the ship sank while being " ~ P " ] ' " I ff g t,~ " By ten o cloek on Tuesday morning the /aPt r ecove ; W. l!Ilam 9ross.field scalp/Virginia, list of farms for sa
brought hack to the United States. missions in,Paris Spain rejected the I L~S I books.~ The library contains about 20 water hhd reached the engine-room and [ wo.una.sptne mjure~aria armana~a2urea,;ooay ortusedra'm ~5/~t)zkowskI,j W V~ 1 |~ates, dates,o time-cards, &c. ,
UnltedStates proposition regarding the I " ] )00 vohtmes and was nsed not only by the engineers had to quit. The fires
/ n e-'elld torn heel - ~ ; " "' "" " |''' N. A ~34 Clark St Chical
lion. Thomas B. Reed's eongression- Philipp nes, but the Madrid representa- I Admiral Schley cabled the haw" de- ] the justices of the supreme court b~t were extimruishe~l and all the time [~ o~en~. badl," ~,~u~a proven, two rm.s,
" ' o t--,~ may tale; bouls [ Not the Dame.
al carcer has had enough excitement fives did not withdraw from the con- [ par(meat that Capt. Snow had arrived I by members of congress and lawyers more water was pouringin. The newly [ Schmldt, foot crushed, badly brulsed, will [ Baggs--It is said that Da
) cti i ~ recover
in it to satisfy the demands of the most ference. Premier Sagasta. in an inter- I at San ;Iua~ and that he had relieved I l ra ~ e n~ before the supreme eourt, riveted plugs in the hull of the crutser / " ]knocks once at every man's d(
ardent politician. He has been elected view at. Madrid. practically admitted I the admiral of the command of the ~Ir. Justice llarlan said that the library began to give way and parts of the yes- / After. the. first crash, the front wallof,Jaggs--Well, it was her de
12 times, by majorities ranging from his country must ,finally yield. The] naval station there was very vnh!able. Many of the work~ sel which had been considered stanch the butldmg remained practmall" " y l'n- [Fortune,~ho" called on me.-<
117 to 10,539. His smallest majority United States is prepared to resume I The town of Green Ridffe Mo wasal-]it contnined would, lie thouglat, be dig raDidlv weakened When the engines tact, but the cast wall bulged and |e~er.
was in the year 1880, and since then he hostilities at any moment and adm,ims- [ most swept out of existei~ee 1)3 ~ire. I flcult to replace. Librarian Chtrk. after had stopped the force turned in and buclded threateningly " 1 To Callfornlao
has always instructed the barber not tration officials d.eclare the navy and I S. ~Y. Stewart, a negro of T'oluca. Ill Ia cursory examinalion necessartly worked hard at the DumPs hut at two I Notwithstam]ing the danger, the,Attention is called to the e
to give him a very close shave, army m" better Mmpe than at any time" I charged with" assault~ upon Miss Mary [ made( obY the light of lanterns, expressed o'cloek in the afternoon'else pumpers 'inW rkout f thereScuingdead wthe injureds,an'and tak-,-ms|iCe Ofanathe No~h-Westerntne ~avorable ratesLit
-- ,-~- during the war. [O'Brien was taken from the jail in La- hc p~mon that many of tbc books had made no headway- against the ] g as ru neu u goo~/b~ ~o ~ ^.
