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December 2, 1898 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 2, 1898 |
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M'L VERNON, . s l IOWa.
14' 16 17"
The increase in the foreign trade 6f
the United States this year exceeds in
value the entire foreign trade of the
country forr an~'yea rflrecedi 2g 1~50.
The navy department has sent Miss
Helen Gould a souvenir of the Spanish
American war in the shape of an 800-
pound 12-inch projectile from the bat-
tleship Iowa.
Time was when the best boxes at the
horse show in New York sold for $1,000.
This year the management had hard
work to find some one to take them for
$75 or $50. One more score for the hi-
,cycle l
At Hamburg find Bremen last year
the imports of corn frQm this country
amounted to $13.800.000. an increase ol
nearly 50 per cent. The maize mission-
C nstnIde James Drh'er and his s n I
and Benjamin Boon were killed in a'
quarrel at I/ugbes' Springs, Tex.
Rev. WillNm 15. Paine, aged 88, late
l)ostmaster at Peaksville, Mo and ~Irs.
:~~y~?;~~~fOi /Ma:ry T" 1"finger' "qgcd 85' werc married
at Golden City, MO after a courtship
of one day.
In San Francisco the battleship Wis-
consin was launched, and Miss Eliza-
beth Stephenson, of Murinctte, Wis
christened the vessel.
I~urglars murdered "Grandma"
M1 the Latest News of Interest from Wynn, aged 84, the richest resident of
~V&shington, Froffl tho East, tho / Brooklyn, Ill and owner of half the
West the South. ]town.
By the exp]oslon of one of the boil-
ers in a steamer near Stockton, Cal
TIIE LATEST FOREIGN DISPATCItES six persons were killed, ten dangerous-
ly wounded and 20 others badly in-
WAit NE~,V$. Four miles west of Meridian, ~flss
I.n thmnu the nlernbers of the three negroes were lynched for assault-
colonial cabinet tendered their resig- ing a white man.
na4ions to Gen. Blanco.
Advices from Madrid say that the FORE]GX INTELLIGENCE.
ca.binet has aut*horized Seno,r .XIont.ero For the firsl time Santisgo de Cuba
rd~ to s4gn the treaty of peace, eelebra.ted Thanksgiving. All the ships
With ten officers and 233 soldiers the in the harbor were decorated with
American steamer Florida arrived nt bun,ring and the day ~ms practically
Mariano, Cuba, from Savannah, Ga. observed by the Cubans.
Au order was issued by Gen. Wood In :~fanila Thanksgiving day was eel-
prohibiting gambling in any form in ebrated by the Americans and British.
Santiago, with a penalty of $1,000 for Off Beaehy head, near Swansea, Eng-
the infraction of the law. land, the British steamship Fitzjames
Work of preparing the camps for the foundered and ten of her crc~v were
American troops in Cuba is being drowned.
pushed rapidly. Hereafter Chili will prohibit theiasue
]n place of Gen. Blanco, resigned,of paper money.
Gem Jimencz Castellano has been up- From a tour of the Holy Lnnd the
pointed captain and governor general emperor and empress of Germany at-
of Cuba. . rived home.
At a special meeting of the cabinet To act as a guard for the United
new propositions from Spain were dis- States legation at Peking the United
cussed, after which the president ca- States navy has landed marines at
bled the American commissioners inTien-Tstn, China.
Paris reiterating his former instruc-
tions. LATER NE~,VS.
ary work performed tn Germany ha~ From Savannah, Ga the transport Spain has accepted the United States'
had valuable re suits Chester sailed with the Fifteenth Unit- offer of $20,000,000, and at a joint ses-
ed States infantry for Nuevitas, Cuba. sion of the peace commissioners in
In response to an appeal by Gen. In Porto Rico the soldier vote elected Paris consented without condition to
Wheeler over 100 American colleges A. V. S. Cochrane (rep.) congressman relinquish Cuba and to cede Porto Rico,
have each offered to take two or more frmn the Nineteenth New York dis- Guam and the Philippine islands.
young Cubans to beeducated free. The trlct. The Bank of Hornersville, N. Y
humanitarian side of the Cuban The New York, which during the warclosed its doors with liabidities of $75,-
lion is not overlooked, was known as the auxiliary cruiserCOO.
