National Sponsors
November 22, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 22, 1951 |
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M. ~a p m I Mrs. C. W. Neff celebrated her Douglas Macaulay was host to a, n m r I~ IAI .| Mr. Vernou, In /~wkeye-ReeorQ I~,~,J 0 J:-- - 1County.
T. vernon 3ocnal !birthday Sunday with a family din- group of friends Saturday at a ! KeVeQI ngu9emem w-- and The Lisbon Herald ~vum~ r|vl.~MIIl~} I Hickey John 1561 4th Ave Ben+on
frier. Enjoying the occasion were supper party in observance of his " . unun vv N Pa-e 5 ]County:
Jolly Workers will meet with lthe John Neffs and John the Roy tenth birthday : : 'lulll's or. ~, lV}l. ~ June 11, 1951. ! }tarapton, Chester, Walker, %'ashingo
, ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ":~ : ~ - . . m ~tate el 1own, county oI IMnn, ss: ]ton County.
ares Kleineck Thursday Nov. 29. ~ Johnsons and the Rmhard Berthots Enlo-in~ a famil~ dinner on : ::: : ~Jm~J, ~A~A~|w~m j~l.{ The Board of Supervisors of said [ Brlggs, Minnie J 151934th St N. E ,
' ~ V V ~m~P|U~h,~n~PUUq county and state met at the Court [ Union County '
Mrs. Russell Cole was hostess at! and children. Thanksgiving in the C. J. Kramer im~mml~.: I.'---- /~ House in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June] Stevenson. Jutis VCalker Benton
a luncheon Tuesday noon for the! Marsha Ann Viter daughter of home will be Mrs. Faith Macomber ~i :~:i ~dJl li.l|l|! %,71 lVf:r 11 1951 in reguIar session [County ' '
Wives of the out-of-town members iMr. and Mrs. W. A. Viter, celebrated of Olin Mr and Mrs Fred Peterson i:ii~ii~!:::~ wresumg, pracuce is now in Iuizl ~N ~.1 4 ~ ~s t)re ~nt.~ Su"erviso-- z sont Jror clamls'
swing as the Rams prepare to un-i and ~utera. - . ( to claim Nos, 2873 to 3031. both in-
the board of trustees of Cornell her fifth birthday Nov. 11 at the of and J. J Kidder :!~J
College. home of her parents. Guests were and Joyce. ; 'i~!~~ dergo a complete rebuilding job. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Klaver came i sec~n~den~ U~vn .~Y.e~Upe~rv's ,r, ~eeson=]clusi e also on file in claim register
Ray Johnson, Bob Romanowski and] on Saturday to help with the decor-, minutes of the meeting of June 5th ]Claims Allowed
~--~ r : ::": : * "~: . ) -~ --~- )-~, til~ anger tHiS ~al:e.
Mr and Mrs O W Brawne,Mr. " " w" ' :::: : : ::
Hill CRy Rebekah lodge ill meet i:!~ : ' " r ,
! ann mrs. ~. ~. ~rawner, yule ann on Thursda- Nov 27 Member~ ~mfq I~::~ l~fll Glasgow are the only return- atmg f the church f r Harvest Sun- [ we,e approved as read; all members t COUNTY FUND--
~"~ ~"I| ~ ("~l~'~n I Kathy James Dahlheim of Hilton who have ~i'rthdavs in Octobe~ ~ ~ i-'- ~ r any services. The Marvin Johnstons /v ~lug :~ye . m~Zeon." . ~ ~ C. L. Beeson Board and Cumin
-w~ ~vmmm ~ v~.em N Y Mrs Ed Baker Darrell and ~. .~ r~::.:^~.~.~. ~ ~.~:: m?4~! ~~ -s . wu.~ ~ u.uw- Um~Maurice Minors Ray Martins and un mutton ~ne J~oaru o~ ~upervisors Mileage $ 52.5G
] " ." ' Nv.= ~,~r ~ ~ =~= ~=. w ~,= ~ :: direction of the new mat coach BillI Clair Richard on w "- J adjourned until June 1 1951 Mildred Mengler ~alary . 14,45
~|| r~u [ Darlene of Cedar Rapids and Mr. honored. Bring a sack lunch. Host- / ~: -- ' i s s ere omers on] --:-- Dr. R. E. Weland Post Mor-
r-~mm "1"-" I ~Jris~r~Ps~ ~ana lvlrs uavm ~cottt~e ~Ym I ~aanOn.g!n~u:~ny an~eSses will be Dr Bertha Swim Mrs ~ : l~.Oll, i the committee. Many canned vege- ~ June 12, 1951. terns ' . . 85.00
7 [ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~rO .~ e ~ ^~^ o ~-.~. ~.~-.~ ~ i~" Koll states that tile sound is;tables and fruits alon~r with fresh) THe .~oar@ o] ~upervlsors met pur-Frank F. Bates, Co, Treas
osLeGu)re.Mrs~Harry Declous ~ :~.---- sunni *o aujournment. Misc. Exp 128
relatively inexperienced, made :apples, pears, squash and potatoes] Present: Supez~'isors Hood, Beeson City Water Works ~ate',- :i:: ::: 114:~
Thanksgiving ~ Va i] up of freshmen and sophomores, were among the thank offering for and Sutera. - e . - Groat Electric Co. Repaira 10:.
