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November 15, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 15, 1951 |
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Me. Vernon, Is, Hawkeye-Reeord proper response should be agree-l/n Hutson Hat Shop . . Wobbles I~ LI: A-L- @ L -I ' CORRESPONDENTS. Pleasesend Co-ie Of D " i
and The Lisbon Herald D,-- @ merit, but,realizing. I wasn't t oolhardware features open house with rooIIg; ~t6K6 oc;nools copy early next week on account p S r. r, eyes
Thurs Nov. 15, 1951 ru~w --~ .versea. ~eeK and ye shall find, I' Hot biscuits and oo~,fee prepared ,~, :~1 ~ ,m* ~ of printing Tuesdgy bee-use of the Article Are Availakl- I|
ne grinned disappearing around the on a Majestic rangeRose oaav IIO UO ~orl~ T/umksrlvinz Day holiday I -- !" "m ~ L
. . !doorway! ' IReynolds reoovering fr(~'typl~bid, |------/ ~ I i a ill Stnr~ Hr.Jr . Q.~N tn ~. ~(~
Kecora i rus ' Extra copies at "me t'anmpsest
Jhe I=lc~wl~.eye: Jd Imagine the W-W-~-rren Tonnes were'myhod t%h /~Puitall/:rf~ePrP:%dr~t:n askedmerican schools are being Rotary Sees Movie icontaining a biographical sketch of I I Ill
ann ine usoon Mera . interested to read in Monday's]- -." " "- ea to aO more anct more," said Dr r~ w ~.~ r~. xxy r,||l r~;e,l Q f~e)O1
104 2nd Ave North, Mount Vernon, xoWalGazette that the~ had become ~helanKm when zlcl~eo Dy a nol~e; Mrs Margaret Jones Williams, "The Big Idea" a movie whichi~. : "~""~.Y".-.~.*." ;'.:'." ~.",||l v-w
Official Newspaper mount vernon ann ] ~ . .~ I Now here's somethin~ diffei~e-t nlember of the Citizehs ~teerin# -,~.~o~oo ,h~.' . ~ ^ t r'ezersen supt. oI me ~mte nmmrl- ~ I'q,
mnn ~oun~r parents or a aaugnter ~o 11 o -r -- ~ ,~.~.~ ~ ~ a~ iJ~upL~ a.~ ~Jlv . . i~
The Mount 8or b Htl .WBkae~mean Quite a httle family! [2t~a:~%dt fC ?l~mbgasU~tv?r~t Yi:~dyltt::bl:meCeo~l~ul~l~ ~ti~ wm Stshmp rt~gtt~hl~gtanyAclm:~m~I[:tlS;:lC yr:feI b: kanb:r:btaT;d' ' ' " ! ~]i ,-nAr&&l~l~
Founded In I Y " "o,J Which brings to mind the villagelSUCCeSSful academic work a student~in Mt. Vernon. Monday evening by Bill DuVal ,issue contains the latest articles on'~,~]l i ~l~l~l~fl[C~
The Mount vernon ~emarKer,may earn 12 oints worth a 0~ Mrs Willia
'. . ]newspaper that printed. Due to P,$6 I ms m an interview, pubhc relahons director of the I Iowa archeology by Dr. Keyes as,||1 ,- ~ ~ .i
Founded in 1893 by M~nard Lomertthe shortage of paper, a number of! .r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.~a. uct~ n tram the $620 tuition fee. loutlined some of the areas which, Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. well as his photograph and pie-,Ill .eaar Kaplas
Tk~ /idat~n Herald,b~rths" will' be ~ost. onedn n until" next i~mo smaents, will lose $5 for each i she feels, will, be studied by the Darwin Cook" ~as, in charge of the,tures of archeolog~cal excavations. ~,||l
Founded t, 159# b~ ;F F. Stahl week.",i~c ursei zailed and. the fee for de- I committee. . 'The. American, scene program. One of the pictures is of.the Minott's |ft !