Admiral Dewey has lately been mueh Admiral Cervera's flagship, the eruls- leon by a mob and hana'ed. I could be saved, although they had been water, and it was deeid ed to leave the [ progress made until 5. I5 o'elock, when s
"" U *"
er Mum 'l.resa r i r ex 1 ~ drenched b ~ater from the streams 1 ) Allth ~ the pper portmn of the east ~dll fell modatmns
aonoyed by peoI)le etaiming to be ac- "a " a'sed at. g eat . - I A 1 the buildings on both side. of I . Y ", . " ~h"1. e~'hilethe vesselrolled and i . '," . "n first-class or tot
ease at Sautes ob Lmut Hobson and Mm str e ~n P 40 n~ n poured rote the ~ibrarv for t~o hours Locked The or ~ ~ a sho~er of bricks stroking around the cars, whmh run through ever
quainted with him. Recently a stran- p g y I. n ~ e t ~tkm, Col urn- [ . " " " ders ,ere g" "en to quit ] ' ' |'
hand and exclaimed: 'Admiral, I bet
y,:U don't remember me." Admiral
Dewey, recognizing in him one of these s s fr r~ ba,~ g subbasement l'hese included all of the cers and crew ~ere tossed overboard none of those who were struck by the ca,( ton to agents Chmago & 1~
bores, answeredlacanicaliy': "You've DLpatehe om Mad 'd say t t /eialsinl~ashingtonallthemoredeter. recur'f:,~h" -" o " " ]second downfall wasserionsl- ; I'Ry, or connecting lines.
won your bet," and walked off. " Spain will sign the t)eace treaty under ] mined to take the islands I f t e supreme court irom 179. from the Teresa with slings, one at a I ~ '"J"'~'~, /
The people of Connecticut are angry proter, t. - " 1" Charles Barnes and tt:t~h Hooker and [ to 1832, The room eontains records of time, and then picked up and gathered although sevcra! were.precipita%ed into,Small CaDltmi
t~eeallse the name of that state is to be ~raaCnas~p~o:~n~:C!!y ~rfe~:~a? saffi~:dsf::= [~:~i~:!]:~ii:::::::r::::::a:::::1~i~:i!pi:~::::~i?:ii~t?i~!~du~edemgeb~esir~nI ::rT:hhme:Tst.i:e h:o:;a:~:: in~Tdr.;il~c~~:~uagi~l~h!~i~iI~, oe~P~rrMn~
given to a :tuonit(~r and not to a battle- S~h~e=d~ n~t
ship. Yet {he;score/sty of the n avy has f
While p~sstng through Washington,cork jacket life ~)reserver, died at his I Y : Y 300 fathoms deep. Two ll-ineh guns I " "" . P ,]much of a tmandal, anyhow.--]
or ~o ha(el3 oamageu t)y nre ann ~ater w ~e b lo ed to the Teresa and two ye~ neen ue.nt~e~y settled l~ seemsto
aimed "go please Lh~:~;L Connecticut en route from Porto Rieo to Columbus [ home in New York city [ ~ " "' "h' h e ng [ . ", . " / --
" " as to be useless,f rest, however, octween too much Are You Going to 1~
should be contented With its present t~ Fourth Ohm infantry was pa~d the I I~ev Dr tt L Wavland one of the I 5 ~-mch guns wluch were taken tom [ -
allotment of honors. IthasY~le, the compliment ofareeeptionat the white ]most'eminent ]Japtist divines, died at [ Caused b.*" ~ae l~xploslon, the Vizcaya were lost with the cruiser, l,we(gut; m tne .roof und faulty ~teel] CaDro yoaiwant'.Puates, Malta,
Waterbury watch, raises all t~e finer . ~ "' ',~. I While many theories are offered as ] A~],~h q'o.o~ = ~o ,~.~ hn++~ I oeams usea in its constructiou l'he I us aaa au ocher r eeesst
grades of pure Havana tobacco an4is house. / Wernersvine x'a aged 68 years. I. - " ~ ~ ~ . " . . lit so, address H W ~park
r-- lTn.~ ~.~|]t~,~* 4"~,~* { ~'~1=, ,~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~r .~ I tO the cause ot the exptomon It seems I had been removed When no sir, ns of,tup u, the ruu~ was or cement, aoout ] Cht,~*,~ " " -
~,~ ~x.v j ~, a~.~ ~ aWt*,S u, i-resmen~ .~lcl~.ln/ey 1fie ~)as/1/n Ion ' " " ~ "*'~a~.*
