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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 21, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 21, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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21, 1940 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-.P.3EGORD AND THE IdI~BON HERAI~ SOCIAL ome ouot Vernon Temple Pythian'W.S.C.S. Has First this afternoon at the home of Mrs.}Sisters will meet for their regular Nettle Duncan. ! meeting next Wednesday evening, District Meeting MEETINGS Gough will be hostess of Division No. 1, C. S. of the Methodist Friday afternoon, Nov. fclock. t. MacGregor will enter- neeting of Division No. r afternoon, Nov. 26, at f,: ~" ford of New xor~ ,~,~y. honor of her birthday last Thurs- organizational meeting at the morn- E. Moots was hostess for Mrs L B. Steinbrenner en r meeting of Division No. rained' at" dinner in honoJr OZner of ternoon:day afternoon. Aftersuppera social af- Clarenceing sessiOn,w,%~MrS.chosenEarl president;Elijah of ~ .S.C.S. at her home on daughter Miss Nell Steinbrel ~rr a picnic was en- joyed Mrs. L. G. I.awycr of Iowa City, r afternoon. "~ "~ The" W S C S of the Methodist vice-president; Mrs. Reed I)ougher- t~eaar l-~aplas, who celenra'ea ner ~ . . . Mr ~ birthday on Sunday. Other guests church is sponsoring a Fellowship ttYr~faln)~V~Mitt' ~:::et~ rnadniksg :fi~i:" S. ~;. C. Bergmann are were Mr and Mrs Carl Travis, picnic supper this evening in the . - ' ". " Lg at dinner at the Com-Dale and "Betty. h ~, t)on rccoruing secretary ann treSs- tea room in Cedar Rap-Members of the H. O. Cl'~b sur- c,urcn parmrs a~ o:~u o cmc~. ~ ' ~Ting~ prised Merrill Hoffman (,n h'sd members O~a~h?nChtu~Chn ar: :xn::nt~d t~=dentD~f ~he ~DaG Ughrt dPt::cni, ann a spe - i n ~u~ turner, mother of birthday, last Thursday evening. A d-o al'n w mer to Mount Verpremded at the morning sesso , ~~-ennett' e t l e co s -and Mrs. Elijah, president, was in monms whOin theiS spend-Ben enjoyedPicnic supperby thef ll Wedgroup.bYMrs.CardsHoff-was non. charge of the afternoon meeting. entertained a :few guestsman baked a lovely angel food cake Mrs. Anson Burge and Mrs. E. V. /)r. E. E. Voigt, of Iowa City, gave R. Dvorak were co-hostesses-for a very excellent and inspiring ad- non"~xuesday. for the guest of honor, the regular meeting of the Woman's dre~ in the afternoon, and Mrs. Sh~0H--:~-- ed -- Missionary Society of the Presby-I,'. G. 12rooks of Mount Vernon ex- i 0~d ~ terian church, on Wednesday after- i plained the new organization. Music noon of last week. Following the was furnished by Miss Mary Beth business meeting refreshments were Collister and Miss Eudora IAndman served by the hostesses, of Corncll. Division No. 1 served Sorosis held a very interesting tea. meeting at the home of Mrs, E. J. M~ITNTT~~OC,|AI, ~Osgood, on Monday evening. Mrs. ~ Bessie Wallis presented a fine re-I . Cnapter 1)T P E.G. will be enter- : vlew OI "xour uarrlage lvlaoam "'~ ib-y j~anet Lane and ~Irs i J' tame(1 a~ the nome ot ~wrs. IAOy(1 ' " " ' Oakland on Wednesday evening, Baird read an interesting paper on Nov. 27. Mrs. E. C. Pratl will be j the subject, "Every Day Counts." the ~usi:~ting hostess. The program The club voted to assist with the Mount Vernon city park project, will be presented by Mrs. Jessie ~?oleman. -at-- WHEN The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Barrett on Monday evening, Dec. 2. Mrs. Fred Alexander will be host- ess for the meeting of the Good Luck Social club on Friday after- noon, Nov. 29. Members will please note the change in date. All mem- bers are requested to bring woolen pieces and sewing equipment to finish the comforter. Mrs. Don Goodyear was hostess for the meet- ing last Thursday afternoon, Nov. 14. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. Dick Busenbark and Mrs. Willard Neal were guests at the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cumberland entertained a group of 24 friends at a party on Sunday evening at their home. The evening was spent playing five hundred, followed by refreshments. Guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Marshall Williams Hill City Rebekah lodge will meet in regular session Tuesday ~vening, Nov. 26, at 7:30 o'clock. A report of the Grand lodge meet- ing will be presented. Because of the t)ad weather on the last meet- ing date the reading of the report was postponed. Mrs. Frank Young was hostess to her regular afternoon card club on Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was played at three tables. