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November 21, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 21, 1940
Page Sevon
lem s
Cq l
mt, e All Wool.
Well Tailored.
2nd St. S.E.
Rapids, Iowa
L|~][~ ldaughter of Joseph and Margaret
I]lf, l~'~l~ /Hawkins Keithley, was born Feb.
a t8, 1863 near Central City. On Aug.
Mrs. Harry Freeman 6, 1879 she was united in marriage l
,~ "7"--,7, I with Paul E. Berlin at Castle Grove. /
,~orre~ponuen~: wm you mall [ Th,~v moved immediately to Central i
your copy a day early next week/~]~" Nebr b'" covered wagon ] Mr and Mrs Guy Berlin of Mar-
so the Hawkeye can be issued on I wh~re they f~rmed for severa/J, ion i~ave spent much of their time
Wednesday afternoon because of lvears returnin to Linn county 55 i assisting in the care of their moth-
Thanksgiving Day. ILears' a-'o where they have iived ler during the past weeks. Mrs.
Y 6,J .
[ever since L Price of Central City has been
B i
OOSTER IJlbUl$ MEETING " odod hor in donfh,nurse and housekee er in the Ber-
TU- DAY I E I Mr. Berhn prec P
:S N GHT, D C. 3RD J~, IoI~ 'P,~ cn,~ ,-,ou~,n o,~nllin home for some time.
The regular Booster Club meet- L'evi~'a'lso-p"receded t~e~r"'moth'erI Mrs. Loren Brown entertained at
ing will be held on Tuesday night, and 'father in death a luncheon Friday as a courtesy to!
Dec. 3rd in the Band Room of theI She is the last member of a faro-iMrs. Travis Hillman and daughter
school building. Make your plans ilv of six children Survivors are Margaret of Fordyce, Ark. Mrs.
now to attend, l a'son, Guy B. Berlin, Marion; Mrs ]Ivan Bo wdish and. son John Fred-
The secretary is publishing this Edna M Richards Windsor Cole" i eric oI t~eaar t~apms ana Mrs joe
notice two weeks before the meet-]five ~randsons Paul C Berlin Den: Emmons were others present.
ing to give everyone interested ver Cole" Max B Berlin Marion" I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kelly of Ce-
plenty of time to make plans to at-[Dr.' R. B:' Richarcis Ft ' Morgan' dar Rapids were Sunday dinner
tend Cole" Dr F E Rici~ards Loveland' guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly.
Many of us are inclined to sit Cole': iiurie 'Richards' Windsor' Mr. and Mrs. Will Shellhammer
back and let someone else do the Colo.; five great grandchildren,] were Sunday dinner guestsinthe
job of boosting our town or city Sally Jo and Sharon Lee Berlin of! Jonn wucox nome a~ Monuceuo.
we live in and call our home. This lMarion; Dale Richards of"Denver Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ballou and
is the easiest way out, but are we, Cole; Dorothy and Robert Donald son Bob visited Sunday in the Roy
loyal to this or any community if Richards of Ft Morgan Cole Cashman home near Clarence and
we do not give the best that is in Funeral services were con(tucted the Douglas Cashman home near
us to make a better community or tWednesdav at 2,m in the HunteI Olin.
town. Too many of us like to be I Funeral Home witl~ Rev. C. D. ] Mrs W.I. Leech of Miami, Fla
l nd ~has arrayed for an extended VlSlt
on the Reception Comm'ttee a Boggle in charge. Burial was made
-- " " r
enjoy the results of someone else's in the SDringville cemetery with her taste, Mrs. John Alex-
hard work - " -" ander, who has been ill. The Alex-
At the next regular meeting full LIGHTING CONTEST FOR l anders moved last week from the
plans will be made for our Christ-
mas party and Christmas home
lighting campaign, be there to help.
Our meetings are well attended,
let's have 100 per cent attendance, mas season and valuable prizes will] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Livingston
The date for the next regular meet-
ing is Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, at 7:30
p.m. in the band room of the school
Mrs. Matilda Berlin, 77, widow
of the late Paul E. Berlin, died on
Sunday evening in her home, fol-
lowing a lingering illness.