I " ~ The H J Crofts will be hosts at ~, ~ the Home of the Aged Women in un m.otmn Dy ~upervls.or ~eeaon, Stalker E :,ctric Co. Repairs 2S0
,~**v p~.vusu~=**~ usaim6: C~N~v ~niAc i%ffvo ll~111a++ ,4 ~ [ seconuea oy ~upervisor ~utera the N %V Bt,ll Tel. ,~ho -* ,~,- "
Thursday, Nov. 22 j housewarm(ng. The friends p a famiiy " Thanksgiving dinner, i i :; an r ~ . . . . e
len were me nugn r~o~erts, DICK Present will be Mr and Mrs Jim)~ ~i~z:. :::. Koll points out is the fact that ~Br ]mlnut~s of the meeting of June llth Clwhan Defense 9.23
: OOKS m~enueu me service ann were approved as r(ad" all menlbers Iowa Electric Li ht & Po~tt
Bril il~l ! I~l. ll~l/ J Busenbarks, Joe G] ann[ms, John I Croft of Wraer Miss Carol Croft of ~ i! mere are more men nn tile Heavy,~votin ' g ~'
i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen, g "Aye" thereon. Civilian Defense 1 i
I~1~,/~1"1 ~rll~J.I. [:Colons, jr. lVL n. nomsons, uon Cedar Ranids Mercy hospital and ~ we~gn~ crosses ~nan usual this !Richardson On motion by Supervisor Beeson Walton A. Keller Co'* Suppii~es 1)'G~
~*.-.-~mm~ - m:Goodyears Lew~s Clements EmH[tw~ ~f MI~ (~rnft'~ Cri~nd~ from ~ ~ I ,~ ," ~seconded by Supervisor Sutera the Tile Van Meter Co" Suo~li(~ 8"9~)
a n h ~:
~I-KV|([~|- [ Reyhons', EverettFreem ns.a dt, e Cedar Rapids Carol has been chos-~, ~ II ~vlr ana wtrs. lvmrwn Jonns.~ontfollowng resohltion was adopt,d: all Star Printing Co. S'upplfe~ : 4'5~*
"'At the present time we are re-iWere amner guests ~unaay evenmg imembers voting "Aye" thereon. Hach Bro*. Co. Supplies 14"93
Dial 5212 Mt VerflonID n W~lSOnS o~ t~eoar rtaePn~?:~l ~i~l~]en freshman officer for the school~
viewin~ holds and ~racticin~, fun i at the home of Mrs. Lucille Rick- Resolution Schmtdt 'typewriter EXchang~ "
[ nonorea couple were pres t 1 ~ of nursin~ : :~ ~::~i ~ ~ ~ "~ i WHEREAS personal property taxes Misc Exp ~ 25
:o ,~. ,~ ~,~,~,s I damentals nara zn t~eaar ~aplas ." ~,
--'---'--" -- ~ ~ *'~' ,IFred Travis entertained at a .fam- " MISS N~x'" "''-"" ' -u~:.~ preparing msma~men ior the ~.~explamed Koll who ~s and Ann called Mrs. ] asscsSedrealagamst the TuckerremafnAUto Sal- Merveaux Typewriter & ExpAdd-
a l - ) lvlrs, lvlerrlll oarrett. Mrs. ~awlnJvage for the year 1948 are not a lien tug Machine Co MLsc 3.50
T.C. tournament at CedarFails Dec" I Harris on Min-lupon estate and unpaid Row. Peterson & Co.' Text
'ily dinner Sunoay at vlac s emma.I .~ .
= room Out of town guests were I. ~oi. and Mrs Lloyd Dean of Lack- '" "', Hie Dutcher in Viola Saturday after- ~ and it is evident that said taxes are Books ~34
8 " not collectable in the usual manner W G Cimprich~Iisc'""Exp
"-", the Clare Millers of Tipton. the i ian(1 A.~'.B Texas, announce the ' I noon --
~----' land the said Tucker Auto Salvage has Librarian 30'3@
- ~n Misses Helen Warren and Emma :i engagement of their daughter, Misstuvmmg the nucleus OI tins year s) Mr anu Mrs. ~awm Harris ano ) offered to compromise the said taxes Joseph Hern/an'~l'"~/isc"Exp.-~ '
( Nancy Dean to Lt John Scott son
~)a~a ~|aus ~ ~x~ Fife of Rock Springs, Ill Fred~ ". team will be Ray Johnson, 147 lb. lAnn were dinner guests Sunday atlby the payment of $2~0.00 in cash in Apiary . : 42 69
~.~ ~.~+ ~e ,-~ : L ,r ~^ ~ ^,~ull liquidation of all of said delinquent L iI Stubbs & Co. Inc. In
~ Trav,s ]r. and daughter, Teresa, " ' ye,g with Bob Romanowsk~ ] Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petersen and that the acce"tance of -"'~ ~'* . "~ ~ '"7" ==*u"-'~ :'
~--~| of Casper Wyoming and Mrs Car i~Jlxon, ~l~. ~)a~e zor ~ne weaning ar alon " ]taxes and the Board is of the opinion surance . 2~
130 lbs and senior BillGlasgow, ~, Barbara were over mght VlSltors be for the best Interest of the tax- Paramount Pharnlacy Pris.