James W. McCutcheon [ --=---=--L---L---.--Z'-- -' I!!nquentexams will be~ $5. Hmm, i ls changing rapidly and commun-[ E R Ristine told briefly of his rock shelter at the Pahsades State
~,v ~=~ .uw ~ wur~ea Ikies are as~in more one olrterent -,~Park. Copies are 15 cents each.
n~r~ IE'~R eutslde'Linn'an'd ad- "l'g r u y . " . " ' [corn of the schools through the west' he said'The whole thin 'hospital Cedar Rapids the' last of "' ' r "
"'"'~;.;.; "~ " t;, b,t ~,ithln t ]of Philadelphia dedicates carfllonlc [l wa ulty.' beven tongues m" this" * school lunch re ram' So has health seems' like a " g the week' She has been" there since
,~ . lie . ~ P g dream. I am now
state ~ $2.75 ! bells : Thieves fleece Morley B[area part)ezpated, and Mrs. Marc iservices, contemplating a plane trip to Seat-~last Tuesday for treatment for a AP~,~rb~t,~ ,~ I~,-~ r= &&A--
ONE YE/IR, outgide the state . $3.00 ann ~ grocery zor $300 . . . .Mt.]~aw or me.r~auona.t ~3oard was! "These resoonsibilitiesmeanmoreltle and Santa Barbara Calif ilheart condition. ' g'%~l ff//IO~ Ik~/ I~ff /Ol~%~/lffll.
Vernon sells $60,000 sewer bonus I featured. D 1 s e u s s ~ o n cen~erea I ~u,~ ,~on ~,~a n ~ I have imnrover~ ~- h-~*h' ~,-~-~ *~ ' -- ""
-- - around a re-evaluation of the na 'J - ~ .- " -L'" ~=".'" ~'-~
I TEN w~ac,~ ,t,~ I.-" "~space both indoors and outdoors las~ mree mantas, x haven't oeen
D,~Ilt~| ~I P,qt I1~|1 I Nov,'~.'~~v t ,onax program, wlm a vmw ~OlThey' mean better lighting Theysick for 85 years" he concluded.
UVnH~,*A~ .v. wv ~o~ making me l~az-aa agenua nt im:o~ ~ . " ,~ ' . ,
1 ntml olitical at is ! reS~h~rland Daws. Cedar Rapids, the very critical situation of the' mean more auequa~e nurames, be~eldannu~t d:~ster d~n~r MWuZrll ~-m = ~ i -:. ~ ~ --. -- . . ---
.The Pros'de " p P p s steel flag pole to Cornell world today The followin~ from] 'Public school facilities are Y" " IMI TTIGI LIM tT yr%! I
boiling merrily for such an earlyl Wm. Prather, proprietor of Mt. Vernon attended: Miss Kaethebursting at the seams In Mt. phy is chairman of the committee IV BVlif~ II m- ~ WW If=&/ |VV
date. Senator Taft is campaigning ~ Campus Bowling Alleys in Legion Kollman and Mesdames Clyde Nor- Vernon as in other eommun- which includes George Young and
in his usual methodical manner, even [ hall, leaves suddenly for parts un- ton, Douglas Van Metre H C Lane ! ittes~ Programs are thwarted Jim McCutcheon. ~.' ~' ' i'"
going into southern states on his known, taking with him two alleys Mark Hutchinson, Eric "Kollman from, lsek of united Interest Im iII il I "i :z A
speaking tour. . . [ and leaving rent bill for $93. (We've I and Jay MacGregor. I In the community.We must I Mount Vernon Locals
~:urope. i . g e 0o~nan- I dise-s~i,~ ~ *~ e*,~, ~ o~,^ ~- ,~-~,~ *~, ~ ,~-- ~ o~,* ~,~ ~,~---~ ~,~ -,
n used as' " ~ ~ o*,-a - o~,= a.u
may leave some people co f mversary. 'local health and ~nfatv l~u~e l~r,-~ t Williams. I Fulton, Ill. She will be the house
o ~ . ,
1 intentions However hlsl 100v attn ~n~o ~ ~t~,~ ^. . " " $ uest of
to h~s rea . . . 7 ~ . ~ ed:. ~ . : [ unarzes Starr and Mrs. Wesley I'Commumtles today n e e d to I g Miss Ruby Summers.
