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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
November 28, 1940     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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November 28, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA. HA~VKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HEI{AIA) i'KI h L'=; 'N"VILfE NEWS +; ' llTaylor and Margaret, Cedar Rap-I Funeral services were conducted[ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hildebrand oflmembers of the M. O. B. Club ontgave a report on Argentina. Mrs. ids Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Tay- from the Linn Grove church Fri-] Montezuma were Sunday guests ofI Tuesday evening, i Vernon Bittner reported on Chile lor, Alexander Lee and James of day afternoon with Dr. Lloyd Mor- I Mr. and Mrs. Archie White. In thai The annual congregational meet- and Bolivia. The entire group sang Mrs. Ilarry Freeman Springville; Mr. and Mrs. David ris in charge. Pallbearers were lafternoon the group visited Mrs. ing of the Presbyterian church wasI the club theme song. "God Bless DAVE McCREI~R -SPEAKS AT Taylor and Nancy Ellen of Spring- J. S. Armstrong, A. C. Port, Chas. Perry White in Mercy hospital at held Monday evening in the church. America." Next on the program . . ~ . villa: Mrs. Esther Krska of Cedar Darsee, Will Ferguson, Chfford Anamosa. Mrs. White recently un-I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowhe and, was the penny march. HARVEST SUNDAY SERVICE Rapids Ralph Krska of Des Larson, Fred Woods. Burial was derwent a serious operation. At'their guest, Miss Ila Morrow, me-I Mrs. Glenn Gleason will be the Dave McCreery of Alburnett, Moines; Margaret Vaughn of Mason made in the Linn Grove cemetery, present she is making satisfactory ltored to points in Wisconsin and ihostess for the club meeting De- chairman of the Iowa State Board icity; Glenn Olinger of Springville; --7---",recovery. !Illinois Sunday. i cember lath. Mrs. Deyo Looney of Control, gave the main address at the Harvest Sunday Union Serv-Max Knutson of Marion. Carol Burroughs returned W ea- Dr. and Mrs W. O. Courter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer and[will be assisting hostess. The meet- Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had pre- nesaay irom mayo .hOSpitaL wnere family were Sunday guests of Mr. family attended a family dinner in ling will be a pre-Christmas party ice held in the Methodist church viously invited this group to be sne naa motorea wlm ner parentsand Mrs. O. E. Courter at Winfield. the home of Mr and Mrs. Park De- I with a Christmas program, which at Springville on last Sunday tor a cnecK up on ner nemm r 1 Rev. C. D. Boggle gave the Thanks-their guests m their home at a but- " M s. Car Lundeen, Doris and lancey at Prairieburg on Thanks- [will be in part a reading by Mrs. giving Meditation. It was a very~fet luncheon S u n d ay evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Armstrong at- Lois were Sunday afternoon visit- giving day. !H. D. Elliott, a reading by Mrs. E. good service and a large audiencewhere decorations were silver and tended the. 25th .weaamg anmver- ors in the Edgar Houstman home Mrs. Bess Foust and Marlyn will!H. Beretta on Christmas costumes sary ot melr son m aw aria aaugn m was present, white. A large cake, beautifully " " . . - at O1" . have as their guests Thanksgiving in South America. The Christmas decorated was the center of the tar, Mr. and. Mrs. Guy Martm, neld Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ballou and day, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babcock, music will be in charge of Mrs. BOOSTER CLUB MEETING table decoration, with silver candle m me ~nnsuan cnurcn m Mar- Bob visited Sunday afternoon in John and Forest Dew of Mt. Ver- Ray Umbdenstock. NEXT TUESDAY, DEC. 3RD Next Tuesday night, Dec. 3rd, is the date for the Booster Club meet- ing. It will be held in the band room of the school house at 7:30. If you are interested in the welfare of Springville, be there. If you can think of something that will be a benefit to Springville, come to the meeting. The Booster Club is an organization of progressive Springville citizens, organized to promote the best interests of the town, and to watch it grow. MR. AND MRS. JAMES TAYLOR HAVE 25TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, 1727 5th Ave S.E Cedar Rapids were surprised Sunday in observance of their 25th wedding anniversary. They received a written invitation to dinner in Mrs. Wurster's tea room, which they accepted and found to their amazement their brothers and sisters and families there to join in on the three-course dinner. Table decorations were fall flowers in bronze and yellow- ish shades. A gift of a silver Console set was presented to the couple by Mrs. A. L. Taylor as spokesman for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Will Prompt Removal Of Dead Stock CALL COLLECT Mechanicsville 209 ripton West Branch 580 41 holders and white candles. ANNUAL FIREMEN'S OYSTER STEW i Last Thursday evening in the City Hall occurred the annual Firemen's Oyster Stew. Mrs. Lila Plattenberger presided in the kitch- en. 26 members were seated at tables. Chief R. F. Wiley presided. