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December 1, 1938 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 1, 1938 |
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Page Six
Mrs. Harry Freeman
Pupils of Mrs. Emmons presented
a recital in the Presbyterian chnrch
in Springville on Sunday, November
27. Those on the program were:
Patsy Graham, Wanda Rndman, Mar)
JeaI~ Cooper, Wava Peck, Jeau Wells,
Virginia tlunte, Carolyn Cooper, Cecil
Batchelder, Frederick Taylor,Ruth
Condlt, Carol Rodman, John Wells,
Jean Whitman, Wanda Davis, Violet
Bruger, Jean Burroughs, Belva Bru-
ger, Bernice Pahner, Mary Jean Erick-
son, Loreu Rodman, Robert tloke,
and l)oris Lundeeu.
The local scout troop is holdlngi
meetings iu the city hall during the
winter months.
We wish to thank the mayor and
councilmen for their hearty coopera-
tion. At a meetiug Tuesday evening
plans were made for the parent night
meeting, to be heht the first of every
month, following the court of honor,
which will fall on Dec. 6th in the
city hall.
Meetings have been very interesting
and will continue. Tests are being
passed regularly aud much more in-
terest is shown than in previous
months. This month we have four ad-
vancements aud a total of ten merit
badges. Advancements are as follows:
1)uane Barnhart, 2nd class; l)onald
miscellaneous shower in the Kenneth
tlumpal home, Nov. 18.
L. C. Smith
Church school at 10 a.m.
Public worship at 11 a.m.
Dr. C. C. Wells and Margaret will
sing. The White Cross offering for
the hospital will be received. The
Epworth I.eague will meet at the par-
sonage at 7 p.m.
Public worship at 10 a.m.
Church school following the morn-
ing service; Epworth Leagt, e at 6:30
p.m.; Quarterly Conference, l)ec. 12.
Rev. R. A. Badger
The )oung people's choir will prac-
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.
Services t:or Sunday, Dec. 4. Sun-
day school at 10 a.m. The study of
the Ninth Commandment on the sin
of lying. Brorship service at 11 a.m.
Special music will be furnished by the
young people's choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lehr entertained
at a coon supper Tuesday night.
Guests were: Mr. aud Mrs. J. V. Pat-
ten and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
George, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Rodman,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. I)illard
Merritt an~l Jack, and Mr. and Mrs
Kendall Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodlove of
Central City were Sunday guests of
L. B. Christman and Mrs. Anna Hann.
Mr. and Mrs. ,V. A. Shaffer and
Christian, Arnold Port, Robert Gra- Herbert, Mrs. Bess Newland, and 1)or-
ham, Star; merit badge awards, Dale is, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank amt
Stambaugh, swimming; Donald Chris- family, Mr. aud Mrs. Will Parker and
tian, pathfinding and personal health; daughters, Helen and Janet, were
Aruold Port Personal aud Public guests at dinner iu the home of Mr.
Health; Robert Graham, Personal aml and Mrs. Stanley Parker Sunday.
Public ltealth; William Graham, Me- Other guests wereMr. and Mrs. L".
chanical l)rawing; Max Ramsay C Friuk and son Kenneth,Mr. and
s~imming; tlarold J. Palmer, S. M., Mrs. Alhert Rogers, and Gladvs of
Plumbing. These awards were made l)urant and Irvin Resewehr of Clar-
at the Court of Honor, held in theence. ".
McKinley school house in Cedar Rap-
ids, Nov. 30th. The next Scout swim JUNIOR (]AS'S-PLAY
will be heht in the Y. M. C. A. pool The Junior class will present the
in Cedar Rapids, Dec. 3, 8:30 a.m. play, "Mama's Baby Boy," Nov. 30
Troop 52 has beeu well represented, and Dec. 1 in the Butler Opera In)use
This is a valuable opportunity tel at Springville. I
learn to swim correctly. It is hoped i The cads are taken by Edith Jacohsi
that a local fe guar~t staff will be and Max Batchehter. The supporting
able to be i l attendauce next summer lcast iucludes Carol Burroughs, lter-
at camp. A summary of troop roster i hert Pownall, Carol Rodman,Zola
shou's recurd of members: Tenderfoot, i Sanders, Virginia ,Vhlte, Mary Jean
5; Second ('lass, 9; First (?lass 0; Cooper, Mary l)udek, Max l),amsev
Star, 3; Life 6; including officers, and Jim Moyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Penn are an- Mary E. Studer, 80 died Monday
nouncing the marriage of their daugh- i night in Viola.