~/~-dJ rie Oates' Fred jr and Teresa left has notbeen set. ' . r r~ 'o,a ~ocmmzt ~'rts. ~xp. s.~,
Bk~" ~unaay mgnt'" -" on me" t~y o~ Lo-~t ~v~iss uean attenaea ~an Jose State 147 lbs. Tat Will Clark's. On Sunday Mr. and pa~.~ Exp 1.3~,
t~ouege m ~an Jose ~anI wnere Last"ear's matmen Mrs J S. Hanna Lyle and Janice ~. THEREFORE. BE IT RE- Fisher Drug Co Supplies 2.30
Angeles to re~urn to ~asper. ' . . '. ",
up,-. ~ I she was affiliated wRh Kappa A1- ~ v~ " . ' a~ sam oiler oe an(] ule Polehnas Market No. 2 Diet &
the Midwest conference champ- 'were aao~onal guests . + same is hereby accepted and the Chair- Care 185 ~5
m~.'~ P.W.O. CIRCLE iM[EETINGS ipha Theta Sorority. At present she = wr. ana mrs ~nrls weaersen aria man of the Board is authorized and Colonial Baking C'o"i)iet"& '"
m~ PWO Circles will meet Nov 281is a student at Southern Methodistmnsmp, ~.~mg every welgn ax-iMrs Bonnie Larson were Sunday directed to execute on behalf of this Care " 5157
vision except the 123 ib and ;~,2 ~ ~ ~ ~. . ~ ~ ~^^~ ~ ~oard a contract to compromise said N.tional Biscuit CoDiet & "
[] [] ~] at 2 p.m. Ruth Circle will meet ~m University Dallas, Texas. . U,I~I~ ,'~ ,*= ,U,= "~ ,~ u tares on "h- " r ' ~'= "
I t ~ te ms o~ salu oiler Care 2~ 06
[]m~J with Mrs. Luther Plattenberger as Lt. Scott is agraduate ~ Northern heavy weight clas ses. The Rams !Dollye. On .motion by Supervisor Beeso~}. Lago GrupeCo:'" ~)ie'{'&'"'C~L:ii {0:04
P~ d Mrs ]3o d Lathro as ,Hi]nots State ~ollege in ue~alo 111 sported a %2 dual meet record. Mr. and Mrs Claude Klaver were seconaed oy bupervisor ~utera, the foi- The Borden Co Diet & C*~r~ z ~9
m hostess an ' Y P -'~ ' " ~,a~, ,~.~+ ~**o o, ~,~ ~-1~- lowing resolution was adopted; all C R Police De'nt Moals ~|tv ""
me *s now serwng w,th the A,r
sisting. Mrs. Iva Walters will have Sophomore numeral winners back ~'7""~" "';~"~ ~"~:~ ." " ~;" members voting "Aye'" thereon 'Prisoners " 153 75
era eorce at Lackland A F B
the program and Mrs. Le 1 Evans ~mnaruson Home ann omner guests Resolution " --" "* ~:" -:-;',"'* '~:"""-~:""': -~-'-
are tea J~re~enoI~ J:~llt ~e~elKamp' . walton A. L~euer ~o ~tOCK Z02 I~O
the devotions.Martha Circle will ',on Sunday at the Kenneth Kirkpat- Be It Resolved by the Board of Su-
'm'Le BROWNING STORES! ~ Circle 3 WSCS will meet with and J~m Miller. Bredehoft won thelrickhome, p ervis()rs, .Linn County, Iowa, that F~ran~Il ]~a.ileYatIesS?rb%ce Treas: 31.62
meet with Mrs. :ray xravis as Mr~ c~ -;~ "~=~'=:: lyle2albinh~ee rney last E ~er~a:agd Pliit~eyn~e ~
tn( rollowtng wage oe established for Bount 40 0
a s atoth: IdSiTiCs to u ; con~ftr~ l:~jaand ?~i~tn~ngY~noR(arndDiIe~C& %upp:le: a~
hostess Mrs O W Dill nd Mrs
~. "& " . .: . = George Humes ~s assmtant hostess.
~OOt arnes asslsung.Mrs. lrrea ~ 1 Iv News i
Dick Wade head-~ th~ li~t nf .~ f. . i.Y .;: nue to ec tuber C. R. Clean Towel Service Sup-
Yes, C Id Santa Claus paid o early visit to Young will have the program and The Ex-Farmerettes will meet ,~ ~a~nl'yn worley ' ~Sho ~vo~F.e plies 13 71
Mrs. Wilton Gunn devotions. Lois with Mrs. Fred Sadler Nov. 27 at prom,stag ~resnmen. lle was the ~ p o~mlan ~l.~ per Hour Peterson Baking Co. Diet &
tore tF s year and he left a ,hole array of Circle meets with .Mrs Letha. K.ap- 2:00 p.m. Le~sons on stuffed toys, uarry Jror'eman 165 per hour Care 4826
1G5 lb. state champlon of Okla- I The Paul B. Slezaks and Dolores i r~i~*,~, w " ~'~ ~ .
