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November 29, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 29, 1951 |
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Mr. Vernon. h Hawkeye-R~ord [ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson of I I:~LA~ [ Gaulon Dahn On C~ Liek~n c~.k^^| Mau The George Malatek family, the [ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nest and I Myrtle Manly was a Saturday din-
mind ~ lisbon He~ld ~, re[Newton visited over Thanksgiving[ Llll~W|l ] I' v~ ~k,v, ~ v~, ,~ Rudolph Malateks, Mrs. Helen Sipeidaughters were Thanksgiving guests]ner guest at the John Slyer home
Thm'w Nov. $9, 1951 [#ago q [ with her parems, mr. and mrs. F. C. [ I Basketba[[ ~auad TF.AM.~ l.n.~, qPn ~.T aR~r~ and sons were guests of the Robert at the Gerd Gerdes home north of I Saturday callers were the A. $.
"O r ~ -'--'-
Pohng H C Worley had maj r surge y
~ I " in St Luke's has ital last Frida . -- Both the Lisbon basketball teams M~lateks. Morley. Slvers and the Otto Szvers. .
[. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Babcock of Mt:[ .o P Y. ] Gaylonvahn, sonof Mr. and.Mrs, showed a lot of spirit Tuesday The+ following were at the Alfred
. ~wrs. e, r. ~vlenara oz J:lell, L;ali[ l vernon ana me wm z.earings ana I Mrs. ~acnel iVliller wilt De hostess It=arl ~ann or LISOOn, nas Dee night but it wasn't enou~,h to claim bcnu~cz name: me uonald Stiezels I
arrived last Wednesday for a visit[Janette were guests of the Merle[to the Thursday club meeting this[named to the varsity basketball either of them victors and children, Ronnie Stevens of In- I 1
with her son, Forrest Sweet, and[Zearing family for Thanksgiving[week. squad at Coe college. GayD:n, a The girls' final score was 48-31 dependence the Dean Stoners and I ~AI,I 1 I ~ ~ 1
family. [day dinner I Mrs. C. W. Hake is visiting her sophomore, was onthe undefeated High scorer for Clarence was of Iowa City and Mrs. I VV,[[- L I ~ ~ ~ 1
[son, Robert Hake, and family inl.Iresnman ~eama~ ~oe lasl: season. Ruchatzke with 15 points. Lisbon Mommia Stoner of Cedar Rapids. [ m
m [Pittsburgh, Pa. i~e plays guara ~oe openea l~s girls who made the trip and their Dr. and Mrs. Robert Touchberry I ~Oilth i~ ~rn~r ~r~r~rw 1
m WI ua~eLuau sea,on ~uv. ~+ agau~t and two children of Chamnai~n Ill i "~'I
l Ill.el / @ 11 f l/fr/~,~ ]~e~rc~a~ angU~eS3:/ ~e r y:mp:r Iowa unzvermty m a home U~n~3yc~e~all~];?~at Wi~c~al?'~, ~nent the ,week end with~ Mrs. I Phone 68 Lisbon, Iowa I
1 Illl fln ~ '~lT '~r~ [pids over Sunday. [g " Beverly Scboff 2, Sandra Reynolds Touchberrys parents, the Fattest [ l
I~V| ~ ~1| II~l~|W~ l[ w.~ w.~++~r+ +ho ~-aaker [ ---- Carol Conklin and Joyce Hotz whoFuhrmeisters. Dr. Touchberry spent I l
,'~"'A '~,~ 9~ ~. I~ I~ ~ P,- ~ ~Hn~ ~#e~r~ didn't score but helped aid the Friday and Saturday at the Inter- I SPE{~I~LS FOl~ FRII~AY and ~TlIDl~AY
~. . -. !a~ a ~namoer oz t~ommerce olnner I~.-*---~* -- . o . . . ~. - . ~ . .~-- -- -- .r.ow=.v -~=
m r~ .J C ~--.--~ --.~ m~at i-'ourne'" on Tuesda-" / otherg,rls. Guards were Deloresnauona~ ~oc~ ~now m ~meago. I
1 W~[~l-y ~[~[l~ ~}U]~l" / |q~rK~| I] ~ g Y :" The annual FFA pest hunt was Webb, Eleanor Graver. Marilyn Friday the Andrew Clarks en- I 1