ter Rowena to Roy lhlmpal, son of! Born Marcia 28, 1858 in Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. Johu tlumpal, of Ana-! couutv, the daughter of William and
mesa, which took place iu their home Celia Cavanaugh Conner. She was
"/'hanksgiving Day at 6 p.m. Rev. married to Warren Studer, Feb. 1880
l)e,Vitt Ellinwood, Rushville, I11., and they lived in Cedar county about
nncle of the bride, officiated using the twenty )'ears, moving to Jones county
single ring ceremony, in the presence and to Linn county near Viola about
of the immediate families and friends, twenty years ago, where the)" farmed
The bride wore a princess styled until "retiring to VMa where Mr.
velvet gown and her corsage was ofStuder died January 1, 1937. Four
gardenias. Mrs. Humpal is a grad- ~nlS, Frank, Viola; Ray, Cedar Rap-
ids;(;eorge, Central(?it)'; Brarren,
uate of the Viola high school, class of ~.
34. '/'he groom is a graduate of the Jr., Chicago, survave, l, uneral ser-
Anamosa high .school, class of '31. viceswere held Wednesday in the
The new home will be established on Viola M. E. church conducted hy
a farm northeast of Anamosaafter Rev. L. C. Smith. Burial was in the
Dec. 1st. ,Vilcox cemetery at Viola.
Present at the wedding were Mrs.
DeWitt Eltinwood, Junior aud Charles . ,(. F..B!ttler ,had the masfortune on
of Rushville, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. John I nanK sg,v,mg oa.)~ to latl ant/ break
, ~ ~* • • ~,g .... A ~_~ ~everal rIDS Wutle in lnuepenoencel
ttumoat anu Lvtarlorle, /VII. dilL[ iVllb."
'~ " ..... " ~ " ~ Ana where he, accompanied by Mrs Esther
lxennern numpal auu Leroy el - - '" "
mesa" Mr and Mrs R T Penn Hepker Bessie Smollen andKe,meth
• ' ..... ' " " ~ S
Viola;George Yeisley, Paralta; Mr. B.utler had do.yen to enlo)~ a Fhank~]
and Mrs. Robert Klelneck, Leonard gwmg flay amner, ne has surrereu
" " ' ~" J "~rs In, in Penn ! a lot but is reported to be recovering
ano retina, mr. anu tvl :. ' p
..... ~ ! without comnhcations so far
Kay ann :~avauee. ,~ "
Mrs. Humpal was honored at a Byrdena Condit returned to Ames
~ Sunda~, having spent the holiday va-
cation iu the parental Robert Cundit
? home.
Do You Need Money. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skeels of Ana-
___ mesa were visitors in the H. J. Davis
tmme and attended the recital given
A1;'ff) IA)ANS by Mrs O J Emmons and her piano
No endorsers required
Prompt Courteous Treatment
As long as 20 months to repay
Federal Discount Corp.
t;14 2nd Ave SE Cedar l~qfids, la.
pupils Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Babcock and
Betty, Mr. John I)ew of Mount
Vernon, and Mrs. Celia Fredericks
were Thanksgiving day dinner guests
of Mrs. Bess Faust and Marlyn.
Elizabeth Stewart Circle, Past Mat-
rons of the O. E. S. will meet Dec.
6 with Mrs. R. F. Wiley for a one
o'clock luncheon. Table service will
be furnished and each member will
contribute a small amount of mouey
to be used for a good cause•
Bethany Circle will meet Dec. 7,
with Mrs. 1). M. Beck• Mrs. C. W.
Calvert and Mrs. Howard Briner as
Mr. and Mrs. Frank tlall departed
Friday for the winter months' stay
in Fa]rhope, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reeves of Vinton,
aud Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Neilson and
sons were Thanksgiving day dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Biid Scar-
brough, Mrs. Mabel Kirk and Dollie
Mrs. A. E. Switzer will entertain
the Royal Neighbors at an all day
meeting, Dec. 1st.
Mrs. Mary Heady, who has spent
the past month in the Roy Heady home
at Mount VernoD, has returned to her
Mrs. 'V. E. Bell received word the
past week of the serious illness of her
brother Robert Keunedy at Mount
Gilliad, Ohio. Mr. Kennedy was a
former resident of Springville vicin-
Mrs. Effie McShane entertained at
a famih" ditmer Thursday. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. llomer McShane
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McShane, Mr. and Mrs. Arch White
and Virgiuia, Floyd and Bob Ms-
Bert Jordan aud Mr. and Mrs.
