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December 5, 1940 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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December 5, 1940 |
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~TIflLIT A rl i,r~ ~m-,~* Air t J Miss Rubye Mann were guests Sun- [business visitor in St, Paul, Minn I week end visiting frienus in danes- ]z~lame ~urns on ~aturaay. Mrs. i end visitor at the Henry Yeggy ! ily of Solon were Thanksgiving
YHNI VI gNIIN I III'AI ANII P~'~J|NA| I day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ion Saturday. [ville, Iowa. [Petrick returned home on Sunday home. guests at the Levi Pennington Sr
~Vll ~lJ6t=]U[J ~ll][][J II I~I~ILJFI~.PI~d I w. HiIl. [ Hughes Tedford who was confin [ Mrs Russell Winegarden of Well [ afternoon Frank Petrick, Sr, Jim's / Mr and Mrs Mil- Kro~ - - home ~" ' '
- - . ~ o v and zam- ~
IJ Mr and Mrs. C F. Becker and led to his home for ten days was [man, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Mill-[fwath~rn WaaSnalSo :r guest on the,r lily were at Forest Jedlicka's for i
i Brace S,~en ] daughter Miss Bernice Becker spent ]ab!e to be out on Monday. [ er was able to return home Sun- J i. g . . rs y. I Thanksgiving. I CARAIVAY No. 7
n|~[lis ~; ~-'~ ~ ".'.~?~ ~unaay ! Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Bigger ana i two days the last of the week in |Mr and Mrs A J Bobst were [ day from the University hospital in I Mr. ana mrs. A aolz ~merman and Dol,~-,~ ~,-,~ ~ ~- ~m~,:~ I Miss Laura Julfs
,IB- ~vtrs. Clint Berr ! . / ' . B s en Th i "n w'th Mrs. q " *""" -t-,u=, ~vxary ;
"~ Y daughter I ms spent Thanksgiving Chicago Ill t n-~ ~, ~ ~ ts in h~ ]Iowa C~ty following an operation en p t a nxsg Vl g 1 There isn t -
err. . . . ~ ~,-,~-~s,*,s ,~ s ] - . . and Lawrence Sueppel were coast-, much to ~te about
g~Lp . ,In the Mr. and Mrs. M H B~dd~ckI ~; ~- ~^ ~^ ~ ^, ~,^[~ h t ~ h ]n~ In Marion [two weeks ago ~Bmermans morner, Mrs. A. ~mons!: ~ i~ust now W
,*,n or rsast ~t Inome m .vlarlon **vat ~* ~c~aa. }chart of w '
~ was a vi : i . . . ! Flame spent Thanksgiving in the I Miss Lucia Fordyce of Ames I Robert Hartung, men, bet of the ~, ~,a Mr~ w ~ n .I Sutliff Sch--~ h~a mha b.~,l.d ~ ~ e~ght, height, and watch
" - ~ast week -.rotor m Mount Thanksg~wng day droner guests [ home of her parentsMr and Mrs. [ spent last Thursday in the home of [speech department faculty at Simp- I ~' ' " ~-~-~ ---~,~ -~,- ~s~ a~u t vacation fro~-- ~',- ~-,~ ~6.w:~ Our health. Also demonstrate with
* i * " . l &[~. ~'~-~IOIL Dl~l~:~ 'lIl~][1 mutoreu ~o,- =u,u~uay until
[I- i n the LouisRe:~hons home ~ere. [Frank W~olrab ]her me*her Mrs Ida Ford,ce ]son collegein Indmnola was a] I ~,~,~ I plants how the body grows
urenee Chambers ' ' Mr and r 1 " - ' ~tumwa on ~amraay m athena me ' --~- I
[( - of Chn- I ~ s. . A. Busenbark and ] M'~ Hor*ense tt mt returned on J ]visitor from Wednesday until Sun- I Marllyn Watson entered school
vmitor in Mount Vernon i Mr and Mrs Warner Pcterson and,u~ t . ~ t~narLes r~otp o[ LOS ~ngete~, day In thc home of his parents Mr [unerm oza sister-m-law oI Mr. I xne tJe.o. Mallle Iamlly visited ' Monday morning from Ti t .
