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December 5, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 5, 1940 |
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and !
ARE - Night I- - -= -: -= -. - - ,=, =" "=::=:":='" === P R AL ASKS " I ADULT !
NIF I WILL BE TRUCK RUINS McVILLE STATION 0 TUG Has 91st Birthday VE] { elan Family
:u rUN LOUALConference Game P TEl) HERE FORI TI0N 01 -. 21t lL "
R EN -- tS 00 C ^^'" At Cornell's First
ffMA m Am I When Cornell--~aces Ripen Satur-/rnn eT. I ?I?;S IH A l /[lilP dfltr ! IODJ !Ii IWq[i rl |lLllfl
tIA~]~jP |lJ~l~k] day night at 7"30 o'clock in the sea ] r I fit. Join 111! : : i:: : 'I / IIIIHU 131" LI )D! i 11 ! 1 H i] r. 1
------- son's first Midwest conference has- / :' ::: :: ~
n * ketball gamae there will be a spe- ~:~ ! :; ~>.
Ts0f Colored cial"familynlght" for those tnand/ Chorus Of 160 Will Don't Know Here George Godfrey Of
n~s TO Be Put U near Mount Vernon Interested in ! ' '
Pltheteam. For this game only theI Be DIrected By Har- i How Lisbon Got Its I Iowa State Is Main
~J' college will admit entire families, I old W. Baltz I Name. !i / Speaker
------- leach for the price of just oriel ] ~ . ! ! ~i,"
t~tees tu process or I ~oaen Judd Dean willprooably -- ~ I -- ~i~'~:~ t -~--T'T-.
s have been named ticket. . . On Sunday, Dec. 15, at 3 p.m : To the Lisbon mayor came a let- ii:: The Second Lmbon Adult Eve-
t~re torma-/ the Cornell Oratorio society, under ter from the Consulate of Portugal, Ining School closed with a banquet
ts C- meunltY start three or four sophomores the direction of Prof. Harold W. San Francisco, Calif asking data |Wednesday evening in the high
~atlon in Mount against the strong Wisconsin team, Baltz will present the thirty-sixth I ! ~ on the naming of the town of Lis- ~~ ]school auditorium which was at-
be [loop champ!on last year, and a pos- [annual performance of Handel's I ~:~' ~| ben. Portugal has :been celebrating ]tended by approximately 130 farm-
2O~un~;a~r~OtmnOld the lSal:~earepeater this sea, on. Fast ["Messiah " The soloists are to be t ~~: this year, the 800th year of its [ers. their wives and towns people.
theht~,~ as pro-I . ~resmve, ou~ smart and rein-I Olive-June Lacey, soprano, Ruth ! / founding, and one of the most in- ;. ~ The invocation was .given by Rev.
icy ev'en~:-~h~ 1 auditorium ~lvely inexperienced, the Purple will [Pinkerton contralto Joseph Victor /teresting points would be to learn ;. ~~> ~+~, IW. D Bostrom. Follov ing the fine
. -',-s, ~)ec. Z3rd. The Foe racing an uphill battle against Laderoute' tenor and Francis Ger I ]fram the scve-al cities and towns~~ banquet Lyall Bryant acted as
will P.r~bably begin at ]a team which beat them last year, man baritone ' - ~awkeye-Record Photo / in various states the year its Lisbon ~~ toastmaster for the program. Prof.
" b;tpWull~, be made up of [38 to 33. Th!s is the only home I Harold Baltz will conduct the I The Phillips Station on No. 30, ,release, probably because of snow /was founded and for what reason -~:':l George R. Harlan, Smith-Hughes
~ it-ore near D game netore the ~:nrlstmasnow so named Instructor at 1 isbon extended the
eels a-~ - -' y ~ - I chorus of 160 .members and the 50 ~ at the south edge of Mechanicsville, I on the brake shoes, and pulled the I it was . "- .: ::~ I ~ ,
,u numbers by pupils days ere m n r ~ c roan in o the station In his re ly M~tyor Brtggs re welcome Gordon Meyers Cornell
~wn schools PI : -~ [ '~: I Pl sy pho y orchestra (t din-lwas knocked six feet off its founda-ltru .k a d t [ P- " . . . " ~:~~/ . " . " . '
~,n lvr me am~ year all DasKe~Dall contests d the town was laid OUt donut Student sang tntee nunlDels accom
are in *~.~. ~ . I ed ,by Prof. Oakland), and Miss I tton and ruined it so that it will / The dark object at the lower right I porte ! * /" ' " " -
= -~nus of the writ ~e aouole neauers with the 0 As to the name no one panled by Miss Elizabeth Bryant
comm~t:~- ' ] . .- [Venn and Mr. Devereaux will aasist I have to be rebuilt from the founda- J is part of a post su,pporting the can- ] 185 / ','
t~e With donn main game oelng ,played first Sat ~,s or recalls how it was chos which were vexy well received Wil
chairing ~-~ / . ' " lat the piano and organ respectively. / tlon up about two o'clock Sunday / opy before the station was .hit. A [ kno . . - ~ ~- ' :~ ] . ". " ." -
-**~- xne commit-~ uruay after the varsity game theI ' '/ ' it -as taken from a liam Tanner a Cornell student ke t
'.bersare hashed- b C r '11 . While Mr Laderoute has appear- morning when a Reliable tranmt hole was knocked in the east en. Perhaps w t~- . ' ~ . ' "P
