National Sponsors
November 18, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 18, 1898 |
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: will dared home as soon as the troops now Not ~]
: house en route for the islands reach there to requ ,e
majority of 1~ take their places, erou ,il 1
~Y(~rk The- In convention in St. Paul the Worn- ~y, ~ ,
: lii~lli~an Temperance nnion de- ~ k,I
~eation. has been
ustin, Tex and
-istance of 2,600 .
miles. ~ b .~
~d ,Wyoming. Fire aJbCanonsburg, Pa wiped out think that the military administration ,XIanila to join the Zaflro. A telegram
ought to be continued for at least a year addressed to Lieut. C. It. Falesin Wash: ~I6r e e
will probably governors in fully a third of the business portion, longer. Military administration means the this se travel.
many a man ~ ~e, SouthCaro- two of the principal hotels and many maintenance of order, the establishment of ingtOa and signed by Dresel, which modations.ia first-class or t
oriental euS~c ~hnesotv+ On dwellings, sanitary regulations, the giving of assist- was found on the dead man, requested cars, which ruff thro~h ev
anee to those who maY need it. It will Pales to exchange orders with the year. Personally-conc'lucted
~kt ~he same time, it might be :ann, Illinois, Williant ~liekley Gross, Roman Cath- bring order out of chaos and afford us writer and it was evidently the inten- Our Caateen~ ~ ~mpty, [ parties every week to (
ing.'to inquire in,to the~ habi Island, Delaware, oli~ archbishop or Oregon, died in Bal- time l0 determine the wisest legislation, u Oregon C nice of a lar!
bridegroom. If he is asmbk, ~lcoandWestVir- timore. Md. Time always enlightens, and certainly tion of Dresel to have sent ~his. Some of us were taken rock from the ] I~oi . . .
when congress meets at its regular ses- Dresel was 38 or 40 years of age- He effects of this. I waslaidup severalweek~[ routeswatpou~ extra
~ar~mulars eneertuRy g~ven
in a field hospital from fever. From that[
~anyrealgr0undsforeomplaint,republican and the damn- / AWashingtondlspatehsaysthatdur- slon in December of next year wewillbe entered the navy on Septembcr22,1876, time asalwaysa 'ct re rless. ~, "
I w fill ed mo o canon to agents Ohmago & ~c
" h tt y, or eonnecclng naes
the young l, ady? ~ I crats were successful in Missouri, Mon- tng the past ten months the excess of much better equipped to consider the prop-
2 -J [ tans; Utah, Georgia, North Carolina, exports over imports aggregated $460,- er method of dealing with our new posses- at Annapolis, having been appointed About four years ago I became mac [
The United States Is coming to the [ Louisianlt, Kentueky, Alabama, Arkan- 206,802, an increase of $240,958,658 corn- sions, f~om Ohio. On May 4, 1896, he wasworSe.over myOUrcase,famil~and tt begand Ct rtoseemed'IookasPUzzled!f there [[ W~,Ie ~'lame . J.'he ae~." " tor" ms'
"For my part," added Mr. Dtngley, "I made a lieutenant. During the Span- was no hope for my recovery, andthat thai eou~unt~ossmlyaoume~msn
front as a silk producer, i Thirty ~rears } ~as, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi had pared with the same period last year. hope that th~ territory to be added will be
~own 10plC~
ago our annual output Of ~ilk,~'a~ but l Virginia. " A seat on the New "York ~tock ex- no larger than is absolutely necessary. I ish-American war he served on board inevitable end wasnear, [ "-- "
realize that in some cases it may be easier the Puritan. Following the war he was "Last November I was advised to try Dr. [ : . . .