~esday evening, if;tinily " Sunday to Vulton, I1! after a.vmit JCal!f spent Thursday and FridaY]and M:rs Harry Hartung ' "[Boggs. [Emil ialhe's at Mount Vernon on Y sing Item Tlpton.
|d M,'- ~- ~ " since wednesday w'ltn her sister ~ witn nis cousin ~ ~ Franks t " " ' ' ' ~unaa--
V.~:-a. ~narles Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Don Pringle and[Miss Mattie B Hunt I ". " " J Miss Helen Risser student in ~ z" 11 FII- n~VVT na.n ,
ed to Mm- i chfld,en Joan. Dmna and BIllyI ~-, ~,~ ~ [ [Iowa State Teachers college Cedar [ Central Llnn I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soder and tam- [[ a~w ~,x~w [
~ ~vHnn Sunday after ]spent Thanksgiving in the home of i .~v~"'" "-'~. ~'"" ~"~'.'.~ ~,~s [~nce ~eg~ey o] ~arwm spent mst~Falls spent from Wednesday until[ ~ ,m,-- ,~ ~. lily of Center Point Mr and Mrs i| A .-ffi~a, xa,~t~,~a~a~ |
~hanksgivin "l'lpton ano 1rs. 1). P rteuges were week end with Miss Edna ~egley ' " ,~* -,~.-,~ ~,~u
|. ' g w~th Mr ]Mr Prmgle's mother Mrs James] J ~ ' [ Sunday in the home of her mother [ IRoy Hughes and family. Mr anvilOne Enlargement ct l
1 ~" S. Hogle. I Pringle in Marion. i ~h:S~S. ;~t Henda;e%S~,:;~aneg. ~,nner ,n I Jerry Ringer. one of the twin I Mrs. Grace Risser. Miss Risse,'-JGRANGIg HALL ENTERTAINS I Mrs. Oliver Pennington and family I FREE with J%t: I
~lE]~d Mrs. R. C. Anderson, I Miss Bonnybell Kirkpatriek re- ' " ~ ". . J sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. IS. Ringer ] who has finished a three year lMOTHERS AT ENGLISH TEA of Iowa Sity, Levi Pennington, Jr i] Each Rnil ~ J
pit, round Thompson, and i~turned to Elkader on Sunday after ] .~ .wr. an [ :v~rs w'~rrcn r~ansen, ot ]Is ill with the chicken pox this l course in the college has decided to ] Wednesday afternoon, the teach-i of Fort Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs:,~r~'a-~-~r",~',~:r~"~f,n~ J
[u. mmer of Bertram were /spending the holiday week end in I t.~euar. R,rpms x,:e,e /~nanKsg]wng~week. [rcgister for another year of stady. /er, Miss Doris Montgomery, and the IJ e Penmngton and family, Mr, and ,t, aas~z~oat ~t~utr i31Ultll~ I
~ lng dinner guests in the lthe home of her parents Mr and (lay droner guests ~n tne trot. anu ] Mrs Robert Bauman attended/ ~ /pupils of Grange Hall, gave an!~l~.~ ~.~.~--- --- ~.