Matilda Catherine K e i t h 1 e y,
to the death of my husband, I will hold a com-
out sale at my residence known as the old
4 miles south-east of Lisbon, 1 mile
of the rock road, on
small stuff to be sold before dinner. Be here when
the whistle blows.
listing of the large offering will be found
advertisement on page five in last week's issue of
Glenn Plattenberger Will Have Lunch Wagon.
Auct. Lisbon Bank & Trust Co Clerk
limit will be placed on the expense. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shellhammer
The only rules are: your home must were Sunday evening dinner guests
be decorated for the contest by of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Tuell in
December 14th and the decorations Hopkinton.
must stay in place lighted until Harry Erickson will attend the
Jan. 1, 1941. Judging will be some icreamery ass'n, dinner in the
time between Dee. 14th and Jan.
lS~he prizes, valued at over $40.00,
will be on display in the window
of the Hunte Furniture Store soon.
Watch for them.
Make plans now to decorate your
home for this contest. You will
have lots of fun and may win a
valuable prize. Doing this will dec-
orate up our fine city and make
Roosevelt Hotel Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Batchelder of
i Marion were Friday dinner guests
in the L. L. Batchelder home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss en-
tertained the Couples Bridge Club
Monday evening.
Misses Leta and Mabel McShane
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred McShane.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Freeman of
a more cheery looking place for
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kouba and
family of Center Point were Sun-
day guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Maxfield
and son of near Robins were Sun-
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowdish day guests in the home of Mr. and
were guests Saturday evening in Mrs. Donald Colehour.
the Ben Shellhammer ,home at a Mrs. Bertha Falkner of Council
buffet supper honoring Mr. and Bluffs and Earl Dickinson of Cedar
Mrs. Ed Bowdish of Waubeek on Rapids were Sunday callers in the
their 53rd anniversary. S.F. Raft home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley were Nelle Davis spent Sunday with
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis her sister, Mrs. Mabel Neflson, west
Stanley near Whittier. of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hansen of Mrs. Nick Schueler was surprised
Mount Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sunday when relatives and friends
Ewart were Sunday dinner guests gathered in her home in observance
of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman. of her birthday. A picnic dinner
Mrs. Nettle Duncan of Mount was served. Present were Mr. and
Vernon spent Wednesday with her Mrs. Jack Goertzen of Vinton; Mr.
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Hoffman. and Mrs. Earl Cherry, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Nelle Davis entertained the Sidney Petersen and Robert, Mrs.
M. O. B. Club Thursday evening Arthur Topping, Mr. and Mrs. F. C
Thirteen members were present. Feller and iVlr. and Mrs. Fred Feller
Refreshments were served, of Cedar Rapids.
The bazaar and fried chicken din- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crew and David
ner sponsored by the Willing Work- and Albert Orne of Cedar Rapids
ers Society of the Presbyterian were Sunday evening visitors in
church was a financial success in the Alice Carney home.
spite of the cold weather last Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Purl Pearson and
nesday. Donald of Clarence were Sunday
Mrs. Fred Turner of Mount Ver- visitors in the S. W. Erfurt home.
non was a week end guest of Mrs. Mrs. F. M. Bailey attended the
I. S. Pearson. On Sunday Mrs. meeting of the N. C. Club in the
Pearson entertained at dinner, ad- Arthur Pearson home near Whittier
ditional guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wednesday afternoon
Carbee and Mrs. Bess Newland. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Marshall of
Delores and Marilyn Macon spent Cedar Rapids accompanied by Gun-
Sunday evening with Mrs. I. S. nar Turner of Chicago were Sun-
Pearson and Mrs Bess day afternoon callers of Mrs. Maude
while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keithley, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rob-
Lester Macon took Bob to Iowa erts and in the Frank Gibson home
City. Other S. U. I. students who in Marion.
spent the week end at home were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cooper of
Gerald Hotchkiss, Bob Smith and Marion and Mrs. Walker Berlin of
Max Batehelder Monticello were Thursday evening
Leta Smith of the Center Point guests in the W. S. Palmer home.
school faculty spent the week end Mrs. Nancy Pearson had as din-
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ner guests Sunday Mrs. Walker
H. Smith. Berlin of Monticello and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Walton and Mrs. Wilbur Cooper of Marion.