represented, abroad by Mark 1wren. the increase and is caustn, ,n'eat anx- / n t g / beyond doubt to have been due to es- ] the wreck could be found on Wednes- / eight ~nches think, nnd many builders,o ~
'~ " ~ i-'- am-n- t~'- ~"-~" :~s ] capmg gas At seven tmnutes after five ] (lay morning the command w'ts ~'iven {lean to the opinion that this was too / Me opo tan Ormi
A prominent Spaniard,w2r a v ~ u~ zxmwuc~. ~m~l~t xne ratiroaft snops ot tne ~ou~nern t ' J ~, ~ "
! x,teut Nelson ot ~ne capito~ potice de- for the Merritt to nroeeed to 'harl-~ Iwetgnw mr ~ue supporung szeet work 1
de~t~ tU'H~v~laa ~nd a;m~ t~amuc company were ourneo at ~aera- ' " ~ - t r "
Io1~! Wt~IIINGTON. ,~n . C~I -~--- 1~~~ I---" / tected an odor of gas in the corridor t ton The weather had moderated some-/Ott e a say the fat0t hea in the Iiteel/
observati,n and- intelli ,alter of the United States i, (;;:ic';::o~)L:,:a~:~]:go ~:Ua:::" .nb [adjoining the supreme eourtroom. Iwhat, but the results of the storm work: which they alloge Wlta of iI~m~/
tr/bittes the strenglh ol ~n + -. '.~ ', ' . ~t'n v " / Not being able to'loeate it he proceeded I were still beinR" felt. The ttm" was quart.y, t of
States to the strengtli -~v ~- Sa:tal:~):~e~:~.ra~ ann ~nspateh, [to Statuary hall---the old hall of the [crowded. The -men had to sleel
bod~ of the Art o,^:~ ~" ' house of rep~ decks. Some of the men were wit]
'~ ~ar~t"~:'~ar::~m(~ad](tig ;:" gas mig]~t be shoes. The tug was not provision~
-- ' ' " such a oassenger list and shor
0a years, were necessary on the run to
Kan was nearly
in a long race of
Philippine~L ~Notwttl~taa~.dl~g. the
fact that the3 steepled :~ifferen4
eourses, the Saranac going by way Of
i Barbados and,St, Itelena, and the St.
Mungo by Ascension, they arrived at
:New York within a very few minutes
f each other. . . . - ' :,
ft. W. Johnson, the pr ident of the
University of Oreg0u, ~'li0died ::a shoi't
time ag6~ aaS a,~mafl~ab]e lnstanee
of a n~a~ ~'~O bad tO fight -hi~ way
~througl~ ~he world. When he was ten
years old he did not even know the al-
phabet, but h.e became sejlzed with a de-
sire to l~arn, andi tinnily worked hil
way through Yale, graduatlng fifth in
a class of 100, and attainingbef0re his
death a very prominent place in nation-
al edue~tional circles. . .
Since the United Stat e~ g.overnment
was 1 orr~ ~d 19,00 1 white men, women
and e hHd en have been sla{n in Indm
wat, s and affrays and about 30,000 In-
dtllns, at all expense to our govern-
men( of ~S07,073,658. To this in(meuse
sum must be addedj~the civil expend]-
the Irldians, wh h ,between 1776 and
1890, .amoun~eB f9~259,944,082, making
n total of $1,067~01~,~ 40 fur civil and
~) military expenses in connection with
~ the noble redruan '
i t -- L
Spain ,n-ust--get out Of Cuba by the
lSI~ 0f She has been in
~j:;?' " tht: ii~lantl s"l~ft/e over 400 years, a~d
!ii~ sht, -might ha~ staM in unfit the end
~ of time perhaps if she had behaved her-
~;~ ~elf. A greater and more enlightened
laation assumes control of Cuba when
~: ~pain leaVes, and the history of the
island henceforth will be different.
Whether as American territory or un-
of the
a fire im-
practically de-
stroying the library and' records, of the
e0urt~from 1792 a~d 1832. The 10ss is
over $1,000,000
On February 14 nex~ th~ third na-
tional 'congress of mothers will be held
ih Washington.
' Tili '
in New York the Joint Traffic nsso-
clarion, the most powerful railroad
~trust ever forfiaed, Was dissolved.