.~Ir. and Mrs. R E Stark Mrs George Kirkpatrick ' " Mrs. F. M. Mc~aw some. J the funeral of her grandmother,MT. VERNON CHURCH NO~I~-S [English Tea for all the Mothers. ~ "'~'~'*~ ~l~g~
g~l~apids . i Mr and Mrs Roy Heady and [ Mrs Sorgenfrey in Bennett last [ ~ ~The sixth graders have been study ]~
='~lm " I Dr and Mrs J t~ Culbertson am~ ~ : * " --- -- ~ ~=-l'~u~i~'E ~u~t;l~ "
fin a never teach ]. .: . " " " Roy jr.spent ~ast Tnurs~ay m the IFriday I ling England and the British Isles I~
" ' ~ldo0r uvj~~ tne~l [amllyb0!lkon th~enJ ye a co-operauve]~ " ' ] uric eand aunt. Mr. andMrs.Fradianola ~as' a guest last week tn ofTg?kSagni~i~rsg.Ue~u?~a~ev* ~. otem~ ~owsey,xteynonsras~ r
seh ~ . home of Mr. Heady's mother Mrs . ~ A re ram takm the mot r"
~.~ ~ols. and Mms Agnes Thanksgiving dinner Thursday w]th ~ I .Mr. and M,s. J. F. Gaston were] Ch h ~^~'^^1 "-e~*s ~* n'45[ p ~ "" g " heson!~ 11~ ~
j,u ~eaches in the school Dr and Mrs C F I ittell and .~ame ricaoy m ~prmgv]ne. ]Thanksgiving guests in the home of[ ~.~ ~,y- ,*~=~% '1, o. .[and places o~ ~mportance, was g~v-l~ ~ I " ~
~Spent lmst Week end in f~mily in'the lAtteli hence~ Miss Laurenc Kepler accompan-[Mr, and Mrs John Gaston, in Cedar[~U.perm[enaenL w ~. t~ray: .-- [States to all the important cities]~ ~ dl~ ~[T~lk ~k~
~.or their parents Mr and ' " [ led Mr and Mrs. O. K. Thompson ] Rapids [ Morning wors.n!p .at ~l'ne ]and places o fimportance, was giv- i~ ~ ~r ~
~Zt. BOver ' " L .vtr. and .v[rs. r~. ,~. t~ogie lett[, *h,i. homo i~ a~h*,~,~ ~ll I " /youm cnolr, wnlcfl IS lea oy ~roI./enbv June Ann Koch C, eora,~ Mi, !~ w = m~, wql~ ~li~L.
~ ~'[ " Itoday in company with Mr. and IS~Jnd~'for"~'fe~:'davs'visi't ] Mrs. John Blair Robinson was]Lloyd Oakland, has a message fromhsh, "David Fischer and Di~k Ed-}~ ---!-
~ I Mrs. Bruce Warwick for Bryan, f . jentertained at dinner on Thursday |the great music of the church. The ]wards "The Silent Mariner" wasI~ ]~
~]Texas where they ;xpect to re- I Miss Sue Kepler of Des Momes[in the home of Mrs. W. C. Stucks- [sermon Sunday morning is the sec-[~'i "by r~hari v l~; oh ,~ --- ~ "~'~ l~ ~ ~
- .uot0 r'ap-hs ~ :nad~I:~i!ilt~K:iis~' aKnM~(~ii~nK~lnr" !!~ e~th~h~!K!;i!ri{~a;Mih]ti~diBSiM~iSspAelntB(hebC" ~C:ek anndl'~'hTe~eCiFltsth ian::~i~e';:eT~"~:~beJIre~:ki~il~di~Th~fc~wr' i~rth ~l!n~i;FAe;Pm~s~!~s" ~ W h a t l t I a k !
per or m seth were ~Thanksgiving day dinner," . " " . .~ ~" in the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Babcock [been a steady increase in the at-led at a paretty tea table with liah '~ ~m~ ~k~ ~
[~ or r ~,guests in the homeof Mr. and Mrs. schools of Jefferson, spent fro. re]home in Wyoming. [tendance at these services. |ed red-candles. Charity Fisc l~er[~
me Portraits ~tMilo Kaliban and family in Lis-[Wednesday evening until 2"~unuay] Mrs. J. L. Ballard, who was con-] The High School Epworth League ]poured, assisted by June Ann Kocht~ .