l:.L ~L ~ Ill Mrs. G. J. Albright returned Sun- [started Monday. Nov. 19. Two mem- Hoffman, Shirley Sehoff, Donna ~rmineo me oo.nn ,=larKs ana wrs. [ Lettuce " 1Dc I
, L,~, rnone IU~ I day from a three weeks' wmt wRh [bers of the FFA were chosen as Bowers and Janet Bowers. ~asnne ana tamtly of Denver, Colo. I
Ill the B. L. Voss family in Skokie, Ill.]captains Carl Achey and Cary Klin- The boys ended with a 54-21 loss and the J. O. Clarks. |,
I I~,~a~ ~,~, I] O.E.S. members please note the[sky . Each pest is worth so many Making thetrip were: Leroy Bur- The John Bartoshesand the Dick I ~almon, Pink, ] lb. con 55c I
i =KIU~I. ~P&/UKL~T ana ~}U~U~T ~}t*P~|~L~ it nor h,ek ~.nn~r t~ri~tma~ .~art I points. Tne ~eam wire me mos~ rows wire v points, ~ob Lind 6, it~artosnes ann oaugnter were en- I 1
" I[]~:~ ~,'~'~,~=[~I~ ~"~,~.~'~[points at the end of December wins. i Keith Morningstar 3 Donald Sim-!tertained at the Fred Melichar I 57 Sauce- Heinz 73c 1
m [~" ~'-~' [The losers throw a party for theimons 2, Arlo Whitman 2, Herb**home in Cedar Rapids on Thurs- I " "
d t enter the mr 'daMzssM ~. W H.liam Ska.lskyCedar RapidsEsther Zvaeek Harold Zva
o [ winners. Spangler I. Others going were i Y.
l HERSHEY$, Almond and pla,n, 24 bars 89c l, Mrs. AtT[ Rank spent Thanks- This pest hunt is put on with the David Vig, Harry Cole, Bill Stork,[ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kubichek and I Sweet PIklstIx. 12 oz 43c I
Ill giving w~th her cmug.hter, iv rs. ]idea of eradicating harmful pests] Darrell Shelton, Wallace Burlin-is n Keith spent Thanksgiving day I 1
PEANUT BUTTER. SwiWs. 1 lb. 4 oz 49c iiIJosepn onr. an zamuy a~ AI-[SUCh as snarrows fox co hers and]game and Buddy Sizer +at the Jim KubichekhomeatBlairs- I Sweet Potat, = Wk^lo It, O ^,
|[ e . ]starlings I -- i town. Supper guests at the Bud I I
~Mf~ ~IATi~ r~rlll~# I~n- @IA Ik k^w 1 ~O II Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cameron of[ "~ ' [BOYS WIN- GIRLS L~eE !Kubichek home were the Georgeil ~. p. ~ . m
1 [Cedar Rapids had droner w~th his [ I Th,~ Li~.~ ~ + Reyhons and sons of Cedar Rapids. ; I I~C I
I el,l~P~llVl~ U--II', g. II I:---- ''--- '~- mlsister'Mrs'AnnaBittle' nThanks-[a'~Ion~;~,~Nov 26 we held our chalk~ up~a"vic['or; over~W~omin; Mr. and Mrs. Milo Trpkosh en-ll I
,~m,v v~.~m.- .unu nun nunv, u. o~; ml.ivi.~, /, l tertained with a famil-- reunion at ' I II l.*---- PL * I a aa
m n~ s -s. m meetin~ at the school lunch room ~rrtaay ~o valance me score zor me~ . .~ i # lUl[l[~i~nlno %, ernest I oz Ju ;
1 =/= n :. -| o. II Mr. and ms. Bill leith. Billyl: committee was chosen fall girls' loss. Final score for the boyslE. a." sgivi.n . inner jne on,!I I
n,~m, momwumi ~,~au~,~um~u, ~'&auu 'v,p~ I ~larKs ano two sons ~eorge ano
land Vicki of Davenport spent the[a oarty Shirley Stoneking JoAnn[in their first victory of the season . I R~ ~i~r~ Pr~ ~rw~ Pnuv~ I1~1~ "41e 1
r E - - - W [ 13anlel ivlrs Lois ~'asune ann + r,~" --'- --, - --
i~Pl$|nl~$ I| .m ~, nn ~,* m~. ilweek end in the M . and Mrs. L. .[Sheber and Margaret Miller The] as38-31. Leroy Burrowswas high . . : . " ii I
I"! nr,~augnter ~vlurte oz uenver ~olo
rr~%,l'l~'~, U $ TellOW ~lln~, .tw size, nl Crelly home /"ro%ct committee will re-art Jan /score for Lisbon with 15 points ~ ~ [
