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November 14, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 14, 1940 |
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Leading roles will be taken by
law ~
Bldg~ 209 3rd Ave. S%V Dial 2-8131
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
36 !
ya iI
~lS, ,
needs him for me. She tells her friends about
me by telephone. And, of course, Dad and
Grandma telephone often to ask about me."
Everything is more likely to be all right
when thereYs a telephone in the home.
Elaine Leaf and William Reed.
Others in the cast are as follows:
Russell Clark, Pauline Wetzel, Arn-
old Port, Carl Fellendorf, Francis
Lee Knight, Dorothy Bedell, John
Wells, Janette Roberts, and Patricia
Gatewood. Stage Manager is Dex-
ter Wolfe.
Springville Rebekah Lodge No.
99 entertained lodges from sur-
rounding towns Wednesday evening!their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. [ Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Fowler en-
when they received the travelingland Mrs. L. G. Thoma and Joan. [tertained at dinner Sunday Mr. andll
"dove" from Evangeline Lodge ofi Nelle Davis will entertain the Mrs. L.C. Fowler of east of town, ] ! CLASSIFI:D AD SF, CTION
Anamosa. A meritorious service, members of the M. O. B. Club on and Jack Barker of Coggon.
pin was presented to Freda Port tThursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor of
by Thamer Begley, under the direc- I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank en- Toddville were recent guests of Only lc Per Word Per Inserti n; 25c Minimum Charge.
tion of the Grand Sire. Margaret itertained at dinner Thursday eve-I their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
Evans sang a special number in ning Cleo Frank and Opal Brain- Taylor. To Appear On This Page.
honor of her mother, Mrs. Port. bank of Cedar Rapids, Darrell, Will Boyd of Baker, Oregon
Visitors were present from Cedar I Pauline, and Geraldine Trank. [spent Tuesday in the Dennis Taylor Classified Ads Bring Results
Rapids, Mount Vernon, Coggon, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Dunbar left l home.
Anamosa and Wyoming. Thursday of last week for Album- Mrs. Richard Knowlton of Seattle,
Springville Rebekah Lodge will lbra, Calif. The Dunbars just seem Wash spent Wednesday with her
take the traveling "dove" to Cog-
gon on Tuesday, Nov. 12.
Nov. 26 Monticello here.
Dec. 3 Central City here.
Dec. 6 Marion there.
Dec. 13 Anamosa there.
Dec. 17 Coggon there.
Dec. 19 Viola here.
Jan. 7 Marion here.
Jan. 21 Viola there.
Jan. 24 Mount Vernon there.
Jan. 31 Mount Vernon here.
Feb. 6, 7, 8, County Tournament
Feb. 11 Alburnett there.
Feb. 14 Coggon here.
Feb. 21 Martelle there.
Feb. 28 Center Point here.
March 6, 7, 8, Sectional tourna-
ment here.
Bob Graham, Bert Cooper, Bill
Graham and Bill Reed are letter-
men of the local team.
Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning worship 11 a.m.
Ladies Aid Society Wednesday,
Nov. 20 at Mrs. F. G. Hunte's.
Viola Methodist---
Sunday school 10:45.
Morning worship 9:45.--Rev. C. D.
Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Wells and
family attended the funeral of their
uncle L. T. Farmer at Wayland on
Word came last week from Mrs.
Mac Van Fossen at Sheffield that
her son Wallace had undergone an
appendectomy. The Van Fossens
moved from here Oct. 1.
Doris Newland, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Dirck and Sue of Cedar Rap-
ids were Tuesday evening callers
of Mrs. Bess New|and, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Wilson and Mrs. I. S. Pearson.
Mesdames Begley, Port, Thomp-
son, Lundeen and Cooper of Re-
bekah Lodge No. 99, Friday attend-
ed the Northwestern Secretaries
and Scribes association of the I. O.
O. F. held at Independence. En-
route home they attended Praha
Rebekah lodge in Cedar Rapids
in the evening.
