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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 24, 1938     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 24, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight 1'HE MOUN~ VERNON, IO~VA, HA~VKEYE-RECORD AND ~HE LISBON HERAIA) Thursday, November rift lff f illll ii i .... |llll I]NIIII[I1 ill ii i i i iiillll i i iii i i ii GROCERY and PHONE 29 Bliss Coffee, vac. packed, pound .............. 21c Streamliner Coffee ...... 17c Gel-Rite Gelatine, 4 packages ............ 17c Peas, Libby's Fancy No. 2 cans, 2 cans 19c Pumpkin, Libby's Cust- ard, No. 2 can, 2 for 19c Miricle Whip Salad Dressing, qt jar ...... 38c Fruit Coctail, Libby's 16-oz can, 2 for ........ 29c Pineapple, Rosedale, No. 2½ full sliced ........ 19c Royal Ann Cherries, Rosedale, No. 2 ½ .... 25c Kraut, No. 2½ can .... 10c Hominy with Pork, Vz can ...................... 10c Morton's Poultry Sea- soning ...................... 10c MOUNT VERNON, IOWA qNew Orleans Molasses, for flavoring, can .... 10c Peanut Butter, qt jar 25c Dill Pickles, qt jar .... 18c Oyster Crackers, 2 lbs 25c Spices, Sifter top 2 for 15c Genuine Dutch Rush 13c Bulk Mince Meat, 2 lbs 25c Bulk Dates, 2 lbs ........... Raisins, 2 lbs .............. 17c Pop Corn, Jap Hulless, 3 lbs ........................ 20c Diamond Walnuts, lb 23c Jumbo Roasted Peanuts 2 lbs .......................... 25c Yellow Whole Kernel Corn, No. 2 can ........ 10c Rice, Extra Fancy Head, 3 lbs ........................ 25c Rice choice grade 3 Ibs 15c Baking Chocolate, I/z lb bar .................. lOc FLOUR-- White Hawk, 49 lbs $1.05 24 lbs ........................ 59c Quaker, 49 lbs ........ $1.39 Mother Hubbard, 49 lbs .................... $1.59 Omar, 49 lbs .............. $1.59 Pillsbury's, 49 lbs $1.69 Gold Butter, lb ............ 29c Guernsey Milk, qt ........ 8c Whipping Cream ½ pt 10c Cottage Creese, pt .... 12c Oysters, Extra Std. qt 45c Veal Steak, extra fancy, lb .................. 30c Sausage, Pure Pork, lb ............................. 20c Hamburger, all beef, lb .............................. 18c Pork Steak, Lean, lb .25c Baking Potatoes, mesh bag, 15 lbs .............. 29c Sweet Potatoes, fancy Muscatine, 6 lbs ...... 25c Lettuce, fancy head, 2 for ........................ 15c Celery, Fancy White Bleached, stalk 10c 13c Oranges, Fancy Sun- kist, dozen ................ 35c Texas and Florida Juice Oranges, doz... 15c 29c Grapefruit Texas Seed- less, 10 for .............. 29c Delicious Apples, 4 lbs 25c Fancy Jonathans, 4 lbs .......................... 25c Grapes, 2 lhs ................ 15c Cranberries, Fancy Blacks, Quart ........ 17c Onions, Sweet Spanish, 3 lbs ........................ 10c Phone 50 Mount Vernon DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN MOUNT VERNON Our store is full nf New Xmas .~[erehandi~, which will i~ on di~l)lay tile day after Thanksgiving. Housedlue.,~,~es, tlou~- ('oats, Bcqi Ja(.kcts, l~'inLs, House Sliplx~rs; All kinds of Knit S~veatcrs, Cal~% Gloves and Mittens; ~'arfs, both silk and wool. TOYS for the youugsters, ravaging in price from 10c to $1.00. LINGI~I{IE, for ladies and ehUdren pri(~d front 25~ to $3.95. NILK HOSIERY, f]aml 49(" to $1.i5. We also have a hosiery club, giving you one pair free when you have Imreha~ed 12 lmir. NOVFI/rY GII~vrs, for grab 1)a~ and Imrtl~s, 10e to 50c. I)O Y()UI~ XMAS SHOPPING I~LaARLY I'I{INTN, New 80 square Per(,ales for Aln~UL~ and Dresses, prk~d at ................................ 15c and 20e lmr yanl OATMEAL COOKIES, 2 pound~ ................................................ 19c MIXEI) NUTS, no peanuts, pound ................................................ 23c SUGAR, pure granulated, 10 pounds ............................................ 49c (X)I)FIStl, boneless, best grade, l)ouud hox ................................ 20c IgEI) KII)NEY BEANS, 3l~narch, No. 2 can, 3 for ................... 