Yale, has been thoroughly refitted, for The steamer Portland was reported
A Paris letter says that when thepassenger service, lost while en route from Boston lo Port-
typesetters in Antwerp recentlystruck, land~ Me wi~h 65 passengers and a
tixe Petit Blue published its paper with- FltO)~ ~tVAStlINGTON. crew of 15 men.
out using a single piece of type, the George E. tlobevts, director of the A ferryboat capsized while crossing
whole paper being made of photo en- rain.t, in hisannmtlreport, s~vsthegold the Volga at Kinessma, Russia, drown-
gravings of typewritten copy. coimage of the world in 1897 was the ing 29 of the passengers.
h~rgest recorded, amoun~4ng to $437,- The war department, in view of the
Gold Bible hilt, the mound where Jo- 719,342, ,against $195,899,517 i~ 1896. assurances that a peace treaty will Be
aephSmith, the foundcr of the Mormon In his.annu,al report Capt. Grownin- signed, is arranging to muster out from
~aith claims to have dug up, under shield, chief of the bnreau of auriga- 30,000 to 40,000 volunteer troops.
celestial direclion, the golden plates on llon, n~vy department, recommends Louis Pfanl, an express driver in Day-
which were inscribed the Mormon Bible, that congress authorize the increase of ton, O drank a quart of uhisky on a
is situated on the farm of Admiral the naval force to ~0,000 anen for gen- bet and died in a few hours.
Sampson, near Palmyra, N. Y. The eral service and 2.500 apprentices. The monthly report of the commis-
mormons tried to buy the mound inIn his annual report Secretary Bliss, sioner of internal revenne shows that
1893 to erect upon it a memorial chapel, of the 4nteHor department, recom- during the month of October the re-
but the admiral refused ~to sell it. mends that Alaska be allowed repro- ceipts aggregated $21,735,807. an in-
sentation in congress. He also osays crease over October, 1897, of $7,699 276.
The United States bureau of ~tahs- that the total number of school pupik~ The visible supply of grain in ths
ties announcc.~ that the demand for in the country is, N,255.003. United States onthe 28thwas: Wheat.
anaeric~n corn is sh,adiiy increasing; In his' nnn~ml repor~ First Assistant 2~,%9.000 bushels; corn, 22,263,000 bush-
that the expofls of corn from llle t~ostmas~er General Ferry S. Hen.h* els; oats, 5,586,000 bushels; rye, 1,139,-
United St.ares for October were 5,000,- says the general buslnessof tbe depart- 000 bushels; b-trley~ 3,398,000 bushels.
000 bushels larger than for the s~me ment has increased over $6,000,000 dur- During a qnarrelover a fence in Chris-
month last year; and that the ex'ports ing the fiscal 5-ear finn county, Mo Burd Meadows, a
of corn for ~he tea months of thi~ year The secretary ~ the navy in his an- farmer, shot an:l ki/led Stephen Bilyue
: " amounted to 170,0~6,505 bushels, nnal report describes the organization and his two sons and wounded ~:ili3am
* against 156,356,a73 bue~hcls during lbe ofthevarions.squadronsaadfleetsthat Tabor.
first ten months of 1897. did such effective service i~ the war Oen. Velas:o, with 2 000 Spani. .h
' - with Spain, urges that the;g-fade of vice ~ ~roops, evacu ted the city and province
Tile avowal by lhe new Japanese rain- admiral be reviveR;' ~a~s,i~d ~yg. k~a~
':t~ter, Mr. Komura, while on his way to 196 shil:$;'a~a4re~m :~(~lg~ ~f pino- del Rio, Cuba.
~The Franklin ~tamp mill was hnrned
~'ashington, of the friendship of his warships ~ ad~ed~i .~ ~.~ocL Mich;,the~ossbetng$150,-
Country to lhe United States, and hls ~i~:we~':~bwn out 0~
declara'tlon of its "thorough.sympathy of ~"
il mpn:f[i~depende~ee
with *.he United States in~s demand4~l~r area cele-
try to the other. There is no nation'In
the far east whos~ friendship the "' ="'"":~ '':re establish-
Americans more highly appreciate thnn o. at Kansas
the progressive "Yankees of the
" " at " year, . : : :~:~ ~ . 240,000.
urle ~ osses on the
The commissioner of internalroy- ~at lake~ to shipping and vesselown-
enue decides that city merchants wt, o1898 the gross reV, e~e was~$~%0,12,6t? ors for the record-breaklngyearof 1898
and the gross expenditure $98d~3~523, places the figures:at $2,500,{)00.
'receive on deposit money from country the humidor 0~ post 0trices was~75,0~, . A box of powder exploded in Havana,
merchants who are their customers but
not from the public generally are not and the total issue of postage stamps, killing three persons and injuring 85
subject to the special tax as bankers, stamped envelopes and wrapp~.s a~ other~, 15 fatally.