Mrs. Delia Trimble returned
home Sunday from a week's visit
in Cedar Rapids in the T. J. Risden
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Newman spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Gramling in Central City.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Culver of
Oelwein spent the week end with
To relieve
.l o, CO LDS
Try "Rub-M~,-Ttsm"--a lVonderful
to scent the first snow storm and
leave for the west coast every year
just in time to escape it.
Mrs. Sarah Pearson spent Sun-
day with her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark north
of town.
Mrs. H. E. Smith accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Cen-
tral City to Ely for Sunday dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Peet.
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Peterson spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Wagor near Jordans Grove.
Mrs. G. C. Bowdish was hostess
to the Monday club Thursday eve-
ning. Mrs. Wm. E. Johnston re-
viewed the book, "Wind, Sand and!
Stars," by A. de Exupery. Roll call'
was answered by new books and
their authors.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Batchelder,
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sterner spent
Sunday evening in the Chas. Ster-
ner home in Cedar Rapids.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Thompson of Monticello, Nov. 5th,
a daughter, Nancy Lou. Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel James and Mr. and
Mrs. James Thompson of this place
:are the happy grandparents.
Mrs. Ollie Hopkins was hostess at
dinner at the Quality Cafe in Ana-
mosa Sunday complimenting Mr.
and Mrs. Will Shellhammer.
Mrs. Harry Whitham of Ann-
moss spent Friday with her
Miss Ella Foust.
grandmother, Mrs. Vena Green-
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dyke and
Mrs. Anna Harm were Sunday
guests of Jackson Bowdish, Sr. in
Dr. Lloyd Boxwell of Nashua
spent Saturday and Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. Rhetta Jenson and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Streets en-
tertained at dinner Sunday. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Scott and
Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Decious of
Mount Vernon.
F. M. Bailey is attending the con-
venion of State of Iowa Mutual
Insurance association in Des Moines
this week.
Mrs. Lillian Underwood of Mor-
ley was a recent visitor of Mrs.
Anna Gage.
Mrs. Will Techau, who resides
1 miles east of town, fell while
entering her basement Monday eve-
ning and broke an ankle bone.
She was taken to the Mercy Hospi-
tal in Anamosa for treatment.
Mrs. John Bowdish attended the
Christmas Seal meeting and dinner
at the K-V Care in Marion Friday.
Ivan Bowdish and son and Tracy
HilJraan of Cedar Rapids were
Monday callers in the J. S. Bow-
dish home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruger
spent Sunday in the home of Ray
Bruger at Luzerne. Enroute home
sold my farm I will hold a complete closing out sale at my farm, located 4 miles east of Ely, Iowa, 12 miles
1-east of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; 2Vz miles west of Ivanhoe bridge; 6 miles north-west of Solon, new rock road
to the farm, on
Mrs. John Alexander was brough they called on Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
l home from Mercy hospital in Aria- Peck at Blairstown.
moss Friday, where she had been During Monday's storm a large
receiving treatment for the past evergreen tree near the Frank Beb-
five days. ber home blew onto the house,
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish at- breaking in the siding and a por-
tended the Postmasters meeting in tion of the roof and chimney.
Marion Monday evening. Following: Grier Baker of Fresno, Calif
a dinner at the K-V Cafe, an eve- who has been visiting his parents
ning of entertainment was held in Mr. and Mrs. Luther Baker in Ce-
the Mrs. Mary Hollingsworth home. dar Rapids, accompanied by Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Beck and Gayman of Los Angeles, Calif
sons of Clarence spent Saturday called in the home of his cousins,
with Mrs. Althea Beck and at- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Mr.
tended the guest night and picnic and Mrs. T. L. Samuels, Mr. and
supper of the Progressive cIub held Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle.