IiIfle more than $6,000,000 in value, ~ The November crop report of theag~ change sold for $28,000, the lfighestto hold than It wltl be to let go, but at the transferred to the Essex, and it is Williams Pink Pills. The physicians said I
wl~ile now it reaches over $~87 000~000. [ ricultural detmrtmen~ estimate.s :tl~e price in ]5 years. * same time I hope tl~at the treaty, when it Mamma ~as made they were an excellen~ medicine, but would,In a fine, mild and healthy el
The imports of Mlk are*fallin off also, ] total cotton er0p at 10,o00D00 bales do no good in my. case. l~uk I tried them, [ cyclones and blizzards are unk~
: . g,The Turney & Jones Coal company of is presented to'the senate, will :~rovlde for ~aid the transfer to,". '"
-and from the hlgh-water matk lrt silk ~ ~nd th~ e0rl~ eropntl,927,000,000 bush- Columbus, 0 and the Pennsylvania & ] the acquisition of a minimum amount of n account of his value as an officer, and am gtad.I d,d for I became better at ] good r!ch lands can be bought
4mp0rts of $36,000 ~ ia i88,3 they have I el$, ' " Ohio Fuel company of' St. Pa'ul, Minn I territory." . x~-hlch marked him out for continued once. Eight boxes, taken accorcfiagto diree-,near cheap transportation and
~OW aropped down to gp~,00v~000,/ A ] Fourth Assistant Postmaster-Ge.n- went into a receivers hands with lia~ ] SAYS HE WILL WIN. active duty. He had nofamily, so far as tions,about aCUredyearmeago, andI used the last of the nillShave not been troubled [' eationalseekers, andExcursionslndustrial advant~to Virgi:
little export trade has al//0. 1;,ee~ built ] eral Brist0w in-his annual report for bilities of $1,200,000. i~ known here. with my' ailments since." . I ' Big 4 Route and theCliesape
up, ~nd if there is anythtng that your I the fiscal, year ended June 30, 1898, Senato~ fltewart, ol Nevada, Appar- Annapolis, Md l~'ov. 15. -- Lieut. The powerofDr. Williams" Pink PillS for [ Raihvay. Write for descrip'
Uncle Samu~I cannot produce wd w~uld [ ~l~ws there were*73,570 post offices in Mi~~~S. ently Very Confident of Election Dresel was well k-n own here, having Paledue toPe pleimpurein orthepolsonedVast number ofblood, hasdiseasesbeen l] rates.Virglnia'dates,listtime-cards, f farms fOr&c.Sal,
ltke to know What it JP! ~*'~ ]~he;Utfited States anincrease dulling to Another Term. been stationed here before the war with demonstrated in thousands ofinstanee~aa|G~ Ig. A ~ClarkSt Chica$
Spain. He was under treatment several remarkable as the one related above. |
. [ the year of 2,54 ' Chinese laundrymen in New York] -- . " I Mr. Oldehap--"Areyouinfle
The new woman has scored the yte-|. There was a reduction of $113,00~,- city haveorganized wtrust, t Chicago. Nov. 15.--United States Sen- times for mental derangement. Hetm-
agined that he was in a state of physical Genius is a loftier quality than tamn~ in,sils, Miss Gushley!" Miss Gu
~oryofhercventfulJifein~Newark, N J 000 in tm~-~rfo and ~n increase of ~l~-q - Russia proposes o build an immense ator Stewart, of Nevada, telegraphed and.menial collapse and unfit for fur- the sense that genius often lives in the attic, 1 er--this is so sudden!"--Tit-Bi
idedA judgethatOfwivesthatbelongtngadvanced tot WnclubshaShavede" 000,000ended Septemberln exports30inlast.ihe nine months~ ship canal to connect the Baltic and 1 the following from Carson, Nev.: ther duty. :Rest restored hlm. floor.--TownWhile talent Topics.has apartments on the ground '1'o Cure"-----4"a Cold in Ou
alegal right to~teh,key and to return ' During t~a~ last fiscal year the total Black seas. ~ "The Nevada legislatUr~e Is composed of ~ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine'
T. B. Potter, the founflerofthe,Cob- 45 members on joint ballot The silver Had, allan Co~nntlss|on. ~ouwm~eu,~vmuoyttneumausm. use druggists re und money if it fail
party has elected 30. The silver demo-
l~ome at any of ~he small hours that number of immigrants who arrived in den club. the once~mous British tree crats have elected two. who will undcubt- Washington, Nov. 15.--~enator Cul- St. Jacobs Oil and cure it
best suit them, an~lthathusband~ who the United .States was 229 209. a de- "Do ~:ou believe in luck?"