Also that the receivingofemployes'de- postal cards was 4.614,526,090. : 7. . Furiher adViees from the storm On
posits on interest does not involve a . T~tI~ l~AS'r- defin!tely that 'l~iore than 70 lives wexe
company or firm ir~ special tax ltaEitty ~ ihe k~ew England coast say it is known
as bankers. Also 'that the lending of ( Colburn, Fuller~ Co boot andshoe lost in the wrecks of tugs, schooners
money on household ~oods or other [ manufacturers in:Boston failed for and coal barges:,:
chattel property is not the business of. { $300,000.
banMng contemplated by ~he iaw. [diedThein veteranNew York,act r'agedC" 84W'years.C uld ek'~ MINOR NEWS ITEMS.
The immigration tO th?,United S~ates:it"~[ in New York harbo~ a storm canae~ the will 'of the late Edward Austiia,
a great loss to shipping and eight lives Of Boston, bequeaths $1,I00,000 to pub
during the past year was the smallest!{ were lost. -' = lie uSe:zar a
in 18 years--229,290. A strict enforce~| Thrm~gh0ut Sew England a snowfall The ~h s recently issued an edict
ment of the laws against the admission.] ranged from eight to t~-enty-four ordering a trial by jury in Siberia after
of paupers and criminals and de*|tnche~ bloc~tt~grailWuys. : : ' January 1. .
~: pendent persons "of all sorts has cut|
'; down the nnmber of foreign mendi-1 " Frank R]~oner, aged 68,'killed htit " The AmeriCan Fireproof Wood corn-
cants, but that thegreat majority of the| wi~e, aged 55, in New York, and* then. " N
immigrants have little or nothing is| killbd himself Ptiverty was the cause; pany Was Trenton, ~.
evidenced by the fact that of all those| In Philadelphia~ the People'Sbank, J" with ~teapital-of$1 000,(~30, '
LeOn.~avier, :who fought under the
I over 20 years of age 75 per cent, had| which failc4 March t~5 last for $1,500 great ~ap01eon, has just celebrated his
less than $,30, :The people stand for a~ 000,has patti depodtora ir~ full "~ nh~ety-sixth birthday at Philadelphia.
conltnued s~rlet enforcement of those In a terrific gale 03 vessels werd The law'restri'ctingforeignimmigra-
wrecked:oil the New England coast and and who Will
ltve~Fwere' lost, " not become citizens Of Prussia is being
~Jl -- * Bu'l-gla~ blew open the Vault of the enforced:
The new Maine, whose keel Is now be-
ing laid, will be larger,more powerful Wrentham national bank at Wrentham, The New York court of appeals de-
and better in every way than the ill- Mass and $%600 and notes valued at 'ided that the antl-scalping law passed
fated namesake blown up in the harbor $65,000 were taken, at ~the last session of the legislaiure is
at tiavana. She will be 12,150 i0uU dis- ",VEST A.VD SOI;TII. u~constittitional.
:placement and will be rated as a firsl-
class battlesi~ip equal to nnything ~uswan Sanders, aged 10q, died ln. th~ Admiral Dewey, in reply to an offer
afloat. Her speed will be 18 knots au house she was born in on Chucky river of $5,000 for a short m~azine article
"hour, she witl have a main battery of tn the ~v~tauga ~alleytn Tennessee. on the Philippines, cabled: "Thanks,
'On the Burlington, Cedar Rapids &but I am ~too busy."
four 12-inch and i4 6-tnch rapid fire Northern railroad e tmtn )ump~d the Miss Nora Bitner, a respectedyonng
rifles, and a secondary battery of t6 6~ track near Burlington, is and Mrs. tady of Allegheny, Pa ~as fatally, beat-
pounders, four L-pounders, one Colt,
andtwofletdgun~; hercomptementwillC~atherlne Davis ~nd Amanda Harmesen by three gifts, none of whom are
were killed and, 22 other persons were over 15 years of age.
be 500 men, atad hercost $2.885,000. The Injured. Irwin McDowell Garfield, a son of the
Mai~e will be flnhhed in twoyears.At the age of 91 years Gen. Andrewformer president; has successfully tried
An old Penns---yl--~an]a=l'a-~v-iias been r,- T. McReynold~, a veteran of the Mexi- his first ease in the Boston municipal
rived in Pittsburgb. Fifteen years ago can audit!toil wars. who claimed to be courts, He is 27 yearsold.
Frauk Leslie Gould had ateg cut off by the oldest Knight Ttvnplarin the Unit- K number nf prominent Filipinos
a car of the South Side Passenger llail- ed States, died in l~Iuskegon, Mich. have come to this country to present
way company. He has attained his ma- For murdering Charles Askew on large claims for damages to property
jcr'ity, and now brings suil for $25.01vJ September 10, 1897, William Cato was destroyed by American troops.
under an act of assembly approved hanged at I~ldyvil]e, Ky, Secretary Long has issued an order
In mountain towns in the west partincreasing the age requiremeut in the
March 27. 1713, which permits u minor
to brlng an notion for damages within
six years after he becomes 21 years o/d.
in his own right, and without reference
to the time whcn lhe cause for the ac-
tion occurred. In 1881 the supreme
conrt of Pennsylvania deelded a case it:
which the act was declared good inw.