lan Mrs John Whltlatch assisting and ru makin will be iv ~ ~v, ,~u~ uago urupe ~:o. D~et & Care 81.32
:hristr ~as gifts for the entire Family. And, Mrs.' R. "P. Ink will have the pro-" g ~----~ - g g en. homa and then he moved to !and.Mrs. Robert Rompot of. Cedar IByidge.F?reman 1.50 per hour Davis Dairy Diet & Care 59 44
Iowa where he ea-tur~d t.h~ ;ttaplas attenaea me weaalng OI[~nop m.ecnanic l.~U per Hour Iowa National Mutual Ins Co "
n b F heav-'wel-ht state *'chaln-i;n[ [Donna Jean Williams in Solon Sat-]Drag line operator 1.45 per hour] "Insu~:ance " "1 366 44
Jways you can shop eo nomically at gram, Lio s Clu ete . " " P " urday Nov 17 I~r usne[. perat r .i.4~per,nourlBezdekGreenhouseSupplies '2055
'nings For we are maintain our policy 4-H Club News Items l,dm Af I),n---e snm luynam,~e ,nan aa per nourlStar Prlntin~ Co " "
"- ! The Robert Rompots of Cedar [Dy.nsmite man's helper 1.45 pet' hour I Marion Sent'inel ' PStUpph~Soaz:d 7
l)on l~lnoen, anomer ~op-ingnt, Rapids enjoyed an oyster supper at, ~alntamer operator 1.40 per hour~ Proc 43.33
'ovidir low cost, high quc ity Christmas PIONEER POLLIES Ul~I- fresh, placed fourth in Illinois l the P. B. Slezak home Saturday i~cl~k~?ve:,s'-a'n~ 1.40 per hour Standard Brands Inc, Diet & .-^
The Pioneer Pollies 4-H club met1E[E"tLa, NIC"~" IL
on Oct 27 at the home of Shirley . . . .-. " . ) ~ ~.~u p~ uu.[ ~one ~'unk Jgiet & Care 3.~)
that v ill be enioyed by eve yone. . . ~v -- xne l~lon's last year Freshman Warren evening "*il (. t:are . :~ 4t~.~O
nowara'" ; w~n'" lz memoers ~wo club .held ladies .mght Thursday uePrenger worked his way to ~ [Shop helper ; ~ 1;255 p*~r hour{ Arrow Printers Supplies 8.67
' evening at tHe high school gym ~ n w The normal wor~ Jay sHall be eight C. R. Gazette Pub Board P~oc. 7274
Sh pE ly! leaders and 3 vlsltors present. A F -thesta!e. ourl eylnlowalastyear! r'allsaaes l imurs with the exception of Sunday, ] Searles Dairy Diet & Car~ '~,"~t
v#'%1 rnllv-- Can o ar aemo i"- w ~;, :v"n b"~ *~n~t onowlng me seven O'CLOCK runner DeIore oelng elimina~ea ' .~--- w Do z lie a Memorial Day, Fourth of July Labor!St Lukts~ Ho.~nlt~! P,'i- ~x- 550
"~'" ~ on 'J~rusnlng a ~rt. RWhlch was served by ladles of the ~,~,1 .~ i Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving ! John T. ~Viley-~?rustee'~ee~ng 41(D
ebekah lodge there was a short ume ~- -=s ', Mr. and Mrs. Antone Biderman o~aYi:wSaPr~ai~te%sb%~ne ~.overnor(Lee O'Connell Trustee Meeting 4.00
Mrs. Mitchell gave a very interest- . ' .
y anu ~ew Wm G~bne TrusteeMe t
:.: ~ .~, ,~^ ousmess meenng m cnarge o~ pres- prospects are Bob Nelson Dave Kirk will be ho~to +o 25 -,e~+~ for ~ ' -- ~: . [ " Y e ing 4.00
Becaus( Santa paid mg c p .v.]dent n J Lamont ' "i ~o . s ixear's Day; tHe normal work WeeKIF W Deitz Clerk Trust,~e
For the special number Ellen Bie-~. . . . . . . o J~oo ~unston, ~oger :'carson ann,Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. i shall be forty-four (44) ]tours per[ Meet'ing ' 4 00
ber played a plano soloSouth of .
us this early dsit, you can,r~ j t~amp~)en mas~er oz cere- Jim Claypool. ', Happy Homemakers club met at week and allwork days shall corn-I Tribune Pubi:is'hi'ng'"Col "'Sup- '
.^ ~ ~ ,~ :~.~^ ^~ ,~ ]momes, ln~rooucea ~ne speaker oI the Bertram hall Nov 13 Officers mence at 8 ()'clock A. M. and continue ~ plies 1 086 40
. . the evening C M McIntyre of Ce-
now d o yo ,r Christmas tt Those back from last year's varsi- for the o i - . . - ] until 5 o'clock P. M. with one hour I POOR FUND--
afternoon was spent m staging . c m ng year were etec~ea:!for dinner: Monday through Friday--[ Mercy Hospital Nurse & Hos-
~eA~ == ~ v= ~ w '. ty squaa who OlO not earn letters 18 hours
" ]] shopping much earlier.By ~- . .- '" *'~ ~' ;.~. I car,senmuvertapmSozrUD~Cum~eaJ~elau ns.~,r Lmesrepre'ln are Bob Staffanou, Warren Sonne- :MrS.Aust.mFrankArmstrongBiderman,sec,y preS and Mrs.Mrs"t 12AllnoOnem' Satu 'daYlo .4 .h urs 8 A. M. toil stPital, Lukes I:Ios p'ltal .Nurse & 103.45
add~hon to h~s talk Mr. McIntyre " : ' ' . p yees snalt report at F A. Hospital 32340
man, Merhn Jones and Dick Caple. :Antone B~derman pub. chairman. M to the desi"nated location "or -- --" "-":"~ ~ ; "
shopping early you take HONOR BUD BRIDGES showed a film of a trip by airline bone -~Im l~es~ rlome ,care anu
b advantage of a much - duty and terminate day's work at Keep ,~.Og
A stag party at the Dillon Bridges from California to New York. .'~ designated location at 5 P.M. I Dr W H. Breshears Med. Aid 18.(~)
1 Hours worked in excess of eight (8) lMrs Joseph i)olezal Cash AI-
TTl hITIr'll l I~ATT/I~ m;;m;;I;;;nN;;;D~ mlhours in one twenty-four (24) hourl Iowance ,o0@
