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November 29, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 29, 1951 |
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M. i# ~ I i Mt. Vernon, in Hawkeye-Reeor~ l'l A . &l I MARTELLE-OXFORD JCT. The Ben Buntings, Mrs. Glen Mr. and Mrs Claude Klaver
T. vernon ~ocla| land The Lisbon Herald D---- I:II~|evclIOf ~'~anager iGirls Game Half Final Richardson, the George Barners]were dinner guests Sunday at the
Thurs Nov. 29, 1951 ru~l~ o R ~ I :Martelle 1 5 and Steven mrs. ~onnie Larson, Glen Richardson home
D. A. ~. will meet with Miss ----IOUVS " Keslaence r Oxford Junctioniiil-" 26 46 the Edwin Harrises and Mrs. Merle Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson
Bertha West at 7"30 Dec 5 i m emm m High Point-- Martelle, May with McConaughy were recent callers on ~ visited relatives in Waterloo on
Mrs Bruce Mullen will be hostess ! NtechanlcsviIle t MARTELLE -- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. 13; Oxford Junction, Clapp with 15. Mrs. Eva Peek and Dollye. Mrs. Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Walter
to her brid~e club Thursday after- Mi~q Lu~illp D~viaann ~ Howe of Marion have purchased the i Boys Game Half FinalPeek who had the misfortune to Strong and daughters were at
I r ak her r '
noon. ] Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoffman home Martelle 15 28 b e ~ m a month ago is lm-tMaurme Moors.
HONOR PAST MATRONS I Possession v.:ill be given Jan Ist Oxford Junction 18 35 proving satisfactorily. Mr and Mrs J S Hanna Lvle
Mr. and Mrs. Bill LRts were," T ' .
'Ph~,~l+~cd~in~ c~*~ +n ~h+* nmr~ntalAND PAST PATRONS O.E.S. i Mr. Howe is the new manager at. High Pomt--Martelle Oltmanns The Sam Johnstons entertamed and Jamce were guests on Thurso
~:.;+:~-~L::.::Z.+'~+.~': :'= i A regular meetin of Evangeline ' the Farmers Co-op Elevator here. i with 10; Oxford Junction, Sobotka at dinner Sunday evening in honor i day at the Pres Hanna home in
~-.~ ~s~- ~.-,=. . ! chapter O E.S. wasg held Tuesday i The Pythian Sisters are plan- ! with 12. Doris Cilek, Reporter, of their grandson Norman Hopkins Anamosa
,~,~ueen .~ istner^mrcte wm mee~!evening at the Masonic hall. Past ning a carol party for Dec. 8 in the ,~. . ~ . . . of the U.S. Navy. Mr and Mrs. i ~Ph~ J ~ ~ ~,~;1. ~,~a w;u
inursoay, l~ov. zt+, at +:taJ o'clock M~tr++n~ nnrl pz~t Pntron~ were hon i K of P hall ~ lne Lawrence ~.arsons anu ouay ~4~nrvin.Tnhn~frsn ,xr~r~ nraan~ ] ~,-- : J
t>,' t E Itl D I T H"~L MI i q in E,| d~~[" " )ii~. / |n-- i-II my 5~ "; ~, ' ' ' " --+ +to ~+. wrote + ere ne re e.vea a r + W "" " : " - B,JlfoJds ' ++ or Christmas + "'0+'- r Cords. "+ +ark wer^ +u++t+ +"n " " +" + ++ +~ ~"+ "+ "'++
with Mrs. Mtron Morrdl of Martelle, the Don Erenbergers -
ored by a specml ceremony g~ven Mr, and Mrs. E. C, Gotsch leave from the neighborhood. ~. wi+~, h~,~ ~* w~b,~
Mrs. Alice Comstock will be host- :by the officers and were presented ~ this week for Watsonville Calif,ann ~mmy ann ~anara oz ~omn "~- ~-d Mr~,:, i "~+'+~:'+j~ ':+~'-~ 7+ "'"':~'.Z ~.~
"i d i S rth W i ~v~r ~, ~ ~v~rr,~ ~ar 'e~% ~.ames 2%1Q Wlll mee~ ~ec. om
ess to her brtdce club Fmday. Nov.!with gifts. The gifts to the Past + to v+stt their daughter, Dr Ruth an .M ss e a . e neke of Cedar 3rid ]V[r m,d Mrs r~nn ~t~al,~ ~ I ~+ +~,~ .+h h ; ;,~ .~;
30 There will be two tables E Matrons were hammered alummum Gotsch xapms ere ~u y monet gues+s
' ' I " ' of the George Mallies ~on~ra wvr+ amner guests +nanms- iOllOWeO, oy business meeung emc
Dr and Mrs L E Bi er enter trays and were made by zne wormy + ". ~ ' "
. gg -! t Hohday and week end guests m Mr and Mrs Delbert Richard-gtwng day at the Edwin Harms thon of officers and the annual
tamed their budge club Saturday tw~a~ron, lvirs. ~e~er l~t!meK. . I the home of Mrs. Emerson were the ~,~ ~.~ R~-dv'of c+~ ~. tn home. Sondra remained until Sat- Christmas party Mystery sisters'
evenmg. There were two tables i ~ranct cnapterrepor+s we r e ~ven!Godfrey Bonwell family of St'~:.~r~ ~++ti~-~him week--~'v]th' ~h~ :urday. I names will be revealed.
