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November 14, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 14, 1940 |
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Jt i
,|~lrD~t| t|l~][T~I I Mr. and Mrs. Orley Workman of] Frank Siver is in St. Luke's hos-I The Federated Aid Society win[Bertrand Bostrom, Donald Burk-l
|.|.'1~||11 ilr.Nw.~ i Cedar Rapids were Sunday visitors pital, for observation since Monday. ; meet at 2:30 on Wednesday, Nov. I hart, Sandra Dennis, Carolyn Frink, I
a.a, ~va ~ aua,wu.B !iin the Bert Siver home. i Mr and Mrs J S Kohl and Mr ,20, ~ith Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger Bobby Burkhart, Evelyn Burrows,
~ ! Mrs Earl Warner attended a 6:30, and iVlrs. Ray Kamerling and Billy! Howard Moeller spent the week Martin Davis, George Hill Charles !
Le~bl:~l J. 11 IA.:llt~l I U/* 2"~Ldll~d W~ !
a visitor in" town on Wednesday ; droner Monday evening, at Ohvet spent Saturday with relatives in I end in the home of his parents Mr, i~osiey, lvlargaret Ann . l-~eyn.ons, 1
~Presbyterian church m Cedar Rap- I Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Louis Moeller at Walcott. ~ 1~l~ ~a~lor ann lvJargare~ ~avis. J
Mrs oonn Macaulay Or 19ay~on, .
" . lids to celebrate the twentieth anm-] ] ~vtrs. t~. L. r~lu vis~tea our room
is a guest since las~ weanesaay eve-;versary of the Mary Steele mission-II lV~lSS nemn ~nyaer o~ ~eaar, lvir. ann lvirs, uscar 1worm lVtlSS "'" -nes-a f"
Rapids spent Sunday with her I Luella and John Mohn were Sun- %We~av~ ~eanI~e~ ~nna
n~ng m ~ne home o~ her parents, l ary society of that church. Mrs. R. i mother Mrs. Mary Snyder and Mr. i day dinner guests of the Kenneth . ~.^ ~.~. ~ ~^
lvtr. ann Nlrs. U. B. donns~on, i! Bruce West of Davenport was guest I "~r er famil p,ctuLc~ ~ vur x,r.~ v ~ u~c-
anu Mrs. rreu ~onne. ~ av y. orations o
Leinbaugh speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kohl, I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Busch and 5TH AND 6TH GRADES
and Bernice spent Sunday in theI e 1 bur of Lisb n I
S vera mum s the o -'daughters Carol and Phyllis of family of the White Oak vicinity ell r "
home of the formers vrother ~r- I I Perfect sp e s for th~s week
!Mount Vernon Townsend Club at-I
Cedar Rapids spent Monday in the iwere Sunday v~s~tors of Mr. and were Laverne Brown Wayne Car-
tour ~emoaugn a~ l~os~ ~anon. !tended an annual state meeting l
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Peterson and h e 1 dSunda" at Marshalltown parental J. S. Kohl home. I Mrs. Fred Bear. hey Lenore Emerson' Floyd Gou-
' " :~ " Mrs. Edna Gardner, and Miss l Miss Phyllis Kohl of Cedar Rap- thee, Ralph Petersen, Louise Smyth,
Ralph were Sunday guests m the Those attending were Mrs. Mar-
home of the former's sister, Mrs. garet Burke and Miss Ollie Dolan Gladys, and Mrs. Elizabeth Dorcas ids spent the week end in Mrs. Lena Betty Graft, Martha Ann Bigger,
John Steenhoek, jr at Anamosa. ~from Lisbon; Mrs. Frank Gage, of Stanwood were Saturday visit- Mohn's home as the guest of her Ralph Burrows, Carol Gish, Bueta
Mrs. L. E. Crelly visited several iMrs. Belle Thompson, Mrs. Effie ors of Mrs. Mayme Dorcas cousin Miss Alberta Gaines. Harris, Harold Jensen, Merle Me-
days last week with her sister, Mrs. ;Butler, Mrs. Chas. Stegall, and The Study Group of the Method- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kern and Gay- Cullough, Robert Schott and Ken-
Amelia Esterbrook in Davenport, i Mrs. Litts, and Raymond Walton ist W. S. C. S. will meet on Thurs- lord Owens spent Sunday with neth Siggins.
returning Saturday evening with ~ of Mount Vernon who took the We have in our room a new pupil
Mr. Crelly, who was down for the group. Betty Graft, who has transferred
day, Nov. 21, with Mrs. M. L. Hill Mrs. Kern's sisterMrs. Frank
i at her home in Mount Vernon Krueger andfamily near Lone Tree.