gulamg principle atmm ume zs remlmsce on wnereaDouzsOI mere
I ",Ward spent a great deal of time!broaden their tax base and to findI Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoltz and
a sauna on.e, ma~. ne ras -a~ m ~- [ on l~ ~rmisdce any. ~eorge I this past summer studying the state ! adequate open areas in which to Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Andreas of Cedar
~ri~ ~u" [ - " g I ing such items as fire hazards safe- I vide play space,Mr. ann lvxrs. Henry Hey in Dixon,
~!~i~;Pi~dS:?i~at;:e:hc~ S:idd~S I ~!fl:n~ga~g~eem~a~la~ya e~d~e:i~i~ comlng~y{dle~nf ~dth;::l~ngPeP~ibl~eoe~ter lmormea bee' hines S:hr~yl d~hecag:;dt ~ah ~dlea. :lMr'~ e~andmMrs'me Richard~ecmusEdWardSnomeOf ~ ;! i
~"--- ~ ~,~ ~n carr~ his work inl " IThis is the local study project for I that ,American community life can aquoketa and Mr. and Mrs. John #
atlut~ ~x ~v ~ "J /b limb rk~llJll l'lea~t~v will1 ~aln- " ' S e'no h r
Eurone to some degree of comple-]~ ~ n; ~ .~ ~ Jthe year and several more meet- t be richer, more varied. The school t 1 c e of Solon were Sunday ~~ ~d tl N i / ~
:"n = I ~''-^ ~.'^ ~"~.' ' '-~ =~ .~.~ L~ ~,~ ' ~ ~*"u. / ings will be devoted to this im- I itself can become the center of evening dinner guests in the Harold
"'" ~. t u~ ~u~e~. ~raj~ce, u,oetzevmgoz/portant matter with the idea of be- ! such a community life. Let us ~ongeroeam name.
~ome seasonea ~,-~-* ~ - news uu announceo oy capture i build a united front for education '~u--'- '- "-- ~ ~--"
- -- -: " :-"--~'--"ed 1~"-'-: : "" :~"'" : ' 'f': -- ,Let us prepare our children so that over the week end were Mrs Gala I ~ I !i~ i1 ~ ~ ~ I !I
t, enera~ ~mennower conuuw .$ ~aruuer in lmprovlseo nospnal~= . ~ A. i "h- - w-T b- ad--uat-1- -r-- ~ "-- -'- - ~- -- - ~" -- i
,arkhlmself in sUChhim a;J highly" manner "s "skllled in ,outsidewounded.Belfort, caring for 1600 re rl. LIIT@,I.lean Ot ]' ~oe(ake rover theerqeignsYofPgopare~-. .- M~e /~i~he~:e~f U~a ynanaN~br:" ~, 'i i!ii::i, :: ;;;!:!!i;!!~ '~ ~i! ~"'~;~ ~ ~ ::~;ii :~i :'~ ~ i'' ~i~i~ ::ii!~ i
o, t~,~ Ithou*rh -- Boston Unl. Chapel ~ment and to assume leadersh,p In Sunday guests were Mrs. Anna i ::;iii~ii~ ~ ";';i .~,~ i! ~i
v--. -~" ~':~--- I -- ;the church and civic affairs." Sundberg, Mrs. Robert Mathews and J ~;i~iii ~ ~ !~ ii ~-~ ~ J
no~ a prolre~mnaL z w~.~~x x~.~ ~u Boot TT~; t tWO sons and Mrs Laura Dabine** i:i!-;~~ ~:'~ :: ~i ~;:~i ~iil ii
.^ a ~.*f ~rov, 19~1 ~ ,~v-, lwrs. wm,ams is joining wire me : "" l~i!i -.:~ i, ~ ~.:.:
,neze ~ev,~ ,u ,=~oo, ~ pointed Dean of the Chapel Dr au at uectar ~taplus
t +~+ +~, ; e ~nnrli. t Janesville man buys two acre ' .lather 14 members of the Steering
ut,~ ~ :'~ . ~.'. ~"7. I -" ~ -~ranKnn H. L~ttell, will leave the l committee in a series of confer- ' --
tions in Europe lac~ o~ zmanclat;wesz or lngola xarm on ~lncoln tn- ver" im-ortant ""oition ~o ~-i^** $"mntomsofDistreosA-:o:-'- "-^-
' w " J v v~o ~o "--=-ences Wll:n county ann state super-,- o,~ v,
abfllt to earr out rearmament ay and starts tourist camp--now " ' ~ (~ ~, t
u:~t~Yw ;~ rY,~,h,~, ~own theirlHome Sweet Home Zeke ProtestantAdvisor of the High mtendents of public instruction~TnMA~H ll/~l=~=c:
w = .~.oo,~ ~, t~ommissioner tar Germany to take ' "='~='='~'= ==,v,i=.~, ~ ~I ,
General home for important con-lbe shot when ill with rabies . . . sit--on Jan 2 1952 F- - "izens of the co mu "ty who are I~k%~l~.~i~l,~ly r
ferenceS.o ]Men asking for f ounty help areputlnoYunced by 'Presid~n~aaH:::l~ a~:l~:ncerned about ~ts school prob- QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST i ~ i
~orne iear l~USSla mlgn~ oeczo~ tu tu wurr~ un *uauu at~u pa~u *t* ~c'*PlCase " " "
move into Europe in 1952 before tgood for provisions . . . Mt. V's' ~ ----- JA bAh,~t,tIq D~r; l l~.~.';