~/r+ xr ,'r^ ~,o,~ a ~,~ ~ . ny Mrs. l%llmeK, ivirs, uonn ~otm Cloud Minn :
::;~. --e;,~n.~,~y--o~.~.~,~,~, :,; 'and Mrs Norval Eells Refreshments ,~. ' : ! Lowell Kohis and Glenn Richard- ' ~~~j~
;Will mee~ wire Mrs ~mern ~vlea-; " ~ ~ "-- " -+ -- ~ I xnanKsglvmg guests or Mr. ann ~ ~
. " :were serveo oy ~v~mes. harry ,ora *Mr W'l ~u.~.
TELEVISION ks, Fmday Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m. ,*~ozlw"" -~, ~,~ r~'~'i~ ~ '~ F EIM sS"ayne; 1 FrantZFrantzWereand sonMrof Duand i The Viroil~, Millers snentv the lat-
Entre Nous will meet with Miss More I ". " ter part of the week at Aitken ~ al ~ t~, ~ u m ~ la I~ *, Tt
i 1~fhol Wvmn m} f~nll+n IUTn,S~ Mon i " Im nt' me iNell t~ossell lal~lly Ot M+,~,~ ' ~ I~I I~ II~ ~I 1"1 I r lVt C I~I I |
J ' "'" " + ~ I " +
day Dec. 3. Mrs. B. L. Van Ellen 130th ANNIVERSARY ,New~n' the George Ke, ths .of. Ce-+ Mrs. Alfred Olsen "+,+as taken by lib +
oar ttaplos me ttooerl t~llzcners r
Iq, will have the program. Mr and Mrs Lee Park were sur- '~. .~",i ambulance to a hospital in Cedar ++ +
"~i-tor Rah f ~r ^nd Mrs prised Saturday evening at a dinner ~ne ~i~ner t~oraer~ wrs. ~va ~onr, i Rapids Friday. I~ JUSt in time Tog LnrlsTmas
v ~,~u, u u . ~ . honor rlarolct ann uon J~onr oz ~viecnan- ~ ~"r and Mrs Don Parkins and m
Gordon Rahn. celebrated his sixth g~ven~y a group o~:l[,ene%%in,* an" icsville, the Bruce Frantz family Jeff= + T~anks'~ivin~ "~- ~ I
I~. I d .qm E,~1 ~+ birthday Nov. 21, with 16 little t"-'m "'~-'J-'mversary. "' f Springville and Mr and Mrs ~- ~-~-'"+-~+-"-Y'L :~-'- F~nc+-~P~:rk:=-+ 1'' ' r+artvn,+ wttn +.+ ~+ u ram. -'+. "
fmends at a dessert theatre party. +Boyd Frantz and Danny of Mar-+ Mr and Mrs Merrill Kyle and J~ ~+.~+2 I
Friendshio club will meet at theMrs Paul Thomas entertained the fete. . I Mrs. Mac Neilson of Martelle and l~ /~i~t
',ne ~owen lxoms spen~ ~nurs-. ~ ~,'/ ~$~;~
+ home of Mrs. Juhan Johnston+Monday club Monday afternoon at the W. W. Waddells of Marionj~ ::'~-.~.~t~i~ ~
+ ] - - ,aay ana ~maay wl~n Miss Jessie " " a es f
ml~ l~j J lqllm mll Wednesday afternoon Dec. 5. Mrs. the home of Mrs Marffaret Feyen were Thanksglvmg d y gu tso ~ ~]:'~1 - ':+++~
l r 'Robert Henik will be assistant hos-IMrs Paul Horner was awarded l~.omt at r~ocl~ ~jaJ~s ui=. - . the Robert Peets. ~ ~!~::~ I~|~1 le~,~ ~IK~ ,~.