close of th clew [~o ne second team wnl play the led here on~y once before at the May truck owned by a Mr Coleman, the/wall by the impact The truck had place so named In another state. I t~ne crowd in laughs with a panto-
"*John, d,^ 'x[~ On ~-r On gl rn ag mj~aannta6" ] notable/|l/[ |~'urPM le ntfreSnvomr~*' showingen non ofl,)~origmalNo prints [ ,^a~. .~.~,]]till[l/dTPrt*'rid- I'e *I~udvieek Murfleld~s^57Ofand~l williC~OF~o,fflclate~, heldat lastthe/[]l//lI/[[momentshown~~talkat)ove n andre phased pare Ofof~Nthe ,$22131t ~overnmoatHarlan Esteel bhm~ paidwhich12hold50jIll/lIlt[]l president, rMrs~edistrlbutlonE. P Bigger and[/l/[[/[///|]/1[ man Donald. Robert. an e ~l~ vt t~I/ill/Ill ms lomn e~ ~Gnl ve on In vilnge r acihh aat rt~OOkd :~7~;"
eXpee*^;": / . [ Festival last spring Iiss Lacy is I driver who lives in Chicago skidded / a heavy load. It is expected that - ~ Hi h Roberts I'll(to ~ - '
1 eand;~#e~ faDrP:::h w!th /to't~e coM:g%~imll sell season tieketSlby no means a stranger to Cornell/into the station. The truck was~the station will be rebuilt as soon Services Are Held For JOSEPH ~ KROB ) nDr. Jonn R. Gardner, speaking
Kla e games at a price tor o Sh has un r in e I o cooperauon said that every one
attends +~- - . [ era i . e ' s g he e the / storming to get gas when th as the damage is adjusted. H. F. I v T t~ TT I ' ~ " / ' '
rings of~::lyr gram: [that reduces the average cost per I Messiah on .five previous occasions, i bral~es on the rear wheels failed to Beck is proprietor of the station. I Leonaru uaumeyer I Another Lisbon citizen passed the / f the 365 days in the year ought
to ,be st'r~-~-u lights are [game Ior regular . cage ~ans oy ]the last being in 1936. She has been I,I -------- I four score and ten years when J. F. it . oe a ThanKsgiving day for the
'Get on ~ ~tenea across/more ~nan one-third. [declaimed wherever she has sung l T T TTr*TT ]!'* ~'~ T a I Leonard Henry Dick Gall'meyer ]Krob had his 91st birthday last tprivilege of living in a state like
be lt~ht~lucy. .so that [for her high, clear voice, her pew-I Jacques JOins yylIl {Big (;rowe A~enas ]was born Sept. 1, 1911, on a farm /week onthe 27th Mr. Krob was Iowa He.promised. to. the school
e 1~-~- =u rrlaay eve-/H~PPy Mllhfilin I |i~m l er control and oratorio interpreta I~ ~ f~r'T] ,-- l~ ~T I . r~ J near Stanwood Iowa. He was one/born In (:zechoslovakia When he /a continuauon of the loyalty and
t~n~ will be 1t J "*--''--*" ' - ~blularen [~ ' coo eration
niug f-o--- -~ ghted 1~ Tr ]tlon. She is now soloist at the Ken- I rresen I U. 11. Jonnslon ~ale I of four children born to Mr. and / was eight years old the father and / " P of the business rater-
- a then until New " Mrs He,man Gallme er He re mother John and Anna Gre or ests thruout the years to come
The electrici [uIrtearl;Attacl At /wood Interdenominational church R cltalSaturdavAt3 i =-=-. . I y -1,g I . .
Io~ ~y is donates /wvr .~ T'~T * -a~ ~ /ln Chlca~o /--'~ [ "the l)eloert Jonnston sale on |celved his elementary and second- |Krob two brothers and four sisters / Jonn ~larg entertaineu with two
~-~ ~lectric Light and/wnl~e l~lalns, 1~. I. I Mr I~d'-route i~ a n~*lve of/ . . -------. lMonday drew a big crowd in spite [arv schoolinr in the Stanwood and ]came' to America They did not ~vocal numbers accompanying him-
~,-pany. ~ ' t-roiessor ~acques ~ot~ writ p[~- . . o " sel
istmas { --. . ~ {Canada and has been in this roan- { hlldren's recital In the ex- ~of the rapidly falling mercury. Mr. [Wheatland schools respectively. As [come as travelers now do, fly across [ f on the guitar
~-e~ wnl be placed The death of Harry Mllholln ~ Johnston has purchased the Trawls a nun man he worked on various in a short time or sail over ,n a f R P Ink SOeaktng on Looking
~ldewalk hole 1 ',try for two years. Since then his hibition lounge of Armstrong hall ' Y g," ew F " ' ' -
,re whi.~. ~ n front of/brother of Jay and Clair Mil:holln, iperformances have placed him int u-*-rda, afternoon at 31Gr cery at Vlnton and will take]farms in the Mechantesville netgh-/days, but six weeks was the time] orward, went back a half century
~ures"*- ~"arenaS one. ]at his home in White Plains, N.Y. I ~ ~th~ t,-.-v~, fit~ ~,~ of -r~sent, .~a, tenors. 1 o'cmc~' ~?~ "~Y"An cnnarenJ o~ tn~o - ~"~"~+" I possession of it on Dec. 16th. ] borhood, it took to make the trip. land discussed, the methods of that
r -* .C asked by the ]last Sunday evening was a severe / He to amen~, the few ,oun~er art / ". IA portable elevator was sold to [ He was united in marvin e to,On their arrival the came west age. Hm recollections of the first
~t ~omm o ~ z ~ - are invite(1 tO attenu, t.ere w, g Y
~ts decor ,erce to carry out/shock to the family and his many lists who sing in the real tradition /b^ no charge This ts a project of lDavtdTaylor for $50 and F. /Miss Dorothy Kerslake on Novem-land a home was established farm machinery were very inter-
