National Sponsors
November 29, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 29, 1951 |
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Junior Missionary Study Group noon. Mrs. Margaret Johnston will.
will meet at the church Tuesday, g,ve a book review.
Dec 4 at 4 p.m Woman's Scoiety!
will meet at the church Wednesday, ] ANNIVERSARY PARTY
Dec. 4. Hostesses, Mrs. Grace Well-] Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pederson
nor, Mrs. Mildred Wurster, Mrs.I wer ehonored at a surprise party
Clara ALlison. Worship service, on their wedding anniversary Wed-
Mr. Vernon, ILL, ][~twkeye-R~ Mrs. Flay Petty Program, Mrs. ne- day evening The time was i The Clell Ports spent Monday
~d The Lkb~ Herald 6 Jeanette Palmer I spcnt playing cards and annivers-!with the Clarence Robertsons.
2~hm'~, Nov, 25, 1951 Page Services: Preaching Viola, I0:00 ary reh eshments were served. The i Regular meeting of the Legion
l a.m Springville 11:00 a.m. Snuday i honored couple received lovely iAuxiliary Post 331 was held Nov.
i school, Springville 10:00 a.m.; Viola 'gifts. Sharing the courtesy were il4 at Springville City hall with
~Dr|n/~Iv|lle 110:45 a.m. i the Lumir Wymans, Ray and Leon, 415 members present. Mrs. Barbara
I the Allan Harriers of Central City, i Shuey and Mary Underwood were
~r ~ ~ mw mm wm
Twila Pederson Presbyterian Church: Sun d a y i Mrs. Russell Chambers, Mrs. John ] elected vice presidents. Installa-
school at 10 a m. Worship service iWoodworth, Miss Betty Sue Me-ition of officers was conducted by
Springville - Viola Methodist at 11 a.m. Rev. Karl E. Swanberg Shane. Roxie and Marcia Pederson. Mrs. Robert Spooner, county pres
Church, O. L. Alllson, Pastor ---!will use the topic, "'Quit Frettin'.Ithe honored guests and the hostess-and Mrs Louis Schirm. Mrs.
Charles Murray of Center Point
Choir practice at the Springville Missionary Society will meet with es, Twila and Charlene Pederson. iand
church Thursday, Nov 29, 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Bess Burroughs Friday after-
EDUCATION WEEK i ville were guests The Auxiliary
Those who sponsored observance is sponsoring a drive for coffee
of American Education Week in strips this year for one of the Iowa
the Springville schools feel that it Children's homes.
Now's the time to have your car checked,
to be sure of car dependability in the winter
months ahead. Don't neglect this important
car need. And have it done by our experts.
Service is quick, thorough and moderately
was carried out with a reasonable~
degree of success While the hum-i Cary Johnston and Floyd Rob-
erts were honored at a birthday
ber of visilors was not as large as dinner Thanksgiving in the Floyd
might have been wished, many Roberts home. Present were the
more people did attend the pro-
grams and visit classes than everjGene Fawleys and the Wilmer
Johnstons and Cary of Cedar Rap-
before The programs by the junior ~ ~. c~ ~ ~,n xT,~,~
. . " ids, the R~,p, o~xv~.~ o
and semor h~gh school were at- ~,~ ~,~ ~ o Bar~l~, Hoa~,~ ~,
tended bv 51 w ltor~" 18 vlslted~
. . .~ . . ~ 7' F tertamed at Thanksgiwng droner
,~,ian~eSga;ne2U:~3r grn~gen. 1 ~n thjne isunday. Present were Miss Ruth
' " " " " " " 1 E. Hunter from Monticello, the
were 138 viskors maxing a tota
~ Donald Healds and Terry. the Earl
oI zul Ior lne week. It was very ~ u~ ~ ~ ~.~ p a ~*,~-
!gratifying to those responsible for i ,: j
. . of CedarRapids and Dale Heald
the functmmng of our school to: 1 l~n~,~ ~m~"
1 -,from Coo. the Orva dy,
have people say m a p easea man- i Clifford U Love from Marion
:nor "1 Know more now anout Jure
' i Mrs. Emma Hoffman and the Lester
scnool." lna~ was one of me prln-I " o f
Hoffman family from n rth o
mpal purpose~ of American Educa-I ~ m
tion weez.
t Roxie Pederson was an overnight
COMING EVENTS i guest of Betty Sue McShane Sun-
Elizabeth Stewart Circle P.M's. of day night.