Bridges and Winfield Hughes, both vided by "Hapuy" Bright of Cedar m--tes=-.m ~m mm myra ~m ~m~4m"~ S S "--ink= mmmmmk~mmm%~lP m n peroid Monday through Frida- 8' "'":"*"~
~h, home Friday evening honored Bud Music for the occasion was pro-
hours, Saturday 4 hours, 8 A. M. tO[Ambulance Service Co. Trans-
,-,of whom will leave soon for train- Rapids, vcho played a solovox dur- m,~y I~'reu U. ( :oats *~ent 16.00
ing at Great Lakes Ill. Thirty-six ling the dinner hour and also later -- n -- n .=. . U, 12 noon and Sundays and the above l portatlon 30.(D
~e nave on nana in our yarns Tnls weeK, !specified holidays shall be paid for[Butler Grocery Prey 12.95
avoid the inconvenience guests enjoyed cards and refresh-!on in the program. There were 106
. - -- m i at the rate of one and one half times I Dr Jenning~ Crawford Med,
,r the rtgul~ hourly rate The abo~e
ments durin the evening Budi persons who attended with guests 4 loads of 9ood and chonce western Hereto d |Is hol,da s Sund" exc ' } .id . lS. 0
of the last-minute shop- ,;ill again be honored Wednesday, !from West Branch and Lisbon. . - m EI P. " Y, ays epted,(Best Oil Co, Inc. Fuel ?.93
the 21st when his parents will be -- steers, we,gnln9 to ~uu oounas )wHen occurmg w~thm the normal workIMcNieI Grocery Prey, 13.9~
m " I wee~ snan ne compensatea at the C ,~ C Pharmaceuticals Med
- ping rush. hosts at a family dinner at their NEW ORGAN lregular rate. I Aid 25.11
home Present will be the John The local Methodist church in- ~ ml, Vacation with payshall be g.rantedIDr. Walter Skallerup Med Aid 21.00
Woods Denny Neal and Jack Pit- stalled a new Hammond electronic ~ m. ~ t ~o emp,oyees on a calenaar week oasis I Drs Gardner & Andre Med
R : ,
M! a~lnr ~Y'~ ~ |[with all vacations starting on Mort-] Aid " 0000
rown,nus Christmas ~ik families, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pit-'organ last week and used it Sunday m v ,u ~,~ .a nvm ~--uw x ve m( day and continuing through Saturday. )Dr. E,-B.M'cCoi~kie~"Me'd" ~):00
Sh nni a
dq lik, and Mrs. Francis Pitlik and for the first time, The organ will . |(No extra day will be granted when[%Vestern Union Med. Aid 6.42
Orr n~ Hea uarters Miss Joyce Stepanek, both of Ce- be dedicated in the near future.
% & N.W. b~OCKyGrGs |[ one of the above designated holiadys]OLis ]=~oad Grocery Prey 1138
occur during vacation period ] W H ~'
D,al3611 MT. VERNON I[ . Tubbs Rent 5.00
dar Rapids. -- ml ~mpLoyees WHO nave worked 1. t University Hospital Nurse &
DO your Christmas shopping now at Miss Jane Williams, staff mem- -- --Imonths durin~ the year pr,~eeedin~) IIospitai o917
SADIE HAWKINS PA~TY ber of the Presbyterian Board of ! m m m .~ ~ January 1, 1951 shall be granted tw~)~Dr. Maurice'"/~,stes'"Me'd:"X{~i'"::.: 40:~0
Brownings. You will be surprised at the wide Twenty-two couples dressed in Missions, spoke Sunday at the I I~alendar weeks and employees who i Dr. Wm Franeu Med, Aid 5.00
have worked less than 12 months dur- ~ Dr. Herbert Gerstman Med Aid 61.75
dog patch style enjoyed a Sadie morning service. Miss Williams re- ing the year preceeding January 1 Dr. Paul Heitzman Med Aid 15.00
selection of fine gift merchandise we offer. You Hawkins party in the Austin Arm- turned recently from an extended |, 1951 shall b~ granted one day's ~aca, -] Dr. 5ohn Kaneal' y Med Aid 2200
strong school house Saturday night, trip to Europe and Africa,tion for each month or greater portion, Dr. E L. Lindley Med, Aid 31.00
thereof-worked. Vacatoins are to be] Dr R.L. Mantz M~d Aid ~l 00
will be pleased by ovr low pHces. Games and stunts w~re enjoyed. Ladies' Missionary society of the ~ I taken during tiu, year 1951 l Dr" J E Stansburv M d "~'}d ~'nn
Main event of the evening was the Presbyterian church met Friday af- - ~ Vacat ons earned during the year 1951 ] Dr. R A. Vorphal Med. Aid 40.00
voting on and crowning of the ternoon with Mrs. H. J. Lament. |1 IIIIm| I~ are not available to the employeeI Dr. R, M. Wray Med. Aid 5.00
ml I 11 III until after January 1 1952 unhss h~ R) at Laundt Med A~d
Queen of Dogpatch. At the close Mrs. Lawrence Winter assisted. ~, m.n. -- " r si ' ' ' ~" ~t Y' ' 'Y " . 5.88
e gns or is d~scharged, then he will Dr %V P Ha "es Med Aid 00
of the evening all of the girls were Mrs. Lee Brock had charge of de- . " ',( . . ~ 5.
be allowed one day vacation for r.ach~c. R. Bakery Inc Prov 404.71
blindfolded for the annual Sadie votions and Mrs John l~r ave
month or major pa:t ther(of worked I and
Y g ' '' ' ' St ard Brands Inc. Prey ~ 333.0~
up to the time of termination of era- %Vitwer Grocer Prov 738.17
HawkinSenjo~ the raCebowlstO ofCatchdogpateha manstewtO theMrslesson.DatsThereB tl werer e 22r present, ployment. I Globe Machinery & Supply Co.