tess I-. :" I Tne uon wteems J~aroara anmt I~ #:~:~.|::~i .=~.vv+~,+ /V+}~',~ Im
I " ! ~t.g%sC~3rrPF~ZeMr~.U~kSl~SenWejr:e~s~ t Howard spent Thanksgiving day at i ~ I~ ~~ ~'~
Craig Hiople son of Mr and Mrs i ". +" . -- ' ." .~ Wellman,I.Ull|| %Wll~l~Vl~ ~ ,]*.:]PJ|i]J.~l:~:|]l /++.~v~ ++iyst
re " ~ Li ~:~:~
Don H~pple, celebrated h~s e~ghth +^^;. ^.~ + riz~ t Mrs. Mildred Hauser of Cedar CHAS MARTIN HOME ~ ~i~+~ :~.+~:~" "- 4'~+~:i'<~
~ ana LUClle uavlason. ne latter- . : ~ : ~ M ~:::. ,
(Ask Our Customers) . b~tehdaYenF:yd3y :'~hsnjn( ?~:nd/e+,+=IVIr~+ mGu? PWr~ght e:+.tertained hR:rP'?:thSePr?nt the, ~e:kaent with Charles Martin, who has been inl~ ~:~+.~ ~ e . '~~~:~ .~
+ ~ : Octette club at her home Wednesday [ . -. . +m .+Korea the past months, arrtvect]~ ~~~,~k ~KII~S "~[,~+
[par~y. i ~v~r ana Mrs harley IJavls aria ~ dl
~~ : evening Mrs Martha Stookey won .+ . .+ =. . . + home Sunday. He received h's "s- ~ -*~!~.:|~t~ <"T4FI~I~'+~G' "
[ Corn club will meet with Mrs i high score prize Mrs Ray Simpson I .vir' ann ~v, rs. ~aymona ~.arson o+ti charge at Camp Carson. ~ -e - -+]~- -~ - "+ ~
e, namosaspen~ "1 nanKsglvlnga~ -- !
Edgar Neal, Sat. Dec. 1. The Mel- land Mrs. Damy Butler were guests. } I !. i ~
vin Haeselers Charles Wickhams ,The latter received ~uest urize ~orway wl~n ~vlr. anct mrs. tJ ennl +~ne ~v~aurme moor anu ~m~r ] ~I ~
{and Howard Neals will have the i Mary Alice Littig returned home 1Davis. -- +- . -. i Richardson tam.flus, were among /A I
~ro~ram !Friday from St Luke's hospital + Tne iv ax ~rmurs ann oaugn~er mose present a~ a iamuy par~y a~ ~ + ', K
,A 26 Tube SPARTON ] wher^ ohe was taken ! of Dubuque spent the week end in, the John Strother home Thursday ~,"x
r ~, o o f Mr nd ~'~"" ~ P'*'~ ~ ~ ' ~
t Jer y ee ~ oK s n o . a ' ~ " home " "
. ' 10 days ago after suffermg a leg the Ira, Mmden . evenmg.
