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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
December 2, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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December 2, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. tar/.3”); BUSINESS DIRECTORY. C. W. KEPLER, ’I‘TORNIGY AT LAW, Notary Public, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Particular attention given to the collection of debts, WM. GLENN, ’I‘TO RNEY AT LAW and Notary Public, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Mt. Vernon, iowa. J. N. HUGHES. 'I‘TORNEY A'I‘ LA W, Notary Public. I’flra‘c- Ain all the State and Federal Courts. 214 dd St. Celia: Rapids, la. DR. J. B. ROBINSON, IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Wil- cox Block, Mt. Vernon, lows. Du. Giro. W. Hoan Du. KATE MASON-HOGLE. DItS. HOGL E. IIYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, allies and residence over llogle Bros. Pharmacy. DRTT. S. KEPLER, IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Main Street, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Office hours 7:30 to 9 a. 111., and 7‘ to l) p. m. A.C. TENNIle M. D. I, ()ME()I’ATIIIC Physician and Surgeon, Mt. Vernon, la,,oillce over Itebstock‘s res“ Martelle News. Miss Estella Bauer has returned from her visit at Omaha, after an ab- sence of three months. The Jubilee singers will give an en- tertainment in the hall Saturday night. The sermon delivered by Rev. Waite Sunday morning was enjoyed by all that heard it. A “Spiritualism” entertainment will be given at Ellison’s lIall Thursday evening, Dec.1s‘.’. Mr. Geo. Carper spent Thanksgiving at Mechanicsville. Thursday and Friday was given the school children as a vacation last week. Miss Marie Carper spent Thursday with friends here. i. Miss Boxwell is boarding in town during the cold Weather. Mr. John Remington is visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles Armstrong. Morley. As announced last Sunday evening the election of: officers of the Epworth League took place at the regular busi- taurant. Ofilce open (lay and night. Residence three blocks north of Presbyterian ’ Church. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of the eye and ear. T. A. GORMLY, ENTIST, Mount Vernon, Iowa, oflice over Ned‘s furniture store. DENTIST C. W. STAUFER, D. D. S. Office In Mitchell Build/rig. Next Door to Neff’s Furniture Stan. DR. T. I. MITCHELL, V. S., VETERINARY Surgeon and Physician. S )ec ial attention to veterinary Dentistry. 0 so with Drs. Wolfe, Mt. Vernon. Iowa. New Dardware Store [Have Just Received a New Stock of Dardwarc ‘Cinware Gasoline and Cook Stoves ngicultural 'Coole Make a Specialty of Famous Work, Roofing, Spouting and all kinds of Tin Work. Your patronage Solicitccl B. F. ROBINSON & C0 lat Door East of Neff's Furniture Store. Old City Hall Building. LEONRAD KOPP,’ woman to G. A. l C. I. RUNDELL The Old Reliant..." City Meat Market CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS CALL AND SEE LEONARD KOPF Saudi Sid: Main Street Mt. Vernon W City Hack and Dray Linc “ JOHN HOODMAKER. Proprietor First-class accommodations and prompt service. Bus meets all trains and passengers and baggage trans- ferred to any part of the city. Of- fice at Central House. HAYMARKET LIVERY FEED STABLE East Main Street next to Public Schoolm Good v-ngs at Moder- ate Prices. mm oozmuzvnr 0197mm) NBA! . . .. HAREBTPRIOM . . . . SINGERS TAKEN T0 EIGHBORING TOWNS 0R INTO THE COUNTRY Dr. T. I. Mitchell ness meeting Thursday evening at p. m., Nov. 24th. Meeting was called to order by the president, F. W. Kinney, who stated the object of the meeting to electollicers of the Epworth Lea us to take eifect Dec. 4. 1898' Those 6 ected were: President, G. W. Carper; lst. vice president, A. H. Newman; 2nd. vice president, 0. H. Brown; 3rd. vice president, Mrs. J. M. Stearns; 4th. vice president, Miss Ava Kinney; secretary, J. M. Stearns; treasurer, F. W. Kinney. We have heard it expressed that a better selection could not have been made. The retiring officers have been efficient and turn over the League in first class condition. _After election of E. L. 0. prayer~ meeting began at the usual time, con— ducted by the leader. J. W. Brown. Miss Carper, an active member of the Martelle League was present at the election. The air fairly flashed with wit and sparkled with repartec. Linn Grove Items. Annette Goudy is on the sick list. Abner Laccck and Milo, drove to Cedar Rapids Saturday. Mr. Amos Strother is very busy making out assessments this week. Geo. Johnston began school at the college Monday. Mlss Mary E. Johnston is slowly re- covering after a continued illness. John Petty and family, went to Ce- dar Rapids Friday of last week. Cliff Miller is buying chickens for Will Bell of Springville. Col. E. S. Johnston of Mt. Vernon, made a. trip to the Grove Saturday. Rev. Hubbard was called to Lisbon Monday, to attend the funeral of Miss Beckie Ingram. Miss Rena Ailer began her first term of school Monday, over by Anamosa. Grandpa Erica is again under the weather, Dr. Robinson being calledone day lastwesk...