National Sponsors
November 29, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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November 29, 1951 |
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Mr. V~n, Ia~ l~wkeve-Reeord m a a- s. * r HONOR ELEANOR LATHROP &A& %1 ] A--.|-- The George Z inkula s were Mi~s Lucia Fordyce of Clinton Mr and Mrs Carl Stoltz and faro- Mr and Mrs L W Prichard and
KeVeOl )OlOlSlli ror I - - . ! " ' .
~d The Lisbon Hersld R a i I Miss Eleanor Lathrop who is at- /VII. V~rflgfl LQ[UI~ t Thanksglvmg suppe~ guests of the ispent the week end with her moth- lly of Anamosa and Mr. and Mrs. son Allen of Waukesha, Wm. span!
'l*hur~, Nov. 29, I951 rage 0 t'arnell 47m Messiah tendJng Brantley uraughion college :~.a visnseis oz ~olon. !er Mrs. Ida Fordyce. Richard Stoltz and family were the week end in the John' Neff
-- ~,~1,~,~ ~ ,~o 47~h ,Mp~i i m Fort Worth, Texas, was recently Jane and Janet Johnston spent the ~ Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Merrltt and Mrs. Ray Overman and son wllll guests m the parental Albert home. Mrs. Prichard is a sister of
I r-~,',~l~,:'~,:=~"n~'~'~ ! awarded the Bronze Dagger pin. week encl vl.mtmg. Mr and Mrs. Allene spent the weekend wsiting ~leave Saturday for Long Beach, Cal i Stoltz home for Thanksgiving. Mr. Neff.
D~fetrJnn nnel Wiv~g t p.m.I wm"v :oe ~- F<,~retcnen~:~nom.~ ' The ~earer. of the pin. is chosen on. ~raaiey ~cnmttjer in ueim. : Mr. and Mrs. L A. .Carr tt. s" in Rock- ;where they will join Ray who is Mr. and Mr~. August Gerdes re- Mr and Mrs. Charles Bach an
aa,-~,* tn [ tuna E~ elyn Ames, of C] I the basis of outstanding scholarship Perry Andreas of Stamford Corm ford. Mrs. Can. ott ]s .a lster. of Mr. statmned in San Dmgo, Cal Mrs. turned .Sunday. a f t e r spendmg were vmRors" " m" Mt. Vernon MondaY,
MaKe lOUr at ~t. LUKe $ ~ p ~ ' and partlclpatmn in outside achw- snent last week end in the Don Merritt. They also visited ]n Mason Overman has been here wsitmg her Thanksglwng and the week end r t " from
contralto, ~usse~L norton ~ ~" : "' W' ~ . e urnmg to Iowa last week
t ~ . ties. Eleanor ]s president of the Baxter home Parrv i~ Mrs Bax ~Clty nh lVIr. and Mrs. L. L. Swan- ~parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods, I with their daughter and son-in-law ~,~^n^ ~- ,~--- --,~-- *, re-
l~ol.arlans ana ~nelr wives nezu I .~A'lgeles, .~allz tenor anu,I ,-. r~,~ .~.^ ^ ~ ^~.~.~ * ~," ~ ~ " - 'son Mrs Merritt and Mrs Swoncn- i~,~n ^,h~ ^~ ,^. ~ ! "~ ' ,'-~'~-=, ~=~-a~. ~ v~,~" ~"
their usual dinner meeting at St. rSmith of Chicago, baritone ~,~,-y ~ ~,~=~ ~ ~'[~'~^' ~:~tars son. iare. sisters : ~y[ ~ ~ !~lr. ano mrs Larrou Rice, m main in Cedar Rapids until the
. ~ lntt~rnatlun~,nvnvl al.y ~ut u~l~.y i wve~.~ ~ bwaleaale
Luke s hospital Cedar Rapids, on ! Rhoads w~s a member of th i She' is' a member of the press club,' Mrs. Anna. Gormly and Walter i~ ' ~ t--- m~ddle of January. -.