Faneuil hall in Boston is being ma&
fireproof, but the process seems to the
reverem l~'ople of Boston more like de-
struction, ttavoc has apparent/y bee~
worked in the interior, gtairways i,nve
been torn down. floors ripped up and
balconies demolished, it seems, ru'h-
le sly. 1;ut it has all been done w:th
care and reverence. E~ch ptece of tim-
ber and each ~tripand hoard that ~s to
be used in the reconstruction has bee~;
ta~,ged and slored in fireproof vaults,
The foundations bare been strength-
ened aud put ia eonditiou to withstand
the. ravages of time f0r~ges~it is hoped,
of North Carolina nnd southwest Vir-
ginia an earthquake shock occurred at
the same hour.
On the Lake Shore road a train struck
rt handcar near Burdlck. Ind killing
William Kemper and William Sabinski
and his two dangbters.
At Anni~on. Ala. a riot between
members nf the Third Alabam~ negro
regiment and the white sohlJersresn]t-
ed iu the killing of one man and the
-~vounding of several more.
At Cleburne. Tex John ~. Shaw was
hanged for killing Thomas Craine.
In Chinatown. a Stm Francisco sub-
urb. thc bubonic plague, or Asiatic
cholera, has been discovered.
Mrs. Mary Tomes. aged 23. a widow,
and Levi T. Tnrpin, age4 21. whiledriv-
ing were struck by n train near Kappa,
IlL and instantly killed.
Flames destroyed the business por-
tion of Cuyahoga Falls, O.
case of apprentices admitted to the
naval service from 14 to 15 years.
The British government has decided
to make a generous grant for the relief
of the distress and damage caused by
the recent hurricane lathe West Indies.
The president of the municipal coun-
cil of Paris has informed Mine. Sar~
Bernhardt that the council has aecep*-
ed her recent offer to take a lease of
the Theater Des Naeions.
Preparations are on foot in Honohfln
to test the applicability of the United
States immigration laws to the Hawaii-
an islands by the impo~ation to the
cane fields of 1,000 Corean laborers.
The youngest chaplain in the navy is
said to be Frederick C. Brown, 25 years
old, now on the Iowa, which is on her
way to 1~fantla. tie was appointed ta
the service last April, being at'that time
pastor of the Unitarian church of Mid-
dleboro, Mass.
-- Charle~ W, Couldoek, Long a Fa- Rumor That Cattle King Glllett Elam
The Wisconsin Launched Success- ntillar Cl~aructer on the Alnerl- Crossed the Border--Something
of His Methods. BlOOd Purifiod by Hood's
rilla and Health is Cood,
fully in San Francisco. can Stage, Awar. Fort Worth, Tex Nov. 28.--Grant G. "I was a sufferer from catarrh, t
-- New York, Nov. 28.--Charles W. Coul- Gillett, the Kansas cattle king who re- my neighbors advised me to take '.
A 1)l~tingutshed Pnrty ~,Vitnes~ the dock. the actor, died Sunday night at cently failed and suddenly disappeared, Sarsaparilla and I did so. A few
Cerenlony--Cro~,vds Cheer ns the ] his home in this city after a short ill- is well kuown in Texas. During thepurified my blood and cured me.
Ves~eI Plaugea Into the ~Vnter ] hess from dropsy. Mr. Conldock was present year he bought from Texas cat- remained tngood health ever since.
--Description of the Fighter. stricken on November 3 with what was tlemen nearly 50,000 head of cattle, T. ADKINS, Athensville, IRiuois.
- Ii ~sco ~'-N~ov o~ ,m,~ i.~,~ I thought to be indigestion but after- paying for tbem $2,8 )0.000. Gillett aft-
; Wisconsin waz launch;d~at";~21;'ardi:it:~n~i;~dnd~ P:5m On~i::~na::d or leaving Kansas came to Texas and Hood's Sarsapar
'hcilock Saturday morning. Thousands 1 ~t e ' ',on November 2P registered at the Worth Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1: si~
of spectators witnessed the ceremony. ] ~ hotel in this city. He was seen by local
Long before the hour appointed for theI ~- ~,~ commission men. tIe left the same 4ay Hood'8 pi||gcureanLiverllls. '25t
launching the visitors crowded the [ / "x~i)~,~. and it is thought has gone to old Mexico.