“-Wlfile there he aft Willi Y {1; uses thbifir‘dli The Ladies’ Missionary Socie y held their monthll'yé means at the home of hirsgflenry linen Way. The ’A. B ‘i' meanest the night; ‘ Springvilie next Monday. ., Little Verlie Petty spent a few day the latter part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. Mabel McShane. Mr. Ed. Clark took his sister Elda to Mt. Vernon‘Sunday afternoon, where she has been going to school for some time past. Mrs. Geo. Goodyear and Mrs. A. E. Goodyear, spent a. few days in Lisbon the first of the week. Arrangements are being made for exercises Christmas eve. at the brick church. Rev. Hubbard left Monday night for Chicago to meet with his class mates and also to deliver an address, expect‘ ing to return the last of the week. Eli Johnston drove to the Grove be- fore the storm last week and cause quently stayed until after. Nellié’and Vern Richer son visited 1;. Vernon with their grandparents in last week. The pastor’s subject for discussion Sunday morning at the brick was “Liv- ing Nations and Dying Nations.” He spoke of three dying nations, Spain, Persia and China and then told of the prosperity of our nation in a way that was appreciated by all. Miss Beckie Ingram, sister of Mrs. Geo. Goodyear, died in the hospital at Waukeegan on Friday. The services were held in Lisbon at her sister’s, Mrs. Simon Grauel on Monday. She was laid to rest in the Mt. Vernon cemetery. The Neighborhood. The Poultry Show at Cedar Rapids, the arrangements for which are now being completed, promises to be a suc- cess and is of a kind that the neighbor- hood will not be rudge attendance to. Any thin that o are the privileges of study an tends to arouse and keep up interest in practical industries should ztililceive the hearty encouragement of a: as as The New Era says that the Bell Poultry House of Springville, with branch houses at Marion, Central Cit , West Branch and Mount Auburn 8 doing a rushing business. It adds that Mr. Bell is the leading poultry dealer in the state. :1: * They are still havin their troubles at Center Point as is indicated by a newspaper item which tells of a man who stole a can of oysters from in front of a grocery store and then had the audacity to go to the merchant and stand him off for a pound of crackers. I: The Central City News-Letter now comes to our exchange table in a. unique form for a country weekly. It is a twelve page production, size of pages being about 10% in. x 14% in. The innovation will be watched with much interest for all recognize that it is in hands competent to make it a success if the style is one that really appeals to‘the average reader. a t as Henry Klein, for many years a suc- cessful merchant, at Prairieburg and who spent the evening of his life in a fine home at the county seat, died last week. The Register in its obituary article said: “ r. Klein will long be missed not only in his home, but in the community. His was a. life of splendid manhood. The memory of such men dim but slowly and never fade. away? . r j r .\.\ \.\.\.\.\.\.\,§.‘\:§;§:~pf§..\.¥ \ 5w ,1 r Teacher __:urch;_ on «Saturday Verge Laecckwlll begin school at MOUNT VERNON HAWK-EYE. -\- -\ .‘.\ _ g 3%,;"1399339’3’733-1337’ 1% is: I Correspondence and Neigborhood News The Anamosa Prison Press soiilo- quizes thusly: "The Prison Press is not mpnaged by the state. It has no in— come except its own resources. it is published in behalf of fallen humanity, by the inmates, and is censored by the chaplain, who has charge of the de- partment from which the paper is pub— lished. There seems to be an idea abroad that the state fonts the bills, but such is not the case. The editor is boarded, clothed and furnished with plain and secure sleeping apartment, and for which he superilltends the printing department but has no Satur~ day night vision of the“gliostwalkiug" abroad to distribute the filthy lucrc to the printers.” * * What an outsider thought of our recent little “impromptu” linds expres- sion in the Tipton Advertiser as fol- lows: "H. R. Porter was at Mt. Ver— non last Saturday on business. lle re» ports a. big celebration there in the evening by the Republicans of that vicinity over the recent political