In'the busluehs section Of tIaverhill,
Mass fire caused a loss of $200 000.
Cotton sold under, five eerds a pound
for~he';flrst time in }he history of the
New York cotton,exchange. ,
.Jo~an Frawle'Y and Charles MeCI0s-
key were killed and 12 other men were
injnrad, two fatally, by the explosion, of
a boiler in ihe Oil City (Pa.) boiler
works. " : "
A joint resolution passed the Ve.~-
;moat legislature at~proving I'resident
Mckinley's demant3s for the retention
of the Phtlippir~es.
En route from New York tO Wilming-
ton, N. C, thJe steamer Croatan was
burned :at sen'off C~pe Charles and five
persons 'los~ ~l~irir'li~'bs. .
i An offer has been madeby Mrs, Rus-
Sell Sage, Of New" York, o~ $300.000 for
the .building of.a miNtary ~a~itaHum
in Citr0.uel}e, Aim . ~
Charles Burke, of Buffalo, and flay
Stnley, Of Grand Island, lost their lives
In the Nia'g~ra river by their boat
swamping. ~ *
At the age of 70 years David A. Wells,
the noted eeonomist, died at his home
in Nomvieh. Conn.
fatally injured.
district, was killed by an accidental sponded to an alarm sent in bya police-
discharge of a gun held by his son man three squares from the capitol,
while hunting at Trout lake. had arrived. C. P. Gliem. chief elec-
Rev. R. E. Howell, of Decatur, Ill trician of the capitgl, and H. W. Tay-
who eloped with a married woman, lor, chief engineer of the house side,
committed suicide at O]athe, Ken. had a stream playing into the supreme
Orders were issued by Gen. Young cmtrt record-room, which by that time
for the general movement of the See- was a roaring furnace. Within a few
end corps from Camp Meade at Mid- minutes after the arrival of the fire de-
dletown, Pa to new eampsin the south. Imrtment the flames were under con-
Two masked robbers entered the post trol.
office at Arago, Ore and secured $'1,- Val~table ~,Vorks of Art Destroyed.
300. Among the losses whicb will be most
Western army surgeons and Col. sincerely regretted are those of busts
Turner. of the First Illinois volunteers, of Chief Justice Marshall and other di~-
told the war fnquiry board in session tinguished members of the supreme
in Cldcag0 that incompetent eamp dis- eourt, which were arranged on small
cipline was largely responsible for tm. pedestals about the supreme court
sanitary condition and a consequent ehdmber. In the smoke and ruln which
heavy death rate. followcd the explosion these valuable
~INO-R ~~S. tvorks of art 'Sere either badly damaged
or wholly destroyed and with their de-
struction the country has suffered an
Mark Twain is said to show the el- irreparable loss. Many of them have
fects of his recent efforts and to be been treasured as exhibits in the su-
aging'rapidly. " ' ' preme court chamber for half a cen-
Itusbands a~d wives traveling to- tury.
gather in Norway, Austria and Ihm- E~tlmate of Los~.
.No intelligent estimate of the money
less by the explosion and fire can t)e
made. In the opinion of capitol officials
and mechanics who examined the
structure the loss will reach probably
$200,000 to the btdlding. The loss on the
library and records a's stated above, can
scarcely be estimated in dollars and
cents. A mililon dollars could not re-
place them because of many of them uo
duplicates are in existence.
The capitol building has been dam-
aged a number of times before by fire.
but it is believed that this fire w|l
prove to be the most disastrous in the
history of the building. On two (inca-
stuns prior to this fires have been
started by explosions of gas. Seven-
teen years ago a large amount o~ dam-
age was done to the same part of the
building by an explosion of this kind.
and in 1876 there was an explosion of
gas that killed one man and eame near
killing another. *
& Generons Gift.
Washington. Nov. 7.----The Catholic
University of America. through its
rector, Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Cons(y. D. D
was the recipient on Saturday of a gift
of $10,000 for the establishment of a
fellowship in the faculty of divinity.