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jake Bishop of Cedar Rapids was
George. Thirty-five members and a recent visitor in the Wilbur Whit-
guests enjoyed a bountiful picnic aker home.
supper. Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss spent Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Ed day with Mrs. Chas. Lowden in
Eilers of Center Junction, Mrs. R. T. Anamosa.
Clark, Monticello, were Sunday af- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Patten in Ce-
ternoon callers in the Ella Foust dar Rapids entertained Mr. and Mrs.
home. i R. C. Hunte, Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly enter-~Bowdish, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Clausen of Atkins, formerly of this
Mrs. Albert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. A. ace.
B. Deitert of Swisher. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port spent
Mrs. Joe Emmons and Mrs. Loren Phursday and Friday in the Clark
Brown spent Thursday with Mrs. Creglow home west of town.
Ivan Bowdish in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson enter-
Supt. Ivan Gritman and son Bob tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
of Walker spent Sunday with Mrs. Mrs. Tom Pollock and June of west
i Elizabeth Gritman who has been of Whittier.
'ill and is recovering. Mrs. L. A. Johnston and her
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Patten of! mother Mrs. G. W. Geartmrt at-
Iowa City spent Tuesday evening tended the Guest Day meeting of
with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patten. the Concord Round Table club in
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Robertson Anamosa Thursday in the home of
of Cedar Rapids were week end Mrs. Voss Davis.
NOSE DROPS guests of their parents,Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mann of Mar-
OOUGH DROPS Mrs. R. A. Waln. mn were Saturday guests in the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Johnston Wilbur Stearns home.
and son Terry Wayne of Cedar Rap- Mrs. Mary Newhard spent sev-
ida were week end guests of Mr. eral days in Mount Vernon with
and Mrs. F. C. Roberts. her daughter, Mrs. James C.L.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calvert and Clark and family last week.
Marvin of Martelle were Sunday Bert Jordan and Mrs. Mary New-
afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. hard spent Sunday evening in the
C. W. Calvert. Robert Thompson home in Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooper and Rapids.
Carolyn were Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith near spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Viola. Fred Beach at Solon.
Robert Wild, Weldon Wiley, Bert Max Batchelder, his roommate,
Cooper, Jr attended the Anamosa- Charles Betz of Waterloo, and Bob
of mules both jacks, smooth mouthed, wt 2500, and as good a pair to work as lives. 1 black gelding, wt.
smooth mouthed, a good worker. 1 pair of bay chunks, both geldings wt. 2600, 3 years old, and mated
grains of wheat, this will make some one a swell pair of horses just the right kind on a farm.
Monticello football game at Mort- Smith, all students at Iowa City,
ticello Monday evening. They spent Saturday and Sunday with
noticed the change in the weather their respective parents.
before they arrived home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reiger, Mr.
Mrs. Ollie Illginfritz of Cedar and Mrs. Ernest Miles and son of
Rapids was a house guest of Mrs. Waubeek, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Evelyn Perkins Friday and Satur- Woods of Marion were Sunday din-
day, and called on Mrs. S. W. Erion, her guests of Mrs. Lila Plattenber-
Mrs. Rhetta Jenson and other for-~ger.
mer friends. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnston
Mr .and Mrs. James Bell, Robert of Linn Grove were Sunday visit-
Bell and son Denny of Cedar Rap-ors in the Chas. Meek home.
ida were Sunday visitorsof their Miss Ila Morrow of St. Paul,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell. Minn a registered nurse, friend of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramsey, Opal Fowlie, is spending several
spent Sunday with their son Max at i days this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Ames, where he is attending col-R. A. Fowlie.
LOST: Blue plaid belt to wool ivice of any kind?---Mechanic, car-
jacket. Finder please notify Bar-!pentcr, cabinet worker, with line
barn Jones, Mt. Vernon. 3P i of tools for any repair job. Effic-
[ tent and satisfactory work. Guaran-
V~rANTED: $1200 loan for 3
years at 5% on Cedar Rapids pro-
perty by farmer. Also wood to cut
on half. %Vrite R.J.B. e/o Hawk-
eye office. 3p
teed. Can give experienced de-
pendable service in farm work. re-
pair and operation of farm machin-
cry. If you have a job I can't do
I will tell you so. Gaynor A. Stone-
braker, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 401 A.