James C I. Clark entertained at a
family diuner Thursday, present were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jordan, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Jordan of Marion; Mrs.
Lou Thomas and Edith of Center
Point, Mrs. Mar) Newhard, Shuey-
ville aud Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Thompson of Cedar Rapids. !
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Kearns, of
Zering, II1., were recent house guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan.
Monday club will meet with Mrs.
Milton Behrens Thursday.
Mrs. O. J. Emmons entertained the
l~l sharp club and their mothers Sat-
urday afteruoon at a party. Refresh-
anents x, vere served.
Mrs. Gertrude Starbuck returned to
her home in Dubuque Monday follow-
lug a visit in the L B. Christman
Miss llattie Wilson returued to her
school work in Algona follow iug the
vacation in the R. C Wilson home.
!)r. Carl Greeuawalt returned to
his home iu Sterling, Colo., Saturday
after several days' visit with his moth-
er, Mrs. Vena Greenawalt and his
brother, 1)r. Richard Greenawalt in
Cedar Rapids.
Vincent Kernen of Harpers Ferry
has been a guest of Harry Raft for
several days.
Mrs. Ahhea Beck entertained the
Royal Neighbors at their annual
Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday night.
Every member invited a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Shankland
will arrive here from Homestead, Fla.,
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Brown and
famih" returned to their home iff Os-
kaloosa Sunday having been holiday
guests in the parental J. ,V. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn Bebber have
moved into Mrs. Frederick's apartment
re(ently vacated byMr. and Mrs.
Claire Warren.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mercer, a daughter, Nov. 28 in Mercy
hospital Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank and
Pauline and Geraldine were Sunday
evening dinner guests in the Ben
Sherman home at Central City.
Mrs. J. W. Brown will be hostess
to the l)orcas class picnic Friday.
Paraha Embroidery club will meet
Friday for an all day meeting, Christ-
mas party and gral~ bag with Mrs.
ftattie Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Warren an-
nouuce the birth of a daughter, Nov.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Patten enter-
tained at dinner Thursday: Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Patten, Salem, Ohio.;
Clarence Patten, Barnesville, Ohio;
Mr. and Mrs. Koehler Price, Mus-
catine; Mr. and Mrs. Emlin Hadgin,
Dorothy and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs.
V. E.'Peddycoard and Bobby, Mrs.
Minta Patten and Marion of Cedar
Rapids, Lois Patten, S. U. I., Iowa
City, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patten.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, R. C.
Wilson, Mrs. T. W. Pollock and Mrs.
H. It. Cooper visited in the Dr. Gee.
Pearson home in Burlington.
Bonnie Van Fossen was brought to
her home Monday from St. Lukes
hospital where she underwent a minor
operation, Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock enter-
:talned at dinner Sunday in honor of
the birthdays of Roger Pollock and
Joe Cooper. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Cooper and family of Cen-
tral City, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Coop-
er and family and Mrs. Fannie Ma-
The Presbyterian Misisonary society
a y a very interestiug meeting Fri-
day in the home of Mrs. C. L. Bur-
roughs, Lena Mann assistant hostess.
The lesson was given by Mrs. Albert
• Pollock and Mrs. II. H. Cooper.
Christmas wrapped packages were col-
lected to be sent to Mary Martha de
Best, of a former minister,
And Your Old Washer for the Electric ,,ho is teaching in the mission school
in Chacon, N. Mex. Miss Ella Faust
Cast Aluminum Maytag. Other Maytags and Mrs. hta Bowdish are to pack and
tnail the box. :\nv interested parties
As Low As may call them. Tile society will hold
and your old stove
a bake sale Saturday moruing in
Wileys Hardware store.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Behrens re-
turned Sunday from their holiday va-
cation spent in their respective par-
ental homes in Cedar Falls and Wat-
Supt. and Mrs. Ivan Gritman and
Bobby of Walker were Saturday guests
in the home of their mother Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Gritman.
Mrs. Rhetta Jenson entertained at
dinner Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Boxwell, Carmen and
Lolan Boxwell.