Evelyn spent the week end with Eva Reed, daughter of James
relatives at West Chester. On Sun- Reed, is receiving treatment in St.
day they were accompanied by Mr. Luke's hospital
Walton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Mrs. Lyle Evans and son Terry
E. Walton, on a motor trip to Ot- Wayne, Misses Zereta and Marga-
tumwa, where they visited rela- ret Marie Port were Saturday vis-
tires, itors in the home of their grand-
Mr and Mrs. Willis Boots, Keith parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port.
and Melvin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor of
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ankeny at east of town, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pol-
Morley and called in the Orval Rus- lock and June of Whittier were
sell home at Mechanicsville. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Murren and Mrs. Albert Taylor.
Marlys Kay of Mt. Union were Matilda Arduser of Monticello
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m. Union
Services. Harvest Sunday.--Rev. C.
D. Boggle.
Sunday school 10 a.m. A program
of songs by the whole school. Spe-
cials by the primary department.
A play concerning migrant groups
entitled "Trailing the Crop," will
be given by the older groups.
The annual Congregational meet-
ing will be held next Monday eve-
ning in the church at 7:30 p.m. A
moderator from Cedar Rapids will
be in charge
The Missionary Society will meet
Anamosa were Wednesday dinner Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and spent the week end in the A. C.
guests in the Harry Freeman home Mrs. Sidney Clark and also called Rodman home.
and Thursday dinner guests of Mr. in the Willis Boots home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods of
and Mrs. W. A. Sherman. Mr. Free- Mrs. E. H. Levsen, who has spent Marion visited their aunt Mrs. Lila
man is enjoying a vacation from his some months with her mother, Mrs. Plattenberger Sunday morning.
work at the Anamosa Reformatory W. P. Bowers in Maquoketa, has Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts of
Mr. and Mrs. James Burroughs returned to her home. Jesup, Mr. and Mrs. Purl Hurdle
of Tipton spent Sunday with Mrs. Harry Whitman, Lawrence Beg- of Marion were recent visitors of
Elizabeth Gritman and Mr. and ley, A. C. Rodman, Earl Lehr, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ricketts.
Mrs. M. F. Burroughs. Fred Leaf spent the week end Mrs. Bess Faust and Marlyn
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hand and hunting near Oelwein. spent Sunday in the A1 Babcock
Jacqueline of Cedar Rapids were Mrs. George Richards of Wind- home at Mt. Vernon.
Sunday evening dinner guests of sor, Colo arrived last Thursday to John Dew of Mount Vernon call-
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. be with her mother, Mrs. Matilda ed Wednesday in the Mrs Bess
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bates
of Berlin, who passed away Sunday Faust home.
~Spraguewlle were Sunday after- evening. Mr. Richards arrived on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodworth
noon callers of Mrs. Lyle Evans. Tuesday evening from Windsor, were hosts Sunday at a dinner corn-
Mrs. Bates was the former Pearl Colo to attend the funeral which plimenting Mr. and Mrs. Park De-
Bobst. was held Wednesday. lancy of Prairieburg. Mr. and Mrs.
Misses Alma Miller and Ella E.J. Daubenmier has been in Ce- Floyd Woodworth and Mrs. Alice
Faust were Friday dinner guests of dar Rapids for some time assisting Irish were others present.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitham in in the care of his brother, Sam Mr. and Mrs John Merrill and
Daubenmier, who died last week. Kitty Nicholson of Anamosa were
The funeral was held Friday morn- Sunday guests in the L. J. Rose
ing in the Turner chapel. Others ihome. I
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowlie and[
ry Whitman and Kathleen, Mrs. ]their guest, Ila Morrow visited Miss
Warner Kerlin and Mrs. Catherine Doris Anderson at St. Luke's hos-
Daubenmier. )ital in Davenport.
The second training school "Color Zereta Port of Wires Corners is
[ecided to quit farming and move to town, I will hold a complete closing out sale at my residence known
estate farm, located 2 miles west of Mount Vernon, 20 rods south of the Abbey Creek bridge,
of paved highway No. 30, on
]~.t['w.~m ma Anderson sang, "Only a Sinner
L,~,x*,x~=u !Saved By Grace." She was accom-
Mrs. Frank Letner I panied at the piano by Mrs. Floyd
-- Kitchen F A Letner gave a short
Correspondent" Will you mail I ". :;
-'our co--- - =a" ear" . I temperance talk outing me cnurcn
y py ~ U yly nex~ weexlooh,~.] h~
so the Hawkeye can be issued onI
Wednesday afternoon because ofI Stanley Draho--~Ts makin~ sat-
Thanksgiving Day. isfactory- recovery at his home but
~,~,~ ~, ~ ~ ]is still unable to sit up.