27c TINY ~WHOLE GREEN BEANS, No. 2 can, 2 for .................... 39c 'IY)MATO JUICE, Monar('h, big 5C-oz. can ................................ 23c ASPARAGUS, cut Gr(~n, Buffet tin ............................................ 15c MAPLE AND CANE SYRUP, pint bottle .................................. 23c CI~ACKERS, OUR FAMILY, 2 pound box ................................ 16c SNO SHEEN CAKE FLOUR, ~'lth ~-ee Flour ~k~()op ............ 24e I'llA~SBURY'S FIK)UR, 49 pounds $1.69; 24 1x)unds ............ 89e Start a set of Cast Aluminum Cooking Ware by ~%~ving Rare Bird Specimen Given to Museum Don Stotler and Herb Hendricks L-kr .... ¢ [ The Petunias club entertained Wanted: Hides, wool, rags, iron |U ~LI,y ~ ~ ~ !this afternoon in Mrs. Armstrong's and waste materials. General haul- " ~ '~ . )on of .kr nstrong lIall in honor Mme. Chlang s Book - , , ing. Highest prices for furs. Eari [of Miss Margaret Schuele, who is Burgess & Sons, phone 225 W., Mt. A book that should prove inter- I 'o m'lrry Dr. I~wrenee Halpin of Vernon, 1st Ave N. 36-tf of the biology department have fin- esting to CornelI students, not only ished stuffing and mounting a because of its content but also be- pileated woodpecker, which is a cause of the condition under which very rare species among bird life it was published, ires been received in the U. S. The bird was killed at the library. near the Ivanhoe bridge by a hunt-"Madame Chiang's Message in er and came into possession of Miss War and Peace" was printed under Bertha ~est of the .Mount Vernon great difficulty by the China In- High School who gave it to Prof. formation Committee. During the Brooks !first hundred miles it passed over Although this bird was once very I the most bombed railway in the common its beautiful plumage has world. The book is offered with made it au easy prey to all kinds some apologies because of print- ! I. . of enenues until now it is a col-!rag errors, which under the pre- lector's item of some note. This re- i vailing conditions were almost in- glen is to bc surveyed closely in evitable. m-der to determine if there are any Madame Chiang Kai-shek dis- more specimens of this bird resid- ieusses world tendencies with an in- ing here. The specimen has been [sight gained by long years of view- added to the biology museum, ing front the Nation's council room the international questions and their relations to China. DR. COOPER DISCUSSES FOREIGN POLICY AT ROTARY CLUB MEETING Two alternatives of foreign policy for the United States were discuss- ed by l)r. Russell Cooper, in a talk before the l~otary club on "The Entire International Situation" on Tuesday evening at The Grill. The l'nited States can adopt a l)olicy of force or one of trying to eliminate the causes which have made the fascist nations and which trcaten peace. Three kinds of force were named, mo,'al force which is almost futile, economic force which may result in war, and military force which has never solved anything yet. Although the hast war was fought to make the world safe for de- mocracy, there are more dictator nations now thaw l)efore the war. The other "Hternative is to seek the causes of the present chaos and try to elimin'tte them. The causes were classified as four: Economic insecurity, which is evidenced by Germany, Italy and Japan struggling to obtain raw materials although by means which may cost more tban the raw ma- terials are worth; fear, which is i)ehind the arulan/(!nt program of this country; prestige which can be met and internal problems which cause a dictator to start a war to unite his people. ( 'ooperation with the Fascist countries in their legithnate de- anands, reduction of tariffs, and (lisarmament, would be necessary. One course of action leads to war and destruction while the other way is the harder 'way and the BOY SCOUTS PRESENTED INTERESTING PROGRAM