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November 11, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 11, 1898 |
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ATTORNEY AT I,AW, Notary Public, Mt.
.l~lVerllOlll Iowa, Par icular at,tPllti(fll ~lvell to
tile collection of debts,
~ M. GLEN. ,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public, Real
Z~kEstate and Loan Agent, Mr. Yemen, Iowa.
A TTORN EY AT LAW, Notary Public. Prac~
~'~in all the State and Federal Courts. '217 3d
St. Ceuar Rapids, la.
l cox Block, Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
DR. G~o. W. Ih)ol.~. Da. KATI~ MASON-ItoOLE.
J. residence over nogle Bros. Pharmacy.
I Vernon, Iowa. Office hours 7:30 to 9 a. m
and7to 9 p. m.
I][OMEOPATItIC Physician and Surgeon,
1LMt Vernon, Is office over Rebstock's res-
taurant, Office open day and night. Residence
three Mocks north of Presbyterian Church.
Special attention given to surgery and diseases of
the eye and ear
l~ENTIST, Mount Vernon, Iowa, office over
Jt]Steff's furniture store.
C. W. I~TAUFER, D. D. S.
Office In Mitchell Building, Next Door to Neffs Furniture
I I -- -- .ILL . ii
( lhl fashions in dress may be rewved
but no old fashioned medicine can re-
place C, hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Correspondence and N igborbood New8 I,iarrhoea Remedy. For sale by the
r.?.:~ J~rl City l'harmacy and llaeseler & I,eigh.
-~"~',~'~',~'~'~-'~- "- "- "*--I"~'r'~~!-~D'~D'~~'~'~"~"~'~'~'~''~'~'~:-- ()ur little boy was alllicted with
rlmumatism in his knees; and at times
unable to put his toot to the lloor. We
Martelle News. business?" This sort of thing has be ;ried iu vain, everything we could hear
~ri - - . I come to be quite common for thatof that we thought would help him.
./lr. Arthur .! ggs has moveo .~o [town, which has evidently been "going
Morley, we believe Ior ~ne superi rlwron~" f,r ~nmA timo and do nnt We almost gave up ill despair, when
"U it" " -- I1" " e* . v/e
eoe~ lonai act v?. rages. ~believe there is a more potent reason some one advised us to try Chan, ber-
lain l'ain Balm. We did" so, and the
~ir. r, vans ot wyoming, renevefl Ivlr.[ for it than the well known apathy of first bottle gave so much relief tiiat we
Rathburn during Ms recent sickness,the business men there to let the people
- - - - got a second one, and, to our surprise,
Last .~aturday. Mr. IL was able to re- [ know they are open for business by it cured him sound arid well.--J. T.
turn to his post of duty. Mr. Evans[ issuing invitations to tim patronizing Bays. Pastor Cl~ristian Church,
departed for Omaha to view the expo-/public through the columns of the Neodesha, Kan. For sale by the City
si~ion home paper. -We do not believeeither, l'harmacy and Ilaeseler & Leigh.
Mr. Bauer of Waukoma, has been ap-[ that these merchants realize the
pointed as night operator. Vice A. J.[ enormity of their mistaken views and Not the Wisest Way.
Corbet who no doubt has gone to look| criminal self negligance. The home
after his increasing and extensive cor-[ paper as it at present appears is a con- It is not always best to wait until it
respondence. [ stunt invitation for new comers to stay is needed before buying a t)ottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, ChoIera and l)ia-
Mrs. (;has. tIolcomb visited her par-] away, and for those already there to go rrhoea ltemedy. Quite frequently the
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Newman[ away.
Tuesday. [ . . . remedy is required in the very busiest
season or in the night and uluch in-
Mr. Benjamin Rundle entertained[ The papers of the neighborhood are couvience and suffering must be borne
Rev. B. W. Soper Saturday |"rounding to" in great shape on free before it can be obtained, It costs but
~ ~ ~r A ;a~ + v.m,~o,l advertisin~ for fairs carnivals, etc. It
,~-o. ~ '--~,*, v,~,~,~,~ ~,~,~o ~ ~ ~ . a trille as compared with its real worth
Aid Society, was home over Sunday. [ must De g[atl.~ymg ana reass~[nng t!) and every family cau well afford to
1" - ~ i c, [me nome DUSlnes8 inen be ~tSt~ an(l
.wpwortn l~eag ~e way lea las ~unaay - keep it in their home. It is every-
' ' " " s [ know if this and ~t is a safe assertion where acknowledged to be the most
ny ~ne ~sL vice pre luent, I rot. L+ W,' ' ' e
. ". "[the harvest of suckers m i xtsum- successful medcii)e in the world for
tJarper, lie has appomtefl as ieauerl mo.'~ ,*r~ will ~m woafollv short
for Nov. 12, Arthur Reed,Nov. 19, Ava[,bowel complaints. For sale bv Ilaesel-
Kinney; Nov. 26, Mary Armstrong.| - ~ er & Leigh and the City f'harJnacy.