O.E.S. will meet in the dining room The Floyd Sutliff family of Mr.
of the Masonic Temple on Dec. 6 Vernon were Thanksgiving guests
in the afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Carbee of Mrs. Gurena Neilson.
will be hostess and there will be a Mrs. Albert Thomas expects to
50c gift exchange, spend a few days in Des Moines
; Evergreen Rebekah Lodge will getting acquainted with a new
meet Dec. 5. There will be election grandson.
of officers and initiation of candi- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston on-
dates All Rebekahs are invited, tertained for Sunday supper in
The annual Coop dinner and pro- honor of their grandson Norman
gram will be held Saturday evening Hopkins who is home on leave
at the high school. Robt. Caldwell from the navy. He is stationed at
from the Chamber of Commerce oficharleston, S.C. Present were the
in the George Dirks home. was done -- even though Thanks-
The Henry Hoods were Saturdayigiving day plans were spoiled.
dinner guests in the Henry CooperI Mr and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman
were dinner guests Thanksgiving
The William Grahams and Bar-i; day at the Kenneth Kaplan home.
bara of Cedar Rapids and Pat Gra- The Wilton Gunns had as their
ham of Monticello were Thanksgiv-!guests Thanksgiving day John
Trumpp of Iowa City and Mr. and
ing guests in the parental Norman iMrs. James Gunn and Johnny. Mr.
Graham home.
Tl~e Loyal Manleys of Steel City. i Tn}mpp was an over night guest
Nebr. are visiting in the Harry i ~.~,ne uunns: . ~, -
-- - " ~ lvlr ann Mrs James uunn ann
lvla mev name ! "
~. ~ Johnny spent from Fmday to Sun-
The Dale Fren~ v w~r~, . ~
* i oay m l~laywoo~ lu at me par-
Thursday dinner guests of the Merle. " " "" l -' "' "
Stewart~ entai ~ne ey name tar a post
x~ "~i~ wi] ,~,~ ~f A]~,~. Thanksgiving vacation A d o 1 p h
spent Thanksgiving vacation" ~vi'tl~!Bidermm.~ accompan~d them to !
her mother, Mrs. Minnie Wilson maywooo, ann on ~amroay meI
The H.C. Carbees were Thanks- .I men. folks took in the Internation- :
~,ivin inner ue~ts in the Clarence t al Live Stock Show. The Gunns re-~!
~, gd g ~ ~ . .
Carbee home Lisbon i turned Sunday evening taking 7I
The Floyd Roberts' entertained at i hours to make the trip They re-I
dinner Thanksgiving Day. Guests ported seeing many accidents andi
were the Wilmer Johnstons and ' cars in the ditches due to icy roads.
Terry and the Gone Fawleys, all of~: The Wm. Kaplan and KennethI
Cedar Rapids, and the Ralph Stew-if Kaplan families attenaea, a ~ami~y I
arts and Naomi. post-Thanksgiving droner Sunday~
Miss Martha Wellner s pe n tiat the Don Miller home in Cedar
Thanksgiving at Carlinville, Ill and ! Rapids
attended the Homecoming of Black- i Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn were
burn college. !Sunday dinner guests of the Austin
The Arlo Fisher family of Mar-'Armstrongs. Mrs. Rhoda Neal of
telle were Sunday visitors at the hit. Vernon was an additional
DoVer Port home. Sunday dinner guest.