The donors are Mary Gwendoline Byrd
Calwell, Marquis de Marlnville, and
her sister .Ma~y Eliza Breekeuridge
Caldwell, Baroness Von Zedtwitz.
1~'111 g|gn Under Protest,
Leaden. Nov. 7.---The Madrid corre-
spondent of theDatly Mail says: Spain
wtll sign the peace ~treaty under pro-
V~'lll fSo to t~antIago,
Washington, Nov, 7.--The'army In-
vestigation commission will soou go
in sight when the Maria Teresa went
down. The Vulcan remained at her
post until all the crew from the Teresa
were rescued. When the line between
the ships parted the cruiser was sink-
ing rapidly. Then in the darkni~ss the
Vulcan moved away and signals from
the tag were not answered.
[The Infants Maria Teresa was In her
prime the pride of Spain. It was not so
much her power as a fighting ship that
made her dear to the hearts of the Span-
lards as the circumstances in which the
vessel was built and launched. When the
cruiser was floated it was the queen regent
herself that released the boat from the
ways. The building of the Maria Teresa
was attended with great enthusiasm at a
special plant In Bilbao under the ram'e of
La Sociedad Anonlma de l,os Astllleros del
Nervion. From this plant the Infants
Maria T~resa was la~nehed in 1890.
This superb war vessel was 364 feet long.
f5 feet 2 tnehes of beam, 21 feet 6 Inches
mean draft, and her displacement, wltb all
stores on board, 7.000 tons. She was what
ts called technlcallvy an armored cruiser.
Her protection consisted of a belt on the
water line 12 inches the(k, extending over
a length of 315 feet. Around the positions
of the heavy guns was Worked armor10V,
inches tn thickness. She had a proteet~(i
deck three inches thick The main armor
belt was five feet six Inches in width. For
armament the Maria Teresa had twe 11-
tnch and ten {].5-Inch Hontoria guns in her
main battery and 16 rapid-fire guns in the
secondary battery. In speed she was ths
queen of the Spanish navy.
The Infanta Maria Teresa was disabled
in the great naval battle Juat outslde San-
tiago de Cuba harbor July 3 last, When
Bampson's shtps, under the temporary
command of Commodore ~chley, wlped
out Cervera's squadron. The Teresa sailed
out of the bay at 9:35 o'clock that morning,
bearing Cervera's flag and leading the
Spanish squadron In its rushdor liberty.
The Brooklyn, Texas, Oregon, Indtana'and
Iowa, asalsted by the other vessels In the
American navy, poured a storm of shell
into the flying Spaniards. During the first
15 minutes of the engagement the Oquendo
and the Maria Teresa Were set on fire by
the Amerlcan shells and Were run to shore
wre a ,
The board
all their available ~ employ
As fast as a mangled worltmnu waa,ex~
tricated he was tenderly carried to o.~e
of the waiting hospital ambu|aneet~ and
the usual pitiful scenes were ~tnestmd
at morgue andho~ffdta]s.
The walls, steel work and roof were
the only completed portions of Wonder-
land, which was w~out,floors or in-
terior finish. The property is 6wned by
Patrick Wiggins, partner of James H.
Moore in his combined theater tt~d
museum euterprises The proDer ty
loss is yet unestimated. The police
have secured a number of the broken
girders, to be used ~s evidence later.
Noted ~geonomlst Passes Awny at Ills
Home in Norwich, /~onn
After a Brief Ilinell,
iN0rwieh, Conn 1Nov. 7.--David A.
Wells, the noted economist, died at his
home here at 2:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon. He had been ill far two
weeks with a complication of diseases.
[Davtd Ames Wells wss born at Spring-
field, Mass, June 17, 18Z8. He graduated
from Williams c011ege l,n 1847 and entered
the field of Journallsm as assistant editor
of the Springfield RepubHean. From 15~
to 1552 he spent In study at "the Lawrence
.scientific school of Harvard universitY, in
Which he subsequently became an asslatant
professor, later publishlng a series of sci-
entific books. He was,long promlnent tn
publlo life. In 1866 he was appolnted spe-
elal commissioner of revenue,' an office
created for htm, and later, under hls direc-
tlon, the bureau of statlstles was formed.