~d the tn~te foSr In their win /[rlen~s In this locality: He had not [of oratorio. Laderoute will come/t~e Cornel~ 'Junior music depart- lScnlemme' WhO will farm the Mrs. jber 1, 1939, and to this union was/north of Solon, which still remains jesting. 2% hay loader Was deve!oped
i as ~o .at the store,oeen teenng wen tor two says and there directly from singing the I mont under the direction of Miss I' ~v~ dry ~argent farm Known as the [born one child, Duane Everett Gall- [in the Krob name, now occupied by { ~ar ~rom monnce]lo, Th~lrst
~ .~,me this year /on Sunday afternoon his physician / aa,oo~-h, *h ~,~ ~ ~r ~,~.Y. : I Mc~;ann farm paid $94 for a hay [meyer Durln the year and one/Frank Krob a nephew- of Mr Kr b iron narrow used on his fa her's
^~ Sohcitation of the busi [advised him to go to the hospital]v~r~t,v ~nlzaDetn ~ry ' ^ ^. loader and $60 for a tractor corn month of this ha m rri f In Feb 1876 Mr farm was made at Sprln llie and
~ r . - . . chorus and will go from 1 will b v~ informal PPY a ed 1t e, . . Krob and Miss gv
,inance:: atw, ll be made /a few hours he suffered a heartat-ISwedish Choral Society. /c~ldren to ask questions He has[t ~r .S,nde!ar of Cedar. Rap!ds ]farm with his father-in-law, Mr. married, and for a few years they Kynett mdi ng cultivator .'Ill 'be
A. You~=" ''"~tee' [tack and ales without warning. Jay I Miss Pinkerton and Mr. German |always loved to talk with children / tor Szo(jana ne atso was nlgn o1(1- C. C. Kerslake, a few miles south- farmed on the home place, then reeal[e~. The hired man didn't li~
ha'- s m general com-[Mil.houn teft Monday .morning for Fare well known members of the ]^~ ,~ +, ~-~ ~,~m-~n'o con / aer on the hammer mlu at $.~. W. least of Lisbon Iowa [moved to what was known as the the hay loader at first varmers
emb r White P1 Ins t O Albaugh of Mechanicsville Leonard was ba tize in John Ma ba were very skeptical about the first
ees are as e s of the / a . o attend the funeral/Cornell conservatory. I certs and to lead them in spontan-f " ~ ' 'p d the / y uer place south ell . -
ee~ ~ ~nows |winch was held on Wednesday ~ Commentin~ Mr Baltz said that ~ *'~---+~'-" '" O-~oo concerts [ bought the corn 'picKer rot ~t~z, [church of Jesus Christ and as a ]Mount Vernon machinery and didn't care to spend
tUrn H~.~ dyce, chr C. L. tafternoon with burial there /this year's chorus is the 'best he ~ Mr Jolas has given many such Iand paid $76 for a cow Conme |young man was confirmed in the [ In 1901 they came to Lisbon and ttheir money for it. Then came the
~o Kali~a~a~n' l~obert Per- / .Harry" Mtlholin was born the son /has ever worked with and that the irecitals, in various interesting ways. IM nn pare $~ Ioran clectrlccrcam ]Evangelical Lutheran church at ]Mr. Krob former a partnership in t olndera.nd the threshing rac-
er --', ~'. ~. ~mith, J. [or Mr. and ~rs. James Milholtn, /orchestra also surpasses formerlFor instance in Harrisburg hell, v-rater. ~'ranK wolra~ $~, rot ]Grand Mound, Iowa. On Easter|the elevator .business with his son-]crime" "me ~,lnn townshi,p farmers
|)~(~)ratio~ - [Nov. 14, 1893. He was graduated ~standards" fence had a group of children:bringla~~ koftC~:lnon~ ~' and urville I!n-]Sunday, 1940, he becamea m~mber|in-law, W. J. Fiala, to whom het!nsuran~e association at one time
~rle~ ~" ~ri'~ : J. R. Eyre, [from the Mount Vernon high school,~ 1.~ ~ '-'"~ ~,v *"^'- f-vorite~ fair ~ tales. I ~, for a orootler/of St. John's Evangeltcal~ and Re- ]sold his interests in a few ~vears I ha(1. a cta~ s~ in it3 policies. that it
Id ~- er, Howard Beck- [in 1912 and fro'm Cornell college in ] g'~ I) 1I 1 I.Y.~.~ [ h- ~torles back to the I house. [formed church at Tipton ]and retired / would not be res-~.ons~b'e for a fire
l~ean " l- Ill iaen n~ tt)~u ce ~ "
HOWard 1916 l ~. D. ll~l~i~l~ ~ Clover seed sold for from $10 50 which started when
ma- ~-' Johnston / Whi e in Cornell he was a l [-: im-.rovisin~descri-tive I [ His health failed during the past / Mr. Krob ,built the house in the l " a threshing
at l~eun,UIIIIUY~II, p ~ 1" 9 " ~ '
eth L~ m m r t l to $ 00 a bushel Rob Slyer paid summer m machine was o e~ate
awl * tts I~eoral [ e be of he football baseba '1 I .~TT~ll| .~l~ I *'* or tell "art of the stor" I,onths and his condition |north part of town now owned by I ' p " d within 200
' ~ence West ' ~ ' ~).)u~.~*~aa *J~a~. ~ mu~ ~ ~u . ~" I $10 50 each for 2 bushels Joe T"r " ' ,-- ~- ~ I feet of o ~,ma.
b~arr ~,aonn Yeis- [anu oas~etoan teams, tie was arnl- I I tn a recital this summer at I : ; u - ~grew steaolly worse until he .Passed ~Mrs. trrances Daubenmeir replac- I rig.