Mr. and Mrs. James Burroughs of
rl'ipton and daughter Dorothy of Mc-
Gregor were Suuday dinner guests of
Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Thoma aud
Joan returned Sunday from a holiday
vacation spent in Elgin and Oelwein.
Mrs. Sylvan Lawrence assisted by i
Mrs. Wilmer Johnston of Cedar Rap-
ids entertained members of the high
school class of 1936 Saturday evening
honoring Mrs. Claire Carnahan.
Mrs. William Bowersox returned to
her home in Shue)ville Saturday after
a visit with her daughter Mrs. C. L.
Burroughs and family and also with
her daughter, Mrs. Smykil and family
in Auamosa.
Mildred Lamareaux, Hudson and
Ralph Steele, Billings, Mont., were
holiday guests in theJoe Romans
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crew and David
of Cedar Rapids were Thanksgiving
Day guests of Mrs. Alice Carney in
the Harry Whitman home.
Phone 287
Mount Vernon, Iowa
While in Cedar Rapids Take Your Meals
at the
320 First Ave S.E.
Ollie A. Johnson, Prop.
........................... I~' Mr. anti Mrs. W. A. Sherman and
~l~l~l~l~d~ a~~.~] Genevieve in company with Mr. and
~ ................ n..,.-,~ ~i Mrs. W. A. Lamb of Des Moines were
bOMVLETI~ OIa'I'ILJAI~ ~I~j]t~vlvj[~ ~[ Thranka:fdVi~rsDa~hedlm::r I~::stt: :ft
D,,- D,~,! 17 .... ~[ The Camp Fire girls met at Mrs.
I .xa.~*z----.xm ~uS~ ~IClark's Monday afternoon. A busi-
I ~i~i~~ff~ll~lK'~l~t~~-~t~* ness meeting was held and plans were
Thursday, December 1, ~mtm
made for the Christmas part)' which
will be Dec. 15. The second lesson
in First Aid was studied with every-
one present but oue.--Scribe Mary
Jean Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. George Olinger en-
tertained at a family dinner Thanks-
giving l)ay. Guests present were Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Bachman of Mount
Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. L. ~r. Bach-
man, Howard and Lavonne, Cedar
Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Steven-
.son, Spriugville; Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Maier, Irma, Neva, Elmer and Lester,
all of Alburnett, Roy and Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Bachman and
David of Mount Veruon were after-
noon callers in the George Olinger
home Thursday. A letter from the
E. F. Bachman family, Cavenovia, N.
Y., was read during the dinner hour.
Mrs. T. . Feyen
Funeral services for Bert Onstott,
who died Thanksgiving day at his
home on north street, were held from
the hnme Monday afternoon, couduct-
ed by Rev. Supplee, pastor of the
local "M. E. church. He had been a
great sufferer for many months with
a complication of diseases, and had
recently returned from the Veterans
hospital iu Des Moiues.
He was born Jan. 4th, 1874, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Onstott,
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Brhen a
small child the)' moved to Mechanics-
ville. He was one of a family of nine
children. A brother, Harry, preceded
him iu death many years ago. Three
sisters and fonr brothers remain,
namely, Nell, Paul, Merle and Jennie
Jess, Jean, Ferroll (Took) and Clyde
of this place. On April 8th, 1901" he
was married to Ina Boyd and she,
with nine childreu and 18 grandchild-
ren are left to mourn his passing..
In 1914 the)" moved to a farm in
Dakota but returned to Mechanics-
ville about four )'ears ago. He was
a patient sufferer and death came as
a blessed relief. He was a Spanish
American war veteran and a charter
member of the Dows camp at Cedar
Rapids. Five of his children, from
Hazen, N. D., were here to attend
the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. Phifer,
Eldrldge Onstott, Harry Onstott, Bert
Onstott, Jr., and Frauklin Onstott
Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery.
The Stanwood baskethall team cam~
to McVille last Tuesday night and
won a doubleheader from us. The
girls game was quite exciting although
Stanwood looked far the superior
at times and then the McVille girls
would come back with a spurt of bas-
kets. Near the end of the game Mc-
Ville picked np quite a bit. "/'he
score of the girls game was 33 to 24
which was not such a big lead. Brown
and Scott were high scorers for Mc-
ville with 10 and 9 point respectively.