The services of the I,eague are appoint-[ The big well being sm~ ~ by the
ed for 7 o'clock. I'reachingat7:30each| North-Western in the east yards has
alternate Sunday.Come on time and|reached a depth of twenty-fot~r feetChronic Diarrhoea Cured.
bring your Bible which is also its diameter T rare is
]phil Bauer is huskin~ corn for! eight feet of water in it but the offi- This is to certify that I have'had
D(",~.~ ~,~=+ ~,h,~ ~= =~ ~ ~ ,~:.[cials are not satisfied and will lower chronic diarrhoea ever since the war.
cllam~pion~rustler"i'n'~h~is'par~ of the[ the well to.thedepthof thirtyfwofeet i got so weak 1 could hardly walk or
county l Oelore resung lrom ~neir mno.~, vvuen do anything. Oue bottle of Chamber-
:~. |completed it will be one of the biggest lam's Colic, Cholera and l)iarrhoea
2cir. l)aVlU llonems nas entire charge ~ ~,uo ,n h, ,~t T,ma t|or~tld Remedy cured me sound and well.
of affairs for the winter at the lIubble I ,' --,-"'- ~ J.R. GlnBs, Fincastle, Va.
homestead. I
Mrs J M Stearns and son visitedl As usual the big audience to greet. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver are
Sousaand his band at Greenes' Opera prominent farmers and reside near
[louse was a Cedar Rapids' audience,
according to the Cedar Rapids papers,
while as a matter of fact the "big" part
was made up to a great extent by ()tit
of town patrons of the theatre. Mt.
Vernon sent 86, while Vinton, Marion
Eincastle, Va. They procured the
remedy from Mr. W. E. Casper, a drug-
gist of that place, who is well acquaint-
ed with them and will vouch for the
trnth of their statements. For sale by
llae~eler & Leigh and tim City l'har-
Olin recently.
Albert Schuldtz is supplying Martelle
with spuds ?
Miss Gyda Bates from Cornell college
:visited her sister, Mrs. A. tI. Newman,
DR. T. I. MITCHELl, V.S We arepleasedtonote the excellent and other surronnding points were very and
ITETERIN&RY 8urgeonandPhysiclan. Spoc condition of our school and the ad- represented in the "representative" as- maey.
ill attention to Veterinary Dentistry. Office vancement made for the past term. sembly. This is an occasion, however. It'san easy matter to make It an
with Dr Wolfe, Mt. Vornon, Iowa. The following is alist of thenames when we can submit gracefully to the Wanted Alimited number of ec i " " "
of the pupils who have been neither the people going away from home and persons to do writ- onom cal year In your furniture P /
absent nor tardy during the last visitingat as good a town as, in most,~- ing at their homes, buvin --IT RESTS WIT~ vn~. b~flfl
mouth, ending ~Nov. 4th. Frances respects, we are bound to conceed the Twenty-five cents paid for every hun- "7 . ~. . * vv llIJUIkl
Brockman, Rosebud Itoffman, Pearl county metropolis tobe. dred words, l'romplness and good. It Only Oenenas unon natronizin -
()nstott, Nellie Wood. Principal, Prof work necessary. Applications must be ) " " FIRKT CIh ]
G. w. Carper Primary room: Fred TheCedar Rapids Iiepublican sounds accompanied by ten cents fur parti- ~ W~l~ I~,NI~& ~'~4-~'~ ~
eutars. Address: The Sioux City ~ lllC. KI~JII/ ,~illl~ ~ur~m~ tT~
Newland, Bessie Miller, John Wood, a timely warning cry for the public
Neda Lacy, Winnie Lacy, Georgia health, especially of the children and Bussilmss College, Sioux City, la. ~v a~aO~s * o.~HtJDII 1~
Boxwell, teacher, says" Too much caution cannot be
Any reatler desiring paying employ ~-~ f
A pleasant evening was spent at B. us~(l" in preventin~ scarlet fever. ~,Wagoner
P. Lacy's Friday by a party 9f Ana- diphtheria and other contagious dis- meat for all or part of Ins t~me, can,--
mosa young folks with Martelle's also. eases, the season for whlc~ is now secure a good position selling Minne- ~ Pr, g ,~ -=~ " ~'~'|~
Mr. E. f'eet shipped hogs today, upon us. School children stiould use sota trees, plants, farm seeds, etc with ( :~ Ih ttlr ! } II.Ta.o "
the greatest care and it, is by far better most eomplete outfit and best stock, ] /I I/I I 1 I/ fill =.r.^n. ,--t.-- ,- ,~
Mr. John Caffee was in towu Tues- to miss a few days of school than to with go-d wages paid weekly, by writ ~ # llllll LT ". :'
day. ~ endanger the life arid health of others ing at once to the Jewell N ursery Co, ~ *g ~ **no aaJolnmg t~
Mr. ]~ rank 0rmsby's building is going, Lake ('itv, Minn. (
uprapidly. Not to be devoting a great deal of at- lf you have urinary tronble or pain / ~=+~= =~ ,~, FRICE$ REAS
inthe back, indicating kidney disor- ~ ,~ ~ v ~:~ ~, p,~,J ,~,~ ~ ~.