licans have elected 13, but two of their
oppose t~is right as an ex~iusive one q~ crease as compared with the ~isca[ year trade organization, is dead. edly act with the silver party. The repub- lom, chairman of the Hawaiian commis- In giving e~:r to flattery we not only fool after I ve
their own are ]ialde to arrest and fine, 1807 of 1,533 Of the whole numberNathan B. Moore. of Bingham, ~{e seats are seriously contested. The silver sion, who has arrived here, expects to ourselves, but fool the flatterer as well.-- Record.
is the champion nimrod of that state party in its convention indorses me for call a meeting of the commission at an Town Topics. If ~ou want to be
This disposeg o~ the who1e vexed ques- 135,7~'0 were males and 93,254 fem~ates, and has killed over 300 moose. United States senator~ and I shall undoubt- early day, although he has not yet fi.ze~ Will it cure? Use ~t.J~cobsOil'forlame- Hale s Honey of ~Io:
tiom The latchkey unlocks the last
fetter binding,~ntrodden, weman to Gen. Wheeler was the youngest man edlYislature.haveIttwo-thirdslsnot publlclymaj ritYknownia howthe leg-the a date. I~ is now engag'ed in framing back and you'll see. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in
tyrannical ConVe~t~ons.
.j . JL
*, A telep.mne man predicts that be-
fore the close of the nineteenth cen-
tury persons on the Pacific coast will
be'talking bY telephone to persons on
~he Atlantlc,( seaboard. The feat has
v.lready been accomplished between
~ansas City af~d Doston. Th|rty-three
,tatcs are how connected by long-dis-
~anoe teleph6ne ~ystems. and within a
year nearly every o~her.state will have
them. Statistics show that the year
~98 has developed greater activity in
1he telephone world than an)- since its
invention, and the year ]899 will b~ the
record breaker.
a teaeher
h~ the publio schools may not marry
and still hold her job unles~ she ean
show Some very excellent reason Fhy
an exception should be made iff her
ease. If a se~hool-teaeher--or, for that
roatter, any, other young woman--,
cannot get a husband who is able to
support her she had better remain
single, aud if she gets a husband who
can sopport her she had better devote
herself to the home ~ather than the
s~hool. This appears In be the course
of reasoning in .~cw York, and it ought
In hold good everywhere.
E] Cubano, a newspaper established
in Santiago ~inee the oecupution by
American Iroops. crlticises the Amer-
can mayor because he works in his of-
/ice iv his shirt sleeves. El Cubano says
that, it is very undignified and very
much beneath the honor of the oMee.
D;gnity or no dignity, the American
cleaned ~ p Santiago in four weeks after
the Spaniards fa{led to nmke any prog-
ress in that direction for 400 years, nnd
has done more for the people of that
clty in the pas~ month thnn the Spanish
mayor did in a century. The American
i~'there for business, not for dlgnity!
In Philadelphia the world's ten-shot
pistol record was broken by C, H. Tay-
lor, of the Massachusetts Rifle associ-
ation, who made the limit of 100,
Over $1,000,000 changed hands on
election results in New York
Iu the United States there were 211
business failures in the saran days end-
ed on the lt th, "against 194 the w*eek
previous and 291 in the corresponding
peYiod of 1897,
On the Lehigh Valley road two ex-
press~ ,trakns collided ,near Wilkesbarre.
Pa, and five men were killed
/ffarve~- Lutz shot and killed h~s fa-
ther at Reading, Pa while drunk, and
then killed himself.