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Sunday shcool 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. A can- didate will fill the pulpit. Missionary Society with Mrs. R. F. Wiley assisted with Mrs. A. C. Rodman. " REBUILD SPRINGVILLE WATER TOWER AND TANK i Work is progressing or. the i Springville water tower and tank. It is under construction by the Mississippi Valley Tank Company. The tower has been entirely rebuilt from 75 to 102 feet high. The tank will be of California Redwood and will hold 44,000 gallons. The first tower and tank were built in 1902 and reconditioned in 1922-23. Water consumers have been very patient as the pumper, P. W. Sterner, keeps the water mains full enough for use most of the time. Jennie Elizabeth Dunn Stewart Jennie Elizabeth Dunn Stewart, daughter of Margaret and Samuel Dunn, was born in Knox County, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1864. She came to Linn county as a small child and has continued to make it her home county. Aug. 5, 1890 she became the wife of John Hamilton Stewart, with whom she was privileged to i spend 34 years. He with three ]children, preceded her in death. !Survivors are two sons, Ralph and James; one granddaughter, Naomi Stewart, all of Martelle; a brother John Dunn of Lisbon, and many ---= --~other relatives. Styled by AmerTca% leading designers, Waltham Premier watches are first choice w;th people of good taste. Waltham Prern|er watches are styled for beauty, built for ac- curacy and rich in the tradition that ;, so essential in really fine gifts. D AMI o, ,' ers /311 hi Rendering XVoPI~s State IAcensc No. 7 Clean -- Fast --- Service AMERI6A'S FINEST WAT{JH Opposite I aramo.nt Theatre in Cedar R~plds Convenient Terms Arranged PRICE RAISES---are probably overworked in selling things many times, but most observers agree that we will have a rising trend of prices during the next year. So if you need a Tractor, Spreader, Cream Separator or any sizeable item, you might save your- self some money by buying it now. I I THERE'S SUMMER WEATHER in your kitchen the year 'round, so there's no use putting off buying that new refrigerator until spring. Don't use your butter as a guide--foods begin to spoil at 50,but butter is still firm at 62 . A new Leonard Refrigerator makes a swell Christmas present; something the whole family benefits from every day. WATT OUTPUT is what the manufacturers call it--but in plain words it means the amount of music you can get out of a radio without distortion---and in the new 19 1 Zenith cabinet radios that's plenty. We have a 7 tube set at $59.95 that has everything that you want on it. Come in and see it. USED GOODS--3 Tractors, an F-12 with rubber in front. tread. Several radios, both battery and electric at Regular Farmall on steel, and Twin City standard bargain prices. I Hardware -- Implements --- Appliances Dial 4821 Mount Vernon, Iowa telle Sunday Forty relatives an- the F. S. Phillips home in Clar- ioyed the courtesy The couple was the recipient of a beautiful silver tea service. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gramling and Jerry of Central City were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gramling. Helen Pearson of the Waukee school faculty will arrive Wednes- day evening for Thanksgiving and the week end with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Pearson. On Thursday they will join other members of the family in a dinner in the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pearson home near Whittier Mrs. Cynthia Dutcher of near Mt. Vernon spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Smith. Mrs. H. E. Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark near Linn Grove. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cooper en- tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock and Mr and Mrs. H. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pollock will entertain members of their family at dinner Thursday. Elizabeth Stewart Circle O. E. S. has issued invitations to all mem- bers of Love Chapter and all other members residing in this jurisdic- tion to be present at a party in the Masonic Hall at 7:30, Dec. 3. Mrs. G. L. Dyke entertained at four tables of Bridge Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mesdames H. M. Briner, C. C. Hotchkiss, L. L. Batchelder and D. V. Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boots were surprised Saturday evening in ob-I servance of their 21st wedding an-i niversary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bair, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert and family, Robert Wild Mr. and Mrs. Sam Workman Cards were played, followed by refresh- ments taken by the guests pres- ent. Chris Neilson is spending several days in Cedar Rapids this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wodrich of Cedar Rapids were Sunday after- noon callers in the R. F. Wiley home. Christy Wurzbacher and Miss Hartson of Anamosa were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boots. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wiley were among those attending the Iowa- Illinois football game in Iowa City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Liggett of Anamosa were Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer en- tertained at dinner Sunday, Orvan Edmondson, Mr and Mrs. Pete Lane, Minneapolis, Minn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parker and Barbara of Martelle. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoneking ence. Neva Maier spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maier near Alburnett. Roy Bishop returned home Mon- day from a week end in the Corwin Bishop home in Platteville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Corey of Marion spent Sunday in the Fred Duncan home. Mr and Mrs. John Ricketts visit- ed Mrs. Martha Barber at Martelle Friday. Mesdames A. C. Port, Devere Port, H. H. Cooper attended Get- together club Wednesday in the Mrs. Paul Armstrong home, east of town. Ira Ricketts and two sons of Dav- enport were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rick- etts. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Port and Darlene of Marion were Saturday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port, who returned to Marion and had supper with the Claude Port family. Bernice Palmer started work in Marion Monday, with the N. Y. A. ! Mrs. Louisa Thomas of Cedar l Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. James C.I L. Clark and daughter of Mount Vernon were recent visitors of Mary Newhard and Bert Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Winters of Iowa City, Mrs. Frances Bickel of Mount Vernon were Thursday eve- ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bair. Mrs. Mary Newhard was a recent guest of her daughter, Mrs. James C. L. Clark and family in Mount Vernon. Mrs. Anna Hann, L. B. Christ- man were hosts at a Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday. Guests in- cluded Mrs. Bert Hupp and Sally of Kansas City, Me Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck, Mrs. Celia Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. John Hann and family of Cedar Rapids. A large crowd was present Fri- day afternoon at a meeting of the W. S. C. S. held at the Methodist church. Ray. C. D. Boggle, pastor of the church presided. Installa- tion of officers was held, who are as follows: President, Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle; Vice President, Mrs. R. T. Schwab; Corresponding Secre- tary, Mrs. N. G. Graham; Treasurer, Nira Smith; Recording Sac Mrs. Ina Hunte; Mrs. C. C Wells; Sec. of Church Activities, Mrs. W. J. Pirie; Missionary Education, Mrs. 'J. T. Yocom; Literary and Public- ity, Miss Hazel Kennedy; Pres. of Y. P. S. C. S Mrs. C. C. Wlels. A tea was served at the close of the meeting with Mesdames Pirie and Wells at the table. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Pirie will have as their Thanksgiving Day of Mount Vernon were Sunday eve- guests: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Allen ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. lof Iowa City; Misses Tillie and Ralph Frank. ]Vina Knout of Cedar Rapids. The Campfire Girls and their l Miss Mary Babbitt of Riverside, sponsor enjoyed a pot luck supper accompanied Jean Marie Burroughs Monday evening in the school home last week end for a visit with building. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank and Daryl were Monday evening din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sherman in Central City. The first high school basketball game of the season was played here in the school gyrr~asium Tuesday evening. Monticello was the visit- ing team. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowdish en- tertained at dinner Sunday eve- ning, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hillman of Fordyce, Ark Mr and Mrs. Ivan Bowdish and son of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish. Mrs. I. S. Pearson was hostess on Friday to members of the Fancy Work club in observance of its 30th anniversary. Places were laid at one long table for sixteen. Decora- tions were in keeping with the club's colors, purple and white, and also holiday colors. A bountiful dinner was served. Following the dinner hour a business meeting was held with the election of offi- cers, resulting in: President, Mrs. P. W .Sterner; Vice-President, Mrs. Leon Rollins; Secretary and Treas- urer, Mrs. Bess Newland; Reporter Mrs. I. S. Pearson. Mrs. Amy Seneker of Mount Ver- non is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. Mr .and Mrs. H. L. Methven of Tipton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman. Mr .and Mrs. Ellis Guiles of Dav- enport will be Thanksgiving guests of their aunt, Miss Ella Faust. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammond of near Marion, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle were Sunday afternoon callers in the W. A. Shaffer home. Mrs. Elizabetth Gritman depart- ed Sunday afternoon for a winter's stay in Pasadena, Calif with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Antrim White. Before leav- ing she enjoyed a dinner with Supt. Ivan Gritman and family of Walk- er, and Mr. and Mrs. James Bur- roughs of Tipton. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shatter, Mrs. W. C. Hoffman, Mrs. P. E. Ballou were among those who attended the fu- i neral of Mrs. Lowell Emerson in ~Mount Veronn Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Carver in T ipton. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotehkiss spent Sunday at Hills and Iowa City. Leta McShane spent Friday and Saturday in the L. P. Krome home in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Paterson at- tended O. E. S. initiation at Shells- burg Friday night C. F. Butler, Kenneth Butler, Mrs. Esther Hepker and Miss Bessie Smollen of Cedar Rapids, motored to Dubuque Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed called recently to see Guy Bishop, who is a patient at the Oakdale Sanitari- um. Mrs. Alice Johnston of Hopkin- ton, Paul Johnston of Maquoketa were Saturday guests of Supt. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph l Streets, a daughter in Mercy hos-! pital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunlap of Cedar Rapids were Sunday callers: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dunlap of Earlville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huth of Marion were Sunday visit- ors in the Albert Taylor home. Mrs L. L. Batchelder, Mrs. Har- ry Erickson were hostesses at a dinner in Goudy's Cafe in Mount Vernon Sunday as a courtesy to their mother, Mrs. W. F. Dunlap, in observance of her birthday. Others enjoying the courtesy were Harry Erickson and Mary Jean; W. F. Dunlap and L. L. Batchelder. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee, Mrs. I. S. Pearson, Mrs. Bess Newland called Sunday afternoon in the Clark Creglow home near Marion. Ralph Frank, Stanley Smith, H. J. Christian, Norman Pearson re- turned from Detroit Saturday, driv- ing three new cars here. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Greenawalt of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday with Mrs. Vena Greenawalt. To date the Red Cross enrollment numbers 40, with contributions of $18 coming from the collection at the Union Service Sunday in the Methodist church. Mrs. Merle Miller of Dubuque spent Monday with Mrs. Dennis Taylor. Mrs. Bert Hupp and daughter Sally returned to Kansas City on Monday, following a week's visit with their uncle L. B. Christman and Mrs. Anna Hann. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor of Toddville were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis Taylor. Arthur Mathers and Merril Ma- ther of Sheboygan, Wis who had visited relatives in Ames, called in the A. C. Port home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Petersen, Mrs. H. M. Briner attended Malta and Ce- dar Chapter of O. E. S. reception and dance in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port, Mr. and Mrs. Devere Port were among those from here who attended Mrs. Jen- nie Stewart's funeral at Linn Grove Friday. Mrs. Bertha Stinger will enter- tain at a family dinner Thursday. Guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stinger and family of Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Avery Litts of Cedar Rapids. + Doris Lehr and Virginia White +will arrive Wednesday from Iowa State Teachers College for Thanks- giving vacation. Mrs. W. S. Palmer entertained at dinner Saturday night as a courtesy to her husband, W. S. Palmer, and Mrs. W. F. IYtmlap, in observance of their birthdays. Those enjoy- ing the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. A. E Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker, W. F. Dunlap. Mrs. Bertha