The school children enjoyed a half- tention to the "county metropolis" but dcrs, iftherebe a general loss of en- ~ is ood evidence that ours a ~ v-,
day's holiday Tuesday, on account of simply to note what is going on, we
election, will refer to the agitation for new city ergy, we ask you in all fairness to use ~) "" -- -" ~i~.# [~. ~:::~ J~
Ill Sawyer's Ukatine. Thousands) t ~'~ -- ~ ~ D,-~r~-i,~ ,
Mr. Bower. our night operator, in- buildings at the Rapids and particular-
bear evidence to thefact that it cures ~ t batlsIact0ry -'"""~"
tends moving this week to the house ilythepropositionto occupy May's island
formerly occupied by Frank Patter- and resl:ore it to something worthy of [ r.
A priceless blessing is found in Dr. ( II . .
son. what its natural qualifications entiUe Sawyer's Arnicaand Witch llazel Salve ][ [ ~llll~ltll~'lll~/:i~{i1=lPa ili ~ ~ !~!
Mrs. Wisecarver of Grinnell, has re- it to. To an outsider it appears to be a for piles, hives, scald-head, eczema, pin ~ I IUIIIItUI DrUId, E 8 :1 ! II
turned to her home. ller mission here: partieuarily happy suggestion. Not to worms, burns and cuts. 1I. F.IIaeseler. /~' ~'~,'~" v v=
was attending her sick mother, speak of the great advantage of remov-
ing the cheap and vile resorts from so Home Seekers'Cheap Excur- /~ ~ ie~l~ta*
newSimps n'Shouse, will soon move into theirbeC nspicu USapity toanl~tabidings,cl, plaCean opportunityit wouhl sions. ~ t~ t'~ |k"We'd--
Mr. Caffeehad quite an amusing as pass of addint so greatly to the material On October 18, November 1, 15, De- ( ll~l-.llllrJ~' J~I,~ ~ll~lll/~l = ~ "
well as serious accident the other day. worth and artistic beauty of one of cember.6 and 20, the Nort.h-Western ] --" ~l~, Sale= l~ly at~ea4ed
lane will sell,home seekers excursion ~ - ~,
While Shooting rats by some to-c~ 4,x Iowas fairestcenters--Thel'arh)r tickets, with favorable time limits, to +
~ City. "
[, . numerous poiffts in the West and ,nouth ~ --- - "V~~
Speaking of newspapers, whatatrans- at exceptionally law rates. For tickets ~" - . =,~ ~:~ I
aod full information al)pl~ to agentsDon't scratch your ~~ : - -- I
~formation a little classification of its Chicago& North-Western R y. Dr. Sawyer's Witch -- :::~ - I
~matter would make in that good old Salve for ecz ~~
paper, the Anamosa Eureka. One of ~, : rl]
and cuts
the strgngest and most ably edited pa- The Hawaiian Islands.