Ave. South, Dial 4222. 3p
nlonds for sale. ~Ve save you 50
i per cent. Portable typewriters for
i sale at loan value. Very reason-
lame. Iowa Lo'm Co 505 Mullin
~i t3uilding, Cedar Rapids. 45tf
FOR RENT: 7 room house, 200
'So. 4th St. Possession can be given
Dee. 1. See G. A. Beranek. 3e
FOR SAI,E: Purebred Hamp-
shire yearling male hog.Alexander
]3ros. 3p
FOR RENT --- Modern 5-room
cottage. Inquire A. J. Bobst, Mt.
Vernon. 46-tfc
lal,OOR SANI)ING: New and old
I floors. IAlwrenee Hunter, Dial 2541,
Mount Vernon. 23-tfc
PItlNTING---Large jobs or small
---they all get careful attention
and skilled workmanship at liawk.
eye Record. Dial 2431.
i Union Central Term Insurance Pol-
icy will protect you. It coats very
little, may be converted later into
FOR SALE other forms. See us for particulars.
~ ~ Union Central l,ife Insurt~nee Co
FOB SALE: About 100 books of ltalph V. Baehman, agent. 3
fiction, Zane Grey. etc 15e and] FRlCE! If excess acid causes
25c apiece. Mrs. Harold Minniek,L you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indi-
Phone 4631, 214 S 2nd St. 3p ffestion, Heartburn, Belehing,
~--- ] Bloating, Nausea, Gas t:'ains, get
FOR SALE: Violin in good con-t free Sample, Udga, at M(redilh's
dition. Mrs. Henry leowler, Lis- Rexall Drug. 47-12tp
bon. 3-p PI----'--ANO TUNING, usual ('harg~
$2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
FOR SALE: Sand and gravel, ping. R. E. S:tnderson, 319 Third
Ashes hauled, gardens plowed. Street North, l)ial 3622 ~.~-tf
Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides,
h-on, Rags and Metals. 1). Bu,'gess --lfi;i~-i;)-- k~M;ii~s-~ REM(;~-i::I;
& Sons, Dial 534 l, Mount Vet- Free. Call nearest phone by No. col-
non. 28tfc let't, Mt. Vernon, q07; Marion 77;
Ananlosa, 74F21, for (,lean f~L~l
FOR SALI':: Purebred Hump- coHrteons ~rvlee. I,'ranets PayU)u,
shire boars. The easy feeding kind.~xcnt, Ananlosa, lows, for l:arnl-
Cholera immune. Clarence J. Suep-ers Renderinff works, State Li-
pel, Solon, Iowa.ltfc tense No. 7, Iowa City, Is. 17.tI
Classified AdsBring Results
House of a Million Auto Parts
West End 16th Ave. Bridge
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Open Evenings to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m.
Always fresh and nourishing!
Ask Your Grocer!
R~ full dir~tions In package.
At Your Drug Store:
Small Bottle 25
Large Bottle $I.00
J. ZOBEL, Owner
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, l,i,bon, Iowa United State Bank, Clerk
Dorcas Ladies Aid Society of Ely will serve Lunch.
About 2000 feet of native lumber mostly oak; sawed lx6, 1x8, lxl0, 4x6 and in different lengths.
50 White Rock early hatched pullets. 100 Brown Leghorn Hens, good ones.
Miss Eva Reed. [ State License No. 7
Mrs. Kendall Gibson is receiving[ Clean --- Fast -- Service
treatment in St Luke's hospital atl @--- = : - :~ -- ~ - :
Cedar Rapids. ' [ ' " "~-t
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank andl [g'~ ~ l~r/ -~/~ |
family entertained at dinner Tues-/ ] UP UI-Lu" t.7 |
day evening as a courtesy to their/: ,:----, ~-~ q t>~ ~-~ I [
aunt, Mrs. Maud Musser of Robins| I lknOCK 1'[[ / I i -I
in observance of her birthday.[,~ [~L. A-"! " !