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess. Barbara Selma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Selma, will celebrate her fifth birthday on Friday. Her mother will entertain at a party in the afternoon in her honor with 24 guests. Mrs. Ida Haun Kettleson enter- tained at dinner on Sunday in hon- or of Mr.~. Grace Wilder who left this week to spend the winter with her daughter, Miss Gladys Wilder, h be up bright and early Thanksgiving morn- : ow she and Aunt Lizzie would be bustlingJohn Johnson, Clarence Dripps, in Pasadena, Calif. t.the kitchen all day . . . shooing us kids out Willie Cue, H. Hilgerson, O. R elf, Ingleside club will meet at the time we noked o.r ineid~ the danr Then Clark Long Maurice Long, M1Ke z home of Mrs. E. C. Prall on Mon- er time the ,m - ded Leipich and Miss Irene Schmlt . -- u~,~,~ ~u~m ~u~ ~v, and Harold Johnson, all of Urbana; day evening, Nov. 25. Mrs. Luella cles Dad at the head laughingly heaping and Mr and Mrs. Fred Mizaur of V. Ninde will present a review of on every plate. Well, we can't furnish such a Mount Vernon. Mrs. Clark Long Friendship,"the book, by"TheBrittian.Testament of but we can give you a real Old Fashioned received the high score for ,ladieesS' The Junior Industrial society of nner! Bring the family in for Thanksgiving. nw ,(l~oSre.iVl~ariuCece~ ~gngnTelca?ved the Presbyterian church will meet DIAL 6121 FOR RESERVATION the men's high score and Marshall with Mrs. Hildred Yeisley, Tuesday Williams the low score for men.afternoon, November 26, at 2:30 o'clock. Members are asked to |~mll~m~~mll~lm~mmmmm~ notice the change of time. The Ladies Industrial society of Laughter Aids Digestion! the Presbyterian church will meet in the church parlors, Wednesday After Your Thanksgiving Dinner afternoon, November 27, at 2:30 o'clock Mrs. Emma Plattenber- ger's division will be hostesses. The R & N Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Mac Lake, Friday evening, Nov. 22. Mrs. Marie Pet- rick and Miss Hazel Midkiff will ,be the assisting hostesses. A pic- nic supper will be enjoyed at 6:30 o'clock. The men are invited. Mrs. Clyde Lindsley was hostess for the New Century club meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lena Vogt, Linn county probation officer of Cedar Rapids, was the guest speaker. She told of her II duties in a very interesting man- net. The silver tea sponsored by the Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday was a very enjoyable affair. A see Popular Irish Comedy by Lennox Robinson A play your family and your friends will enjoy Little Theatre, Cornell College Thursday and Friday November 28- 29 8:15 p.m. Have Family Dinner In Observance Of 55th Anniversary The 55th wedding anniversary of Mr. and M~. C C Kleineck was delightfully observed last Sunday, i Nov. 17, at the Kleineck home on portion of the game with two scores 1 general laws and Constitution of the A. Avenue South. A bounteous din- i and a 13 to 7 victory here Saturday I State of Iowa, and is not affected by any special legislation" and net was enjoyed by ,Mr and Mrs. afternoon In closing their season l WHEREA ' . ~ ~ ~, ~ne Town ot mr. vernon, Kleincek and all the members of lwith this trmmph, the Purple l Iowa, is constructing storm sewers, a their families Although Sunday's handed the Midwest conference part of the cost of which in the amount w " [,of $8 000 00 is to be paid by the issuance either was lovely for November, champmnshlp to Belolts Blue Den- of S{orm Sewer Bonds --th ~ '-- M K h n ~u u~mvu uy rs. leineck remembers t at o ils. Code Section 0125 and their wedding day 55 years ago it I Gene Tornquist and Bill Lyman I taxWfHorEtREAS~ritoisSe no}Ce~s~ry~ t9 levy. a was warm enough out of doors that sparked the Purple attack which cl al and inPterP~t on saPi y gt~e p~n= no 'wraps were necessary. Those rolled up 17 first downs to the vis- BoPnds; and d St o w . present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank itors' 7 and compiled a total of 375 WHEREAS, notices have been pub- ~snea ann hearings nave oeen nela as vlalIIe, an(1 ~Mr. ano ~lrs. l~.oDer ~ yaros from rusnlng, i required by law on the levy of said Beckman of New- Boston, Ill Mr. Dick RaRer, Little AII-AmericanI tax and the issuance of said Storm and Mrs. Frank Servoy and family I for Carleton last year although1 Se~we~v.B~,nd~s-- of Solon; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 kept in close check by the Purple ED BY'THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. ~tacklers displayed his ability in, TOWN OF MT. VERNON, IOWA: ' Section 1. That there be and there' 1Aoyd Snydcr and family and Mr. I many ways. In the imtml period, l i~ h~r~hv le~d eh~ f.H.