] . . . from a rural school.
day. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley enter-, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baals, MaryMiss Ma~tha Nosley of Chmago T~nor~ Emer-~on h.s had nerfect
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Green of Ce-tained at a family dinner on Sun-iEllen, Sarah Ann, and Robert of]spent the week end with her par- ar~hme(ic lessons every day dur-
dar Rapids were guests of Miss i day. Their guests were A. B. !Stanwood were Sunday dinnerI ents, lv, r. ann Mrs. I .o ~osmy ne ing the past week
Bertha Miller from Friday until iSpangler and Miss Mary of Fair-guests of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Cmyton ~osmy xaml~y joinea mere.
Monday. Mrs. B. J. Clark and Mrs. view, Kansas; Misses Clara Spang- i Leese. / for Sunday dinner. ~ T,~
Arthur Clark of Martelle spent ler, Dorothy Graves and Lucille Mrs. Ernest Hotz daughters Jan- Mrs. John Mohn of Cedar Rapids Legion ~ances lo pen
Tuesday with Miss Miller. ~ Moore of Lincoln, Nebr,Mrs. R. B. me and Joyce wslted from Thurs- t ~s a guest this week of Mrs. Lena The first of a se'ies of dances will
Carl Kruse of Montezuma was aiStahl, Margaret and Ruth Ann of day until Saturday with her par-IMonn, stopping lvlonoay on her re- h~ h~rn ,~ ~h, ~ o t ~,
' t r "re e " ~" ~*'"
Sunday and overnight ~uest in theCedar Rapids' Miss Jennie Spangler ents Mr andMrs SethRuhl near[ un f m a w ek end VlSlt with - CAR HEATERS a~Mm~alff~~11~ BATTERI
arental Carl Kruse home He of Mount Vernon Mr and Mrs Anamosa ~elatlves m Norman, Ill
P ' ", ~ ~:i " / " l don DeCamp and his orchestra will ~ ~. ~, FRIGITONE ~. No matter how the The new Firestone :
came over from Solon where Mrs. l~aurence ~aoenow ann. ~v~r. anniMr. and Mrs. George Gurwell] Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek were ~"furnish music. Adv.
Mrs E E Stare ano wlss i~aome,Sunda droner uest f their'
Kruse was spending the week end " land Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl " y " g s o " i ---- ~f~ ~'~' - ~ temperaturechangcs, youhavecompletePower Battery has
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hartley Gurwell of Chariton were Sunday daughter Mrs. Emil Reyhons and l LISBON CHURCH NOTES Y[[[~J ~ ~O9~ ~~a and lasting protection capacity uceded for
Elmer Stout. had as dinner guests on Sunday Mr. :guests of their daughter and sister ~:amlly in Mount Vernon Other ---- ,[~U[|~~ ~---~ ~ with Frlgitone, the wea.t~er starting,
~vir. an~ lvirs. ,~u~s ~enne~ an~ and Mrs. Jess Peek and daughter, i Mrs Don Kcndrick and family, guests, were. Mr. and Mrs Leoral I FEDERATED CIIURCH ~ ~.~A V I~'""~'~"~ finest permanent anti- r~u~Cr v:;rSat~7:r :~
Dollye Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. Chrlsl ~r ~a ~ro Geor~ M,r~all and ~vans of Mount Vernon. !Rev. Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor
cnnaren o~ wai~ora spen~ ~aturaay o~,n s a o~,=~ ,~ ~, ' s= ~,~ - I g ~ Teaeher~'. Prayer, meetin~,o ~t ~ ~ ~ [F~i~i~| ~ freeze that money prices, 5-year guara
night in the narental D. A. Bennett .* ~*:~. ~ :-.'" ~ ~" Miss Daisy Zalesky of Cedar Rap- lvu'. anu ~virs. ~eorge KirKpatricl~ [ ~ ~ ~'~
and W L Kvnett homes then Sun- retie; ~r. ann wrs. maymon~ YORK, i ids spent Sunday and Monday with and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clint ~'L~ ":-' ~ i~ven when the mercury goes [ e,~.~, ~ can buy. l*revents Install one
da, went onto Ti~ton where the-son Maynara ann ~narms riar~ley, i relatives Mr. and Mrs Earl Feh- l-laak of Mount Vernon, andMr I ~unaay sc~ool,~.:au a.m. below the zero mark you can ~~ rust and~ today.