yards of the Union iron works, the ad- [ ~t~,~ Kansas City. Nov. 28.--A special to LOW RATES TO THE SOU'I
joining housetops, and the hills. The I ~"~(~.1,~/(~:~,-~------------~] the Jotrrnai from Abilene. Kan states A Splendid Opnortualty to
launching party, which included promi- [ [ l~ff,~f that the liabilities of Grant G. Giltett, Southern point~ at Small O
nent visitors from Wisconsin and this [ "~ ~ the cattle ldng, will ~each nearly $1,- On Tuesday, Dec. 6th, and Tu~
state, was given a place upon the large I ~'~' /~F 500,000 and ,that the assets may not 20th, a popular low rate excu~
run from Chicago to the Sout~
platform which had been built around ~" -~ff.2~ ~ reach more than half this amount. It & Eastern lllinois Raiiroad
the prow of the vessel. ~ "~/f~#~ m~,~ develops that Gillett had filed in I)iek- that Company wilt sell .botk ~
lizabcth tephenson, of Wis-I insou connty mortgages covering 30, round trip rst eta. tio .
eonsin, to whom had been given theI .~fffr~~/~]~f~~ 993 head of cattle and aggregatingduced rates. One way~
continuous passage; ~:
honor of christening the battleship, ] ~/~N/J~"~Z~/-~ $849,760. In addition to this amount, stop over will be ~1~~
and little Mis.~ Lucile Gage, daughter ~//~//~// /~/~//[/////~// according to the Journal's dispatch, points in the Sout~i&
of Gov.-eleet Gage, who had been I - {/~ ~]/~.~//~///f//~/~/ Gillett has outstanding nearly $600 000 be good~i~en
chosen to touch the button that started ] " //J~F~//~f of accommodation paper. The 30 or~ E~~J~s2.~e DearbotW
the vessel on the ways, took positions [ - ~//: Ill - more men who are in Abilene repro- ~"~l[~oints beyo
within a few feet of the ship's prow. ] CHARLES W. COULDOCK. senting commission houses and olhe~
Irving M Scott, of the Union iron I . . creditors of Gillett were busy al[~~~lJ~u~bthrs~[~/llSsleel~'g carsCarry andthr U'ha
Y slnce then even though he has has sev- Saturday tracing the cattle upoJ ~[~/~F~ meals out of Chicago
WORKS, chose workmen to xnocg away I,' " a "
tne supports that nelcl t~e vessel on the !m erai slight rames, aeatn w s expecteu,their firms hold mortgag~ ~~st-route to the South-a
,nls son, ~. X. bOUmOCK, a travenng found that at least on~~ ~s ainsis the quickest
~ays. " dan [ salesman survives him.
.~mos~ simultaneously atayor rn I ~. ' has been mortgaged~ 8eta'~mation, inquire of any
agent or addresg Charles L. Stone, G,
" fo m t It~narles W. Coumock ~as born April 2~, affairs are in a]~~~ill Passenger & Ticket Agent C. & E. I. :
s~eppeu ~orwara upon ~ne pm~ r [ 1815, at Long Acre, London. He made his
above and introduced Margaret Duff, of ] first appearance ~ts an actor at the age of require ~'~~~" it is Chicago.
the Irving M Scott grammar school,}2L personating Othello at a benefit per- l~~l~ill result. An Authority.
. .'~ ', "~ ~,1 formance at Sadler Wells' theater Lon- []~~l[l~e~[t are stillun- Willie--Mamma, what does making
WhO, On Denall oz rue scnoO! preseat.o
" ] don, for which he purchased ten pounds' break mean?
to me tmtuesmp a large nag ma(ae oy / worth of tickets to dlstrlbute among his []~ "You'd hotter ask your father, Will
~he pupils of the school. Commodore ] friends. He was hilled as "Mr. Fort []Fflled in Abilene show Indianapolis Journal~ . .
W ~ and Mare island his first appearance " and was appl
arson, ~omm ant at . [,I~11~ creditors and their se-
~o~o- oa +ho~,qors,-,~.~l,-~ of,he~o~ Iraptur usly by his cltque. Afterw~ Go South This Winter.
v " [ siring to adopt the stage aa a ~b ~ as follows:
For the present winter season the
rotary of the navy. As the flag unfurled [ after a struggle he got into a & Cooper, 8,170 he~d. $24,~,t)00: Gll- vil]e & Nasilville Railroad Compao~
improved its alread
service of
Cars and elegant day coaches t'rom
nati, Louisville, St.'Louis and Chi
Mol)ile, New Orleans and the Gul
Thomasville, Ga Pensacola, Jack:
Tampa, Palm Beach aud otl~er p(
Florida. Perfect connection will |
~ with steamer lines for Cuba, Porto
Nassau and West Indian ports.
and IIome-Seekers excursion tickets
at low rates. Write C. P. Atmore, (
I 's pretty har forsLe m-- n to
wants down to their incomes--(
Daily News. ,
Hard winter, hard aches. Hard n
St. Jacobs Oil. Easycure.