reeling very well ot late. pers ir~he state, it is a decade or two The Chicago & N orth-Western RailFor ~loves ~ V~~~,'V ] ! ~ .! I
~Mr& Gee, ~ewSand is entertaining behind the times in its"makeup " We
way has issued a booklet with the = "*'~ "~ffOR*T~ON'[~sKYLE. [ "~ ~
her mother, ,M rs. ~mith, this week. honestly believe it would be twice as above title, giving a brief description,"
R. P. Lacys coat sale comes offto- well appreciated if it would only put of these islands, their topography, cli-
the business locals whore they belong, mate, natural resoorces, railways, ] ~ TMI: BD &T
morrow. * ' * * schools, population etc. It contains a I 1 I I I I 1,IP rt [ m4
Civil engineer men are working near The editor of the Des Moines Capital folding map and mentions the various . 1 .1 M I I 1 1 b I N6rP nXT A 1 ~A?~
town this week.
L~ONR~D K0~I~ I Mr'Black f Mt" Vern n' was in the ther day ventured t write a steamship lines Plying between the LJ " "I,|~" " L-|',~ --north-west' "' of Chleag,I r reachlnff --" ---- ""I X/~ " .n ~,
town today on business, atWeather editorial in which he decantedlength upon Iowa's tropical climate ~i~elhep:[ts aade~h:o ~:ndlSpar~et~:(i ~ ~'L :L~ 2J''] /l~ ~EWSt~AP~
C. tt. Stoufer thodentist, is greatly Adaylater he received the following facilities ofl'ered by the North-Western,| Ig FiS. [::~ ~ Iti ----- -, --1-,-
Line "tie Pioneer Line west and ~'.L ~ ~J.'~ JL " I4OI~ ~'A J~J[~
missed on account of business this communication: "DeSoto, Ia Oct. 25, I. Jllrl~ AL I ~,X~
week, by people suffering with the 1898.--Editor Capital: After your edi- " ' o" fo ' -- ' '~, K~I
" aeoo~#so ;#" toothache now-a-days, torial of yesterday on 'Iowa Growing San Francisco, Los Angeles; Portlan~ Finest and Best Kept Up[ ILLS]
~hrough the courtesy of the pastor, ,Tropical,' you will kindly go and hang and other western points. 1'be book- -- . " I - "
A, & C. ~ ~1~. Rev, C, L. WaRe, we are enabled to yourself and induce the editor of the let will be =ent to any address upon I ~I~S in lown, I~ ~-~--'~ - = -= - ~N0 ~niln tavnDiT ufl~
give a list of the officers of th~ C.E. Ottumwa Press to do likewise. I read receipt of four cents in stamps by W. [Fo een Passenger CarrvailforPic-I v
The Old ]~Uable society. I resident, Mrs. Eva Ellison; your editorial and here I am, nearly 100 B, Kuiskern, 22 Fifth Avenue, Chi- urt ,~enger Carryan for Pie- I i ~ -- I 1 I I JIIII |
vice president, Gertie Newman, secre- miles from home without overcoat or cage. I nit and Cross Country Trips ~ " -~ ~ ~ ~4 fiW~ms|
Ci - M'" t ffl l~'-ar- t tary and treasurer, KayItolcomb;~assis- overshoesandablizzardhowlingaround [ Passengers taken to the coun- [ ~ IIi- II It I
rant secretary, L. Walker; organist, me like all possessed. Please re-read
~a Mrs. Chloe :Newman. Chairman of your editorial as you toast your shins One Night to Denver, I try and surrounding [ . -" -
committees: Prayer-meeting commit- by a glowingfire and think of the poor~,~ towns. I
"The Colorado Special, via Chicago/ I
CHOICE MEATS tee, Mrs. E. S. Remington; Lookout, dupes you have tempted to go away & North-Westernil a Raiiway,e leaveSar Chi-.s t vaO, v~ Will .~.Be a ~ Pleased [ ~/'~ I ] ,w ,~
Miss Mac Bloom; Social, Miss Lotta from home overcoatless. Goandhang cagoda y tl0.~30a, m C d Rapid ] =.~ =-s~, ~-~,~ I ~'~ ~ ! i'1 ~ ]r~ ~.~::2] ]# T('~ ~'~ 1
Holcomb;Flower, ls't. division, Madge yourself, pleasedo, and I'll attend your at3:30p, m. and arrives at Omahall:30/ to retbtvo trial orders from new tus-[ "" v - - - v,-.- v~,~= =v-- ~ --
O~ ~ALL I~)S Port,2nd. division, Mrs.Jennie Ormsby. funeral'.if a tropical Iowa snowstorm p m the same day, and Denver 1"30/ to ~m it Will be our en- [
Onstott Bros assisted by Gee. New- does not block tho trains. Confidenti- thenext afternoon. Connections made [ ~av~;~loa;;~g~e mU:k7" [
in the Union Depot Denver with :~
landand RoyBlackledge, are erecting ally."--Ex trains to all points in Colorado and the/ pe~;;,amr" [ -- ~ERD ~kk ORDER Iti~K'EYE,
AND $~I] MR a building for C. M. Hubb ll.