Mr and Mrs. Max Ramsey, Jane
and Mark, of Cedar Rapids. were uu ~.e ~,munm%,aD"r"l~'
Sunday supper guests in the Harold
Ramsey home. Mrs. Melvin Campbell
Misses Leta and Mabel McShane Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Campbell
The J. R. Archibalds and Phil, Abbey Creek Edna Wharton spent Thanksgiv-] Thanksgiving day guests in the
Hardersens and son were Thanks-i ing day in the Lloyd Schooley P. M. Nielsen home were Mr. sad
giving dinner guests in the Tom~ ~ Wll~n Gunn home.
I Mrs. Chris Nielsen and AntOn
H~dersen home }n Anamosa :THE WEATHER! Floyd Schooley spent from Thurs-] Nielsen of Cedar Rapids and Kate
,21]~e ~lell, k'Ol'~S an~,tne Larch What is more changeable than day until Saturday with Leo Camp- Wink of Marion.
. . : a woman s mma. ~ne answer ~s ~ a~ ~vmrlon. t Pot. Norman Nielsen of Ft. Loom
gues~ m me ~uaumce a,ntcnen ,ard Wood, Me arrived home Sat-
~." the weather. And we certainly can The Ben Sacre family have moo-i
non,e. . believe it after the past week ed into the Maurice Penne apart- I urday to spend a furlough with his
Kenny m~a~ jr caneo on ume ~ . . " ~ parents, the P. M. Nielsens.
,-, ,' . " "~" - :. . ~ ~ Such a mixture of rain sleet snow ment recently vacated by the Mile i
r, ealo ,iaet" week coot re ne went. . lo ~ and (we hope') now ' some' nice Weobs--- -
the G.'eat Lake Naval Training x~ . " i Barbara Campbell visited from
i ,eatherSeveral farmers m this The P M Nielsens Paul and Wednesday to Saturday in the Vet-
~2efF~ankrAnd~[;,SWan: diaughs 3om~bt~ltygir?na:lYthWe::rnthpa~kkfUg1 iN2~n:%~2Undl~:rnd:na~e~gUe:gtSlnon Baker home at Savanna. ILL
.The Arthur Scotts spent ThankS-
ville, i giving in th Ivan Yeisley home.
The Dave Kellys. Jerry and Jeani The R. J. Woods family spent
were Sunday visitors in the Lyle Sunday in the Orland Klopp home.
French home. Mrs. Maurice Penne had the mis
Mr. and Mrs. Perry White enter- i fortune to fall down the cellar
rained the neighbors at an oyster~ steps at her home Sunday evening.
supper in honor of Pot. Norman t She was treated by Dr. Allender at
Nielsen Friday evening. Marion.
* * O,i I
For Both Washer
priced. Drive up! Cedar Rapids will be the mare Marvin Johnstons, Delbert Johns- entertained as Thanksgiving guests, entertained at dinner Sunday in
speaker and moving pictures will be tons, the George Rose family, the Mrs. L. P. Grome, Mrs. Maudeihonor of their son Kenneth, home and Ironer
sh' 'wn"al~.ona Club will have a Christ Bob Roses and the Paul McShanes Secrist Mrs. Ella McShane and on furlough. Attending were the
.Y ~'iand Linda. Tracy Willits all of Whittier and !Merle Campbell famil~ of Lo~t
mas party at the scnool nouse ~ec. ~. n ' " ' " "
1 b willt Donna Jo Workman was a Wed- the Arthur Pearso s. Natron" Gloria Kuehl of Oxford:
~*ara~rm ~smoromery ~m ;nesday overnight and Thanksgiv Mr. and Mrs. George Minish and i the Clove Bennetts Mrs. Irene:,
mee~ rrlaay, uee. "t a~ me narry~ " v ite over the week end r ' '
Your Friendly Ford Dealer ' l ina -uest in the Howard MeShane Allen ts d Mann Mrs erna Woods the Ralphi
nonman name tar me ~.nrls~masl. ~" ~' " "'~" "^ ='^-"~ ~'^~'-^-" famil" an;" "-' ~-" " ~" "" "
= * ~,o,-~ ~ot-.~ ,inome ~, ~ ui:~mlIns, me wm. uunlaps, beet kk ~EW 1951
Dial 5061 Mr. Vernon, Iowa Barb in
~,~ ~, ~,~, ~, ~,n,onew,~, i The Dr. Hanna family shared the Marwn Pearsons and Y ~ Campbell and George Campbell. !