: ~ ' ~ The dinner was to honor the 64th ' " " and Mrs Orville f I ~ormng worsmp Iu:~o a.m. drive in summertime comfort ~flJ ~,~rr~;nn ~JO3oAL.
i f t rice man Mrs THhe Peshak and Ernest Craw ord and
were d nner guests o he Mau . ' ' Youn Peo les Servme 6"30 m
X,hncto-retails, b~rthday of Mrs. Hartleys grand-iZalesky at Manly. Bobby Dean were Sunday dinner g . p ~. . p. : w~thaF|restoneheater|nyour ~,ONLY
~' i mother, Mrs. Peek, andthe 17thI ~;~ T .~,;~ ~lar;~,~ ~ r,~a~rguests in the John Haak home. t Young r'eopms ~rayer ~erwce a~ Hneare hot air and hot waterCar" Included in the complete SUPER--Thegreatestregular-pr~eed" t m~
. s 17'15 m
Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. b~rthday o; he~ brotherMaynardI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. P.
T,o ~, ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ v,~t-,~aplas was a wee~ ena gues~ o~ ,x a.u ~w~. ~. ~. ~c~u ,~u ~1 Evenin~ Service 7'30 n m heaters, the new popular anti-freeze on the I ~a~
anuL~Uren~es~ster~'~%k" wA. ~. ana?''?':*e'~vt]ss "2: vmry i rIDr' and Mrs. N. A. York Sunday their SundaYi guest, their grandson i ~^ ~u~-sv^::: ,=u,=~:'~^- 'D 5:,~,~ "-.-;11 ~, ~=~- under-the-seat type and Cus-market. Special oil~,J udF
Mrs. Hattie Hyatt is leaving w~th-, vimtors were the Everett York faro- l~obert Re d, a freshman student Iheld at. the Fodora*~-I church an I
tom-fitdefrosters.ThePremier -~-' "-r----i"all-~ ell WEEK
~pangter O~ J~alrvlew, l%.ansas, an -, i
~,~ o;~,~. ~;~o ,~o ~ ~ ,~ m a few days for her home m] fly of Grmnell and H. E. Kensmger m Iowa State College at Ames. Mr. Mnnaav N~v ]~th ~t 7".~ n m At (asshown)hasindividualfoot ~.~.~" ~,"-~'- I|
~.~. 0~. ~,oo .- a,= *~t~a-~.~-- - -. -'- ~, ~" eliminates evapo
Seattle Wash. after a wsxt since family of Cedar Rapids. and Mrs. George Siaaler of Cedar ,h; i ill 1. ,h,~ ~ I warmers and is designed forl ",~1~1: ],J m
~v,sses ~oromy t~raves ann ~u- "~h " uest f--r B id ' ' ~- Custom fit deDosters TERMS I ration. Will 25 ~1 O| '. 4
July with relahves in this vicinity. I James Barnicle of Cedar Ra'~ids Rap s were aIternoon visitors.1~ ~ 4 ~.;+ ~.~ t.n ~;~.~ D.~ xxr ~ I
E E a
cme v, oore o~ ~mcom, ~eor. - - E' ~ ~ it, . s B~T.~,' ~ w
e has oeen a g o &vi s. ;spent Sunday in the home of his Mrs. H. B. Holland, Susan Jean]Kuhnle and Mr. Wesley Eagan of UNDERSEAT SqlAO not cause ---
M~ss Ione Smith spent Sunday Ringer at d~erent t~mes and this D and Dawd of Lelan ar
"* . " " ": " . " Isister Mrs. Will ugan. Mrs. Har- ' d e visitinglwaterloo. HEATER |Jb~"~ I corrosion. QUA~ ~ A: L~W A~ |XCHAM
and Monday w,th her mother Mr s. : week concluded her .last v,sit, re-lry Peet, a guest in the Dugan home, several days this week with Mrs. I Mr. Eagan assists Rev. Hilmore ~~ ~
donn ~ml~n aider a~mnalng ~ne turning to ceuar lxaplas ior a snor~, l-iohand s arents Mr an M
,returned with him to spend several ' p,d rs. I Cedarholm on the Morning Worshin
--.o .