~.I Mrs Dale Cook entertamed 10 boys I fracture and face lacerations caused I Mr. " and Mrs. Harvey Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K~rkpat-"
. ~. ~aonaay evenmg. ~o rezresnmen~s t when the car in which she was Jimmy and Margaret spent Thurs- rick had as their guests for the
an?v a +~nea~re par~y in nonor oi nis I riding collided with another day in Cedar Rapids with Mr. and holiday week end Phyllis Kirkpat-
em enm o rmoay, t Lee Crock was taken to Mercy Mrs. Jim Fox. rick and Miss Ruth Sherk of Ce-
Az'ailable Only From ; Mrs. Paul Oliphant was honored hosnital Cedar Ranids Sunday forl The Fred Langs of Marion and dar Falls and Joyce of Anamosa A LI LII I ps
+ ' O ~ ~,z-,~ ~ . . +
w,thapmk and blue sh wer at the+treatment and observation. ,the Wilbur Stearns of Sprmgvllle1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wmkham ~imm~U DRI:S.~ SHOP
l home of Mrs. Leo Kirkuatrick oni Mrs Purl pearson underwent ma-i were recent visitors with the H. M. l entertained at a family dinner on
BLAKE & MULLEN Tuesday aftern n" Twenty' ne!j rsur~erylastweekatSt Luke'slKyles" Sunday. i IR
j guests shared the courtesy. ~ihosnita~ Cedar Rapids. Her con- I The Frank Gordons of Wipton and ,I Will Clark spent Thursday at the Cnrrn n Knmh rlinn Marcella R
[ Mt. Vernon American Legion dillon is good. f Mrs. Isel Gordon and Gary of Mt. I Eugene Kohls. The children, who + ~ I 1~
hav bee unau 1o,~ I #vii VI~KNI~]PN
: Auxiliary regular monthly meeting i A son Richard Charles, was born i Vernon were Thanksgiving guests e n ill with whooping cough
!will be held Monday Dec. 3 at 8:00'.Friday, Nov. 23, to Mr and Mrs l in the Leonard Gordon homel are improving. + J
Mt. Vernon, Iowa -:- Dial 5341 l o'clock. Board meeting at 7:45 ~William Woods at St. Luke's hospi- ~. ~.~ . . ~ ~-~ ""
Your Exclusive Community SPARTON O~ler !Bring Butternut coffee strips. I tal, Cedar Rapids. i~: "
Past Noble Grand will meet Dec. Verla Clifton, student at SUI, ~
16 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Burge.!spent the week end with her parents !~ "~][TA "~Tr~'A r~'~,m
~ !Mesdames Frank Petrick, John Bal- the Merle Cliftons. ~. !~ ITI[5 J.J.~tVK:; lll~gll~,"Activated" Shell Premium-the most powerf~
! lard and George Lake will be as- ! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meyer, ~ary I~ ~ ~asoilne vo m ~n ,s~ I
Advertise or Be Forgotten. Isistant hostesses. The Christmas:and Angela returned to their homei~ "~" 9'' T O+~ r'r~-- ~ " " -
party and gift exchange will be]at Cherokee Sunday after spendingl~ ~l/ d"~11 II I l lrn "l'hnm ~ I . I
held. the Thanksgiving vacation with i.~ .Lq, IFL .ILl l.~.q~9 .II. BI~I~II.K ~ g~% %~ J t.--A,~
' ' 1 Altruria Christmas ,~art- will beILucile Davidson and with relatives I~ ~ ~- ~,~-~ w+,~2.~'-
: ~ ~ at Clarence ~ " "~
held Monday evening, Dec. 3, with " .
! ~'~ [ l' r ''aft "r "'+i "--- I Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ahrens, ~ -v-r~.(~'x ~.f'~ ,
~ ~,~vl s. ~vl ~e ~ ry ann ~vl ss ~erma I n~ Al'en s-ent the week end + ~ -'~ m -x x t, ~ ~ n ~.~,~ .