~l,~ ~ ,nd . rs. ,eonat d Kleineck and I he tossed a pass from Cornell s 45 / sewer tax on all of the taxable proper- family of Mount Vernon. I to Massonut on the 20. He fol-Ity within the Town of M~ . Vernon '= " " " n Iowa to-wit: lowed th~slmmedmtely w~th a- ' 1 ~ or each of the years, beginning ft~.~.l~od-~ -, A~ g-~h,~ l other long one mm me ena zone with the levy in the year 1940, for x.~~l~t ~Hu,~ to Scheela for a touchdown. RaRer{ collection In the year 1941, to and r~ ~r~ - --- '-" - "~ "~'^ ^~'*r~ "^i"* "na the Carls t including the levy in the year rresen rro ram ! KlCKe 1~ [ 1952, for collection in the year 1953, led 7 to 0. I one-half mill on the dollar or suf- By Janet Spra~,e ~VUltams Tornquist took up the challenge! produce the sum of On Tuesday evening the Cornell in the third quarter; After running] " For ~ach of the years, beginning Symphony orchestra conducted ,by a punt bacg zl yar~s zo ms own 3~, with the levy in the year 1953 for ' I~.^ ^na L----an ~-~mmered *heir wa~" I collection In the year 1954 to and I~lOV(1 UaKlano aria tne Choir us-/~a~ a u j~ aa~ ~ J "nclu-ln the lev " "- ' " ' i O CC ~ u g y tn ~ne year Joan tier the direction of Harold Baltz to the Carleton 18 n f ur su ess-I for collection in the year 1956 one: jointly presented a program In the ive first downs. Gene then pegged third.of one mill on the doli'ar or lie to' sufficient to proauce the sum of chapel. Both organizations per-ito Paul Roberts who latera d ,~ , formed in a highly creditable man- Howery on the ll-yard line. The ~ection 2 Said tax shall be collected ner. When one considers the fact that these students are not all members of the ~conservatory, that their participation In these groups is entirely voluntary, one marvels the more at the degree of profic- iency with which they play and sing. For such proficiency is pos- sible only through highly coopera- tive and concentrated effort. The musicianship which they evidence, the success with which they take part in musical expression, should give them a sense of achievement and pleasure which will encourage them to continue, "making music," long after they have left college. To Mr. Oakland and Mr. Baltz of course go the honors for effecting this. They have trained their groups so that they have attained the gold- en mean of a voice, whether instru- mental or vocal, which it is musical as it is expressive. It is said that any choir or orchestra is the image of its conductor. The orchestra opened the pro- gram with Mendelssohn's Overture, "Ruy Blas." This was followed by two movements of the Symphony in B Minor, the "l?nfinished," by Schubert and the Proce~ion of the Meistersingers from "Die Meister- singer." As an encore they rplayed Strauss Pissicato Polka. Through- out the orchestra played with verve and sensibility. The tonal texture was excellent, with strings, wood- wind and brasses all responsive and harmonic and instrumental color. A wide variety of songs was in- cluded in the group sung by the choir. There was a splendid sev- enteenth century motet. "In Mirth and Gladness." "The Three Kings" by Willan; "Built on a Rock" by Ch ristiansen in which Gordon Myers, whose voice is always pleas- ing, had a solo part: Sibelius' inter- esting "Vale of Tuoni," a stirring Burgundian folk song, and a Negro spiritual, "IAsten to the Angels Shoutin," by Horace Alden Miller. Their encore, an arrangement .by Gordon Myers of "Fair Cornell," brought the concert to a close. In Cornell guard crossed for the score and Leonard Wilson tied the count with a placekick. The winning touchdown came when Roberts intercepted a Carl- eton pass on the Cornell 40 and ran 45 yards to the visitors' 15. Fad- ing back to pass, Tornquist found no receiver and so had to carry the ball all the way across the goal line himself. Wilson's kick was good but a penalty nullified it. FOURTH IN