here m eelo e West. Up-to-date equipment. Daylight| fla~lE ~ ~RTM ~F ~nll~ t
rlQO ~n gu IlllnOlS~ i waana ~JOl W OR 34o PAGES. National Book of :
K . [ --~~ ~THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE AMMAIq,Governmental and political
,T 1" ~lon.of the United Sta~es, the Constitation ot the Stateof New
~IBOll l~i~U ~/ j~djL~ V~p i~ono~o]dandne~v rates preeldent McKinlev's Cabinet
South t m. ~m, ~ -- ~ ~ ~ -- / ~" ~ -'~"~, -- ~ [ A~~~s Consum the personnel of C ongre~' namea of different" officers
[Lu~.P ~ ~ r~ ~ I[~ u~u~-ii / -- ' ~" ~sof the Army and Navy, vtith their sa]aries; tublee of
~: 1,' Jlll~ll~ /" ' -- ' ] E~r Y~ Platforms and C, ommi~e~s;complee artirles oh theCur
i, m flit ll~,~~he r ~aluable information. The Standard American .~
II ~111 ~l~q[l~ll IB~J~ [ [[][. ]~~~.~r~nk-with WflJttJer's Almauac in Europe.
MAKF- / ILFIe I 111ql~ I~lq~l)'lllq;~ [p~~sto'PH~HAWK-KYK, MtVernon, Iowa.
fimorl0an Beauties/ ,ME.Y,O. ; I
~llm~F ~ ] Effects of Tobacco. ]. - ~
ARTISTIll/ A./X4~~V.d'. I Pictures and Rhyme, by
~r Lengt] ~. / x /.i "]. I. L ^ OL -" - . ---
"~,'v ItEexeetmive~e-ofto'bacco/especially' nr ' nle~tlfl inI~r II
/ / by youug men is always lnJurlotm and I,I I,I I I t. "
a / "-- undottbted]y ~hortens life martially. I ~ W ~JautA lr Ib~b~ V JLmJL~,Wi. ~-
~,~r i Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, composltor on the Contra- I -- r
~. [] lrff ~, & | =t, ~v~, .~~ :~A~e I
ll~ lk~ I~l ~ l~ / a~d Dr. Miles Restot~ttlve Nervlne andre- [
n'-l, Lu! ~ ~ |eeivedmuchl~ne~=*~omlt. I~bleal
i / with nervousness, di~ys~l~ ~ndsleepless- ]
Ill ~ R P A ~ i i hess, caused by the useof tobacco and stlm- [
Bllilll[~l.% ~ I i ulants. ItookD~Nervinewithmaro ] t-, t-,
"'" "" r/,elousl, I, bundau Inter Ucean, beglnn,n be
~,quieting the nerves, and enabling me to I
[ sleep and rest, proving in my case a very [ ~ ~ tt t . r" ~ r-
beneficial remedy Dr Miles' Restorative
~AIO.Y ,-- ~ ~ / ~ 2 L Wetkl~j Inter Ucean, Deglnnln~ ,)e
.n.y.a.e Ik / er,ine'ses y .adapted to restoring - -~
." " " nl g i u mm ] under suchclrcumstances, It s hea, heals [
"" '" / / Dr. Miles' Remed'es I --------
I~01LD ~,eases Of the heart alia ~ ?,~.* .[~x= a I " ' ' '~
i,' i . ~lAlll ~ / / and strengthens. ~ [
~",are sold by all drug-~,'" I~|~.J "~J I
~1~ r dr
~:'' ~!~lii~i~i!:~:,~~U 18wpe0:~:ii ~ii:i(:u(~t'lB~'rt~ gO ~:~: n~iei~t~I ~ ~ ,u.ran $11'8 gl. "
KALAMAZOO CORS CO, ~oe.= ~r ~o:~yl~ltt~e![ Order from newsdealers or by mad
, ,dd=,mmmm ,
n .i J. / DR, MIL 8 MEDICAL CO Elkhart. Ind.