Monday evening and afterwards nell ~taff ast year who dropp
- B S U and third nage editor of the and Mr. and Mis. Charles Ford and i i~l~i~ii~li~ ~ili~l~~It. --
toured the new $2,500,000 addition ', for a throat operation. ! school La-er-~ ~ I David ~ere guests Thanksgiving ~ ~", ~
to the hospital. The dinner was Prof. Jacques Jolas is directing i P p " i in the Lester Frezek home in Ce [] []
served by Bill Dylrt Supt Louis l the choir, Kenneth L Pace is re-Seven M~ents have [ dar Rapids " ~ []~ I P I| ~| I ~ ~ ~ A BIk BB |
Blair, Asst Supt A1 Curtis: and a'hearsing the orchestra and Prof 'been named" to the Cornell Oratorio ~ ' ~ ~ Friday & Saturday Specials at ~m:|,Ill ~ N~,I. -- ~,|,U K. |
number of 'volunteers from the Eugene Devereaux will play the or-i society Eunice Chamberlin Bruce I . .I~}r. and Mrs. Merrill PitlikandI ~,E I L al I1 1 L. t %/I% C I
Women's Auxiliary conducted thelgan accompaniment. Seats can be iEiche~'John Kirkpatrick ' EloiselCn.Lm.ran ana ~vir. ana ~v~rs. r~aazei i --DICKS-- In[] Dial 2441 -- - ~,-----. I
"" " " d at the Financial office~/~ili'lhur'ch"start at 10 am with the I~IIIIK jr aria son were gues~sili~[]i~ ~ ~" ~ i'~ ~~. ~.~ -~-~ ~m| nnt vernon, Iowa
tour which included visits to a typ- t reserve ' Littell Joan Lyford Rick Nelson t ~' " . ~ ant. vernon, IOWa II
" ' " ith four bed ~ i ' " . .' . ~~nanKsgiving m me parental Ed- i i
Ical patlents wing W and Rhoda Schmtt~er. They willI ~ ~ []
two bed and single bed rooms the t mr. lvlyron WlCKe anu ~r. u. ~em ~ : ~ ~^,~ ~,~ ;^~ r,~,waru l~ltllK name. i ~Om meaan ~
~o~ar iPu%atlf:c:::~S'r::it, mg~age sSJ tkieg ~fe tr . 16 at3 p.m. .-- -- IpaMmr' aend FLOUR, 25 Ibs. . . $1.89 ram| Coffee, Butternut 82c I
[:nnt~r,y %Unr~e~th;:at~o~i~y akni~Chs:n: iSaC;h?gr WJ]aclmonfhre:cech~ thweor~i:n i weMe~ and Mhr~sO?~lels~sRe~n~ry:rS th~icHagrV:~E1J~n/o~.l? :~(::Jetto ] = Fancy solid white meat |1 Peaches, Del Monte, ,n heavy syrup, 33c I
vice features of the new building.!i us progr . Mrs. W. D. Little in Freeport, Ill International Livestock Show. [] ~a a~e~ ~ ~| ~ A, --o n
Arrangements for the tour were iand the Iowa Method}st~ co]legelMr, and Mrs. Frank Haupert enter-t Two Mr. Vernon girls are mem-I[] |U[~Ut,~ per can . . . z~c m l ~prlcors, MunTs, in heavy syrup, z'/2 ; nc I
made by Dr. Frank G. Brooks, who assn are rimming earn o~ me zour ! tained 22 guests for brunch Sunday J ber~ of the Cornell Sinfonietta di- ] i " " ~ R |
~Seea ~f~:~ros;~t:h.e board of h'as ~wV~ii~O~:e~h~;l~ot~id~M~n~!~egeciisXI a~tt:rn~iug~Os:o~nnr~g!jhjhRy:r:r~i:?nMRdiy ~e!~;:a~ya M;~i?Kl~u~tl~ L~ool~r~C~: i ~lghty- ~unt white paper -- I I ~ln.::~;~i:J crushed I
The Rev.---~. B~stone has ! ~pids on Monday ' Herman while g~r Rennie attend ! - . i }oL intl con-t- NAPKINS, pkg 11c Hi P y 18c |
wbe:e~: ~nf~et~ahi:eh~etof %tw Mr. andS- Strother ed Rotary. ceS~i~a laSjet~earsl~gss~a~ e E ~ []!| Tomatoes, No. 2 19c |
heart condition. He is comfortable I spent Saturday and Sunday in the I " * ~ !i ml
when he remains in bed but when t Elmer Arner home in Davenport. First Aid Class Is n [] CORN MEAL 5 Ibs. . 39c []| KldneyBeans, DarkRed, No. 2 liB, |
he gets up his pulse rises to a veryMiss Fanme R Fmgrutd of Chl-DI J B--'---- m []
t . . . ~,ann,a ~ enram . . vo o o " !
high rate and he suffers dizzy spells cago vlmted m the C. F. Bauman/ For Krotz Infant Son i[] Red Em-eror []; I Orange Jo,ce, Texsun, unsweetenedl 46 OZ
Thus far he has not responded corn- home from Weanesaay until ~un-, BERTRAM Red Cross First Aid I F !