CONFERENCE each year at the same time and in the same manner as, and in addition to, all other taxes in and for said Town, and when collected they shall be con- verted into a fund to be known as th~ shall be apportioned to said fund its proportion of taxes received by the Town from railway, express, telephone and telegraph companies and other taxes assessed by tbe State Tax Com- mission of the State of Iowa. Section 3. That Storm Sewer Bonds In beating Carleton, Cornell won , fourth place in the conference, i"l '' ' close behind Grinnell, and finished the season with a record of 5 vic- @~~ tortes, 3 losses, and 1 tie. ~ The Purple opened the year with a defeat by the powerful St. Am- ~.M ~ brose, 14 to 0; followed with a nar- row squeak over Culver-Stockton, I 7 to 6; and then began its confer-I ence contests with a 6 to 0 win1 from Ripen, the pre-season favor-1 ites. But at Beloit, Cornell lost tot the champs, 14 to 0. Then camet the thrilling homecoming victory over CoP, 19 to 7, which started the Kohawks on their downward skid; the hard-fought loss to Grin- nell, 12 to 9; the 7 to 7 tie with Knox on Parents' day; and the 14 ~to 2 trampling of Monmouth The title was Beloit's first since . o 1925, and it was the second hme 'in history that a school won the !crown with a blemished record. [The Blue Devils were trounced by [Coe, and tied by Ripen. i iJudd Dean To Conduct Basketball Forum Judd Dean, Cornell's basketball coach will direct a basketball forum for high school coaches in the col- lege gymnasium Saturday at 10:30 A.M. and 1:30 in the afternoon. Open to anyone, the sessions will consist of discussions among the coaches with the Cornell ,basketball team available for demonstrative purposes. If the forum is success- ful, it will probably be held an- every way the tone was beautiful, nually. j The choir has flexibility at no ex- pense of precision. Devereaux To Play Last Cornell college may well be proud I Organ Vespers Sunda of its orchestra and choir, which t Profes~or Eugene l)evereaux ~'tll have evidenced "~o early in the year, I present the last in a series of or- that they have been working to igan vesper services in Cornell's Wil- good purpose. We may expect them liam Fletcher King memorial cha- to bring their musical skill to ma- pel Sunday afternoon at 4:30. These turity, recitals were requested by non- music students as a period of rest- Prof. Oakland Apvointed On ful music. Admission 50c Students 25c For reservations write: Little Theatre, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, or Telephone Mt. Vernon, 5662 49c ALKA SELTZER 2 for shay. Crea 33Ct Tuft TootBrush 47c COncentrate o. 89c Size 2]e Oil Caps 79c 49c 47c 0il 29c Pills 49c SODA REXETTES Sanitary Naps 12s for 60c Size BROMO SELTZER KLENZO Facial Tissue Pkg 200 C ASPIRIN TABS Pkg 12 PHOTO FINISHING Any Size Roll C 4x6 Enlargement Free size" Pepsodent Antiseptic 59c 1 79c Cod Liver Oil 25c Sal Hepatica s 25c Fitch Shampoo 2 Year Guaranteed Hot Water Bottle 89c 85 Tablets 39c Milk Magnesia 35c Size 27 Bromo Quinine C 100 5-grain Bayer Aspirin Full Pint 49 Klenzo Antiseptic C siz 49 llasol Lotion C Pound Chocolate Cherries 29C Silque Shampoo C J,'ull Pint Rub i. o,o, 19c Poker Chips At Our Fountain 3 DIPPER BANANA SPLIT Sundries DRUG Toiletries Bus Depot Your Prescription Druggist group of six ladies from the Central Park Presbyterian church of Ce- dar Rapids, presented a play, "Wider Than the Heart," as a part of the afternoon program. Mrs. W. P. Enright of Cedar Rapids, Presbyterial president, presented glimpses of the State synodical which was enjoyed. Miss Cather- ine Lilley, junior student in Cor- nell, played a violin solo. Mrs. Emma Plattenberger conducted the devotional hour and Mrs. J. L. Midkiff offered a prayer. Tea was served with Mrs. Anna Gormly, president of the society, presiding at the tea table, which was centered with a bowl of fruits and autumn colors.About 70 ladies were guests. A dinner was enjoyed by mem- bers of the Altruria club at the Goudy tea room on Monday eve- ning. Hostesses for the dinner in- cluded: Mrs. Ira Walters, Miss Mary Staab, Mrs. Cleo Houstman, Mrs. Jane West, Mrs. Margaret Gorm- ly, Mrs. Carrie Rogers, Mrs. Mar- tha Rogers, and Mrs. Rose Hick- man. After the dinner the mem- bers were entertained by a group of pupils from the Ward school, under the direction of Miss Maxine Davis, who presented