,~v=,%vv~ ~n~ w~ ~ / Visitors Sunday in the home of
(1 IVI S. ueorge r~mg were
movie: Mys Ps~Oplw~le Lia':e, a SOUcnd/Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. and
feature of the re ram ai sp ~ml!Mrs" Knickerbocker, Mr. and Mrs.
da- eveni " P2 g'~ ~ven ~:ri:! John Cabalka and family all of
j nb,the lvle~noals~
Cedar Ranids
church. At the close of the pres- -- *'i'2"
" tion I Mr. ann MrS. vernon tmrret~ ann
enm ~vlr. ~ennls oz me btate I -i'-r
. cn In en nave returnee 1:0 MISSOUrl
Board of Health led a discussmnI after a visit with Mrs Barrett's "ar
on tuberculosis. There were music-I "-- . ~t, -
al number b the o - : ents, Mr. ann l~rs. Lewls .urns
~re-ationals sinYJn a renes~ra, con- [ and other relatives.
g g g g no ~ev. d. ~.
E-estone =ave th,~ i ~ ~.~I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry of Ce-
~,~=.~a .~ ~ ~ oo~-- ~" ~.~ oar xtaplos were winters ~unaay
"~:ia~---'2":'~-~-e'*-"ff-: :**~"=~"-"-~onuvw~u,~-xr~ene~uvee w,m~"*"~' afternoon in the home of Mr. and
' Y g M
Allb " ' " i rs. C. C. Berry.
Mr:. R. J.e~-IaSis:iSof ~tcc m2anNSot i caM:~l t?feel~r:or Herman Neb~ker
4 of the W. S. C S. announced the Tge ~ayn, a pat len~
In Mercy nosplLal, ~unaay arter-
program, noon. Mr. Payn is doing as well
WSCS TO MEET TUESDAY as can be expected.
~,~ ~ r, .~ = ~ ~, ! W.J. Berry suffered bruises in a
,~,~. ~. ~. ,~,~=~u, a.u ~vu~. I lli io
co s n w~m a mrge truck on me
Edward Marx will be hostesses to Indian Creek brid e Sunda morn
the Woman's Society of Christian l %, o},~, ~.~n ,~, t- Y -
Service on Tuesday November 26i" ~ ir~.~~'~ ".'~o".~" . -
' ' . frank MarKs spen~ ;>aturaay
at the home of Mrs. Andersom All, with relative in
s t:eoar ~apms.
members and frmnds are urged to'. Mr and Mrs R C Anderson of
attend this meeting. I
i Mount Vernon spent the day Sun-
WILL GIVE BASKET !day at their home in Bertram.
TO WORTHY FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. James Stick and
daughter visited Sunday with Mr.
This town and community are Stick's relatives at Alburnett.
giving a Thanksgiving basket to Amos Berry is recovering from
a worthy family. All who wish to an attack of appendicitis. He is at
contribute please leave your gifts the home of his mother, Mrs. Viola
with Mrs. George Hay or bring Berry.
them to the church on Friday eve-] Miss Ruth Mikulecky and June
ning or Sunday. I Harford were luncheon guests Fri-
PROGRAM WILL FEATURE day of Mrs. Herman Nebiker and
LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC i her daughter Carol
Latin American music will be! Miss Velma Anderson, a student
at Cue College, spent the week end
featured at the program to be pre- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
sented in the church on next Fri- Frank G. Anderson.
day evening by division No. 4 of Mr. and Mrs. George King and
the W. S. C. S. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Letner were
METHODIST NOTES Sunday evening callers in the home
Services on next Sunday in the of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel at
Methodist church will begin with Springville.
the church school at 10 a.m in
charge of Superintendent Floyd Siam's Temples
Kitchen. Worship at 11 a.m with Of ~l~e Buddhist temples of Slam
sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. B. which ~re usually guarded by gro.
Eyestone. Mrs. Jean More will
give a special musical number All tesque images of giants, expected
are welcome, to scare off the Evil One, the most
On last Sunday Rev. Eyestone outstanding Is tim Emerald Buddha
spoke on Hom .~e Missions . . .~ Mis. . ~S Vel ~ ~n th ee roya 21 palae. ~P enclo,~ure .~
Only Ic Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charge.
Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
To Appear On This Page.
Classified Ads Bring Results
imonds for sale. We save you 50
per cent. Portable typewriters for
sale at loan value. Very reason-
I,OST: Man's Elgin wrist watch, lable- Iowa Ix)an Co 505 Mullin
yellow gold. Dial 2472. 4clBuilding, Cedar Rapids. 45tf
A great organization of factory-
FOR SALE I trained heating engineers is main-
!rained to assist our local repre-
i sentativcs in installation and gen-
FOR SALE: Large White Pekin i eral heating problems. It's not
dapple grey mare 5 years old, wt. 1650 lbs, well broken and one of the best ones you ever saw, she is one of
ff,eal Percheron type, she will make a grand brood mare. 1 grey gelding wt. 1500 lbs. 11 years and no older,
enore horse and one you will like. 1 pair of coming 3 and 4 years old iron grey geldings wt 1450 Ibs, the
year old is well broken and the other is quiet as a dog, these are full brothers and are the making of a real pair.
weanling horse colt out of the Neitherizer stallion, this is a dandy. 1 grey smooth mouthed mare, wt.
a good honest mare but blind.
mrnsey cow just fresh in October, with her second calf, milking heavy and sound and right and rebred Oct. 28.
cow due to freshen Dec. 4th, coming in with her 5th calf, this is a wonderful cow, a heavy milker.
cow 5 years old, milking good, you can't dry her up, due to calf in early summer. Guernsey cow just
one calf, the making of a good one, milking now and due to calf in June. Guernsey cow, just had one calf,
good one due to calf in June. Guernsey-Holsteincow just fresh a few weeks and it takes a big bucket to
milk, rebred Oct. 28th. 8 head of coming 2 yr old heifers, 4 of these are Guernseys, and 4 are Holsteins,
are bred to calf in early April, these are nice stuff and are out of choice cows, they will make good cows.
sey steer ( spring calves) milking strain in nice shape. 1 heifer calf 4 months old (a choice Guernsey). 3 Guern-
ca ves, these will make ood ones to butcher, they are in good shape. 1 Holstein bull coming 2 years old,
a SUre breeder, g
HOGS (Cholera Immune)
20 dandy Hampshire spring grits, nice ones, not bred. 35 nice smooth feeding shoats, it won't be long till these
are ready to go to market.
wstyle Dain hay loader, a good one; Hayes corn planter and wire;side delivery hay rake, cylinder type; strad-
rmlrPlow; M- ng.corn plow; 9-ft. disc with tongue truck; 7-ft. disc; 3-section steel lever harrow; 14 inch walking
c eerm tie basket ha rack a ood one ll ft broad
cas, " g manure spreader just like new, only used a very If/ ; y,g ; - "
hav r ne er; .2 han d grass seeders; 1 steel wheeled truck wagon with a good wood rack box; grapple fork; new
and used 1 yr; 2-see. harrow; harrow cart; small hand grinder; nearly new John Deere pump engine
ned a real outfit, only used a little; grind stone; combination o or 7 horse evener for team work.
Harness, Collars,
1 set of field harness and 4 or 5 horse collars; 1 new 23 inch leather collar.
Corn, Hay, Oats, Baled
h-M:af " 0i Ushels-- -- SClo of good yellow corn in the crib; about 100 bushels of yellow oats in the bin; 12 or 15 tons of ha y,
nice ana -ver and half is nice mixed clover and timothy; about 50 bales of oats straw baled out of the stack,
sellin right, this will be sold in lots to suit, 10 bales or more; 50 shocks of corn fodder, cut at a good time,
tn corn all in, this is heavy corn.
Supplies, Etc.
2 brooder stoves (kerosene) ; self feeder for hens.
A nearly new Coleman Table model lamp and many miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention that go with
a closing out sale. Forks, shovels, tools of all kinds.