Stinger spent Friday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Avery Litts in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Roberts will spend Thanksgiving Day in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. John- ston in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wain will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Robertson in Cedar Rapids Thanks- giving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Switzer, Nancy and Sandra were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Strother at Linn Grove near Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodworth of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns. land John, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mrs. W. E. Bell spent several days Woodworth will spend Thanksgtv- last week with Mr. and Mrs. James ing Day in the Park Delancey home Bell in Cedar Rapids at Prairieburg. Mrs. Isabella Gallagher of Ca- Mrs. L. A. Johnston entertained dar Rapids was a Sunday guest ofj at four tables of Bridge Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell. I Mrs. H. H. Cooper entertained non, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sad- ler and sons of near Mount Vernon. RAINS MADE GRADING ON NO. 261 ALMOST IMPASSABLE Solon Highway 261 is in an almost im- passable condition following the Mrs. Anna Zeller construction work which continues i at the south end and nearing the ~J#l~ uvu~r~x ~NLP I i "n he newly-constructed br dge 1 t au, l~ "l', A I~. w~:v I Drahos field at the northeast por- he marrmge oz Miss l~aalne I *i~n ~ -q~l~,~ Followina tho re- D r k - -'e f "" n- "'r ' ~" vo s y, aaugnt r o mr. a u lvl s. t eent raing the highway has been hn Edward W. Dvorsky and Jo !very muddy and deep "and almost xnompson, son oI Mr. ana Mrs. " shut off from traffic. Frank Thompson of Cedar Rapxds was solemnized at the Catholic /PAULINE PATA AND RAYMER church at Inglewood Calff, Satur-l~.m'P.~.L w~n T ~ 'n "n rng r i i0 " Io k' c r A+ .~EDA AP ~ day me n ng at o c c J, a co d:1 Miss Pauline Pata, daughter of mg to an announcement rece;veuiMr and Mrs. Frank Pata of here by the bride's parents Mr and Mrs. ' nn~ R~vmor En#o] nf Ely xxr~ro Dvorsky. I uni'-te~'~n"m'arria'ge-at ~e~o'hn'Hus The .couple. are both graduates of Methodist parsonage in Cedar Rap- :me wilson nigh SChOOl, ~eaar r~ap- in~ Wednesday at 10 a m by the ids in 1938, and the bride has been R~ev Clarence'L Oelfke" usin~ the employed at Penne~s store in Ca-single ring ceremony. The couple aar l-taplas Ivlr rnompson has ,were attended by George Tichy of oeen empmyea at the Gee Cnam on - Ely and Marie Pata of Sol,sis- bar s bicycle shop in Cedar Rapids, tar of the bride. and is now connected with the North American Aviation Corps at LARGE CROWD ATTENDED Los Angeles where the couple will reside. STUDY CLUB MEETS The Study Club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Upmeir Wednesday afternoon and Mrs. Emil Upmeir was assisting hostess. There were fourteen members present. A re- port was given by Mrs. Ronald Kessler on the trip to Fairfield, where they attended the Federated Club convention, October 20th. Those who attended the convention from here were: Mrs. Charles Mey- ers, Mrs. Ronald Kessler, Mrs. Paul ST. MARY'S FESTIVAL A large crowd estimated at sev- eral hundred for dinner and supper were in attendance at the festival of St. Mary's parish held at the auditorium Sunday. The affair I was in keeping with the Thanks- giving spirit with decorations of turkey, and other Thanksgiving decorations used effectively. There were entertainments of bingo, and other concessions. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rushek and Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Dvorsky, Loretta, Donald and Harold, were Upmeir, and Mrs. Emil Upmeir. entertained at supper Sunday at the Mrs. H. D. Elliott gave a report lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jansa on the sale of linen towels, fifty lat Western. of which were sold. This was forI Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Ulch made a the purpose of a donation for the trip to Clinton Sunday where they blind ladies home. Mrs. Ted Fiala visited with relatives. Keep your stock on full gains with less feed by using a New Daisy Tank Heater. Warmed water means less chilling loss. Get more milk. Save labor. Perfection wick-type burner supplies plenty of heat at low cost. No drip, smoke, soot or ashe~. Made of durable cast iron to last a lifetime. Self sink- ing. EeonomleaL Time-tested and trouble-proof. Get your New Daisy Heater now before coldest days arrive. ~ee your Dealer or Write ~UINN WIRE & IRON WORKS, Dept. N, BOONE, IOWA q~ursday, Novemt~ The Solon high school closed Lester and Paul ~--~'PaV~m=m=mmN ve Wednesday for the Thanksgiving