In 1867 he went to :Europe as Amerlcaa
commissioner to inquire Into competitive
Industrtes. In 1~72, after completing a work
of inquiry into the taxation laws of New
York state, hs accepted ~ lectureship on
political science In Yale. He served as dele-
?l~te tof, l~ anddem cratlc1880, andnatl nalwaa a candidatec nven"
~for congress, Prof. Wells dtd ~uch valu-
able work in the field of railroads and
lanals. In 1889 be was awarded the gold
medal at the French exposition for his con-
trlbut|on to economic literature. He was
the author of a number of books on tarltl
and fllmnclal quest lons.]
Death ~amo guddem/F.
ci~HWamUke:u Claire,IN v" 7'--Awis Sentinelsays: Delosspe
your cold without
hr. Ayer's
t0ral Plaster
not come to Porto Rico, No American
should come expecting to strike i!
~ch,aud no persons should come wiLh-
out plenty of money to pay board bills
and have enough to take ~hem back to
their homes in the United States. This
is a small is/and, has a population of
about 1,000,000 people, and is the most
denselypopulated eotm]ry in the world.
There are several hundred thousand
working Porto Ricans ready to fill the
vacant jobs at a low price.'"
Not least among the resources of the
Philippines is a cmqous natural prod-
uct. Several vegetable growths appear
to possess the faeuhy of secretingmin7
ernl concretions, in all respects re-
sembllrg eertain familiar p~eeions
stones. The famous James Snfithscm
was t~,e first to g[re nny real attention
to these fumous plant gems. but neither
sciehtist nor merehant has followed his
lead. One of the jewels, the bamboo
opal rivals lhe best stones in its deli-
cate tints Of red and green~--it is the
rarest and a thousavd s~ems may be cut
up before a single specfmen is found,
summer. Marion Tyler, of Indianapolis,
shot her. at Seottsburg, Ind. and then
shot hiumelf.
Tbe death of Dr. T. D. Wtthcrspoon,
president of the Louisville theoloi,dcal
scminary and an eminent Presbyterian
divine, occurred in Louisville. Ky.
The North Carolina m~preme eou~
has taken a hand in the uprising of the
Miss Kate McAteeand Mrs. Florence
George, both of Washington. were
killed by the cars at Langdon. Md.
In St. L.~uis the eity eonneil passed a
curfew ord.inanee providing that chil-
dren nnder ]5 years of age shall not
be permitted on the streets of the city
a~'ter eight o'eloek at night.
/}eeanse of an sl!eged insult John
B,'~iley, a prominent farmer residing
neat. Muncie. lad was shot to death by
Mins Levina Bhtek. a neighbor.
At Mishlcdt. Wis John-Bahls and
hts wife. an old couple, were murdered
and Ernest Messermann. a tramp, was
under arrest for the crime,
i land.
Mr. tlat Porto- "
R.toer l~ S:Ypt0h~::~::~ganym]~nnds:~k~dg ti~: t, ib:lixnhgiat'~,e:e? :ff::*leafte~?::ilIai:t
killed Grocer James Zimmermaa at
Bowling Green on June 8, was electro-
mate of the convent of St. Francis. Bal-
~2tZ" States,Md'" isbath inthe ldes'rpoint ofnnna~andin the
length of service. She i~ said to be 107
)'ears old.
Joaquin Miller, the poet. who is
building his own tomb in the California
woods, has used only flint and his ma-
sonry will last for centuries In the
rock he has cut thewords: "To the
The fttneral of Mrs. S. C. Harris. in
Atlanta, Ga was made a public affair
owing to the fact that the dead woman
had earned the title of "Mother of At-
lanta" in ]842. by bearing the first
chi/d born in that elty.
Fifty-seven officers of the regular
army have sons in the service, and two
generations of the same famil3 are even
more frequent in the navy. The Sel-
fridge family furnishes three geuera-
Lions--from a lieutenant to an admirah
The life insurance companies doing
business Jn Canada have agree[] here.
after not to neeept risks on the lives of
married women, unless they happen to
be the breadwinners of the fami/3"; or.
in other words, wholly independent ofi
their husbands,
gary pay duly one fare and a half on the
Lieut. Jules G. Ord, sou of Gem E.