~ ]~ ben. m the nome otncr parents, .vlr. ano ]fined to her home for two weeks [Will meeg at the olenn ~togers nome]and Miss Montgomery J~ to cut your Fuel bills in half and ire ou
ildren's Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Herman SchmidtlMrs'J'W'Hfll" Jwith the flu, was able to be out on|Sunday evening at 6:15. Martha| Mothers present were, Mrs. Tom/~ Winter-om* g -Y I
Roberts il;o. ,o,L i !turday aftier]i i'MrJ Chirl)s R. Keles. "' '1 !f and MI: ~:llard Ned: 1Rev" ~oseph ~ay, Sr, Pastor-[S~lAi CIRCL-~CLUB HAS "I winier and !veff w" i . --" " i
n S n . . "FOLLOW UP MEETING ~1 Y rater to come.
~]D-ropa Card to- -- ~ spending several weeksin the homef Miss CAara Blinks was called toldaughter Barbara spent Thurs~ny[Today, Thursday-- / ~ " .
UltlceOfl'{~,~ Box~---~'"- ~/of Mrs Hartenberger's . mother. {Oak } ark, Ill last Saturday after- /in the ~}r. and Mrs. Clifford John- / on'" c vv m ~.= ~= ~ ~ z +~ ] '~t's Tne ~ttle Tnmgs that, traits Will De practically eliminated ---
J" 'Juice l:lox 493 ~[IMrs W,lliam Zache Sh,rley Ann I noon by the sermus illness of her ) /Count was the conclusmn of the t [
~unt Vernon, Iowa ~[remained for a longer visit with her ] cousin Miss Jennie Wicke who is avf,~yr~/ . - ]~aUcn~?:n ~r~S~t~ae' A~ :~ea~Y~,m c n-/Social Circle Club ladies, after theyl~ llealtniul numm,ty can be maintained with-
--" ~ I two grandmothers. Mrs. Zache and I confined in a hospital in Oak Park. [. in.:. ant mrs . j. ~. Enn~s. and / = ]had studied the first half of their,t - :
. ~l~f~| Mrs Howard Hahn I /ta.mlly spent Tnursuay VlSlung In/o~a*tuaY- |lesson on good grooming at the I~ u**~ u.z ama~t~n~: o[ Ioggy, urlppy wlno0ws.
~Jrs. riowara r~ann. [ Mr. and Mrs. Roper] rtun[er and [the home of Mrs. Ennis' sister Mrs,9:45 Church School. The Christ-{home -r " c [~
J imiilHiiHHmHHHHmlilimmilimlHHHHiiHHmlm I family of Sioux City, and Mi~s Edith iF re~ Deines in Stratford. ' "]maw Pageant is in preparation to |home oPf l~Ier; Endewealr7 Sr~ls~a?tw~itv~]~
~h f~ ~.1- ~,~ Hunter of Alta ~ista returned to i r ' tbe given on Christmas Eve ' "
"" "Hi lull." ~ iv honies on Sunday M . and Mrs, Jay Fordyee spent . " Mrs Cliff Conner as leader The
l" mr tilie Black aod[~Wh|t~Trutkltheir respect e " ' /Thanks"ivin d " in the home ofj 10:45 Universal Bible Sunday.]1~,~;=o, nI ~,~ ~. v " ~ I1' I 1 I~,~1~
~ ifteter~ hh~icl.ay visit m the O A iMrr:. :f~.~dYB~l~Pnar~nt~rlviM:' andJNSea~ioOn, For the Heahng of thelio~a~h2cU~ui~ this ;ear~ ~t~%'~tenrg I r eages Lumper & ~:
7:~?~:~7~;;/~:*~.~ ~!: ::b~:~; i . ~ ~. ~. . . " nave oeen with Mrs.
Mr and Mrs. Joe B]derman andJ 7.00Evenlngservlce. Toplc, Mod-JE r t~ -- --.--
::~::,;~.:: ~; . Mr. and ~vlrs. James ~raner re- a, wain urew a pad say and
~:~ ~ their son-m-law and daughter, Mr. ~ ern Ideas of Atonement or How to r
~ ~: I turned home F riday from Colum- pads, so there was no meeting.
"nd MrsVerneCarverandfamilyl o /Get ghtw,thGod i,CO 1 o.