-,~'~" ~'~ s':'~':=~'~'~* ~'*'~'=~'~== =~'~m'. i Than~giving~,-, --,~, ,~ -,-, --,--, --- v--~ ~I V. Hanna familydinnerof Marion.With the WMas n City'. w tl~." his" g~. ndp. arents, Kevin Minish stayed i allthe A. R.!~ ar~son" of MariOn;of CedarMrS'Raplds:Minnie" Otls' RiCh-and i ~ ~/+#A !~H|
i LEY INJURED Mmmhes until his parents returned Lo,a ~ ~ r
mmmn ~ ~ ~ ~ mmmn HUGH ~ S i The Eugene Heald family spent . . - - " " Can pbell and John Miller i
Y le aaonaay Sup er guests were Arlene Ganzer
Thursday evening Hugh eis y Thanksgiving in the Frank Root - : " P "
,rne wlmam u namoemams el
fell on the cement walk in front lhome in Whittier. Otherguests and Donald Daniels of Spragueville.
:~-~--~,- of ins home receiving semous wer Amos St ke a d e Cleveiana unto were nur~oay ",~ " ~ ~h~ W~h~h
,e ic 1 n Elm r ' '. ~ ~: i Evem.o xn~l.~r :
bruises and strained muscle~ Mr 1Healds of Cedar Rapids, Harryevening guests oz the Jens reoer-~ Schooleys and sons and Rob~
land Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley accom-[Kimball of St. Paul, Minn. sons . i Manns and Llnda Sue of Marmn. :
in o e Mr ann mr ~-au/ ~ternm enter
Ipanied him Friday morn" g t C "1 The Harry Schley family of Stew- . . "- " : t" The Glenn Hoffmam, K~nneih ~" CONVENIENT, AOJUST/,[E W?.:NGER'
dar Rapids where x-ray pictures art were week end visitors in the t~nea as :~:nangg~vmg hay.guests and Marilyn the Harold Hoffmans,
showed no fracture. He returned[parental Vesta Stiller home ~;ar~ejlls~el~ f:' Indl ~:rlt~un~se Mike and Ruth and Mrs. Neltie ~" FULL 8-POUND CAPACITY
home and is getting about at home ! The Wilbur Stearns' were Sun- I Duncan of Mt Vernon the Harry !
] with the aid of a crutch. With the i day afternoon callers in the Mer- :oI ~eoar ttaplas, l~ms.nat~.e wnson i Hoffmans and Dean, Mrs. Darn i
t ve of Algona lvlrs lwlnnle WilSOn ant1
l icy walk condition it mi~h ha I ritt Kyle home at Martelle. a~ r -~^ ~,~ Heffman the Paul Ewarts, Willard!
l been much worse. I Mr. and Mrs Frank Merriett on-"~.~ "~',"= o~,-y, r- and Mickie of Springville. Marie l
!P--LLOCK FA'-~-LYDINNER itertained at Thanksgiving dinner w:;neF~ril~ayrev~eargSgl~32ts m~h~iEsbaum of Clarence and Gerald! "~ ONE-YEAR WRITTEN WARRANTY
! U I the Glenn Illians and sons of Way- m McCowan of Marion were Thanks-
Thanksgiving guests in tne ttayt,~, *~'~ ~-, ~u~ri~ t f~"~il, of Ume trench no e. . . ~ivin~ ~u~ ts in the Willard Hoff-
~ ~ ~ v ~,nd famous General Electric Activator washing action---
iPollock home in Cedar Rapids were,r,~ r,^ ~ ~.^ ~.^.~ ~# ~^, Mrs. Mary Boya spen(1se oralm~n ~
:Mrs. Hattie Pollock, the Harry i 1 of Monticel 1 " days and Thank~g~wng w~th r l, - Qv~k-clean washmg ,hat washes every p~ece mdw~duall~l
: ~, ~ y to, the Pau MRchells Li~ on The Lyle Frenches m:d daughters " " ' "' " *
~mltns, me henry t.~pers, me ~um I ~ ~ ^~1. +~ + *.- ~# j ~,veb at ~u w,'r~ Thav, U=~;v~,~ a ~<,~ in the
~opo~,~s, .~%~ .y ~h~, ~ e~,+ %?,~'. riett famih, the Earl Merrietts and I-,?::"~. -7"~:.'in-,"on-"ii~ s-'ent last Dwain French home in Stacyville.