Table decorations were beautifully[ I % i e~) [ [ ~ ~ I 0[
decorated birthday cakes in yellow[ ] ~~ -['~
and white and golden candle hold-|,i~ ~ I-I[ 1
era, with white candles, cakes| LII
were decorated by Darrell Frank.| ] ~ ,~ (.~ ~ ----~yJ ]
Others present were Mr. and Mrs.|,~.VJ ~ -'--4.~
Milton Pflughaupt, Dorothy, Aileen,|,~ ~ ]
Janiee and Bobby of Marion, Mr.[ ~-~
and Mrs. Ben Sherman of Central[,[~.~AU the At~
City. / I " - - -'-
Don't wait until nerves have kep
you awake two or three nights,
until you are restless, jumpy and
cranky. Get a bottle of Dr. Miles
Nervine the next time you pass a
drug store. Keep it handy. You
never know when you or some
aember of your family will need it.
H--. 59 CATTLE (Herefords) ;lege. Mr. and Mrs. Archie White, Mr. Jack Walsh, President
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Fisher of and Mrs. Earl Lehr visited Virginia
e:r:utc [?nCOWs running in age from 2 years to 7 years old, most of these are 3 year olds. There are 22 spring Waterloo were Friday visitors in White and Doris Lehr at Cedar CEDAR ~AI IDS
fi .g mese cows so you see they are regular breeders. 5 coming two-year-old Hereford heifers, bred the W. E. Bell home. Rev. Fisher Falls Saturday and Sunday. IO VA
part of September to good Hereford bull. 9 coming 2 year old Hereford steers in good flesh right off and Mr. Bell were roommates while Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bair enter-
attending Cornell college, tained at dinner Tuesday night, Mr.
,- zz head of extra choice Hereford spring calves, 13 males and 9 heifers, there are some good bull pros-
:s n these which will be sold separate. There are 6 of the cows that are excellent milkers being child and tainedMr' andMrs.MrS.jessieH. M.Briner,Brinerclaudeenter- andgeles,MrS.Calif ChaS.andGaymanMr. OfandLOS Mrs.An" .Y :? :: ::ii::::i::::#::i::i::::::;!:~iii~
roxe. 1 Hereford bull, 3 years old, a good individual and has an extra good disposition, he will weigh 1800. Lacy of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle.
Dick Kolek and David Lee of Wires i,ii:: i:: @~:ii~"::'~i~.!~:~r!:i
i~ 45 H OGS Corners, Sunday. ~ ~i i'ii:::::iii:i::~,i~.:~i~:~:~i::"
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shanklin and .:: :::::<~z:.::~:~':.~~::~:~,
~::: ~ -.:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
ya SOWs with 35 fall pigs at side, the sows will all bebred by sale day. 5 late spring shoats good feeders.Mrs. Carrie Shanklin of Cedar Rap- Mrs. Ray Bolto ~ .' ~:a~!:::::
ida were Sunday visitors of Mr. and ------
pigs weaned and trimmed and doing fine, Berkshire and Duroc cross. 1 Duroc Jersey spring boar Mrs. S. F. Raft. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jepsen spent
Bert Miller Herd, guaranteed a sure breeder. Mrs. Carrie Shanklin, who has Sunday with Mrs. Amelia Larsen. i
spent the summer with her child- Kenneth Campbell is ill of the
}Mcco MACHINERY ren here, left Tuesday for Los An- measles.