'" l of Center Point were Sunday eve- ' ' . Thm'sa~y-- r an " "
:::~ . . for several days with relatives. . . M. d Mrs. Arch]e Mimsh mo-
!nmg supper guests m the Irank] } 6.30 Guild supper and Chmstmas~tore t ~i ~ / ~
]Biderman home Mrs. Charles Hartung and MlssJparty at the home of Mr. and MrS. |day '~o attZ:dWth~awe~l?nZnf~;Ul~-i~ ~ |~,~| 9Q@1 ! ~
" Mr and Mrs Mcrrill Garrett ofNellie Hartung .'ere dinner gues~ JDon Goodyear. Gifts for a Christ-|ies ne"h w~ :~ '- ~ ~ i~ll[U /-.O/~1 ~ ~
Mount Vernon, the former's mother ]ThUrSsdt~Yllen ~:ilh n;e:MaV~roana|mas.~ x are t be br ught bY each|sunda~ and /krc~l~e~ef~t= t'l~msame ~ mm~ ~-~ ~,
Mrs. John Garrett and Mrs. Glenn ,~ Y - . |couple ]evening for Chica~o to attend the ~ "~ ~uoun[ vernon, lowa
t h in of M ~son (]t ~ere dinner Miss Hulda Peet, teacner In the,l:~ t~no~r renearsaL / :,~ .- ~ - ~ ,s
C ap' - ~: ,"~ Y " " ] ~ ~*n~ernauonat ~OCK snow. t~z
n be home of Mr Monticello scnools was a noLluay
I guestsMonday i t }~ - . " CHRISTIAN ~CE CHUECH,Guests Thanksgiving Day in the I - -- ~a~
': ~ land Mrs.A. J. Bobst. ] h.::Kp:rncantV,m~IOrr" ,:n2n~4rnOje ~)t. / ]home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ped-t ~l~RI31g~ m--:~
rl Mr and Mrs. John Hoodmaker [ ~ " ' ' / God tha Only Cause and Crea, idycoart were Frank Peddycoart ofl~
i '. . t'eeL -
entertained at a family dine= on ] ]tor will be the subject of the Les- |Waverly Mr. and Mrs. Varillas ~
' I Thursday. Those present were: Mr I Mrs. Thomas Rogers, Miss Doro- |son-Sermon In all Churches of |Peddycoart and Robert and Mrs.]~ ~]~! ~ r~ ~
U~g,~ aL-. ~ [and Mrs. Irl Hoodmaker and son I thy Rogers and Miss Margaret [Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, D ~ lWalter Patten of Cedar Rapids. I~ VV m~r~a ~enc uru omre
ing to buy my coal of the ]lFrancis; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rogers|Smilcy were dinner guests Sunday]ee mberS: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Techau and]~ ~ ~ Y g
"~ " - " - - - a a.~,~ht~rs I%ve and Louise |in the Mr and Mrs. C. E. Gillette,Tile uotaen Text |S [rom ~teorews [family were Thanksgiving Day} W-inh
i'IP~ I[ ~' w w A ~.~ ~ A A ~ ~ ~ A ] nt --~ ]home [3:4, Every house Is builded by [guests in the Koch home Heasty, Your Druggist
~V]I'S. L~arl ~rtlln~)augn Spc ~ "- ' s
,~m~ m=$ Ld ~ ~1~ ~]~ ~ ~p ~ ~ ~ ~L~ eral da-s over the week end in the J Mrs. George Harris and son [ mall; but he that built all / Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ruble and ~