western Euro,e is better prepared first cooking school--sponsored by I For the past two }'ears Dr. Littell[ From Our Subscribers
,-, ~,~,~ *h,r~ That i~ nrobablv what 1Hawkeve and Iowa Railway and i nas nod the responsioility of rela- ~on bottles of tl}e W~r.~RD ~,
. I - .- T-,*a'lzr.~, nave oeen sold for reUef of : ~ '~
brought the General to Washing-iLlght Co. with cooperatmn .ofltlo.ns of the occ.upatmn authonhes George L. Franks wrltes from[sYmptom~sofdistr~ssarisingfromStomach
ton. The situation may be more t merchants.Mrs. Jrred Turner wms lW.lm t.ierman cnurcn leaaers ano Besmarck, No. Dak "We have: ~4~r~Du~eneI Ulcers due to Exeess A ld.-- l I:~| |li:
serious than Washington cares to ~grand prize of electric toaster and l.wltl.a American International church had too much rain through out the G~ ~a~m~Ls~m~ ~ w I:Um.*t stom~h,
,haoles a o aoi r e~,n,:*,~l~n~n~s, ete II M J n :Ii
.~.~* on. t set . f dishes Is . ng .esearch in harvest season here which has duo to ~t ees Acid . Ask' for "WIIla~l,s i11
The Arthur Krock story that Mr. [ L~ght company offers patrons re- protestant and mterfmth ecumen- damaged our crops very much. Got M~go"whichfull yexplainsthisrom~rk-
Truman offered to help General i ductlon m rates! New rate of 50c a real remuons. At Boston Umver- our first snow. about two inches, ~moaometre~tmen~-I,m--~ There's still only one completely
Eisenhower get the Democratic i month per installed meter, 8c per sity he will be chaplain for many on Oct. 30, and it is still with us --HEASTY DRUG STORE automatic refrigerator . . . only
nomination and he turned it down tkilowatt hour for first 50 and 6.3c thousands of students and faculty As you no doubt know the oil
must be given importance. Mr. Ifor all over 50 . . . Lewis Loin- of all faiths, repre.-~enting dozens of wells are coming along these days Westin ghouse FROST-FREE has
Kr0ck's reputation is just tOO re- baughs observe silver anniversary ~?r~etsgn cultures as well as the 48 We note with much interest your the magic buLton that COUNTS
liable to pass it off. ] Helen Hank teaching at Rose- . . weekly news," ave mps . . . door openings to measure your
actual defrosting needsl
This incident may settle the mat-idale . . . Herm Peiper at Log
ter of which ticket General Eisen-lCabin, Ivanhoe showing pair of SAVE SPACE! More important, only FROST-
hower would be willing to run on. I grizzly cubs bought iu Minnesota Eyes Examined GJasses Fitted FREE gives you all three benefits.
It also may answer the charge 0fi. . . 5 horses run away with corn
Taft supuorters that no one knowslpicker on Ed Litts farm . ~ 491
where General Eisenhower stands !overnight transients in 11 months'
on domestic policies. The fact that I period sign register at city hall.
he is not willin~ to run on the~
Democratic ticke~ would indicate, TIIIRTY YEARS AGO D P A
" weli ~ov 9 1921
that he is not a new dealer or ~ - ,
-,'.~ s+~+,r } Wally Benesh shoots up foot as ~t =d ~m
~*~ h +he various camnsare he idly fingers hls gun while restm~ "FOR BETTER VISION"
~-~- *here is still nlentv of time'during local hunt ng excursion . . .
".~'%'~e~'avera e indiv[~ual~to make.Rosemonde Jones is sports writer Modern Styles Prompt Service
zor ~,~ -'~;'~d g Only tronble is that 'for MVHS Record Maybe she
"'us~ what the-" doesnt write "era up now but she 221 3rd. St. S.E. Cedar Rapids, Ph. 2-872.1
~:s~ ~a~Ob:nOV~o~trol of the del~ Id esn:t miss see!ngmany ; Ge~
" ,~,~,~*ions alct l-lcnorlx ecll~S mn ~.raae paper
gates to me various "~ In B
. - ve~Bernad" e urge on locals Peg Mc-
The Taft crowd certainly will ha ,
~ ~ ~ ;~, T ,~1,~ th~ r~nn~)~i- tn~osn on s~orles (Ilterary) and Hll-
+;,~ ~.o ,~ ~ ;.~n .~-;~kl,~,dred Colon on 3okes (ditto) . . .