~vtoinesState TeacherSTne scnooiC nvcnti nin wyoming : snein Des s!op mauebef re'g ingme remarKh me:sne "Recently ! days visitingnaa at- I in Cedar Rapids daCharleSaccomSank t'nied TheYby MlssesCame' Sun-I hour . broadcast, each week. day ~~~ ROBES Ti resto fle~m~
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Andreas en- Y pa Betty lmorning at 6.30 over statmn WMT
where sue ~eacnes was ciosea on ~ mos~ iorgo~en what me wm~ers ], . ~ L ~ and Jean Sankot of hme ~ ~ a ~ ~r,~ ; ;~+ ~+ ~,^.
' . . ; . . t~rtalneo rive cuupteS ~rom ~uur s, whv ~,u ,=~. ,~ = ,~ ~o~,~ ~ ~, Keep warm this winter with one
Monday m observance of Arm]shce were hke m Iowa She found out l~,~;ao = a; xxr~a, a=, s ent the da at home Ice the Wnln.t Rtroot l:lnntigt oh h ~k ~)~(~X of these beautiful all-woolrobes! POLON|UM ,~m
p y ~ ~-
Day. this week i eveni'ng.'OThe']actiesspent"t'l~e~a~'f~- Miss Nita Floyd of Fondaspent of Waterloo and is heard over the ~~Big variety of colors, $~98 $ ~1~ l~ ]~ 1~ I'-~L~ ~ S '"
i'H ] -- 7~ I ternoon with Mrs. Andreas, while Saturday night and Sunday in the iGospel Hour broadcast on Sunday
weights and s~zes L UP The n
the men were on a pheasant hunt. aome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l afternoons over station WMT. " " o ly spark plugs madethat are sold
Mrs Nellie Plattenherger was A. M. Floyd, coming from Des A program of musical numbers, with a money-back guarantee.
hostess Tuesday to the W. R. C. for Moines, where she had attended the instrumental and vocal will be pre-
State Teachers convention. - Mrs. seated. While this is a Young Peo-:
In order to settle up the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth
Walmer, I will sell at Public Auction (on tbe premises)
the store building and apartment, on
LOCATION -- This building is located in the center of
the block in the best business part of Town of Lisbon
on the north side of the street,
Lisbon, Iowa
Description of Property:
The property consists of store room and full apartment
above with basement and sewer connections all in. The
apartments are very comfortable and are rented. The
store building is plenty large for any business one would
care to run. Here is a property that will be a real
investment for some one, a place for a business and
also a place to live. The taxes are very low on this
property and with Homestead Exemption out they
would be very low. Any one interested in looking this
property over can do so by seeing the Auctioneer or
the Administrator.
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lispon, Iowa.
a one o'clock picnic luncheon and
November meeting. Mrs. Earl
Warner and Mrs. Fred Downing
gave a short program in keeping
with Armistice Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Briggs,
daughters Catherine and Eleanor
will spend the week end at Indi-
anapolis, Ind. On Friday and Sat-
urday Mrs. Briggs will attend a na-
tional meeting of American Legion
Auxiliary state presidents and sec-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dugan and
guest, Mrs. Harry Peet of La Harpe,
Kansas spent last Thursday in the
Mike Blessing home south of Lis-
bon. Friday they were guests of
Mrs. Dugan's sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Prendergast and the Harry Blecka
family at Iowa City.
Mrs. George Harlan, Joyce and
Maurice spent the week end with
Mr. Harlan's relatives at Stuart
They went with Mr. Harlan to Des
Moines Thursday where they spent
the day and he remained for the
State Teachers' convention, joining
his family at Stuart on Saturday.
They returned home Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Gardner with Mrs.
Harry Sizer, Patty and Buddy of
Washington went to Lansing, Ill
last Thursday for a visit with the
S. S. Dunn family. On Sunday, Dr.
Gardner, Mr. Sizer and John Dunn
joined them, and all re,rued home
Monday night. The occasion was
a combined Armistice and Thanks-
giving day gathering.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McHugh
with other Linn county postmasters
and their wives were guests of Mrs.