n, L~llliilliil/l~lllllNNinlNlllNNllliNil [ ~,~. ~ h~. mother Mrs J F { Wayne of Cedar Rapids were |tnl. n~e m ups.' [family were Thanksgiving Day ~ ~ |
i ~.~'""~ "~,~--"'~'~ ' -~ ,-'"~.~r.' Th~nks~ivin~ ~uests in the home i Tile besson.~ermon comprises Jguests of Mrs Josephine Ehle and l ~ ~lllette l~LtJl~ lff~Al)l~,30C
P~,l~eve ne w'ts ]olne~ oy .** " -- -
I~-~| ' "-' "~ - -- of Mrs Flora Buck and Frank [quotaUons from the Blble and from [family in Mount Vernon ~ Pkg of I0
~ ~!C;tu,m:::gn ?Lifa~:maacYi:c~i~tn$2, Moore. /.t~l~le:~rl~nH ~a~:~n?ithte~;otl~ IhavMer.b::: eMery, iMenlvin Haeseler 1~ 39C ] HILLS COLD TABLETS
= I PII=~! 1 ~] on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boxwell |the Scfl"turee" b" Mar- B-'-^r j ta n g relatives of [~ I l~C
Ig f In en Thanks ivin d~ ~" ~ * =~ aars rtaeseier s irom Texas
?.JOD P.I I I W atala- |1 Mrs. Earle Baker was an over-and a ilysp t g . g Y|mdy Mr :" VELVET or BIG BEN I
,"~ "~ ----~,~,~l. = llll~ ~,Alk ~lnight guest Tuesday of last week)n in the home ~:ndMrsnd fOX~leninS |, ot th.o Blb!e citations, reads: |other" relatives a'~s'gues't's='i~v"the ~ SMOKING TOBACCO I
I ' """
] ~1 the home of Mrs Clyde " 1'O t~e ueptn Ot tae riches votn of l~-o ~ ~ I
l~aKer ~ne V CK S VAPO RUB
Cedar Ra ids - I XX me ui *v*rs ounger's uncle ano ~
~ T ,m - ~[was enroute to Davenport to take dP ' ) /the wisa m and Kn wled~e f ~ d' " " "" ~'rl = aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jay l)ennls in 1 z.dC~, "
o Make Room For i h::chderat~?th2e JMii!r~ghnhk:~hk!! an!I:~sM~i j-~:w~C:Ith!le~a~nmd~:Mr; h~e~ta?nFon~rd Cwhh~s~ ka;;e pahsits flnJ~fn~ ]~e~itre.raP~nt?n T~ha::sNgi~lisog D:n~ ~ 35C [ 1 Pound J
~v va, ~ to Cedar f ~ g ' " ath known the [two " children " of Mechanics ille ~ LIFEBUOY SHAVING [ c~, .~
vacation Miss Louise Safely in Cedar Rap- ] nl|nd of the Lord? or who hath been ~ ~ "~ !~ /~W~.A~ I ~**v~v~.-***~
--~1 II ~ ~ll ! Dr John B Bryant plans to at- .ds" on Sunday ]his counsellor? For of him and [hoWere ~a~t ~unuay vlslmrs m ~nel~ ~'~=*"'*"=~,I CttERRIES
R-~!S~=--I- ~ 1 ~ltend the 44th annual meeting of the Mrs. Henry McClintock of Larch ]through hlm, and to him, ~'e all] ~Ire. a~n~ar'l~nrsa. ~ill~l~V~a~i2~c:(tl~ ~Iort~t~c I o~ s
"flood Heater ~.q q5 l]tute and Dr. Gough is a member ofMrs. Bessie Crone and daughterl P.l;~l.l']~ [?hangewi.n be held and the rays- ' 65c J ~.
JXoner ~oo Ol~ tl ~ ,v~,~ John Kllmo are tha Smock of Cedar Rapids wereI Mrs. unarles rora lare asked to notwe the place and]~ J BAUME BENGUE [
n~~ ~.~YO ~ [ . ~ ~ "'~' - Thanksgiving day guests in the Mrs I ~ I sate oz meeting. Ill ~u~n zUr,~L~l~lX~l ~ I ~ ~.