" . " y u e nte rained the ,~ ~1 ~ SICK LEAVE: In the following, Repairs 12.67
served to them. Assisting Mr. andDelta Dek bridge club at her home r paragraph "'sick leave" will include Keps Refrigeration Co Repairs 13.11
Mrs. Austin Armstrong were Mr. Thursday evening. Mrs. R, A. Smith lib ,m "off the work injury leave" and "on tI. A, Johnson Sup!ali'es 6.88
and Mrs Vernon Barrett Mr and held hi h score m,the job injuries". Farmers Elcw~tor Grain, feed,
." ' g / ~ Employees shall be granted a thiry seed 622.19
Mrs. Mile Machula and Mr. and Mrs J R Ward ]r was honored
Mrs Chnton" Berry Tu "' day maximum accumulative sick leave Louie F Levasseur Gram feed
esday evening at a pink and determined by the following method; seed " " o~ 00
=. allowing one day for each month, an Linn Couili~; "P~:o(iuc.c" ~'CI). "'"
-- ~ blue shower given by Mrs. J. employee who has worked continuous- Grain feed seed105 70
%nigh N -ws Russell Ward and Mrs. Harry m ly for 30 months prior to January 1, Edward' C. I ~he[ G}:ai'{{:"f~ed "
.w 1- Ehrke in Cedar Rapids. / 1951 shall have the maximum 30 day s, ed
= sic " ~ 95,75
Mrs. Anna Zeller Mrs. Rush Clippinger, Mrs. Elzy -- k iea~e established to hm credit and Jack E. Scott Gruin, feed,seed 1,021 80
employees navmg less than 30 work Sorg Drug C~. M,~d. Aid 106.63
The Dean Keith family, Coggon. Hay and Mrs. Frank Krumroy were months prior t9 January 1, I951. shall Dr. II. L. Mii)er Med. Aid "iiii 15 00
were Sunday dinner and supper hostesess at a house warming
be credited with one day for each ) Medical Arts Surgical Supply
SPECIAL ~uests of the Vernon Brickners, party Friday afternoon honoring month or major" portion thereof of Med. Aid 31.98
~continuous employment. Sick leaveSecurity Laboratories Med. Aid 63.83
The Edward Brickners were after- Mrs. Lewis K ttering in her new earned at the rate of one day for each (;lobe Grocery Prov 11.39
noon visitors, home. The Ketterings recently month worked during the calendar Knapps Groe~wv Prov 13 9~
DAY withShirleYMr. KOSSand Mrs.Visited a fewj. M. Sovcrsdays isC mpletedbuilt on theirthe DormanneW homelot onWhiChEast year 1951 will not apply to employee's COURT EXPE~;SE FUN~.
credit until January 1 1952 Stanek's Wrecker Service Crim.
An employee who is absent from Inves 18.00
and Mary Jo. Main street, work on account of sickness, will be [,~febure Corp. Supplies 64.11
Mrs. Elma Slaymaker, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vary of Stanwood, i paid for the time lost up to the extent University Hosptail Crim
l of his earned credit, excent that no Inves.
M y j i ith y i yi Mrs. C. B. Cambridge and Russell who formerly lived here, fell Wed ~5.00
pay will he allowed for sickness wt~en Security La'.~,oratt)ries" Crim.
a we o n w ou n sa ng: Eggenberg were recent visitors of nesday evening as she left the off work for less than three days. Sat- Inves 15.09
Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler. Satur- school house in Stanwood follow- urday to be counted as one d~c~'. An Gee. Connell, Detective Crim.
Tha ks Fo E ythi g.ii day visitors were Mr. and Mrs. ing a program. She was taken to illness of throe or more d~ys will b,- Im e~ 19.00
II n r ver n John Worrell, Mt. Vernon, Mr. andSt. Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids, compensatedillness, from -'he first day of Frm~kpetit JuryF" D~teS,fees Co. Treas. 1~8.00
Mrs. Fred Worrell, West Branch, where it was found she had frac- - S~turday will be one day to accu- S:hmidt Typ,=w,-riter Exchange
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Wood, Tip- tured both wrists. She is getting mulate sick leave and will count as one Machine Maint 1.25
,' day to use sick leave. SE,?~, 'DARY ROAD MA.INTEN~k~]~
C~osed from 12 to 4 p.m. ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose along as well as can be expected. ~ On resignation or dismissal of era- FUND--
Harney, Iowa City. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Miller left ployee.
ally unn~ed sick leave will ,T,s. %V. Bell Inc. Road Maint ~
Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Scanlan and Monday for Oakland, Calif where . expire on date of resignation or dis- Beraneks Road Malnt :
Danny entertained at dinner Sun- they will spend some time with i missal, Castle~ Soft Water Service
' Employee injured while on work Road Maint 2.25
day the Edward Shulgins, Mrs. Dan their son, Cpl, James Miller, who covered by Workmen's Compensation C. R. Clean Towel Service Road
Scanlan and Delores Pospisil, Ct- is in the naval hospital there. Cpl. Insurance paid by County will be Maint ~ 4.~
compensated by Linn County for loss C. B. Dewe~,'S'"Ro'ad"M'aint"::::::::13 8~1"5i
dar Rapids. Miller was seriously wounded in of wages caused by such injury forI Don's Standard Station Road ' "
OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS Mrs. Mary Lorence and Mrs. Korea, Oct. 12th and was flown to the difference between amount paid! Ma~nt ~n ~
DiaI 2321 --Mt. Vernon, ]own Emma Barta were Thursday visit- Oakland two weeks ago. by Workmen's Compensation and basic[ Edwards "c'a'1:buretor""&'""Eie'~: ~"-
ors of Mrs. Ann~ Pavelka and Mrs. Mrs. Alberta Krumroy received a wage rate of employee for number of Inc. Road Maint ~ 51.77
sick leave days employee has to his Globe Machinery & Supply Co.