-, ~Oyd Her iated i h h ~ - - her ~tu eden tor a ousne~s riarold fr m ' The rotar hoe n
tlva~ ~ ton. ] w t t e Adelphian society. ] The O B Haeseler sale onthe I Banff Canada the children guessed t ] o this life Saturday morning, ling the old brick house in which t . Y a d cultipacker
r D~CnU[~. u~ ~tav~nee ~'~ ~, earn Nov 30 wele not a success ant
?hr Jim~mau us: -.Roy[ After hisgraduation from Cor-lday before Thanksgiving drew althe pieces Mr. Jolas .played, andl ,r 2 ~uoh~'o o-~ ~ "~; [ ",1940, at the age of 29/they lived when first moving tot~o~ ilthe tractor
etcaulay, W. R.[nell ,he was atntetlc coach in /n-lcold day but there was a goodldrew pictures Illustrating some ofl~onnlc"M~h~'each"O9~ ~"|years, 2 months, and 29 days. ]blSDOn. t;~,;~= along and wo uja pU*I1 them
ousnel for Those who k Sin ter man norse, s The tract
was ~.~, . [dependence, Iowa, Seattle, Wash I crowd and biddtng was brisk ] the descriptive compositions. I ~," ~. : . ] new him testify to [ ee the death of his wife in [ . or has
~. Har;:~t~:. L. E. Bigger, [Pasadena, Calif and for the last I 5~m Bartosh paid $89.50 for a i Mr Jolas has a particular gift l ~ ~,els~. [his fine Christian character, his [November, 1920, Mr. Krob has liv- I rev ~.ut! nlze(~ farming, he said. We
axtelnfe r unas J)raKer ot Marlon 9atd enuln f coumnt get alert with u
gle Jo~e~- 2" lter, Mrs. /ten.yea s he had .been instructor in ]manure spreader. Lee Stinger paid ]for a~akening in children an appre- ] "3 10 :--h ' ":" - [g e rtendliness, and his kind- Led with his children, the three now-I .- ' .' g . o t them
Cl ' " -- ~ray, W. Glenn matnematics and assistant coach in I ' i shoats - ' ~ . vac mr ~a reeamg shoats hess. ~e was loved and respected living Mrs F J Kolek of I isb n or the corn p~cKer and ny.orid corn
Yde Lin $9 45 each for 20 feed ng ciatmn of the fascinating ways and S P V n o ,
dsley. /Rowan Arms school in Westl e-~ eor 19 head Perry[ t,~l! ~mrv naint a nic . ~ a. de Berg the sazne[by many. During the weeks of hts|Mrs Joe Pavel of Solon and Frank which stands up.
.' mg D . ' " -" . -' . . price for 18 head. Darrell .Morning- last illness he manifested a patience of Ely. PRE|)I~I~4 BETTER USE
irk Barker Plains During the world war he Ruts:ell?~).~lghtebcHh?m shire spring r ell a eke With his re
l~, Elmer BergmannEbers le E J Osgood:w G teaSnCt~nmltl~ n:da~i2c::dP?~:d f~ ~ a~r~Ixl 7a~h ~i!k bltdf~u.ndJhfishueCd :3eratboiut sta/h'bc~ gnh:ie18f ahll P6g~rt:lf4 br ~:fffi~l, nga:hat s~ura:e:fliL~rri? sPeO:d M nd~:terh~nXt~ntt 's]~:t: OIIZ~in~.g~f:lYwNrTd PM~.T~t:bSsaid
berg Charles N," s a . g f the $8 each, and Paul Drach 3 vaccin- tion to those who ,ministered unto with some of the family there to that the biggest lmprovement~n the
krt K' utt Ral~ph erved in Texas sa'me rice for 5 head. Merle at hand he can on the spur o ,
Udart and the P -, ated Hamp sows for 24 and 2 for " . n
Lm: Kli~J~m Lodge. mA2Out twelve years ago he was Martelle bought a 5 the Eilis$~ him. To his wife and .his "mother, look after grandpa, when Mr. and uext few years will come in a better
letre ~- o chr. D a ried to Marian London Leath ,a ~-ra mare for $105 m oic th~ children :u~.~est Or ~la~,[ " : .~. . ~ $ . and all who ministered to him he Mrs. Krob leave next week to win- e of the old permanent pasture
C'- ~ - Meredith L~tura |who survives .besides four broth- I ~ ~. ~- ~,M~rse bought I.~. ,~.~ ~ ,^ ~. ,~.~ ~,~.+ ~t~ I each mr 5 (;nester White gilts and |showed gratitude and kindness ter at Phoenix Ariz Not many have thought of limin
.~ ~.~ /ndsley, j. W" Me- lets: Jay and Clair of Mount Vernon ~ ~uernsevs pay- I ~. +~ ~.~ ~ ~ t $10.75 for 4 gilts l,~. V~r. Stanley / He was preceded in death b his He has twenty-two grandchildren it or using commercial fertilizer.
. -. w. Bloom [Robert who is in the U S Navy the ~w~^ ~op ~.=:.~, ~./ ~"~' Win [--,~:~-''~ paid $12 each for 6 Chester White father Herman Gallme er, anYd a and eleven great grandchildren Mr ".Lime it and disc it up he said
'" l)r j ' " " 'ing :~100 an(l ~su e~cn. ~ux - xunown: [ tl ' Y
B Br and m f S r n r g ts John Mevers bought the team broth r Krob and sow alfal
C. L '~,-,- "~- yant, Art ~ Ja ea o pi it Lake, o e slste,~hi. bought the third one for $69 Minuet Bach . . . : e,Everett. He leaves to enjoys good health. Although " fa, Brome grass tim-
~-.~.~, -,- ." ~ or mares tor $14o oth
ed~,o,C. Prall ]Mrs. Arthur Coble, of Lansing,] ~,m~-- o f Newhall bought [ '~-,m~n r)~no~ .~oh,h~rt ] ~ " |mourn his passing his beloved wife [he does not get out much, he occa- t y or red clover and you will
' ~Mich i ~ ,~o *^'n ] '~':; ~.T~:- I ~nester Anderson of Cedar Rap- Mrs Doroth Gallme er ' ~sionall :makes a 'busines r ~ find it will make ou more m .