vic- tory. Several thousand people were present and expressed their joy by means of oratory, bon fires and fire- works.” * * Wyoming has been quite fortunate in the matter of a well for the city’s waterworks. The J ournai reports that a;well not over 70 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter succeeded is supp1v~ ing a satisfactory [low 01‘ excellent water. In testing, the fire engine was placed at the well and suction hose placed in the water some 8 feet and over 100 gallons per minute pumped. in four minutes the water was lowered below the hose, but in one minutes time was back to normal height again. An 8 in. cylinder will be hung 30 feet down drawing water direct from a creVice current and it is believed this will prove practically inexhaustible. (concluded from first page.) those above quoted will ever become rooted or grounded in the political tenets of its progressive and enlighten— ed inhabitants. In giving utterance to them the professor has no moral right to accompany them with the assertion that they are either countenanced or endorsed by the industrious resident of the Hawkeye state. If as Christ said “the poor ye have with ye al— ways,” it is evident that there always has been and always will be a rich class and a poor class; and unless this asser- tion on the part of the Savior of man- kind was erroneous or inadvertent, it is equally plain that the socialistic movement which relegates unto itself the power to nullify the assertions and contemplations of holy writ, becomes more remote from the period of its realization as the inclination of the more settled and pronounced. PLINY HARLAN. Business and Railroad Notices c alarms Central America. The“ Gold Fields in N icraugua are easily accessible, (being only twelve days journey from New Orleans,) and are located in a healthful and attract- ive climate where mining can be carri- ed on the year around and food is adun— dent and cheap, yet they are not near- ly so well known as those of Alaska, althought it is thought development will prove them to equal and probably exceed the true value of the famed Al- askan discoveries. The few miners who are already dig- ging out fortunes do not care to share their brilliant prospects and are per- fectly willin that they should remain unknown. his state of al’fairs cannot longer continue, and a neat descriptive circular giving full information has been prepared, which will be mailed free to anyone who will send their ad— dress to the undersigned at Dubuque, Iowa. J. F. MERRY, A. G. P. A., I. C. R. R. Home Seekers’ Cheap Excur- Sions. On October 18, November 1 15, De- cember and 20, the North-Western Line will seliuhome seekers" excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and Scuth at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and ful information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western B’y. extended so as to ciated Press. people to listen to the voice of their own reason andv‘common sense becomes The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispata‘TES which THE CHI- CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent Special service is in process of being greatly city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full" regular cable service oflThe Asso- The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. is. c. so WER’S STORE Special Holiday Announcement OUR Holiday Stock is varied and has been carefully selected; goods are up-to-date; prices are as low as the lowest. We solicit careful examination. Medallions The marked improvement in the tints and finish of these pictures makes them very popular and very suitable for presents. We have them in about forty different styles and subjects, varying in price from 50 cents to $8.00. Books Our line of Staple Books is very complete. We are offering well bound cloth l2 mo for 18, 20, 25, 40 cents each. We have books in fancy bindings for gifts. A large line of Booklets from 5 cents to $1.50 each. Juvenile Books for the children, all kinds and prices. Teachers' Bibles. Special Sale of Teachers’ Bibles. well bound, with all the helps and maps for $1.00 Albums There has never been an improvement on preserving photographs over the Album. We have them; new styles, up-to~date: $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, and up to $6.00 Also Autograph Albums in variety and something new, Snap Shot Albums for unmounted photographs. Hear our new $50 Regina Music Box In Musical Instruments the “Regal” are as good as the best. dollus at $5.00, 7.50, 12.00, and 20.00. Guitars $4.00, 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00. any price from $1.00 