l)emonstrations of first aid, fire lighting, signal codes, tower buihl- ink and other stunts entertained parents and friends of tile members of Boy Scout Troop No. 40, Mon- day evening in the Mount Vernon high school gymnasium. Following the very interesting demonstrations, Mark Hutchinson, Howard Fisher, and Bobert Merritt, were installed as patrol leaders by key. Joseph Gray, jr., scout master, of the local troop. James Mangohl, field executive of Cedar Rapids, was present aud presented the charter for the year to Clyde IAndsiey, district commis- sioner of scouts. He explained each year the charter must be re- newed. He said this year looks especially good for the local troop .because of their fine interest shown added to their good membership. Mr. iAndsley presented the charter to key. Joseph Gray, J r., scout master. Membership cards were present- ed to: assistant scout master, tCalph Carl, and the scout committee: leer. E. G. Hunt, Harry Dilley, James Macaulay, P. W. Peterson, Prof. Mark Hutchinson and to senior patrohnan, Elwood Young Il and junior patrohnan, Bill Foster. iI The following scouts also receivedI membership cards: Merrill Pitlik, i Junior l'eet, Mark Hutchinson, ~ Henry Carlton, Vernon Paul, James ! King, James Peterson, Billie Mil-! holin, James Ink, l{obert Merritt, :I David Ford, Robert Gill, Howard more Christian way. li'isher, Donald Merritt, lmdwig Indications point to a swing to Hedge, Gailhtrd Beranek. ' the first method on the I)art of the ! The singing of the scout song, I'resident. On that basis, Mr. iand other familiar songs and the Cooper said, he did not hold much repeating of the s('out pledge eon- optiinism for the peace of the , eluded a pleasant evening. world. I Mr. Harold Williams of Wiehi-!Preshyterian Church To ta, Kansas, Harold Winsor and Dr. Hold Week's Festival ' [Gadson of l,'ayetteville, Ark., were ~*i guests• [ In explaining the purpuse of the The Vocational Service commit- i Church Festival to the Presbyterian tee will have charge of next week's i congregation last Sunday, Mr. Les- l)rogram at which Charles Doxsee, i ter I)acken, one of the eiders, said editor of the Monticello Express that activities in this work-a-day .will be the speaker, world drain men's spiritual re- , ~'ources and it is to renew these re- Pictures Of Christ Are sources in an especial way that the Shown At Armstrong Hall :Festival is planned. The pastor, in explaining its purpose to the "For, unto us a child is born; Sunday School, said it would be something like the summer camps unto us, a son is given." A picture and conferences for young people story of the entire life of Christwhere for one week they aim to may be found in the exhibition live together in a Christian "tt- room of Armstrong Hall where, in mosphere and practice Christian sculpture and in painting, many habits in a natural and helpful way. famous artists have expressed their Those who are assuming definite ideas and conceptions of that sub-responsibilities for ti~e Festival, to ieet. be held December 4 to 11 ill the ) These reproductions of famous I resbyterian Church, arc: l)eeora- tions, Mrs. Margaret Kafer; Spe- masterpieces are now up and eial music and singing, Jack l)uck- should attract the attention of everyone. While some are done in color, others are black and white, showing every small detail. The paintings and the sculptures range from the third century A.D. to the contemporary painters with the Renaissance period being tile outstanding. Contrary to some exhibits, this one cannot be thoroughly under- stood uor seen in only one visit to iwall; Organist, Mrs. Helen Sehroe- 'der; Play director, Miss Margaret Roberts; High School Choir, Mr. 