of for ~io each z r~om~, In Y y and in Y s t ip to Y oney
~o- ConamisSary. 'Mark] ~ ]2 cows .$ ~"nd 2 Guern Lwaltz --:.--:z-.-:.-~-j r~n P [tds bought the top cow for $77, {rant son Duane Everett" his be town and is a regular attendant at without any work than your corn
/Prof. Karl Andm~t T~ I ~o, r 47 each ] ] . . A .ugh the second one for [loved mother Mrs. Elizabeth Gall-
his church services or alfalfa.'" heifers ior ~a a - 1)ance oi ~u~ ~eou~, W O lba ' ~ ' -
Ja, "~T:.~I: D A:*nl [ MarleyClark bought the aPproxi-[The Cockoo Daquin]w~,~ +~ +~ ' -]~ eyer; and.two sisters. Mrs. Eloise~ ~ ~ [GEORGE GOD~REY SPEAKS
=- *-uu vce [~TI ~:~ 1Vlll[ 1~1;15~1 I matelv, 400 bushels, of corn for 56c The Little White Donkey Ibert ""~-~'~'7 Fr -o. t~noaos and Miss xrene Gallmeyer [,o ev, se uram. ances The main address of the evenin, g
'rM~,--2 T -- /~ J &~J. I~ bushel and Ed Ulch of Solon the Birds as Pro-bet Sch-mann/ - .antis Wolrab paid$6.25. a ton]all of the Mechanicsville vicimty was given by George W. Godfr .
' -""~mC' ~'~'~'~,unuay ~tt~rnoon ~ . /.~ .~" .o ~" ~y . . ]tor ~ne clover nay and ~ c l~'orest besides many other relatives and On Pool Hall director of a ' ey.
~%a ~ 100 bushels of oats mr a cat anu Mouse oplana,' . S, Card . gmcultural relations for
Yce Was ele~,Professor Karl Andrist will nre- IVan vecnten IThe ~)x ~art MOUSSOrgSKy,Baled traw w~nt --- ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~* ]:)~|~,~ * g,udent at Cor-
rd ~ ~,-- - -" Schaffer of CedarI " :"- /57 25 a ton for the alfalfa hay. [friends.
~.~LI ~ lowa State colle e a st
!r ~, a. ~u~a worshlp. / I ~.t~o n~|~ arc a bale for the [ ~a4-.~ XX^ T V~ g~n~ O^~. I ' ~ *U. O.~: ~'m O~C / l~'lnal rltes were conducted at 2,~-~*~Ja~*~, ~ ~a ~a~ t nell ,before he w~nt tn Arn~
a,~t *'*Ount Vernon lod~.e |sent a violin recital in Cornell's *~'~ ."'7. =~ ~. ~ ~'^"'~ht theIZ~'* ~'~ '~-~ ~-~'~. ~u';"~"*~[a bale. Mrs. Frank Hartle of Ely p m. Monday Dec 2 1940 a t e ------- "Thi -
~tne annual electio-~-- [King Memorial chapel next Sunday ]s~raw anu r~. ~ ,:"~,~ ~unKen ~atne(~raJ ~)eoussy I paid 37 cents a bushel for the oats tMcCor'mick ~Jun^r~, -~-~-^, t ~h [ The Lisbon council at a regular t stype of scho.ol.program has
u in the,second crop nay tor ~ ~, ~ to, Three ~ursery ttnymes ~ ~, ~ e m p meetln M s[t)wn up so rast that we haven t
' lodge room~ ~ [afternoon at 4 o clock Everyone I . . '. . " I ---:- [ and Francis Wolrab bought part ]ton witih the Rev L H a - / g, onday evening renewed I v~ h '
evening ~ u. /. . " Hubert Garoner ot WalKer who Ingnelbrecht ' ' " "" a beer r tx ~mc ~o measure lU~ erleet "
Other offi im invited to attend Mr. Andrist s ] ' [ " "."":'""~" :"" ~ . I of the corn for 55 c a bushel and [mann of St John's Evangel, / pe mlt to S. H. Milligan. I h~ ~,i,~
--- er will move on the pt~ce o~,u~.~ ~,~ Dance Or tae l~waris t~rleg LH ~ "~ ~ They lanned for a s ecial "-
~. - } entire program is of unusual int - I 't [ I . Cave the balance for 55c a ]Reformed church offlcatin~~" ~n~ ] P" p meeting [ -C~oo~r~,~, ~
~Vans Seni n rest or the nay for ~v v ~ tu ~ ~" - on Monda i --,- as to exist netween
I~- -' or Warden D- [ est, since many of the compositio s [ : ~. ,~ [ r~T ~r .T T3 I bushel L.B. Gouchee bought corn |terment was made in the .M '"," y even rig, Dec. 9, at ] t a
Uwnlrl ' "" W J~ unalllS or ~.ou. --ao u.~ " ~'''*~ w . . a,u cvu~,ucy nna one lmDrove-
g, Junior warden. Iwhich he has chosen are not gen- ] .: " /riease Nlall arIy l in the field for 48 cents a bushel [cemetery [ hich time they will revme ordin- ],~
rXartung been auctioneer ann ~. - r~, ~ ~,~ ~,- ' n " ances rela i me ~ ~t~e, m 'orlnglng together
~ecre erally kno~vn and have not w t volume of a d John Nesley some of it tn the t ng to pool hall card
erritt tre' tary; Sew- ' ben Bank & Trust, the Do you kno "that he '" ~ tables ' . town and country in which the auto
r ' asurer and C E played in this vicinity. I . ~ /mall Increases approximately 200 field for 45ca bushel |Auxlhary Plans To Collect,and beer .parlors, brmgmglhas been a factn,