Laziness and dirt never quarrel.-
Very cold, very bad Neuralgia.
cobs Oil very an r e to cu re -
' -* I ~/ /~) E ~ The path of ambition leads to a great
~ ~:{~ "m .e ~ ~i I political g ravesL--Chicago D aly News.
- [ Nothing so common as muscular pain
aches. St. Jacobs Oil cures.
: ii ~ ~ Of a] the letters in the alphabet, onl
~l~ Im~,l ~ ~are 0. K.--Golden Days.
Ill! ~ ,!' ~ ~
Launehcd at San Francisco, November 26. and Christened by Ml~ Elizabeth ~tephenson.
the crowdbelossdaro14e in'to a prolonged pany ~rt Farnham, Su~fter four 7,000 head,
h t r ~ unded throu h the hills mouths he left the troupe and went wlth 0,~0ilTr0wers &Sona, 4,600 head: Sift,-
cheer t~ ollowlnga esol, ne nnI.rtlng:' "*" got me'" nag*' " 'l ,~acaman'a company ann p,ayeu leading ~; van ~ u-ates, ills head, $16,2~; lao,me~,~'
e~ I parts. Subsequently he Joined the Sbakes- ]l~ve Stock company, 1,560 head, $41,800;
Mayor Phelan read~t~ode to Wisconsin, I pearean club, which gave performances at ~[Vans-Snl4er-Bu#U tom,any, ~.222 head,
written by Clara ~ ~rtce. Hardly had the St. James, Dru.r.y I::ane and other Los-. I~ fl~l@; Bohart &')C~ flt. Joseph, 1,500 heed,
thee mavor cease~'l~aittn~. -;than lit+Is, aontne.ater~ ~oulaoc~ nere ets a~ea l a~~he ~ ~,! =~v~r~ l~4head,~ :; .
ship. ,T: - ~ 71td~a, ~' )? f[-' - I ,~-4J::";
.ore -- "t HOI OLAT1
Ao I~ -rn ~e~ ~ove ~flSS Jotned Pro~~i~ :
~h~"l~Otfle O-f ~e In two weeks the theater was btlrneda~d
Stephensoh broke the u ot wi he secured the p0sltfoa ot leading main at ~f V ' :, ;. -- ~'~ " .
upon the prow and lt~ a clear, full voice the Royal theater, playtng fli-st Sir Giles ~, ~tms, ~ov. ~n.---~gva ~ran~tma
said: ' I christen thee Wisconsin." Overreach. He remained with the.Royal W~'nn, theriehe~t~r~ldentofBrook]yn,
for four years and during that time acted ILl ~ ' t ,
men" the reat ' - and ownero~:b~!f~ he tow~/ which ,
uamlng speea everymo,~. g with Macready, Candenhoff, Kean. Mine, lies acr0~ the ~'~freta he~ was '
hull glided rapidly do,on me ways m~oVestrls Charlotte Cushman and others. : ~'~::~" ~
thewater, receivimr its first touch of On September 15 1849 Mr. Couldock ar- murdered ~rlday ~= or-early Sat- Celebrated for more than a
brineatjust9:21o'ei'ock. Asthefuture rtvedelmnbtrhtSfcl~YOr~otthtee ~eua~nernA,~e~~, urdaymornl~g by ro:Sbei% who cut her c~ntury as a delicious, nutri-
.o~ ~= ~.~ == +~a ;,t the watlll' the . o - throat and left her dead in the front
croF*d'~;e ventto agreat cheer, which P~:Y' a~iae pep~oor~t~h~r'at~rg~:oaY t~; yard, after ransacking the house. Mrs. lions, and flesh-forming bev-
erage. Has our well-known
was soon drowned in the dln greatedseason la all the prominent cries of thls Wyun, who frequently had consider-
nnon u theooantry and when Charlotte Cushman re- in the houae, llv
by the boomimr of ca non,able money entirely YELLOW LABEL
~ . ~ turned to Europe he became leadlng man --
United States gunboat Wheeling and alone She mann ed her own estate
at the Walnut Street theater, Phlladel~hia. " g ' ~n the front of every packag~
the blowing of whistles upon the count- Stnce then he has bean promlnen~ly tdent'.- personally eollecting her rents, banked
~ ~ + ;n the ho~j.:~ fled with the AmeF *an stage, playing with her money and invested~ her savings and our trade-mark
ann--- / aura Keene, Jefferson, Sothern and oth nsultln-'-- -o-e Mrs W--
aturaay evemng zne m gement ox u. -uldock i. u wxtnou c. g=a3 a . . Belle h0col tlere"
the Union iron works entertmned 200 stun "Kirks In "Hazel Kirks," which part wan estimated to be worth from $ 0,000 on the back.