Mary Hollingsworth, Marion post-
master, at a dinner meeting Mon-
day night at the K-V Care in Mar-
ion. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Corm were
special guests, Mr. Corm showing
motion pictures of a model farm
and on safe driving, and talking
on operation and maintenance of
Mrs. Mary Hahn observed her
81st birthday on two occasions,
Wednesday. At noon she invited
in for dinner Mrs. W. H. Runkle,
Mrs. Amanda Runkle and Mrs.
Henry Fowler. In the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Rieger and Eu-
gene, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Rieger and Elaine, came in for the
annual oyster supper with the boy's
mother and her brother, Philip!
Stanley Meish and daughter Nita
Marie of Cedar Rapids were addi-
tional Sunday guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers enter-
tained at a card party and lunch-
eon on Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Lew Hartman of Mechanics-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gouchee
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers,
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Johnston and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoneking.
To honor the birthday of her
grandmother, Miss Alberta Gaines
was hostess at a dinner in Mrs.
Mohn's home on Saturday evening.
Sharing the courtesy were Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Gaines and Leon, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Mob n, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Mohn and Henry Holst, and
Miss Phyllis Kohl of Cedar Rapids.
A family dinner Sunday in the
Bob Beasmore home celebrated the
birthdays of the Beasmore brothers
Vern, Claire, and Bob, respectively
on Oct. 25, Nov. 6 and 9. In the
group were Mrs. Gusta Minott, Mrs.
Lulu Blaine and B. F. Clark of Mt.
Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beau-
more, Verlyn and Claire, Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Beasmore, Wilma, Dean,
Merle and Wayne, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Beasmore and Jimmy.
Sunday evening visitors of the
group were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cray of Cedar Rapids.
Next week will begin our victori-
ous basketball season. With it will
enter a number of problems which
confront us every year at this time.
The most important of these is co-
operation. By cooperation we mean:
first, cooperation of the team, that
good old fighting spirit; second,
cooperation of the whole high
school Let's show some real pep.
. . a Community
Commandment, too
When we buy needlessly away Dora
home we rob ourselves and steal from
our own children.
Local merchants and business men
must prosper or the community cannot
prosper. They are our heaviest tax-
payers. If one qoes out of business the
tax burden falls heavier on the rest
of us. The town goes backward. Our
children are deprived of benefits. The
blame will be upon us.
We owe allegiance to this commu-
nity. Let us patronize home industries
all we can.
for presidency, and Wilson was
elected as he was in the general
We have been having experi-
ments in general science. Yesterday
we had experiments with the mag-
We Home Ec girls like Miss Nee
very much, although we do miss
Mrs. Dodds. (Miss Evans )
Oh, Bonnie, are you sorry since
Bob left school? Or is it Jane who
should be sorry?
Some of us are having a hard time
with algebra. We surely wish
some one would help us.
Well! Well! Some fun at the skat-
ing party, wasn't it? Most of us
took some landings, two-point,
three-point, or what have you,
:thanks to those people who like to
'trip us. There has been some com-
ment on the little seventh and
eighth graders bothering us. Just
remember, Freshmen, we're just a
I step from Junior High ourselves.
Those who received perfect
[papers in spelling this week were:
Ralph Bostrom, Donald Graver,
Roland Hall, Lois Jensen, Ray Ov-
erman, Elaine Reiger, Robert Roup
and Leo Frederick.
Thursday and Friday we had a
vacation, as the Lisbon teachers at-
tended the State Teachers Conven-
tion at Des Moines.
The Eighth graders' newspaper,
"The Junior High Breeze," will be
published Nov. 6th. We hope you
like it.
Last week we voted on the presi-
dential candidates but we didn't
predict the outcome as the
was tied.
The seventh graders are studyin
per cent in arithmetic. The eighth
grade is studying stocks and bonds.
Our spellers who have attained
a perfect score for the last two
weeks are Janice Hotz, Harlene
Robertson, Billy Sailor, John Simth,
ples Rally, everyone is invited, both
young and old, to come and hear
these men, whom you have no
doubt heard over the radio.