~nlrley me ~tanley ~mlms l-'nynlSi~.~ " De~y ul e~va b~ 1~ ~ .~ ~ r, - ~.~ .n ~ ,
- . ,' ' ~u / ;- '- "he -arental J G Van ~ur. anu ~v~rs. u~enn ~usm ~pent ~ ~ $
ana ~.lnaa all 01 ~prlngvlue tne i :~ wee~ m t p '
Clint Pollocks of Bennett, the'Wil-! une s~c~, ~enmars were rridaYiSickle home. Mr. Welch came for ~nanKsg~ymg xyltn mmr son ann
~^,~ ~ ,~ +, ,~,~ n,~,evening dinner guests in the Alva['m,~t~ aiv~na A1, rmurned home ~amny- me ~.ym erastus ano w~m ""~. . Ironer for
Hunter home in Mt Vernon ISunda Charlott~ Ela~re ~t G~eenfleld Ill
Smiths of Wilton Junction, Mrs. ! . y. ' +
Gifford Hood of Prairie City and The. C. E. Nea!s were Thanksglv-[ The high school girls sextette sang, P,t Kenneth Campbell !eft for ~+:-.-- . .~
I-ho l~rnoe W Polloek ~ and babv~ of ing fimner, guests of their son, tt. I at the Prairie Chapel church service . .t"amp ~toneman t~ain, w eones-, your old washer
S Charles City. W. Neal of Cedar Rapids. [Sunday morning. Members are Do-~aay mmmng enroute ~r ore.seas
. ! Miss Jean Safely is home from l lores Lanning Martha Palmer. Vera!aUtY after spenmng a zu oay mr-
prove conclusively that Leco Hog Balancer puts BIRTHDAY PARTY iGuthrie Center for the week end. Calvert Esther Woods Betty Cooperilough with his parents, the Melvin
Relatives and friends gathered at'~ Kenneth Smykil o f Bowling and Nancy Taylor : Campbells.
weight on hogs faster. It containsol[ the neces- the N. J. Schueler home Sunday Green, Ohio and Ned Clark ofI Mr. and Mrs. L[ J Miller were The Melvin Campbells received
evening to help Mrs. Schueler cole- Cleveland, O were Friday eve- IThanksgiving dinner guests of the word of the birth of a son to Mr.
brate her birthday and enjoy a pic- ning dinner guests in ti~e C. L. J. S. Armstrongs. and Mrs. Vernon Baker of Savanna,
sary proteins, vitamins and minerals swine nic supper. Included were Mrs. Burroughs home. B.A. Jenkins is improving but fill. Jane Ann Baker is spending a
Pearl Austin of Martelle, the Jack Mrs. Bertha Stinger was a din- unable to return to work. few days with her grandparents
need in addition to Vitamin B-12 and Antiobi- Coertsens of Newhall, the S. E. her guest at Clell Ports' Sunday. Mrs. Bess Newland of Mr. Vernon The baby weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and Dial 4291
Petersons, Mrs Minnie Peterson, i Mrs. Gifford Hard of Prairie called on Mrs. Minnie Wilson Sat-will be named Mmhael Vernon.