Edd Pitlik Will Have Lunch Wagon
W. E. Challis, Auctioneer, Phone 130, Lisbon, Iowa.
G. L. Hill, Clerk
Ducks, ;~live or dressed. Mrs. Tom ]enough to install a furnace in your
Vranta, 1As/)on. 4p[home. The important thing is the
and Line in Dress," was held Wed- 'ecovering from a tonsilectomy ]service it delivers. Ask ])ale F.
nesday at Mrs. Harry Whitman's. since the first of last week.She lrOR SAI ],:: Maplecrest Turkeys i Johnson, local dealer, about this
A picnic dinner was held at noon returned from the At~amosa hos- 12 to 25 pounds. Toms 20c, Hens service. Green Foundry & Furnace
followed by the lesson, pital and is spending some time 23c per pound. Will deliver. Please !Works, Des Moines. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts spent with her grandparents,Mr. and order early. Call afternoons and i PRINTIN(t----IAtrge jobs or small
I ?
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Port. evenings. Roy Bowman. 4p they
Wilmer Johnston in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Litts of Ce- FOR SALF,: Roll top desk. In-i~ ~nd skllledaJ workmanshtpget careful atattenti nHawk~
The Ladies Progressive Club met dar Rapids and Mrs. Bertha Sting- quire at this office. 4-2tp eye
Friday with Mrs. Nira Smith, Mrs. er were Sunday evening visitors in Record. Dial 2431.
Jesse Carnahan assisting. Present Mount Vernon FOR SAI,E! Cheap: 3 months[
The Fancy Work club will cele-
were Mesdames W. C. Hoffman
Wilbur Stearns, L. J. Rose, Wilbur
Whitaker, Bert Cooper, John Ver-
non, W. F. Dunlap, Albert Taylor,
Earl George and Maude Keithley.
Mrs. Claire Carnahan and children
were guests.
Mrs. Althea Beck returned home
late last week from a week's visit
with her brother-in-law and sister
Mr. and Mrs. Julius White at Rolfe.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church will meet Thursday in the
home of Mrs. F. G. Hunte. Mrs.
J. S. Armstrong will be the assist-
ing hostess It will be an all day
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson and
daughter Minnie, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Wilson were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Dircks in
Cedar Rapids.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Marie Nell-
son were Mr. and Mrs. Earhart An-
derson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles An-
derson, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rhine-
becker, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nell-
son, all of Cedar Rapids; Laura Mac
Paul and Hila Paul of Waubeek.
Mrs. W. E. Bell entertained the
Monday Club Thursday evening.
The guest speaker was Miss Lena
Vogt of Cedar Rapids, Probation
Officer. Roll call was on news of
youth today. A vocal duet was
rendered by Carol Burroughs and
Carol Rodman.
Mrs. Gerald Scott of Mount Ver-
brate their 30th anniversary Fri-
day, Nov. 22 in the home of Mrs.
I. S. Pearson A dinner will be
served. Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman
who is leaving soon to winter with
her daughter, Mrs. Antrim White
in Pasadena, Calif will be honor-
ed by the club.
Mrs. Althea Beck will be hostess
to the Royal Neighbor ladies at
their annual Thanksgiving dinner,
Nov. 26 at 6:30.
Mrs. Ivan Mann of Marion spent
several days in the Wilbur Stearns
home and attended the bazaar and
dinner in the Presbyterian church.
The Tuakta Club met Wednesday
evening in the home of Carol Bur-
roughs. Nine members were pres-
ent with their sponsor, Mrs. L. A.
Johnston Following the business
meeting the girls enjoyed sewing
on fancy work. Mary Jean Erick-
son was appointed reporter.
Mrs. Earl Goodlove of Central
City spent last Wednesday in town
visiting Mrs. Anna Hans and at-
tending the bazaar and dinner and
visiting during the afternoon with
her former friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tale and
Susan of Davenport, Bob Bell, Mrs
James Bell and Jack of Cedar Rap-
ids, were recent visitors of theiz
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bennett and
non was a recent guest in the Ralph Carol Lee Van Fossen of Paralt~
Streets home. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Decious of Mt. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns
Vernon were Sunday evening call- Mr. and Mrs Dale Gramling and
ers in the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Streets home
Mrs. Celia Daniels of Cedar Rap-
ids is a guest in the L. B. Christ-
man and Mrs. Anna Hann home.
Mrs. G. W. Gearhart left Tuesday
to spend the week with her broth-
er, Dr. C. E. Merriam in Chicago.
Mrs. Ida Condit and Mrs. J. S.