!~[ ptanning to speno tnts wee~ enu III " " "ltuaao uv~ r~--a,~n~ ~,aaum ~ro Fro,k Hartzelt i- ~ A;~,~. ,-a 1 .~(*
~. Chicago with their son and daugh- w. J. ,nnt nome. iON "COLOR & LINE IN DKESS"]o ~'~':~'d~:~";n f ~a~. ~;.~ff~,~s]~ ~)~C 1
~IH.~ ~ l'f~Ww, ~ ~ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Joh - George Becicka, of the United[ Mrs-Chas H. Fordand Mrs. An- ing with the care of her daughterl~,$120 "
II il-INl~l IIM W,J, ^ ~jmo jr Their son is a member of States navy arrived Monday to|ton Biderman were joint hostesses[Mrs Leonard Iverson who is ilil { 3 Vees J
~ re ~l~lll],~l~qk,~l~e ~U~|~ ~lthe' Chicago S;mphony orchestra .~pend a month's furlough with hisJat the Ford home to the Bertram]witl~ the flu and coml~lications t~. BIRD SEED i ~RIT%*D~I%
} . ~ ~l',vhich has just returned from a wife and daugbter Barbara at the]townshsip Farm Bureau ladies.[ ~ " I~ QQ~,~--=~'~=--~ ~**~ ]~
~ ~ Mr and Mrs F, C Bergmannland folk games Gee. Mallie and family spentl~ lri~n~l~T~ 1 lfla f'.eh,a ~
!,Mrs. Rose Hickman and .Mrs. H.E.I ------- [ at Leonard Slofers. l~ 1
I a'ter Christmas in the h me rJ
Monday morning. Harry was a
I~ I] -- '~ y, ",o ad
,Mrs Grant s mother Mrs George brother of Ja Clmre R bert n
II, |iRS Hill. James Milholin. They have the ~k
i~ ~ ,~I,'AI, i,Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor had[sincere sympathy of many neigh-]~ i a
~td [ .V'II~ #~J'- g ~ I 1 bethKeese, andMr, andMrs. Ralphl YI~I J"ll I ill ill 1 II .i-"-'T I I li----1 ll INl
j I~{~'~ ~ --h~1. I J Hoover and Nell Hoover of Cedar J afternoon. I~ ~ ~-~~v~~~v~~V~~l~ .~
II II ~~/~'~ I,Ranids mrs. t eorge ~,eesey is ~u ~nlsl~ j~
"-h{ ll l] ~r~[i/i-- - I 1 - lweek. There is also illness at thelV~ i~
Mr and Mrs J W Carbee Mr
I~.~. II I~ ~l I ] @ ~ I,| ] John McClelland home. ~ ~
~'~TZ and Mrs Edwin Harris and family
I I I I Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mllhohn and~,
. I :nelreMi::dEth~'inH::r~e [sM:rit~nJit~eaaa~dtMrShAnet of~deram~n~:]~ 1 nave purchases and taken possessmn of the Vernon
~s~ -~ Ifyou want to get the most scrwce a home of the Misses Carrie and Ber-I Harry Adkin in Waterloo on Sun" ~ 1" r ~ 1,~, . . .
~. ;,Ill I tha Kyle ida-- ill, Milholin visited with|~ ,nn, zorme ty opera eu Dy mrs. ~10y(1 ~u~ler an~ expec
t i i and protccdon at tnc lOWeSt 1111811- m " 1 ~' B ~ /g~" ~.
,=:::x=::: / Mary and Jean Baldwin daug~l~o on Sunday [~ .",[
~al rates,be terslofFredBaldwin,visi'tedth the home to operate the place m the same h,gh type of manner w,th
i ~ P . Y. . " I Baidw'ln in C'edar Rapids" from |were 1VIr. and Mrs. Warner Peter-/ which you are familiar.