Koch was high for Stanwood with 24
The boys' game was a very ragged
affair with both teams throwing away
passes. Both were having hard luck
on their shots, and it was quite a
rough game• McVille held a 7 to 4
lead at the end of the first quarter
but were unable to hold it, the final
score beiug 22 to 16 in favor of Stan-
wood. The boys tried hard to in-
itiate their new suits by winning but
were unable to succeed. The high
scorer of McVille was M. Pruess with
7 points. For Stanwood Reidwas
high with 7 points. I
Brell, we are now going toturn
our hopes to winning a game from
the Olin boys, and we would like to
see the girls pull the unexpected and
beat the highly favored Olin girls.
Thanksgiving was fittingly observ-
ed in this locality with mauy guests
from out of town and family dinners
galore. A goodly number went from
here to other places.
Mr. and Mrs Dan Studer went to
Cedar Rapids, Thursday night and re-
mained until Sunday, visiting rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reece and child-
ren of Cedar Rapids spent Thanksgiv-
ing in the parental HerA Beck home.
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Klimek and
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Klimek and son
Paul of Maudette, Minn., came Wed-
nesday to spend Thanksgiving with
their son and his wife in the C. H.
Itigh home. They returned home on
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Worley and Robert Jameson
of Mount Vernon were guests Sunday
in the home of the former's sister, Mrs.
C. W. Riddle.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Albaugh and
sou Ralph and wife and their twins,
came Wednesday evening from Elk-
hart, S. D., to spend Thanksgiving in
the 'Charley Studer and Ella Conner
homes. The)' returned to their home,
Sunday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Gifford of Cedar Rap-
ids were guests Sunday in the W. A.
Jackson home on east Main street.
They were former residents of this
place, having been neighbors of the
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gamble gave
the family dinner at their home, on
Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Spry and children from Wat-
erloo were out of town guests.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson spent
Thanksgiving in the home of their
son Richard and family near Mor-
Madame Rumor is responsible for
the report that Uric Melton and Mrs.
Groves were married Friday in Ce-
dar Rapids by Rev. E. Winslow
Brown. They plan to live iu Lisbon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson were
very happy Thanksgiving night, when
their daughter, Lois Van tIorne of
Alexandria, La., called them over
long distance and visited about ten
minutes. Their two little grandsons
also talked to them. Mr. and Mrs.
Home, have recently located in Alex-
andria, where the former was trans-
ferred by his company. Mrs. Jack-
son said their voices were as clear
and audible as if they were in the
next room.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wright en-
tertained at a turkey dinner in their
home on east Main street, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Helmer of Lisbon and Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Helmer oi this
place as guests.
Rev. E. Winslow Browu of Cedar
Rapids preached in the Presbyterian
church here Sunday morning. No
candidate has yet been secured to fill
the pulpit. Services will bc held as
usual next Sunday.
The Priscilla Sunday school class
of the Presbyterian church, will hold
their annt,al Christmas part)' in the
home of Mrs. W. A. Moffett Tuesday
evening, Dec. 6th.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Feyen spent
Thanksgiving in Dubnque in the
home of the former's sister, Mrs. G.
W. Meyer.
Dan Conner of Traer, is visiting in
the home of his daughter, Mrs. John
Coming Sale Dates of
Auct. Walt Challis
The following sale dates have
been booked by .Mr. Challis for the
next two weeks.
Paul Sweitzer, closing out farm
sale. Monday, Dec. 5.
company from North Liberty Thanks-
Mr. and Mrs. h'an Remington and
Mrs. Elsie Remiugton shopped in Ce-
dar Rapids Friday.
Mrs. Jennie McConaugh',• and Mrs.
Eveh'n Brown spent Tha~ksgiving in
the (~laude Peet home•
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mitchell spent
in the ground to hold a gate shut,! Groves has been received bf 1~
aud fell, breaking his hip. tie was Morley friends. (?ongratulati0~
taken to the hospital at Anmosa and] Mrs Lon ttunter of Oxforttk -_
stayed there a few days hut is at home I spent ia few da,'s iu the "rill ~E1MO?
now and will be confined to his bed ihome this week. "M
for several weeks. Mr. Miller of[ Miss Florence Miller retU~
Springville has charge of the depot, lher school at Nichols, after S~lllll~
Mr. and Mrs. Freman Shankland[ the week end with file home I~-"~
Joe Novak, closing out farm sale,
Tuesday, Dec. 6.
C. E. Hartley, closing out farm
sale, Wednesday, Dec. 7.
Walter Ellison, Nosing out farm
sale, Wednesday, Dec. 14.