I i J~ p~''ty "},Mr. and Mrs. L]oydNeal, Mr. and+will spend swer+l days at the Inter-i, ~t/~ ,~ ~,+ ,~k~ : "~'~)~ . . ~I~ ~//~'~ ) ~~
,g, +
,William Goudy and family were i Darla Dee J,ckson, student at the I+ ~ I/ ~-~ ~ ' "
~i !~ l~Ja~w+ex ~ ,ivlrs. ,v~er,e ~oucty. Mr. anct ~vlrs. national Lv~toPk Show. IR ~" ~,A ,~-~=+~ I~. "-~//~'~ ~'~.~ +I~IP~ -
+guests 2~hanksgiving in the Willard+state Uniwrsity, spent the week . ~ "~// ~t ~/ / ~ ~ ~//~~~/~'~-~
( [++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ + +-- P.nties ) . Palmer nome in wasnington. Other end with h+r parents the Allen I, ~ "%/./ I +,? #q ),II / ]II~" +-~a~ ] t--'~
I +++++:+ + +: +/+ :++ +++:++++:/:+++++++ + +guests were Miss Mary Goudy of+D" Jacksons. - + ' ++ ~ ~ I ~ + ~+m + ~+~" ~ ~ v-.~ .~
Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Ethel Palmer Mr and Mrs. Elvan McIlrath of i~ ~~t ~ ~ ~ +,~J-~ Ii/~r ~ v "~,~tll~
' : of Washington. I Kansas City were week end guests i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( .~~ .IV ~
Mt. Vernon Music Club will meet of the Walter Jonnsmns. ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~L.~ -
t ~,home of Mrs. Kerwin Glattly. ito their home at Laurens Sunday]~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'. f / / ,'.// ,
.~- ~ ~~ : on Tuesday evening, Dec. 4 at the t Mr and Mrs. Frank Starr returned i~ ~ ('x ~ t i~ /-
Please note that this is a change +after spending the Thanksgiving I.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (- 3 ~,~'~ "~b~- //]
~ i, ii " I from your programs The Christ- week end with the latter's parents ~ ~ ~, ~.~+ ~ #~'~ - "~
mas music of South" America andS. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nicoll. ~ ~ k'~ k ~ ~L~ ~ ~ J ~'~.~+'7 : " ,
+ ' Students from Iowa State college ~ '~ --~-+ ~'~ -
Mexico will be presented and the i !~ ~ ~ X ~ ~++ +~ .'.-~"+" ." ,
I Christmas tea will be served. ; at Ames who spent the Thanksgiv- ~ ~ ~]'~, ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ .~ ' "'
I Chanter DT of P E O will meet i ing vacation in their respective, ~ ~ " ~ ~k "~ ~,+~"
:ii +it+ n Paul " * "
a* +h:J'h " "~^~. ;homes were Robert Dennis Howard f~ ~ k "~-]z]/~h ~
Nmoll Wayne Krumroy a d I
" . +- "- .' ' ~ . . ~ )x N~" ~ We have ms,de space to work on t,ve cars
t.:u~cneon on weanesaay ~ec ~ a~i ' ~ ~
17"30 Mrs A B Nes]er of Dubu lueIAndre They returned to Ames Sun-I. +~ +=~ ~ +L . . ~ ~ - +, .
iday ' -- m rlr- l'+ Tml ',4- at a time.
+will inspect the chapter at this meet-i ;.-j t ~ ~I~ ~ ~@ ~ ~ ~M~ ~~
in" Precedin-" *h = Mr ana Mrs. ues~er INICOII ana I ~ -- ~ ~. ~.--~/~
Ithe officers of chapter DT williH aY M md m +tgmc l!I ) k--ll
~entertain Mrs Nesler at Mr~ ~o~ ann Alice. MISS J~smer t~ozner ano I~ II Ik~/q~l I ~1 I~11 ~/VI%.~ ~i~IIIVI I
" of La '
] Mr and Mrs Frank Starr u
,ters' tea room at a 6"30 dinner I - " ~
," " rens were Thanksgiving guests of l+mI~l~r~Jl~ ~ DloJ 5212 Corner 5th Ave amml Fil~lt St. N.
------------~-- 1 . "n ~ mmva ~ . +
I Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson were +the Calvm Glenns near Oh . I ~ ' +
Thanksgi+~ing guests in the J. G. I John Bruce Miller, of Cedar (
McClelland home. Other guests i Rapids, little grandson of Mrs. Em- Jockey Canlaurod Shirts ta malch, / - S~W~lllt~l~%~:~
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Patter-ima Miller underwent an appen-
E son and son Jerry of Knoxville. dectomy Saturday in a Cedar Rapids [ DA/PI-I Ki=7. ~f+l~m;r, (=~.;~nt;(=~,l~ + II rune +h-- w, rlrl
)Friday evening dinner guests in the'hospital. . . . I TkA~' th~w'r*~ cn----fiff|n~ they're really "; .~. ~
)home of the Roy Johnsons were Miss Alice Nicoll WhO ,eae.nes in j I " ".T'"".",--'.". '.'" " . " is made uo of orotons, neutrons, electrons and
'+h~ .T tf'. Mc~l~llands the Hu~h ',the ~stherville scnoms spent me i comfortable. 1hey re JocKey Longs, me warmest m ~ -
~ ba'tte+rsons an~d~ Wesley Patterson i Th.anksgiving vacation w!thher par-I thlnn ever for cold days or outdoor wear. With famous mesatrons. How about Morons?