-,nere are many aavanr.ages ro our [ Wednesday until Sunday evening of] son and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Busen-| ]l[~f ~1~
plan which you cannot afford to over- J last week. / bark. / ~ J~
. e ~ ~ar. ana mrs. ~en ~eat ana Ai-i ~.
look. Farst make comparisons, then 1 Mrs. Clarence McDole of In-]berta attended the meeting of the]~
~ -~- ono'~-i'--', We feel sure J " . ' .|Cedar Valley Business AssociaUon]: ~our
patronage ~s sonclted. We will have a good stock
at you will pr~:er ::r2Z th~ii: / ~s!~ ?r;t~:~ t;~o!~'iii!'~o~t!]~ta~t:~a~Be n:~[!!!~;=s'~: f~ of
Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Ice Cream.
tr~msaction handl d g J on 'Thanksgiving. lard Neal and Mrs. Ren 'Sivers wereJ~ f~^w,~, ,~ ~ 4
local institution. 1 Mrs. Thomas Nicholson and Mrs.| joint hostesses at the Peterson|~f UUIII~=~ Ill igtllLL ~-"~ U~,
,F.G. Brooks returned home last|home on Wednesday to the Friend-|~
/ week end from Philadelphia, pa |ship club. |~.~ ~i~
,where they attended a meeting of| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neal and]~ ,x;
,the World's Federation of Method-|Jimmie, Mrs. Rho.da Neal and Mary} ~k~ B-awo; r o, ~.n ~.a ~,m~
= ""- ee Adelaide Mulherm from Mt Ver ~ ,~=~,~ v== ~,~ ,~.=~a a.-v~a~ a~:~:a~
~= m=, = ~ ist women the by-laws committ | " -]~
~== ",--" ==" "'" "='--==----" ----==--'='" " -- == -- J == " == == =="" ""'==''"~ of the new womens societ,and non; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor,
~m = ~" ~ .Y i H I S-awn "'i ~ " ]~
II ll! ill]Ill Ill]Ill Ill]]]Ill Ill]If!Ill! the annual .meeting of tne new[ [~.from mrs PDeWitt; Mr.' ~v, ss-.Vaand Mrs.~pawn'v.
I board of missions and church ex-
ldkl lk'i/lJlll q'l liilii'l lll~Jl'~ II'.ll~=|lll I/ Ilali[iill 1,114,000 charter members in the|Mr, and Mrs. Peter Wilson and|~ n 1
~l|Jtl I" ~11 |~/IJl'] 111111' rll[~/ |li ~/dila/,] /l'a new W.S.C.S and that the organt-Jfamily from Traer were Thanks-[~" ~~AU~ A q~ g~ n --.-- --.--
l'( I Ill II Ill I/l/lll lliilli llllillli //i IIIl/iil zatlon is functioning with new en.Jgiving dinner guests at the home|~ ~ ~.a r I n n
ill II Ill Illllll IIIIIII IIIIIIIII lllllllllll thusiasm. Mrs. Ntcholson left on|of Mr, and Mrs; Myrol]. / eal. i. lllU !1 1
" ~ Wednesda afternoon for Oak Park Mr ana mrs oames Menenar and !, ~ ! i i w i i ii~ i I I I
x-. <.:]l, il :/:, ili:l, .[Sl~l ,~]l[:til t/!l'/!|/PJ 1,1 to" at~end a preliminary eom-'[ son Ray from Chicago came to help[ ~ ~,
~)') ~'~ t~-" mittee meeting and a jurisdictional Mr. and Mrs. James Petrick cele-
ql III//ddlndi|bhl/li///l|/|ll I|l/llll//lll meeting of the WSCS of the/brat their 25th wedding anniver-] Phone6071 LenaK.Kohl, Prop. Mount vern-n
'0~ ~"~7 t)~ ~i Ilmllililll Illllllll! IlliHImimmm Im I llm~llmmm Methodist church. M;:sl t{Oy Young,|sary a week ago last Sunday. Mrs.~ .I
~ ~= m== =. = J - = J president of the local organization [Petr]ck returned to Chicago with ~
II ii " " I
,At expected to leave today to attend]them and spent a week zn the Meh-f . ~' 2g~,~A
s o ~ v, I ~ ~ ~,It t o e ~ o $ e t e ~ s u ~ a # c ~ c ~ P o n a v e o # the same meeting. / char home and attended the wed- ~=~w,~m,~l