~o L l!.~.; J I +^.^ m[ Cub Scout "~aek meetin= sched FistJ Scribe Shirle Stonet~in~ ']runner up was Keith Morningstar'~the Anorew L:larK zamity, me ooeil Duz, Giant, 20c refund on box tea 83c I
~O ego6 TU Tn~ CQS~, IlmlT~a suppuy m[ ~ :+ . -/ .-,a [with 10 High for Wyoming was'Kremenaks Miss LaVina Neitder-tl " l
nil ulea zor ~nls lnursaay as oeen / ~ '
MILK, Carnation, case of 48 cans $6.43 I I ~SutPs0dn:d I~;3 :eek to meet next/Adult Night School I Da4~e V XbWlt;i}ls suffered quite a hi~ t~nSm Fth:(a home near Solon n Coffee, Maxwell House, 10c coupon ,n can 85c
I . l~ ': " ~ ] +~ loss ending up with 18 points against x~ ere the following: the RalDh Pro- i I 1
I ~wr ann mrs nowara runenar~ oz[ ch~kas and ~on the Joe Melshas
OI~NGE5 Florida Juice ]at e size 2 doz, a9c " ' E P Sylvester thoroughly cover- Wyoming's 37 Joyce Hall led the i ]l Birds Eve Frozen Foods |
, g ' Davenport were guests of the " ' ' ' " " " Rudol I ingle 'Mr nd r~ ' n
. oon*ro + oo +*r,+ +a eo
m mm M lW. I ~ ^,# A~. 1 t=nartes noezts ana xvlrs. ~. lnna[last Monday Nov 26 The cultural]Nissen high for Wyoming with 23[Bortz and baby, the Wes Rifles, ,hell
b ~ -- ~. on Thanks ivin ' " " ' l
m[ g g' }control and chemical control of' points; Mona Hamilton followed John Rzffes. the Eddie Dttteberners .
CAIICA#'2C ~ lI 1 ' O' Billy Burlingame spent from{weeds was discussed, with 14 points ~and the Richard Willmotts and'=
,~,~v~ vn.~, ~ ,~ n~Thursday to Sunday in the home ] Dec 3 the subject will be C~ualityl -- {daughter of Solon 12
l{ of his aunt, Mrs. John Carstensen, ]Egg l~roduction ~Ladies are invited Dr. J. Harold Ennis, head of the I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pata enter- I
I near Mechanicsville { You can ~et" tickets in advance I Sociology dept. at Cornell spoke to : tained their family on Thursday [ I Im . ~ ~ ~ 1
I SUNDAY HOURS 7 to ]2 a m. 4 to 9 - m. U{ Mr and Mrs Darrell Morn'ng-[for the Adult N'ght S - -+ l tar .orn .ontest l
' z " ~ chool ban Mr Erdmann's biology class at Lis 'evening at the C SP S hall in Ce {
- -- " r" nl~to. "~r~ hn~t~ to their ~ounleslouet Get these from any council[b n nigh on last Thursaay. is dar Rapids in honor of their 36th[I - I
m ,^ N{ ciut) for'pot'luc'l~ suppe'r-and-bri~lge ]member, Lisbon Bank, Fr~itz groc-]subject was "Winter Birds". {wedding anniversary. Present were{n,I -- ~ P='I L n . % .l rl I,-.
n da evenm er m Lzsbon Heast Dru or the Frank Patas ]r the Ralph Pro ]'or ~n 4. M ~ {OO ~O In Tne t'l ~,ommunlT
DUU~ PUUl~llP.ll~l Dl~KVl~l~ Hlthis Wed es y " g" ] Y " " ; Y g [ LH . . '"" "[I Tar Inme -iy ommumty |
1 !11 ~ ~, . r~-~rl.-s iBachman's in Mt Vernon i~ ,o ~ ~ ~**~ u,-~ ~ cnasKas ant] son, the ~aymer ~:n-'l
I . o I1[ 'T*om" Dav s ] " " I The Lisbon girls were hosts to [~els the Raymond Patas the Lee i l ~,-~----- -~.- -~.A ~. |
nl w, reserve+ the rnght to hmlt. U{s~;:n~U~gn~:g~vin~sWith Mr. and[ ADULT NIGHT SCHOOL [~oh2 ?lbur~e:J :a~S F~?t~Yu;~gh~ y:jr~]enWillfl~etcla Yeggys and son in Prizes - $20,$15, $10 and $5 i
1 n tMrs. Earl Hoover at Albany, IlL [ Soil conservation was the topic of was just a practice it proved to be: ' i1
rs E L Kohl and Mrs discussion Monday Nov 19 at the . . - --
[ Mr. and M . . . . [ ' " {their closest score to thew v,ctors ] Pupils m the upper grades en-,n No [ntrv Fee or Obli.qation l