otic Feed Supplement. Get your hogs to mar- the A. K. Cherrys and Jill, the Fred i City is spending the week end in fur day evening Mrs. Dora Baker, Mrs. Beulah
Fellers and boys, Mrs. Arthur Top- the Henry Cooper home The James Dunns, Gary and Jo Baker. Evelyn and Willard of Green Authorized Dealer
The Ralph Pederson family were Ann and the Dolph Van Sickles ~ Island spent from Wednesday eve- ~l~ --
ket faster with Leco Hog Balancer. dar Rapids ping and the Earl Cherrys of Co- ]Thursday evening dinner guests in were guests of the Harry Dunns in ;ning to Saturday in the Melvin Ggv nAL
the Lumir Wyman home near Con- Marion Thanksgiving. ~Campbell home =~ "
JR.-HI GIRLS ~-E-CT +tral City I ---------- Iona Campbell spent Friday
Junior High girls met at the' The Roy Sponeys of Tiffin, Dew-[ Southeast Franklin night and Saturday with Doris WASHERS--IRONERS
klO.VU 'U||~R~M~.wn--vn,~l:lI:V Tf I Will~l~ I~ght i Weise in Cedar Rapids.
" n i
Thanksg~wng day found many ~ - !
Phone 4- LIsbon, iowa vited guests slipping along to din-i
hers all over the community. De-:
spite the icy roads, sleet and rain!
several homes entertained friends i
and gave thanks~
The Leo Hublers had as guests!
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hobel of Cedar i
Rapids and Minnie Stritt of Lisbon. '~ Now you can ;
+ Mr. and Mrs Floyd Decious en-i
tertained the Harry Decious and L. !
H. Cave families. !
The Light family gathered at the I
For The Best Rendering Service- Willard Light home for Thanksgiv-!
ing dinner and to visit with friends ;
from Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs.
CALL Daniel B. Brandt. They had spent
the previous day with the Eri Light
MT. VERNON Larson's Produce 5811 family in Davenport.
On Friday the Brandts, Willard
Lights and George Lights were din-
Lisbon Produce
Daily Service For Removal of Dead or Disabled Livestock
U. S. Highway No. 30
at 1 I:00 o'clock
We have three packer buyers besides the shippers
and local trade to buy your fat cattle, butcher cattle, veal
calves and fat hogs.
We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at Public Auction
every Wednesday.
Buyers from Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois to buy
all classes of stock cattle and hogs. Commission, 3% on
first $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% after that. The
larger the consignment, the lower the commission.
Always a reliable market with competition. Truck
your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sale.
Veal Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Stock Cattle, Dairy
Cattle, Fat Cattle and Butcher Cattle sold in order named.
We are buying fat hogs every day for the big packers
paying more money net to the farmer. Call for our market
prices on fat hogs before you sell.
home of Mrs. Henry Cooper, Nov. ~v Elliott~ ~nd J 1~.11intf of C)x-
!23. They elected pres Rome Pod- ford, Frank Valli of Sanduskey,
l erson" vice pres Kae Sheehy; sec ~hio ~n,~ ~h,~ K,m,~mh 'r~v]n~ ~,~
t Betty Sue McShane; treas Sh~r ey i]vxwr~ Th~nk~ivlw~" dinner
Pollock Mrs Cooper gave them a --" -- "
I . . " ' guests m the C. L. Burroughs home.
~ime qmz ~ames were pmye~
The Sam Johnstons Ivan Manns
I Meetings will be held on the sec- '
. . f and Mrs. Sara Hutton of Marmn
lena and last Monaay mghts o the were Thanksgiving guests in the
month. Refreshments were served Wilbur Stearns home
I by the hostess
1 " The Joe Mysaks received word
I&NMI~IRR,~&R'Y-M"~fiRED " that they have a new grandson,
----E-"e"~o -m*~'*~-''~ at Mmhael Edward son of Mr. and
-:2-=-.-=:L ' =: - - -1 -
I n mrs neroert wenyel el ~ enao,
ld'n er Sunday in honor of the 48th
I wedding anniversary of Mr. and Wyo. .