'Richard Fuller; Exhibit of Relig- i ious Pictures, Miss Jane Travis; Decoration of the Parlors, Indus- trial Society; Hostesses at the Fx- htbit, Missionary Society; Serving of Refreshments at the Exhibit, the Guild. All people of the community and surrounding territory will be cor- dially welcomed at the meetings. the Pillsbury Stars the exhibition room. It was sug- ¢_, ARM & HAM}IER BAKING SODA, 3 1)aokages ...................... 25(; gested by Miss Lathe that those in- Art Dept. Given Chinese Jars terested set aide some time each --- }i~~ FRESH F'ItUITS AND VEGE~rABLES day to go over to the Fine Arts Two ancient CMnese jars, one :i: .~i." (!IL~NBERRIES, pound .................................................................. 17e building and study these pictures, lover 1500 years old, were presented :$: RED EMPFROI'~ GI{J~PES, 2 pounds ........................................ 17c --.-- to the college recently by Dr. W. ~-$~ ' iN. Manly and Mrs. Florence Browu I OItANGES, Sweet and Juicy, dozen ............................................ 12c Cornell Will Play In i Manly, both ex 'J0.( The jars were ~i! GREEN BEANS, pound ................................................................ 10~ Marshalltown Tournament l excavated a short time ~.~ FItESH NPINACtl, pound ............................................................ lib' ago fronl CHF;STNUTS, l)ound ........................................................................ 19c First details of the Central Iowa i Chinese graves in Chang-king ! Invitational Tom'nament to be held ]West China according to Dr. Man- ilAi)ISHES, bunch 5c at Marshalltown on December 27 ~,ly who is the distwiet superintend- ~$~ BI{,OCCOLI, bunch ............................................................ 15e and i9(, and 28 in which Cornell, Coe, i ent of the West China Mission. {~ AVACADOS, .Mushrooms, Celery, I~ettu(~e, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Carleton, and Grinnell will parti-i Most interesting is the smaller ~I! Green and l~d Peplx~rs, Sweet Potatoes, Yants, cipate, have been announced• Two i jar.The 600 year old vessel, corn- iced Cah- lmg~e, IAmes, I,emons, Graimfruit basketball games take place on plete w~th a lid, at one tm~e con- ~**~**~*-**~-*--**,***, each of these evenings, Walt Gray ]tained water credited with the pew- learned Friday at the alumni direc- er of restoring wilted flowers to tor's meeting at Marshalltown. life. In Chinese tradition it bears On the 27, a basketball clinic a large oriental dragon on its side. handled by the coaches is schedul- ed for 400 high school men. Then Mrs. ,Mac Blaine was hostess for a joint alumni meeting of the fourthe New Century club meeting on colleges convenes that afternoon. Tuesday afternoon. The program subject was, "Modern Trends in Advertising," and the affirmative side was discussed by Mrs. Alpha Moots, and the negative by Mrs. Gladys IAndsley. Following roll call, plans were discussed for the Christmas party which will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Kidder, I)ecem bet 13._ will Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Becker have as guests over Thanksgiving, ~ their daughter Miss Bernice Beck- er, student in Iowa State College, Ames; their son James Becker of Cornell ahnnnl from at least six Iowa counties already plan to at- tend. Mrs. Harper Arbingast of Peoria,!Birmingham, Ala., who arrived Ill.; Mrs. Wallace Mason andI on Monday evening, and Mrs. daughter Margaret Ann of Chicago, i Becker's mother, Mrs. W. A. Smith Ill.; Mr. and Mrs..George DeMean'of Volga City. and daughters Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Britt of Museatine; ~Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hunt was taken t( Mrs. Robert Ford, Mr. and Mrs. St. Lakes hospital Cedar Rapids, Forest Ford of Tipton; Mr. and I last Thursday afternoon and the Mrs. Wesley Seward of Waterloo; I following morning she submitted Mr. and ,Mrs. Nathan Titler, and ito an operation. Her condition is Mrs. Swangler of Marion. very satisfactory. O wing NAVY BEANS, 3 lbs ................................................ 