Th nks zvin aault mgn~ scnool meeung
[ W. C. Helmer spent a g" g / ] of the season, The final score was ! Joyed a party at the Ely school Fri- t I -- |
Fin the home of the Kohrs daughter,Lloyd Tyler, district soil conserva- ] Alburnett 32 Lisbon 29 Joyce Hall i day night Mrs Edna Barrett's ~ m nn m'~r',nn~m#"~, m,~neP, ~n
,A ,t',*~=,~m=, am ,Mrs. Omar Sidwell, at Lone Tree it]on]st and Ralph Dewey, LinnI put in a total of 20 points for the{da'ughters of Cedar Rapids were[I J~U~=~ll~l~.~ .~. ,+ n
I ILl-" I TuMesdS; fU:ZelFoy~nDkl ~g:etwU~n~e~e]ii~i:dn~S:rU~tie~::~l,n~'3r;at~ s~il Sh n~V:d LirS~A~btea~tt ~:hC~ll~'n was h~gh gu~StvS" Fillip] of Cedar Rapids I Contest Rules: |
1 l~nr ~|~ 'r~|~ w~,~, 1 she enjoyed a week's visit with her,P [ The girls worked in some new inreached the sermon Sunday at the n +. =, ,
n] sister, Mrs. Harry Kurtz, and fam-[ They pointed out that soil losses plays and had some switches in the[Bohemian church I I belect b ears ot corn tar unitormi and I
l[ ily nafter one heavy rain coma ne as team line-up. They are all sure~ At the Charms ~laaeKs ~unaaY:N ~^,~$ ~:
{ .~ W~U{ {{U{{ I IU{IU{ {
90 R~rling steers weighing 650 to n[ +o m, +~,~ ~. M ~rooke fam-[much as 88 t ns f tOp s il per acre" that they will still bring home vic- ~'ere the Paul Walshires, Frank}l ~.v,u,v,nu~un~un 1
800 Ibs. These shou|d arrive Frldav. [ a ~o-ks-ivina were Mrs {Farmers were urged to make uses of, tomes, especially after this encour- ; Teplys, and the Lee Staleys of i,-,- 1 J " - ~ .n Pn n u
a ~ ~ /QK~ or sena entries TO Tne El DanK
" Brool~es -arents the R J Bellsl|s il conservation districts. [aging event JMorning Sun who were week endi| uaKe or sena entries TO Tne cny DanK n
{and brotherlJ Jeff 'Bell and family of [ Conservationists give suggestions guests. - =
l 20 J~s.~ro nu d 425 Ibs. At a l;Rock Island, I11 [to help on farm program planning.[ BAND GOES TO S PRI~GVILLE ] The Le~ion Anxiliary lunched the I One entry per member |
r ." " [Grass waterways, seed mixtures and . ~ne ~soon t~ana atten~eu me'Frank Temosh farm sale near Ox- 1 ~- ~ : *.n= n r~ -~
m ~v~rs ~.ena ~vmnn as u~ a ~u~/ were al-^ d:~c"'~"d inn ,=aunty Band Festival at ford Frida" An-'one interested in 1 rntrles Will Close uec. / 1
for two weeks her stster Mrs Ida
m ~, stocKers are some n,gner again This weeK. m [ !Sprmgvflle Monday, NOV. 19. Mass i helping with the lunching of sales m
m =.--n. m yj3:e~ ~eP~sons ~i spn3~e ~:[L[Ly~e %iI~mm?nN: ~Ove~ Monday band ~3~deaZnSatlh:nJtgroup' chmcs ~n:aCteeMrS" Verona Krob m Ely[I .Sponsored + + m
ane rrmK 1]winter with her daug e. [*.~-- c~. r~;~.~ ~l;f to s'~end a The evening program was mass! Mrs Joe Kremenak entertained n First Trust and Saving~ B~nk of Ely, Iowa n
Federated M~ssmnary socmty will h~ ,~t~ Mr rand ] b.nd playing, along w~th specml three counles with a canasta arty ~ |
m: i meet in the church at2 p.m. Wed-|~rseLaverne'~.~mmon~'."~ie'~as fin-,numbers by each school Those rep-i Monday. The group enjoyed a pic
nesday, Dec. 5 Mrs. R. S~ McBirnie [.zshed" boot+ training' " and" ~s' to report resenting the Lisbon school were . nic dinner at noon and played cards,--"
~~~~l~:~:~l~,wlnd jM r~. AJWnrsLeh~os~3:s leaders.[ back on Dec. 8. Y33en''aDKn~hel o~Vh~eP~::dd ~luP::e idt~ngantheMa/:eBn:~n~:ubichek vis [m . .