"~:Icser AND SOUTH.
lrlre wiped o~t one-half of the busi-
ness Dart of Dloomvi]]e, O.
,Six~or the eight men engaged in the
hold-up of the Great Northern train
near Fergus Falls, Minn have been
Flames in the general store of C. A.
Stearns in IIanover, Miss were fol-
lowed by an explosion which killed four
Flames destroyed 13 buildings in Sib-
lay, In among them being Littlechild
I~ros.' livery barn. where 19 horses were
The Natlonal Woman;s Christian
Temperance union began its annual ses-
sion in St. Paul, Minfl.
In San Francisco E. O. Kra~ne~went
50 mile~ on a bieycle in 2:13:29,making
a new record.
IIighwaymen robbed William Slag]e,
a for the Exchange bank at
Chcrubusco, ~nd of $1.200.
Wlfite on hcr way home from Alaska
with a fortune of $114200 a young wom-
an named Crossop, of Mim~eapolis, was
,Two children named ttenderson
were killed by a large meteor, which
fell near their home in Perry, O. ~.
in the confederate army to attain the
rank of lieutenant general He was 26.
The storthing has adopted a resolu-
tlon to introduce a Norwegian fln~,
without the emblem of the union with
Mrs. Leslie Carter, the actress, has
flied a petition in bankruptcy at New
York, showing liabilities of $63,773,
with no assets.
The Russian barkentine Bering ar-
rived in San Francisco with a cargo of
sealskin.s and other furs from the Behro
ing coast, valued at $1.000,000.
Admiral Dewey is to be honored in
Vermont by the'erection of a "Dewey
hall" at the state's militiary institution,
Norwich ufiiversity, at Rutland.
William Beck, a Lake Shqre employe,
has been arrested in Toledo for sys-
tematic stealing from express ears.
Moore than $5.000 worth of goods were
found in his house.
Miss Beatrix Hoyt, who has now for
three successive years won the women's
golf championship of America. is a
granddaughter of Chief Justice Salmon
P. Chase.
J. J. Armstrong, chief clerk in the
railway mail service, with headquarters
in Chicago. is about to sever his connec-
tion with the service after a continuous
service of 29 years.
The stallion Robert McGregor. 2:17~/~,
the "Monarch of the Itomestretch,"
dropped dead at the Ketcham farm near
Toledo O aged 27 years. }Ie was the
cbamplon sire of 2:]5 trotters.
For the eleventh time Chivago an-
archists observed the anniversary of
the han~ing of their comrades--Par-
sons, Spies. Fischer and E~el--for
complicity in the Haymnrket riot.
The career of James J. :Hill. the North-
western raihvay magnate, has been
thus summarized: Age, 50: parentage,
Scotch-lrish; birth. Canadian; initial
salary. 50 cents a day; present income,
$6,000 a day.
republicans will vote. No sliver party man
1~ running against me, and no straight-
out republican is seeking the republican
vote. In 1892 i received the Unanimous vote
of the silver men and repub!icans.
Another Mnvder In Chinnto~vn.
San yraneisco, Nov. 15. -- Chung
Yet Den, a Chinese tailor, was fataEy
shot late at night in the Chinese thea-
ter, The murderer, whose identity is
nnknoWn, made his escape. This is the
third tragedy of a similar nature which
Las occurred within the last two
months, all being the result of a fetid
between the union and non-union tai-
lcrs iu the Mongolian quarter.
Dawsoa,s Costly Flrc.
Skaguay, Alaska. ~ov. 7, via Victoria,
B. C Nov. 15. --- Returning Klondikers
arriving in this city bring lhe news
that the city has been visited with a
$~00,000 fire in whieh 40 buildings were
"~rned, including the new post office
buildi~ff and some of the best buildings
in the city. The fire took plaee on the
morning of October 16.
Death of a Jn~l~t.