10c PANCAKE FLOUR, 3-1b bag .................................... 14c MAGIC WASHER, package ...................................... 21c SODA CRACKERS, 2 pound box ................................ 17c TOILET TISSUE, 6 Rolls ............................................ 21c Jack Sprat Wheat Cereal ............................................ 13c MAYFLOWER COCOA, 2 pound package ................ 13c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 6 bars ............................ 23c HILLS BROS. COFFEE, pound ................................ 29c CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, 3 cans ............................ 25c PORK & BEANS ........... KIDNEY BEANS ......... LIMA BEANS ............... cans • • HOMINY ....................... SPAGHETTI ................. WHITE LILY FLOUR, 49 pounds ........................ $1.29 • 9 Jack Sprat Food Store Phone 38 Mount Vernon, Iowa Among the out of town friends )resent last Thursday to attend the funeral services held for J. B. Robinson were: Miss Hope Kurtz and Bayard Kurtz of Cedar Rap- ids. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remley, and Mrs. Frt)e of Anamosa; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harper, of Potomac, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Current and daughter Rosemary, 'Mr. and I have purchased the Stearns Wood Saw and am ready to do general wood sawing. The Outfit Is Ready To Go On Call. Phone 318-W Mount Vernon, Iowa 'Cedar Rapids on Thanksgiving Day. Occident Flour--What house- Th(~ Petuni• ,'ts." "at'.e ~t group o~ ~emm- ~ " wives say'. "Roils were perfect. i .... .... Taste good. Look good. Free Tex- lne iacul[y anu s~aI~ ntelnDers tare." lPreerecipe book at Dilley's beaded by Mrs. Ninde, president. Grocery. 4 The social rooms will t)e open For .Sale--Fresh Shipment Sar- Thursdav evening from 8 to 9:45 gent Minral Meat Meal just arrlv- " ed Feed protein and mineral from after the tea dancc. 'l'he k~tchen- _ ....... .,, , same oag. r~esutts WUl surprise ('t(e \Vlll DO available for use during I you V J Peterson Phone 37 4 • ~ Quick Furnace Service, expert ~ --|_~--n-- ~ !work, fair prices on furnace re- viarKe l eporl; pairs All makes. Phone 124, Dale IAve ,~to¢'k iF. Johnson, Green Colonial Fur- • " ! 4 Itogs, Cellar l~at)ids top ....... $7.25 inaces- ('orn ................................. 46%c This community needs paint as Wheat ................................. 62~c[never before. We are prepared to Oats ........................................ 25%e Imect that need. Get your paints -- here. Pratt & Lambert paints. CI,AggIFI~D ADg [Iosty Drug Store. 4 ............... ~gTr sg~e~.- B~ ff&Tk 7fiand h~ \Vantcd: Custon~ Butchering. Price ret~sona})le. Virgil tC Wil- i son, l'hone 212, IAsbon, Ia. 4p For Salc: i~io('ky yearling Hamp- shire hog. William Hass, Meehan- icsville, la. 4p Wanted: To buy hides, furs, wool. Highest I)riccs p'tid. Darel Kohl, Mt. Vernon, la. Phone 42-J 4-2tp For Sale: W-ton 1937 Chevrolet I)icl(up, less than 10 thousand miles. Odctte B. Slyer, 309 3rd Ave N., Mount Vernon. Iowa. 4 For Sale: New White Oak Posts. l{c~ulation size. Prices will be quoted I,'.O.B. timber or delivered. Address J.B. ttealy. 1425 5th Ave. ('edar I(apids. 4p Orpington pullets. Rhoda Boxwell, % mi. S and ~ mi E of l,inn Grove church. 4c Piano tuning, usual charge $2.50; cane seating and chair wrapping. R. E. Sanderson, 319 Third Street North, Phone 125-J 9tf Christmas Suggestion. A photo- graph of yom~elf or your children. See Mr. Kraner, photographer, at Jaynes Studio in Mt. Vernon every Saturday and Sunday until Christ- mas. Phone 9 or 59-W for ap- pointment. 