~[ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ringer and[ Mrs. Joe~a~f Omaha,[fr m the Nutcracker.Suite,and Ra-*ited .'the Robert Krobs SaturdaY]l Frmnk's PIumbmna And m
mona ~etson wno pmyeo ~:snlzan evenm "--
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bicknese of Nebr,and Mrs. Stanley Melsh of r, " " o on i . g" . ~'~
GIFTS FOR ALL AGES,Montour were Thanksgiving day Cedar Rapids were recent visitors apmce on her tenor saxph e.i PhtlhpBlge, low, supply pastor at I C . m
~]guests of their brother, J. B. Ringer, in the home of their aunt, Miss Mr and~ltz the E + St J.onns ~umeran cnurcn, was en:] n nuummnu oervnce m
~ u a r. :.m. ~]and family in Mount Vernon. Eva Floyd. Other visitors were Mr. [W. Clays Tex and 'Trudy' of Mr: ~.rtr~nea ~unaay oy me ,zrea]l m
/~|~11 " 1UilI II - - %~1110 ~j Thanksgiving day guests in the]and Mrs. Clauae uamels, zormertY[Vernon Henry Holtz and niece; ~.~;o~ '~ ~o~;~t~o o.a Ph~n~ 1 lf} nr 91~ /;el~,~n le,~n
-- [~|Lewis Kettering home at Mechan-[of Marion, now living in Califor- Marjean Holtz of Davenport were +;"~. "'~-- --~.-':~:-'~-.~ m
-- ' r Stewarts ' nia ~ ann t~xrs. ~anme ~aneK emertamea I m
~lmswne were me na ry *e{ ThanKsgiving oav guestsin me iat Thanksgiving dinner Rev and m Ameri . m m m* u
! :N:id2:=0 Irs ! [ ~[r ~} ~MdhMeD~ ~aR~i~c~hl I iill ~e~:~!t~e,~d%i~~! ; the Karl Ketterings, Mrs Magg' ] Mr and Mrs L. A. Davis and I hom~ of the Holtz's daughter Mrs ;o IF1;~; ~ ar sorswc aeIT u y[ ~ y '- '*=-+ I can 'anaara' an"ary rlumDInq ana I Kelvin H;:/'Hg:: o ances "
8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ~]Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Graver and is stationed at the Navy based vz' Ear Corn Contest { Mr and ~V~r; Charles Sladek andtl
~|Mrs Guy Johnston were Thanks- Hill is a daughter of Mrs. a's {the Lee Stale"'s of Mornin" Sun[I
lVln" day guests of the C B and is Mr McKay's sister ' z a s
rl m s [g''g - +we'e Thursday dinner guests at
Dec. 1 tnll Ch st a, ELY--The F*rst Trust and Sav-
I innsof El+ is soonsorino +he tbe Frank Tepl" m Cedar ap'ds I I
Johnstons. Guests m the Mr and Mzs Ralph ~ " "
~{ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whitwood of El- Burge home for Thanksgiving were ?," = . . o ~" : + { The H~rrv Min + Wh~,~t-~. { I
{ ] the Vir il Minors Samm and Jim ~cn annuat ear corn comes~ zor ~-ri { . . -. - y-~,~'~':+ --=?2+ { I [
~a .~ ~,dora and Mr. ana~vtrs, l~umerl~or-] g ' Y " ~-~---= ni*--P-iz^-~r~{g~vlngwzth tne~r oaugnter, lvlrs.[I ~Almnk, n,m,n=n~f~,~n= %/~11~ ~Anlmll I
TTen " 1 Bur e of Cedar uu~,~ ,~= ,~v ~ =~,= . .