Charles Yarbrough and Mrs. Me-
kota, elosing out farm sale, Thnrs-
day, Dec. 15.
Adison Felix, Tipton, closing out
sale, Friday, Dee. 16.
Avery Steel, closing out farm
sale Tuesday, Dee. 20.
If you want a good sale date see
me soon.--W. E. Challis, Auct.
The Self Culture club met Monday
night with Mrs. Kisor. Mrs. Guy
~'right and Mrs. Don Gemberling
presented the lesson.
Dr. and Mrs. Littlg aud little
daughter Mary Alice, spent Thanks-
giving in the home of the latter's par-
ents, in lowa City.
V?inifred Yule" of Cedar Rapids
spent Thanksgiving in the home of
her mother and brother, Ralph.
Friends in this locality are grieved
to learn of the critical illness of Mrs.
Warren Studer in Viola. The famih'
lived here many )'ears before going
to Viola. She was taken home from
the hospital at Cedar Rapids, Mon-
day. No hope is entertained for her
and Jimmie I)eau spent a few davs] Jim Farnham of Mot
Thanksgiving evening in the Albert last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ells-! spemting a few days with his~
Thomas home. worth Shankland at Kenosha, ,Vis. ter, Mrs. Clarence Kline.
Mr and Mrs. F. W. Leinbaugh, Mr. - ---- i ('has. tIay was a caller_ !n ~t,=___-
and Mrs. Merle Murfield and Beth tlITNTER REUNION l tlnnter home at Oxford MillsI
and Mr. and Mrs. Thcmas Laffertv, The tIutner reunion was held in theda~ evening.
Miss Mildred Lembaugh, Mr. and Lloyd Hunter home on Thanksgivingi
Mrs. Willard Russell and family were 1)a~;. Those present were Mr. aud l ~ 1
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alva Hunter and family of Mt. [ I~~
Harry Newman. Vernou, Mr aud Mrs Lo,; lIuuter
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas and and son of Oxford Mills; Mr. and Irl . ÷ff .. t_:vlnfl
Ralph, Mr. and. Mrs.. Floyd Thomas Mrs. ~rill Ihlnter and Mrs. IIalliei ff~.~~ 1~vln~
spent Thanksgxvmg wtth Mrs. Ameha Shumaker and family of Morley. : lny ]
Larsen near Spriugville. Chas. Stafford of Mechauicsvillei ~~~1(~
Connie, Viviau Ann, and Dixie Lee was a caller in Morley Tuesday. ~fl~--i.
Bobst and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bobst The announcement of the marriage i ~
spent Friday iu Cedar Rapids. ~ and Louise E. ~ I
Mr. and "Mrs Flo,d Thomas and t~,.~ I
Mxss Frances Drach and Paul Them-ls ~.r.,~.r,-.~..~,~.~,~.~,-.. ~ .........
as spent Thanksgiving evening iu the :i CO~
Albert Thomas home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurt, Jr., and
Barbara Jo of Cedar Rapids called
on Mrs. Joe Hurt Sr., Thursday
Frank Gordon of Mount Vernon
spent Thanksgiving in the Leonard
Gordon home•
Darrell Emerson is employed at
Slater, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and
James and Chester and Fred Martin
attended the funeral services of Mrs.
Robert Martin at Marion Sunday af-
Kenneth Mueter of Gowrie spent
Messrs. and Mesdames Paul Horner, his Thanksgiving vacationin town
and son Bobby, Frank Wilson, John with friends, i
Lynch, Clement Wilson and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baird of
Marguerite and ,Villiam Dallas of Mouut Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Cedar Rapids combined their dinners Schmidt and son Jerry and Miss Alice
on Thanksgiving day in the W. J. Schmidt of Cedar Rapids were visit-
Dallas home. ors in the Harry Peet home on
Mrs. Gilbert Duttons and her moth- Thanksgiving.
er Mrs. Cline were week end visitors Mr. and Mrs. Argus McConaughy
in Cedar Rapids in the home of her and Bobble spent Thanksgiving ev-
sister, ening in the Mrs. Ferne Jayne home.
Dinner guests Sunday in the home Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Remington and
of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook were Mrs. Kathleen and Carol and Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lolen Remington and Phyllis spent
Dovle aud Mrs. Arnold Wolf of Wat- Thanksgiving in the Mrs. Elsie Rem-
erl0o aud Geraldine Cook of Cornell ington home.
college. James Gotch spent Thanksgiving
Messrs. and Mesdames Guy Wright, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Glenn Woods and Hal McCormick Gotch.
went to Cedar Rapids Thursday night Mrs. Evelyn Brown was a dinner
to attend the theater.