O, C. Ord, who was killed' in the battle
of Santiago, was a great-grandson of
K1 g George I~.
Mrs. Fred Douglass, widow of the
colored orator, is to go on the leetnre
platform to deal with the history of
the race in this eoun.try.
Rudolph NeUmann, general agent of
the Alaska Commercial eompanv, while
inspecting the Sitka mine Unga re/1
~09 feet to the bottom of the shaft and
was instantly killed.
session and elected as president J. E.
by robbers while trying to make him
tell where his money was hidden,
Sister Ellen Joseph (colored), an in-
Cut Hia q'hroat.
New Hampton, la, Nov. 7.---John
Clary, a rich stock raiser and farmer
living four miles south of this city, cut
his throat with suicidal intent Satur-
day at four p, m. dyi~'g one hour later,
eordlng to the announcement made sev-
eral weeks ag0. They met no opposi-
tion on the p~rt of the presidenL who
was understood to acquiesce perfectly
in the decision of the committee.
fusing to local newspapers the right to
pasa in the mails as second-class mat-
ter, renders the tariff ou the delivery
of papers iu the iMand so heavy that
the subscription lists have been prac-
tically suspended. It cost~.more than
the priee of a paper to mail tt.
Whalers, Valoable Cargoes.
Sau Franelsco, Nov. 7.-JFour more
whalers, with catches aggregating in
value $750,000, have arrived from tl~e
Arctic. They are the Norwhal, Kar-
luck, Grampus and California.
TO Wateh Out for Wlialers.
Scattle, Wash Nov. 7.---It is stated
that the revenue cutter Gran t will leave
in a few days for a four months' cruise
in the norlh, the object being lo ~'eep
in the track of whalers in order to ren-
der assistance if necessary. Jt is stated
the gunboat Wheeling. now at San
Francisco, will eooperate with the
~l~tiled on the Th|rd.
Washington, Nov. 7.--A dispatch ha~
been recetved at the war department
from Gem Henry announelng that the
Third Illinois sailed fl'om Ar~ego, Porto
Rico, on the ;~d inst,
and beached. There the Maria Teresa lay
until*raised by Lieut. Hobson and entered
Into the American navy as 0he of Its crul~-
The erulser cost the S40anlsh government
$3,000,000 and the United Btates spent $I.~,~
~a~tl~agt ht~; ceremony off r the sea. the GrantShe representedmonu-
mere unveiling in April last Year.]
Hard on Porto Hieaa Newspapers.
Sun Juan de Potato Rico. /Nov. 7.---
The recent ruling at Waashiugton, re-
R. Menu, president of the :Northwest-
ern Lumber company for 18 years and
a resident of Eau Claire for 40 years,
died suddenly S~turday of heart di~,
ease, aged 63. Mr. Moon was rated a
millionaire. He leaves a Wife, five sons
and two daughters.
Congress of Mothers.
Washington, Nov. 7.--The Third na-
tional congress of mothers will be held
tn Washington in February, 1899, be-
ginning Tuesday, F~bruary 14, and con-
tinuing four days.
Pay Off SIoekholders.
Omaha, Neb Nov, 7.--Saturday the
Trans-Mi~sissippi and International Ex-
position association was paying bleak 75
cents on every dollar of stock that was
subscribed for its construetion. After
this is accomplished enough money will
remain ha the treasury to mere than
pay the remaining 25 per eeut. and Put-
fill all obligations.
T~vo Men Dr, Owaed.
Buffalo, N. Y Nov. 7,--Jay Staley, oi
Grand IMaud. and Charles Burk, of Buf-
falo, lost their lives in the Niagara r~er
Sunday. The men attempted to cross
the river In a small boat during a gale.
Price 10 eeuta of s~ d~t~q~.ll~
A N tm.a/
Addreu, DR. J.