Barbara Serovy. letter from her son, Kay Don credit I R:md Maint 95.8|
Saturday evening visitors of the Krumroy, S.A in which he states Illness or injury claim must be at-IGoodyear Service Stores Car
Frank Panzers were the Clarence that he arrived at Pearl Harbor companied by written statement by; Expense & Road Maint 1.013.44
Panzers, Charles and Robert, Iowa Nov. 7th. employee or Doctor describing illness~A]bert Holub Road Maint 22.00
injury. I Kruse Lumber Co. Road Maint 8.54
City; Sunday evening, the James John Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. ron motion by Supervisor Sutera. Orrick Lumber Co. Road Maint 15.10
104 -- 3 Avo. S. E, Hams and Mrs. Anna Pavelka; dur-Clair Scott, who left the last of seconded by Suoez'visor Beeson, the Perry R, Jayne Road Maint 50 (~)
Cedar Rap|ds, |own ing the week, Mrs. Alice Stahle and October for induction into the ser- / following resolution was adopt,~d; allPaul Myers Road Maint 146.12
members votin~ "Aye" thereon. N, W. Bell Telephone Co Road
Mrs. Frances Mattas. vice, is now stationed at Ft. Knox Resolution Maint 10.20
The Charles Umbdenstocks, Shar- Ky. ONLY Be It Resolved by the Board of Su- Phillips Petr~)ieum Co. Road
pervisors of Linn County, Iowa, that Maint 1,060.56
on Kay and Marcia Mac, or Me- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brock wet( wm. H. Behrens, the Cm,nty Engineer ,qnv, p On Tool Corp Road Maint 15.90
chanicsville, were Sunday after- Wednesday evening dinner guests 1 tel Linn County, be and he ia hereby W. H, Stafford Road Maint . 14.35
V~//~"~: THANKSGIVING noon visitors of the Schueyler Zell-of the John Carvilles. ~ designated, authorized and
ers. Friday evening the Maurice Mrs. Nell Cranford of Olin will On|y $$4.00 down ed on behalf of the Board of SuDerx i. John P. Reiger Salary 9.20
He]us]us, Mabel and Melvin called, spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and sors of said county to execute the certi- SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION
ficate of completi~n of work and fin,d FUND~.-
f Mi Gi I Mrs. Antonietta Severs, Mrs. Mrs. Wi]bur Wright. Mrs. Nell Ket- ~ acceptance thereof in accordance with John Mossbarger. Frances
Coats or Women, sses, r s Henry Kessler, the C. B. Cam- tering, who lives with Mrs. Cran-
the pLsns and sD~ e,f
)~i~icati0ns therefor I M 'ssb'~rger. Nancy O'Brien
]in connection with all farm to market & John' J O'Bri,m Road
bridges, Mrs Elma Slaymaker and ford, will spend the day with the ( co,structiOnfollowingnrOieCtSnamedln thisindividuals~county. I STATE Const INSTITUTION Y*UND--+li).00
.w~ o~k.4mmmv "n "*:^n"lv m,Vam -- Lots Rita and Robert, Mrs. Anna Ulch Lewis Ketterings. The
and Mrs. Hattie Stahle were vis- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith will having made apnlication for the sale] State Sanatorium Institutional
itors of Grace Kessler during theentertain as their Thanksgiving tel cigarettes and having filed t}~e re-~ Care ~ 4.~!)