eraS,eat sUCCeed himself'] His program will be as follows: cJerK. ~ ----------~ per cent during the Holiday Sea- . Ed Clark of Mount Vernon Books Fo R ' " " the ordinances up to date. . [ "I am lad Mr:-' ,
ne-etin'~ ue Installed at the lOld English Suite for the Violin,/son. Therefore the Post Ofice de- bought the 43 head of Hereford,[
~, ~ L. flflA +^~he, cityn atrtdirn:~chaS been asked go back g~ the goIo~ko~idd::~:ant~tid
s on Tuesda Arr oy Alfred Mot]at l~ oriel iu artment asks the cooperation of steers ~rom ~nerloan wyoming S onsored b the Sta u, ~t ce ncensmg ca~ d Mr
reshme Y, Jan. war ep P P Y te American " . Godfrey. For in those da s
he ~ -ntswere served fol-Adagio and Carrente I g~ T--~'N~*~ [the public in their effort to handle weighing a little over 800 pounds|Legion Auxiliary, plans have been~tables to be used for playing cards such a meeting as thi~ wm,m ~s
~uS]ness mee Henry Eccles (1671 1742) /~ ~]U ~t.]i| 1.J~ ~ d volume If ou shop each for $9 55 a ewt The steers made to in public ptaces and the beer ordin
ev tiny on - PP this in reas~ . Y,collect books from fam- . ' " - been im ossible. Y "
Lento and Jlgg ]~,H~ W~,~:tb, r Land mail'early delivery for Christ- had been on the farm about two lilies who no longer want them for/ance wall be revam.ped ~n't be hPuo~. ourco[n would
~r~ I James Oswald (1711-1769)I /mas will be assured. I W hl~" Challis as the auction er Ire-distribution at Christmas to/T ~.~1.~.-.~ might not be done by this time in
[I i~arre~. 1(~[~ I Menuet and Gavot I "------- minute addl- Christmas cards unsealed and ~. w e needy families and "shut-Ins" lal~ll~|[ ~l~ll'l~ ~kll~e the evenin
"]]~ .~.a -~'.~--.~~J" [ John Stanley (1713-1786) 1 ~ e~,f ~ and !.ast ]with no message other than stgna- and G L Hill of the Lisbon Bank ] Books (no ma~'azine~ left a+" ]~'~T ~
tion tothe corneu |ecture vrte," n T u . suing to iace me future
Oall Ca t. I orn:ip = t. o . Irwin N B C. war report- tare may be sent. for 1. ~ c: .If .the a d rust company the clerk Sprat stores are hauled to central ~lUD YYlll rresent / with courage or let thin ,
~ rr n gs drift he
correct address m not uefmitely ~'---~------ points and turned over to Auxiliary . . asked There are two h" i ' ' .
Concert On Dec. 15 one that nothinz can ~l~s~ ph~ie~t~arr ] Jonn ~tavenscroft ( -1745) /^ "~ ~ American 'foreign corres-
t th:t~,' 175 POund junior /R nd tn G major. .Mozart-Kreisler / ~'~--~'-'=t for the~,-ast two years will ~ known a 3c stamp should be arnx- Complete Sale Of Johnston representatives, this organization
eaxn, wXa CaelI high school COW,lento NmOod22tn: minor Viotti}appear" here Wednesday, Dee. II. led as the unsealed cards are not I Estate Farm to F, J, Wolrab ]undertaking the task of delivering[ The Lisbon high school girl's glee the other that to face tlaes'ituation
termen +^ ,e .ted by this ] . g o. e at ]for a lecture at 8:15 p.m. in the ] forwardable. ] --:---- the books. Books ~.lll .be accepted club will make its first public a - with the knowledge that thin s are
'ar]o ~, xeacl the 1941 / A(laglo / ^ ^, / The rurat carriers win Carry aI "Jne suit over the sale of the Mr /at the local Jack ~prat store until -- - P Detter than o,~, ,~- - ~ g. -- .
"'~" hassh . King Memorlat u,~pvt. ' nd "pe~l'~nce ].Ills year on ~un(lay eve- ~ -~ u~u to oe mlt that
em Own a lot J Agitate assal ] ~,o~ ~murned from ] supply of stamps w~th them, a land Mrs. J. E. Johnston estate farm, [mid-December and arrangements[,~tn~ r~ ~ I there are f~,~
st -'-$'tmm Year at the left ] Cadenzas .by Eugene Ysaye [ r r. "J:"L'-==nts he,the department has requested that I north of Lisbon at audtlon has .been |made to deliver them to points de / ~, wnentney ~'.u! present [ correct them~ set out to
that he h ~urope and ~rom a " . ',] - [ a program in the Metnou~st church
two - as .held down Intermission ]- ^"-- of the European con- ] rural patrons in so far as possible ] settled and the sale to I rank J. si.gnated by Auxiliary officers. All in IAsbon a 0 . The job at Ames is to .
Years a has se~. t 7:3 o'clock Christ-,collect
sh,m~ ~' nd by all in- I Malaguena Sarasate I n~ than any other~ buy the necessary stamps from I Wolrab has been completed. His Kinds of books, including children's facts "Our 'ob .