Los Angeles, Cal No~'. 15.--Judge
Samuel Owens, formerly an eminent
~urist of Pennsylvania and afterwards
a resident of Iowa and California, died
Monday. He came to California iu 1887.
~.Vnnts Claixn Allowed.
Springfield, Ill Nov. 15.--Adjt. Ge
Reece has gone to Washington to push
the claim of $130.000 which the state o[
Illinois holds against the national gov-
ernment for supplies and subsistence
furnished the Illinois volunteers while
they were in camp at CampT~nner and
Camp Lincoln.
UnhaPPY Home Cause~ Salclde.
Danville, Ill Nov. 15.--Ex-Supervisor
('lark. of IIoopeston, committed suicide
Monday morning with a revoh'er. He
was the leading merchant of the city
~,nd a strong politician of the ~ounty.
Domestic trouble was the cause,
the report. The sul)stnntial /eatures
have been agreed upon, and it remains
only to put these into form and then
submit them to the full commission for
final approval.
World's Lonl~est qPelephonc Line.
Austin, Tex Nov. 15.--Monday the
last wire was strung by which Austin
can have telephonic connection with
Bar Harbor, Me." The lin e is 2,600 miles
long and will be opened to the public
December 1. This long-distance system
will also embrace New York Washi~g-
ton and all the large eastern cities
This'is the longest telephone line in the
PPesents for the Boys in Blue.
San Francisco, Nov. 15---The United
States transport steamer St. Paul,
laden with army supplies nnd Christ-
1has goods for the soldiers in the Plfi - menstrua
ippin~s, will leave here on Thursday. more than
There are 4.000 packages for the soldic:" littlebook
boys. so Christmas will not be devoid of house, and
its Santa Claus fcatures to the boys ~u some of Lydia
the other side of the world.
VCtli Resume flnslness.
Owego, N. Y .Nov. 15,--The Tioga na-
tional bank, of which Senator Thomas
C. Platt is president, will reopen it~
doors for business on Thursday morn-
Furiou~ ]b'ire.
Canonsburg, Pa Nov. 15.--This town
wan visited by a furious fire which, be-
fore it could be gotten under control,
wiped out fully e third of the business
portion, t~vo of the principal h~te!s,
many dweIlings and did damage esti-
mnled at $150,000. No lives were lost
~:s fa~: as can be ascertained.
]gilled |lin~self.
Troy, N. Y No~ 15.--Adam 1t. Smith,
presidcnt of the Oakwood Cemetery as,
sociation, and formerly cashier of the
Union national bank, committed suicide
by shooting himself through the heart.
It is thought his mind waa unbalanced.
Each Relieved o! Periodic Pain and
Trio o! Fervent Letters.
Before using Lydla E.
pound, my health was gradually bein!
I suffered untold agony from painful
backache, pain on top of
trouble. I coneluded~to try Mrs.
Compound, and found that it wan
man needs who suffers with painful !
periods. It entirely cured
W~, 923 Bank St Cincinnati, O.
For years I had suffered with
struation every month. At the
tion [~ wu impossible for me to
five minutes, I felt so miserable.
of Mra Pinkham's waa
I sat right down and read it.
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Liver Pills. I can heartily eay that
a new woman; my monthly suffering ig a
past. I shall always praise the Vegetable
forwbat it }as done for me.--Mrs. M~0~V~T
868 Ltsbon St. Lewiston, Me.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me of painful !
tion and backache. The pain in my back was dreadful, and
fered during menstruation nearly drove me wild.
l~ ow this is all over, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine
CARRIE ~f. WILLIAMS, South Mills, N. C.
The great volume of testimony proves concluslvely hat Lydia E.
Vegetable Compound is a safe, sure and almost
irregularity, suppressed, excessive or painful monthly periods.
"' The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills iS
leled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E.
sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence
great business, treating by letter as mmay as a hundred thousand
during a single year."
01a Piu am'sYegetab!e c0mp0 ;