pletely to medication, lday. lclasses will start shortly after Jan. co[ath~rdLea O'C~nnel~v fe?~be~Z~i = GRAPES- 3 Ibs 29C =i I Puddings, assorted, 3 for [ ~ ~ ~.2~ !
i 1st in the community hall. A vol- j cmc g a s e e c . " i i v i |
~tunteer Red Cross worker will givelnesday, Nov. 21, at Mt. CmvaryI i~ ~ ~mi [ ~re~r~ace [Inuar ~|e~ I IK *~'/, |
U I lthe lessons The only charge will[ cemetery ~or uregory Lloyd Kro~z, I J Fancy Wisconsin I'~ I ''"'"~'"' -,~.--v,
I CLOVER FARM Ilbe a 60 cent textbook: There will]infant son of Mr and Mrs. LloydI [] ~1~'~ &.lBl~l~lrt I[ la []: I T-.LI ~'--I* I,~ . I a I
,ladle 3QIt morton s c
~ ms~ sam ml AIII~ ~ II I d~ I!be classes for both men and'women IKrotz of Mt. Vernon. The baby was I I~K/~IMDI~KKII~, IO. . . I~[ []i!J r YC J
,VANE AKI" I'I IlK ~ In. OKfl. ZI I one night each week. Those inter-Iborn Monday at Mercy hospitaLl mm ~ mlii|
l lasted please contact Mrs. Paul Cald-iCedar Rapids, and lived but a few I~ F a u ~ Spaghetti or Macaroni, Jenny Lee%, 2 Ibs. 35c n
. m well or Mrs Glenn Blaine. lhours. In "''--': ~---',ll " " |
II MONARCH Smooth or Krgnchy nl ~ I Surviving in addition to the par-[ [] APPLES- 3 Ibs 25c -" I Raisins, 2 Ibs 35c a
I~PilIII~ i~il~rl~ Id~ ~.| ~Jt~ ~ie~'~ ~.~ au~al ~J~va~J~ lentsare a brother David 10 grand-][]] BI I
~vzrs. lwaurlce ~everman oz ueaar ' ' f ~ i
parents Mr. and Mrs. George n Currant
I rlArlUl DUN ICKw IZ OZ. gnuss n Rap,ds and Mrs. Dwzght Hawk oflno~, .~.~, ,~ ,ao o.a,~.~.ig Ea$ -peeiln. In IN s 19c I
i Fort Smith Ark, called Wednesday ? . n - - -
n ,o~,o~ IlintheGeor?ean~MissTillieKram tMrs. Wflham Krotzof A insworth![] TANGERINES, doz. . . 29c []ii/Bisquick, large 49c I
m - .=-" ---. liar home. Mrs. Hawk was called i ana a grea~ gran~momer, ~v~rs ~n- I [] []~ m
nu !%/~: HA ~ i~P /1"4[~ n;here to attend memorial services for ]na ~rotz o~ ttl e s oe. ~,-- !1/Butt - l
m ,-- u,u n]her brother, Pot. Paul Albaugh, l Mrs. Krotz retur:n, ed from the ~ --DICKS-- ~JJ "w~" m
- ~!killed while on duty in Korea.Ihospital Thanksglwng. Mr. Krotz'Iml ~m!JJ A les A=. I
t=LOVF~ FARM t ------- ]parents were in the home whilelml PE~RiDGE FA"" L - J .~,m~il/ ~1~ ' " ~ .*ol. I
m RUST COLLEGE SINGERS IMrs Krotz was hospitalized Her [] rrc nn~ ~reaa aria ronn []1/
P ~O~OIINT IIInrE J/, lw ir~ J~"~a, I The concert given by a group of sister, Mrs. Albert Becker of Lone'i []!1/ ~Jranges~ I ~loz 3~c II
I t#n~lrcrfiuii JUlY, El ~i~ VL ~'JOi. ~iRust College music us from Holly Xree, arrived Thursday and stayed -- Jnl
Springs MiSS on Wednesday eve- I til Wednesda evenin The { m~ ~,1/ Ji
I,", tn y g. :
Y6CHT CLUB thing in the Methodist church was Krotz' live in the Mrs Mary Mar-
=-:=.- --- lwell attended. A group of coloredI~hekhouseonSouth4th~treet nm mn [] = ::: =:-
i students of Rust College return each i ~ ~ ' ; Im J n~ ~ k / mm i I n
i SINRT PK:KLE I qt. jar . iiyear and present programs through- I ^ 1ATE qen AeelEV i| Flowers by Stahl J
U " " []I out this Methodist conference./~ ~/C /~ ~lri I-- --. n .