ex~-:',~ ,oe a 'bulwark tn [Slovonic Dance In E mlnor Dvorak,r ."*~-~=-~*~--'-~ Lin~ off their carriers and affix themto 1 bid of $104 an acre was the highest stories and books for adults are so .mas carols, old of vary- facts into bu~i--)s to wea~!, these
th t rail. ] Reve d' Enfant Ysaye [ .corresponoent. in the ~m~^r~tn" [ their cards and letters ] made at the auction sale. Francis [liclted. -,lug ~.ypes, pros solos, ootn vocal and I our sUccess d^'~--~-~ mey rn, an.q
t, receiv a " -- -, the war ne broadcast ll-Oilt Dr7 ' / " ! ~- ). ~1~ ~ .a 1 1 lll~tl-U! V lll consutute tne t ~p~.u~ on now wen
) C e~ tetters this r'erpetuum moone l~ovace~ r ~ wo,ra~ w arm ,e p,ace ne [ ~ 1 j we weave them
" aptalns Do then saw the Finnish war; the Ge - - ) . program. There wil~l be no ad'mis-,in. We must take
in~. ~- n Lelghr and I In the old English suite .Mr. An-/ the ,renard-jThree and Half Months 01d J year. Frlnk s Plumbing Service i th'e facts we have and
~, ~on Cu marts entering ~, ~ . s on charge The public is cordial- put them to-
rrent Ma drist has selected four of the ten n Bed Ins l gether for
:ark H * rvin J ]+'ons for war in the Balkans; and/Baby Found Dead I ] ~-----L-7-, --X- taIs Cormce Break ly invited. . the success of ~griculture
[ Bill ~u~chlnson, Dar~vln ] charming Lpleces, arranged by Mof- ] ~ *~o of dodging bombs In| Lyle Marion Kilts, three and one-/Install ~now Yiow un New -- ~ In this country "
"s and~w,man" These are ]fat, which he found partlcularly/~n ~o'n~ ~i'~wide range of obscrva-| half months old baby son of Mr.|Lisbon Highway Patrol,Frlnk's Plumbing and Heating| Pat Clark Service Station [ Democracy was defined as meet-
n,--- 'n :he lost b-,well adapted t this arrangement. [ - " am ri [ and Mrs James l Kilts who live| -- Service in Lisbon has recently in-I . ling as in an adult sc .
xay " tmn has made -, e-[ [ Installs La e Neon S, n heel, to think
-~ ~arr can corregpondent bes e |,g g to do. We
~-ele~* ~ " [ The cadenza by Ysaye is in "roans- ] id s the late on the former Cullumber farm just A representative from the Duke- stalled a new eight foot Cornice rg . .g thru w'ho.t we are oin
ter w~-- ett is theonly] script, and is unpublished. This/ ~h ~ n~ of the Herald Tri- north of Mount Vernon, died very hart-Hughes tractor and equipment Break .which enables them to do an Anew }arge D-x neon slgn must also have the s irit .
~Oreo ,-?er. /priceless manuscript was given to| ~,~=*~^tltT2t~n ho'h RtdPs of the suddenly Tuesday morning about 3 company of Des Moines, yeas in increasing amount of sheet ,metal m~t~tlleJ at the Pat Clark service said P to do. he
Oscar ~nClUde Howard [ Mr. Andrist when he studied with ]'==" [ o'clock. Death was caused by a town on Monday to install the snow : work. Sty!c O.G. cornice gutter station, in Lisbon on last. Friday. He cautioned that "we will .
and :~elcnert, Galliard[the composer. Also on the pro-|"~*~ -~ .aa~e#. it is be-[heart attack. The baby was takenlplow on the road patrol, recently ean oe maue with this devlce and]Uhe slgn has a red outhne .uthlto train ourselves an,~ a,o,h~ve
~unlOr I~ ram IS ' *" "" ~'~ '"*~ ' vari ",green letters and can be seen f- . ~ "" "*)""~"
~Shmen l~ . ngerbeam g one of Ysaye s most, beau- li.ved~ that Mr. /rvin will draw from to Marion for burial ] purchased by the town ous kinds of sheet metal work . ~ . ~om ourselves to see the ethel" fellow
nk-- - tier Winners are/tiful compositions Reve dEnfant/ ) ] -forrepairsoneombines corn pick-Iseine umtance ]problem' in
~tn(1Har d about a ' ' a vast num'oer el person,~. "-'~-'" --'--==-==--::==:=======---~=======:--:=:----===--:====== er ' ~ / ----~--~L,tg that It we
el Herring. ] dreaming child. ]t ~ ~ ~,~ ~,nno )hrou~h ] . s and other farm equtl~ment can [ ~have to llvewithin th~ w~,+
SR~, ~KS~al'~ ~'-~--'--7.[j,Mr. Andrlst has also chosen to I durlng'~"'~' """~nls rmropean wor~:-- ' ''''~'~ """ """ ARE be handled. Many kinds of duct ~ars. W. C. Stuckslager went to / hemisphere owl" interests- may con
- - onations,play a work .by Viottl who may be," ' ~" II I UVJ~l~ 1U~)~U DUII:~ ~ work can be fabricated with the Winnetka, Ill, on.Sunday to visit flirt with thos~ of S " -
ent To c l '' Those holding UCKetS for worne her daughter Mrs ~annin * ~ oath America
Euro e a led the father of violin playing, break g Macfar- In closin Mr Br "
,u,*~r~ .-~-'~ p ]This concerto is his greatest com-]c ncert-lecture series will be ad- STORED AT MARTELLE ~ landand family for two weeks and we --^ :"g- ." Yan.t said that
~ ~ ~ ernon ch /~,t l,~ I mltted to Mr. Irwn's adorers treeI I.i~h, ~ ~ A q~.~ ~ n ]from there leav-s e,~ h,'-~-' ~ ~-~ .~n taclng promems and
~ted ,~ter or the ml sion rice ~ *-.*~. --u ~l~*.ou., I must Walk hand in hart .
Cro of char e Re tar ad s p . d with one
~onl' MOUntsS are~ a~klng do./~r~ * ~d---- ~TT~ * ~ ]will" begfifty" . = : Free Movie On Dee. llth winter stay in Tucson, Ariz. Objective of democrac y.