Mrs. Gene Reed Other guests were ur. ana lwrs. u. w. ~earnart ana
the Cuyler Reeds l~v~r, ann ~ars. ~ ~. Jonns~on ann
I "~" ~Dave spent Thanksgiving in the
The Ralph Pedersons and girls, iN A. Gearhart home in Hopkin-
tRay Wyman and Rhoda Sawyer of iron.
I Central Cfly were Thanksgiving l A family dinner was held at the
guests in the A. C. Shierman home Marvin Clark home Sunday Guests
at Waubeek. were the Merle Hawleys, Dale,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Briner and Charles and Linda of Olin, the
son spent Thanksgiving in the par- Glenn Thummas, Grey and Gary of
ental W. H. Clifford home at Cedar Stanwood, and the Gone DeLanceys
Rapids. Other guests were the of Iowa City.
Val Kozojeds of Cedar Rapids and The Orville Coxes and Eugene
nor guests in the Roy Light home.
The Brandts left that afternoon to
take in the International Livestock
Show in Chicago before returning
Bonnie Kelley. Healds attended a banquet span-
Plan to attend the wild game sored by the Kiwanis club of Co- Bonnie Simmons, who has been
supper sponsored by the Legion dar Rapids for 4-H leaders Tues- employed with the Collins Company
Post on Dec. 15 at the Springville]day evening, in Texas spent several days visit-
school, t Dr. and Mrs. Gearhart entertained ing her parents, the L. L. Simmons',
and friends in Cedar Rapids. Addi-
W.S.C.S. meets Wednesday, Dec. Dr. and Mrs. Merriam Gearhart of tional guests on Thursday were the
5. Hostesses are Grace Wellner Bethany, Me and the L. A. Johns- Robert Teep!es of Iowa City and
Mildred Wurster and Mrs. Clara lstons and Dave at a family dinner the Arthur Gustafsons. Joan Sim-
Residence Phono
M hani vllle, IowaNo. 53
Allison I Saturday evening mons returned to Iowa City for a
:few days' vacation with the Teeples.
Eastern Iowa's
On Sunday Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph
:Light were hosts to the following
guests, the Anton Novaks, Roy
Lights Willard Lights, Hubert Dvor-
aks and Frank Dvorak.
Mrs Williard Light and Doris
spent Friday afternoon in the Don
Kamerling home where they met
with Mrs Claude Mitchell, Elaine
Krob and Patricia Kamerling to
write the 4-H program for this year
in nutrition
Most Stable
Apply At Employment Office
16th Ave. & 3rd St. SE
Grange Hall
Mrs. Milton Koch
Social Circle club members will
take notice that there has been a
change in the usual gift exchange
at the December Christmas meet-
ing, which will be held with Mes-
dames Rice and Koch on Dec. 20.
Members who attend will take a
50 cent gift which will be num-
bered for the exchange and moth-
ers taking children will provide a
gift for them.
The Norman Techau family of
Olin were Thanksgiving day guests
in the Koch home.
The weather the past week is
making it "rough" for the farmers;
who have corn to pick. However
the cold snap might be their best
luck with the extreme moisture
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiggins and
Sally Paul attended the Sponar-
Clevenger wedding in Cedar Rap-
ids Thanksgiving day
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leigh were
guests of the Herbert Leighs
Thanksgiving. Mrs. Clyde Whiting
of Cedar Rapids came down but on
account of the icy weather return-
ed early to her home.
The wrong side of the cloth in an
old coat or suit often looks brighter
and newer and can be used for the
right side in a new gecment; .
Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Watch for news
Party on Dec. 13.
Dial 3521
Prove fo yourse/f--
on your own farm --
where performance
counts most--that the
Farmall Super C is to-
day's best buy in the
2-plow, 2-row class.
See us today.
of our Family
Mr. Vernon, Iowa