Jot Bloomington Ind ictus, mr ann ~v~rs. narom ~mou. I ~'
David Auld of Cedar Rapids spent I Y-Front construction, all the comfort features of Jockey. - - +'
j the week end with his grandparents i I now
omein et our su
Solon News the Paul Thomases '+ C " g y PPY . ONE DAY SERVICE ON
J ! Mrs. Emma Miller was a Thanks- Orlgi.ated and monufactured only by Cooperl. Dl:D ~'tklAIl?l:n 4".11:1" :1
I SENIOR CLASS PLAY igiving guests of the Rev.M. C.~ - ++,V,',M + - V, :::.
The senior class of Solon high !Melcher family in Lisbon. ! m . --*
school will present a farce comedyI ~,Jockey Longs tor Men . . . all cotton or 25 vve now nave our own stamp,ng machine
in 3 ~c+o n+i+l~'+ ,r~, ;+ v~, ~ ~in +ATTENDS MUSIC MEETING u,m i,+
o + + ,+,n i
I din-" bv Felicia Metcalfe on Tues Dr. Paul Beckhelm returned Mon-1 oercent wool . sizes 30 to 50 ana ca g ve you one any serv0ce on personas-
ida " ." ~day from the annual meeting of theI r " . .
y Dec 11 at 8 p m at the aud~ I
n " Association of Schools - razed Napkms - Book Matches - Playing Cards
rSt.MMa Y u oh rc +s ! c",a cinci aU OhiO, +S i Boy's Jockey Longs all cotton ages "
Beretta" Evelyn Buford by Delores i " 4 to 16 ,ears
( Diehl" ~Winne Bufora ~nnio m+~;. ~ repor~ zrom ~mnley "reel oz me gooa I
I brech ~;,~ *~,~.~a T ~. +,work beng done by L1 yd Oakland, ~- .
' ~ State Umvers,t Mm 1 " u ~ ome ,n ana see our sam les
k L .-at Montana " "Y " " sJeeve Undersharts fo match both Men s P "
I s y; James no.on Traws tjzrn~, !~.~. ~ ~ Toel who used 'to be
Jim Rozinek" Jean Owen Betty !~ ." ' ~
Reinhart" Beltv Andorson ~rir'inia at Cornell, *s also teaching at and Boy s Jockey Lonas. Gnve a personal graft thls year.
' Pe'chl 'r ~ ~ ' ~ Montana. " " "I --
) ; D . Me1 Shannon, BH1 Chan- ] ~ lCl,~,l~h~lm m|~n met John
)sky; Thomas Patton (Tom), Richard i ,~,~=-- +~= '+ "^+l',+-,31"'te~acher at the
W rr 11 D, uu ~--~,
o e ; ~avla ~plv'ey wmtten
(Snike) Paul Buchm Iv~ .~ ;Umvers,ty of Amzona, Tucson. ~|P~"~ I-IFA TY - Yemr Drur al t
1 z+,'~J~'+'9 -- ~ ~ ~lumm oil mqwim ivv-- ~,- v~,vl,
OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS phronia Buford, Dorothy Brum-I Bruce Mullen and Ken Blake will =m= v e-~,+OVE~.~ ~ERVICE
Dial 2321 -'-- Mt. Vernon, lowa l well; Camilla Ann Dusenberry, Le-attend a Sparton business meeting rn,am'~wa. ~ v,~
anne Rushek. M. F. Whitney is and dinner at the B1ackhawk in
directing the presentation. Davenport Thursday.
. ~k
:: ii
Step Table Lamp Table
Choice of 5 Styles re.s. ,0. .00k,a, T.b,0
Piecrus! la0ie End Table
Useful. smart, decorative for any hom*. Big
hardwood built tables wlth genuine Mahog-
any Veaeez tops. Take your cheJce of the S
styles shown -- notice the tin~:~ detailed pie-
crust toble--the step end tablo emd the glass
top cocktail toble. Wonderful values!
Lisbon Phone 50
Dial 1 012 Mt. Vernon
Dial 3521 Mt. Vernon, Iowa