.ome nn o,ence of Marmn were. guests of Mr. my .and MissMabe. . -.g $20, $15, $10, and $5. { John Huston zn. Cedar.Rapids. {I vv ll llcKrl Jt=Ir ItJU K I
and Mrs. Harlan Bmggs and daugh- Rapms, the raaunce wal~ons ana ,~n~ +h,~ ;ntorpmt ~h ~r~rt +h~, i Frank Brokl zs spending the week I I
' " Berne,s
Whztwood on Gar of Tz ton the E H
~ ~ ~h~-[ ~e~ -- Wt~nt~n ~[~S ~,ter, Mrs. James ' [ Y P ' " ' eood it did the 4 H bo s last ar ~w~th h~s s~ster and husband, the I I
v,~,~ vv ~. ~ ~v~,~ " " --~ ' "" "~" ' H rold of Mechanics y ye ) I
~(Thanks~,iving {Glenn and a ' -~ . - " : Herman Christensens at North Lib- [ nkntn'%tAmn I
. o * am nappy to otter cnzs consest, {
Bnkes, Trlkes and Tramns. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frink were vllle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burge. again this year" says Joe Holets }erty. ~. + . I vv. I
' . ~[Thanksgiving day guests of theirI Mrs Anna Wetherell wasa din-manager ~fEly'Branch Heinvi~es The Wm. t.irolIs anct son spent I
. . " ~[ son Lester and family in Cedar ner guest Thanksgiving day in the each 4-H club boy to "select five i Thanksgiving daywith Mrs. Grofl's][ I
See our selection of Hard to Get Metal nk[home of her daughter Mrs harry o - parents Mr ana Milo Lustick +1 [
-- ~{~apms. Mr. ana ~v~rs. vrv*u =~ { ~t : " . cnmce ears oz corn zor unzzormz~y, i. 'L V Yates "of Esth rvill' ~ a, ~. m ~ ,
[ had Sunday dinner with the R. L Klann at ~anwooa. lne amner al- and conformation and bring or send ] Mrs. e e I we mame DalKV t.ars ,
| oys. ~{Frinks, his grandparents. {so honored R!chard Kl.ahn's 22nd it to the Ely bank. The contest*spent theweekend v~s!tmg her{{ . " !
. . ~1 ~;+o o~+ ; ;o ~t,-t~all s~ent the[birthday nicnara went to ues closes Dec 7 Jud~'in~ will follow szs~er, tvlrs, zvmnze r~anoan. II ~. ~-~--~--. ~ :~.~ I
A'A ~ '~ A" ~ ~" { /VI 11 IIII1~1 I~IlVIll ,
~.ome in toaay-- end ~n~Roel~+~sland, Ill.; vis-[M ines Man ay o " the next week, Dec. 14. i cek and father visited in the EdI[ " * [
~ ]Ring in the home of a cousin, Mrs. ]~ rC~r3fn~g? so ~an emzomo, xeaxs There is no entry fee or obliga- ', Zvacek home in Cedar Ra-ids [[ [
" ~[George Holoubek, and with her ~u . -~ .~. tie only a s.mallamount of effort. Thursday P ][ Did your car groan this morning' Did it [
sister, Miss Joann in nurses ~raln- AnanK~vmg uay gue~ n~ ~,~ r=acn entry attowea one eacn mem- i -- ". [,-- e
~{ing at St Anthony hospital [John Ralston name were me Leon- ber of the surrounding 4-H clubs. ). mr. ann +w~rs~, Joe ~DaneK anu I ~, ,rk r~nr] r~,t+~- ~al,+;~ et,~.+.~ 4*~ %A/ K [
m, m ~} " o.n uol +~,~ son Kenneth and Mr oaugnters, ~ne eranK /.acn Iamity, II p" ~ ~ o.~ ~a, vv~ mmuv~ ~ I
Phone 82 L,sbon, Iowa ) ! Er i::C ildarflr/:attap d a i:v: i tment that is a sure f,re remedy for "balky"
~ ~ [ ~ '- +~o' ~eeks home since Wed- I and . third; and Richard Erenberger Ely [ " ~ I " I
. . ~, w,~ ~, . I ~o,~,~o "rh~ Verl Ralstons visited ~,~,~+~ ~,r~ l~a] ~P Mt V~'rn~n' Ivlr$. ~vlauloa ~msmy a~enaea toe I I
~' ~[nesday, came h mewi!hethem'ers came-li+nt%e+pare+'ntal home on Sunday. wa~s+t'he j-u-d'geJ 169th wedding anniversary of her ]] Roll your car in today for our Wmnterlzlng" "" i
! ~1 Mr. ana ~v rs. Jonn ~vz y I . ~ ~ ~ ,a~ ,o~+ +h;o -- :+ szsser ana nusoana zn ~eaar uapms, ) I I
t ~]home Thursday from Chicago,]we~nesd*a~'~o "s~en~"~he~*winier ALFRED KURTHS BUY iMr. and Mrs. W. A. Valenta, at the I treatment Be read, when we "et another cold I
where they spent two days after[ ~-- Donald Re" nolds and PEET'S HATCHERY +home of the Fred Minors. Capt. I " " ~ i
~'~ I Wltll Ilt~l- ~UII v I
m ~ta visit over Thanksgiving with[ famil'- in San Die,~o Calif 'Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kurth re-iFrank Horak of California was a I snell l
I ~ltheir daughter, Mrs. Ira Butternem [ ~. :.~" ".~,n^ ::n ex" cently purchased Peet's Hatchery ': guest. {I " I
~[ and family in Bay City, Mich. ,~ ~ay". ~ "~'*~';+~"~.~j"~ ~.~" at Ely from the G L Peets of Ce- ! Frank Zach of Ely has been ser- I I
~[ i{ The Mile Kalibans, Don and[~ew~sdraver~an~ "brother:Geor;e dar Rapids. The Kurths come from '+iously ill at his home the last few il I
~ ~{ Bob, the Leo Cabalkas, Linda and Neesley, left ~vith Mrs Reynolds on Calmar where they were in the]Clays I
if' ~t Tommy of Monticello and Mr and [ the return to her home in Los hatchery business until several i The Hubert Stastnys the Henry I =1 I 1 ,~ I I ~ I" I
Mrs. John Kaliban were Thanks- ~ i weeks ago when they sold their!Kloudas, and the Adolph Zachs en-II /m m iF+ ill Bt Ill I= !