the following program: playlet, "The Rodriguez become Americans." Those taking part were: David Dean, Wilton Le- vy, Francis Hoodmaker, Dorothy Gaines, and Bobby Wolfe. History of the Flag, by David Dean; How to display the flag, Joyce Litts; Patri- otic flag exercise, by the follow- ing group who were dressed to represent various countries: John Kirkpatrick, U. S. A,; Betty Travis, Music Research Committee A salute to the talents of Prof. Lloyd Oakland who calls it a "lucky break" was revealed v~red- ~lesday when he was named a mem- ber of a state research committee on musical education. The Cornell music director is one of five men selected from public schools and colleges to develop a new course of music study for the elementary schools of Iowa. Prof. Oakland will begin work immed- iately on his draft which will go to the State Superintendent of Educa- tion and reach completion in a col- laborated edition entitled "Ele- mentary Teachers' Music Hand Book.*' All interested are invited to at- tend. Sunday's program will be ms fol- lows: Concerto in B flat Handel Chorale Prelude Pachelbel From Heaven High Chorale Preludes Bach Magnificat Sleepers Awake An Old French Noel Quef The Shepherds in the Field Malling l,~'r ist Pin Rose Entsprungen Brahms Gesu Bambino Yon Mrs. W. H. Hoover is entertain- ing her afternoon auction bridge club at her home this afternoon. Bridge will be played at two tables. Wishes to thank its Patrons for their co- operation while complying with the new milk ordinance. We will continue to give the same high quality milk. On Sale at Litts Grocery and Mt. Vernon Bakery Dial 6191 Mount Vernon Ireland; Marilyn Gray, Sweden; @. --: -- - y -- -- - = - - ~- ~ ~ Dorothy Gaines, France; Ronald Kudart' England; Dick Winsor, ~- Italy; Dick Sanderson, Japan; Bill Barker, Holland; Ann Young, China; Jim Hudelson, Boy Scout 9 and Flag Bearer. The program was C concluded by the singing of "God Bless America," and "The Star Spangled Banner." MERRY LOU 4-H CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS With the queries of "Who would be a good president? Whom did you nominate?" and the like, the Merry Lou 4-H club elected its 194i officers at the club's regular meet- ing last Saturday. New officers chosen were: Pres Carolyn Neal; Vice-Pres Mary Carol Plattenber- ger; See, Charity Fischer; Treas Helen Archibald; Historian, Ruth Uthoff; and Reporter, Gwen Smyth. The club met at the home of Gwen Smyth with twelve girls, two leaders, and one visitor pres- ent. The visitor was Miss Jessie Johnston, Home Economics teach- er in the Mount Vernon high school. Old business was disposed of and the new officers were elected and installed. The girls discussed plans for their next year's club meetings, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. A special meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arlo Stinger early in December, at which time Mrs. Stork will help the girls with their music work for the coming year.--Gwen Smyth, Reporter. Five iof]-- said Town in the amount of $8,000.00 be issued in anticipation of the collec- tion of the Sewer Fund tax levied in Section 1 hereof, pursuant to the pro- visions of Code Section 6125 and Chap- ter 350 of the Code of Iowa, 1939; that said bonds be designated "Storm Sewer Bonds"; that they be 16 in number, dated November 1, 1940, to bear interest at the rate of 2~A% per annum from the date of said bonds until payment thereof, payable On May 1st, 1941, and semiannually thereafter on the 1st days of November and May in each year un- til all of said bonds are paid; that said bonds be signed by the Mayor and at- tested by the Town Clerk, and the seal of said Town attached, and the certifi- cate of registration endorsed thereon; that interest on said bonds be evidenced by coupons thereto attached and matur- ing on the several days when such in- terest matures; such interest coupons may be executed with the facsimile signature of the Town Clerk; that prin- cipal and interest be payable at the office of the Town Treasurer in the Town of Mount Vernon, Iowa; that said bonds be numbered from 1 to 16, both numbers inclusive, and be in the de- nomination of $500.00 each. Said bonds shall mature as follows: Bond No. Amount Date of Payment 1 $500.00 November 1, 1941 2 $500.00 November 1, 1942 3 $500.00 November 1. 