'undies V -.on vi- / I ------ A'v'm~,N DANCE
,o ~re needed to, urlglnal yrln s i~:~ ~ The Lisbon Chapter of the Future LISBON SOCIAL NEWS
rog),~. ~ he : ~ : ~ Mr. H&r]an announced the aver-
~n uch bundles w Warner Peterson : harmers of America will spenser a Lisbon Cha ter . a e .
wra l.ll Of Contem ra . . . p O.E.S. me ts ,n g. attendance was and tea
Pped t pO IT d the
r he same . ~,~-> ~,:. -: free talking movie program In the re la~ session on ham
ecetv as gn " . ~ Thursday eve- esof threem *
ed, and a Electea Noble Grand en who had at-
]~undl.~ . re greatly Artists, On Display : : high school auditorium on Wednes ningDec 12 tendedall 11,oott
ne^~,- infants are~ -- } day Dec. 11. The program will be- The Evangelical Missionar. er~ WiUa d .
ar ^ his locali The new exhibit of art in Arm- .:. ~ :~ : gin at 8.00 o clock and will be about ~ clety will meet wi Sere
In t ,7 v ~.::~:~:, ,::-,:: : Robe! t
ge d, ty. . . th Mrs. D. W. vy,
|strong Hall Exhibition lounge ts a[ At the meetin of Mount Vernon ! an hour and a half in length The Kohl and Miss Ruth on Tuesl- Those ~hoh
:~ ~:::. films sho~n will be The Green afternoon Dec 10 "m or ^.nations wlll,be an
- . . o. ~::~;; . . ay . . ad attended 10 meet-
:'~'~:~ 1 ] - ])on Good-
ur :. v i . gs, all .but one, wvcu: I, all
[. ~~ [ by some of the greatest contem,por- / ~v,ntn~ th~ followin~ officers were/ Hand and The NationalFarm Woman's Relief Cor s - Br ant Y~
~P will meet Y % ernon Bur
I1 . 7'.' Newsreel." Everyone is invited to Tuesday Dec 10 with Mrs T i~ IFischer Ray F'rede~:ic ge. HaroH
I" " rlstmas dry artists Everyone is invited Warner Peterson N G
V~! elected ' k
l]~glllD~ 2fl /There is no admission charge and/Frank 'Petrick VG" Harry '~I:t attend. Cameron ford one o'clock icnic year, Mile Mach.
Unt Vern^- [ he exhibition Is open from 2 to 5[Stinger' Treas.: Frank W. ,Mooro, ] . . . ]
" ~ t ' ~ . . P . . ula Howard Seal,
luncheon, fol]owed wlth the busi- Sailor Phelps, ]llchard Russ~
~misse ~ ~)ublic SChools and from 7 to 10 p.m. throughout See'y" and J I eRoy Heady trustee [ ~Iili Mrs. Guy Jonnston wa~ hostess ] hess session and pro~rram C M Bar,re ( II and
an0 Fri~l~'"~'"t~n~e-~ ~t~ternooChristmas|thea mWeek" On Sundays from 2 to I Instailation of officers will take/ TuesdaYtrons CircleVeningt to nthe-Past Ma-I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob-Hoag had as Those who had attended 7 m.
,at 4"0n n, De-| P" ]place January 1, 1941. Fred Petska " e o Lisp n Chapter O. guests on Thanksgiving Mr. and more meetings were: Russell Pair,
Ill be -" ~ " cloc~ and/ ~ ~ I of Mount Vernon lodge has been
~awkeye Record Plmt~ E.S. In the election of officers for Mrs. George Coster of Mount Ver- Roy Bo~ man Don ~ . .
~IOnda at 9:00]TO HAVE BENEFIT DANCE ]an otnted deputy grand master for] 41, Mrs. John Smith was elected non, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc . Barge, Bernard
resumed ' " 19,I Owers, Harold
,ou is ct . d a e,guson ( la
|I.O.O.F Is sponsoring a dance to[services, loam of the Martelle Elevator at Martelle. Besides the appmximat~ly Mrs. Lyl.e Capper were .re-elected. Mrs. John Rottman and Miss RosietgUson, L .B. Gouchee, R. P. Ink,
~ith local~ |.be held next Thursday evening,~ ~ [80,000 bushels of corn in the govermnent bins 8,0~) bushels of pri- wce-presment and secre~ary.-treas- rlorn. IGe rge Johnson, John Kohl M r
a new Do2; dg~ agency,| Dec. 12, to which all Odd Fellows/ Earl Edwards left Tuesday fOr]rarely owned earn is plied up and the Elevator has 14,090 bushels which urer, respec~vely. Mrs. ~mltl~ an~ The Lisbon I,egion Auxiliary will Ned!, George Petrlck, 'H?st on
eu -~ ~,u urlve an hlea o to take a Unite~ air nnes mrs .~ A ~ennett nan cnarge ot meet Tuesday Dec 10 w~th Mls ~nelps Joe Pitlik
~ton~,~" 1 d their friends are Invited The/C g " [ ~---- ~f~ T? !---- * " "h- -leva'^r " " " " ~ ~ ", Will Reimer and
tuwn s Is s~ore~ mr resale ~o lenders ~ ,x~,o~o. ,a ~ ~r ~ ~ v ~ or, the enter m ,
I~ ,IV] edan to Ston kl n o Oakland Caltf ~here he rain ent for the evenings Charles Hoeft for h~ Geolge ~;lshs 1
.' Orrow [ e ng orchestra wtll furnish the[ plae t ' / " . " " "- " " . ', t,regula;" 1 " ' ' e. ' " '
tturdav, ~. ,t r~opkinton/music. Prizes will .be awarded tel wilI en[er the Boeing school of|This to our ~now~e(~g~ m the targes~ amoun~ el corn ga~ne~l m one see[at not!r. The hostess served re- meeting and Christmas party with1 Forty eight attended $ or more
]the best waltzers. Refreshments~aeronautlcs ford course of train-,place in this co~n, dty, treshments, a gift exchange. On Wednesdaylmeet'mgs.