-4 geles to spend the winter with Albert White has been on the
l$]dum r m ck 6-ft binder; Deering 6-ft mower; IMin hay loader; Keystone side delivery rake, cylinder type; steel members of the family, sick list.
sn amy rake; clover buncher; low; John Deere corn planter', 2 riding corn plows', 2 walking plows, Mesdames R. C. Hunte,Harry Mrs. Bernice Curttright and Nita
daft4 o mveland 4 shovel; John Deere 14 inch walking plow; breaking plow; potato plow and marker; 2 harrows a Jacobs, Orlin Iehl were hostesseshave been spending a few days in DRe MIL S
a 3 see.; John Deere manure spreader; John Deere 8-ft disc; 2 wagons; a medium height one and wood Tuesday in the church to the the Ray Bolton home.
steel wheel truck wagon with wood rack box; 1 bench bob sled; basket hay rack; set of wagon gears; spring Bethany Circle. Merle Van Sickle was a caller at
'l -s top buggy; pony buggy; 2 seated bob sleigh; swell body sleigh. Mrs. Frank Palmer entertained Floyd McShane's Sunday morning.
last week at a series of quilting Louis Filley. of Cripple. Creek,
- SHOP TOOLS parties. 22 ladies, in all, attended. ~olo spent last wee~ ena wxth Ray
aanvil; blacksmith forge; bench drill and bits; hammers; 2 vises; some harness tools; shoe maker tools; post Refreshments were served each af- Boltons enroute from New York ~~
:ternoon City to his home in Cripple Creek.
ma l t.ggers; 3 or 4 saws; forks of all kinds; the most tools you have seen at a sale this fall; stone hammers; '2 - i I Mr. and Mrs Garfe Zach and
mrs. ~. n. wr gut, Ivlrs. ~nzaDem family and Mr 'and Mrs Bill Zach "=="
-~, crow ars, etc.; cement tools. Wrede of Detroit, Mich. were guests and fatal|, all of Cedar Ranids
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. ~' ~" '
2 corn shellers, 1 single ho Miscellaneous Little last week. spent the week end at Emil Zach's.
isaw outfit combined (worklse tahn/Je:?{. bole; I.H.C. 8-inch grinder; 6 horse Fairbanks Morse gas engine and wood Dr. Evelyn Knouf, Mrs. Maxine undreds Of T ousands Of Time
~; McClarion and daughter Sharon of
l nbeOgw craft" cement mixer; 3 hog troughs; hog pans; 1 breeding crate; 1 hog ringer; Los Angeles, Calif were Friday Prompt Each Year Dr. Miles NerWne
e; 1 20-bu. capacity self feed ; 1 small one for pigs; 1 steam cooker tank heater; slop buckets; slop cart; guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Pirie. Removal /Hakes ood
I pray outfit; fanning mill. The Royal Neighbor ladies were Of Dead Stock
I entertained Thursday in the home CALL COLLECT When you are wakeful, jumpy,
Harness, Of Mrs. W. S. Palmer. A picnic
2 sets of heavy britchen harness; 1 set of field harness; 6 or 8 leather collars, dinner was served at noon and theMechalicsville restless, when you suffer from Nero.
regular lodge meeting followed, o,8 Irritability, Nervous Headache
Present were Mesdames Dora How- l?ipton West Branch Sleeptessness, or Excitability, give
A' Oorn, Oats, Hay and land, Belle Miller, Rosa White, Sara
700 bushels of corn in the crib; about 700 bushels of 103 oats in the bin, good quality; 75 or 80 tons of Whitaker, Evelyn Perkins, Lila SSO 41
Plattenberger, Ella Little, Margaret ~| ~ Ot Farmers DR. MILES N~:RVINE
:'i c . xe(! ctover and timothy hay in the barns nut un in ood shane The straw from 30 acres in the barn Colehour, Althea Beck, Marie Hea-
mese ba ~ ~ ' " ' ' IL]~:~ILI Ii Rendering Works a chance to make good for YOU.
rns are easy to get hay out of and will be a handy place to bale if desired. !dy, Inez Switzer, Mary Ricketts and