up. Zithers, Harmonicas, Fifes, etc. complete line of Mandolin Guitar Violin, Banjo, Autoharp and other 5 Brush and Comb SetS, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, hill‘ and Cell; Handkerchief, Glove, Necktie and Photograph Boxes. Frames, Purses and Pocket Books, Tooth Brushes, (Tombs, Hair Brush A New Line of Artistic Christmas Cards. Fine Tepiitz, Crown Derby. Doultot hagen, Wedgewood and Bohemian Glass Vases; Crest Wave W are. Pl Match Holders, Rose Jars. WE HAVE a well selected line of new and instructive Games Suit young and old. We Offer in the Line of Toys Over 100 dozen DOLLS from 10 to $8.00 each. China Dolls China Limb Dolls Kid Body Dolls Kid Body Jointed Dolls Cork Stuffed Dolls Sleeping Dolls Dressed Dolls Dressers Bureaus Cupboards Iron Beds Wood Pails Carts Chairs Doll Perambulators Sideboards Washstands Folding Beds Folding Chairs Sleds, Wheelbarrows Tables Shoo-fly Rockers Cradles OLUN We 0 We keep i iIanil Mirrors nd Ohio Vi E8 E1 Doll Jewelry Doll Swings Desks Rocking Horses Tool Chests Carpet Sweepers Trunks Drums Pianos Violins Zithers Horses Calliopes Balls .3.. ,, 1“ TOps Bilildinngloc . Noah’s Arks J .35 . Louis, Nov. 21—23. On account of the above, tickets via the North-Western Line, will be sold November 19-20, good until November 26, at greatly reduced rates for the round trip. Ap 1y to agents Chicagohdt N orth- Western ltailway for iull partic- ulars. Amateur photographers will find suitable mounting board, cut to order, cheap at the Hawk-Eye Office. If you want your stove shined and put up in good shape call on Chambers 85 Herrick. Waterman Fountain Pens are the best and are fully warranted in every respect, for sale y W. G. Power. 5 cents will save you time and efiort. Depot. telephone at Ned's. Don’t fall to see the new Pendulum Washer at Chambers 85 Karaoke. The greatest step saver in townn the depot telephone at ,Neif’s Furniture Store. 5 cents toll. Belts, pins and buckles at cost, at Stevenson’s. For gloves and mittens call on HORTON KYLE. $200. Reward. The undersigned association of pre- mium payers hereby otter $200, reward for the arrest and conviction of any incendiar in any of the assocxating towns. reperty Owner,s Fire Associa- tion, Des Moiues, Iowa. Rests With include every important HEFF Knit Dolls Rubber Dolls . Doll Heads Iron Rail Road Trains “ Shoes Tin Kitchens “ Stockings Guns “ Hats TOY Watches “ Hoods “ Jackets Iron Engines China Tea Sets Gunner’s Outfits Magic Lanterns n d Alumn ‘ 872. ONZO i " . F. .1011] ii ., I862, S( V. HU( rofessoro “I D. 1685. ‘ MLINI “ rofessor use, s. M. hicngo, 11 LVES’I Iron Carts Iron Banks Boys’ Soldier Sets Ladies' Work Stands And many other kinds 4 Leave your orders for coal to be de— livered this month at $7.75 per ton. . COAL‘ l). L. BOYD & SON You it’s an easy matter to make it an economical year in buying,-—1T RESTS WITH YOU. It only depends upon patronizing The, Right Store The Thrifty Buyers are among our patrons. and that is good evidence that ours is a Satisfactory Furniture Store 6: :0. Fine Toilet Soaps Pears, unscented . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Colgiltes White Castile . . . . . . . . .. )raddccks Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rocheau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wash Rag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. La Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Books 1 set Waverly Novels, 12 vols., cloth, worth $15, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 set Lord Lytton's works, 12 vols., cloth, worth $15. for . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 set Dickens’ Works, 6 vols., cloth, worth $6, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Wmm vols., paper bound, worth$10 for . . . . . L A - othpworth $8.00, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Wealth,” Great Bargains. ,. N.Cool ‘ndC. E., LLIAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 cents rofegsorq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 “ _LLIAM “ 'I’rofessor 1838; G rat ’chool of , HEY I I Professor ‘_ University V. Till L rofessorv 7 nciul Nor '* arrett Bi lr t Lieu ‘ monster. v‘ id 01171“ i Lila Eminent nive ‘ W1 .v. NOTE ’Professor i883; Stud yourfurnitUre German P 1895 ‘ Arms: Professor BA its an Wm naked!" and RESTAU R .J. r. nessro A: ICE CREAM 8 ovs ""'°‘ E2 GflTEREKSf 01 hunk-“M Fourteen Pusenger Carry nic and Cross Country Passengers taken to the try and surroundin towns. We Will Be P ‘~ to receive trial orders from tomers, whom it will be ‘ deavor by pleasing to permanent onel. GAMBLE BARN, NORTH OF J.J.HOUV E. S. John nan mm :14 Y ” Live Stock am: i flty sues Prompt” Attended mi '