1943 4 ~500.00 November 1, 1944 5 $500.00 November 1, 1945 6 $500.00 November 1, 1946 7 $500.00 November 1, 1947 8 $500.00 November 1, 1948 9 $500.00 November 1, 1949 10 $500.00 November 1, 1950 ]1 $500.00 November 1, 1951 12 $500.00 November 1. 1952 13 $500.00 November 1, 1953 14 $500.00 November 1, 1954 15 $500.00 November 1, 1955 16 $500.00 November 1, 1956 All or any part of said bonds shall be subject to call for redemption and pay- ment before maturity on November 1st, 1947, and on any interest payment date thereafter, at the price of par plus ac- crued interest by giving thirty days notice thereof by registered mail to the registered holders of said bonds, or in case any of said bonds are not register- ed, by giving notice by registered mail addressed to the holders thereof as shown by the Town Treasurer's records and by publication once of notice of redemption in a newspaper of general circulation in the State of Iowa, said publication to be made at least thirty days prior to the date of redemption. Section 4. That each of said bonds be subject to registration as to prin- cipal In the name of the holder on the books of the Town Treasurer, such registration be noted upon each bond so registered, and after such registra- tion payment of the principal thereof shall be made only to the registered holder. Any bond so registered, upon the request in writing of such holder, personally or by attorney in fact, may be transferred either to a designated transferee or to bearer, and the prin- cipal of any bond so transferred and registered to bearer shall thereupon be and become payable to bearer in like manner as if such bond had never been registered. Registration of any bond as to principal shall not restrain the negotiability of the coupons thereto attached by delivery merely. Section 5. Bonds numbered from 1 to 7, both numbers inclusive, shall be in form substantially as follows: (FORM OF BOND) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STAT]~ OF 1OWA TOWN OF MT. VERNON D Y Chri ~l STORM SEWER BOND o our s as No $s0000 The Town of M:t. Vernon, in the State Shopping of Iowa, for value received promises to pay to bearer Five Hundred Dollars, ~N~ lawful money of the United States of America, on the 1st day of November, Whil The Sel cti 119 with interest on said sum from e e O~$ I the date hereof until paid, at the rate |of 2~% per annum, payable on May A G d 1st, 1941, and semiannually thereafter re oo on the first day of November and May tn each year, on presentation and sur- render of the interest coupons hereto attached; both principal and interest payable at the office of the Town Treasurer In the Town of Mt. Vernon, Iowa. This bond is issued by the Town of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 6125 in Chapter 311, and Chapter 320 Code of Iowa 1939, and in conformity to an Ordinance of the Council of said Town duly passed on the 20th day of November, 1940. This bnd is subject to registration as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of the Town Treasurer of said Town, such registration to be evi- HORSEMAN ART DOLLS Hair stuffed, have enchanting eyes, with or without hair. Have silk coat and bonnet. See this large selection of dolls 98c to $3.49 Reed Doll Cab $1.98 to $2.98 Cloth Doll Cab 98c to $1.49 Game 10c to 98 Children's Books Mechanical Trains 98c to $1.49 Many Christmas Greeting Cards Thousands of Gift Sugges- tions Here. Visit Our Store and See For Yourself. Mt. Vernon Mount Vernon, Iowa At left is a view of the china and glass de- partment at PRASTKA JE~rELERS, 122 Third Avenue, Cedar Rapids. Over 75 patterns are on display and sold .both in sets and from open- S t O C k" Dinnerware l~rices start at $2.95. One of the most popu- lar sellers in the real china class is the new Am eriean-made Havi- land china, w h i e h Prastka Jewelers have featured for the past four years in openstock. Cambridge Glass pre- dominates the glass- ware display in ,both stemware and fancy pieces, and is supple- mented by several pat- terns of Rock Sharpe Crystal. You can't help but find something you "like In Prastka Jewel- ers China Department. denced by notation of said Treasurer on the baek hereof and after such registration no transfer hereof, except upon such books and similarly noted hereon, shall be valid unless the last registration shall have been to bearer. Registration hereof shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto at- tached which shall continue negotiable by delivery merely. And It is hereby represented and certified that all things requisite ac- cording to the law and constitution of the State of Iowa to be done precedent to the lawful fssue of this bond have been performed as required by taw, and that the total indebtedness of said Town, including this bond, does not exceed the constitutional or statutory limitations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. said Town by Its Council has caused th|s bond to be signed by its ~lay~r and attested by Its Clerk with the seal of said Town attached, this 1st day of November, 1940. Mayor Attest: Town Clerk (FORM OF COUPON) The Treasurer of the Town of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, willpay to bearer Dollars on the 1st day of 19 at his office In the Town of Mt. Vernon, Iowa. for six months' interest on its Storm Sewer Bond, dated November 1, 1940. No. Town Clerk (FORM OF REGISTRATION OF OWNERSHIP) Name of Signature Date Of Registered Of Town Registration Owner Treasurer On the back of each bond there shall be endorsed a eert/flcate of the Town Treasurer in the following form: (FORM OF TOWN TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE) The issue of this bond has been duly and properly registered in my office as of the day of November. 1940. Town Treasurer of Mt. Vernon, Iowa Bonds numbered 8 to 16, both num- bers inclusive, shall be in the same form as hereinbefore set out except that there shall be inserted in bonds 8 to 16, both numbers inclusive, the following )revisions : "The Town of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, for value received, Dromises to pa~ to bearer, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. lawful money of the United States of America. on the 1st day of November, 19 or prior there- to at the option of the Town as herein provided " "This bond may be called for re- demption and paid before maturity on November 1st, 1947, and on any Interest payment date thereafter, at the price of par plus accrued In- terest, by giving thirty days' notice thereof by registered mail to the registered holder hereof, or in case this bond is not registered, by giv- ing notice by registered mail ad- dressed to the holder hereof as shown by the Town Treasurer's records, and by publication once of notice of redemption in a news- ~aper of general circulation in the tare of Iowa, said publication to be made at least thirty days' prior ,to such date of redemption." As to the coupons maturing subse- quent to November 1st, 1947, on bonds numbered 8 to 16. both numbers inclu- slve. there shall be added to the form of coupon hereinbefore set out the words. "unless said bond shall have been called for payment prior thereto". Section 6. That interest and prin- cipal coming due at any time when the ~nrOCeeds of said tax on hand shall be sufficient to Day the same. shall be promptly paid when due from current funds of said Town available for that purpose and rehnbursement shall be made from such special fund in the amounts thus advanced. That this ordinance constitute a con- tract between said Town and the pur- chasers of the bonds; that when said bonds have been executed as aforesaid they shall be delivered to the Treasurer i of said Town, who shall register the name in a book provided for that pur- pose and shall thereupon deliver said bonds to the purchaser thereof, aa d|rected by the Town Council. Section 7. That a certified copy of this Ordinance be filed with the County Auditor of Linn County. Iowa. and that said Auditor be and he is hereby In- structed tn and for each ef the years 1940 to 1955. both years Inclusive. to levy and assess the tax hereby author- i~ed in Section 1 of this Ordinance in like manner as other taxes are levied and assessed and that such taxes so levied in and for each of the years aforesaid be collected in like manner as other taxes of said Town are (!~)]- leeted, and when collected he used for the purpose of paying" principal and interest on said bonds issued in antlcl- )ation of ssld tax. and for no other purpose whatsoever. Section 8. That all ordlnanees and resolutions and parts of ordinan,~es and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby renealed. I~ASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of November, 1940. Roy A. Nelson, Mayor ATTEST : T. I. Mitchell, Town Clerk