Gracia Guild of the Presbyterian
church met with Mrs. Glen Woods,
Friday night. 14 members and one
guest were present. Mrs. Paul Thom-
as gave the devotions aud EIdora
Koppenhaver the lesson.
Mrs. H. C. and Mrs. Glenn Woods
gave a one o'clock luucheon in the
former's home Tuesday. Holiday
colors were carried out in the menu
and decorations. Four tables of bridge
were arranged for the afternoon.
It. D. Eagerty went to Chicago on
Sunday night on a business trip.
IV[V cAL:s EEaln
The revival meeting at the Martelle
Christian church, under the leadership
of evangelist Sam P. Jones, known as
"A Walking Bible" will close Sun-
day night, Dec. 4th. The evangelist
has announced the following subjects:
Thursday, "V~rhy People Do Not Go
To Church;" Friday, "When He
Came to Himself:" Saturday, "Shall
We Know Each Other in Heaven?";
Sunday morning, "A Living Sacri-
fice," and in the eveninng, "Palm
Tree Christians." " " T'me~ 7:30. Ever)'-.
body invited, W. W. Coverdale ~s the
Mrs. H. C. Moore, brother and son
from Peoria, II1., spent last Sunda~
in the Dr. H. C. Moore home.
Dr. H. C. Moore and family spent
Thanksgiving holidays with Rev. Rob-
ert McDonald and family at Prairie
City. Rev. McDonald was a former
pastor at the Christian church in Mar-
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Meeks, Nov. 21, a son, at Mercy hos-
pital at Anamosa.
Born to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Moenck on Thursday, Nov. 24, a
Mr. and ,Mrs. C. L. Murfield and
Doris and Miss Elva Hoffman and
Mrs. Lillian Stewart spent Thanks-
giving in the Homer Allen home in
Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Decious and
Melvin and Thelma spent Thanksgiv-
ing evening in the Mrs. Anna Rich-
ards home near Morley.
Mrs. Gerald Darsee and David
shopped in Cedar Rapids, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Emerson and
Mrs. H. C. Moore spent last Wednes-
day in Cedar Rapids. While coming
home, Mrs. Moore was taken suddenly
ill. She was confined to her bed sew i
eral days but is much better at this!
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Curttright and
the Ival Clark family of Olin; Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Farley and Carolyn
of Lisbon; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Linn:
and Gwendolyn of Cedar Rapids were
Thanksgiving guests in the Gerald
Darsee home.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Norton and Mrs.
Bessie Ankeny and Mrs. Joe Hurt,
Sr., called on Joe Hurt at the Univers-
it)" hospital on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lafferty of
Laurel spent Wednesday in the F. W.
Leinbaugh home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wallick oi
Mount Vernon called at the Harry
Holcomb home recently.
Miss Mildred Leinbaugh spent sev-
eral days last week with her sister,
Mrs. Thomas Lafferty at Laurel.
Dillon Holcomb came from Mitch-
ellville Wednesday and spent the week
end with his mother, Mrs. Lodie Hol-
Miss Pearl Bobst of Spragueville
spent Friday night in the L. R. Bobst
Miss Frances Drach and Paul
Thomas of Des Moines and Alec
Mitchell and Muse were Thanksgiving
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mitchell.
Mrs. Stover of North Liberty spent
several days with her sister Mrs. HaP
ry Holcomb.
Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Coverdale
and wife and Rev. Sam Jones were
Thanksgiving visitors in the Claire
Armstrong home.
Miss Agues May of Cedar Rapids
spent Thanksgiving in the Will May
Dale Branchflower of Cedar Rap-i
ids spent Thanksgiving with his moth-!
er Mrs. Julia Branchflower.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell spent
Thanksgiving in the Yule Mitchell
home in Cedar Rapids.
Charlie Lyons family of Anamosa
spent Thanksgiving in the Ira Maiden
Miss Gall Peet called at the Lowell
Kohl home Saturday.
Harry Holcomb family entertained
guest in the A. B. Lake home in Ana-
mesa Saturday.
Miss Thelma Decious and Melvin
Declous and Mrs. Evelyn Myers shop-
ped in Cedar Rapids Saturday.