distinguished g~ests at a banquet here he had played over 1,0~ times, to $100&00. The' murderer or murder-
in a private dining-room of the Palace SUv" N~ ~ era left no clew. it is not known how ~NONB OTHPR OENUIN~
hotel Speeches ~vere made by IrvingL IA~ A ~'~r.~.~,~ U t~2LK, much money they obtained, but the
.M. Scott, general man,ger of the Union prt~ amount must have been considerable.
/~uereata "l'aas ~t ~eOrKe oi
Ironworks; Gov, Budd, Oov.-electGage ~ ) Mrs Wynna relatives all live inSt.
r Wis on " ~reece ~e not se zaS~over~ar -- -: Ms~ only by
~ne laxte ' a native Ox C Sln; ~. . . " LOttl~.
Lieut.-Gov. Bsen~eh, of Wisconsin; or urete ~' ,~ea. - WALTER BAKER & CO. L1
United States Senator Mitchell, of Wl~- ~ --: . PRAIRI~ FIRES. " ~cnes~m, nA~,
nd o'" rur~nan rasha recenuy wens on a
-consln a Iners ' s "vadla' ' savasusws= ~o.
.~ - ~" pecial mission to L1 ~ Withthe ~ --- Are Cauatuz lteav-~ Losses in
Tao lbatl|esrnp WlSeOnSln, o~gtten In --.; - u t~:L ----'~* --
the hureaU f e nstructl n and relhtr (f same ]ec~ lUVleW'ua ~ta unane'- a " sister sh" * t, S ~,u~a=u=u--=*" ~aa. ~~
the navy aep ~tment, is a -ram ~ ot "tcessfuL . . . TerrttorT ,~@'~.'~:~@'~@~.$gh~
la.bam3 bylidta the ya/ gAthens, 8.---The m, mater of " " ASTHMA IS
urauaaelpnm, anu al~ ~no x.mmS0 DU.J~"
lng at Newport, News. the four powers interested in the pro. '
The dtmensloaa of tbe Wta ons|a are ~ eeedin~ Great Britain trance, au.ia St. Louis, 5or. 28.--A special to the PROGRES$1V
follows.: Length, on load water IInep~ and Ital,went at noon in royal ear- 1hpublic from Perry, O.T s ys: Prai- lnthtendencyand formsahabitt
zest, ~eam extreme, ~z xeeg z incnes; the nervous system. In curing
- '- : rla~== t- the ~alace and formdUv an- ue fires have played havoc in Oklalaoma
~raft ou uormat~sp)acemen~ oz n,bzb ton=, ~--- ~ r - ma a new habit of health must b
feet 6 Inches: maximum dl.~placemer, t, n0unced to Ktng George, in the pros- and the Indian territory for^the last
taught the ru~rvous system and the oi
,all ammunition asd stOreS on b0ard 13,az5 enee nf ~h-~ ro-al~ --~;l"j of Greece, lew aay~. une tarmer lost l,ouu acreshabit will fade away. The
tons; maximum indicated horse-power " "" " " cf fine ha i the field, several hundred
(estimated), 10 ; probabh ~peed 16~ the appointment of his son, Prince Y ~ d ofc A TI-I]V A
knots; normal Seal gUppIy, 800 toad; coal George, to be high commissioner ofDates ut coIton ann auu aya. att,e
supply, loose storage, ~,200 t0na; full buick- the nowers in Crete The nrince later and hogs. He estimates ma loss at $20,-
er capacity, 1.400 to 1,~00 t0as. Comp~e- ~ce~-wa .1. ::tul-"j'-- of the 000 Millions of tons rd haytn bale and
m~nt of officers, 40; s0amen, marlaea, etc "=. .'~ ua~ ~utt,~ =.~ bulk have been burnedln other sections will go with it. In order to do tht~|
~. mmms~era, 100 re i new type of nutrition must ba
The main battery ~wlll cOqSlst ." four I~- The crowds in the streets cheered the and no less than s dences have lisbed through bettering tha corn
Inch breeeh load/r~g titles in Hlchborn bal- - ~ been destroyed. Several lives have been
aneed turrets:, oval in shape, tnd placed announcement, oz .xr, up~' ~e~ge = up- lost in these prairie fires, In the Kima a of the blood. Under Dr. Hayes'
tn ths center lilt'of the ve~el, and a at=- pomtme)ah whlen nan re.eveu me pup- . ment new life comes into the b
tneh rapid-firs guns. The secondary bat- ular anxtetv which had arimen on ac- Indian reservation a strip or rand 30 by the recruited blood nourishes the
ter wlh consist ot !6 zlx-pound.errapid-flra " -t of "~- maTM n 75 miles was burned over, causing great organs which made It, so that
~uns, four one-~ounder raptg-nre guns, couu um uetay m ~ag t~o ~ - a~ 'these fireshav- ~- a
two Colt guns &n~ two field gua~ 8ha will nouncement. ~=ma~. -=. ~ ~f~ ,:,a~ ~ - make still better blood, and
carry four torpeao tubes. ~tructlve owing to the mgn wlnas, circle goes on until the, Ise~
' O
-- alsea "" -- real--h* Odd Feliovrs H me. " o--tl -~-' gre replaced by new and
rr ~ur Irq ~ z. "~ -- " - N V " Long, rr u ess Voyalge.