t giving day dinner guests of the AngeLs. ar-t-n-plant. Mrs. Kurth is the former i~oved a hunt!ng trip at Spooner, {{ ~, ,m! "~ v '- I
=tLeo Kalibans in Mount Vernon. . ~r. ana ~v, rs.d ~ar'we~J ~ues~s Phyllis Peet. i wis. last wee~. tl n I
~: uth lAVnss wAarnyn an y g The Kurths will introduce a new Verne Upmier left last week for{I Pho ]50 lisbon, Iowa /
tl ~{ g ' . [the evening the two families join- and cross-breci chicks The usual idav dinner guests at the Joe Kre-] I I
Stine of Des Momes ~pen~ nanKs- ~ ~ " ----
ed a ~,roup for oyster supper m the
.~ ~i ~| " poultry service work will be done !menak home. [
[I ~] g!ving wim me~r parents, me Arwln]Don Ruhl home at Anamosa. Mr. by the hatcher)'. They will con-Ii ~ ]
Ruhl ~s a blather of Mrs Hotz and
,={ ' ' ,~ ] " " tinue to operate under the name White Oak{
~ ~lnes
t% ~) Mr and Mrs. Rex Dean, canna[Mrs" Carstens. "Peets' Hatchery" i ,~-- w .~t,~vn~ [
K and Marilyn of Mt Vernon, the ' "~" "--"
.+,' . I Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bigger, Mr. and Mrs. Peet are going outi [
ill Or~Hle Crawfmds Bob Baroara I
-- "" . .-. . " ":' ' ', Helen and Elmer of Springville and of business after operating the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Streets and
~Don ano L~iCK anU ~v~r. ana mrs. n. [Mr. and M~s." Harold Kent had hatchery for 20 years." {iMargaret were Thursday guests ln]" '
~[W. Walmer had ThanKsg~wng oaYldinner with the Harry Bigger fam- ------- l the Virgil Vernon home in Olin. t ~l Ill
~ ] dinner with Mr. andMrs. Jonn ] ily Dr E. P. Biggers and Miss Mar- ELY SCHOOL INSTALLS ] Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson andl ml
~]Haak. I tha Ann in the Dr. Bigger home NEW EQUIPMENT FRIDAY . . [sons of Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs I ~ I
~ ( Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, son I on Thanksgiving. Miss Martha Ann A new s!nk and Wes~mgnouse no~ i Donald Hefflefinger and children of!
~: ~1 Robert Earl of Mount Vernon, Mrs. ] was home from Peabody Kan for water nearer were msmnea m me ! Cedar Rapids, visited from Thursday
E1 school lunch zoom Frlaayaria tzl Sun
~{ Josephine Kettering, Miss Daisy ] holiday vacation. Mrs. Oscar Haese- .~ Y - .~ ~( small i " 1 day in the John Siver home.
~a~uraa macn year a Mr
~]Burd and Mrs. Gladys Kepler were[ler was also a dinner guest. . . Y. . [ s. rrieaa Sieoeis and Gladys,
~] guests of Mrs. Charles Burd ~nd [ To celebrate the 5th birthday of a~ Umn~a~;q~pm~Z~nn~2o3~na~elMf':ytlMz/3nV~n ~H3a~VankdLMs
Miss V~rgima for Thanksgivingy n
" " her son Leoral Mrs Bill Kruse e - modern The school is artici a " '
,' ' . +" . - P P -and Billy, the Marvin McColloughs
~|mM~:r'and Mrs C A Johnson of tv~t~iZseda at a~te~n3ay IPnar~Ft :3 ting in the state school lunch pro-iand Mike of Lisbon, the Garland
i~t . I Y . " . ; gram again. ;Caprons and daughters of Olin were
~[Reynolds Ill vzmted last week guests were Crmg Kruse oz ~;p~on I
with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Plat- Frankie Koch of Wyoming; Jeffrey PUTNAM HOMEMAKERS MEET Siebels home.