2-2tc For Sale: 5000 tons of coal. $7.25 up. Delivered any place. Gil- liland Coal Co., Phone 148. ltfc Dead Animals Removed Free. Call neal~eSt phone by No. c~)Uect, Thurs. - Friday Matinee Thurs. THE BIG THANKSGIVING SPECIAL The Picture of the Month Tyrone Power Loretta Young The mighty story of the Suez filmed at an estimated cost of $2,000,000.00. Just as big, just as great as "Hurricane" Saturday Only -- "HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME" Doug Fairbanks, Jr., Ginger Rogers Sun. Men. Sunday Eve. Shows 6:15 and 8:15 Edward G. Robinson, Humphrey Bogart in the amaz- ing, fascinating, sensational What is the amazing power he has over criminals? See this powerful modern crime expose. Tuesday, Wednesday -- Another "A" picture for mid- week -- Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fonda in The Mad Miss Manton Family Coupon Ticket---Good for One Free admission Tuesday or Wednesday with one paid admission from the same family. Coming Soon--"Angels With Dirty Faces" Walt Disney's Ferdinand The Bull FEATURING THE FAMOUS lokq By . TWO-PIECE COMFORT! UP PER GARMENT • COMPARE Jockey Underwear by Coopers with any other brand . .. not just as an undergarment, but point for pointl If, after wearing this modern underwear, you don't find it the most comfortable you've ever worn . . . return it and we'll gladly refund your money. Come in and see our complete line of Jockey Underwear today. I o @v --'--I ~tm|t ilOl t! ~ttl~ $1PP|lt '|$~ I|| ||tl A Big Store in a Small Town STAHL'S Flowers wired everywhere. Phone 11 Lisbon, iowa Mt. Vernon, 101; Marion, 77; Aria- oalloon type. Goodrich AutO! mesa, 74F21, for clean, fast, court- Roller Skates. Everything eous service, l~'aneis Payton, cyclist. Repairs . Morgan ! A~ent, Anamosa, Iowa, for Farm-~510 Thir Ave. East Cedar ers ]Rendering Works. State Li-lids. _~ tense No. 7 lowa City la 17tf ~ . ., ...... a __ ___ ..v... .... :_I. 2"" _. Films -- ]~OlI nIIn aeve).opw Wanted: Hides, wool, rags, lron dPrinted 25c coin. Two e@ and waste materials. General I mentr free. Reprints 25c P~ hauling. Pot~ttoes for sale. Earl en Undvex 20 for 25c. Be~i Burgess & Sons Phone 225 W.,, ity work -- one day ser~lC~,:~----..._ Mt. Vernon 1st Ave N. 36-tf State~ Photo Co., Box 157, I~UNT We'll Cull Your FlocK---No ser-f Iowa. 2 .... vice charge when we buy the culls. / ........ i~- WlnasnlelflS $1 45" door g Phone 7. for late market quota- .. . "^."_ . ,.;s~ II~' tions 25tfc up. t~lssich Co., z~ ~ra ~ll~ ............ /hal! block ~outh of Quak~ ]~ B~ ] Cedar Rapids. _ ~; I ~. ~UlilUlUllllllil~Ull~ L[ • T -HE CALENDAR SAYS i | :/Has U • iden( m • leya ~he an ~t 1)r. ~si(lent ~" electic ~e his 1, can ~ost of ~] coin In )n Sun, ~:~: j~ :~hone i | | | | | ! | | '[ n / but you won't know it are wearing a Here's the coat that makes you think of daffodils in December and June in January[ For Storm Tester is King of Overcoats and will keep ~ou at least thirty degrees warmer than the outside tem- perature this winter. You'll sing Storm Tester's praises when trigid winds are whistling--for its deep, thick fabric turns back the grnffest gusts of all. And you'll sing, too, when you learn of Storm Tester's low price. Storm Tester breaks the back of Old Man Winter--but it won't break yours, for despite its log-fire warmth, Storm Tester is comfort- able and easy to wear--and extremely light on your shoulders due to its scientific looming and /ts superfine construction! SCHAFFNER Also Dozens of Smart Overcoats at $14.75 $19.75 $24.75 A Big Store In A Small Town i~e cell In 191 Of Phi ~lumni /~st pu ~g his ton ev~ Orator ~Zes. ~T.B. : 15, an( fronl and I ~in ] Perb |e whi ~$7 wh, ~siden ~resid has s ace in h exisl ~ted a incre~ ~,996, ~ofD f the I ~[all, : g Hal i, st ele blgs o chap SPlen has a rll cu mell 1 of an Grin L000 le onl: Forld Irm ent ~ENc] ~ellce ~edn ~le 8al ~t th ~OWIls ~our ~ttend ~int Perle Br~ ~ist e ~ry 2 ~embe ~n M to tl l~rl. ;Is su Other, )~)" si ]Pearl 8° M~ ~ssie the re,, ~he : ~. B ~nete ; 'beal ar }J. ~an ( ~nd It de( ~is ~, ,]kind ind; iil fro un !at ~w ai ~1 at :'he i~ ple~ : fror~