Earl Dragoo family moved into thei
Fred Martin house Tuesday. ]
Archie Lindley family spent Sun-I
day in the Reid Workman home at
Stanwood. defeated
Martelle basketball boys
the Lisbon boys last Monday evening, i
24 to 13. Martelle girls won from the[
Lisbon girls, 17 to 6. I
1 i
Mor ey l i
Mrs. EIh Austin i
---- [I
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Duncan and I.
baby daughter spent Friday with Mrs. I
Henry Seeger. ~ I
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Knight amtt
children spent the past week at Albla.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith, Duane,!
Darollne and Margaret Doyle spent~
Fridav in Cedar Rapids. I
Josie Hera trucked hogs to Cedar~
Rapids Saturday for DelbertSmlthi
and Chas. Seeger. /
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Filter were din-I
ner guests in the J. A. ~rood home in
Mechanicsville Sunday. i
Harry Austin and Miss Sue Gor-!
don spent the week end in the ArthurI
Free home near Mason City. !
Mr and Mrs. Bert A'ngus spent
Sunday afternoon in the Les e Meeks[
home near Mount Vernon. I
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Greenawalt and ll
daughter spent Thursday with the
home folks at Decorah.
Mrs. Wilbur Hays and Mrs. Blanch
Janeba from south of Olin called on
Mrs. Lloyd Hunter Monday.
Mrs. Ella Grassfield and Thus.
spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry
Zorba and family at Olln.
Mr. and Mrs. Clancy Miller of
Marion called on Chas. Millers and
Lewis Kohls, Sunday afternoon.
Sam Young of Mechanlcsville was
a caller in our little city Monday.
Mrs. Bert Angus helped cook for
shredders Saturday at Jake Mains'.
Neighbors and friends of Malcolm
Jurgensen, a farmer living one and
one-half miles northeast of Morley,
who was taken to Mercy hospital at
Anamosa two weeks ago for an emer-
gency operation, husked between 1200
and 1300 bushels of corn for him last
Wednesday. The dinner was served
to the huskers in the Max Jurgensen
home by several ladies of the commun-
ity. A very serious accident occurredI
Wednesday forenoon, when Henry]
Seeger, station agent at Morley andI
Jurgensen's father-in-law stubbed hisI
toe on a stake that had been driven,
velC H:
- , --0,, incht
ine tmest selection we have eve sn ehen
Make your selection while our stock
Fascinating items in blown glass a RN,
Kensington, the metal that does not
st uan! w p
or tarnish.
Granby Building Cedar
Checker Electric Supply
Mt. Vernon--P. F. Kohl 118 1st St.
Cedar RapidsI215 1st Street S.E.
Having decided to quit farming, we will hold a complete closing out sale at the
known as the Shunk place, located 6 miles northwest of Mount Vernon, 1 mile northly
No. 30, turn north 40 rods west of Home Sweet Home cabins to the farm, on
December 71 t: e
2HEAD OF :2 M:NC:IN:k :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
smooth mouthed, wt. N0 lbs. ; good handy pair on a farm, you can :°hWtnh C.
8 HEAD OF CATTLE--Shorthorn cow 7 or 8 years old, due to freshen by sale daY . bhn
an extra choice milker; Guernsey cow 7 years old, springing heavy and a popper, SO ou
and right and no one owns a better one; 2 squirrel-grey Jerseys, 6 and 8 years
milking now and due to freshen in early spring, these are real cream cows. 4
calves, Shorthorns, 2 heifers and 2 steers.
MACHINERY, HARNESS, ETC.--McCormick-Deering corn binder, in A-1 shape;
son tractor, in dandy working order; 2-bottom John Deere tractor plow; John
8-ft disc with tractor hitch; 2-bottom John Deere gang plow; 4-section steel lever
row; Stover feed grinder; 2 riding cultivators; walking corn plow; 2 wagons
high wagon with basket rack; hand corn sheller; some gas barrels; set of
ness, 1Vz-inch size; some collars; some harness repairs; 5 80-rod spools of barb
CORN, HAY, STALK FIELDS, ETC. 800 bushels of good yellow corn in cribs, to
sold in lots to suit; 14 tons of soy bean hay in mow; 6 tons of sudan grass hay
acres of good stalk field with run of the farm and barns and plenty of water.
stalks were picked by hand.
W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, Lisbon, Ia.
Mount Vernon Bank & Trust Co.,