tenberger, and family. Other guests Siggins of Mount Vernon; Eddie Mrs. Raphael Pisarik ~as hostess I Sgt. Clair Kohl of Camp Leonard
for Thanksgiving day were Mr. and McQuown. Steven and Corrine to Putnam Homemakers' club last [Wood spent Saturday night at the
Mrs. Glenn Plattenberger and Mrs. Kepler, Pare McCann, Barbara Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mile Er- home of his father, Ira Kohl, while
Nellie Plattenberger. Linsley, Marcia Bowers, Leslie and enberger and Mrs Bud Kubichek enrote to Atlanta, Fla where he
No matter what type of home you have
or your needs, the gift of an IMPORTANT oc-
casional piece like this wdl be appreciated.
You'll find just the right design and finish here.
Come in and see. Priced from $45.
Furniture and Morticians
Usbon Phones 50, 165 Nit. Vernon dial 5012
Methodist W.S.C.S. will meet with
Mrs. G. B. Young Thursday after-
noon, Dec. 6. Co-hostesses are Mrs.
E. M. Franks, Mrs. Charles Engel-
king and Mrs. Tom Davis. Leader is
]Mrs. Joseph Yates and Mrs. Lloyd
Graver will have devotions.
Mr .and Mrs. Dan McGee and
Mrs. Mac Blatz with the Charles
Long family, Maurice Moffitt, son
Charles and the Bud Fishers, all
of Mechanicsville, were Thanksgiv-
ing day guests in the Ted Fisher
~ome near Mechanicsville.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lee and Miss
Bessie Kurtz were Thanksgiving
day guests of the H. K. Lee family
in Maquoketa. Mrs. Ruby Butter-
Mark Burgess, Kathy Wagaman.
Charles Zahorik a n d Chipper
Lisbon Church Notes
Rev. R. S. MeBirnie, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30.
Morning Worship 10:30.
Y. P. M 6:30
Evening service, 7:30.
Rev. M. C. Melcher, Pastor
Sunday School 9:00.
Morning Worship 9:50.
M. Y. S 7:30.
worth, staying in the Lee ho~e, ac- 10:45 a.m.
companied them to sp~l~ "~ day{ COON CI~EK CHURCH
+o--eo, +++++
Andrew. She had meeting at the Coon Creek church
with her daughter during December. A committee
'ram Dubuque wh~t ~:ee outUne meetings and commit-
training at Finley will~ for the months of 1952.
in Marengo. At supper, they me- chanicsville.
tared to Cedar Rap,ds to the G.L. Friday evening callers in the
Peets. I Lanria Ankles home were the Mug-
Mrs. Lois Garnant entertained the I nus Nelsons and sons of of Jefferson,
Maurice Garnants, J. P. Garnant, I Mrs. Donald Heffelfinger, Don and
and the Raymond Garnants. I Linda of Cedar Rapids and the John
Mr. and Mrs. Lumir Truhlar en-[Sivers.
i tertained the Raymond TruhlarsI Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kuntz were
land the Leo Truhlars and children Thanksgiving day guests in the
of Ely. George Dripps home in Marion.
gave a demonstration on rug mak- will be stationed for several weeks. NOW is the time to check over your home
ing. Next meeting will be on Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson of
11 at the Ed Broulik home and the Central City were Thanksgivingwith winter's cold, snow and wind already
le~son+ . will~ be, on toys. Anyone may guests in the Horace Brutzman
attena, twetve memoers were pres-{home, here. We invite you to call us for Free In-
ent. Refreshments were served. The Ralph Kuntzes were Sunday
FAMILY GATH~GS Idinner guests at the Fred Kuntz spection of your home to spot repair needs.
" i [ home
" I The Wilfred Barbers and children
Thanksgwmg Day faro ly gather
rags n luae ]spent Thanksgiving in the J.H. Remember, repairs made now save bigger
The JOe Terrlns ana sons were- - ~ . ---~.
. lwerenan nome In2%.~K1nS.
guests of Mrs. Terrlnssister, Avlrs. } 'Phn,~l~a4v|n~, m~t~ in the Trn
Roy Handshew and ~amily of West l~m-"~;'" "- costs later. Contact us at once
ch ' home were Mrs Francm
Bran . I Hempy and daughters of Martelle,
The Alfred Kurths and son were]Mr" and Mrs. Merle Clifton and
guests at the Clarence Kurth home[daughters Verla and Patty of Me-