II u~JXnrl.I IIi -- I Regular classified ads are on page " n: j Everything in flowers-wired to all parts of the world J
~A#=U &l 1 .-. #}~ Note change in date of the Ber-CARD OF THANKS i[] [] I . . '
m ~riJ~JJ~,~q~,n/i~o,~u|| LI/~ ~, U! tram Brotherhood. It will be held at I wish to thank my neighbors !i i,Lisaon Fnono I i !
" I!the Floyd Kitchen home on Wed-land friends for the flo~ers and Illlllillllnl~llillilllll~llli: ~ .~
m ~A[, m~ nesda, Dec. 5, at 8.00 m. ~ m,~.~ deeds of kmdness sho~n dur- I :-~
~-- ""~-~i~-~~ mm ~ ~ ] . ~ . ~ ling the illness and death of my wife ~. .~---~~~ ~v~.~r'A~ ~~ ~P',~:~'~j~-~~
~t I Tt~ D.'JL&.J 1 I~ ~,~ ~7a* I tvlrs. ~cott Hawley unaerwen~ nnd .~ister-in-law :~,~oi~*~ ~'~-r~- ~,-~'~~,~~aw~.~~
u~ u ~, r, ttl u, n uu. ~l~e ~1 t, Isurgery at a Cedar Rapids hospital[---~]~v-~r ~k~r" i~
I MoNA.c." 0, coo" ,- l:Monday o ,
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Chapin~, . ~ " " "~ " . '
The George Casters were Thanks- ~ ~ .~= ~ ~r- t '
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ga~soway ~ ~ I~ "J'~ ,
~ivin~ da ests in the Vernon --.---- ~ ~"~,---~--~ .
? - - - y gu --~ --. . o ,
i Barrett home. CARD OF THANKS ~ ~ ~;~I<'/~ ',
GRAPEFRUIT, Segments, 3 for 63c,Th~ F.loyd. Kitchens entertained Wewish to thank all those who i ~ ~~~
Thanksgiving day -~-~ . . ~ x~ ~ o
. 6c Mr. and Mrs. Wflham Kaplan. /
CLOVER FARM The Paul CaIdwell family spent !~ ~~
| I~l~ eel&lg* .~ ;-- 1:7 IIThanksgiving evening in the Paul[ FOR SALE" Midnight blue ~ l ~-~ ~ [~ ~. ~v ~
i Zin la home at Lisbon ~ " "- z ' --
| ~/~L~ i~lU;i}~lll~/ Ulo lUi J/b ~i gu . double breasted tuxedo. Sle36, ex-t~-,~ 1~ [~~'T~-~-~"~Y~,~,"rr'i~ . T~ *
[] " [] ISunday services In the Methodis~ ! cellent condition $25 Mrs Rich- ~ ~~~. I ~~ ~~ ~ ! |/ ~1 t'! I" f# P ~ o ~'~ [ t ~ ~1 I '~
1 . ,~o ~ % I PV / % 1/ ~@ ~'~ ~&[U~&
i ~ II I AA I'* - ard Morse. Dial 3552 Mt. Vernon. 6c I~ ~ ~%~'~.~:~ ~~ V"* ~
I i/Ir-I Itie l nd "/ Ih nkn -4.4/* ichurchsch landw rshipatlla'm" ~]~ ]
I ,~. * vvv liRev. Maynard Beal, pastor. YOUR FAVORITE PHOTO-i~ I~f~~i~ "o'~ ~!~ "~ : ! - ~-
- - I Mrs. Marian Jamison of the Mar- CHRISTMAS CARDS made in your I ~~ ~~';~ ',~L [, ~-, :- -, ,~ ~-~ ! ~.~ ~-~ ~ ~/~, ~ [
I FLORIDA I i tins Creek community was a caller ownhome. Complete with envelopel~" ~] ~ 'Ui~k ~v /L[~ (& ~(~.~L~C~CCLtlI ;
AIInl~ ~ IIAP I A a ~A [] !Friday afternoon in the Frank Let- 10 for $1.25. Dial 6432 after 6:00 p.m. ]~-~ ~ .r 1 ~i+.~'~
IIIII IIi@#lNl.~ "1 ~ ~ |~ner home. Gerald Stepanek. 6-7-8-9pi~ ~ q,!~ i~
Mr and Mrs Fred Richardson ~'~
a --"" -"-"-'" - """ " . .v iiI . GET A 14 point Farmall engmel~2 ,' ~'~
iVlS*~eQ *uesday in tne herman tune-up for $4.75 between Dec. 10- I~ [/ 'i~':~i '~
~P~eoiKer nome m nt Co Mt
I ~RAPFFRUIT. florida. 10 for 49c li Donald Cald'well, son of the S. J.:~flerCtonB~reshdIom:lve~ge 5 " 6c1~ ii ~ -~ .~ T '~ I ~=.~ N D T
Caldwells is a patient in a Cedar " ~" ' I K~'." ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ [] ~ [] ~1 I~
.I " " . l lRapids hospital. FOR SALE: Purebred Roman~!a -- . i w. "~ -- -- ~, -. -- --. m --
Mrs Rena Craig has returned "
I I] . i Emden Geese breeding stock. Sev-[~'~ ~.