Bowdish were Marion callers on
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bowdish and
son and Travis Hillman and daugh-
ter of Cedar Rapids were callers
in the J. S. Bowdish home Wed-
J. L. Vernon spent several days
in Kansas City the past week.
Free Prompt Removal
of all
Call Our Nearest Phone
Cedar Rapids 4612
Anamosa 542
Stanwood 800
Mt. Vernon 11000
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Iowa Dept. of Agriculture
l,lcense No. 1
Jerry Woodworth of Central City
spent Saturday night and Sunday
in the A. C. Newman home. They
were Sunday evening dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gramling.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Barrett of
Mount Vernon were Sunday guests
in the Dillard Merritt home.
Mrs. Ralph Brush and son Roger
of Cedar Rapids were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. James C. L. Clark
and daughter of Mount Vernon
were week end guests of Mrs. Mary
Newhard and Bert Jordan
Mildred Irons and Evelyn Wal-
ton are employed in the army office
in Cedar Rapids as stenographers.
Mrs. Frances Bickel, Mrs. Sam
Bair, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Milholin of
Mount Vernon were Sunday after-
noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Dollie Tabisinisky returned Fri-
day from a visit with relatives at
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert and
family visited in the Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Smith home at Center
Point, Sunday.
ohl purebred cocker spaniel female. !
V. P. Keve, Mt. Vernon. 4p! MISCELLANEOUS
FOR SAI,E: Sand and gravel, l q~Oll BROOD SOWS.---Get So.r-
Ashes hauled, gardens plowed. I gent's complete feeding program
Highest prices paid for ~Vool, Hides, i on Minral Meat Meal. It supplies
Iron, Rags and Metals. D. Burgess !elements lacking in corn or oats.
Sons, D|al 534 I, Mount Ver-
non. 28tfc
I,'OR SAIA!': Guitar and Man-
dolin, like new. Two year old
thoroughbred Spotted Poland China
boar. Inquire Matthews Dairy. 4p
FOR SAbE: Fresh frozen straw-
berries, corn on the cob for your
holiday dinners; dressed ducks,
geese, turkeys and chickens. Mr.
Vernon Lockers. 4c
FOR SAI,E: ~, ~hite Rock pullets.
Blue plaid Mackinaw, size 14 Mrs.
Edwin Harris. 4p
FOR SAIX:: lrive Duroc boars.
Miller's breeding at farmers' price.
$os. F. Pitlik, Phone 63t)6. 4-p
[Brings sows safely ti~rough gesta-
[tion period and results in stronger,
~healthler pigs. Get full feeding in-
structions from F. J. Peterson, 'Sar-
gent & Company, Des Moines.
The Union Central Life Retirement
income plan offers guaranteed
monthly income for life. Assure
yourself future independence. Union
Central 1Afe Insurance Co Ralph
V. Bachman, agent. 4
FREE! If excess acid causes
you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indi-
~'estion, Heartburn, Belching,
Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get
free Sample, Udga, at Meredith's
Rexall Drug. 47-12tp
"-- S ~ PIANO TUNING usual charge
,'()1~ SAlvE' 1 uI'eDre(l riamp- I 9
, L: $ .50: cane seating and chair wr~p-
snlre Doars. lne easy leeulng KlnO
nlng. t~. ]~. ~anaorson, gl~ Tnlr~
Cholera immune. Clarence J. Suep- I ~treet North Dial 3622 9 tf
pel, Solon, Iowa. ltfc!~ ' ' " "
Free. Call nearest phone 1~ No. col-
SERVICE leer, Mt. vernon, 301; ~[arlon 77;
Anamosa, 741~21, for clean fast
courteous service. Francis Payton.
FLOOR SANDING: New and old Agent, Anamosa, Iowa, for ]g~trm-
floors. Lawrence Hunter, Dial 2541, ers Rendering works. St~tte IA-
Mount Vernon. 2$-tfceense No. 7, lowa Otty, Ia.
Classified Ads Bring Results
RICH, temptin~ flavor . . . uniform fine texture . . . dependahle
freshness . . . pure, wholesome in ~redients are but. a few of the
special qualities that make good Colonial bread first choice in thou-
sands of Iowa homes. Colonial always gives you the best in baking
skill at no extra cost. Serve Colonial regularly and delight your
family. Ask your grocer today for Colonial l)reaxt.
C~lar Rapids, Iowa
Jack %Valsh, Pr~ident