i for Jefferson BarrackS,[ holiday to resume school on Men-!passing examinations at~'''~ day morning, Dec. 2nd. ids and Des Moines, Mrs. Wayne Schoff has returned will attend school in ,~e th, to her home at Marion after a few i division, after enlisting ~ days visit with her parents Mr. and i army. Mrs. Ralph Buline. [ dle George Reyhons, who is stationed! at Chanute Field, Ill where he is in the air corp, is visiting during[ NEWSPAPER the Thanksgiving vacation with his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rey-i ADVERTISING hens, and other relatives, i Mrs. Ralph Buline, who was i AT YOUF taken to Mercy hospital at Iowa! City recently after a severe attack ISERVICE of illness, is improving and is nowI visiting with relatives and friends[ 3.HELPYOU at Iowa City. ! t Ready for you now! . . . with New beauty, New and New economy of operation! The New K-Li " ternationals--tested, proved, and better than On your hauling jobs the new performance of great trucks will add new profits to your them out. We'll gladly demonstrate, and we pleasure will be mutual! O. H. DANIEL, Manager 106 2nd Avenue West Cedar Rapids. lowa tea] Having decided to quit farming, I will hold a complete closing out sale at my residence known as the Thor red estate farm, located 6 miles north-west of Mt. Vernon, 6 miles south-west of Springville, 1 mile west of Grg! bla Hall, 80 rods north of the rock road, on nd ~ Commencing at 11 o'clock sharp. We will have to commence on time. The following described 1 team of bays, a mare and gelding, smooth mouthed, weighing 3200 lbs. this pair have always been to are as good a work pair as walks. 1 grey gelding wt. 1600 lbs, smooth mouthed and good any place you want 1 pair of black mares 3 years old past, wt. 1400 each, well matched and a real pair of chunks, this pair are foal and the service fee paid. 1 bay mare 2 years old, a nice one. 1 Holstein milk cow milking heavy, she has been fresh 4 weeks, sound and right and a real cow. 1 roan cow fresh a few days, a wonderful milker. 2 red cows milking heavy and a real pair of Shorthorn cows all of above cows are quiet and gentle and lady broke to milk. 37 head of choice Black Angus heifers. These western Nebraska calves and no one has a better set of calves They are the low-down kind and have getting corn for about a month, they are nicely started on grain, I have had them since May and they are to go in the feed lot. 75 HOGS (Hamps " 4 tried sows only raised one litter (selling open). 20 dandy Hampshire gilts nicely belted these will make brood sows. 35 head of feeding shoats doing fine. 15 Hampshire-Duroc cross, fall pigs, 8 weeks old. I MACftlNERY 2 +e Mc-Deeering side rake in A-1 shape; Dain hay loader, 6-ft. style; Mc-Deering 7-ft mower in good shape; Deers 8-ft cut binder, works perfect; Mc-Deering corn binder with loading elevator in A-1 shape; New Idea spreader, first class shape; 4-section steel lever harrow with folding draw bar, this harrow is like new;o]Mc-: Deering 10 ft. disc with tractor and horse hitch; McDeering corn planter with bean attachment and 100 roa bucl wire; 2 straddle seat corn plows, single rows; 1 two row corn plow; Durham cultipacker; single row stalk cut]trot 3 wagons, to of these are iron wheeled truck wagons; 2 wagon boxes, 26 and 36 size; 2 hay racks, one is a b. of a rack; Peoria end gate seedeer; 2-hole corn sheller; 3 bottom Oliver 14-inch tractor plow; 18-36 Rock Is chi tractor in No. 1 shape, here is power plus for anyone wanting a tractor for heavy belt duty. |cap I30o Miscellaneous Articles .1 0o0' Brooder house 10x12 with shingle roof and on skids; Economy King cream separator No. 18 working every 2 hog fountains with lamps; hog troughs; 2 feed bunks; milk pails; coolers; cream cans, a 10 gal. 8 and a 5; of chicken supplies and every thing that goes with a farm. 14 ft. line shaft with 4 pulleys, i Corn, Baled Straw, Etc. 1000 bushels of yellow corn in the crib; 50 bushels of oats; About 25 tons of hay, half of this is straight and balance is timothy with a little clover in it, this hay was put up in swell shape; about 50 bales of oats baled out of the stack and as bright as a dollar. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS :!Ab, ver Jis + gre st onl oai Wa Marshall & Wendell piano and bench, several other pieces will be sold. Harness, Collars, Etc. to 1 set of breeching harness; 1 set of field harness; several good leather collars, some big sizes. POULTRY i 6-Ipi, 200 Leghorn hens and pullets, most of them are pullets, and they are from the Gorden Hatchery, most of pullets are laying now and are extra choice, these will be sold in lots to suit. a I ar Glenn Plattenberger will have lunch wagon. W. E. Challis, Auctioneer, Phone 130, Lisbon, Iowa. Guy Martin of Farmers Savings Bank, Martelle,