a vzmt wz~n her aaugn~er ~v~rs. eral 2 year old hens and many
P 7 7 ~ .fr m
,vvc anncrnv I The WSCS of the Methodst Ely Ph 1518 6p ~
Floyd Nagle, at Center Point h 1
" i young ganders. Albert Sc u tz,
Ln a a a lichurch ~:ili *have as guests on ' ' " ]or llllte (illttTS
i Visitation Day women from Mt. WANTED--Will baby sit in my l~ ~
I ." l i zion church on Thursday afternoon home afternoons or nights. Mrs.~
D~day & I.rlaay Ulal ~uix I:in the commtinity hall. Mrs. Lilly of Harlan Bannick, Phone 6352, Mt. ~ i%1~ ~#~0 ~1~ f$11 ~-h#9 ~.
I " I!the First Presbyterian church in Vernon. 6-8p a Ul~ kJl. ,lt ,t(O tt#t,~ ~O i~1~
- Cedar Rapids will be guest speaker. ~ lit. - -
C T D A M h i Santas in between
~" :::: :;:: ~!::.~.': ::: ~ Tonight - THURS. - 7:30 |
- and u
A Place In The Sun p
~;! 1 ~nT010~ 1~41/h~'&,~: .~. o. ~ ~e
LJ~ ~ IJ~.J ~i American Tragedy, by Theo-
' dore Dreiser.
Gingerbread Men
2 ~ Cup lifti~l, III- I/~ teaspoon ~dl
purpo~ fl~t~ ~/~ t~slx)on sail
,teaspoon iinl~f "/21/2 ~Jp mo|ssles
I telspoo~ il~UBOfl 1/~ cup Pet Milk
Sift together into bowl flour, sugar,
ginger, cinnamon, soda and salt. Work
shortening into flour mixture with
'fork. Miz molasses and milk Stir
graduall~ into flour, *nixing until
~mooth. Roll ~/s in. thlck on |ightly
floured board. Cut with floured ginger-
bread-man cutter about 4~/~ in. high.
Put on greased baking sheet. Garnish
with red cinnamon candies. Bake in
moderatelF slow oven (3~0) 12 rain
or until ]ight brown. Makes 3 dozen.
You Will Need:
Pet Milk, Molasses, Shor .
ening, All-Purpose Flour,
Sugar, Cinnamon.
Hilex, gal
VEL, giant size . . . .
JAM, Grape, 2
6RAPES, Emperor
Seeing Is Believing
Register Friday-- Saturday
For Color Vision Cake given away FREE at 9 p.m. Saturday
Phone 3212 r Deliveries Tues.-Fri. Mt.
Adventure in the South
Sea Junglesl - In color.
Desperate men and one
wom~ brave the South Sea
Jungles for Gold:
Sunday shows -- 6 & 8
Another fine Jimmy
Stewart picture--
Nevil Shute's powerful
drama of suspense roa~s
across the skyl
Very good says photoplay
magazine -- a 2~ check
with stardom's exciting new
-- COMING --
The Blue Veil
Two Tickets To 6roadway
Anne of The Indies
When you're off on a Christmas gift-buying
spree you're smart to head first for ARROW
--the shirts that men prefer! We have whites
dashing stripes smart solid colors all in a
big wide range of popular Arrow collar styles.
All Mitoga-tailored for better fit (they taper
,where he does). Buttons stay in place---they're
anchored on. And of course, all Arrow shirts are
"Sanforized"-labeled. For the perfect gift for all
you Santas---do your Arrow-gift shopping here!
ArroW Ties Arrow Hankies in Fancies . . . Linen . . .
Arrow Boxer Shorts . . . Arrow Snap Shorts. I
Arrow Sport Shirts Hundreds of Smart Gifts to select from
All Gifts Smartly Boxed and Wrapped. ' "
," i
A Store with a Christmas Spirit. '