N ureensaurg lna o ~o ,-. (leal
London, "or. 28,-,-The Times in an ' "' "" "-- San Francisco, Nov. 28.--The steam ones. and Asthma is
editorial in pralae, of the foresight of has been consummated whereby the whaler Fearless, Capt.JamesMeKenna, forDr'advlc P" HarOldas toHayes'
the United States government iu in- Home for Old and Helpless Odd ~ellowsthe last of the Arctic ~eet to arrive your own cas~ '
creasing the army'~ya: 'LooMng to and their families, wtdows and orphans ' here this winter, has just reached port, ~.~J:-It~.~
.immediate needs, Mr, Alger's estimates will be located in this city on 100 acres with nothing to show for her four Tints lmat~--'---"--~
of 100,00~.~ below rather than above of land just east of the city limlts, and years' voyage. She is one of the yes- ~]t~
the mark,'~r co, dderable forces will the contract for the buildings, which sels caught in the ice at Point Barrow. ~
be required to bring the new popula- will cost $40,000, will be let at once. The story of her rescue has already
tions into subje~tlo:n." R~ Appolat-------'~d. been told;
Blaneo Is Out.
Havana, Nov. 28.--Marshal B]anco
Saturday morning formally resigned
the office of goveruor general and cap-
tatn general of the island of Cuba In
favor of Gen. Jlmlnez Castel]anoa.
~o Dry Doek itkilan tJrulser.
San Francisco, NOv. 28.--The Unit ed
States gunboat Wheeling has arrived
here from Mare island after undergo-
ing a general overhauling. The Italian
cruiser Etna will leave for Mare island,
where she will be put on the dry dock.
It is expeeted that the mouitor
Comanche will be taken to Honolulu
at an early date in tow nf the Iroquois.
Qulncy, 111, Nov. 28.--Fire destroyed
the big wholesale bakery and confec-
tionery establishment of Clark & Mor-
gan on Maine ~treet. The total loss
will be $50,0~]~ l q=u.ranqe, $40,000.
New' York. Nov. 28.--A receiver has
been appointed for the Chelsea Paper
Manufacturing company, of Norwich.
Con~ whose capital is $2(}05f~0; Its-
bill*ties, $75,001}; nominal starts, $2f5,-
Died i~ C~ti/[ornia.
Pasadena, Cal Nov. 26.---James Pow-
er. a prominent resident of central Illi-
- --" a
nots, who came to P sadena a short
time ago with the hope of regaining his
shattered heath, died Friday. Mr.
Power had large
banktng interests In
Springfield and other points in Illinois.
besides several thousand acres of farm.
lag lands in that portion of the state.
No Jlore paper Sloaer.
Valparaiso, Chili, Nov, 2Cb--In the
chamber of deputies Friday the min-
ister of finance declared, in the name of
the president, that there would not be
aBother dollar of paper money issued.
Yamoam Irate llorse Dead.
Denver, Col Nov. 25.--Sulphide. the
famoffs race horse, owned by A. V. fiSh-
Ier, of Leadville, died Thursday whila
undergoing an operation for paralysis
of the larynx. He was five years old.
Pay Uepositots la Full.
Fhili~delphia, Nov. 28.--Thomas W,
Barlow, receiver of the People's bank,
has notified the depositors of that in-
stitution that the remaining ten per
cent. due tl~em will be paid on and
after December 5, I898, This payment
will close every uncontested claim
against the bank. i~eluding the de-
positl of the city and state.
Foar Were Killed.
Burdick, Ind Nov. 26.--A train ou
the Lake Shore road struck a handcar
near here, killing William Kemper and
William Sabinski and his two daugb.
wo can make
A Natm, a/
l~'tee ~ eent~ of aR
11en'a Uleerlne Js
Vn eteose
and all
Drawn out all