~.~ ,~ ~SL~ ~, iT own council decides to blow fire
sl* l- ,~= ~histle daily to keep it "in con-
~|t~T ~e~|on o . ,;dition." . . . R. C. Turner sets up
candy factory In cafe Mrs F
Florence Hoidahl i ~ "
~IvI. McGaw picks violets in back
The weather man Saturday was~yard . . . Ladies buy Italian silk
evidently trying to make amends for : hose at $2,50. Hippo washing pew-
his recent mistakes by turning up !der lap Rose soap and Djer Kiss
with an ideal football afternoon. ]face powder,
But he had already given winter's
warning and helmets and shoulder
pads were practically stored in
mothballs and hoops on all garages
in town were kept busy as the small Midland l~rm Management Co.
fry readied itself for the basketball 612 Merchants Bank Bldg
Wonderful dinner the mothers
staged for the grid squad Friday
--lots of time and work expended.
High school boys aren't given to
complimenting rooms too muchl
even the' they entertain t h e
thoughts of praise, but the rousing
hand clap for the mothers' work
was loud, sincere and heart-warm-
ing. This is one of the few schools
in the state where the mothers pay
tribute to their boys and their clads
in this fashion.
Ovation .was also given Coach
Liike when Toastmaster Macaulay
suggested that the next time he
went into a huddle he call the
proper signals so that next fall the
emcee might introduce "Mr. and
Mrs." (Matchmaker Mac we call
Yardners were busy as bees all
week end putting the gardens and
lawns to bed. Bleak winds will
soon be whistling; bats are probably
already trying to get in the chapel
tower where they v ill hang them-
seles by the hooks on their wings
and sleep the winter away. New
birds, not so common in the summer
are patronizing the food shelters
thoughtful friends are filling in their
Observation: Pups contrib ut e
nothing at all fanny part of fall
yard work, except perhaps the
compost pile.
Hunters took-off by the thousands
Sunday for the pheasant season. Of
course they've been at it earlier for
other forms of game. One Cedar
county farmer reported that he was
well pleased when a group of hunt-
ers actually asked his permission
to hunt on his farm. Then they
asked if he'd keep their beer in his
refrigerator until they returned!
Other hunters, with or without
beer have been careless in their
shooting around some farms in this
area. They i~ave not only failed to
a~k permission but have been shoot-
ing into farmyards where there are
livestock and children It would
seem that a child's life Would be
a pretty heavy price t o pay for a
squirreI dinner!
Recently received my membership
card for Press Columnists of Iowa.
On thc face of it is a square for
"Thumb-print of Member in Own
Ink." They say that "courtesy" is
for members who can't write their
Then along came Parson Green
as I worked diligently at my desk.
He stood around a while, observing
my typing technique "Well," he
commented, "I see you use the bibli-
cal sy~tero." I ~;lanced up at him a
bit suspiciously, feeling that the
Nov. 7, 1906
Birdie Wade replaces Lou Spry
Cedar Rapids. Iows
I go Greyhound be:ause it's
the Friendly Way to TravM!
Chicago $ 4.30i
Omaha 6.051
Los Angeles 34.05
New York City "21.20
St. Louis 7.10~
Ames 3.00',
Denver 17.001
Joh?ston & Morgan's Funeral Home
Porch inclosures
Poultry, Hog House and
Barn Windows
[ personally Kuarantee that you
will be absolutely satisfied wlth
every yard Of Window Material
that has the name "Warp's"
~randedoo ,h ~, 0~, ~;~
WARP BOOS. *"-/J~ff~'~" r |
,* I
' i
In The Handy New
from all fine
Mr. Vernon and Lisbon
Food Steres
Automatic defrosting exactly
when and only when needed.
No timers to set, nothing to do[
Automatic disposal of the frost
water---no pans to empty, no
floors to mop, no mess to cleanl
] Defrosting so fast that even ice j
] cream and frozen fruits stay J
[ / frozen[,]
, To get the best, look for the button
; . . . only the completely automatio I
~est inghouse FROST-FREE has itl
(See it today[
you ~. s~ SU.fl~E w rr~ Vl o[m~aOUSe
rl M E " PROVE D
No wonder the owner of a Powerglide Chevrolet
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*Combination o/ Powerglide Automatic Transmissio.; and 105-h.p.
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Dial 2512
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