week guests the Donald Kramer family quired bond and fee it was moved by/ /ohn B, Re]fly Atty fe,~s 15.~)
From Our Large Stock Mr. and Mrs. Myron Ell]son and and Mrs. Mayme Hines, all of re- Of course, it's electric! S.uperv~or Sutera. ~ec~mded by Super-] DOMESTIC ANIMAL FUND--
v~sor ~eeson, that the permits be ] Carl Blessing Damages
the Vernon Kents attended the dar Rapids, and the Buell Piepers granceaas: IBert E Miller Damages 40,(~)
$7.95 $9.95 $14.00 Iowa-Wisconsin game at Madison,and Rubble. 1 "rr y ~ Evelyn Winegar, d/b same, lMrs. ,M. H, Thomson Damages 7 q)
You'd never expect such a low price on such a rlignway 30. Cedar Rapids [ Harr:v G. Powe 1 Damages . 1(}5.P~3
Wis. Mr and Mrs. Harold Batchelor
Visitors with the Joe Chaloupkasof Mt. Vernon called Sunday after- whopping big electric range value! Elmer H. Ahlgren & Chas. Mathews DISTRICT FAIR FUND--
I d/b Drayport Inn Route 2, Cedar Linn County Fair, Appropria-
These coats are exceptionaJ for so littJe, recently were Mrs. Mae Miller, Mrs. noon on Mrs. H. C. McCormick. It s dependably General Electric--and ~apids. ( fion 7 82:)~)
Herman A. Merklin d/b Edgewood]ROAD CLE.~RING FUND--
Raymond Novotny 'and Linda Sue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sebesta will packed with wonderful G-E features| Grocery. Route 1 Cedar Rapids. ] ~hn P Reig'er Salary 1150
Sizes 9 up to 5~) Carolyn Flickinger and Mrs, Verna spend Thanksgiving with relatives t Wesley O, Kluber, d/b same Route ) Oliver T. Baker S~lary . 57 2'0
Slach and Joyce. at Burlington. "" PUSH-SUI"I'ON CONTROLS! l, Cedar Raoids. [ Oscar B. Martin Salary .5060
AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMERI ( Chas, R, Scholl, d/b Midway Cafe, ]C. Barry Morrisey Salary 50.~i)
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Castle and The Forrest Johnsons, Mrs. Gray-
m(Mrs. Rose Rushek, Marion were don Johnson and the J. R. Wards HUGE TRIPL-OVEN~,R~ute 2, Mt. Vernon ]Plin E. Wells Salary . 52.90
m] Sunday afternoon visitors of the will spend Thanksgiving in Cedar H|oSPE|D CALRO0 HEAT|N~ UN|TS| ' MercantileFl yd E co Mitcbeilwaubeek.d/b Mitchell[ Tsaac J T~obertH'Ritts~Vitw~'rsalarySalary 59.605060
Our New st F|ne Co, It, mlJoe T. Krobs. Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell BIO THRIFt COOKmlU . all members voting "'Aye" thereon. ]Joseph Tlusty Salary 57.20
The following named individual I Leonard Walrath Jr. Salary 4715
II] Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Looney willWard. h~ving m~de anplication for the s~leINorris T Williams Salary 5060
]be Thanksgiving dinner and supper Supt. and Mrs. R. J. Campbell, " S of Beer. Class C, and having filed the]Goodyear Service Stores Weed
For Dress Sports - Utility |lguestS~r oftsthewJ hn See family Suzanne and Roy will leave Wed- EE TOMORROWS MIRACtE RANGE TODAY required bond and fee it was moved} Control 100
n IOthe gues ill be the H. M. nesday for Sioux Rapids to spend by Superviaor Sutera seconded by]C R. Bowdish Salary 79"30
Supervisor Bee.son, that the permit be,T. F. Cook Salary 63"25
Now in a Variety not to be found later. III Iowa i Heabner and Mrs" Emma Heabner' Thanksgiving vacati n with relacity, and the Elwood Heab- fives. ,a' I nm~m~mAm'no ~nnunn all members voting "Ayeereon ]Harold Mel~ ~ti: E'c yit~h;~'k"ed/b thMitch(ll ~ ~I*~arPd a .o. I H~rry Hills Salaryhaffer S aryI~ngeedYsa~Sl~alr'~rY" ~:~
At prices for active turn over. |nners, Mo~C~viW. The Donald Overbaugh family m,)c:lml lance s
O. ,ZZZ i
m[ Mr. an rs. John McQuaid and and the Misses Ella Conner and ~ On motion by Supervisor Beeson. lWnu E. Taylor Salary'"iii~iiiiiill 41~97
mlColeen, Michael and Debby, New- Marjorie Crisman spent Sunday Dial 4291 Mt. Vernon, Iowa l seconded by Supervlsor ~utera, tl'-|L!oyd A. Wrgiht Salary 53.95
following resolution was .auoptea; all~ w~ovd Yonn~ S~l'~rv 63.25
$22.95 $27.95 $33.95 to $44.50 |(ton, were Sl~ad~yun dinner guests of with the August Luke family at
'members votlng "Aye" tnereon COUNTY ASSESSOI~ FUND---
m l the O.E. "tan amily. Mrs. Waterloo. Mrs. Luke is the former Resolatlon -- Monroe Calculating Machine Co.
-~ m lRichard Lahr and two daughters Mildred Thierman, who taught in *ut/~J[~ doald k BE IT RESOLVED by the ~oarn of l msc. Exp 4000
Supervisors, Linn County. Iowa. that |Ed. S. Ku/a ""S~'laz:~:'"",Mi'l'e'a~e "
m l were recent visitors. I the local schools several years ago. it ts ordered notice to aenart as pro-| & Postage-' ~" 35~ 50
ALL SUITS GO AT PRICE ml A daughter weighing 7 poundsI Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tayler will " me enam ,=m,:n L ~t ELECTR|C vided by Chapter 252, 1950.Code. oflM" G. Linkietter'"'M{ieage"'"&
and 7 ounces was born to Mr. and lspend Thanksgiving with the Don W Iowa, to prevent the acquimng o~ a I Misc. Exu ' 80
" * mlMrs Leon Nosbish at Mercy hos-ITaylers at Burlington. settlement in ths county be served| On motion the Board of Su~orvi~rs
J ned until
COATS JOIN THIS SALE 1]pital, Iowa City, Saturday, Nov. 17. Mrs. Jo Trump will entertain as personsUp n eachto wlt f the following named|ad ourn Hen .T 19 1.~gi~ ----
Gust, Clara, Walker, Benton County. I Board of" SupetTvisora I,inn
|IShe has been named Carol Ann. her Thanksgiving guests Mr. and :,ry J Hood Chairman
The Nosbishes have two sons, Jim- Mrs. Merven Trump and Mr .and . Selllson. George, Center Point, Ben-[County Iowa '
ton uounty. Otto F Hanzlik "
my and Tomm. Mrs. J. F. Brown. I i Lovell, James, Center Point, Benton County Audltor.