Tuesday evening is Bible Study
time at the parsonage at 8 p.m.
Thursday Bible Study and Prayer
Service at 7:30 p.m.
Friday afternoon prayer service
at the home of Mrs. Uhler at 2 p.m.
Rev. L. J. Enzler, Pastor
Religion Instruction for school
children, 9-11:30 a.m Saturday.
Masses Sunday, 7:30 and 9 a.m.
Instruction after the 9 o'clock
Daily Mass at 7:30. Saturday
Mass at 9:00 a.m.
Rev. Wm. D. Bostrom, Minister
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
Preaching and Worship at 10:30.
Sunday school each Sunday 9:45.
Everyone is cordially invited.
For a few days, you can
buy for less than whole-
Diamond C, 49 lbs $1.00
Diamond C, 24Vz lbs 50c
Snowhite, 49 lbs $1.19
Snowhite, 24 lbs 65c
No. 2 can Corn 10c
2 cans 15c
2 cans Whole Peaches,
No: 2 cans 25c
1 lb Crisco 20c
3 Ibs Crisco 49c
Liberty Bell, 2 Ibs
Crackers 15c
Oven Baked Pork &
Beans, 1 lb 5c
Armour 31-oz can
Pork & Beans 10c
Seedless Raisins,
2 lb pkg 15c
Solid Pack Fresh
Oysters, quart 48c
Whiting Fish, fresh
frozen, lb 10c
Tomato Juice, gal.
can 19c
Fresh Pork Chops,
chunk or sliced 17c
Seedless Grape Fruit,
12 for 25c
Fresh Cranberries, lb 19c
Corn Meal, yellow or
white, 5 lbs 12c
Roasted Peanuts, lb 10c
Salted Peanuts, lb 10c
Chocolate Peanuts, lb 15c
Chocolate Peanut
Clusters, lb 15c
Baby Ruth bar, Buy
Jimminy Bar, 2 for 6c
1 Chef Cereal, a real
food 15e
Jay Soap Powder,
23c box 15c
Warm Merchandise
in our
Frock & Dry Goods Shop
Phonoradio with famous Rich walnut cabinet, Philhar-
Capehart-Farnsworthrecord monic Speaker, buih-in loop
player-changer, and Power-
scope antenna. 11-tube radio antenna, electric Push-Button
withelectricPush-~1~95 tuning, Colorature tone $3Q95
Button tuning. I~J7-- selector, etc. A real buy. /-~
,r -
Thermostat control. Does
not heat up kitchen. Ideal
for Thanksgiving $249$
dinner. ---
The Mayfair phonoradio plays
10" or 12t~
records -- Features
Philharmonic Speaker, ~349~
built-in loop antenna.
Powerful motor, 16
5 beaters, 2
mixing bowls and
S I L|i PAl
"Tell-Bell" rings when
toast is ready. $;~95
Ad~ustableheat."0 ---
Plays 10H or 12t~ 5 tubes, built-in loop
records through *99-5 antenna.AC or 99s
radio DC
Self-timing sto
Pyrex bowls, 8
cup size.AC-DC.
NOW is the time to make your car tire safe!
The amazing Gear-Grip tread of the famous
l~irestone Champion Tire grips the road and
prevents side slips and skids. Remember, tires
wear but little in Winter. Equip your car with
a set of Firestone Champion Tires NOW
for extra safety daring the winter
months and your tires will still
be like new for Spring
and Summer
Replace your smooth
tires with Ion
Firestone Convoy Tires"
only low-priced tires
~atented Gum-Dipped
S.00-19 5.50-17
$ 15
Defrosting Fans $1.98 ep
Driving Gloves $1.00 up
Horns . $2,49 np
Driving Lights $1.98 up
Snow Shovels 79 p
Grille Guards 98 np
Seat Covers $1.98 up
Wagons $2.98 up
Velocipedes $3.98 up
Scooters $1.98 p
Bicycles $24.9S up
Toy Printing Press $2.98
Tool Chests
Submarine Toy
Electric Trains
Holgnte Toye
Erector Sets $1.i
Table Tennis Sets
Listen to fhe Voice of Firestone with Richord Crooks, Margaret Speaks and the Firestone
Orchsstra, nder the direction of Alfred Wo|ienstein, Monday evenings, over N. B. C. Red